`DSP Operating System
`The GetSectionAddress macro returns the physical address of the specified section.
`GetSectionAddress (theSectionPtr,theSectionName)
`the S e c ': i o n P t 1:
`the S e ct i onName
`Returns a value, physical location of section.
`The name of section to locate.
`The GetSectionAddress macro does not alter the contents of any registers except
`The GetSectionAddress macro calculates the physical address of thesectionName
`and copies the address into the theSectionPtr register, which may be any cau
`register r1 —r1 8.
`The GetSectionLabel macro returns a physical pointer to a label in the
`specified section.
`the S e ct i on .abe ' Pt 1: Returns a pointer, physical location of section.
`thesection‘ .abe'
`Label used within the section.
`The GetSectionLabel macro does not alter the contents of any register except
`The GetSectionLabel macro returns a physical pointer to a label designated by
`theSectionLabel. The pointer is returned in theSectionLabelPtr, which may
`be any cau register r1—r18.
`DSP Operating System Reference
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`PART 6 OF 10
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`DSP Operating System
`The Ge t S e ct i on S i z e macro returns the size of the specified section.
`Getsectionsize (thesectionsize,theSectionName)
`The size of the section.
`The section name.
`The Getsectionsize macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4, rl5—rl8,
`and a0—a1.
`The Getsectionsize macro calculates the size of theSectionName and copies it into
`the thesectionsize register, which may be any cau register r1—r18.
`The Popsection macro caches the specified section off—chip.
`Popsection (theSectionName)
`The section name.
`The Popsection macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4, r15—rl 8, and
`The Popsection macro caches theSectionName. The actual caching operation
`performed depends upon the section's caching flags.
`For static sections, Popsection caches the section data from its primary container to its
`secondary container. For non-static sections, Popsection caches the section data from
`the top of the demand cache stack to its primary container.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 252 of 500
`Page 252 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The Save flag must be set (caching flags) for the specified section if data
`is to be moved. The memory space is automatically reclaimed by the
`DSP operating system. 0
`Sections must use Popsection in the reverse order that they use
`Pushsection. A
`The Pushsection macro loads the specified section on—chip.
`Pushsection (theSectionName)
`The section name.
`The Pushsection macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1—r4, r15—r18,
`and aO—a1.
`The Pushsection macro caches theSectionName. The actual caching operation
`performed depends upon the section's caching flags.
`For static sections Pu shsection caches the section data from its secondary container to
`its primary container. For non—static sections, Pushsection caches the section data
`from its primary container to the top of a demand cache stack.
`You must set the Load flag (caching flags) for the specified section if data
`is to be moved. The Clear flag must be set if the section is to be cleared.
`Either the Bank A or Bank B flag should also be set. If no Bank flag or the
`Don't Care flag is selected the DSP operating system will use Bank A. 0
`Module Manipulation Macro
`The Setskipcount macro helps you program DSP modules.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 253 of 500
`Page 253 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The Setskipcount macro sets the skip count (number of modules to be jumped over).
`The number of modules to skip over.
`The Setskipcount macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1—r4, rl5—rl 8,
`and a0-al.
`The Setskipcount macro sets the skip count for the currently executing module. The
`current module continues its execution. When the module finishes its execution, the new
`skip count takes effect.
`The theskipcount parameter is a 32-bit constant or any cau register in the range r1
`through r 1 7.
`Task Manipulation Macros
`The macros described in this section help you work with tasks.
`The Ge tNumRealTimeFrames macro returns the number of real-time frames that have
`been executed.
`Ge tNumRealTimeFrame s
`(numFrame s)
`The number of frames executed.
`The Ge tNumRealTimeFrames macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4,
`r15-r18, and a0-al.
`The GetNumRealTimeFrames macro is used to get the number of real-time frames that
`have been executed since the DSP was started or reset.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 254 of 500
`Page 254 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The SetTas klnactive macro turns off the task associated with the section that is
`using it.
`SetTaskInactive ()
`The SetTaskInactive macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4, r15—r18,
`and aO—a1.
`The SetTas klnactive macro sets the owner task for the currently executing module
`inactive. Setting the task inactive does not take effect until the next frame. The task’s
`modules complete their execution for the current frame.
`FIFO Manipulation Macros
`The macros described in this section help you work with FIFO buffers.
`Although FIFO manipulations deal with byte counts, all operations
`must be done in longword (4 bytes) increments only. Use of the FIFO
`calls with non—longword counts will cause unpredictable results. A
`The FIFOGetReadCount macro returns the available number of data bytes in the FIFO.
`The FIFO name.
`The FIFOGetReadCount macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4,
`rl5—r18, and a0—al.
`The FIFOGetReadCount macro returns, in 1:2, the current number of bytes available in
`the FIFO that can be read. A value of 0 indicates an empty FIFO.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 255 of 500
`Page 255 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The FIFORead macro copies FIFO data into the specified section.
`FIFORead (theSectionName)
`The section name.
`The FIFORead macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1—r4, r15—rl 8,
`and a0-al.
`The FIFORead macro takes one argument, the section name of an AIAO FIFO
`section. The AIAO FIFO section must be located within the same DSP module as
`the current section.
`The FIFORead macro copies data to the AIAO FIFO section from the FIFO that's
`connected to it.
`The size of AIAO is used as the number of bytes to read from the FIFO. If the FIFO
`empties during the read, only the actual number available will be read. The remaining
`bytes in the section are cleared to 0.
`In the event that an underrun occurs (the FIFO does not contain enough data to fill the
`AIAO), a kdspFIFOUnderrunMessage message is sent to the FIFO’s message handler
`if the FIFO’s kdspEnableOverUnde rMessage flag is set. Also, if the FIFO’s
`kdspOVerUnderTas klnactive flag is set, the owner task of the currently executing
`module is set inactive.
`Reads and writes to the buffers must occur on longword boundaries. 6
`The FIFOReadN macro copies the requested number of bytes of FIFO data into the
`specified section.
`FIFOReadN (theFIFOName,
`The FIFO name.
`The number of bytes to copy.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 256 of 500
`Page 256 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The FIFOReadN macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1 —r4 , rl 5—rl 8, and
`The FIFOReadN macro reads the specified number of bytes in thecount from the
`named FIFO to the section. The programmer should check 1:2 to make sure that the
`requested number of bytes was transferred. If the FIFO empties during the read, only
`the actual number of bytes available are read. The remaining bytes in the section are
`cleared to O.
`The FIFOReadNBuf fer macro copies the requested number of bytes of FIFO data into
`the specified section.
`the F I FOName
`The FIFO name.
`The number of bytes to copy.
`theBu f f e r Pt 1:
`The section data is being copied to.
`The FIFOReadNBuffer macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1 —r4, r15—rl 8,
`and a0-a1.
`The FIFOReadNBuf fer macro reads the specified number of bytes in thecount from
`the named FIFO to the section pointed to by theBuf f erPtr. The programmer should
`check r2 to make sure that the requested number of bytes was transferred. If the FIFO
`empties during the read process, only the actual number of bytes available will be read.
`The remaining bytes in the section are cleared to 0.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 257 of 500
`Page 257 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The FIFOGetWriteCour1t macro returns the number of empty bytes available in
`the FIFO.
`theFI FOName
`The FIFO name.
`The FIFOGetWriteCour1t macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4,
`r15—rl8, and aO—al.
`The FIFOGetWriteCour1t macro returns in r2 the current number of bytes available in
`the FIFO that can be written—in other words, how much empty space is available. A
`value of 0 indicates a full FIFO.
`The FIFOWrite macro copies section data into the specified FIFO.
`FIFOWrite (theSectionName)
`thesect ionName
`The section name.
`The FIFOWrite macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1—r4, r15—rl 8, and
`The FIFOWrite macro writes from the AIAO section to the named FIFO. The
`programmer should check 1:2 to make sure that the requested number of bytes was
`transferred. If the FIFO fills up, without overrunning, the maximum number of
`bytes possible will be transferred.
`The size of the AIAO section is used as the number of bytes to write to the FIFO.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 258 of 500
`Page 258 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`In the event that an overrun occurs (the FIFO does not contain enough space to hold the
`AIAO’s data), a kdspFI FOOverrunMes sage message is sent to the FIFO’s message
`handler if the FIFO’s kdspEnableOverUnde rMes sage flag is set. Also, if the FIFO’s
`kdspove rUnderTaskInactive flag is set, the owner task of the currently executing
`module is set inactive.
`Reads and writes to the FIFO and the buffer may occur on longword
`boundaries only. 0
`The FIFOWriteN macro copies the specified number of bytes of section data into the
`specified FIFO.
`FIFOWriteN (theFIFOName,
`The FIFO name.
`The number of bytes to copy.
`The FIFOWriteN macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4, rl5—r18, and
`The FIFOWriteN macro writes the specified number of bytes in thecount to the
`named FIFO from the section. The programmer should check 1:2 to make sure that the
`requested number of bytes was transferred. If the FIFO fills up, without overrunning, the
`maximum number of bytes possible will be transferred.
`The FIFOWriteNBuf fer macro copies the specified number of bytes of section data
`into the specified FIFO.
`The FIFO name.
`The number of bytes to copy.
`theBu f f e r P t r
`The section data is being copied from.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 259 of 500
`Page 259 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The FI FOWr i teNBu f f e r macro destroys the contents of cau registers r 1 — r 4,
`r15-r18, and a0-al.
`The FIFOWriteNBuf fer macro writes the specified number of bytes in thecount to
`the named FIFO from the buffer pointed to by theBuf f erPtr. The programmer should
`check r2 to make sure that the requested number of bytes was transferred. If the FIFO
`fills up, without overrunning, the maximum number of bytes possible will be transferred.
`Reads and Writes to the FIFO and the buffer are on longword
`boundaries only. 6
`GPB Manipulation Macros
`The macros described in this section help you manage the GPB for a module. GPB is
`discussed in ”Guaranteed Processing Bandwidth,” in Chapter 3.
`The GPBElapsedCycles macro returns the number of DSP cycles used by this module
`up to the point it is called.
`Elapsed cycles since start or reset.
`The GPBElapsedCycles macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1—r4,
`rl5—rl8, and a0-al.
`The GPBElapsedCycles macro returns the number of DSP instruction cycles that have
`elapsed since this module started execution. By comparing this Value with the expected
`value returned from the GPBExpectedCycles () macro, a dumb lumpy algorithm can
`determine if it should cease processing. Dumb lumpy algorithms are discussed in
`”Smooth and Lumpy Algorithms,” in Chapter 3.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 260 of 500
`Page 260 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The GPBExpectedCycles macro returns the computed number of DSP cycles this
`module is expected to need based on the supplied GPB estimate.
`Expected cycles for this module.
`The GPBExpectedCycles macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1—r4,
`rl5—r18, and aO—al.
`The GPBExpectedCycles macro returns the expected number of DSP instruction cycles
`to complete this module. This is used in conjunction with the GPBElapsedCycles
`macro (page 235) to control the execution of a dumb lumpy algorithm.
`The GPBSetUseActual macro tells the DSP operating system to use the actual GPB
`required instead of the estimated value.
`The GPBSetUseActual macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1 —r4, r15—rl 8,
`and aO—al.
`The GPBSetUseActual macro sets the UseActualGPB flag for the module. This flag is
`set immediately, so this routine should not be called until the module is in its worst—case
`GPB usage.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 261 of 500
`Page 261 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`Semaphore Manipulation Macros
`The macros described in this section help you work with semaphores.
`The Semaphoreclear macro clears the specified semaphore in a locked environment.
`Pointer to the semaphore.
`theMas k
`Mask of new semaphore value.
`theoldsemaphorevalue Returns the Value of the old semaphore.
`The SemaphoreClear macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4, 1:15-1:18,
`and a0-a1.
`The Semaphoreclear macro locks the system bus and performs the following
`[lock the bus]
`*theSemaphorePtr = ((theOldSemaphoreValue = *theSemaphorePtr)
`[unlock the bus]
`The value of thesemaphorePtr must be a cau register in the range rl through r17
`containing a physical pointer.
`The Value of theMask may be any register in the range rl through r1 7, or a constant.
`The Semaphoreclear macro performs dolock on the bus to prevent host access and
`then reads the semaphore location. The old semaphore value is AND-combined with NOT
`of the mask and this new value is written back to the semaphore location.
`The value of theoldsemaphorevalue is the value of the semaphore before it was
`AND-combined with the one’s-complement of the Value of theMask.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 262 of 500
`Page 262 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`The Semaphoreset macro sets the specified semaphore in a locked environment.
`the S emapho re Ptr
`Pointer to the semaphore.
`theMas k
`Mask of new semaphore value.
`theoldsemaphorevalue Returns the value of the old semaphore.
`The Semaphoreset macro destroys the contents of cau registers r1—r4, r15—r1 8, and
`The Semaphoreset macro locks the system bus and performs the following operation:
`[lock the bus]
`*theSemaphorePtr = ((theOldSemaphoreValue = *theSemaphorePtr)
`[unlock the bus]
`The value of theSemaphorePtr must be a cau register rl—r1 7 containing a
`physical pointer.
`The Semaphoreset macro performs DoLock on the bus to prevent host access and then
`reads the semaphore location. The old semaphore value is OR-combined with the mask
`and this new value is written back to the semaphore location.
`The value of theoldsemaphorevalue is the Value of the semaphore before it was
`OR-combined with theMask.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 263 of 500
`Page 263 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`Message Manipulation Macro
`The SendMessageToHost macro helps you work with DSP messages.
`The SendMessageToHost macro sends a message from the module to the host using
`the interrupt handler.
`t he DS PMe s s a ge Pt 1:
`Pointer to the message vector.
`The SendMessageToHost macro destroys the contents of cau registers rl—r4 ,
`r15—rl8, and aO—al.
`The SendMessageToHost macro calls the msvector (interrupt handler) in the Real
`Time Manager structure that then passes the message to the interrupt handler. When
`used by a module to send a message to the client application the ms Data [0] through
`ms Data [2] fields are not defined when using this macro.
`The value of theDSPMes sagePtr must be a cau register rl —rl 7 containing a physical
`pointer to a DSP message.
`The msvector field of the message must be initialized to a valid
`interrupt handler. Fields ms Data [0] through ms Data [2] can be
`used by the programmer as needed. 0
`When the Real Time Manager uses this routine to send a message to the client
`application ms Data [0] contains theErrorMes sage constant. The message is sent to
`the interrupt Vector of the owner task for the currently executing module. The owner
`task is then set inactive.
`The theErrorMessage constant is a DSP message constant or a register containing a
`DSP message constant. The Apple-defined DSP message constants are defined in the
`next section.
`DSP Operating System Reference
`Page 264 of 500
`Page 264 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`When the host interrupt Vector for the task is called, a complete DSPMes sage structure
`is passed on the stack containing the following information:
`The owner task’s interrupt vector
`The task’s reference number
`—> msvector
`—>msData [O]
`—> ms Data [1]
`The current module's reference number
`—> ms Data [2]
`The DSP message structure is diagrammed in Figure 5-3.
`Figure 5-3
`DSP message structure
`DSP message
`The corresponding routine in the Macintosh API is the Mes sageAct i onProc routine.
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`// disable all
`//messages (p) priority of FIFO messages in descending order
`// (3) enable
`// message when FIFO transfer causes an overrun or underrun
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`Page 265 of 500
`Page 265 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`// message when FIFO goes full or empty
`// (1) enable
`// message when FIFO goes at least half full or half empty
`// (4) enable
`// message when FIFO’s link is traversed
`// if task
`// accessing FIFO causes either FIFO overrun or underrun then
`// set task inactive
`// if task
`// accessing FIFO causes either FIFO full or FIFO empty then set
`// task inactive
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// ModuleFlags
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// select auto cache model
`// select demand cache model
`// put section table on—chip
`// a stack of the specified
`// a stack of the specified
`// size will be created on—chip
`// size will be created off—chip
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`(see DSPConstantsPrivate.h for the complete list of flags)
`// GPBFlags
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// use bnEstimate
`// see DSPConstantsPrivate.h
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// SectionFlags
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// Costs the DSP one instruction to use the following flags:
`// do not load or save this
`// section
`// load this section
`#define kdspsavesection
`// save this section
`#define kdspclearsection
`// fill this section with zeroes
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`Page 266 of 500
`Page 266 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`kdspsaveoncontextswitch OXOOOOOOO8
`// save this section on context
`// switch
`// never loaded on—chip
`// load in Bank A if possible
`// load in Bank B if possible
`(kdspBankA | kdspBankB) // load anywhere
`#define kdspstaticsection
`// section statically allocated
`// before runtime
`// section is a FIFO buffer
`// reserved
`// when loading convert from a
`// FIFO
`// when saving convert to a FIFO
`// this is a HIHO section
`// this flag holds the
`// kdspToggleSectionTable flag
`// from the module's flag
`// when saving convert to a HIHO
`// when loading convert from a
`// HIHO
`// Costs the DSP two instructions to use the following flags:
`// all cases other than below
`// section is an input buffer
`// section is an output buffer
`// section is an intertask
`// buffer
`#define kdspscalablesection
`// section size can be scaled
`#define kdspSectionAllocated
`// reserved for use by the DSP
`// Manager
`// only DSP should modify this
`// memory
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// SectionDataTypes
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// data in section is beyond
`// 3200 float
`// IEEE float format
`// description
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`Page 267 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`// 32bit integer
`// 16bit integer packed
`// 8bit integer packed
`// muLaw format
`// Alaw format
`// application—specific
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// constants used by a client to specify where to insert a task
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`#define kdspTailInsert
`#define kdspBeforeInsert
`#define kdspAfterInsert
`// insert at list:
`// head
`// tail
`// before reference link
`// after reference link
`#define kdspAnyPositionInsert
`kdspHeadInsert // anywhere
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// constants for messages received by client tasks
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`kdspBIOPinChangedState Ox62696f7O //'biop'
`// state)
`(bio pin has changed
`// constants used for FIFO:
`Ox66000OOO // 'f
`// 'lnk '
`(link was traversed)
`kdspFIFOOverrunMessage Ox666f7672
`// 'fovr'
`(buffer filled before
`// FIFO write completed)
`kdspFIFOUnderrunMessage Ox66756e64
`(buffer emptied before
`// FIFO read completed)
`// constants used for FIFO buffer:
`(exactly full)
`(exactly empty)
`(at least half full
`but not exactly full)
`(at least half empty
`but not exactly empty)
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`Page 268 of 500
`Page 268 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`// constants
`Jsed for dsp exception messages
`(prefix used
`for GPB messages)
`(task is
`(task is
`(task was
`involved in a frame
`overrun and is now
`(task has
`skipped one or more
`frames due to a
`frame overrun)
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// read/write permission constants for clients
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`Page 269 of 500
`Page 269 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// constants for indexed devices
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// CPU processor types
`'32C '
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// constants for DSP API functions
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`#define kevtGetSectionSize
`#define kevtSetTaskInactive
`// ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————--
`// constants for errors returned by Macintosh DSP API
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// misc errors
`// the next available error code number is -733
`// if you add an error, also add it to the DSPErrorStrings.r file
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// feature is not
`// bad parameter
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// DSPFIFO errors
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// not a FIFO section
`// no message passing without a
`// vector
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`Page 270 of 500
`Page 270 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`this FIFO is currently being
`accessed by the DSP
`can only dipose of inactive
`the FIFO must be the first FIFO
`in the link to wrap it
`// ---------------------------------------------------------------- --
`// DSPList errors
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`illegal DSPPosition type
`DSPPosition already occupied
`illegal insertion request
`reference element does not
`deletion element not found
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// DSPMemory errors
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`heap full,allocation failed
`address is not
`in a zone
`trying to dispose
`of nil
`trying to dispose
`heap size must be
`of (nil, nil)
`factor of four
`heap base must be longword
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`// DSPClient errors
`// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— --
`kdspDeviceHasActiveclients (-675)
`no device matching given name
`no device (or whatever)
`matching index given
`can't sign out device with
`invalid permission for
`client already exists with
`write permission
`client name must be [1 .... U31]
`Summary of the DSP Operating System
`Page 271 of 500
`Page 271 of 500

`DSP Operating System
`#define kdspInvalidoptionselector
`// options selector not
`// recognized
`// invalid io device type,
`// index out of range
`// an invalid ICON was passed
`// specified cpu device cannot
`// be a slave
`// ——————————————————————————————

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