`PaperNo. 2
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent 7,477,624
`UNDER 35 U.S.C. 315(c) AND 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 AND 42.122(b)

`Bandspeed, Inc. v. Broadcom Corporation,
`1: 14-cv-00433 ............................................................................................................................ 3
`Bands peed, Inc. v. Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.,
`1: 14-cv-00434 ............................................................................................................................ 3
`Bandspeed, Inc. v. MediaTek, Inc.,
`1: 14-cv-00435 ............................................................................................................................ 3
`Bandspeed, Inc. v. Qualcomm Incorporated eta!,
`1: 14-cv-00436 ............................................................................................................................ 3
`Bandspeed, Inc. v. STMicroelectronics NV eta/,
`1:14-cv-00437 ............................................................................................................................ 3
`Bandspeed, Inc. v. Texas Instruments Incorporated,
`1: 14-cv-00438 ............................................................................................................................ 3
`Rules and Statutes
`35 U.S.C. § 315(a)(11) ..................................................................................................................... 7
`35 U.S.C. § 315(b) ....................................................................................................................... 4, 5
`35 U.S.C. § 315(c) ....................................................................................................................... 1, 4
`Other Authorities
`37 C.F.R. § 2.196 .............................................................................................................................
`37 C.F.R. § 42.100(c) ....................................................................................................................... 7
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(a) ....................................................................................................................... 4
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(b) .............................................................................................................. 1, 4, 5
`157 CONG. REC. 81376 (daily ed. Mar. 8, 2011) .......................................................................... 5
`PT AB Proceedings
`Dell Inc. v. Network-I Security Solutions, Inc.,
`IPR20 13-00385 .......................................................................................................................... 4
`- 1-

`Enzymotec Ltd. v. Neptune Techs & Bioresources, Inc.,
`................... 5
`Nintendo of America Inc., v. Babbage Holdings LLC
`IPR 2015-00568 ......................................................................................................................... 2

`Petitioner Qualcomm Incorporated ("Qualcomm") respectfully submits this
`for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent
`Motion for Joinder together with a Petition
`No. 7,477,624 ("Petition"). Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) and 37 C.F.R. §
`42.122(b ), Qualcomm requests
`inter partes review and joinder with Marvell Semi­
`(the "'316 IPR"), in
`conductor, Inc. v. Bandspeed, Inc., Case IPR2015-00316
`which trial was instituted on Grounds 1, 2, 3 (as modified to exclude the listing of
`a challenge of claims 11 and 23 pursuant to the institution decision), and 4, of the
`'316 IPR petition on June 11, 2015. Qualcomm's petition is in all material re­
`spects the same as the petition in the '316 IPR. No new arguments, no new patent
`claims and no new grounds of unpatentability are added by Qualcomm' s Petition.
`Qualcomm' s Motion for Joinder and accompanying Petition are being filed within
`one month of the decision instituting trial in the '316 IPR, and are therefore timely.
`Qualcomm is filing this petition and joinder motion to ensure that the insti­
`tuted trial is completed in the event that the current petitioners in the '316 IPR
`here because Qual­is appropriate reach settlement with the Patent Owner. Joinder
`comm's Petition is the same as the '316 IPR petition on which the Board instituted
`trial. Additionally, joinder will not adversely impact the trial schedule in the '316
`IPR, as Qualcomm' s legal theories and analysis are identical to those in the '316
`IPR and Qualcomm relies on the same expert declaration relied on by the existing

`Petitioners in the '316 IPR. Consequently, no additional expert discovery will be
`required if joinder is allowed, simplifying discovery. Furthermore, Qualcomm will
`adhere to all applicable deadlines set forth by the June 11, 2015 Scheduling Order
`currently in place in the '316 IPR. Qualcomm will coordinate with counsel for the
`'316 IPR petitioners regarding the consolidation of all filings and will not submit
`any separate filings unless Qualcomm's position differs from the position of the
`'316 IPR petitioners, in which case Qualcomm would limit any additional filing to
`seven (7) pages or less.1 See Nintendo of America Inc., v. Babbage Holdings LLC
`IPR 2015-00568 (allowing joinder in when this provision was requested).
`procedure and continued cooperation of counsel will greatly simplify briefing if the
`Board permits joinder.
`Moreover, Qualcomm would be prejudiced if the Board
`denies the motion for joinder because of the possibility that all petitioners will
`reach a settlement and successfully move to terminate the proceedings prior to the
`issuance of a final determination.
`Any additional costs incurred by the existing parties to the '316 IPR will be
`minor and do not outweigh the prejudice to Qualcomm that would result from a
`denial of joinder.
`joinder is appropriate and will not prejudice any
`1 Qualcomm will continue on this basis unless and until the '316 IPR is terminated
`as to all other petitioners. Qualcomm would further forego the contingent request
`for additional briefing if needed in order to allow for joinder.

`party to the '316 IPR and will not inhibit the just, speedy and inexpensive determi­
`nation of the proceedings.
`lawsuits filed infringement 1. The '624 Patent was asserted in multiple
`on May 9, 2014, by Patent Owner. These actions are styled
`as: Bandspeed, Inc. v.
`STMicroelectronics NV et a/, 1: 14-cv-0043 7, Bands peed, Inc. v. Broadcom Corpo­
`ration, I : 14-cv-00433, Bands peed, Inc. v. Texas Instruments Incorporated,
`1: 14-
`8, Bands peed, Inc. v. Qualcomm Incorporated et a/, 1: 14-cv-00436, Band­
`speed, Inc. v. Marvell Semiconductor, Inc., I : 14-cv-00434, and Bands peed, Inc. v.
`MediaTek, Inc., 1 :14-cv-00435,
`all in the Western District of Texas.
`2. On May 14, 2014, Qualcomm Incorporated was served with a com-
`plaint captioned
`Bands peed, Inc. v. Qualcomm Incorporated et a/, I: I4-cv-00436
`alleging infringement of the '608 patent.
`for Inter Partes Review challeng-
`3. On November 26, 2014, a Petition
`ing claims 9-12 and 21-24 was filed by Marvell Semiconductor, Inc., MediaTek,
`Inc., and MediaTek USA, Inc.
`4. On June 11, 2015, a decision instituting trial was entered was entered
`in Case IPR20I5-00316 on the grounds 1, 2, 3 (as modified) and 4.
`5. The present petition and motion for joiner are filed within 1-month of
`the institution decision. July 11, 2015 fell on a Saturday. This petition and motion

`for joinder are filed on the next succeeding business day. 3 7 C.F .R. § 2.196.
`A. LegaiStandard
`The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AlA) permits joinder of like review
`e.g. an inter partes review may be joined with another inter partes
`to join parties to an ex­review. 37 C.F.R. § 42.122(a). The Board has discretion
`inter partes review.
`35 U.S.C. § 315(c).
`In deciding whether to exercise its
`discretion, the Board considers factors including: (1) the movant's reasons why
`joinder is appropriate; (2) whether the new petition presents any new grounds of
`unpatentability; (3) what impact (if any) joinder would have on the trial schedule
`for the existing review; and ( 4) how briefing and discovery may be simplified.
`Dell Inc. v. Network-] Security Solutions, Inc., IPR2013-00385,
`Paper No. 17 at 4
`(July 29, 2013).
`B. Qualcomm 's Motion for Joinder is Timely
`The instant Petition and this Motion for Joinder are timely under 35 U.S.C. §
`315( c) and 3 7 C.F .R. § 42.122(b ). While, as a general proposition, a petition for
`inter partes review may
`not be filed more than one year after the date on which a
`petitioner is served with a complaint alleging infringement of the patent-at-issue
`(35 U.S.C. § 315(b)), the one year period does not apply when a petition
`for inter
`partes review is accompanied
`by a motion for joinder filed within one month of

`of the inter partes review for which joinder
`!d.; 37 C.F.R.
`is requested.
`§ 42.122(b ). This Motion for Joinder and the accompanying Petition are timely, as
`they are submitted within one month of the institution of trial on the '316 IPR.
`C. Joinder is Appropriate
`The PT AB has previously stated that it is "mindful of a policy preference for
`joining a party that does not present new issues that might complicate or delay an
`existing proceedin
`g." Enzymotec Ltd. v. Neptune Techs & Bioresources, Inc.,
`IPR2014-00556, Paper No. 19 at 6 (July 9, 2014) (citing 157 CONG. REC. 81376
`(daily ed. Mar. 8, 2011) (statement of Sen. Kyl) ("The Office anticipates that join­
`der will be allowed as of right-if an inter partes review is instituted on the basis
`of a petition, for example, a party that files an identical petition will be joined to
`that proceeding, and thus allowed to file its own briefs and make its own argu­
`Qualcomm's Petition challenges the same patent claims on the same
`ground on which trial in the '316 IPR was instituted, and relies on the same legal
`theories and expert declaration relied on by the '316 IPR petitioners
`Qualcomm is currently in communication with counsel for the '316 IPR pe-
`2 In support of its Petition Qualcomm has submitted the same Declaration of Dr.
`Zhi Ding submitted in support of the '316 IPR petition.

`titioners and will cooperate on all briefing and discovery.3 No new claims and no
`new grounds will be added to the proceedings as a result of the Board allowing
`Thus, Patent Owner should not require a substantial amount of time to
`prepare its response. Because Qualcomm' s Petition is drafted to be materially the
`same as the petition upon which the '316 IPR trial has been instituted, joinder will
`result in no substantial additional cost to any party. Therefore, no party will be
`prejudiced if the Board permits joinder.
`will not alter the trial schedule currently in place in the '316 IPR be­
`cause both Qualcomm and the existing '316 IPR petitioners will address the same
`prior art using the same expert, resulting in no additional expert discovery. More­
`over, Qualcomm has agreed to adhere to all applicable deadlines set forth in the
`'316 IPR Scheduling Order and will coordinate with counsel for the '316 IPR peti­
`tioners to consolidate filings. Unless and until all '316 petitioners settle with the
`patent owner, Qualcomm would take an understudy role; it will not submit any
`separate filings to the PTO unless it disagrees with the positions of the current peti­
`tioners (which is not anticipated), and in the event of such disagreement it would
`submit a filing not exceeding seven pages. Since Qualcomm' s Petition challenges
`no additional claims and raises no new grounds of unpatentability, joinder should
`3 MediaTek, Inc., and MediaTek USA, Inc. do not oppose Qualcomm's Motion for

`not unduly affect the Board's ability to complete its review and issue its final de­
`termination within the statutory time limits under 35 U.S.C. § 315(a)(11) and 37
`impact on the '316 C.F .R. § 42.1 00( c). Therefore, joinder will have no adverse
`IPR Scheduling Order.
`Qualcomm is filing this petition and joinder motion to ensure that the trial is
`completed in the event that the current petitioners in the '316 IPR reach settlement
`with the Patent Owner. Given that the patent owner has filed a joint motion to set­
`tle with respect to one petitioner, this is a significant concern. Qualcomm would
`be prejudiced if the Board denies the motion for joinder because Qualcomm's in­
`terests may not be adequately represented under all circumstances in the '316 IPR,
`particularly in the event that all petitioners reach a settlement and successfully
`move to terminate the proceedings prior to the issuance of a final determination.
`For the foregoing reasons, Qualcomm respectfully requests that the Board
`for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 7,477,624
`institute its Petition
`and join
`with MediaTek, Inc., and MediaTek USA, Inc., Case IPR2015-
`the proceeding
`00316. Although it is believed that no fee is required for this Motion, the Commis­
`sioner is hereby authorized to charge any fees that may be required for this Motion
`to Deposit Account 06-2380.

`Dated: July 13, 2015
`Re�� submitted,
`Nathan J. Rees (Reg. No. 63,820)
`2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 3600
`Dallas, Texas 75201-7932
`Tel: 214.855.7164
`Fax: 214.855.8200
`Attorney for Petitioner
`- 8-

`Certificate of Service
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.6(e) and 37 C.F.R. § 42.105(a), the undersigned
`certifies that on July 13, 2015, a complete copy of Petitioner's Motion for Joinder
`Under 35 U.S.C. 315(c) and 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 AND 42.122(b) ("Motion") was
`served on the Patent Owner via Federal Express®.
`SAN JOSE, CA 95113
`In addition, a copy of the Motion was electronically served in its entirety on
`counsel for Petitioner and counsel for Patent Owner in related Case No. IPR20 15-
`Lori A. Gordon (lgordon-PT; Robert E.
`Counsel for Petitioner:
`So kohl (rsokohl-PT; Jeffrey T. Helvey Uhelvey-PT,
`Sterne Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.
`Counsel for Patent Owner: Gregory S. Donahue (,
`DiNovo Price Ellwanger & Hardy LLP
`Nathan Rees
`Attorney for Petitioners
`Registration No. 63,820
`Date: July 13, 2015
`2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 3600
`Dallas, Texas 75201-7932
`(214) 855-7164

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