`Extended 2.0 Protocol SMBtrans2
`Number of data bytes being sent in this buffer.
`Offset from the start of an SlVlB header to the data bytes.
`Byte displacement for these data bytes.
`Value = Oxffff. No FID in this request.
`Total bytes following including pad bytes.
`Data bytes (size = smb_dscnt).
`Re sponse Form at
`Value = 10.
`Value = 2.
`Value = 0. No data bytes.
`Reserved. Must be zero.
`Value = 2. Parameter bytes being returned.
`Offset from the start of an SlVlB header to the parameter bytes.
`Value = 0. Byte displacement for these parameter bytes.
`Total bytes following including pad bytes.
`The parameter block for the TRANSACT2_MKD1R function response is the
`mkdir—specific return information in the following form at:
`Nam e
`smb_param[0—1] mkdir_ofl%rror Offset into FEALIST data of first error
`occurred while
`extended attributes.
`X/Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 268 of 534
`Verizon Exhibit 1004

` Appendix A
`SIVIB Transmission Analysis
`This appendix describes the mapping between DOS and OS/2 system calls on an Sl\/[B
`redirector, and the associated SMB requests sent from the SIVIB redirector to an LMX server. The
`DOS SMB redirector is assumed to be using the core SMB protocols, and the OS/2 SIVIB
`redirector is assumed to be using the LAN Manager extended SIVIB protocols. While an OS/2
`Sl\/[B redirector will use core Sl\/[B requests to communicate with a core Ll\/IX server, and a DOS
`LAN Manager client will use extended SIVIB requests to communicate with an OS/2 server, these
`situations will not be considered here.
`The mappings given here do not com pletely describe the behaviour of all SMB redirectors; they
`do not take into account various optimisations which Sl\/[B redirectors may do which will result
`in behaviour which differs from that described here. In particular, the extended SMB protocol
`contains a number of facilities which allow a redirector to improve performance. These include:
`SIVIB chaining, opportunistic locking, caching and various specialised Sl\/[B requests, such as
`Read Block Multiplex, Write Block Multiplex, Read Block Raw and Write Block Raw. Redirectors
`which make use of these facilities may not behave exactly as described here.
`It should also be noted that the OS/2 SIVIB redirector and file system make extensive use of
`internal buffers and heuristics that make it difficult to determine an exact mapping between
`OS/2 API calls and SIVIB emissions. The listed API calls give an indication of which Sl\/lBs are
`sent when invoked, and where possible, an explanation is given regarding any special
`DOS and OS/2 system calls which are not listed here will not normally result in SIVIB requests
`being transmitted.
`Protocols for X/Open PC Interworking: SIVIB, Version 2
`Page 269 of 534

`DOS Functions
`SMB Transmission Analysis
`DOS Functions
`Function Number
`DOS Function
`Term inate Program m e
`Print Character
`Reset Disk
`Open File (FCB I/ O)
`Close File (FCB I/ O)
`Search For First Entry
`Search For Next Entry
`Delete File (FCB I/ O)
`Sequential Read (FCB I/O)
`Sequential Write (FCB I/ O)
`Create File (FCB I/ O)
`Renam e File (FCB I/O)
`Get Default Drive Data
`Get Drive Data
`Random Read (FCB I/ O)
`Random Write (FCB I/ O)
`Get File Size (FCB I/ O)
`Random Block Read (FCB I/ O)
`Random Block Write (FCB I/ O)
`Get Disk Free Space
`Create Directory
`Rem ove Directory
`Change Current Directory
`Create File Handle
`Open File Handle
`Close File Handle
`Read Via File Handle
`Write Via File Handle
`Delete Directory Entry
`Move File Pointer
`Set/Get File Attributes
`Load and Execute Program me/Load Overlay
`End Process
`Find First File
`Find Next File
`Change Directory Entry
`Set/Get Date/Time of File
`Create Temporary File Handle
`Create New File
`Unlock/Lock File
`Get Assign List Entry
`Flush Buffer
`Page 270 of 534
`X/ Open CAE Specification (1992)

`SMB Transmission Analysis
`DOS Functions
`Change Curre nt Dire ctory
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Change directory.
`Change Directory Entry
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Rename file.
`Close File (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Close file (FCB I/O).
`Close File Handle
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`S1VlBc1ose, SMBsp1close (printer device).
`Close file.
`Create Directory
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Make directory.
`Create File (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Create file.
`Create File Handle
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Create file.
`Protocols for X/ Open PC Interworking: SIVIB, Version 2
`Page 271 of 534

`DOS Functions
`SMB Transmission Analysis
`Create New File
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Create file.
`Delete Dire ctory Entry
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Delete file.
`Delete File (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Delete file (FCB I/O).
`End Proce ss
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Exit program in e.
`Find First File
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Find first matching filenam e.
`Find Next File
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Find next matching filenam e.
`Flush Buffe r
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Comm it file.
`X/ Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 272 of 534

`SMB Transmission Analysis
`DOS Functions
`Get Assign List Entry
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`S1VlBtcon, S1VlBtd1's.
`Redirect device, cancel redirection.
`Get De fault Drive Data
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Get data on the default drive.
`Get Disk Free Space
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Get free space on disk.
`Get Drive data
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Get data on a drive.
`Get File Size (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`File size in records.
`Load and Execute Programme /Load Overlay
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`SIVlBopen, S1VlBread, SIVlBc1ose.
`Load/execute program III e.
`Move File Pointer
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Set position in file.
`Protocols for X/ Open PC Interworking: SIVIB, Version 2
`Page 273 of 534

`DOS Functions
`SMB Transmiss1'on Analysis
`Open File (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`SIVlBopen (read/write/share set to Oxfl).
`Open file (FCB I/O).
`Ope n File Handle
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Print Charac te r
`SIVlBopen, SIVlBso1open (printer device).
`Open file.
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`S1VlBsp1open, SIVlBsp1wr, SIVlBsp1c1ose.
`Printer output.
`Random Block Re ad (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Random block read (FCB I/O).
`Random Block Write (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Random block write (FCB I/O).
`Random Re ad (FCB LO)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Random read (FCB I/O).
`Random Write (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Random write.
`X/ Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 274 of 534

`SMB Transmission Analysis
`DOS Functions
`Re ad Via File Handle
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Read file.
`Re In ove Dire ctory
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Rem ove directory.
`Rename File (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Re se t Disk
`Renam e file.
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Disk reset (flush file bufl°ers).
`Search For First Entry
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Search first matching entry.
`3 e arch For Ne xt Entry
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Search next matching entry.
`Se que ntial Re ad (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Sequential read (FCB I/O).
`Protocols for X/ Open PC Interworking: SIVIB, Version 2
`Page 275 of 534

`DOS Functions
`SMB Transmission Analysis
`Sequential Write (FCB I/O)
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Sequential write (FCB I/ O).
`Set/Get Date /Time of File
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`SIVlBsearch, SA/lBsetatr.
`Get/set file date and time.
`S e t/Get File Attribute s
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Change file attributes.
`Te rm inate Program m e
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`Program III e term inate.
`Unlock/Lock File
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`SMB1ock, SIVlBun1ock.
`Lock/Unlock file.
`Write Via File Handle
`Function number
`SIVIB sent
`SIVlBwr1'te, SA/lBsp1Wr (printer device).
`Write file.
`X/ Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 276 of 534

`SIVIB Transmission Analysis
`O82 Functions
`OS/Z Functions
`The SMB requests generated from OS/2 redirectors will vary based on the protocol dialect
`negotiated. This variation is highlighted in the sequences below by listing the SMB request that
`will be sent if the extended 1.0 dialect was negotiated first followed by the SMB request for the
`extended 2.0 dialect.
`DosBufRe se t
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`DosDe le te
`SIVIB sent
`DosDe VIO Ctl
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`Flush file buffer.
`Change the current working directory.
`SIVlBc1ose, SIVlBwr1'tec1ose, SIVlBWrite.
`Close F]D.
`If the file I/ O is buffered, a DosClose will cause the data in the buffers to
`be flushed. This type of situation may cause an SIVlBwritec1ose or
`SIVlBwrite to be sent.
`Delete a file.
`SIVlB1'oct1, SIVlBioct1s.
`Pass a device—specific I/ O control request to a driver.
`SIVlBopen, SIVlBread, SIVlBc1ose. SIVlBtrans2('IRANSACT2_OPEN) may be
`used for the open function instead of SIVlBopen for the extended 2.0
`Start a programme as a child process.
`DosExecPgm makes use of OS/2’s standard file I/O functions.
`DosFile Locks
`SIVIB sent
`SIVlB1ock SIVlB1ock1'ngX, SIVlBlockread, SIVlBun1ock, SIVlBWr1'teun1ock.
`Set or reset a byte lock range in an open file.
`An SIVlBwriteunlock is sent after unlocking bytes which were just written
`out. SIVlB1ockread is used to lock and then read ahead.
`Protocols for X/ Open PC Interworkingz SIVIB, Version 2
`Page 277 of 534

`O82 Functions
`SIVIB Transmission Analysis
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`DosFindNe xt
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`SIVIB sent
`DosOpe n
`SIVIB sent
`SIVlB1cl0se and possibly SIVlBfindnc10se.
`If change notification was
`Close an active directory search handle.
`involved, the SIVlBfindnc10se will be sent to cancel further notifications.
`SIVlBfl‘lrst or SIVlBtrans2('IRANSA CT2_F1NDF1RS'1) .
`Find the first file in a directory matching the search pattern.
`SIVlBtrans2('IRANSACT2_F1NDF1RS'1). An SIVlBfindc10se may follow.
`If no
`Find the first file in a directory matching the search pattern.
`additional searchs are desired the SA/lBfindc10se will be used to allow the
`server to free resources associated with the find.
`SIVlBfl‘lrst or SIVlBtrans2('IRANSA CT2_F1NDNEX'D .
`Get the next file from the search pattern.
`If this function is used on a sufficiently large directory it will eventually
`send an S1VlBfind request.
`To indicate to the LMX server that directory search requests are complete.
`SIVlBn1kd1'r SIVlBtrans2('IRANSACT2_IV1KD1R) .
`Create a new directory.
`SIVlBn1 V.
`Rename or move a file.
`SIVlB0penX, SIVlB0pen, SIVlBcreate, SIVlBreadX or
`SIVlBtrans2('IRANSACT2_ OPEN) .
`Open a device/file for I/O.
`D0sOpen may send an SIVlBreadX read ahead. D0sOpen will send an
`SIVlB0penX instead of an SA/lB0pen when in protected mode. SIVlB0pen has
`no capabilities for creating a file when opening, so D0sOpen may send an
`Page 278 of 534
`X/Open CAE Specification (1992)

`SMB Transmission Analysis
`O82 Functions
`SIVIB sent
`DosQFS Info
`SIVIB sent
`DosQFile Info
`SIVIB sent
`DosQFile Mode
`SIVIB sent
`DosRe ad
`SIVIB sent
`DosRe adAsync
`SIVIB sent
`Determine the current directory of a logical drive.
`SIVlBdskattr or SIVlBtrans2('IRANSACT2_QFS1NFO).
`Retrieve file system information data.
`SIVlBgeta ttrE or SIVlBtrans2('IRANSACT2_QF1LE1NFO).
`Retrieve a file information record.
`SIVlBgeta tr.
`Get a file’s attribute byte.
`SIVlBread, SIVlBrea dX, S1VlBreadbraW, S1VlBreadbmpX.
`Read characters from an F]D.
`SIVlBreadbrawis used to send a block of data which is larger than the data
`size which was negotiated.
`SIVlBread, SIVlBrea dX, S1VlBreadbraW, S1VlBreadbmpX.
`Read characters from an F]D asynchronously.
`Same behaviour as DosRead.
`DosRm Dir
`SIVIB sent
`Delete a subdirectory.
`DosSe tFile Info
`SIVIB sent
`Change a file’s directory information.
`Protocols for X/ Open PC Interworkingz SNIB, Version 2
`Page 279 of 534

`OS£ Functions
`SMB Transmission Analysis
`DosS e tFile Mode
`SIVIB sent
`SIVlBseta tr.
`SIVIB sent
`DosWrite Async
`SIVIB sent
`Change a fi1e’s attribute.
`SIVlBwrite, SIVlBwriteX, SIVlBwritebraw, SIVlBwritebmpX.
`Write characters to an F]D.
`SIVlBWr1'tebrawis used to send a block of data which is larger than the data
`size which was negotiated.
`SIVlBwrite, SIVlBWriteX, SIVlBwritebraw, SIVlBwritebmpX.
`Write characters to an F]D asynchronously.
`Same behaviour as DosWn'te.
`X/Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 280 of 534


`Remote API Protocol
`LAN I\/Ianager Remote Administration Protocol
`Remote API Protocol
`1. All remote API operations are done using the share name IPC$. The Sl\/[B redirector will
`automatically connect to that share if necessary in order to do a remote API call.
`2. All remote API operations are done using the Transaction SMB SMBtrans.
`3. The smb_name field of the Transaction SMB is always \PIPE\LANMAN. The server uses
`this to identify a remote API request. The SIVIB resembles a normal named pipe operation,
`which is also done using a Transaction SMB. However, the smb_setup[0] field, which
`would norm ally contain
`the desired named pipe operation,
`\PIPE\LANMAN name field is suificient to identify a remote API operation.
`The arguments for the remote API call are encapsulated in the Transaction request SMB; return
`values are encapsulated in the Transaction response SMB. In both the request and the response,
`all binary values are stored in little—endian order, least significant byte first. There are no pad
`bytes other than those explicitly specified in descriptor strings; therefore, items may be located
`at an arbitrary byte boundary — there are no alignment restrictions.
`The request and response Transaction SlVlBs contain a parameter section and a data section. The
`arguments for a remote API call are split into two parts, and placed in these sections of the
`request Transaction. The Transaction response message contains the results of the call, split
`between the parameter and data sections of the Transaction response. A number of fields in the
`Transaction Sl\/[B identify the size and location of these sections within the Sl\/IB, and also allow a
`single Transaction request or response to be split into several messages (refer to X/ Open CAE
`Specification, IPC Mechanisms for Sl\/IB).
`X/Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 282 of 534

`LAN A/Ianager Remote Administration Protocol
`LMX Access Control Lists Mapping
`LMX Access Control Lists Mapping
`Access control lists (ACLs) are used by LMX servers running in user—level security mode.
`Though the implementation of ACLs is outside the scope of the specification the following list is
`a set of possible access permissions, which is used by LAN Manager implementations.
`User—level security allows access permissions to be set for each shared resource (for example, file
`system subtree, individual file, spooler, device, etc.). Each shared resource has a list of users and
`groups, with the permissions allowed for each user or group on that resource.
`_ ACL Permissions
`W write
`change attributes
`change permissions
`Permission to read data from a resource and, by
`default, execute the resource.
`Permission to write data to the resource.
`Permission to execute the resource.
`Permission to create an instance of the resource
`(for example, a file); data can be written to the
`resource when creating it.
`Permission to delete the resource.
`Permission to modify the resources attributes
`(for example, the date and time a file was last
`Permission to modify the permissions (read,
`write, create, execute and delete) assigned to a
`resource for a user, group or application.
`deny access
`allow spuul rf.'E]l1E?’SI‘>'
`No permissions.
`Since the X/ Open CAE does not provide an access control list (ACL) mechanism, the usual CAE
`access control mechanisms should be used instead. Following the principle of least surprise, a
`mapping is defined for access mechanisms which cannot easily be provided under CAE systems.
`The CAE access control mechanisms are used to permit interoperability for applications which
`reside on both PCs and on CAE hosts.
`A mapping from (SMB) U]D and username/password supplied by the client to CAE User ID
`(uid) and Group ]D(s) (gid) is established by the SIVlBsesssetupX and will be maintained by the
`LMX server. The mapped—to CAE User ID and one or more Group ]Ds are used for all accesses
`on the CAE system in the usual manner.
`The differences between the functionality provided by ACLs and the access control mechanisms
`for LMX servers described above include:
`1. ACL permissions apply to shared resources. This includes file system directories as well as
`individual files. CAE permissions apply to individual files and directories but are not
`extended to subtrees.
`2. For each resource, ACL permissions can be listed for any number of individual users, for
`any number of groups, and for anyone else. A CAE file or directory specifies permissions
`for the owner, one group and everyone else.
`Protocols for X/Open PC Interworking: SIVIB, Version 2
`Page 283 of 534

`LMX Access Control Lists A/lapping
`LAN A/Ianager Remote Administration Protocol
`The following table shows the mapping between the ACL permissions and CAE permissions:
`SMB Permissions
`W write
`change attributes
`change permissions
`deny access
`allow spool requests
`Equivalent CAE Permission
`w write
`read (Note 1)
`w write on parent dir
`w write on parent dir
`not supportable
`(Note 2)
`no permissions (Note 3)
`not supportable
`Note s:
`1. Execute permission for LMX servers requires only read permission, as the client
`need only be able to read the file before it can execute it.
`2. Not an assignable access right. The owner of a file and users with appropriate
`privileges always have P access and cannot relinquish it; no other user can
`acquire P access.
`3. Not a specific right, but the absence of rights. Note that the privileged user
`always has all rights and can relinquish none of them.
`ACLs could be partially implemented for LMX servers by placing the required checks into the
`LMX server itself. The list would be used to further restrict (but not grant) access to files and
`directories beyond the restrictions imposed by the usual CAE access control mechanisms. A
`client may have access to a resource only if it does not conflict with CAE permissions and if it is
`specified in the ACL. There may be cases where the ACL indicates that a user should have
`access, but the CAE security would have to be circumvented to honour it. The access will be
`denied in accordance with the CAE in these cases. This permits access security to be maintained
`on both the server and client system equivalently; if a user local on the CAE system is denied
`access, access should be denied for the user on a client system as well.
`X/Open—compliant system implementations which support native ACLs as an enhancement
`may use that mechanism instead of the normal CAE access control mechanisms if desired, as
`long as the ACLs do not grant permission where the expected CAE access mechanisms would
`have denied it.
`X/Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 284 of 534

`LAN A/Ianager Remote Administration Protocol
`Transaction API Request Format
`Transaction API Re quest Form at
`Paramete r Section
`The parameter section (smb_param) of the Transaction request contains the following:
`o API number: 16-bit integer
`- parameter descriptor string: null—terminated ASCII string
`o data descriptor string: null—terminated ASCII string
`o parms: subroutine arguments, as described by the parameter descriptor string
`- auxiliary data descriptor string: optional null—terminated ASCII string
`The API number identifies which API routine the SMB redirector wishes the LMX server to call
`on its behalf. A list of API numbers is given in Section B.8 on page 275.
`The parameter descriptor string describes the types of the arguments in the data section
`(smb_data), as given in the original call to the routine on the SMB redirector.
`The data descriptor string describes the form at of a data structure, or data buffer, which is sent
`to the API routine. The API routine on the SMB redirector is normally given a pointer to this
`buffer. Note that this descriptor string is also used by the server to determine the form at of the
`data buffer to be sent back from the API call.
`The parms field contains the actual subroutine arguments, as described by the parameter
`descriptor string.
`The auxiliary data descriptor string describes the format of a second, auxiliary data structure
`which is either sent to or received from the API routine, in addition to that defined by the data
`descriptor string. The data described by this descriptor string is located in the data section
`(smb_data) of SIVlBtrans,
`immediately following the data described by the primary data
`B.4.2 Data Section
`The data section (smb_data) of the SIVlBtrans request contains the following:
`o the primary data buffer, as described by the data descriptor string in the parameter section
`- the auxiliary data buffer (optional), as described by the auxiliary data descriptor in the
`param eter section
`Protocols for X/Open PC Interworking: SMB, Version 2
`Page 285 of 534

`Transaction API Response Format
`LAN A/Ianager Remote Administration Protocol
`Transaction API Response Form at
`Parameter Section
`The parameter section (smb_param) of the S1VlBtrans response contains the following:
`- Status: a 16-bit integer. This is the return status as if the requested LAN Manager API routine
`would be executed on the responder’s system. Zero norm ally indicates success.
`- Converter word: 16-bit integer, used by the requestor’s system to adjust the pointer in the
`data section. The use of this field is described below.
`o Parms: return parameters, as described by the parameter descriptor string in the request
`message. Only those parameters which are identified in the parameter descriptor string as
`being receive pointers (that is, which will be modified by the server) are actually returned
`B.5.2 Data Section
`The data section (smb_data) of the S1VlBtrans request contains:
`- the primary returned data bufl°er, as described by the data descriptor in the request message
`- the auxiliary data bufi°er (optional), as described by the auxiliary data descriptor in the
`request message
`X/Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 286 of 534

`LAN Manager Remote Administration Protocol
`Descriptor Strings
`Descriptor Strings
`A descriptor string is a null—terminated ASCII string. Descriptor string elements consist of a
`letter describing the type of the argument, possibly followed by a number
`(in ASCII
`representation), specifying the size of the argument. Each item in the descriptor string describes
`one data element.
`De scrlptor String Type s
`The following describes the characters which may be encountered in a descriptor string, and the
`form at of the corresponding data described by the descriptor string.
`If followed by one or more digits (that is, B13) this refers to an array of bytes. One or more
`bytes will be located in the corresponding data area. Note that this type will not be found in
`the parameter descriptor string (that
`it will not be used to describe subroutine
`arguments), since single bytes cannot be pushed onto the stack by the SMB redirector.
`W 16-bit integer
`If followed by one or more numbers (that is, W4) this refers to an array of 16-bit integers.
`One or more 16-bit integers will be located in the corresponding parameter or data area.
`D 32-bit integer
`If followed by one or more numbers (that is, D3) this refers to an array of 32-bit integers.
`One or more 32-bit integers will be located in the corresponding parameter or data area.
`Null—terminated ASCII string
`The corresponding parameter or data area contains a null—terminated ASCII string. This
`type has a different meaning when applied to returned data. (See below.)
`Byte pointer
`The original argument list or data structure contained a pointer to one (that is, b) or more
`(that is, b8) bytes at this position. The bytes themselves are located in the corresponding
`parameter or data area. This type has a different meaning when applied to returned data.
`(See below.)
`w Word pointer
`The original argument list or data structure contained a pointer to one (that is, w) or more
`(that is, w2) 16-bit integers at this position. The integers themselves are located in the
`corresponding parameter or data area. This type has a different meaning when applied to
`returned data. (See below.)
`(:1 Dword pointer
`The original argument list or data structure contained a pointer to one (that is, cl) or more
`(that is, d3) 32-bit integers at this position. The integers themselves are located in the
`corresponding parameter or data area. This type has a different meaning when applied to
`returned data. (See below.)
`Receive byte pointer
`The original argument list contained a pointer to one (that is, g) or more (that is, g8) bytes at
`this position, which are to receive return values from the API call. The Transaction request
`contains nothing at this position in the corresponding parameter or data area; the response
`message contains data.
`Protocols for X/Open PC Interworking: SMB, Version 2
`Page 287 of 534

`Descriptor Strings
`LAN A/Ianager Remote Administration Protocol
`Receive word pointer
`Contains data in the parameter section. The original argument list contained a pointer to
`one (that is, h) or more (that is, h2) 16-bit integers at this position, which are to receive
`return values from the API call. The Transaction request contains nothing at this position in
`the corresponding parameter or data area; the response message contains data in the
`param eter section.
`Receive dword pointer
`The original argument list contained a pointer to one (that is, i) or more (that is, i3) 32-bit
`integers at
`this position, which are to receive return values from the API call. The
`Transaction request contains nothing at this position in the corresponding parameter or data
`area; the response message contains data in the parameter section.
`0 Null pointer
`The original argument list or data structure contained a null pointer at this position. There
`is nothing stored at this position in the corresponding parms or data area.
`Send data buffer pointer
`The original argument list contained a pointer at this position to a data structure containing
`more data arguments to the API call. This item appears only in a parameter descriptor
`string. The form at of the secondary data structure is described in the data descriptor string
`(contained in the parameter section of the Transaction request message). The data itself is
`contained in the data section of the Transaction request message.
`Length of send buffer
`The original argument list contained a 16-bit integer argument at this position which
`specified the length of the send buffer. This item appears only in a parameter descriptor
`string. No value is placed in the corresponding parameter area.
`Receive data buffer pointer
`The original argument list contained a pointer at this position to a data structure which was
`to be filled in by the API call. This item appears only in a parameter descriptor string. The
`form at of the secondary data structure is described in the data descriptor string (contained
`in the parameter section of the Transaction request message). The data itself is contained in
`the data section of the Transaction response message.
`Length of receive buffer
`The original argument list contained a 16-bit integer argument at this position which
`specified the length of the receive buffer. This item appears only in a parameter descriptor
`string. The corresponding parameter area contains a 16-bit integer specifying the length of
`the receive buffer.
`Param eter num ber
`The corresponding parameter or data area contains a 16-bit short integer.
`Entries read
`The original argument list contained a pointer to a 16-bit integer at this position, which is to
`receive the number of entries returned by the API call in the receive buifer. The Transaction
`request contains nothing at this position in the corresponding parameter or data area; the
`response message contains the numbers of entries returned in the receive data buifer.
`X/Open CAE Specification (1992)
`Page 288 of 534

`LAN Manager Remote Administration Protocol
`Descriptor Strings
`N Number of auxiliary structures
`This field is only found in data descriptor strings. The presence of the field indicates that
`there will be auxiliary data sent (if found in a send data descriptor string), or received (if
`found in a receive data descriptor string). The corresponding data block contains a 16-bit
`integer specifying the number of auxiliary data structures to be sent (for a send data buffer),
`or which have been received (for a receive data buffer).
`K Unstructured data block
`This will norm ally be the only item in a descriptor string.
`The corresponding data area contains one (that is, F) or more (that is, F3) fill bytes at this
`Pointe r Type s and Re turne d Data
`Lower—case letters are considered pointer types. These pointer types 2, b, w and d have a
`different meaning if they are used to describe returned information.
`In this case the pointers
`occur in a data descriptor string or auxiliary data descriptor string and describe data to be
`returned in the data section (smb_data) of the S1VlBtrans response message. In this case the item
`referred to by the pointer is not the array or string itself, but a 32-bit integer. The high—order 16-
`bits are to be ignored and the low—order 16—bits contain an offset. The offset subtracted by the
`converter word points to the array or string within the returned data buffer itself.
`The data descriptor describes one instance of the returned data structure. The response buffer
`may contain several of these data structures, each of which is a fixed size. Together, these make
`up the fixed—length portion of the returned data area. The returned data buffer may also contain
`data pointed to by the various pointer types described above. This data may contain strings, and
`is likely to be of variable length. The fixed—length data is always placed at the beginning of the
`returned data buffer; the placement of the variable—length data is up to the server.
`The responder must place variable—length data at the end of the data buffer and set the pointers
`accordingly. Since the total length of the data buffer is only known at the end of processing,
`there may be a gap between the fixed—length data and the variable—length data. To avoid
`sending this gap accross the network the responder may posi

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