For Distribution Only With a New PC
`Page 1 of 290
`Cisco-- Exhibit 1003


`fiicrcsofig Windaws NT" Server
`Version 3.5
`Microsoft Corporafion
`Page 2 of 290
`Cisco —— Exhibit 1003


`Information in this document is subjod to change without notice. Companies, names. and data use:
`cxamplm harem are fictitious unless otherwise noted, No part of this documwt may be reproduced
`transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical. for any purpose. without the
`expm written permission of Microsofi Corporation.
`9 $854994 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
`Microsoft, MSt MS-DOS, Msx. and Witt-32 are registerod trademarks and Windows and Window:
`are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA. and other counuics.
`Apple, AppleTatL and Macintosh are rogistcmd trademarks of Apple Computer» lnc.
`CompuSem: is a registcrod trademark of CompuSerch lnc~
`Open VMS is a registered trademark and DEC and DECnct are trademarks ot’ Digital Equipment
`HP is a registcred trademark of HewlettvPaclutJd Company.
`IBM is a registered Inclement of lntomau‘onal Buiness Mankind Corporation.
`Lam and Lotto Notes an: registered tradcmarks of bolus Dcvclopmcnt Corporation
`Novctl and Neth are regisurod trademark: of Novell. Inc.
`NT '5 a trademark of Nonhem Telecom Limited in the USA. and other comma.
`PostScript is a regiotcrod tradcmark of Adobc Systems, Inc,
`Sun is a regislcred trademark of Sun Microsystcms. Incorporated.
`UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratoria.
`Page 3 of 290
`Ctsoo—- Exhibit 1003


`Welcome ........................................................... xl
`What’s New in This Release? ......................................... xii
`How to USE This Manual ........................................... xiii
`Finding More lnformatlon ............................................ xv
`Gnome” Growers oE EEEloroooEE EC PAP EW WEnooW3 EET , ........ ,
`, ...... E
`. . ‘2
`What Does Microsoft TCPflP Include? ................................... 3
`Windows NT Solutions in TCP/EP lntemeiworks ........................... 7
`Using TCP/lP {or Scalability in Windows Newerks ...................... 7
`Using TCPIIIP for Connectivity lo the lntemct ........................... 8
`TCPflP for Heterogeneous Networking .............................. 10
`installing and Configuring chrosofl
`Chapter 2
`TCPIIP and SNMP .................................................... 15
`Before Installing Microsoft TCPilP .............................. E
`, 16
`lnstalling "PCP/1P .................................................... 17
`Configuring TCP/EP .................................................. 20
`Using DHCP .................................................... 20
`ConfiguongTCPflPtoUsoDNS._ .............
`lllll 25
`Configuring Advancocl TCP/EP Options .................................. 27
`Configuring SNMP ................................................. 30
`Configuring SNMP Security ....................................... 32
`Configuring SNMP Agent lntormulton ................................ 34
`Removing ”YEP/1P Components ........................................ 35
`Configuring RAS for Use wilh TCP/IP .................................. 36
`Chapters Networlu‘ng Concepts for TCPIEP .............................. 37
`TCF/IP and Windows NT Networking................................... 38
`lnternet Protocol Suite ................................................ 39
`Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol ................... 39
`User Datagrarn Protocol ........................................... 40
`Address Rmolutlon Protocol and lnternct Control Message Protocol ........ 40
`Page 4 of 990
`Cisoo-- Exhibit 1003


`. 41
`lP Addressing .................................................. .
`IP Addresses .................................................... 41
`Network [D and Host lD .................................... 42
`Subnet Masks .............................................. 43
`Routing and i? Gateways.......................................... 44
`Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ............................... 46
`Name leution for Windows Networking.............................. 48
`NetBlOS over TCP/IP and Name Resolution ........................... 50
`B»Node ..................................................... 51
`P-Node ...................................................... 51
`M-Node ...................................................... 52
`H—Node ..................................................... 52
`B-Node with LMHOSTS and Combinations ........................ 52
`Windows lnternet Name Service and BroadcastName Resolution. .
`i ,i .
`i 53
`WINS in a Rooted Enviromnent .................................. 53
`WINS Name Registration ...................................... 58
`WINS Name Release ......................................... 58
`WINS Name Renewal ......................................... 59
`lP Addressing for RAS............................................
`Name Resolution with Host Files ................................... 61
`DomainNameSystemAdclressing....,.,...i..i...i....‘. ........... 62
`SNMP ............................................................ 65
`Installing and Configuring Dl-lCP Servers ....................... 6?
`Overview of DHCP Clients and Servers ................................. (38
`installing DHCP Servers ............................................. 69
`Using DHCP Manager ..........................................
`. 70
`Defining DHCP Scopes .............................................. 7
`Creating Scopes .................................................. 73
`Changing Scope Properties ......................................... 75
`Removing 2 Scope ................................................ 75
`Configuiing DHCP Options ........................................... 75
`Assigning DHCP Configuration Options .............................. 7
`Creating New DHCP Options ....................................... 78
`Changing DHCP Option Values ..................................... 80
`Defining Options for Roccrvations ................................... 81
`Predefined DHCP Client Configuration Options ........................ 82
`Administering DHCP Clients .......................................... '87
`Managing Client Leases.................................... . ...... 88
`Managing Client Reservations....................................... 89
`Page 5 of 290
`Cisco -- Exhibit 1003


`Conant: v
`Managing the DHCP Database Files .................................... 91
`Troubleshooting DHCP .............. . ................................ 92
`Restoring the DHCP Database: ..................................... 93
`Backing up the DHCP Database onto Another Computer ............... 93
`Advanced Configuration Parameters for DHCP ........................ 94
`Registry Parameters DHCP Servers ................................ 95
`Registry Parameters for DHCP Clients ............................ 97
`Guidelines for Setting Local Felicia ................................... 97
`Guidelines for Managing DHCP Addressing Policy .................... 97
`Dynamic Allocation of IP Addresses .............................. 97
`Manual Allocation of i? Addresses ................................ 99
`Guidelines for Lease Options ....................................... 99
`Guidelines for Partitioning the Addross Pool ......................... 100
`Guidelines for Avoiding DNS Naming Conflicts ....................... 100
`Using DHCP with Diskloss Workstations ..................
`Planning a Strategy for DHCP ...................................
`Planning a Small—Scal6 Strategy for DHCP Servers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 102
`Planning a LargeSm]c Strategy for DHCP Servers .................... 303
`installing and Configuring Wills Servers ...................... its
`Chapter 5
`WINS Benefits ............... t .............................. . ..... 306
`installing WINS Servers ......................................... ,
`Administering WINS Servers ......................................... it)?
`Coufiguring WINS Servers and Replication Partners ................... t
`1 i2
`Configuring WINS Servers ........................................ 113
`Configuring Replication Partners ................................... lié
`Configuring Replication Partner Properties ........................ 118
`Triggering Replication Between Partners ......................... lZO
`Adding Static Mappings .......................................... 122
`Editing Static Mappings .......................................... 124
`Filtering the Range of Mappings .................................... 125
`Managing Special Names ......................................... 126
`Normal Group Names ......................................... i26
`Multihornod Names .................. . ........................ 126
`lnternet Group Names ......................................... £26
`How WINS Handles Special Namfi ............................. 127
`Page 6 of 290
`Clsco—— Exhibit 1003


`Managing the WINS Database ......................................
`Scavenging the Database ........................................ 132
`Viewing the WINS Database .................................. 134
`Backing Up the Database........................................ 136
`,. 137
`Basic WINS Trouhidthooting .............................. at _
`1 137
`Restoring or Moving the WINS Database ............................ 139
`Restoring a WINS Database .................................... 139
`Restarting and Rebuilding a Down WlNS Server
`. 139
`Moving the WINS Database .................................... 140
`Advanced Configuration Parameters for WlNS ......................... 141
`._ 143
`., _,_.1 .
`Registry Parameters for Replication Partners. .
`Parameters for Push Partners ............................... 143
`Planning a Strategy for WINS Servers ................................. 145
`Planning for Server Performance ................................... 145
`Planning Replication Partners and Proxies ............................ 145
`Planning Replication Frequency Between Hubs ........................ I46
`CW6 Setting Up UAHOSTS ...................................... 147
`Editing the LMHOSTS File .................... a .................... 148
`Rules for LMHOSTS ............................................. 148
`Guidelines for LMHOSTS ................................... 130
`Using 1MHOS'1‘S with Dynamic Name Resolution
`Specifying Remote Servers in LMHOSTS ........................... 151
`Designating Domain Controllers Using #DOM .................... 153
`Using Centralized LMHOSTS Files .............................. 155
`Chapter 7 Using the Microsoft FTP Server Sen/lee ....................... 15‘!
`Installing the FTP Server Service ....................................
`Configuring the FTP Server Service .................................... 159
`Administering the FTP Server Service .................................. 163
`Using FTP Commands at the Command Prompt ....................... 164
`Managing Users ................................................. 164
`Controlling the FTP Server and User Access .......................... 165
`Annotating Directories ............................................ 165
`Page 7 of 290
`Cisco—— Exhibit 1003


` Contents v11
`Changing Directory Listing Format ................................. 166
`Customizing Gmeting and Exit Messages ............................ 166
`Logging FTP Connections ........................................ 166
`Advanced ConfiguratiOn Parameters for Fl? Server Service ................ 167
`Chapter 8 Using Perlormance Monitor with TCPAP Services ............. 171
`Using Performance Monitor with ”PCP/1P .............................. 172
`Monitoring TCP/‘lP Pbr’formanoc ...................................... 173
`ICMP Performance Counters....................................... 173
`11’ Performance Counters ......................................... 175
`Network interface Performance Conn‘rsrs for TCPfiP ................... 377
`TC? Porformanoe Counters ....................................... 179
`UDP Performance Counters .....................................
`Monitoring FTP Server Traffic ........................................ 180
`Monitoring WlNS Server Performance ................................. 182
`Chapter 9
`tntlemetwork Prlntlng with TCPIlP ............................ 183
`Overflow of ’l‘CPflP Printing ......................................... 184
`Setting Up Windows NT For TCP/l P Printing ............................ 185
`Creating a Printer for TCP/lP Printing .................................. 185
`Printing to Windows NT from UNIX Clients ............................ 189
`Chapter 10 Troufleehootlng TCPllP ................................... 191
`Troubleshooting 1P Configuration ..................................... 192
`Troubleshooting Name Resolutiou Problems .......................... 193
`Name Resolution Problems in HOSTS ............................ 193
`NameRes—olntjonf’roblcmsmLMJ'IQSTS...,......,.......V..H_. 193
`Troubleshooting Otber Connection Problems .......................... 193
`Troubleshooting Otber Problems ...................................... 195
`Troubleshooting the FTP Server Service ...........‘ .................. 1 95
`Troubleshooting Telnet ........................................... 196
`TroublthootingG‘ateways‘....t....1...,..............._..41.._..A 196
`Troubleshooring TCP/IP Databnsc F11o: ................................ 197
`Page 8 of 790
`Cisco -- Exhibit 1003


`Chapter 11 militia 9m........................................ 199
`arp .............................................................. 200
`finger ............................................................ 201
`fip ...... . ....... . ................................................ 201
`hosmame ......................................................... 204
`ipconfig................................................... r ........ 205
`lpq ....................... . ....................................... 206
`lpr ........................................................... 206
`nbtstat ............................................................ 207
`netsiat ..... . .................................................. 209
`ping ........................................................... 210
`rap ............................................................... 212
`rcxoc ............................................................ 215
`mute ............................................................ 216
`rsh ............................................................... 217
`tolnct .................................................. . ......... 218
`(ftp.............................................................. 219
`traccrt ............................................................ 220
`Appendix A MIB Obiect Typa for Mndom NT .......................... 223
`LAN Manager MIB II for Windows NT Objme. ......................... 224
`Common Group ................................................ 224
`Server Group .................................................. 225
`Workstation Group ............................................... 228
`Domain Group ................................................. 228
`Microsoft DHCP Objects ............................................ 229
`BBC? MIB Parameters ................................ , .......... 229
`DHCP Scope Group .............................................. 229
`Microsoft WINS Objects................. _ ........................... 230
`WINS Parameters........................................ . ...... 230
`WINS Datafim Group ........................................... 232
`WlNS Pull Group ........................................ r ...... 232
`WINS Push Group .............................................. 233
`WINS Cmd Group ............................................... 234
`Page 9 of 290
`Cisoo-- Exhibit 1003


`Appendix B Wlndom 30cm Applications ........................... 237
`Vendors ..................................................... 237
`Internet Sources for Appiications ............................... 241
`Gbssary ............................................................................ 245
`Me: ............................................................................... 253
`Page 10 of 290
`01500 —— Exhibit 1003


`Cisco —- Exhibit 1003


`Welcome i0 Microsofio T‘CP/l? for Windows NW4
`Transmission Coniroi Protocol/imam: Prolocol ('l‘CPfl ?) is a networking proroool
`lime ram"rip-I: mmmunir‘nhnn Ahrnoc xntarr‘AnnnMn-fl nni‘ulhrlr: nus manila}
`AnuL yivv 1% WA “a nu: WM“; a» V.» n av van raw-«iv» li‘vAYurn.
`Microsoft Windows NT Server TCP/IP‘ describes how ro install, configure, and
`troubleshoot Microsofi TCP/l? on a computer running the Microsofi Windows NT
`Workstation or Windows NT Server Operating system. ii also provides a reference
`for the TCP/IP utilities and information about how to install and use rhe other
`TCP/iP services such as the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server service TCP/ll’
`printing, and Simole Network Managemen! Protozol (SW3), plus size sofiware to
`support new dynamic configuration and name resoiuiion services,
`This manual assumes lhai you are familiar with the Microsoft Windows NT
`operaiing system. if you are not familiar with this product, refer to your
`Microsoft Windows NT documenraiion set.
`This introduciion provides the following basic informarion:
`I What’s new in this release
`I How in use this manual
`- Document OOnVenllOns
`I Finding more information
`Page 12 of290
`Cisoo —— Exhibit 1003


`What’s New in This Release?
`ln this new version of Windows NT, TCP/IP capabilities have been expanded to
`include automatic TCP/IP configuration and powerful name resolution capabilities
`through the addition of new protocols and supporting administrative tools. New
`TCP/IP utilities plus the addition of performance counters for TCP/IP and related
`services will also help make administrative tasks easier. New elements include the
`I Enhanced speed and performance
`I Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
`Microsoft TCP/IP supports automatic TCP/IP configuration through the new
`DHCP service. When DHCP servers are installed on the network, users can take
`advantage of dynamic IP address allocation and management.
`I Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
`Microsoft TCP/IP provides a powerful, new name resolution service for easy,
`centralized management of computer name-to-IP address resolution in medium
`and large internetworks.
`I New TCP/IP utilities and commands
`This version includes a new Windows-based Telnet accessory for connecting to
`remote systems. The utilities provided with Microsoft TCP/IP have been
`expanded to include ipconfig for displaying current TCP/IP network
`configuration values, tracert for determining the route taken to a destination,
`lpq for showing print queue status for TCP/IP printing, and lpr for printing a
`file in TCP/IP printing.
`I Performance counters
`You can use Performance Monitor to track performance of the IP protocols, FTP
`Server service traffic, and WINS servers. You can also use SNMP to monitor
`and manage WINS and DHCP servers.
`I Multiple default gateways
`You can configure multiple default gateways for Windows NT computers. This
`ensures maximum reliability in networks that offer redundant routes.
`I TCP/IP printing
`With TCP/IP printing installed on a single Windows NT computer on the
`network, other Windows networking computers can print to a direct-connect
`TCP/IP printer or a UNIXo-connected printer, without any special client
`Page 13 of 290
`Cisco —- Exhibit 1003


`Welcome xiii
`How to Use This Manual
`This rnanuai curtains the filming chapters and appendix:
`Chapter 1, “Overview of Mierosofi TCP/il’ for Windows NT”
`Describes the elements that make up Microsoft TQM? and provides an
`overview of how you can use Microsoft TCP/IP to support various networking
`Chapter 2, “installing and Configuring Microsoft TCE/tl’ and SNMP"
`Describe; the process for installing and, configuring Microsoft TCP/lP, SNMP,
`and Remote Access Servim (RAS) with TCP/iP on a computer running
`Windows NT.
`Chapter 3, “Networking Concepts for TC'F/"tt’"
`Presents trey TCP/lP networking concepts for network administrators interested
`in a technical discussion or" the elements that make up Mierosofi TCPflP.
`Chapter 4, “installing and Configuring DHC? Servers”
`Presents the procedures and strategies for setting up servers to support the
`Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for Windows networks
`Chapter 5, “insta’iiing and Configuring WENS Servers"
`Presents the procedures and strategies for setting up Windows internal Name
`Service servers.
`Chapter 6, “Setting Up LMHOSTS"
`Provides guideline: and tips for using LMHOSTS files for name resolution on
`Chapter 7, “Using the Microsoft Fl? Server Service”
`Describes how to install, configure, and administer the Microsoft FTP Server
`Chapter 8, “Using ?eriorrriance Monitor with TC’Fr’iP Services”
`Describes how to use the performance counters for TCPJIP, FTP Server service,
`DHCP servers, and WINS servers
`Chapter 9, “lnternetwork Printing and TCP/iP"
`Describes how to install TCP/lP printing and create TCP/l P printers on
`Windows NT computers with Microsoft 'TCP/lP.
`Chapter 10, “Troubleshooting TCP/lP"
`Describes how to troubleshoot 1? connections and use the diagnostic utilities to
`get information that will help solve networking problems.
`Page 14 0E290
`Cisco -- Exhibit 1003


`Chapter 11, “Utilities Reference”
`Describes the TCP/ll3 utilities and provides syntax and notes
`Appendix A, “LAN Manager MlB ll for Windows NTOhjects“
`Describes the LAN Manager MlB ll objects provided when you install SN MP
`with Windows NT.
`Appendix B, “Windows Sockets Application Vendors”
`Lists third~pany vendors who have created software based on the Windows
`Sockets standard to provide utilities and applications that run in heterogeneous
`networks that use TCP/lP. This appendix also lists Internet sources for publio
`domain software based on Windows Sockets.
`The Glossary provides definitions of TCP/lP and networking technical terms used
`in this manual.
`You can get online Help by pressing F) in all dialog boxes for installing and
`configuring TCP/lP and related components. You can also get online Help about the
`Microsoft TCWIP networking solutions and for the 'l‘CP/TP utilities
`> To get help on Microsoft TCP/IP networking solutions
`In File Manager, double-click NPIPHLP in \rystemroodSYSTEMliZ (this
`could be C:\WINNT35\SYSTEM32. or wherever you installed the Windows
`NT system files).
`> To get help on TCP/IP utilities
`0 At the command prompt, type a "PCP/[P command name followed by the -?
`switch. For example, type ping -? and press ENTER to get help on the ping
`in the Program Manager Main group, doubleelick the Windows NT Help icon.
`in the Windows NT Help window, click the Command Reference Help button.
`in the Commands window, click a command name.
`In the Command Reference window, choose the Search button, and then type a
`command name in the box or select a command name from the list.
`Page 1s of 290
`Cisco -- Exhibit 1003


`Documentation Conventions
`This manual uses several type styles and special characters, described in the
`following list:
`Represents commands, command options, and file entries. Type
`bold words exactly as they appear (for example. net use).
`introduces new terms and represents variables. For example, the
`variable computer name indicates that you type the name of a
`workstation or a server.
`Represents filenames and paths. (You can, however, type such
`entries in uppercase or lowercase letters, or a combination of the
`Represents keyboard names (for example, CTRL, ENTER, and F2).
`Encloses optional items in syntax statements. For example,
`[password] indicates that you can choose to type a password with
`the command. Type only the information within the brackets not
`the brackets themselves.
`Indicates a command element may be repeated.
`indicates a procedure.
`Refers to operating system and networking functionality that is
`available in both Windows NT Server and Windows NT
`Refers to the Windows NT system tree. This can be \WINNT,
`\WINNT35, \WlNDOWS, or whatever other directory name you
`specified when installing Windows NT.
`F W
`indows NT
`\WlNNT or
`Finding More Information
`in addition to the standard ways for receiving technical support from Microsoft (as
`described in the Windows NT Server Installation Guide), you can get support for
`Windows NT via the Internet.
`Note Your computer must be connected to the internet to take advantage of this
`D To get Windows NT support via the Internet
`0 Start ftp and connect to
`This support service uses anonymous FTP under Windows NT to provide
`documentation, utilities, updated drivers, and other information for many
`Microsoft systems products.
`Page 16 of 290
`Clsco -— Exhibit 1003


`Fora more technical discussion of {he topics mentioned in this manual, refer to the
`following mm and articles:
`Allard, 1. “DHCP—J‘CPIIP Network Configuration Made Easy,“ Come/Yams,
`Volume 7, No. 8, August 1993.
`Allard, 1., 1‘; Moore, and D. Troadweil. “Ping into Serious Network Programming
`with the Windows Sockes API,” Microsoft Systems Journal, July: 35—40, 1993.
`Corner, 1), Iniemexworkz‘ng with TCP/IP Volume 2' : Principles, Protocofs, and
`Architecture. Second edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991.
`Comer, D. and D. Stcvans. {Mmmrking with TCP/IP Volume II: Design,
`Implementmiom and Infernals. Bugjewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991.
`Comer, D. and D. Stevens. Immemmkrg widl TCP/IP Volume [I]: Clien15erver
`Programing and Applications. Engjcwood Cliffs, N}: Prentice Hall, 1991.
`Hall, M, at a). Windows Sockets: An Open Interface for Network Programming
`Under Microsoft Windows, Version 1.1, Revision A, 1993.
`Krol, E The 1971012 Imemel User’s Guide and Catalog. Sebastopol, CA: O‘Rcilly
`and Associaxcs, 1992.
`Rose, MT. The Simple Book. Engiewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991.
`Page 17 06290
`C1800 —— Exhibit 1003


`Overview of Microsoft TCP/iP
`for Windows NT
`Transmission Controt Protocol/internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a networking protoeoi
`that provides communication across interconnected networks made up of computets
`with diverse hardware ambitectutes and various opemting systems TCP/iP can be
`used to eonununicate with Windows NT system& with devices that use other
`Microsoft networking products, and with non-Microsoft systems, such as UNIX.
`This chapte; introduces Microsoft 'iiCPfiP for Window NT. The tooics in this
`chapter inciuo‘e the foiiowing:
`I What is TCPIIP for Windows NT?
`I What does Microsoft TCP/tP include?
`. Windows NT solutions in TCF/IP intemetwodts
`For more detailed information on TCP/iP and its integration with Microsofi
`Windows NT and other networking ptoductg see- Chapter 3, “Networking Concepts
`for TCP/
`Page 18 of290
`Cisco—— Exhibit 1003


`What Is TCPIIP for Windows NT?
`The TCP/lP protocol family is a standard set of networking protocols, or rules, that
`govern how data is passed between computers on a network. TCPXIP is used to
`oonrtect the lnternet, the worldwide internetworlt connecting over two million
`universities, research labs, US. defense installations, and corporations. (By
`convention, “lntemet” is capitalized when referring to the worldwide internetwork.)
`These same protocols can he used in private internerworks that connect several
`local area networks.
`Microsoft TCP/TP for Windows NT enables enterprise networking and connectivity
`on Windows NT computers. Adding TCPflP to a Windows NTconfiguration offers
`the following advantages:
`I A standard, routable enterprise networking protocol that is the most complete
`and aocepted protocol available. All modern operating systems offer TCP/IP
`support, and most large networks rely on T‘CPflP for much of their network
`- A technology for connecting dissimilar systems. Many standard connectivity
`utilities are available to access and transfer data between dissimilar systems,
`including File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Terminal Emulation Protocol
`(Telnet). Several of these standard utilities are included with Windows NT.
`I A robust, scalable, cross-platform client-server framework Microsoft TCP/lP
`supports the Windows Sockets l.l interface, which is ideal for developing
`client—server applications that am run with Windows Sockets-compliant stacks
`from other vendors. Many publiodomain [ntemet tools are also written to the
`Windows Sockets standard. Windows Sockets applications can also take
`advantage of other networking protocols such as Microsoft NWLink, the
`Microsoft implementation of the [PX/SPX protocols u5ed in Novello NetWareo
`I The enabling technology necessary to connect Windows NT to the global
`lntemet.TCP/1Pt Point to Point Protocol (PPP), and Windows Sockets it
`provide the foundation needed to mnnect and use internet services.
`Page 19 of 290
`Cisco —- Exhibit 1003


`Chapter 1 Overview of Microsoft TCPIIP for Windows NT
`What Does Microsoft TCPIIP include?
`Microsoft TCP/IP provides all the elements necessary to implement these protocols
`for networking. Microsoft TCP/IP includes the following:
`I Core TCP/IP protocols, including the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),
`Internet Protocol (IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Address Resolution
`Protocol (ARP), and lntemet Control Message Protocol (lCMP). This suite of
`Internet protocols provides a set of standards for how computers communicate
`and how networks are interconnected. Support is also provided for PPP and
`Serial-Line IP (SLIP), which are protocols used for dial-up access to TCP/IP
`networks, including the Internet.
`I Support for application interfaces, including Windows Sockets 1.1 for network
`programming, remote procedure call (RFC) for communicating between
`systems, NetBIOS for establishing logical names and sessions on the network,
`and network dynamic data exchange (Network DDE) for sharing information
`embedded in documents across the network.
`I Basic TCP/IP connectivity utilities, including finger, ftp, Ipr, rcp, rexec, rsh,
`telnet, and tftp. These utilities allow Windows NT users to interact with and
`use resources on non-Microsoft hosts, such as UNIX workstations.
`I TCP/IP diagnostic tools, including arp, hostname, ipcoufig, lpq, nbtstat,
`netstat, ping, route, and tracer-t. These utilities can be used to detect and
`resolve TCP/IP networking problems.
`I Services and related administrative tools, including the FTP Server service for
`transferring files between remote computers, Windows Internet Name Service
`(WINS) for dynamically registering and querying computer names on an
`internetwork, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service for
`automatically configuring TCP/IP on Windows NT computers, and TCP/IP
`printing for accessing printers connected to a UNIX computer or connected
`directly to the network via TCP/IP.
`I Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent. This component allows a
`Windows NT computer to be administered remotely using management tools
`such as Suns Net Manager or HPo Open View. SNMP can also be use to
`monitor and manage DHCP servers and WINS servers.
`I The client software for simple network protocols, including Character
`Generator, Daytime, Discard, Echo, and Quote of the Day. These protocols
`allow a Windows NT computer to respond to requests from other systems that
`support these protocols. When these protocols are installed, a sample QUOTES
`tiles is also installed in the \SystemroonSYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory.
`I Path MTU Discovery, which provides the ability to determine the datagram size
`for all routers between Windows NT co

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