
`In re Apnplimtic of
`PTorsersa (our?)
`Approved‘for use through 9130/2007. OMB 6651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofioe: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Recursion Ar: of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a milecfion of information unless i dsala
`a vafid OMB contrd number.
`Bring completed form to:
`File Information Unit, Room 2ED4
`Application Number
`09 SB 62%)
`Telephone: (7
`iiiigtim‘g‘pepwp .
`30852333 1 2 mm Paper No. ' £3:E
`‘ficcess under 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`l hereby requ
`application, w c "E‘n'oTw‘itfiifi'fli'e'fii'e'fiket of a pending Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) (37 CFR 1.53(d))
`and which is identified in, or to which a benefit is claimed, in the following document (as shown in the attachment):
`United States Patent Application Publication No.
`United States Patent Number 3 [H ( 40 Stolumn
` page
`WlPO Pub, No.
` Related information About Access to Applications Maintained in the image File
`- Wrapper System (lFW) and Access to Pending Applications in General
`A member of the public, acting without a power to inspect, cannot order applications maintained in the IFW system
`through the FiU.
`ii the member of the public is entitled to a copy of the appfimfion file, then the file is made
`available through the Pubfic Patent Application Information Retrieval system (Public PAIR) on the USPTO intemet
`web site ( Terminals that allow access to Public PAlR are av‘afiable in the Public Search Room.
`The member of the public may also be entitled to obtain a copy of all or part of the application file upon payment “of
`the appropriate fee. Such copies must be purchased through the Office of Public Records upon payment of the
`appropriate fee (37 CPR 1.19m).
`For wbfished applications that are—still pending, a member of the public may obtain a copy of.
`the file contents; the pending application as originally filed; or-any document in the file of the pending
`For unpublished aopfications that are still pending:
`If the benefit of the gnafing application is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(e), 120, 121, or 365 in another
`application that has: (a) issued as a U.S_ patent, or (b) published as a statutory invention registration. a U.S.
`patent application pubfimfion, or an international patent application publication in accordance with PCT
`Article 21(2), a member of the public may obtain a copy of. the file contents; the pending application as
`originally filed; or any document in the file of the pending application.
`lflhe application is incorporated b reference or otherwise identified in a U.S. patent, a statutory invention
`ragistration, a U.S. patent appfiafion publication. or an intemational patent application publication in
`accordance with PCT Article 21(2), a member of the public may obtain a copy of the pending application as
`originally filed.
`(form fish leuex
`LEN)“ (pg fl9~ e1
`Typed or printed name
`Registration Number, if applicable
`GV'Z-v l???
`Telephone Number
`This colledion of information
`USF'TO to process) an appfimficn. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CPR 1.11 a
`complete, inclucfing gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO, Time will vary depending upon the individual Elsa. Any
`comments on the amount or time you require to complete this lonn andlor suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief information Officer.
`U.S, Patent and Trademark Office, us. Department of Commerce. PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 223134450. DO NOT SEND FEES OP. COMPLEFED _
`FORMS TO THIS ADOREsS. BRING To: File information Unit, Room 2504, 2900 Crystal Drive, Arlington,‘Virginia.
`Page 1 of 225
`Page 1 of 225


`PTO/sexes (oz-10)
`Approved for use through 07/31/201 2. CiME 065143031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U 5 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Ac of 1595, no persons are required to resound to a collection oi information unless it disola s a valid OMB control number,
`In re Application of
`Bn‘ng completed r E gE; v E
`File lnionnation
`Afinogiiugif ’7
`lthWt1 g 2013
`Applicati- Number
`nominee__________ W5 5% 6 a
`/7 Sir
`Paper No.i
`I hereby request access under. 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`application, which is not within the file jacket of a pending Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) (37 CFR 1.53(d)) and
`which is‘identified in, or to which a benefit is claimed, in the following document (as shown in the attachment):
`United States Patent Application Publication No.
`United States Patent Number
`. 6,5 :6
`2 l 2 S@ , column
`, page,
`WIPOaPub No.
`, page
`, line
`Related Information About Access to Applications Maintained in the Image File
`Wrapper System (IFW) and Access to Pending Applications in General
`A member of the public. acting without a power to inspect. cannot order applications maintained in’the IFW system mrough
`the Flu. lithe member of the public is entitled to a copy of the applicafion file, then the file is made available through the
`Public Patent Application Information Retrieval system (Public PAIR) on the USPTO intemet web site (wwwusptogov).
`Terminals that allow access to Public PAIR are available in the Public Search Room. Tne member of the public may also
`be entitled to obtain a copy of all or part of the application file upon payment of the appropriate fee. Such copies must be
`purchased through the Office of Public Records upon payment of the appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b))
`For published applications that are still pending, a member of the public may obtain a copy of'.
`the file contents; the pending application as originallyfiled; or any document in the file of the pending application.
`For unpublished applications that are still pending:
`If the benefit of the pendino application is’cialmed under 35 U.S.C. 119(e), 120, 121, or 365 in another appliwfion
`that has: (a) issued as a US. patent or (b) published as a statutory invention registration, a US. patent
`application publication, or an international patent application publication in accordance with PCT Article 21(2), a
`member of the public may obtain a copy of. the file contents; the pending application as originally filed; or any
`document in the file of the pending application.
`if the application is incorporated bv reference or otherwise identified in a U.S. patent. a statutory invention
`registration. a US. patent application publication, or an international patent application publication in accordance
`with PCT Article 21(2). a member of the public may obtain a copy of the pending application as originally filed.
`Typed of printed name
`Registration Number: if applicable
`f 123 - E‘Eéc M373
`Telephone Number
`This collection or' information is equired by 37 CFR 1.11 and 1 M. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is in file (and by the USPTO to
`process) an application Confidentiality is governed by 25 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1 11 and 1.14,. This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete, induding
`gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to Ihe USPTO fime will vary depending upon the individual case Any comments on the amount of time
`you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden. should be sent to the Chier' Information Officer, US. Patent and Trademark Office. U,5.‘
`Department of Commerce. PO Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. BRING Td: File
`Information Unit, Suite SAZB, 2800 South Randolph Street Arlington, Virginia.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select opfion 2.
`Page 2 of 225
`Page 2 of 225


`Best Available Copy
`PTO/sa/sa (on—10)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2011 OMB 0651:0031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; U 5 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act at 1595, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it disola s a valid OMB control number,
`In re Application of
`Bring completed form to:
`File Information Unit. Suite 3A20
`2800 South Randolph Street
`Arlington. VA 2206
`Application Number
`Telephone: (703) 756-1800
`l7 '6
`Faerie. fi 5 /
`I hereby request access under 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`application, which is not within the file jacket of a pending Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) (37 CFR 1.53(d)) and
`which is identified in, or to which a benefitis claimed, in the folio ing document (as shown in the attachment):
`United States Patent Application‘Puincafion No. £0014 Oléa 3 I ? , page,
` \
`United States Patent Number
`, column
`, line,
`WI PO Pub. No.
` Related Information About Access to Applications Maintained in the Image File
`, Wrapper System (IFW) and Access to Pending Applications in General
`A member of the public, acting without a power to inspect, cannot order applications maintained in‘the IFW system through
`the Flu. If the member of the public is entitled to a copy of the application file, then the file is made available through the
`Public Patent Application lnfon'nation Retrieval system (Public PAIR) on the USPTO intemet web site (
`Terminals that allow access to Public PAIR are available in the Public Search Room. The member of the public may also
`be entitled to obtain a copy of all or part of the application file upon payment of the appropriate fee. Such copies must be
`purchased through the Office of Public Records upon payment of the appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b)).
`For published applications that are so" pending, a member of the public may obtain a copy of.
`the file contents; the pending application as originallyfiied; or any document in the file of the pending application.
`For un ublished aoolimtions that are still
`If the benefit of the endino application is‘claimed under 35 USC. 119(e), 120. 121, or 365 in another application
`that has: (a) issued as a US. patent, or (b) published as a statutory invention registration, a US. patent
`application publication, or an international patent application publication in accordance with PCT Article 21(2), 3
`member of the public may obtain a copy of the file contents; the pending application as originally filed; or any
`document in the file of the pending application.
`If the application is incorporated by reference or othen/vise identified in a U.S. patent, a statutory invention
`registration, a US. patent application publication, or an international patent application publication in accordance
`with PCT Article 21 2), a member of the public may obtain a copy of the pending application as originally filed.
`”WI—Ii E,
`Typed of printed name
`Registration Number, if applicable
`2&3”sz — 03027
`Telephone Number
`This collecfion of information is required by 37 CFR 1,11 and 1 14, The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the pWidfi is to file (and by the USPTO to
`process) an application, Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C 122 and 37 CFR 111 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to tak
`2 miueugcomplete, induding
`gathering, preparing. and submitting the mmpleted application iorm to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case Any commems‘dh'lheemutgf time
`you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Inion'nation Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. US.
`Department of Commerce. P_O Eon: 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. 00 NOT SEND FEES OP. COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. BRING ro: File
`Information Unit, Suite SAZG. 2300 South Randolph Street. Arlington, Virginia.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-F’TO—91 99 and select option 2.
`Page 3 of 225
`Page 3 of 225


`US 20040160319A1
`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0160319 A1
`(43) Pub. Date: Aug. 19,2004
`Inventor: Raymond Anthony Joao, Yonkers, NY
`Correspondence Address:
`YONKERS, NY 10703 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Feb. 20, 2004
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-impart of application No. 10/244,334,
`filed on Sep. 16, 2002, which is a continuation-in-part
`of application NO. 09/551,365, filed on Apr. 17, 2000,
`now Pat. No. 6,542,076, which is a continuation-in-
`part of application No. 09/277,935, filed on Mar. 29,
`1999, now Pat. No. 6,549,130, which is a continua-
`tion of application No. 08/683,828, filed on Jul. 18,
`1996, now Pat. No. 5,917,405, which is a continua-
`/[ion—m—th of application No. 08587,thl filed on
`Jan. 17 1996I now abandone , which is a continua-
`tion Of application No. 08/489,238, filed on Jun. 12,
`1995, now Pat. No. 5,513,244, which is 21 continue-
`tion of application No. 08/073,755, filed on Jun. 8,
`1993, now abandoned.
`Said application No. 08/683,828 is a continuation-in-
`part of application No. 08/622,749, filed on Mar. 27,
`1996, now abandoned.
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/187,735, filed on Mar.
`8, 2000. Provisional application No. 60/190,379, filed
`on Mar. 17, 2000.
`Publication Classification
`(5 l)
`U.S. CI.
`.G08B 1/08
`340/5391; 340/4261; 340/825.72
`A control- apparatus, including a first control device, located
`at a vehicle or premises, capable of at least one of control-
`ling, enabling, disabling, activating, and deactivating, one or
`more of at least one of a system, equipment system, com-
`ponent, device, equipment, and appliance, of a vehicle or
`premises, with a first signal. The first control device gener-
`ates and/or transmits the first signal in response to a second
`signal generated by and/or transmitted from a second control
`device located remote from the vehicle or premises. The
`second signal is automatically received by the first control
`.device. The second control device generates and/or trans-
`mits the second signal in response to a third signal generated
`by and/or transmitted from a third control device located
`remote from the vehicle or premises and the second control
`device. The third signal is automatically received by the
`second control device.
`I | | I I
`6 |
`$ .
`I l I | I
`Page 4 of 225
`Page 4 of 225


`PTQISB/GB (02-10)
`. ed for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displa s a valid OMB control number.
`Best Available Copy
`Bring completed form to:
`In re Application of
`thsngz'rrt:nis.igre;itémvm Q m em 6, A. 300x 0
`Arlington, VA 22206
`i Applic-hin Number
`Telephone: (703) 756—1'WO JAN 0 8 9013 J O ‘ 387(9 93/
`I 7 6 é
`Paper N0. [31
`I hereby request access under 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`application, which is not within the file jacket of a pending Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) (37 CFR 1.53(d)) and
`which is identified in, or to which a benefit is claimed, in the following document (as shown in the attachment)
`United States Patent Application Publication No.
`United States Patent Number
`. GS qu’ "$0

`, column
`, page,
`WIPO Pub. No.-
`, page
`, line
`Related Information About Access to Applications Maintained in the Image File
`’ Wrapper System (IFW) and Access to Pending Applications in General
`A member of the public, acting without a power to inspect, cannot order applications maintained in'the IFW system through
`the FIU.
`If the member of the public is entitled to a copy of the application file, then the file is made available through the
`Public Patent Application Information Retrieval system (Public PAIR) on the USPTO internet web site (
`Terminals that allow access to Public PAIR are available in the Public Search Room. The member of the public may also
`be entitled to obtain a copy of all or part of the application file upon payment of the appropriate fee. Such copies must be
`purchased through the Office of Public Records upon payment of the appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b))
`For published applications that are still pending, a member of the public may obtain a copy of”.
`the file contents; the pending application as originally filed; or any-document in the file of the pending application.
`For un ublished ab Iications that are still endin :
`lfthe benefit of the endin a
`lication isi'claimed under 35 U_S.C. 119(e), 120, 121, or 365 in another application
`that has: (a) issued as a US, patent, or (b) published as a statutory invention registration, a US. patent
`application publication, or an international patent application publication in accordance with PCT Article 21(2), a
`member of the public may obtain a copy of the file contents; the pending application as originally filed; or any
`document in the file of the pending application
`If the application is inco orated b reference or otherwise ident
`.S. satent
`ith P T Artiv e /(2), a .
`Registration Number, if applicable
`“lax 175(4) '37!
`Telephone Number
`This collection of information IS required by 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the USPTO to
`process) an application Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1 14 This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete, including
`gathenng, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO, Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of lime
`you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducrng this burden. should be sent to the Chief lnfonnation Officer, US. Patent and Trademark Office, US.
`Department of Commerce, P.O Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. BRING TO: File
`Information Unit, Suite 3A20, 2800 South Randolph Street1 Arlington, Virginia.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`Page 5 of 225
`Page 5 of 225


`PTQISB/Ga (02-10)
`. pproved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 06510031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are recuired to respond to a collection of information unless it displa s a valid OMB control number,
`Bring completed form to:
`File Information Unit,:Suit‘e~/3;A2Q N
`2800 South Randolph.Street,; —'
`: v’ 3D)
`Arlington. VA 22206
`Telephone: (703) 756—1800
`DEC 2 l 2012
`I hereby request access under 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`application, which is not within the file jacket of a pending Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) (37 CFR 1.53(d)) and
`which is identified in. or to which a benefit is claimed. in the following document (as shown in the attachment):
`United States Patent Application Publication No.
`United States Patent Number
`. é 572 076
`VVIPO Pub. No.
`. page
`, page.
`Related Information About Access to Applications Maintained in the Image File
`_ Wrapper System (lFW) and Access to Pending Applications in General
`A member of the public, acting without a power to inspect. cannot order applications maintained in’the IFW system through
`the FM If the member of the public is entitled to a copy of the application file, then the file is made available through the
`Public Patent Application Information Retrieval system (Public PAIR) on the USPTO internet web site (
`Terminals that allow access to Public PAIR are available in the Public Search Room. The member of the public may also
`be entitled to obtain a copy of all or part of the application file upon payment of the appropriate fee. Such copies must be
`purchased through the Office of Public Records upon payment of the appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b)).
`For published applications that are still pending. a member of the public may obtain a copy of.
`the file contents: the pending application as originally filed; or any document-in theme of the pending application.
`For unpublished applications that are still pending:
`If the benefit of the pending application isiclaimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(e). 120. 121. or 365 in another application
`that has: (a) issued as a US. patent. or (b) published as a statutory invention registration, a US. patent
`application publication. or an international patent application publication in accordance with PCT Article 21(2). 3
`member of the public may obtain a copy of". the file contents; the pending application as originally filed; or any
`document in the file of the pending application.

`If the application is incogorated by reference or otherwise identified in a US. patent. a statutory invention
`registration, a US. patent application publication. or an international patent application publication in accordance
`with PCT Article 21(2). a member of the public may obtain a copy of the pending application as originally filed.
`Registration Number. if applicable
`Telephone Number
`Approved byf:
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 111 and 1.14. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the USPTO to
`process) an application Confidentiality is governed by 35 USC. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete, including
`gathering. preparing. and submitting the completed application icon to the USPTO, Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time
`you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden. should be sent to the Chief Information Officer. US. Patent and Trademark Office, US.
`Department of Commerce. PO. Box 1450. Alexandria. VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. BRING TO: File
`Information Unit. Suite 3A20, 2800 South Randolph Street, Arlington. \firginia.
`If you need assistance in completing the form. call 1-800-PTO-91 99 and select option 2.
`Page 6 of 225 I
`Page 6 of 225


`0 0\ 0
`PTO/SEISE (02-10)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office: US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act oi 1995. no rsons are re-uired lo res-0nd to a collection of information unless it dis-la s a valid OMB mntroi number.
`In re Application of
`Bring completed form to:
`File information Unit, Suite 3A20
`2800 South Randolph Street
`Application Number
`Arlington, VA 22206
`Telephone: (703) 756—1800
`O (3 g?) 6 1?
`° Q
`Paper No.
`i hereby request access under 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`application, which is not within the file jacket of a pending Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) (37 CFR 1.53(d)) and
`which is identified in, or to which a benefit is claimed, in the following document (as shown" in the attachment):
`United States Patent Application Publication No.
`, page,
`United States Patent Number QQI I
`, El 0 S
`, column
`, line
`WlPO Pub. No.
`. page
`Related Information About Access to Applications Maintained in the image File
`Wrapper System (iFW) and Access to Pending Applications in General
`A member of the public. acting without a power; to inspect. cannot order applications maintained in the IFW system through
`the Flu. if the member of the public is entitled to a copy of the application file, then the file is made available through the
`Public Patent Application Information Retrieval system'(Pubiic PAIR) on the USPTO intemet web site (wwusptogov).
`Terminals that allow access to Public PAIR are available in the Public Search Room. The member of the public may also
`be entitled to obtain a copy or’ all or part of the application file upon payment of the appropriate fee. Such copies must be
`purchased through the Office of Public Records upon payment of the appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b)).
`For published applications that are still pending a member of the public may obtain a copy of:
`the file contents; the pending application as originally filed; or any document in the file of the pending application.
`For unpublished applications that are still pending:
`if the benefit of the pending application is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(e), 120, 121, or 365 in another application
`that has: (a) issued as a US. patent, or.(b) published as a statutory invention registration. a US. patent
`application publication. or an international patent application publication in accordance with PCT Article 21(2), a
`member of the public may obtain a copy of: the fie mntents; the pending application as originally filed; or any
`document'in the file of the pending application
`if the applicationiS incorporated bueference or otherwise identifiedin a US. patent a statutory invention
`registration a U S. patent application publication or an international patent application publication in accordance
`with PCT Article 21(2), 3 member of the public may obtain a copy of the pending application as originally filed.
`4H()Ma g:
`—- l __
`Typed of printed name
`W _
`a .30»? l
`Telephone Number
`‘ (
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the USPTO to
`process) an application. Confidentiality IS governed by 35 USC. 122 and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete. including
`gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO Time will vary depending upon the individual use. Any comments on the amount of time
`you require to complete this lonn and/or suggestions for reducing this burden should be sent to the Chief information Officer U. 5. Patent and Trademark Office, U S.
`information Unit. Suite 3A20 2800 South Randolph Street, Arlington. Virginia.
`Department of Commerce P O Box 1450 Alexandria VA 223134451100 NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS BRING To: File
`/f you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`Page 7 of 225
`Page 7 of 225


` Illlllllllllllllllllll||||l||l|l
`UnltEd States Patent
`Patent, Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`*Jun. 29, 1999
`[ *] Notice:
`Inventor: Raymond Anthony Joao, 122 Bellevue
`Pl"Y°"kerS’ N'Y' 10703
`This patent issued on a continued pros-
`“mm aPPhFam'? filed “0"“ 37 CFR
`1-5301), and Is 511131691 to the twenty year
`term prov1s10lis of 35 U.S.C.
`'71! Appl' NI);- 08/683,828
`[22] Filed:
`Jul. 13’ 1996
`/Related US. Application Ba 21
`63] Continuatio I
`continuation of application No 08/073 755, Jun.8,1993,
`Int. CL“ ............
`US. Cl.
`......................................... B60R 25/10
`340/426; 340/425.5; 340/82532;
`701/36; 307/102; 342/457; 455/404
`[58] Field of Search .. ..... 342/457; 340/426,
`340/825.34, 8-5.32, 825.36, 825.37, 825.49,
`425.5; 370/352, 389; 307/102; 455/404;
`180/287; 701/33, 36
`References Cited
`' 340/2352“
`‘ h'mflda "
`" ‘
`)l I
`Gray et al.
`Kamimura at al.
`Drori et a].
`.. 340/426
`5/1992 Ryoichi et al.
`8/1992 Krisbergh et al.
`. 379/56
`5,173,932 12/1992 Johnson et al.
`..... 379/40
`c a .
`313:: I???" 1
`9/1993 Zicker
`”1994 ”5mm“ a 8]
`2/1994 Briault
`8/1994 Simms et aI.
`.. 340/426
`2/1995 Drouault et at.
`5/1995 Bird
`7/1995 Rimer.
`4/1996 Joao et al.
`. 379/58
`5/1996 Berard el al.
`9/1996 Johnson et al.
`. 340/82534
`5,563,453 10/1996 Nyfelt
`5,682,133 10/1997 Johnson et al.
`.. 340/426
`Primary Examiner—Michael Horabik
`Assistant Examiner—Timothy Edwards, Jr.
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Raymond A. Joao
`A control apparatus for a vehicle, which comprises a first
`control device. The first control device one of generates and
`transmits a first signal for one of activating, deactivating,
`enabling, and disabling, one of a vehicle component, a
`vehicle device, a vehicle system, and a vehicle subsystem.
`The first control device is located at the vehicle. The first
`control device is responsive to a second signal, wherein the
`second signal is one of generated by and transmitted from a
`second control device. The second control device is located
`at a location which is remote from the vehicle. The second
`control device is responsive to a third signal, wherein the
`third signal is one of generated by and transmitted from a
`third control device. 1111: thirdcontrol device is located at a
`location which is remote from the vehicle and remote from
`the second control device.
`20 Claims, 20 Drawing Sheets
`I— ————————————————— "I
`Page 8 of 225
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`R34“ 11:
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`Page 8 of 225


`Best Available Copy
`PTorsarea (02-10)
`Approved lor use through OWN/2612. OME 0551-0031
`US, Patent and Trademark Office; LLS. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`s it disola s a valid OME contrcl numberi
`Bring completed form Io:
`File Information Unit Suite 3A20
`2800 South Ra
`In re Application of
`Telephone: (70:
`Arlington, VA 2 .
`Application umber
`05’ 587628
`Paper No. I 7 g
`(i)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`I hereby requ
`_e of a pending Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) (37 CFR 1.53(d)) and
`‘ “i
`which is identified in, or to which a benefit is claimed, in the following document (as shown in the attachment):
`United States Patent Application Publication No.
`United States Patent Number
`: E a ,7 cl 05/
`WI PO Pub. No.
`, page
`, page,
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`, line,
`, line
`Related Information About Access to Applications Maintained in the Image File
`Wrapper System (IFW} and Access to Pending Applications in General
`A member of the public, acting without a power to inspect, cannot order applications m

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