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` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Petitioner, Case IPR2015-01410
` vs. Patent 8,643,724 B2
` Patent Owner.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Telephonic Hearing
` ~ Before ~
` Hon. J. Arbis
` Hon. M. Fitzpatrick
` Hon. R. Weinschenk
` Thursday, May 26, 2016
`REF: 16479
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Page 2
`Attorneys for Petitioner
` 300 North LaSalle
` Chicago, Illinois 60654
` (312) 862-7172
` (312) 862-2200
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 1100 New York Avenue NW, Suite 600
` Washington, DC 20005
` (202) 371-2600
` (202) 371-2540
`2 3 4
`8 9
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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` --o0o--
` 9:00 a.m.
`Page 3
` HON. J. ARBIS: Good morning,
` everyone. This is Judge Arbis with the
` Patent Trial and Appeal Board. I have
` with me on the line Judge Fitzpatrick and
` Judge Weinschenk. This is a call in
` IPR2015-01410.
` Are there counsel for the
` Petitioner on the line?
` MR. SANTHANAM: Yes, Your
` Honor. This is Hari Santhanam from
` Kirkland & Ellis on behalf of the
` Petitioners.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay.
` And counsel for the Patent
` Owner.
` MR. BEZOS: Yes, good morning,
` Your Honors. This is Sal Bezos from
` Sterne Kessler, counsel for the Patent
` Owner, Magna Electronics.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Great. Thank
` you. And do we have a court reporter on
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`3 4 5

`Page 4
` the line?
` do, Your Honor. Good morning.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Thank you. And
` was the court reporter retained by
` Petitioner or Patent Owner?
` petitioners, Your Honor.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay.
` MR. SANTHANAM: And again,
` we'll arrange to have a transcript filed
` with the court as soon as feasible.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Thank you very
` much. We appreciate that.
` Okay. The issue today to
` discuss I believe is Exhibits 1045,
` 1046, 1054, 1055 and 1060.
` So as I understand the facts,
` the exhibits were not filed with
` Petitioner's reply, were inadvertently
` omitted, but then petitioners sought the
` ability to file those afterwards.
` As we understand it, Patent
` Owner does not object to the late filing
` of the exhibits but does object to them
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`Page 5
` being filed in reply at all.
` So we can hear from counsel for
` Patent Owner first.
` Do we have the facts correct,
` and if so, what relief would you be
` seeking?
` MR. BEZOS: Yes, Your Honor.
` That sounds like an accurate description.
` Just to add to that, it would not just be
` the exhibits, but of course the relevant
` portions of the reply we think would need
` to be stricken or, you know, a new copy
` of the reply filed with those sections
` referencing these exhibits omitted.
` The reason why we think that
` this is an appropriate remedy is that
` these exhibits -- and the reason why we
` thought it was permissible for
` Petitioner to submit the exhibits into
` the record late, is that we did, in fact,
` have these, but they were being used by
` the Petitioner in response to evidentiary
` objections, and so that's such a
` completely different purpose from which
` they are trying to use these exhibits
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`Page 6
` now, and that's as supplemental
` information. They are being used to go
` to the actual heart of the matter as to
` whether the Wang reference is, in fact, a
` prior art reference and not the earlier
` dispute dealing with whether Wang should
` be admissible in the first place or not.
` By introducing the evidence at
` this stage in the proceeding, first off,
` the Patent Owner has no opportunity to
` respond and we're not seeking an
` opportunity to respond. We're seeking --
` as far as the remedy, we're seeking all
` of this to be expunged from the record,
` but we're not afforded the opportunity.
` It's very late in the game.
` But second, the Petitioner was
` in the position from the outset of this
` proceeding, based on their knowledge of
` how this played out in ICR2014-00220, to
` have cited everything that they could
` have come across or would have needed at
` the outset in the petition. And failing
` that, should they have come across
` anything else, the proper avenue to
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`Page 7
` approach this to introduce these exhibits
` into the record is a motion for
` supplemental information at the
` post-institution stage, and they did not
` seek that remedy either.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. So we
` have a couple questions, and then I can
` hear from Petitioner.
` One, can you point us -- I have
` Petitioner's reply in front of me. Can
` you point to the specific portions of the
` reply that you believe should be
` stricken?
` MR. BEZOS: Yes, Your Honor.
` Let me see here. So on page 11, there's
` a few instances here.
` Yeah, so there's a citation to
` Exhibit 1055 at the bottom of page 11, so
` there's some supporting sentences around
` that.
` And on page 12, the last
` paragraph of that same section in its
` entirety is dealing with the new exhibits
` and is also at issue there.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay.
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` MR. BEZOS: And, Your Honor, I
` apologize, and also on the very first
` paragraph of that section, there's a
` Section 2 starting at page 11, there's a
` citation to the Federal Circuit decision
` that's Exhibit 1045 as well, and so that
` sentence should be stricken.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. So it
` appears that on pages 11 and 12 there are
` some portions that talk about these five
` specific exhibits and some portions maybe
` that do not.
` So you would be seeking to
` strike just the portions that talk about
` the new exhibits. Is that right?
` MR. BEZOS: That's correct,
` Your Honor. I mean, our position isn't
` that they are not allowed to respond to
` these issues. Our position is that their
` response should be contained to the
` evidence that they presented or should
` have presented previously; otherwise,
` it's almost a clear extension of their
` reach in a reply and the addition the
` matter by adding this evidence and citing
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`Page 9
` to it.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. And your
` position is that this argument that is
` made in Petitioner's reply is beyond the
` scope of a proper reply. It's not in
` response to arguments made by Patent
` Owner in the response.
` MR. BEZOS: Well, Your Honor, I
` know that the Petitioner is going to say
` that it's responsive, but the issue isn't
` I think whether it's responsive or not.
` It's that under the Trial Practice Guide,
` the Petitioner has an obligation to
` present all of their evidence at the
` outset or to follow the rules for
` supplemental information.
` And, you know, the Trial
` Practice Guide very clearly says that a
` reply that raises a new issue or
` belatedly presents evidence will not be
` considered and may be returned.
` And that's what transpired
` here. It's allowing the Petitioner to
` basically sand bag us with evidence that
` they had been holding onto until this
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`Page 10
` late stage in the game cannot be allowed,
` whether they think it's responsive or
` not.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Can we hear
` from counsel for Petitioner. Would you
` like to respond?
` MR. SANTHANAM: Yes, Your
` Honor. Again, this is Hari Santhanam
` from Kirkland & Ellis.
` I would like to begin by way of
` a little bit of background, and I'd also
` like to address this argument that some
` of these exhibits that have been
` presented since institution qualify as
` supplemental information.
` But first, by way of
` background, as Your Honors may be aware,
` due to the motions that were filed,
` Kirkland & Ellis got involved in this ITR
` just shortly before institution.
` After the ITR was instituted,
` Patent Owner served a number of
` objections regarding exhibits, in
` particular, as to the authenticity of
` various articles, including the Wang
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`Page 11
` reference that seems to be the focus of
` their current argument.
` And in response to that, we
` submitted declarations and other
` evidence, including copies of articles
` from different libraries, et cetera,
` within the time frame for supplemental
` evidence. And one outstanding piece of
` that evidence was we had requested
` certified copies of the Wang reference
` and a couple of other articles that we
` were able to locate at the Library of
` Congress, and we were informed at that
` time that it would take a period of time
` to have the library actually prepare
` those certifications and provide them in
` the litigation. Or excuse me, in these
` IPRs.
` We received that from the
` Library of Congress on March 18th, and we
` served those on the Patent Owner that
` very same day. And then on May 23rd in
` our reply, we relied on some of these
` exhibits, not all of them, some of these
` exhibits that we submitted as
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`Page 12
` supplemental evidence. And to respond to
` Patent Owner's arguments that the Wang
` reference does not qualify as prior art.
` Now, I'll get into their
` argument about supplemental information,
` but one thing I want to make clear to
` this board is that we're not talking
` about, you know, whether there's a
` question that Wang is prior art. I mean,
` we've submitted a certified copy from the
` U.S. Library of Congress the same day
` that we received it. It doesn't get more
` authentic than that, and it doesn't get
` more dispositive than that as to whether
` or not this reference is, in fact, prior
` art.
` So the only argument that they
` are raising is that this certified copy
` and a couple of other items that we had
` submitted in response to Patent Owner's
` objections and in the reply some been
` submitted with the petition. And we
` completely disagree with that.
` It's supplemental information,
` you know, as this board can appreciate,
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`Page 13
` you know, covers instances where things
` should have been submitted with the
` petition and substantive evidence in the
` first instance. Here that's not the
` case. What we submitted with the reply
` was absolutely responsive to arguments
` that the Patent Owner raised. There was
` -- in our view based on the review of the
` petition, even though we got involved
` just shortly before institution, in our
` view, the petition sets forth a very
` strong prima facie case that this
` particular reference, the Wang reference,
` is, in fact, prior art.
` There was a Federal Circuit
` decision applying this reference as prior
` art to a patent claim that had an earlier
` priority date. There's a previous board
` decision addressing the prior art nature
` of this reference. We submitted with the
` petition a declaration by one of our
` experts explaining his experience with
` IEEE and his background and opinion that
` this is, in fact, prior art.
` So there was quite a bit of
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`Page 14
` evidence that was submitted with the
` petition to demonstrate that this was
` prior art, and the court instituted it
` based on that evidence.
` And so what we have done is we
` provided articles, certified copies of
` articles and other information in
` response to Patent Owner's objections to
` the evidence, and then when we saw the
` Patent Owner's -- Patent Owner response,
` again, arguing that this Wang reference
` is not prior art, we then submitted that
` in connection with our reply.
` There's no question here that
` this is all responsive to arguments that
` the Patent Owner has raised.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. Can we
` hear from counsel for Patent Owner. You
` can have the last word, and then the
` panel will confer.
` MR. BEZOS: Yes, Your Honor.
` So a couple of things I want to
` address that Mr. Santhanam raised.
` The first is kind of the
` quality of these exhibits that are being
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`Page 15
` submitted and what they stand for, and I
` know we don't really want to get into the
` specifics, but since counsel raised the
` issue, I wanted to note that the Federal
` Circuit case nowhere addresses whether
` Wang qualifies as a premiere publication
` or not. That's just not an issue there.
` And in the previous board
` decision that opposing counsel raised,
` that's which exhibit? Yeah, that's the
` IPR2014-00220 case, in that case -- and
` this is why our trajectory in this case
` has proceeded the way it has -- the Board
` made it clear that, you know, following
` the Handi Quilter case that there's a
` very clear separation between the
` admissibility evidence issue and the
` substantive issue of whether our
` reference is, in fact, prior art or not.
` And in this case, which we took
` that to heart and made our arguments in
` the Patent Owner response and dealt with
` the admissibility issue separately.
` What Petitioner has done here
` is they basically brought in the exhibits
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`Page 16
` that they served on us for the purpose of
` dealing with the admissibility issue,
` which if we file a motion to exclude,
` they can use those exhibits in that way
` because that's how they've proceeded in
` this case.
` But by bringing these exhibits
` in in their reply, they are bringing us
` the exhibits at this late stage of the
` game for the purpose of dealing with the
` substantive issue of whether Wang is or
` is not prior art.
` Now --
` HON. J. ARBIS: Can I ask the
` question about the substantive issue.
` So if you have a Petitioner
` that presents some evidence with their
` petition that references a prior art
` printed publication and that's determined
` by the board to make a threshold showing
` at least sufficient to institute in the
` case, Patent Owner in response argues
` that it is not a printed publication, why
` is the Petitioner not entitled to respond
` to that and present new evidence? What
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`Page 17
` is your position on that?
` MR. BEZOS: Well, I mean, I
` think that the Petitioner is permitted to
` respond to that, but any permissible
` response has to be relying on the
` previously submitted evidence because the
` Petitioner has that, that threshold
` burden of making the prima facie case.
` And so they can introduce new
` evidence at that stage, but any new
` evidence that they bring in really has to
` be directed to the substantive issues
` that they dealt with at the outset of the
` petition, whether the evidence that they
` brought in initially to show that Wang is
` prior art and to justify that it's prior
` art itself shows that Wang is prior art.
` So, you know, there is some
` interpretation of the initial exhibits
` that more clearly shows their point that
` Wang is prior art, then sure they could
` say that.
` But what they have done here
` instead is brought in entirely new copies
` of the Wang reference, brought in
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`Page 18
` entirely new evidence that should -- it's
` being used for a completely different
` date. The Library of Congress date on
` these documents doesn't match the date
` that they originally suggested was the
` Wang date. There's a conference date on
` the initial document.
` So it's kind of all over the
` place. But I think more interestingly,
` you can kind of tell what seems to have
` happened here with the change of counsel,
` that, you know, new counsel has decided,
` okay, maybe there's an issue with the
` sufficiency of the original pleading,
` let's supplement that now. And the best
` avenue to do that for them seemed to be
` bringing in the reply when they had every
` opportunity since March 18th to go the
` proper route that would have allowed us a
` response by submitting this as
` supplemental information.
` Now, opposing counsel said, Oh,
` yeah, we felt really comfortable with
` what was originally filed in the
` petition.
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`Page 19
` So stick to that. I mean, I
` think they should be held to that
` original evidentiary issue, especially if
` they are saying, and they represented
` this to me on the call in the meet and
` confer yesterday, that they felt
` comfortable with what was there in the
` petition. So if that's enough, then they
` should be held to that.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. I think
` we understand both parties' positions.
` We'll take just a minute while the panel
` confers and be back shortly.
` MR. SANTHANAM: Okay. Thank
` you, Your Honor.
` (Pause)
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. Do we
` still have both parties on the line?
` MR. SANTHANAM: Yes, Your
` Honor.
` MR. BEZOS: Yes, Your Honor.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. The
` panel has conferred, and one question
` before we decide the matter. Do both
` parties intend to request an oral hearing
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`Page 20
` in this matter?
` MR. BEZOS: Your Honor, this is
` counsel for the Patent Owner. At the
` time we're undecided, but, yeah, we do
` not know at the moment.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. Counsel
` for Petitioner?
` MR. SANTHANAM: Your Honor,
` we're in the same position, although I
` believe we're leaning towards no oral
` argument. We believe the papers should
` speak for themselves, but if the board is
` inclined, we can have an oral argument.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. Well,
` what we would like to do, given the
` situation, we don't believe that a motion
` to strike or deciding the matter now is
` appropriate.
` And so what the panel would
` like to do is to have the parties address
` the issue at the hearing, if one is
` requested, and then the panel can decide
` whether the arguments that were made by
` Petitioner and the new evidence submitted
` by Petitioner with the reply are
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`Page 21
` appropriate as we would do at the time of
` rendering any final written decision.
` So if the parties request a
` hearing, I know that the deadline for
` doing so is not until July 13th, but if
` the parties request a hearing, you can
` say in your request how much time you
` believe would be appropriate for a
` hearing to hear this issue as well as all
` the others and then the panel can make
` that determination afterwards.
` If the parties determine that
` you would not like a hearing, we can
` revisit the matter at that time.
` Any questions from either
` party?
` MR. BEZOS: Your Honor, this is
` counsel for the Patent Owner. Just one
` quick question. If the parties do not
` request oral hearing for any reason,
` would the board still potentially weigh
` this issue based on the transcript of
` this call?
` HON. J. ARBIS: Why don't we
` revisit that issue if and when that
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`Page 22
` occurs. Counsel, if you would like to
` discuss the matter further if you believe
` it would warrant additional discussion,
` once the deadline passes or before that
` deadline, if the parties determine that
` they will both not be requesting hearing,
` just request another conference call with
` the panel and we can decide the issue at
` that time.
` MR. BEZOS: Okay. Great, Your
` Honor. I'm thinking for efficiency of
` the panel and the hearing, we wouldn't
` want to bring up an oral hearing if this
` is the only issue that needs to be
` discussed. So certainly, if the board
` invites us to have a call after the
` deadline passes, then we might be willing
` to take you up on that.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Okay. Any
` other matters to discuss?
` MR. SANTHANAM: That's it for
` petitioners, Your Honor.
` MR. BEZOS: Nothing else for
` Patent Owner, Your Honor.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Thank you.
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`Page 23
` And may I ask counsel for
` Petitioner, please file the transcript of
` the call as soon as it's available, and
` we are adjourned for today.
` MR. SANTHANAM: Great. Thank
` you.
` MR. BEZOS: Thank you.
` HON. J. ARBIS: Thank you.
` (Time noted: 9:20 a.m.)
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`Page 24
` I, Jeanese Johnson, Certified Shorthand
`Reporter, in and for the State of California,
`do hereby certify:
` That the foregoing proceedings
`were reported stenographically by me and
`later transcribed into typewriting under my
` That the foregoing is a true record of the
`proceedings taken at that time.
` I further certify that I am not
`attorney or counsel of any of the parties,
`nor am I a relative or employee of any
`attorney or counsel of party connected with
`the action, nor am I financially interested
`in the action.
` The foregoing certification of this
`transcript does not apply to any reproduction
`of same by any means unless under the direct
`control and/or direction of the certifying
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscribed my name
`this 26th day of May, 2016.
` ______________________________
` Jeanese Johnson, CSR No. 11635,
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`a.m 3:2 23:10
`ability 4:22
`able 11:12
`absolutely 13:6
`accurate 5:8
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`14:23 20:20
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`15:23 16:2
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`allowed 8:18 10:1
`allowing 9:23
`and/or 24:20
`apologize 8:2
`Appeal 1:2 3:7
`appears 8:9
`apply 24:18
`applying 13:16
`appreciate 4:14
`approach 7:1
`appropriate 5:16
`20:18 21:1,8
`Arbis 1:17 3:5,6,17
`3:24 4:4,9,13 7:6
`7:25 8:8 9:2 10:4
`14:17 16:14 19:10
`19:17,22 20:6,14
`21:24 22:19,25
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`10:12 11:2 12:5
`12:17 20:11,13
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`13:6 14:15 15:21
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`14:3,12 15:19
`16:12,18 17:16,17
`articles 10:25 11:5
`11:11 14:6,7
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`Attorneys 2:4,10
`authentic 12:13
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`available 23:3
`avenue 2:11 6:25
`aware 10:17
`B2 1:7
`back 19:13
`background 10:11
`10:17 13:23
`bag 9:24
`based 6:19 13:8
`14:4 21:22
`basically 9:24
`behalf 3:15
`belatedly 9:20
`believe 4:16 7:12
`20:10,11,16 21:8
`best 18:15
`beyond 9:4
`Bezos 2:11 3:20,21
`5:7 7:14 8:1,16
`9:8 14:21 17:2
`19:21 20:2 21:17
`22:10,23 23:7
`bit 10:11 13:25
`board 1:2 3:7 12:7
`12:25 13:18 15:8
`15:13 16:20 20:12
`21:21 22:15
`bottom 7:18
`bring 17:11 22:13
`bringing 16:7,8
`brought 15:25
`burden 17:8
`C 2:1
`California 24:3
`call 3:9 19:5 21:23
`22:7,16 23:3
`case 1:6 13:5,12
`15:20 16:6,22
`certainly 22:15
`certification 24:1
`certifications 11:16
`certified 11:10
`12:10,18 14:6
`certify 24:4,11
`certifying 24:20
`cetera 11:6
`change 18:11
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`Circuit 8:5 13:15
`citation 7:17 8:5
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`12:23 18:2
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`12:11 18:3
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`5:2 10:5 14:18
`15:3,9 18:11,12
`18:22 20:3,6
`21:18 22:1 23:1
`couple 7:7 11:11
`12:19 14:22
`course 5:10
`court 3:25 4:2,5,12
`covers 13:1
`CSR 24:24
`current 11:2
`date 13:18 18:3,3,4
`day 11:22 12:11
`DC 2:12
`deadline 21:4 22:4
`dealing 6:6 7:23
`dealt 15:22 17:13
`decide 19:24 20:22
`decided 18:12
`deciding 20:17
`decision 8:5 13:16
`13:19 15:9 21:2
`TransPerfect Legal SolutionsTransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`Page 25
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`E 2:1,1
`earlier 6:5 13:17
`efficiency 22:11
`either 7:5 21:15
`Electronics 1:5,8
`Ellis 2:4 3:15 10:9
`employee 24:13
`entirely 17:24 18:1
`entirety 7:23
`entitled 16:24
`especially 19:3
`ESQ 2:5,11
`et 11:6
`evidence 6:8 8:21
`8:25 9:14,20,24
`11:5,8,9 12:1 13:3
`14:1,4,9 15:17
`16:17,25 17:6,10

`17:11,14 18:1
`evidentiary 5:22
`exclude 16:3
`excuse 11:17
`exhibit 7:18 8:6
`exhibits 4:16,19,25
`7:1,23 8:11,15
`10:13,23 11:24,25
`14:25 15:25 16:4
`16:7,9 17:19
`experience 13:22
`experts 13:22
`explaining 13:22
`expunged 6:14
`extension 8:23
`facie 13:12 17:8
`fact 5:20 6:4 12:15
`13:14,24 15:19
`facts 4:18 5:4
`failing 6:23
`far 6:13
`feasible 4:12
`Federal 8:5 13:15
`felt 18:23 19:6
`file 4:22 16:3 23:2
`filed 4:11,19 5:1,13
`10:18 18:24
`filing 4:24
`final 21:2
`financially 24:15
`first 5:3 6:7,9 8:2
`10:16 13:4 14:24
`Fitzpatrick 1:18
`five 8:10
`focus 11:1
`follow 9:15
`following 15:14
`foregoing 24:5,9,17
`forth 13:11
`FOX 2:10
`frame 11:7
`front 7:10
`further 22:2 24:11
`game 6:16 10:1
`given 20:15
`GMBH 1:4,4
`go 6:2 18:18
`going 9:9
`good 3:5,20 4:3
`Great 3:24 22:10
`Guide 9:12,18
`Handi 15:15
`happened 18:11
`Hari 2:5 3:14 10:8
`hear 5:2 7:8 10:4
`14:18 21:9
`hearing 1:15 19:25
`20:21 21:4,6,9,13
`21:20 22:6,12,13
`heart 6:3 15:21
`held 19:2,9
`holding 9:25
`Hon 1:17,18,19 3:5
`3:17,24 4:4,9,13
`7:6,25 8:8 9:2
`10:4 14:17 16:14
`19:10,17,22 20:6
`20:14 21:24 22:19
`22:25 23:8
`Honor 3:14 4:3,8
`5:7 7:14 8:1,17
`9:8 10:8 14:21
`19:15,20,21 20:2
`20:8 21:17 22:11
`Honors 3:21 10:17
`IEEE 13:23
`Illinois 2:6
`inadvertently 4:20
`inclined 20:13
`including 10:25
`information 6:2 7:3
`9:16 10:15 12:5
`12:24 14:7 18:21
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`initially 17:15
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`introducing 6:8
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`IPR2015-01410 1:6
`IPRs 11:18
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`9:19 15:4,7,17,18
`15:23 16:2,11,15
`18:13 19:3 20:21
`21:9,22,25 22:8
`issues 8:19 17:12
`items 12:19
`ITR 10:19,21
`J 1:17 3:5,17,24 4:4
`4:9,13 7:6,25 8:8
`9:2 10:4 14:17
`16:14 19:10,17,22
`20:6,14 21:24
`22:19,25 23:8
`Jeanese 1:24 24:2
`Johnson 1:24 24:2
`Judge 3:6,8,9
`July 21:5
`justify 17:16
`Kessler 2:10 3:22
`kind 14:24 18:8,10
`Kirkland 2:4 3:15
`know 5:12 9:9,17
`12:8,25 13:1 15:2
`15:14 17:18 18:12
`20:5 21:4
`knowledge 6:19
`LaSalle 2:5
`late 4:24 5:20 6:16
`10:1 16:9
`leaning 20:10
`let's 18:15
`libraries 11:6
`library 11:12,15,20
`12:11 18:3
`line 3:8,12 4:1
`litigation 11:17
`little 10:11
`LLP 2:4
`locate 11:12
`M 1:18 2:11
`Magna 1:8 3:23
`making 17:8
`March 11:20 18:18
`match 18:4
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 --
`Page 26
`matter 6:3 8:25
`19:24 20:1,17
`21:14 22:2
`matters 22:20
`mean 8:17 12:9
`17:2 19:1
`means 24:19
`meet 19:5
`minute 19:12
`moment 20:5
`morning 3:5,20 4:3
`motion 7:2 16:3
`motions 10:18
`N 2:1
`name 24:22
`nature 13:19
`need 5:11
`needed 6:22
`needs 22:14
`new 2:11 5:12 7:23
`8:15 9:19 16:25
`17:9,10,24 18:1
`18:12 20:24
`North 1:4 2:5
`note 15:4
`noted 23:10
`number 10:22
`NW 2:11
`o0o 3:1
`object 4:24,25
`objections 5:23
`10:23 12:21 14:8
`obligation 9:13
`occurs 22:1
`officer 24:21
`Oh 18:22
`okay 3:17 4:9,15
`7:6,25 8:8 9:2
`14:17 18:13 19:10
`19:14,17,22 20:6
`20:14 22:10,19

`omitted 4:21 5:14
`once 22:4
`opinion 13:23
`opportunity 6:10
`6:12,15 18:18
`opposing 15:9
`oral 19:25 20:10,13
`21:20 22:13
`original 18:14 19:3
`originally 18:5,24
`outset 6:18,23 9:15
`outstanding 11:8
`Owner 1:9 2:10
`3:19,23 4:6,24 5:3
`6:10 9:7 10:22
`11:21 13:7 14:10
`14:16,18 15:22
`16:22 20:3 21:18
`Owner's 12:2,20
`P 2:1,1
`page 7:15,18,21 8:4
`pages 8:9
`panel 14:20 19:12
`19:23 20:19,22
`21:10 22:8,12
`papers 20:11
`paragraph 7:22 8:3
`particular 10:24
`parties 19:11,18,25
`20:20 21:3,6,12
`21:19 22:5 24:12
`party 21:16 24:14
`passes 22:4,17
`patent 1:1,2,7,9
`2:10 3:7,18,22 4:6
`4:23 5:3 6:10 9:6
`10:22 11:21 12:2
`12:20 13:7,17
`15:22 16:22 20:3
`21:18 22:24
`Pause 19:16
`period 11:14
`permissible 5:18
`permitted 17:3
`petition 6:23 12:22
`13:3,9,11,21 14:2
`16:18 17:14 18:25
`Petitioner 1:6 2:4
`3:12 4:6 5:19,22
`6:17 7:8 9:9,13,23
`10:5 15:24 16:16
`16:24 17:3,7 20:7

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