Topology Preserving Data Simplification with Error
`Chandrajit L. Bajaj
`Department of Computer Sciences and TICAM, University of Texas, Austin, TX
`Daniel R. Schikore
`Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore National
`Laboratory, P. 0. Box 808, L-561, Livermore, CA 94550
`Many approaches to simplification of triangulated terrains and surfaces
`have been proposed which permit bounds on the error introduced. A
`few algorithms additionally bound errors in auxiliary functions defined
`over the triangulation. We present an approach to simplification of scalar
`fields over unstructured grids which preserves the topology of functions
`defined over the triangulation, in addition to bounding of the errors. The
`topology of a 2D scalar field is defined by critical points (local maxima,
`local minima, saddle points), in addition to integral curves between them,
`which together segment the field into regions which vary monotonically.
`By preserving this shape description, we guarantee that isocontours of
`the scalar function maintain the correct topology in the simplified model.
`Methods for topology preserving simplification by both point-insertion
`(refinement) and point-deletion (coarsening) are presented and compared.
`Keywords: Simplification, Scientific Visualization, Scalar Fields
`Scientific data is often sampled or computed over a dense mesh in order to cap(cid:173)
`ture high frequency components or achieve a desired error bound. Interactive
`display and navigation of such large meshes is impeded by the sheer num(cid:173)
`ber of triangles required to sufficiently model highly complex data. A number
`of simplification techniques have been developed which reduce the number
`of triangles to a particular desired triangle count or until a particular error
`Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint
`3 December 1997
`Bradium Technologies LLC
`Exhibit 2003

`threshold is met. Given an initial triangulation M of a domain D and a func(cid:173)
`tion F(x) defined over the triangulation, the simplified mesh can be called M'
`and the resulting function .:F'(x). The measure of error in a simplified mesh
`Mi is usually represented as:
`E(M') = max(IF(x)- F'(x)l)
`The ability to bound the error E(M') is very important, but t he error defini(cid:173)
`tion (1) is inherently a local measure, neglecting to consider global features
`of the data. We introduce new criteria for the simplification of sampled func(cid:173)
`tions which preserves scalar field features in addition to bounding local errors.
`Two-dimensional scalar field topology is described by the critical points and
`arcs between them. Preserving the scalar field criticalities maintains an in(cid:173)
`variant of the connectivity and combinatorial structure (topological genus) of
`successively simplified isocontours.
`In Section 2 we discuss related work in mesh simplification and feature de(cid:173)
`tection. Section 3 introduces the definition of 2D scalar topology as it will be
`used in our simplification strategy. In Section 4 we introduce two algorithms
`for simplification with topology preserving characteristics. The first is an ex(cid:173)
`tension to existing coarsening techniques which iteratively delete vertices or
`contract edges in the mesh. The second algorithm adopts an inverse approach,
`iteratively introducing detail (refinement) to an initially sparse mesh, preserv(cid:173)
`ing the scalar topology of the fine mesh.
`2 Related Work
`2.1 Simplification
`A wide variety of algorithms have been developed for the simplification of
`meshes. We present a brief overview of the classes of algorithms which have
`been proposed for geometry and data simplification.
`Vertex insertion/ deletion
`A large class of data and geometry simplification algorithms are based on suc(cid:173)
`cessive application of one or more topological mesh operators, such as edge
`contraction, which contracts an edge of the mesh to a point, or vertex dele(cid:173)
`tion, in which a vertex and adjacent triangles are removed and replaced with
`a covering of the resulting hole. Point insertion and deletion approaches have
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`been explored by many researchers for application in Geographical Informa(cid:173)
`tion Systems (GIS). A common technique is to extract key points of data
`from the originally dense set of points, and compute a Delaunay triangula(cid:173)
`tion [7,11,12,33,39,41]. Silva et al. [37] use a greedy approach for inserting
`points into an initially sparse mesh. Schroeder et al. [36] compute reduced
`representations for dense triangular surface meshes such as those computed
`by Marching Cubes [25] or similar isosurfacing algorithms. Vertices in the
`dense mesh are examined and classified based on geometric features in the
`triangulation surrounding the vertex. If error criteria are satisfied, the vertex
`is deleted and the resulting hole is retriangulated. Retriangulation is guided
`by local edges detected in the classification stage and aspect ratios of new
`triangles. Several passes over the object successively remove vertices until no
`vertex satisfies the criteria for removal. There is no cumulative error measure,
`and therefore no guarantee on the amount of accumulated error in the final
`representation. Hamann [15] applies a similar technique in which triangles are
`considered for deletion based on curvature estimates at the vertices. Reduc(cid:173)
`tion may be driven by mesh resolution or, in the case of functional surfaces,
`root-mean-square (RMS) error. Ronfard et al. [34] apply successive edge con(cid:173)
`traction operations to compute a wide range of levels-of-detail for triangulated
`polyhedra. Edges are extracted from a priority queue based on a computed
`edge cost such that edges of lesser significance are removed first. Gueziec [14]
`introduces a tolerance volume for bounding the error resulting from successive
`edge contraction operations. The resulting merged vertex is positioned such
`that the volume remains constant. Cohen et al. [6] introduce Simplification
`Envelopes to guide mesh simplification with global error bounds. Envelopes
`are an extension of offset surfaces which serve as an extreme boundary for the
`desired simplified surface.
`Region Merging
`Rinker et al. [19] perform "geometric optimization" on triangular surface meshes
`by grouping faces into contiguous sets which are nearly co-planar. Points inte(cid:173)
`rior to a region and points along nearly lin ar boundaries of regions are deleted,
`and the resulting hole is retriangulated. Kalvin et al. [24] cluster mesh faces
`into superfaces, triangulating the resulting polygons for a simplified represen(cid:173)
`Filtering techniques are capable of producing a large range of simplified mod(cid:173)
`els through application of grouping and merging rules. An attractive feature of
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`filtering techniques is the ability to simplify objects to a minimal representa(cid:173)
`tion through successive applications. Subsampling is a simple type of filtering
`which is easily applied to subdivision meshes for which there exists a natural
`remeshing when nested sets of vertices are successively deleted. The major
`drawback to subsampling is that there is no bound on the error which is intro(cid:173)
`duced through its application. Rossignac et al. [35] use clustering and merging
`of features of an object based on a regular spatial subdivision. Clustering ap(cid:173)
`proaches have the advantage that small features which are geometrically close
`but not topologically connected can be grouped and merged for higher rates
`of simplification. In this scheme long, thin objects may collapse to an edge
`and small objects may collapse to a point. He et al. [16] provide more control
`over subsampling of regular grids by filtering the simplified mesh at each step.
`The regular grid corresponds to a sampling of the signed-distance function of
`a 3D surface. A multi-resolution triangle mesh is extracted from the resulting
`multi-resolution volume buffer using traditional isosurfacing techniques.
`Optimization methods define measures of energies for point sets or triangula(cid:173)
`tions based on an original mesh, and use interactive optimization to minimize
`these energies in forming a simplified mesh. Thrk [40] computes simplified
`polygonal surfaces at a desired number of vertices. Contrast this with the
`point insertion and deletion methods which are usually driven by error com(cid:173)
`putations rather than desired resolution. Given the desired number of vertices,
`point repulsion on the polygonal surface spreads the points out. A mutual tes(cid:173)
`sellation of the original triangulation and the introduced points followed by
`deletion of the original vertices guarantees that the topology of the polyg(cid:173)
`onal surface is maintained. Point repulsion is adjusted based on estimated
`curvature of the surface, providing an adaptive triangulation which maintains
`geometric features. Hoppe et al. [21] perform time-intensive mesh optimization
`based on the definition of an energy function which balances the need for accu(cid:173)
`rate geometry with the desire for compactness in representation. The level of
`mesh simplification is controlled by a parameter in the energy function which
`penalizes meshes with large numbers of vertices, as well as a spring constant
`which helps guide the energy minimization to a desirable result. In [20], Hoppe
`applies the optimization framework to the simplification of scalar fields.
`Multi-resolution analysis
`Multi-resolution analysis is a structured mathematical decomposition of func(cid:173)
`tions into multiple levels of representation. Through the use of wavelet trans-
`Bradium Technologies LLC
`Exhibit 2003

`forms [10,27], a hierarchical representation of functions can be obtained by
`repeatedly breaking the function into a coarser representation in addition to
`a set of perturbation coefficients which allow the full recovery of the original
`representation from the coarse representation. Generally, the wavelet basis is
`chosen such that the perturbation coefficients have desirable attributes such
`as direct correlation with some measure of error which is introduced at a
`given level of representation. During reconstruction from the wavelet repre(cid:173)
`sentation, sufficiently small wavelet coefficients can be left out, resulting in
`a coarser approximation to the original data, with a known bound on the
`amount of error [26,8,38]. Further extensions have provided similar basis for
`the decomposition of surfaces [9] . Muraki [31] applies wavelets in 3D to com(cid:173)
`pute multi-resolution models of 3D volume data. Isosurfaces and planar cross
`sections of the resulting data show little change in image quality with large
`reductions in the amount of data representing the volume.
`2. 2 Feature Detection
`The problem of detecting ridges and valleys in digital terrain has been con(cid:173)
`sidered in several papers [12]. McCormack et al. [29] consider the problem of
`detecting drainage patterns in geographic terrain. Interrante et al. [22] used
`ridge and valley detection on 3D surfaces to enhance the shape of transpar(cid:173)
`ently rendered surfaces. Extrema graphs were used by ltoh and Koyamada
`to speed isocontour extraction [23]. A graph containing extreme points and
`boundary points of a scalar field can be guaranteed to intersect every iso(cid:173)
`contour at least once, allowing seed points to be generated by searching only
`the cells contained in the extrema graph. Helman and Hesselink detect vector
`field topology by classifying the zeros of a vector field and performing particle
`tracing from saddle points [18]. The resulting partitioning consists of regions
`which are topologically equivalent to uniform flow. Globus et aldescribe a soft(cid:173)
`ware system for 3D vector topology and briefly note that the technique may
`also be applied to the gradient of a scalar field in order to identify maxima
`and minima [13]. Bader examines the gradient field of the charge density in
`a molecular system [1]. The topology of this scalar field represents the bonds
`linking together the atoms of the molecule. Bader goes on to show how fea(cid:173)
`tures higher level structures in the topology represent chains, rings, and cages
`in the molecule.
`2. 3 Our Approach
`Simplification techniques have advanced to the point at which it is useful to
`now consider preserving global mesh and data features. In the following sec-
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`tion we present a definition and method of computation of scalar field topology,
`which describes scalar field structure in terms of criticalities and relationships
`between them and captures the topological connectivity of isocontours. Based
`on these definitions, we develop two approaches for simplification which are
`motivated by the preservation of the scalar topology, and hence the preser(cid:173)
`vation of the topology of approximate isocontours. The first approach uses
`a bottom-up simplification approach, consisting of a small set of consistency
`checks which guarantee scalar topology consistency for the case of iterative
`simplification by point deletion or edge contraction. The second approach in(cid:173)
`verts the order of operation, beginning with the scalar topology computation,
`which serves as a sparse base mesh which is refined to meet error-bound cri(cid:173)
`3 Scalar Field Topology
`Scalar field structure can be characterized by the critical points of the scalar
`field and higher order relationships between them [4]. A point x is a critical
`point of the scalar function F(x) if all first-order partial derivatives of F
`evaluated at x are zero [30]. In degenerate cases, a critical point may be part
`of a larger critical curve or critical region. We will restrict our attention to
`critical points, because our motivating work is not greatly affected by the
`treatment of these special cases.
`For our purpose of feature detection and application to simplification, the
`topology of a scalar field F defined over a domain 1J consists of the following:
`( i) The local maxima of F
`( ii) The local minima of F
`(iii) The saddle points ofF
`(iv) Selected integral curves joining each of the above
`Integral curves are defined as curves which are everywhere tangent to the
`gradient field of F. In vector field topology, the curves advected in the flow field
`segment the field into regions which are topologically equivalent to uniform
`flow [17]. In the case of scalar topology, the analagous property holds that
`integral curves partition the field into regions in which the gradient flow is
`uniform, or in other words, the scalar function is monotonic. Another way of
`understanding this property is that within each region, the isocontours of the
`scalar field will consist of a single connected component.
`Figure 1 displays several isocontours of a scalar field and the corresponding
`scalar field topology. Figure 2 displays a surface representation of the same
`Bradium Technologies LLC
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`Fig. 1. Isocontours (dashed) of a scalar field along with the critical points and
`integral curves
`- ---~-- - ----- --- -~ ----------:- - -- -
`Fig. 2. A surface representation of the function in Figure 1. A change of contour
`topology occurs at the saddle point.
`The procedure for computation of scalar topology can be broken down into
`three stages:
`(i) Detect critical points of :F.
`(ii) Classify critical points.
`(iii) Compute selected integral curves in gradient field.
`In the following subsections, we describe the above components under the as(cid:173)
`sumption that the scalar field :F has continuous first derivatives. In Section 3.4
`we will remove this restriction and discuss scalar topology computation for the
`case of a piecewise C0 function defined over a triangulation.
`3.1 Computing Critical Points
`Critical points of a scalar function are defined as points at which the gra(cid:173)
`dient vanishes [28]. Given a d-dimensional scalar field :F, the critical points
`correspond to solutions of the system of equations:
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`3.2 Classification of Critical Points
`Qualitative information about the behavior of the gradient field near a critical
`point is obtained by analysis of the Hessian ofF (2D):
`The eigenvalues ( e1 , e2 ) and eigenvectors ( v1 , v2 ) of the above matrix relate to
`the behavior of the gradient field, and hence the scalar field, near the critical
`point, much the same as for the behavior of a general vector field [5,18].
`One difference to note is that for a gradient field, the matrix of derivatives
`is symmetric ( (]2 F I oxoy = 82 F I oyox), and therefore the eigenvalues are
`real. This is intuitively expected, as imaginary eigenvalues indicate rotation
`about the critical point, and a gradient field is an irrotational vector field.
`This observation allows us to simplify the classification of critical points to
`the cases depicted in Figure 3.2 (additional degenerate criticalities exist when
`e1 = 0 or e2 = 0).
`(e1,e2 > 0)
`Regular Saddle
`7i"" 7j~ 1il
`Fig. 3. Scalar critical point classifications
`A positive eigenvalue corresponds to gradient flow away from the critical point,
`while a negative eigenvalue indicates gradient flow toward the critical point.
`In the case of a saddle point, there is gradient flow toward and away from the
`critical point, distinguishing them from the field behavior near other critical
`points. In this case, the eigenvectors corresponding to the positive and negative
`eigenvalues define the separatrices of the saddle in the directions of flow toward
`and away from the critical point , respectively. It is this property that is used
`in the next section to compute integral curves in the gradient field .
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`Fig. 4. Scalar topology of a simple scalar field. In this example only interior criti(cid:173)
`calities are computed. Additional criticalities occur at the boundaries.
`3.3 Computing Integral Curves
`Having computed and classified the critical points, the final step for describ(cid:173)
`ing the scalar topology is the tracing of selected integral curves between the
`detected points. Saddle points have the property that the eigenvectors of the
`Hessian are the separatrices of the saddle. The behavior of the scalar field
`near the saddle point can be determined based on the behavior of the func(cid:173)
`tion in the direction of the eigenvectors. Integral curves are defined as curves
`which are everywhere tangent to the gradient field of F. For a 2D scalar field,
`four integral curves meet at a saddle, dividing the domain into regions. Two
`curves follow the (forward and backward) direction corresponding to the pos(cid:173)
`itive eigenvalue, and two follow the direction corresponding to the negative
`Integral curves can be computed efficiently using a 4th order adaptive step
`Runge Kutta integration in the gradient field [32]. The initial position for
`the iterative stepping is placed a small distance from the saddle point along
`the appropriate eigenvector. Computation of the integral curve ends when we
`reach the vicinity of another critical point within a certain E, in which case
`the curve terminates at that point. Other curves may end at the boundaries
`of the mesh. The scalar topology for a simple function is shown in Figure 4.
`3.4 Piecewise Linear Topology
`Critical point analysis for functions with continuous derivatives provides a
`fundamental theory for describing the structure of scalar fields. Extending
`these definitions for functions which are not smooth requires relaxation of
`Bradium Technologies LLC
`Exhibit 2003

`Li' ,.
`some of our definitions. We address the case of a function which is sampled
`at the vertices of a 2D triangle mesh and linearly interpolated within each
`For the case of a piecewise linear function, we must revise our definition of
`"critical point" due to the fact that the gradient is not everywhere defined.
`The feature that we want to capture is the change in the topology of the
`isocontours, as was illustrated in Figure 2. It is clear that the contour topology
`does not change within a triangular cell, and so we confine our attention to
`the classification of vertices with respect to the local neighborhood. In the
`Fig. 5. Normal space (left) for a cluster of 3 triangles incident on a vertex (right)
`general case at a vertex, the gradient is undefined, and may be considered to
`take on a range of values based on the normals of the adjacent triangles, as
`illustrated in Figure 5. As a result, critical points are defined as vertices at
`which the normal space of the adjacent triangles includes the vector (0, 0, 1).
`Figure 3.4 illustrates several of the cases which may occur.
`vertex configuration
`s addle point
`Fig. 6. A subset of the pseudo critical-points for a piecewise linear scalar field.
`Computation of integral curves requires a similar modification, as the gradi(cid:173)
`ent is undefined along the edges of the triangulation as well. Given a saddle
`point in a piecewise linear triangulation, the local topology is determined
`by examining the adjacent vertices in a clockwise or counter-clockwise order.
`Each local maximum or local minimum in this 1D ordering corresponds to a
`"ridge" or "channel" of the scalar field. Integral curves can be computed by
`traversing the edges of the triangulation corresponding to ridges and channels.
`Figure 3.4 illustrates a the topology of a piecewise-linear function similar to
`that presented in Figure 1.
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`Fig. 7. Topology of a piecewise linear scalar field
`4 Topology Preserving Simplification
`We describe two approaches to the simplification of functional meshes while
`maintaining the structure, as defined by the scalar topology. We assume that
`the domain is discretized by a triangular mesh M of nt triangles Ti and nv
`vertices Vj . The function :F(x) is defined for x = Vj and is linearly interpolated
`over each triangle. :F(Ti) is used to represent the local interpolant over a
`4.1 Bottom- Up Simplification
`In this section we derive necessary and sufficient conditions which avoid the
`change of scalar topology in the framework of existing point-deletion or edge
`contraction simplification techniques.
`Fig. 8. General simplification operations applied to a local region of the mesh in (a).
`In (b), the resulting triangulation is formed by collapsing the deleted point to an
`adjacent point. In (c), the retriangulation is general and may be chosen to minimize
`the error introduced.
`The basic framework of our approach is an error-bounded removal of vertices
`based on an ordering criteria [2,3] . We restrict our simplification to use the
`original vertices and to local operations such as vertex deletion and vertex
`collapse, as illustrated in Figure 8. The new mesh which results from the kth
`step of simplification is called Mk, and its triangles are denoted Tik. We further
`define :Fk (x) to represent the piecewise defined height function associated with
`the mesh Mk. Note that for all triangles not involved in the operation at step
`Bradium Technologies LLC
`Exhibit 2003

`k , Tl = Tik- 1 and thus :Fk(Tl) = :Fk- 1(Tik- 1
`rio = T;,.
`) . Initially, we have M 0 = M and
`Error bounds are computed using a two phase process, (i) measurement of
`error introduced by a point deletion and (ii) approximation of the accumulated
`error due to all point deletions in an overlapping region. In the following
`sections we describe the approach for bounding errors and derive conditions
`which preserve the topology of our given function.
`4.1.1 Local measurement of error
`The first step in maintaining an error-bound on the simplification is to measure
`the error introduced by deleting a vertex or collapsing an edge. Computing the
`introduced error is particularly simple due to the limited local influence of the
`Fig. 9. Measurement of introduced errors at black vertices and the fragmentation
`into linear error regions. The introduced error at the white vertices and along the
`boundary is zero.
`As illustrated in Figure 9, a local retriangulation due to removal of a vertex
`replaces the triangles T/-1 with triangles T( The error incurred at any point
`x in the local domain is quantified by the difference between the interpolated
`function value in the two triangulations, defined as Ek(x) = ;:k-1(x)- :Fk(x).
`As the difference of two linear functions is again linear, the introduced error
`is defined as a piecewise linear function over the decomposition implied by
`the intersections of the triangulations, as illustrated above. The regions of the
`decomposition are called Rf and the (continuous) range of introduced error
`across the region is [E:[ ( Rf), Ef ( Rf) ]. Nate that the E j 1- ( Rf) represent signed
`error values, and that the minimum and maximum errors occur at the extreme
`points of the convex regions, and thus can be determined by computing the
`errors at only a few points in the domain.
`Bradium Technologies LLC
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`4.1. 2 Global errors from local errors
`Equally important as the measurement of error introduced through one sim(cid:173)
`plification operation is the measurement or approximation of errors which
`accumulate through successive operations. Features which are desirable in, or
`even required for, an error approximation strategy include:
`- The estimation of error must be strict (must not underestimate the actual
`error) .
`- The estimation should be tight, such that the estimate provides a useful
`measure of the actual error.
`At the same time, our desire for scalability and efficiency for extremely large
`scientific datasets requires that the strategy for bounding errors be simple
`and not impose a significant cost in addition to computing the introduced er(cid:173)
`rors. We have designed a simple error representation and accumulation scheme
`which fulfills these criteria.
`Error representation
`We associate with each triangle two floating-point errors c(Tl) and E+(Tik)
`(illustrated in Figure 10, such that for x E Tl,
`Initially, c (Tn = E+ (Ti0
`) = 0, indicating that the original representation is
`exact. Note that one can easily incorporate input data with known source
`error bounds into this scheme by initializing the error bounds appropriately .
`Fig. 10. lD illustration of the accumulated error bound representation
`With such a representation in hand, we examine the problem of computing
`the errors E+/- (Tik) given E+/ - (~k-l) such that inequality ( 2) is maintained
`as an invariant. We noted previously that the local domain is segmented into
`regions in which the introduced error varies linearly. Each introduced triangle
`~k maps to a set of regions { Rf,0 • · · Rf.r}, For each region Rf,j we determine
`the minimal sufficient error range which aggregates the existing error with the
`Bradium Technologies LLC
`Exhibit 2003

`accumulated error. Each region Rf,j corresponds to a portion of a triangle T/
`with associated error interval [t- (Tn, E+(Jik)] and by interval arithemetic we
`arrive at the following inequality which bounds the error over the region Rf;
`which leads to the accumulated error interval:
`For a minimal bound on the triangle T/+1 it is sufficient to take the maximum
`of the E+I-(Rf) for all regions Rf.j· which contribute to the triangle Tt This
`process is illustrated geometrically for a simple 1D example in Figure 11.
`Fig. 11. Geometric interpretation of the accumulation of error bounds. The intro(cid:173)
`duced error f.J contributes to the error interval as illustrated.
`-- .
`. ··
`··· .... ____ .... __ _
`Fig. 12. Illustration of propagation of error bounds. As each successive point is
`deleted, the error bounds on each segment are updated to reflect the minimum
`bound between the new segment and the original polyline.
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`4.1.3 Preserving Local Topology
`Topology preservation is easily integrated into a vertex-delete and edge-contract
`simplification framework by considering the topology of the contours in the
`neighborhood of each candidate edge being considered for contraction. Fig(cid:173)
`ure 13 illustrates edge contract operations which preserve the original topology
`of the field as well as edge contraction operations which modify the original
`o ri g in a l triang ul a ti on
`valid coll apse
`invalid coll a p se
`Fig. 13. Illustration of topology preserving and topology modifying edge contraction
`Topology preservation can be enforced by comparing the classification of the
`vertices in the local neighborhood before and after the edge contraction. If the
`collection of classifications change, criticalities have either been introduced or
`destroyed. Note that criticalities may move from one vertex to a neighboring
`vertex without modifying the field topology. If this is undesirable, one can en(cid:173)
`force that only regular points be contracted to a neighbor. Note that topology
`preserving simplification of the scalar field in general also simplifies the scalar
`topology diagram (the piecewise linear arcs between the critical points).
`4.1.4 Ordering of operations
`Critical to the success of an error approximation approach is the order in which
`vertices are selected for removal. Vertex selection by priority queue approaches
`have permitted simplification which spans wide ranges of resolution [34].
`We apply a priority queue driven approach which initially measures the error
`introduced by removal of each vertex. At each simplification step, the vertex
`which introduces the minimum error is extracted and the simplification oper(cid:173)
`ation is applied. After each operation, neighboring vertices which are affected
`by the result are reprioritized based on the accumulated error which results
`from their removal.
`4.1.5 Examples
`Figure 14 illustrates the features of a topology preserving mesh simplification
`scheme. Using the same input triangulations, two simplification strategies are
`applied. The mesh in Figure 14(b) is the result when topology preserving
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`criteria are enforced. The mesh in Figure 14(c) is the result when only local
`error bounds are used to guide the simplification.
`Fig. 14. (a) close-up of input triangulation of MRI data of a heart, with contour
`in white (b) a topology preserving simplified mesh (c) simplification which violates
`the original topology ( d-f) the associated triangulations
`4.2 Top-Down Simplification
`Coarsening techniques are desirable for their simplicity. Another class of sim(cid:173)
`plification works in the opposite order, adding detail to an initially coarse tri(cid:173)
`angulation. In this section we consider the application of scalar field topology
`in guiding the insertion and triangulation. The scalar field topology diagram
`consists of a subset of the edges of a triangular mesh. Top-down simplification
`proceeds beginning with a base mesh consisting of the critical points in addi(cid:173)
`tion to edges connecting those critical points which are connected by an arc in
`the scalar topology diagram. Figure 15 illustrates the base mesh construction
`from an initial dense mesh based ont the scalar topology diagram.
`Having constructed a base mesh, iterative refinement operations can be ap-
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`plied, in order to reconstruct both the scalar field and the scalar topology
`diagram to a desired level of detail.
`original triangulation
`initial coarse triangulation
`Fig. 15. Generating a base mesh which incorporates the scalar field topology.
`5 Conclusions
`Error-bounded data simplification techniques have progressed rapidly in re(cid:173)
`cent years. We have described a definition of scalar field structure which makes
`it possible to preserve global features in addition to bounding local errors. The
`techniques described can be applied to functions defined over any 2D trian(cid:173)
`gulation. The

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