`C9 6,0“ 2,02) w m{
`g :5. 22::
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`Mw “3‘
`.Appmwd for use: thmugh 10131l2062 OMB fi651vGG32 Q E
`Please: WW 3 plus 5‘9“ ("*3 made: WEE box
`Sf”; f:
`u 8 P0:em and Trademark (mica U 8 DEPARTMENT OF (ZOMMERCEH E
`m“ --—-—"—- m
`$53: ‘ Under thePaperwark deuulzon A0! M 1995. no persons are rvaquzred w res and tr: a caltuctmn 22f Infmmahon unless n daaspans a valkt 0MB control number mar-=3:E
`C1!) :94
`m =__==-:_D
`.._..._ ’6
`Mama Docket No, 22021109
`mm? Inventor
`Rodaggez at; a}.
`. mgi
`533 -—:‘°
`. T fie Modular Data Conmmmmupn 13w; . mam S stem -
`“5:2 3:0?127
`T t ”9
`, EX 1983 Mai! Labei' Na EL91523 8255US
`Aasistant Commissioner for Patents
`Bax Patam Application
`Washinton, DC 20231
`See MPEPchapteréoflchcerningutiritypawnta pilcafion-cmwtanis
`[:3 5:95? Transmitiai POW“ (9p, WWW}???
`7", [j {3wame 0r CHM in dupficate, Iaksgatabla or
`{SUM}!(m 0013:1150?and" dzgzhgamfarfuppmmmw
`£30mputsat Program (App6?)1(50$)
`2. mppicant ciaims smelt entliy status,
`8.. Numieotlda answer Amino Acid Sequenoe Submission
`a.» [:3 Cemputer Raaciable Farm (CRF)
`3‘“ (pgzfisggflgrgemmtmfiwn $10299 agw
`- 13030010008 title» 03’ the invention
`0 3
`Li 1:“,
`pep: mater; Saqupnm “19 an
`- Cross Rafemnca to Raiated Applicatiana
`3. [I]
`CDfiOM 9" CUR (2 0053583); 01‘
`~ Statement Regarding Fed sponsorad R 3% I)
`If D m at
`- Raferenm £0 sequence listing, a table,
`or a mmputer program ”sting appendix »
`c» D fitatemams venfymg Identity of 30000 caprea
`~ Bacfigggound ofin; Invention
`~ Brie
`'0me o the invention
`- Brief Dpscriptun ofthe Drawings (iffiled)
`A30:ignmam Mpara (000m sham B: dommez‘tfisfi
`- 2??? Gamma“
`a m a
`3‘? CFR 373(1)) filament
`590%: cf
`10 E] {Wham m9“?’3 an $33fgneg}
`{:1 A'Lfbmfi'y
`' Ab‘éfiflct of I113 {313610511993
`‘H D EEHQ‘ISh fransl‘aficm 6000mm {lfflppilfifi‘file}
`4‘ [m Draw?ng{s) (3511.3{2 113)
`0,2 [:1 lniormafipn Dipclasura
`CO-P‘BS (”“05
`Statement (iijyIWOAMB
`[FetaIPages m]
`(Bath 02' Daclaratlpn
`13r- [:1 Preliminary Amendmeam
`gewlyfexecutad (origigal or 008;)CW? 163%{6)}
`opy mm 3 nor app Malian
`14* BE] g§§§?fi§§;§§%§§§§%fif£§ 503)
`l1 {:1 (forcontinuwfian/diw'slonal wit}? 80x Meningalefed)
`Qertified (30p
`fPrlcsrit fidgmmenfis)
`15 D%Jfforelg:1 pr‘ n ‘3 {>617
`Signed statamam attachad Miami; invaafimfls)
`namad an the prior appaimflpn. 5m 37 CFR
`"X Ramps-t and CefiificatiSan under 35 H.813, 122‘
`(b){2}(l3)(£). Applicantmupt attach form PTCDA’SEIGS
`0 53mm and 1 33(0)
`0r its equivalent
`17. [:3 other:
`Applicatipr; Data 00001. See 37 cm 1,70
`6, LE]
`if a COMINUING APPLICATIGN. check appmpriaw Dex, and Suppiy the reqmsita fnformatim befow and'm a préilminary amendment;
`orin an Appiicamn Data Sheet under 37 Of»??? 136:
`09 {W’ZfifiM
`0! mar applicalmn M0
`a Cnnunuauon
`szg Art {1110'
`Mar agmoafian mama-arm
`For CONTINUATION QR! DIVISIONAL APPS anly Tim antim disclcmum of the prim appllcmion, from wk!ch an math or denlmufln 1‘s; auppiiod antiwar
`on Sb, is. mnaidamd a part cf tha disdnsura of mu accampanyilhg auntinTatlian txr divismnm appfiaafim and is hemby incnmamied by mffimnea
`Th5 inso’rpmattoncan only be readied 0mm when a pawn
`,. omitted from (111; submitted animation part0
`m erappam‘afiw addr’safibefaw
`-_ WWW 61741439292
`Name (Printffype)
`Sim/m G 3&1,“de
`Regfsfrafion No (Aftomey/Agcant}525,3
`Imma-m e 1 2001
`Bunker: Hour $10tacnenl This form is eat:
`rated to take 0 2 he rs to campmte
`' m vary 0189800an upan 1m: needs of the mmvudunl case Any cornmema on
`ma amuunt of Irma you am required to commeaz mm mm shank! 00: sent 10 (he Chm? information Offimr. u«43 Pamm and Tradmmsrk (3mm. Waahmgtm. DC
`2.023: 00 MIN SEEM!) FEES rm COMPLETED FQRWS To THIS ADDREfifi SEND To Asmtam Commxssmnm for Watants 530x pater}! Appircamn
`Washingmn. DC 20231
`Page 1 of 150
`Page 1 of 150


`Approved Tor use {hwugh SQISMZDOO OMB 065M703
`PTOISBIW (125193
`Pam: and Tzadmm‘k Qffim U S“ DEWARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`uired to wand (12 a coltecbon vf iniormmion Masai} dis-1a s a validflMB central number
`for FY 2000
`Pafenf teas are subjm to mum" mmmn
`Small Enbfy paymwts M M suppafiad by a small enfiiy statsment,
`otherwise (Barge angry fees mus: :29 pm: See Farms WISE/04M?
`79W» “MW”? 0}? PAYMENT
`(W $76.00
`' Attorney musket No,
`men-m 0;: PAYMENT (check one)
`FEE CALcULAjnmq (cominueg
`[:1 The Gommiasiunm is harem: authonzad {a charge
`indicated feas am cream any warpayma his :0
`Large EntitySmall Entity
`Fee Fee Ha
`Fee Pam
`Ba mm
`Pas Deacnptmn
`AcgnuntCi: can“ (3)
`cad? is}
`Eiumhazga - Rita filing (at: or oath
`Surmarga . Fab: pmvisuonzu flImg fee ar
`06mm [:::::]
`139 1:30
`NomEngiish spamficatlon
`Charge Any Martens! We Manama
`147 2,930
`147 2‘53) Fbrfilmg amtmstfor taaxaminattcn
`Unflurfi? CPR §§ 1 1:} am: 1 i7
`112 920’“ Requasting Rubhcaaon 01‘8“? mono
`Exammar 8.6th
`Fayment Enclased:
`113 13340" Requesung publicatmn of SIR afler
`Examiner acucm
`{:1 Other
`[:3 (gang?
`Extension far mmy within first mm
`Extension far repiy thhm second month
`216 mg
`fixtanston for réply Within 3mm: mnm
`21'? 435
`Large E‘mfity 3mm; Entity
`Emwan tar reply Within fwrfla mnmh
`’HB 1380 218 680
`Fer: nescrlpfion
`cm (,5)
`Code {$1
`Fee Fwd
`Extension fur repEy withm m1 mom:
`123 was;
`225 925
`345 Ufifityflnng fee
`NGUW Of Appfifil
`“9 300
`106 310
`206 165 Dasrgn fiflny {m
`filing a axis-(f as suppofl cf an appeal
`23.3 150
`10? 480
`207 m Mam fiilngfaa'
`RMUQSI I03“ DYE]? hearing
`308 630
`2138 345 Ralsauafiimgfea
`3’afihm to lnafiiuia a pubiic um pmeefling
`1‘38 1510 1331319
`114 15!)
`2M 78
`Fmvismnramnng {ea
`Pentium m rawewnawidsbfa
`gm 55
`Pennanto rawm unmtamxonai
`1&1 1.919 245
`142 “5,210 242 605
`243 2-35 Gwyn Issua'fae:
`1244 290
`122 130
`Patinanrs to thu Cmmssmram'
`Paiiuoxw retatedtopmmsianat appiicalmns
`123 2‘0
`fiuhmisslnn oflnfmmafim Dasciosmra Sm
`fleaurdmg amt: patent assignmam per
`("warty {fimas number «of mamas)
`“‘3 “45
`“5 53°
`g?1%a mxbmismn afterflnal macaw
`FR § 1;129§a3)
`590 “9 3‘35
`For each marijuana! mventm-zo be
`Examined (37 cm § 112mm)
` Other m: (mantfy)
`Other fee Mandy)
`"Reduced by Basia Filing Fae 333m
`39 marapendent claim m amass sf 3
`204 180 MLsiflpla depandant claim. If mat pend
`cw: angina! pawn!
`" Ramsua uialms an emss Cat 20
`and over ofigiflal patent
`sumom. (2)
`(3») 12600
`informaflm on this form may become pubfie. credit card tnformaflon shbuld mt he
`Includad on this form. Provide credit card Enformat’ion anti autharizatmfi on PTCVZWB.
`RUME-m Hour Siatamam This form L‘I ESUmfiffld £0 am 0 2 imurs in; nominate Tune will vary dopenrlmg upon the news; or [he mamdun! case An comments an
`the amount sf time you are raquired in complaia fifia fem shoutd be sunk to the Chief information Officer. Patent and Trademark Office. Washmg on, DC 20231
`SEND TO' Aaslslanl commissaonsr for Patents, Waahrngim EC 20231
`Page 2 of 150
`m 18
`Under file Paerwork Reduction Act U? 1995 nu ersans are r
`Piling mm »
`Juna 19! 2003.
`First Name! inventor Rocirigm 61" a1.
`Examiner Name
`2282/3 09
`113 1,840“
`PM? Daswpfian
`Claims m amass at 20
`gamma (1;;
`(3) 710,60
`2. EXTRA 31.1mm F3533
`.Fm: from
`nun M9:
`mm Claims: [:lgowfl x
`4 LEE
`w W
`inds endent
`‘3 ”m 31
`H m
`Multiple Bapendem
`“or nflmbar pmviously paid, 1! greater: Far Rafssuas, sea Mow
`Large Enfilyé‘zmafl Entity
`code (8)
`code (3}
`103 m 203»
`'Comzets m warble
`Ragrsrmnon Nu
`(AW/em 360265
`7979mm 617443—9292
`m“ ~*——- 19, 20m .
`Page 2 of 150


`PTOISBls-fi (11w)
`Approved for use lhrough 1013112002. OMB 055143031
`U a Patient and lradamark Office; U. 3 DEPARTMEN‘Y Oi: COMMERCE
`Under the: Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996, no {liaisons are mammal to respcmri ii: a collaciiun 0i mfomlahun unlass it displays a Vélild OMB whim! number
`' Fl Mi d:
`REQUEST AND CERTIFICATION ““3 i“ ””3“” Ripariuezelal.
`Title Modular Data Communication Equignmenl System
`35 11.3.0. 122(b)(2)(B)(i)
`l hereby certify that the invantion disclosad in the. attached application has not and will hat
`be the whim: of an application filed in another country, or under a multilateral agreement,
`that requires pubiicaiian at eighteen months after filing.
`I hereby request ihal the“: attached
`application n04; he published under 35 U.S.C. 122(k)).
`June 192 $901
`Steven G. Saunders
`"l‘ymci or prihiad mama
`This request must be aigned in compliance with 3? CFR 3.3803) and submitted will: the
`; applicatlan apart filing.
`if applicant rascinds a
`this» nmnlpublicatim realms“: at any lime.
`Applicant may masclncl
`request that an application H012 be publiahed under 35 U,$.C. 12309), the application will be
`scheduled for publ’iaaticm at aighialm maraths fromthe earliagt claimed filing date for which a
`banafi‘c is claimed}
`if applicant subsequently files; an application directed to the invention diam-said in the
`attached application in another ccuniry, <3? uncle-n“ a multilateral lntamatimal agreement, that
`requires ‘publicaticln Of applicatiaw eighieen moniha after filing, tha applimht must notify the
`= Unliad fitates Patent and Trademark Qfiioe of 2»:th filing within forty~flva (45) clays after the
`. date of the filing of such familiar! or inhamailonai applicatian. Failum‘to do at: will result in
`abandonment of lhis applicafimn (35 U.8.{3. i22(b)(2)(6)(iii)).
`Burden Hour stalemani' This cailacfion of information iS required by 37 cm i 213(3). Tim infurmaimn la tamed by this: while to mquasi that an application hat km
`publishmi under 35 U 3 C 122(k)) {and ma P11) in pmmsa that requusl] Caniidenlmllty la gov-mad by 35 U S C 122 and 37 CPR 1 14 Thu: farm is estunalm!
`lo taka a minutes lo camplata This lime will vary depending upon the: naads of (he individual case Any wmmenls on the 31110qu of 1mm yau are raquurmi lo
`complete {his farm should has} sent la ihe Chief lnformalmn Officer. U 8 Pawn! and Tradamark Olfica, Washmglan. DC 20231: DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS T0 Tills ADDRESS. SEND TO Mammal Commissmner for mesta. Washingmn, DC 20231
`Page 3 of 150
`Page 3 of 150


`Practitioner’s; Docket No. 2332309
`In W. appliwtion 0f: Romigaez at, ELL
`(Ih‘mxme Notyetassigned
`Appiicarian N0; Ntflyetassigneti
`Examiner: Newer assigned
`Filed: Hemwiflw
`F01“: Maduiar 13am, Cnmmunicati cm Equip‘mnt 831mm
`Cammiseioner far Patents
`Bax Patent Application
`Washington, D113. 20231
`"Expmss Mail" {aha} number ELM 51238255138
`Data 0f 1361302311 Inna 19, 2001
`Ihmaby state that the: fdflawing arm-had paper or “few:
`New Utility pawn appliaatim and fiasumems rei’arenced flwmin
`is hazing deposited with the Unifiad States Postal Sam/ice "fixpmss Mail Post: Office to Amiéressee“ wwiw
`under 37 CFR. section L10, on the date indisamd above and is addressad to the
`fur Pamuts, Box Farm: Agplicatim, Washington, DC}. 20.23 L
`Swarm (Ii Saunfim
`g M., . Mr)?
`Signamm {if 31er5011 mailing paper 01' fee
`(Exgaress: Mail Certificawnpage l of I)
`Page 4 of 150
`Page 4 of 150


`E E«at!
`inventor information
`inventor One Sivan Namez:
`Juan D.
`'Famiiy Namezz
`Postai Address Lina Oman
`State or Province:
`Pasiai Qr Zip Codex
`Citizewhip Cauntry:
`2105 Bent Creek Mamr
`inventor Two Giver: Mama:
`David J.
`Famii’y Namer:
`Posted Addmss Line; Omen
`Siaie or Provincax
`Pasta] or Zip COGQZ;
`Citizenghip Country:
`200 Fewer: Meme
`inventcr Threa Given Narnia:
`Jamaa E3.
`Famiiy Namex
`Pasta! Address Lima Climax
`10015 Bafikgide Drive
`Siam or Pravincaz:
`Poa‘iai or Zip Cedaz:
`Citizenship 0014mm:
`Correspondence information
`Name Line Qnex
`Name Linea Twas
`Addmss Line; Two;
`Siam or Province::
`Postai or Zip Cedezz
`Teiephona One:
`Eiectronic Maiizs
`Appiioaiiun infmrmmim
`Title Line (Met:
`Title Line Two::
`Total Drawing Sheets::
`Form-ai Drawings?::
`Appiioa‘éion Typez:
`Dacha: Numbem
`maven Ci. 8m: riders
`Brombmg & Sunsmm LLP
`12$ Summer Straw;
`(617) 44843292
`(617’) 443~0004
`Modular Data Cammunicaiion
`Equipment System
`Representative lnformaiim
`Representative Customer Namibian:
`Page 5 of 150
`Page 5 of 150


`Continuity lmformation
`This, application ig a::
`» Appficafion Omen
`Filing Data:
`61 “02-01
`Page 6 of 150
`Page 6 of 150


`Ium C). Rodriguez
`2105 Want Greek Maxim
`Alphamtta, (3A 300%
`{David J; Barman
`200 Fmem Avenue
`Swampsmtt, M2155. 01907
`James; I)” Lakin
`10015 Bmkside Save
`Rogwell, GA 30076
`Atmmey Docket: 21282./ 109
`12.55 Siummer Sweet
`1303mm, MA 02110
`(617’) 443»9292
`Page 7 of 150
`Page 7 of 150


`June i9, 2001
`"mar”! m 'I xrwzcr:
`Tim application claima pxiority from US. patent application lumber
`09/ 753,014, filed j'anuary 2, 2001, and entitled, ”MODULAR DATA
`COMMLWICATIQN EQUII’WNT S‘JE’STEMJ’ The disclostwe 0f that application
`is; inmrpma‘ced hel‘fiifi, in its»; entirety", by referwce.
`The hwen’cion rala'teg generally to data trammiasiwn ne‘morks; and, mare
`parficulafly, the invention mla’sea it: data cammuniaatimx equipmant for use by
`data temnjnafion equipment.
`Different network services, such as cable teiavifiimn and teieplwne
`aarv’icm, traditionally have: been developed far use over different typea {3f
`mfimrks., Fm“ exampla, tatephom serviceaa traditw'flafly has her-:11 develaped
`amuncl the: public: switched telephone neiworlc (the: ”Pfi’l‘N”), "while came
`televiaian sewices imditiouafly have been demmpad amunfi the cable television
`T0 provide a nefimrk service, a 3:113ka access device {mmmmfly known
`in as ”Data Cammmficatiam Equipmeni" Dr "UCZE’G cammmily is mad to
`connect a netwmrk device {632ng a telephom car tealevisiom) 1:0 the: newmk" Mere
`particularly, fine: DCE provides matwork devices known. as; ”mafia Temfina‘tign
`Equipment" ( ”DTE”) with access. in their undmiying network. Fm: additionai
`informatim reiatmg to DC‘Es and [31313, see film family of standards; relating t0
`recommmdad Malachi-$232 (often rerfm'reci to as “RSMQSZW, which is a widaly
`Page 8 of 150
`Page 8 of 150


`Jmm 19. 2033;]:
`meat fitandmd intezrface appmved by thef Electronic: Ilnaius‘mm Ailziance (”BIA”)
`far camecting mrial fie‘vicegw
`The above nomad inttemeiatiomhip bemecm gearvica ami flatwork type has.
`caused ”the netwark Service industry ta rim-slap network accems equipment
`(DCEss) that pmvidefi a apmific service over its mtmsspmmiimg traditional
`network Only. COfl‘Eilmixxg with the abmve example, the provision, of cable
`televifiimi sservicefi commrmly raquirea we 013a cable conversion box ("cable hex,”
`which ii; a type 0137121675.) {that provides the! direct calmec’cion t0 the cable network
`In a manner similar to DCES for when“ types of memorks/ fiewices, the cabie box:
`typicaliy incimdes medium iiiterfmza circuitry fur cordomfing data ‘tmnsmissimm
`mm the apmificmmns required by cable nehwm‘ks (agq the well. $310M DOCSIE‘;
`alandmciss, disacuased herein), arid. servim delivery cirauitry that pmvicies the
`highar ievel televizaibn services ten 23. mmectad télavigion (lieu, funcfimns perceived
`by the user 0f the DICE). Among Omar fimctioms, 3.1111131 Service dfllivezry Circuitry
`may provide acceas to a selectmfi, set of television gta’trimm (mg, baaed upon. a
`user’s submripfion to a cable mmpany), and channel mapping fmxct‘immfity that
`maps a cam-e channel in a diamxel on 1:116 attached televisimn.
`In recent yem'fi, haweverr, the tremi has: been to provide a aingle service via
`any one of flamemuss diffemm ”types; Of netwmkag‘ For mample, telephone
`sarvices currently can be delivered via the circuit aswitched tezfimology in the
`PSIN, (:3): via a broacfibm'xd network, such as a cable uetwmk 0r fibex Optic
`network. Acmrdgingly, a single DCB 1131‘ use with the talephnm aervfims must: be
`produced for was? Wiiih each na'm'ork/medimn type‘ Fm: example, a sepmam
`teleplmny DEE must be!» davelmpecd for use with eatfix of cabka mtwarks, £er
`optic flatworm, 'wirelwg networks, etc: “ .
`. . With the: pmlifemtioxt of mamOrk;
`services and "bmadbami types/11,333, this xeqafires a rather ’W’idé‘: variety of DCES
`for each service, and far each ne‘twmrk type‘ Although wrmntiy necessary, this;
`‘ ‘
`Page 9 of 150
`Page 9 of 150


`June 19, mm
`W???” mu 1 £7”? «A
`duplication is inefficiemt, and masses relatively high daploymem mm; for various
`network services; and natwotk types“).
`In accordance with one 2131330? of like haven'lzion, a nelwork inéerface unit
`includas an interface mmdule for lximslafing $119353;ng {transmittal bQWGafi am
`013 a family 01" differm‘xf; typms 0f sarviae dalivery unitsl Batik type (:1? mwicse
`delivery unit provides a aercBrk service that“ is different than the naiwork
`Eerfiiim provided by ’tl‘lé} gather typea of sezrvice delivmjr units in lhfi‘ family. The
`wwice delivery unit tormented to the netwmrlc interfaca tmit pmcesms messages
`recelwzd in a {mat format. The: mhvm'k mteflace unit lbw; mclualm"; a medium
`1119:11le configured to prmess data for tramwisssimx between {m given. medium
`and the: Smwim afieli‘vary “limit, and the: intarfam madule. T1163 medium madule
`transmits megsages- ioward the service delivery mull: in a second format The
`interface mmdule is; caril'igumd 1‘0 recaive magsageéa immamitted behveen the
`medium module and lime garvice delivery unit. "ll-m inmrfaca module is
`comfigured to translate maggagéas from the samml fonnat to the that Emmi.
`In Some embodimemissf the sarvice: delivmy unit mammng mesmges 331 the
`firsfl; farmat, m1dthemedium mddule pmmmm massaages receivecl in the amend
`furthest. Acmrdingly, the: interface: mociule also is; configured for txmmlating
`messagw from the first format m- the aemmd famat.
`All the: different types 0f sewiw delivery units in the family may process
`data in the: first format, 01: only (3115: gape: of service delivery unity may macaw
`data in the fimt farmat. In the lattear case, the 0mm: tygtas 0f Sfial'Viflfl délivery unita
`in the family procem clam 2137‘: diffamnt fwmatsl The given medium may 13% a
`breadbancl mediunm such as fiber mpfic temlmologgr, (3312319 techtmlogy, or digital
`subsaribm" line: technology. The meiwmrlé gervice may include at leagt one 0.?
`Page 10 of 150
`Page 10 of 150


`Jame 19, 2001
`feieyiwny, data 8ervice, fl'LIdiO wrvice, Vim} service, and Virtual} ?rivate
`Neiwmk service.
`Thea mtwork unit interface 21130 1my include: a connectm: fax electrically
`and physically connecting it; the mwim dalivary unit. The: (30151116,:ch i5 aamgla
`size mat corresponds to the aim of commcmm om each «of mg types of wwice
`delivery units in the family. Amaug «tamer thingss, the medimn module imludes a
`network yhysical layer and media couirol module. The» mtwnrk timerface unit
`preferably 13 physically mpamfed from the aervice delivery Emit. Thea sewicg
`éeijvmr unit and netwmk immface unit cmgeram m act as; dam commmmiaation
`equipment for (jam Eerminal equipment
`In accordance with exam-ma]: aspaci: 0f the inventimfii a servirze delivery ‘umit
`for providmg a network mrvice cmpmziws with a neiwmle‘: {interface unit 13::
`fmm‘ticm as data, iermitmtimm equipment The mmtwmk infarfam unit is time typsa
`of a plurality of dififeremt types af memork intar‘fiace unitsga» Each ‘tyfbe {3f 1%:ka
`ifiterfam 11mm; cmmecfion imgic‘: for cmmemtmg 4m a network medium that 13
`diffemni: than the netwmk madiums to Which the other types of neiwork
`inmrfacea 13mins can mum-act The netwmk Limerface: unit pmm‘zames; memages; 331 a
`firesf farma’c. The service delivery mfit thus, hacludes a netwmk service madam
`that pmvides the": network mrvice, and an imerface: moduie for intercepfing and
`'lmanslating meaaageza transmitted, betwmn the nefwmk aervice 1110de amt! file
`netwark interface wait. The nemmrk mwice modula transmits; messagea toward
`the netwm‘k interface again a gamma fwmat. Tim interfam mmmfla is
`canfigumd m translate mesaagefi fmm the semnd famiaf m the firgi: fmmat
`In anmrdame with Omar aapects of this»: inventimn, a "modular data
`mmmunica mm eguipment gystézm inciuda5 a family 0f ciiffamm Wes 0f
`network interface: mm, a {jammy 0f diffarem: fypeg 0f aervice delivery units, and
`an interface mnfigm’ezd to canvert the farmat of messagas tramufifled ”between
`any one typa of $19: netwcsrk interfaca units and my One. type Of the: gamma
`Page 11 of 150
`Page 11 of 150


`Sum: X9, 2001
`delivery units“ Each type of me {work m‘lzezrface unit has; mnnectimn logic far
`mmmting int} 21 11(22ka medium that is. different than the cmmecflmn media 11:}
`which {film other typezs 0.1? neiwm‘k interface 1.1mm can comect 13:1 :3 silmlm:
`mamwr, we}: ’2pr 0f service: ciglivcary unit pmvides; a network aérw'ice that is;
`(iiffemnt than the service proviciieci by the other typas of smviw dalivery unit&
`The mama}: interface units area configured ta communiazake W‘ifih a1: leagt 0m:
`aervice dalivery unit via famnatted mafia-mama that, m»: nowd above, am mnver‘ceci
`by the interface.
`The. {Oregoing and, advantages of Em: invention will be appreciated mare
`fulIy from the {allowing amber dascripfion thereof with referenw to the
`accmmpanying drawings wherein:
`Figure 1 aahemaficafly ahmws an exemplary network that maybe used in
`mmectmn with ifluaimtive anfibodimmts; 0f the invmtimm
`Figure 2 Behematimfly shows, a .nmdular mtwork amass gysmm
`canfigmed in amordance; with illusatmtive mtnbo-dimeh‘its of the invention,
`figuraii’: smhemaficafiy show3 the modular network amam system shown
`in figure» 2 in which an interface is lmcataci $01631}? cm a miwork: inmrfaca unit.
`Figure 4 schemaiically Shows the modular nefiwmk access system {ghown
`in figure: 2 in which an": interfa ca 3.9 iom‘ceci 55019313? cm a mwim deiivary unit.
`Figure 5 3c}: emafically Shwws; the moduiar nehvm‘k mews system shown
`in figure 2 m which an simerfaw is; dispersed amosg a netwczrk intarfam uni-t anal
`31 Serving deliva unit
`Figure 6 mhematically showa a family of network interfa ca minim, a family
`of service daiivm'y 2mm, and their standard ceamecmm.
`Figure 7 mflnematimliy {shows a gpamific implememta firm 0f the mart/mt};
`access; 3y$te2m shown in figure“: 2.
`Page 12. of 150
`Page 12 of 150


`June 19* 200}
`in illustrative embodimemts, a network access syfiizem includres a family of
`different types; of I’Lfii‘WflTk interfaca mitts that each can mopemte with 31113? Gm
`type of a family 0f different types of service dealivery umts m act as data
`commmicatim equipment (”TECH”) Tc; that end, each type 19f network interface
`unit and service delivsary unit i3 bath mociular and fxmmfiwmlly intiependent
`Accmrdingly, any type (31" nam'mrk interface unit prefarabiy can physiaally and
`eiectmicafly connect with any type: 0f service delivery Limit m provicie complete
`D613“. functionality The: disalusead neiwerk access Sygtem thus i3 configured ’m
`permit cmmrmnly wed data imminal equipment; {6.32, an Internet telephone) to
`execute various 112-ka gerrvicefi aver variom mtwark types. Details and
`filustrative (examples are: discussed bra-10m
`Figure 1 fichematically ghmwa an exemplary neiwcark 10 that may 1392 usecl
`in canned-fan with iflustmfiva embmdimenm of the: invention. The fiéWka 10
`incluniea: a local netwmk device 12 that mmmunicates; with one 013 mare cf a
`plurality (:31? different remote netwcark devicefi 14: via {he Ethernat '16. .Amorlg
`other thing-a, the invited neimork device: 12, may ha a compute}: fiystem, I?
`teleyphmm, or matwmk applimmca. To mnnec’s to that Intemet 16, the local network
`clevicez “12 33.5% a, network 3:.ccess System18 (noted abmva am} CiiSCHSSESd in detaii
`below) to com‘xeat to am Internzat Barvim Prcwicier (“1511’ 1310”) via somia 'natwork
`medium 22 (21.139 mfmmd m herein as; ”neiwm'k type 2 "’). The meal nativmrk
`(Lie-Mm 12 and mews sysi'em 18 are ghawn am being local hard at: a customar’s
`premsea, such :15 in a singfe: office.
`The; network medium 22 can be any knawn medium currently“ used in that:
`art. Anmng tamer typas, the network med-imam 22 may "13%: a convanfimnal missted
`pair (3.3., teleyhmna lima uwd for a Digital Subgcrifiber Line), cable Erma, fiber
`mptic: liners, a Wireiws madimm (raga, 'Bluetooth), 0r 501mg mmbimation thereaf. A53
`Page 13 of 150
`Page 13 of 150


`June 19, 200k
`known in the art, data tramsmisgsions acmsss each Wpa of network medium 22
`1111151: comply with a ssfamiatrd pmmco‘l. Far example, if the: rmtwmk .me-siium 22
`is a cablé neiwmk, then tranmxisgian amass me: medium 22 must comply wikh
`some weep ted cabli'z netwark data transmission grandam, and: 21$ the "TD-am Over
`Data-Over«-Cab1e Sawicze lntearface fipecifim titan.” For addifienal infarmaflon
`mlating in this Standard, see ”DatanOver—Cable Sewice hrtfirfme fipecificatfimxs,
`Radio Frequency Interface Specifica‘mn,” much is a cooperative affart mud-ex the
`direciiun of Cable Teievisian Laboramries, inn, with a cmpyxight M1999 anti
`2900 and écacument; C(mtrol number 5P~IW1v1*1~104-«0{30497, the: ciiaclasure of
`whim is mcwrpomted hemm, in its enfimty, by refammce. This maeczificatiun is
`camorfly raferwd to in the art by the acrrmym ”DQCSIS.”
`Although the mfwmk mmdium 22 is slmwn schematically as a aingle
`elemm’c, it may jnclucia two or more sapamte and. distinct Wes of namQrk
`media 22. For example, the network medium 22 may hldude a cable network
`anti a geparate fiber optic network. In math case, the amass aystem 18 provicies,
`mamas to bath types of flatworm.
`Figure 2 schfimaticany Sh9w3 additional details of the: madam; sys’cem .18
`shown, in figure 1,. Specificafly, the access system 18 includes one unit 0155:
`fanfiiy 9f ciiffemnt fiyp e3 m3 fihpmved neiwm‘k intarfacev units that pmvme the
`necessary physical 321er ccnwrsiom and / or signaii pmeeafiing for transmigsion
`amasa a given network meciium 2,2, amd «me unit of a family of different zypes 0f
`service delivery units 28 “that pmvide the mammary lugic fan.“ permittihg a givan
`network service to be performed by the network devim 12. In aziditiczsn, 'tha
`accesa systeam 18 21150 includes aiastandard interface 30 for iogiczally cannecfing the
`'rletwork interface unit 26 wifla me fiervice delivery unit, Dflfafla of 'Ehaeae {three
`different compwnents 0f the access system 18 are: dismasefi, baimw, It should be
`noted th at in some embodiments, the: neiwork interface: {3:111:53 2.6 my ”be referred
`Page 14 of 150
`Page 14 of 150


`June 19, 200‘}
`m a5; netwmk interface nmdules. in will either emfbmciimentg, flier aawiczte delivery
`Emits 28 may be referred to as; service deiivery Inadulefi.
`In particular, the network timerface Limit 26 inducifls a medium madme 32‘
`having hardware and Safiware for impiememing the appropriata phyfiical layer
`and medium comm} pmmmeé‘; required for trmwmitting am messages EICTQSS
`the given nemark type 22. Stat’ad another way, the medium moduie 32
`implements the underifgdng specificafion for transnfi fitting data across: the netwark
`medium 22 m which fit: is attacheci. This functionality/'15 independent of the
`aer‘viae being pmvkied by we servica nielivery unit. The medium module 32 may
`include a single elememt, m: a plmality of diffarmi: devicas/modxflea far
`mplementing the required ftmction. By way of exampla, if, the network medium
`2213 a cable netwwrk, than the: medium mochfle 32 nmy include the hardware
`and 60ftware for implementing the DOCEIS standard (see figure 17, dies-tugged
`Of comma, since the new/ark interface”: unit 26 is; but Que type in a family of
`diffemn? types 04? nemork interface 11mm 26, than a different type (if matwmk
`interface mm: 26 may be: constructed fm‘ each (3f variwus: different namm-k types
`22. Accarclingl’y, network interfaca units 26 can be magmwrad f0}: use with cable
`flatworm, Msteri pair netwmka :impizsemenfing a digital mbgcx‘ibm line (”ESL”),
`fiber optic networks, and Wirelesaa mtworks, among othem. Tim appropriate
`nah/var}; interface unit 26 than is aalecmd far 3186? in the access ayatem 18 based
`upon "Elm nemrczaz’k type 22 1:0 wifich it is cannected» In SOI‘HE embodimenfs
`(difiwssed below), multipla network mire-flaw units 26 can be used in mnjunction
`wifh (me or mow aervme delivery units 728 Wiflfim a singie 'HCCEESE? System 18.
`The service: delivery unit 28 mdudfis a netwcrk service madam 34 far
`inermmzing the local netwmk device 12 to execute a xzefiwork 5591ch via the access
`Wfimm 18. A53 discusgecl in greater detail. by axmmpie in 33 gum ‘1", the netwark
`sewice mandala 3% includes; hardware and / or software to pmcem specific
` Page 15 of 150
`m l’
`Page 15 of 150


`June: 193 2001
`messages for implementing a givem mmmrk SETViCG: acmas some network. Of
`marge, the mtwwrk service medulla 341: provides; the given sermice ifldependenfly
`£315 the type (31" mefiwmtk medium 22 “to which the mews 3375?:9111 18 ifi connected.
`As; noted above, exampiiea ()1? the nehvm‘k service mofiule 841; and the aervicres:
`delivery units; 28 are digcusaed below with refelxence: ta figure 57’,
`Each diffemm typa m’ network interface unit 26 may promas (£311:an a
`differrem‘ {01:1th than {Em fmmats meal by when: types of net‘wark mtexface 11mm
`266 More partimflafly, a natwork interface unit 26 far use with a fim’t: netwmk,
`type 22. may remiva- mad 'tramsmt messsagas; within the access gyrstem 18 in a
`different format than a network interface unit 26 ‘khat is configureci for use WM“: a
`ciiffamn't nemnrk type 22. In a similar manner, each cfiffment type of service
`delivery 12,11in may process data in a different fomai: than the formais mead by
`other typms 0f servim delivery unim 28. T1152 mmfiace 30 thus converts messages
`tranmtmmd between the fiervixze delivery unit 28 and the network inferface unit
`26 into an appwpriam formats that is»; undzerstanda’ble to the recaiving meiwmrk
`interface mm: 26 m“ fiwvim delivery writ 28.
`Figures; 36 schamticafly ShO‘W several different types; of interfaaeE 30 that
`may be used to convert mesaages forwarded beMean the network interface 1m:
`26 mm the savervice delivery unit 28* {1:1 ali such figurea, messages are
`adlanmticafly ghown bemmn fixes

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