RPX Exhibit 1118
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`(_.QU;i- applies to action tinder stress lhat l1l'.'.‘iCI'VC.\ praisic or
`i3Ill]l‘|.'i fiarrquiltcd lierself well in her first nsoigiinicnt).
`\bg.||1évvy:zr. bl:-\ ta [altciu of
`l‘r hbeimiieiil
`; h - manner of con ucliitg onus:
`: anything t at an or-
`Egceiinvolving action and resriome to stin-iulatioii
`c : the re-
`inclivitlual. group, or speclex to its environment 2 : the
`someone behaves; alto '. an instance of such hciiaviur 3
`'# be» av-tor-a - y —ra-Ié\ rt
`H1 which :irl.:lII11el.i1'll1gli‘:"1E\lii(JI1b‘ oraopcrates — be-hav-Ior-al
`rgllugcie-rice H (l95l) : an biaiicli ul science (as psychology. sn-
`gr aittlmunology) that deals primarily with human action and
`ist ll‘
`‘ck; 10 generalize about human behavior in society — behav-
`rn \bi-‘ha-vy-a-.ri-mm. bé-\ rr (l9l3) : a soltuol t1fpsycI10l-
`iakes the objective evidence of behavior [as measured IE-
`xcs I0
`stimuli) as the only concern of its research antl the only ba-
`' rrlosszisrit — e- au'- nr-Is- ic \— li:':-vya- 1-ii-ti
`.“__, “teary wilhottthrcffireniwe ti.) ctttinscious exnericnclz: — compare
`IN:.1Ra(1!F:iPCti:|E-iSl\-Vy3~risl\ ii (1913)
`1 ‘. at peilson who advocates o1'prac-
`"$3.. behaviurisrn 2 1; ;'11erson who speisiaiiiccs in the study of behav-
`- .|r-)~ e avloristatfi
`f ITI
`an mmgdiflcaticn 9! (I970) : psychotherapy that is conccrncrl
`be-“1 flu; tresitmcni (as by desensitization or aver.-iion tlterapy.) of ob
`""m,i,i¢ behaviors rather than underlying psychological processes and
`5”“ applies principles of learning to stibstiluttz desirable responses (or
`undesirable ones its pliuhias or obsessions) -— called alto behevioraf
`mag”-.DeFi1rworf e‘i'(_m)‘
`hen-iav-tour-ism be-hav-tour-lst cFue=l'l‘p Bi-ir var of Bit-
`, BEl-I.!\Vl()RI.‘.iM. i)hHAVl0R[ST
`biéfggzlé \bi-‘lied. bi-\ rt (bcl. l2i:) : to cut oil the head of .' I)l£CAPl-
`‘|JL':-D-Truth. -.rniilh. -.ninih\ l'l. alien aiiriii
`. Heb béii-fimérlil (I40)
`1 rifle»: cup 1 a mighty animal de-
`scdticd in Job 40:15-24 as an example oi the pO<WCI of Girl 2 : some-
`tunslrnus size, power. or appearance 3 '~-- truc )
`h‘§ffl§_-‘,3; G1i—'hCS(. bi’:-\ 1: [ME. promise. command. fr. OE l:i,=h2?.\- pruni-
`fr, biiifiiiraii to riroiriise. fr. bi:- + hrirari
`to command. Prflmisc
`nptini; (called at the ~ of my ricnus)
`,....'m an intent] (Dc)
`1 :an authorltativrc order : CCIMMANI) 2 : an
`i,,‘;,‘.fi'.iu”\riii.'iiind. bé-\ adv or my time beriimie. fr. 0: eeiii-mm. r.-. be-
`+ iiiiriilrrii from behind: akin to OE Jli'n-dcr belimu — more at I-IINFJ]
`(bar, 12g)
`1 a : lit the place or situation that is being or has been de-
`parted from (stay A») b 1 in, to. or toward the back (look -"-4) (came
`"om -5-,!) e : inter in time (can spring hc far »--r) 2 a : in n sccondaw
`Ii to come
`or inferior pnSiT.i0|'l b :in arrears (~--» in the rent) c : 51.0w 3 ai'r:hu~
`ldprup(1)I:l. 12¢)
`1 a : in or to a place or situauioii in back of or
`to the rear of (look a-.. you) {put --v bars) b ~ iisetl. as it iunction
`word to indicate something that screen an observer (the sun went no it
`is : following in order <rn:irchctl --in thc band)
`2 — used as a
`ruiicrioii word in indicate backtvilrdncss. delay. or ileficic-Mi <~ the
`fimgs) (rm schedule) (lagged --- last year's sales)
`3 a 1 in the back-
`ground ol (the conditions ~ the strike} b I out oi the mind or con-
`.'ill'il.‘I‘fili6l'I of (put our troubles ~ us)
`c 2 beyond in depth or time
`(the story —- the story) (go back --.. St. Augustine)
`4 a : in support
`iarlt Diic ting)
`of : on the side l1lr(Sfl]idI}i -- the camiitiate)
`b : with the support of
`hi-‘hind. bi":-\ ii [‘be.‘u'mz'| (ca. 1830) : |3U'I'20C!(.S —
`often used.
`a euphemism for asri in idiomatic expressions get your
`r-- over here)
`he.|-rind-hand \bir-‘i1il'ldv.i!i1I1(l, hi-111151 (I535)
`1d: btl:1ir|g in arrears 2
`a : being in ‘in in erior poi.
`ion in 1 hciitg bcltiii
`:ic cdulc
`bahlncl-theiseenes aria‘ (1851!)
`: being or working out of public
`view or ill Mzcrct (I--r lobbying for inure money) (in nu player) 2 '. rev
`vealing or
`rcpcirtiiig the hidden woi-lting.-i <:i
`--.- necoiiiit)
`(a -
`he-hold \bi-"Il[_3id.. bi':—\ vb -held \-‘helm: -hold-ing (ME. to keep. be—
`huid. fr. 0|: hefierririarr, fr. be‘ + lrcalrlelu to hDli.l] 1'! (her. 12c)
`1 ‘. to
`perceive through sight or apprehension : SEE‘. 2 : to gaze upon : on-
`stsllvu ~ vi‘ — used in the imperative esp. to call attention — be-
`haldler It
`umer o
`igalion or a
` or gi t
`lNDl=B”l‘E.D < ‘m n.- to you)
`IlB'l'§OId-fil'l\bl-'l1t;)i-510i}, bi;-\ atif [fME, fr. gm. of f1?Ftoi(."eir][14t:) : being
`be-hoof \bi‘-'ht'i{. be-\ 1! [ME biriiafi fr. OE be-H61‘ profit. need: akin to
`is own r-4)
`35 lifiiibzrrr to raise — more at IIEAVE] (bef.
`l2¢J : :\'D\"ANTi\I]'r3. PRUI-IT
`be-hoovga \bi—‘Itiiv, be-\ vb be-hocived: be-hociv-ing [M12 beiioueri. Er.
`OLIS or
`t H--is‘ us to 50) -~« vi : lu c necewary,
`it, or proper
`gig‘-cbeboyiianéitr, beririj] vr (bet. 120) : lubhe ncce.1sary.t_proper. or advan-
`be-have “Ii-'i1f)\'. be-\ chi't€IiiJIi5'i'i.r1‘at‘ of BEHOOVE
`I n varia le cninir averaging light grayish-yellowish brown
`: a
`lbgiage \'i)§ZI'l\bfl [F] (ca. 1358)
`: cloth mutle of tiatturnl uiulycd lbl'DFlI
`zhviie to grnyssii yellow — tie: y \'i:li3-.£Ili':\ mi
`[Bi G miji (L379)
`1 : or the co or beige 2 : lacking distinction 1 'u‘AN[L—
`hebgflel \.bi'\n-'y:'t. .bet1-\ ii [i-\meri" & F; AIBEFF. lr. F, fr.'gnci, lr.
`,- Xtirin
`c with powdered sugar
`g;‘:"*—‘ b“n£{‘i‘:}n.II§E] (1835)
`1 : Flll'i'l'l2R 2 : a light square doughnut
`§""9 'bI3(-ili)\ n (149)
`1 a : the quality or Slalt: 0|‘ iiaving existence
`{1} 1 something corieeivablc as existing (2) : sbinetliing that actually
`(3) : the to lity oi cxiatlrig things
`5 : coiucious existence
`S0l*i.l\I.iTY 3 : EliiV1llgl.il1l'IfiZE“Jp : reason
`2 : the quali es that constitute an existent lltiflgl ESSENCE: esp
`”:E'J!:9 my iprp. of br:1(]4c) : PRESENT — used in the plirasefar Hit: time
`I I' la!
`hf§:'JE‘;-'0?ll_.I" (1528) <.'.lzie,.i‘.'y dim’: SINCE. necmlsls — tisu. used with ax. a-.i'
`\'b5l-i~3\ imp!’ Bela [Ar tlial. bcja, hem, prob. ultiin. fr. (lee: bases]
`1 : ai member of a |)a.‘il0’l'Eii. pcorilc living between the Nile and
`Eb-bets \bi..'ja.
`gr be-jee-hers \-‘ii-.-\ izireij [euphemism for
`be: Red Sea
`2 : the Cushltii: language of the Rein people
`J93!!!) (1890) : IUIEJ
`behavior 0 belier
`r'ri:ei;r' Laher. or lay
`be-le-sus also be-‘tee-zus \bi- é-Z33. —'l:':-.
`Je.m.s‘] (H361) — used as a mild oath; used as a noun for emphasis
`(scare: the ~ out of me)
`be-Jew-eled or be-iew-elled \b'i-‘iii-aid. -'jiitd. be‘ aim -'ji'i[:i)Id\ mt
`(1557) : ornamented with or as if with jewel!-
`bel \'he|\ it [Alexander E}:-alirini Beifl {I929} : ten decibels
`be-la-bar \bi—'l.-'i-bzir. bé-\ yr (1596)
`1 a : in attack verbally b : In beat
`suurttiiy 2 : to explain or insist an excessively (nu the uhvic-us)
`he-la-ho ur eliiiefly Brit
`of ElBI.i\l|DIt
`Be.|a-rus-lan \.h(y)e
`' an.
`.b{y)2't-\ or Be-‘i -rus-sian \-'r.a-
`.~:hon\ also Be-la-rue-an \—'ri‘1-sari\ ri (I993)
`1 : a native or inliabitant
`ol Belarui; 2 : the Slavic language of the Bclarusiaiis — Balarusian
`or Belorussian r.‘!.a'o Belarusan aziy
`be-lat-ad \bl-‘iii-tritl. he-\ adj lpp. of heme (to make latcli (1670)
`: delayed beyond the usual time 2 : exieliitg or appearing pact the nor-
`mal or pro
`‘time —- he-lat-ed-Iv adv — be-lat-ed-ness ii
`be-laud H:
`Li. b'- \ Mt (ca. i849) : to praise usu. to excess
`OE bofeegcii.
`l'r. lJc- + fccgrtrl to lay] W (1 49)
`1 a : to secure (as a
`‘be-lay \bi-
`. bE~—\ vb be-Iayed: be-lay-lng [ME ileieggcn to beset. fr.
`rape) by turns iII‘(‘!'L'lI'Id ll elcai. pin. or but b : to inal-zc fast
`2 : star
`3 at : lo BCCUIC (H rierwn) at the end of a rope b : to secure (a rt)pE)10
`it person or object A-v vi‘
`1 : to be made fast
`2 tsrnr. Q'Lll.‘i' — used in
`the imperative (--r there) 3 : [ti make at line last ‘by turns aroilnd a
`cical. Din. or bill — be-lay-er \-9i'\.n
`‘halal; n (1903)
`1 '. the securing of a person or :1 safety rope to an Ti‘!-
`cher ]1tIint(a.\ rluririg miuuinaiu cliinbins): also : a method til so secur-
`ing a person or rout:
`2 : something (as aproiectibn of rock) to which 11
`person or rope is anchoned
`bel can-to \l:iei-'|i:§II-(.)tt'\. -'kari~\ 1! [IL lit. bcautiiii
`lging] (1393)
`tit-iemtic singing oi-iginating in 17th ceriluiy and i
`‘ntury Italy
`and stressing case. purity. and evctinexs of tone prurliictitui nntl an agile
`and |Iri:i:isc vocal teclmiquc
`belch \'l'iclch\ vfr IME. fr. OE. Jieaicaiil vi (lief. He)
`1 :
`lu erpcl gas
`suddenly {mm the stomach ll-u'ouS}| “III 1110i-llh 3 1 10 erunl. 9¥Dl0liC.
`or detonate violently 3 : to issue forth aipasrnodlcallv : Gusil n- v:
`: to cjcet or emit violently (angrily wed insults) 2 :
`to expel (gas)
`from the stomach suddenly : Elmer — belch ii
`net-dam ur bel-clarne \'bi:l-d:im\ in [ME in-Mrim aiaiidrriotlier. fr. AF
`iliel beautiful + ME darn] tl52lJ) ‘. an old woman
`be-lea-guer \hi—‘I-5-gar.
`hiE—\ vi -guered:
`-guar-Ing \—gta-)riri\ ED
`bcfcgerelt. fr. ht» (akin to OE he-} + lager crimp; akin to 01-[G fer.-ar bi.-tl
`—- more at mutt] (1587)
`: IJESIEGE 2 : ri<m:ni_F.. 1-mimss {r--ed
`1-ian:ni:.> (an economically —-ed city) — he-lea-guer-ment \-nian1\ n
`Del-em-nits \'he-lam-.nit\ Pl [NL bi:le-mi-a:'.'e.r. fr. GIL belcmnan dart: akin
`to Cii: bralreiri
`lo ttii-ow — rimre .-ii
`i:>i-'.vIt.] U646) : any ol various L
`llncl cenlialopodiz (order Belonmoirli.-a) that
`lat-git; often bullet.
`sha cti internal shells and were esp. tibunrlunl in llte Mesozoic err:
`De|- I’! \'bei—lrii\ rt, pi‘ belfries [Ml-Z beficy, ber-
`frey, bell ttii-i.-er. siege ttw.-er, lr. AF ‘beifrei, ‘inel-
`frr-r'. of Grnc urigln (akin to MHG iirlfrvrir siege
`tower); akin In [ll-{G humor: to shelter and to OH
`fi'i!.Fl peace, refuge — more at BURY] (15e)
`1 :
`bell tower. er,» : one '~'Llrt'1'Il'_‘ll.tlll.E[lg or attachcrl [Li
`aitotlier structure
`2 '. a room or framework fnr
`enclosing it hell 3 : l|E.|.'l) 2:: (batty in the nu)
`Belg rlbirr Belgian: Belgium
`Bel-gae \'
`jé\ npi [L. ul. ol Bahia] (1627)
`: a people occupying parts oi tinrihern Gaul and
`Brilztirl in Caesar's llTI'il: — Be!-gll: \-ji|(\ aaff
`‘ian \'bc|-j;iri\ ri (ca. 1623)
`1 : 2| riiitiw: or
`inha itant or Belgium 2 : any of a breed. of
`itcavy muscular u.
`. roan or chestnut drnlt hors-
`cs i:levcloriied_in l-lr..
`im — Belgian uaji
`Belgian erirlive ii H931) : the cletre-ioping crown
`of chicory when blanclicd for use as a vegetable
`or in salads by growing ‘in ilnriuiess or scmidark-
`rtess — called also cnrlive, ivitluof
`Belgian have fl (1885) : any iii a breed oi slender Ci'lt:5l.1'lLll-CuiiJ1‘I:(it1t)~
`lltlihlifi rabbits
`Belgian ilila-Ii-nois \~.n-i:i-l:in-'vi.-i=i\ i-1. pi Belgian Malinois (1958): any
`of El breed of workirig dogs clmitzly related. to the Belgian sliecpdug and
`having relitlivcly Shnrl straight fawn or reddish-brown hair with black
`tips and a dense undercoat —- called also Mal‘inoi.r
`Bel Ian sheepdog n (1929) : any of a breed of hardy dogs il:-.-cloned
`in elgium esp. for herding sheep and having abundant long straight
`black hair with a dense undcrcuat
`Belgian 1' \-[.)Iar-'wt'ir-:;ii. -ter—\ n [Ten-ureii. commune iii
`Br-abant, Belgium] ([964) 2 any ol‘ a breed of wurking clogs closely re-
`lnled to the lielgiari siieepclug and having abundant long strailslll fawn
`oi‘ reddish-brown hair with blnck tips and n dame iinrlcrcmtt
`Belgian waffle i-i (1969) : a wattle having large depressions that is usu.
`mp ed with fruit anirl. ivhippcd cream
`Ba-I al \'ba1-ié-ai. ‘bEl-y:il\ fl [G-it. fr. Heb bé.ir‘ya'r:l' 1\i'0fli‘1I¢:SllEi.'R] (1313)
`1 — a biblical mine ot‘ the devil or one of the fiends 2 : one ol the
`[alien angels in Milton's PLv'adl‘x1' U.-:1
`he-lie \bi- I.
`l)t':v\ W -lied: -Iy-lng (bcl. 12:]
`1 a : to give :Llaist:1I'I‘l-
`pression or b : to preiiei-it an appearance not in agreement with 2 a
`: to show (something) to be false or wrong
`b :
`to run counter to
`: CDNTRADICI‘ 3 : nrsouisr-: 3 — be-Ii-er \—'|it—:a)r\ Pl
`be-lief \ba—'Iél\ Pl‘ [l\-{E bclerive, prob. alter. of GE gciéqfri. Fr. g--. smu-
`cizitive prefix + lérzfri: akin to OH lyfaii —- 1”[lUl‘€- at In3LIuv:i] (120)
`1 1 =1
`state or habit of mind in which mist or coni"di;iii:e is placed in some
`person or thing 2 : sometiiing believed; esp : a tenet or body til’ lcncts
`held by a group 3 : conviction uf the truth of some statement or the
`reality of some being or plrcnomci-ion esp. when based on exainltiiilinri
`of evidence
` j_—
`\n\ abut
`\°\ kitten, F tabli: \nr\ further \a\ ash \r'i\ ace \£i\ mop. mm’
`\aI't\ out
`\ch\ chin \e\ hel
`\t':\ easy \|;\ go \i\ hit
`\i\ Ice
`\1\ 30b
`\r]\S'II1:t \6\ so \o\1u\v \t':i\ buy \l.l1\llIiri
`\tl1\lhe \ilI\1ou'l
`\li\ filo!
`\y\ yet
`\‘\ vision. beige m. ". o:. tc. i‘\ rec Ciuiiie In Pronunciation
`ballry I
`laling to or being an action .3,
`up at the expense of another
`gar's-ticks \—goi-7.-\
`JI pl 5,“
`H MARICOLD: also : its prlckiy
`1 7 any of various plants (tin;
`ground 2: any oI'si:vc|al lick
`1 luizlian forage [I|an1(.fl. roi-mg,
`2 : the class or
`: be- un \-'g:in\; be-gin-niri
`lo 0 (J bigirman to begin. 03
`.t I'.l'i1I‘iIDiflI'i action :30 into lite
`- conic into existence : ARISE b
`r succcctl in the least degree Q
`I'-- W 1 : to set abut)! the acting,
`5: I-‘(MIND b
`ing to be con tiered
`:2. process. or operation. BEGIN
`rchaiigoabte. BEGIN. opposed it;
`) (begriii dancing). SJ.J\‘l?.'I'. op.
`ions. steps. or stage (tilt: work
`on: formal or book ll than ling.
`irirnenccd a conversation). I
`recess or scrics that is to contin-
`AUGIJR.-\'.l'E. suggcsls a beginning
`icanct: (the discovery of penicil.
`srimewhat log;
`N :1 pc rind of ecunu
`c that begins something; exp : an
`: the point at which imrrictriing
`;p .
`iitci1ir\i. sotmcr. 4 : a rudimen-
`lit (a o--a writer) 2 B : bciiig
`h : ll\lTElfJL‘|lJE'I'IZ:IR‘i' (r-.4 chem-
`e at the beginning of successive
`\ ai'.io -girtioed: —glrcl-irig (her.
`-mar. 't:Ev\ vi’ (1322) : to impress
`lrom surriclhirlg --u vi‘
`: to ask or
`eggcd ojfatlcnding the party) —
`3) : weariru; goggles (:1 I-icin-ietcd
`r. begun? (impcr.‘J] (Me) I 10 go
`cl Began HTID I-'1', governor of
`ge genus (Begonia Di the family
`Iromcni or subtropical herbs and
`and are widely cultivated as orna-
`i'l|2[!1i§I1I for by God] [1'i'15J.’ri-"ah
`: be-grim-ing (ca. 1553)
`1 :11:
`lo give or corlccdc 1'e|1.tct.'arttly or
`e weeks spent away front home)
`- Y
`_(~1thcir rival
`success) m be-
`" [MP1 {Ur} : a member of one of
`|'flTn_Llniitei of women not under
`lihri the l'3tI1 century
`I" F b§‘£Iurr flirtation] ([935
`'3‘ Sill“! Lucia imti Martinique:
`rg‘1;]$‘f'3lJl'Pl] (1511; : a Muslim
`Hlaiifhalf sitlc] (isle) - INTER-
`1 “=35 never hair! a Snllfigrilglslg
`“$1511. but the distinction
`,mé""'I?U'(aJ') has Ieplnccd in
`“‘:"'Q IMF. be-lzawin, fr, be-
`Wiper manner -H vi
`In alic fl£liD]'l.\ of (oneself) in
`1 to conduct cineseii
`v;:;:°UlT ntcalt lo act or to
`1.," ;!m31lAVE tiny apply in
`l-‘mrous (the children
`gr behavior that show:
`5.5559” <I’-‘dmlticled her-
`“? ‘'55 behaving so its 1:!
`at °fh°_f discipline or pro-
`_ N 1.“; code of chivalry).
`=i‘|'lSr:Ives as gentle-
`., th Pcctcd or required
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