Umted States Patent [19]
`Spaur et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Mar. 24, 1998
`[75] Inventors: Charles W. Spaur; Michael F.
`Braitberg; Patrick J. Kennedy; Lester
`B. Hatcher, all of Boulder, C010.
`[73] Assignee: CellPort Labs, Inc., Boulder, Colo.
`[21] Appl. No.: 586,602
`[22] Filed:
`Jan. 16, 1996
`[51] Int. (:1.6 .................................................. .. H04M 11/00
`[52] US. Cl. ......................... .. 370/313; 370/401; 455/457
`[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 370/310, 313,
`370/328, 401; 455/331, 49.1, 53.1, 54.1,
`99, 457, 404, 577, 563; 379/58, 59, 63
`References Cited
`7/1994 Braitberg et a1. ....................... .. 379/59
`8/1995 Perkins et a1.
`.... .. 370/94.1
`5,459,660 lO/l995 Berra .............. ..
`5,479,479 12/1995 Braitberg et a1.
`....... .. 379/58
`5/1996 Berard et a1. .
`5/1996 Wonham ............................... .. 364/460
`Primary Examiner-Chau Nguyen
`Attorney, Agent, or Fimz—Sheridan Ross RC.
`Commumcanon of 1nformat1on mcludmg data between a
`remote computer and a vehicle is managed and facilitated
`using an apparatus compatible with standardized network
`communication links. In one embodiment, the standardized
`network communication links include the Internet and a
`controller area network used in vehicles. The apparatus
`preferably includes a controller contained in the vehicle. The
`controller is comprised of a number of hardware and soft
`ware elements including a processor. AT CP/lP stack is part
`of the controller for providing the necessary control in
`checking for communicating information, such as requests
`and data, over the Internet. Aweb server communicates with
`the TCP/IP stack for servicing information related requests
`in http format including obtaining or sending information in
`operative communication with the TCP/IP stack. A CGI-bin
`(common gateway interface-binary) communicates with the
`web server and acts as a link to executable software stored
`in program memory that is responsive to user requests. A
`data memory is also available for storing data in html that is
`accessible by the web server. A real time operating system
`(RTOS) is involved in task and memory management as part
`of the responding to requests for information. The controller
`is able to receive requests using a wireless device When it is
`in the vehicle and through a communications port when the
`wireless device is not in the vehicle. In another embodiment,
`each of the plurality of vehicle devices has an Internet
`address or designation associated with it.
`21 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`\q ‘-
`M J 63
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`k 72
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`n L
`PCMCIA / 143
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`Porn 4
`106 A
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 1

`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 2

`US. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1998
`Sheet 2 0f 4
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`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 3

`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 4

`US. Patent
`Mar. 24, 1998
`Sheet 4 0f 4
`Fig. 4
`f 300
`f 320
`/~ 308
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 5

`The present invention relates to bi-directional communi
`cations over an airlink and, in particular, information trans
`fers between a vehicle and one or more remote stations using
`an established network, such as the Internet.
`Establishing communications with vehicles that are com
`monly found at different locations or are in transit between
`locations has become increasingly more important. It is
`often desirable to know the location of a particular vehicle
`at a given time. Such a vehicle may be transporting goods
`that the recipient is waiting for and wishes to know the
`current location of the vehicle transporting the goods. It may
`also be useful to monitor conditions of the goods, such as the
`temperature of refrigerated loads. In addition to goods
`carried by the vehicles, the vehicles themselves can be
`monitored for certain conditions, such as engine or other
`parameters. Such information can be utilized in insuring that
`the vehicles are properly maintained to avoid vehicle down
`time or the necessity of road service. Other applications
`involving communications with vehicles might involve
`safety and security considerations. A monitored vehicle can
`include an emergency vehicle that transports a patient who
`is connected to monitoring equipment in the vehicle that
`continuously or periodically gathers patient data. During
`transport of the patient, such patient data can be communi
`cated to medical personnel at a remote location, such as a
`hospital, to prepare for the arrival of the patient. When the
`patient arrives, this data has been evaluated and decisions
`reached as to how best to care for the patient. Other security
`or safety checks might include: whether a vehicle door was
`unlocked, initiation of an alarm by activating a switch,
`automatic indication of an airbag detonation and automatic
`generation of a signal when an expected input has not been
`received for a certain amount of time.
`With regard to requesting and obtaining such data from
`vehicles in connection with different vehicle related
`applications, substantial impediments are encountered.
`Speci?cally, no universal system or package is available that
`is con?gured to operate with vehicles from which informa
`tion may be sought by multiple users having diiferent
`objectives or applications. Typically, users have different
`computer hardware and telecommunications equipment, as
`well as software for their particular jobs or applications.
`With respect to the vehicle itself, and depending upon the
`desired applications of a particular user, data to be gathered
`has to be obtainable from a potentially large number of
`physical devices. Given such a broad spectrum of actual and
`potential applications and available devices and equipment,
`an appropriate and effective linkage must be provided to
`enable accurate and eflicient communication to occur
`between the remote station and the vehicle. In light of the
`mobile nature of the vehicle, part of the communication
`must occur wirelessly over an airlink. Achieving desired
`communications with vehicles also requires the ?exibility to
`adapt to changing applications associated with vehicle
`related information being sought, including physical devices
`that might be modi?ed or added at later times, as well as
`accommodating new users with different physical devices
`that may have different information gathering requirements
`and parameters. Relatedly, multiple users must be able to
`simultaneously access different information that may require
`multiple tasks to be performed in the vehicle before such
`information can be gathered and sent to the remote site. With
`all these requirements and objectives, the implementation of
`such a communication system cannot be burdensome, nor be
`prohibitively costly. Irnportantly, the communications sys
`tem and processing capability must be portable and practical
`for the vehicle environment, as well as involving protocols
`that a variety and large number of users are familiar with.
`In accordance with the present invention, a system is
`provided in which communication of information, including
`requests. commands and data, is achieved between vehicle
`having physical vehicle devices and one or more sites that
`are remote from the vehicle. The information cormnunica
`tion is implemented using certain standardized network
`communication links that enable multiple users, either
`simultaneously or at separate times, with different commu
`nications and processing hardware, software and different
`applications and requiring information from di?’erent
`vehicle devices, to obtain the desired information while
`avoiding design complexities in interfacing the remote site
`with the vehicle devices.
`The system includes, at the remote site, a computer
`terminal which can be a conventional PC with a modem. The
`computer terminal is able to communicate with a ?rst
`standard communications network link, such as the Internet,
`through its modern. An internet or a world wide web
`browser, for example, that is available to the computer
`terminal is accessed. The computer terminal supplies the
`browser with an IP (Internet protocol) address. This IP
`address is associated with a particular vehicle including
`communications related hardware contained in the vehicle.
`Typically, the IP address is accompanied by a request or
`command for information or data that is available from the
`particular vehicle. In addition to this ?rst standardized
`communications network, since bi-directional communica
`tions involving a vehicle are conducted wirelessly for at
`least a portion of the communications link, it is necessary for
`the Internet to communicate with an appropriate interface or
`network that wirelessly links with the vehicle. In one
`embodiment, the cellular digitized packet data (CDPD)
`network provides the desired link including arrangement of
`inforrnatiou being communicated and where the destination
`site, namely the particular vehicle, is found in the network
`If a channel is available to the particular vehicle, the CDPD
`link can proceed to transmit the Internet packets to the
`vehicle of interest. Instead of the CDPD network as the link,
`a communications interface could be employed that involves
`data only, such as a two way paging interface with the
`With respect to handling requests, commands and infor
`mation including data transfers relative to the vehicle, par
`ticularly involving data from vehicle devices, certain hard
`ware and software is contained in the vehicle. For receiving
`information from the Internet, a wireless device, such as a
`cellular phone, having the appropriate hardware and chan
`nels acts as a receiver for such information in combination
`with an appropriate airlink modem, such as a CDPD network
`modem. The wireless device is contained within the vehicle
`and communicates with a controller through a phone inter
`face. ’Ihe phone interface provides the necessary electrical
`signal connections between the output lines or channels
`from the wireless device and the controller inputs.
`The controller is also found in the vehicle and is a key unit
`of the apparatus and includes a number of hardware and
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 6

`software elements. Specifically. a TCP/IP (transmission con
`trol protocol/Internet protocol) stack acts on a received
`request or command by performing a number of functions.
`The received request has a IP address associated with it and
`a check is made as to whether or not the request has the
`correct address. Further, the formatted data is checked for
`accuracy. The TCP is responsible for controlling the struc
`ture and ?ow of the received information. In that regard. the
`TCP/IP stack is associated with a number of sockets that it
`communicates with or links to, with the selected socket
`being dependent upon the content of the received informa
`tion. In that regard. among the sockets available to the
`TCP/IP stack is a server. In conjunction with effectively
`communicating over the Internet, an http (hypertext trans
`mission protocol) web server is utilized. The web server
`operates in accordance with world wide web protocol and
`services information related requests in http format includ
`ing obtaining or getting information based on a received
`request or command and sending or posting information in
`response to received requests or commands. The controller
`also includes data memory for storing data in htrnl
`(hypertext markup language) format, with such data being
`frequently previously collected from vehicle devices and
`stored in the data memory. In response to a request. for
`example, the web server accesses the data memory to obtain
`desired data and encapsulates it in accordance with http
`format for transmission from the controller through the
`wireless device using an appropriate airlink modem to a
`destination site (remote station).
`The web server also communicates with a CGI-bin
`(common gateway interface-binary). which is also part of
`the controller. The CGI-bin is useful in linking the web
`server with a number of executable programs stored in a
`program memory. These executable programs can be uti
`lized in obtaining or providing data or other information
`associated with the vehicle devices. In one embodiment, one
`or more executable programs are run to obtain data which is
`then stored in data memory in htrnl format for later access
`and use, including transmitting such data to a remote site.
`The controller also has a real time operating system (RI‘OS)
`that typically is involved with managing a number of
`services associated with conducting one or more applica
`tions oriented tasks. For example, the RI‘OS works with the
`applications software during execution for managing tasks
`that are run by the applications software and management of
`data stored in the ?le memory. Especially in the context of
`a vehicle, the executable software might include a variety of
`applications including: the present location of the vehicle;
`vehicle maintenance monitoring parameters, such as status
`conditions associated with the engine, coolant status, oil
`pressure and battery life; cargo conditions including status
`of delivery of cargo and relevant cargo conditions, such as
`temperature; alarm conditions that apprise others of certain
`predetermined events associated with the vehicle, such as
`airbag detonation; and, in the case of a vehicle transporting
`a patient, monitoring data associated with patient vital signs.
`With regard to obtaining information or data from these
`vehicle devices for appropriate processing using. for
`example, one or more executable programs in the program
`memory, the controller communicates with a second stan
`dardized network in the form of a network that is commer
`cially available and used in vehicles, such as the previously
`devised controller area network (CAN). The CAN is opera
`tively connected to each of a plurality of vehicle devices that
`transmit. receive, or both transmit and receive desired data.
`For example. the vehicle devices include, transducers or
`other physical devices that detect and provide information
`useful to applications software for processing to obtain
`information that is then transmitted, for storing in memory
`for later transmission, or even for immediate transmission
`without processing, upon receipt of the proper request or
`command. Other available networks could be utilized,
`instead of the CAN, such as Arcnet, which has a protocol
`similar to CAN.
`More speci?cally, with respect to transmission of infor
`mation from the controller through the wireless device to a
`remote site, after receipt of a request as previously described
`and in accordance with one procedure, the web server
`interprets the transmitted request and determines that certain
`data stored in the data memory is being requested by a user
`at the remote site. The stored data is accessed and prepared
`by the web server in accordance with http format for
`transmission over the Internet. The http formatted informa
`tion is subject to the operation of the TCP/IP stack for
`regulating the transmission of the requested information
`including associating a destination IP address with the
`information being sent. Once the information is properly
`prepared using the TCP/[P stack, it can be sent over the
`airlink via the wireless device to the Internet connection
`using appropriate airlink modems.
`In a variation of this operation, instead of a request
`starting from the remote station, the sending of information
`including data might be initiated in the vehicle. By way of
`example, it may be necessary or desirable that certain data
`parameters be periodically transmitted to a remote station
`for analysis or other considerations. In still another opera
`tion variation, an additional information transmission can be
`received from another user located at a different remote site
`during the time that a ?rst request for information is being
`processed by the controller. In such a case, the TCP/IP stack,
`in conjunction with the operating system, enables multiple
`tasks to be performed in a controlled manner so that more
`than one user is able to communicate with the controller at
`the same time.
`Preferably, the controller in the vehicle is also associated
`with an interface for communication with one or more
`available systems, such as an RS232 connection, an Ethernet
`connection and/or a PCMCIA unit. In a related embodiment,
`the controller includes a direct communications port for
`receiving and sending information without requiring the
`wireless device and the Internet connection to the wireless
`device. In this embodiment, the direct communications port
`receives information or data using another source contained
`in the vehicle, such as the vehicle’s radio. Subcan'ier infor
`mation is transmitted to the radio and decoded for input to
`the direct communications port for subsequent analysis or
`use by the CAN. In yet a further variation of controller
`operation, each vehicle device on the CAN has its own IP
`designation or address so that the remote user can utilize this
`designation or address for communication with the selected
`vehicle device having that designation or address. The
`controller uses the received IP address or designation for the
`particular device and acts as a link or bridge for the remote
`user to the particular device.
`Based on the foregoing summary, a number of salient
`features of the present invention can be readily identi?ed
`including the substantial elimination or avoidance of
`numerous, different and complex hardware and software for
`communicating iuforrnation involving physical devices
`located in a vehicle and one or more computers located at
`one or more remote sites. A combination of controller related
`components are containable in a vehicle for responding to
`requests from remote sites. obtaining and storing informa
`tion associated with vehicle devices and running executable
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 7

`software that may be available in the program memory of the
`controller or downloaded from the remote site, while han
`dling and con?guring information including data that is
`communicative with the remote site over an established
`network, such as the Internet. Furthermore, the controller
`e?iciently communicates with another standard network
`found in a vehicle, such as the controller area network, to
`obtain data from the vehicle devices and, when appropriate,
`send messages or information to the vehicle devices. The
`controller elements are important in communicatively link
`ing together previously incompatible remote and vehicle
`networks to achieve a functional mobile communication
`system. The overall system including the standardized net
`works effectively enables, either substantially simulta
`neously or separately, a variety of applications to be per
`formed by multiple users and which applications utilize one
`or more of a large number of selectable and dilferent vehicle
`devices, while not requiring substantial allocated memory in
`the vehicle.
`Additional advantages of the present invention will be
`readily understood from the following discussion, particu
`larly when taken together with the accompanying drawing
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating the general com
`ponents of the apparatus for information communication
`between one or more remote stations and a vehicle;
`FIG. 2 is a more detailed block diagram illustrating major
`elements of the controller;
`FIG. 3 is a ?ow diagram illustrating major steps that are
`involved in the bi-directional communications between one
`or more remote stations and a vehicle having the controller
`in which a message is initiated from the remote station; and
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating major steps that are
`involved in a communication initiated by the vehicle to a
`remote station.
`With reference to FIG. 1, an apparatus is illustrated in the
`block diagram for hi-directional communication between
`one or more remote stations 10a-10n and a vehicle. The
`bi-directional communication has the capability of involving
`multiple users and a number and variety of applications that
`are germane to the vehicle. Each remote station can include
`communications and processing related hardware and soft
`ware that is di?erent from that of the other remote stations.
`To avoid extensive and customized hardware and software
`in order to achieve the desired bi-directional
`communications, a standardized remote network communi
`cations link 14 is utilized. That is, each user who wishes to
`communicate with the vehicle, need not develop and estab
`lish the necessary interfacing networks and protocols for
`communication with the vehicle. Each user, including users
`who operate independently of other users, is able to access
`the vehicle through the same standardized remote network
`communications link 14, regardless of the particular appli
`cation or applications that the user has for implementation or
`operation in conjunction with hardware and software asso
`ciated with the vehicle. In a preferred embodiment, the
`remote network communications link 14 is the Internet.
`With respect to communication with a vehicle, the informa
`tion being communicated must be con?gured or formatted in
`a way that achieves proper communication over an airlink to
`the Vehicle. This is accomplished using a suitable switching
`station identi?ed generally as a remote airlink transfer
`protocol modem 16. In one embodiment, the communication
`information is formatted in accordance with a CDPD
`(cellular digitized packet data) con?guration. At the vehicle.
`this information is received by a wireless device 18 that is
`able to transmit and receive information via the airlink. The
`wireless device 18 is operatively associated with a vehicle
`airlink transfer protocol modem 20 for the proper handling
`of the airlink formatted transmission. In one embodiment,
`the wireless device 18 includes a cellular phone that is
`selected from a plurality of conventional or commercially
`available cellular phones. The wireless device 18
`bi-directionally communicates with a 4 controller 30 con
`tained in the vehicle through a network protocol converter
`26 using a wireless device interface 22. The wireless device
`interface 22 establishes the necessary signal compatibilities
`and connections from the wireless device 18. The network
`protocol converter 26 removes or otherwise converts the
`inputted information to a form that is acceptable to the
`controller 30 or, alternatively, information is made compat
`ible with the remote airlink transfer protocol modem 16
`when such information is sent through the airlink using the
`network protocol converter 26. In conjunction with the FIG.
`1 illustration, the network protocol converter 26 is essen
`tially part of the wireless device 18 and physically separated
`from the controller 30 but electrically connected thereto so
`that no network protocol converter is required in the con
`troller 30. In the embodiment to be described in greater
`detail herein, the network protocol converter 26 includes a
`TCPIIP stack which can be part of the controller 30 so that
`the controller 30 is also de?nable or can be referred to as a
`controller/network protocol converter 30. The controller 30
`is responsible for a number of functions related to under
`standing and acting on information received from one or
`more remote stations 10, obtaining and responding to
`requested information and operatively functioning with
`information including data available from other elements in
`the vehicle. In that regard, the controller 30 communicates
`with a controller interface 34 that electrically links the
`controller 30 with a vehicle standardized network 40. The
`vehicle standardized network 40 includes a controller unit
`44 that provides appropriate message and data handling
`functions associated with sending and receiving information
`including data from each of a plurality of physical vehicle
`devices 50 that are operatively connected to a bus 46 of the
`vehicle standardized network 40. Like the remote standard
`ized network 14, the vehicle standardized network 40 is an
`established and previously developed network that inter
`faces with components in a vehicle, such as engine related
`components in order to provide desired or requested data
`concerning the operations or status of these components. An
`important aspect of the apparatus of the present invention
`involves the enabling of communications between two
`mutually incompatible and highly dissimilar standardized
`networks. More speci?cally, full communication capabilities
`are achieved among numerous remote stations via a global
`or remote standardized network and vehicle devices via a
`localized standardized network, either at different or at the
`same times, using the apparatus even though the global and
`localized networks are con?gured substantially di?erently
`and involve signi?cant protocol and environmental differ
`ences. That is, the remote standardized network 14, such as
`the Internet, is con?gured as an information communica
`tions system having no geographic boundaries. The vehicle
`or localized standardized network 40 is designed to function
`properly in the electrically noisy and otherwise hostile
`vehicle environment. The diverse design objectives and
`problems faced by these two different standardized networks
`Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. - Exhibit 1016 - Page 8

`therefore requires a communications related apparatus that is
`able to effectively enable these two networks to
`bi-directionally communicate with each other, as well as
`other hardware and software that is operably connected to
`the two standardized networks. In accordance with the
`present invention, the vehicle devices 50 might include a
`large number of diverse devices. including common vehicle
`parts or components. for providing and receiving informa
`tion including data. as well as. in some cases, acting on such
`information by analyzing or processing such information.
`With regard to providing information to a remote station 10.
`a substantially symmetrical relationship exists among the
`elements of FIG. 1. That is. the controller 30 is able to
`prepare information for sending to a remote station 10.
`including data or other information available from one or
`more of the vehicle devices 50 using the vehicle standard
`ized network 40. Such information is sent to the wireless
`device 18 through its interface 22 for transmission using the
`vehicle airlink transfer protocol modem 20 over the airlink
`to the remote station 10 by way of the remote standardized
`network 14 in combination with the remote airlink transfer
`protocol modem 16.
`With reference now to FIG. 2, greater details of the
`apparatus of FIG. 1 are illustrated, particularly key elements
`of the controller 30 contained in the vehicle. As shown in
`FIG. 2. remote station 10a is illustrated and it includes a
`computer terminal 60. In one embodiment. the computer
`terminal 60 is a conventional PC having the usual hardware
`and software components and capabilities including input
`and output devices. such as a keyboard, mouse and terminal
`display screen. The computer terminal 60 communicates
`with a modem 64 in order that the information from and to
`the computer terminal 60 can be sent over conventional
`communication lines. such as telephone lines. In the pre
`ferred embodiment, the modem 64 enables the computer
`terminal 60 to communicate with Internet 68. In one
`embodiment. the computer terminal 60 has one or more
`browsers 72 available to it. which is used in requesting or
`responding to information communications involving a par
`ticular vehicle. The Internet 68 operatively communicates
`with a standardized network transmission protocol that
`permits information to be bi-directionally communicated
`over the airlink and. in one embodiment, includes a remote
`CDPD network modem 76 which prepares the information
`in a conventionally acceptable manner for transmission and
`communication with a cellular phone 80 which is contained
`in the vehicle. The cellular phone 80 can be any selected one
`of a number of conventional cellular phones that have the
`capability of properly communicating with the desired for
`matted or arranged information. In the illustrated embodi
`ment of FIG. 2. the cellular phone 80 is operatively asso
`ciated with a vehicle CDPD network modem 82 that
`demodulates the received information so that it is acceptable
`for further handling or processing. A phone interface 84
`links the cellular phone 80 with the controller 30 and is,
`preferably, con?gured to work with a variety of cellular
`phones having differing output connections and/or arrange
`ments of output connections. In that regard. the phone
`interface 84 is useful in providing a proper battery charging
`function for the cellular phone 80, assisting in the identifi
`cation of the particular cellular phone 80 that is being
`utilized, and establishing the correct electrical connections
`for passage or communication of the signals between the
`cellular phone 80 and the controller 30. An appropriate
`phone interface 84. or at least portions thereof, is disclosed
`in US. Pat. No. 5.333.177 issued Jul. 26. 1994 and entitled
`“Universal Connection for Cellular Telephone Interface.”
`As also seen in FIG. 2, the controller 30 includes a
`number of elements for handling the functions and respon
`sibilities associated with responding to messages, such as
`requests or commands, from one or more of the remote
`stations 10, running executable software and obtaining data.
`as well as achieving the necessary communications proto
`cols with the Internet 68. The controller 30 includes a
`processor 90 for performing processing operations including
`running of executable program code, including in the con
`text of utilizing or incorporating data that the controller 30
`has access to. Preferably, the processor 90 is a single
`microprocessor that performs multiple tasks. in conjunction
`with a real time operating system (RTOS) 94. That is, the
`RTOS 94 manages a number of services associated with
`conducting one or more applications oriented tasks.
`Preferably, the RTOS 94

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