W‘ "* W
`ASML 1218


`IS -’\5: awe-35;“ .-
`56538;)1} W. ۤzm<iman, Editor
`Eonmai Coudmaa, Assistant to the Editm
`(1981 }
`’E‘ez‘m Baciing 2H {)earmniser E2381
`Darrell E. Ham};
`"I Manse Sitterly
`Bavid A. [ME-VON
`(‘1 EH. Rank
`Georg H, Hams
`Jarmm .35. R. Smnsnn
`RSberE Pi. i’iui‘fimggfl
`RicEmn‘E Tommy
`K, Clark JUUGS
`A. Francis ’E‘mtm'er
`David I... Mammal?) Undiey Wiiliama
`Term Ending; 31 ih‘memizm‘ HES
`TEN >13: 6:: H imchf‘eki
`Davié [*1. Aspnes
`Karl .
`Willim‘ra M. Benesch
`Wiliimn Streif‘cr
`WEEEizmx E3. Bridges;
`Adx‘imm wmm
`Sim-Sn E (:Eiffbrd
`James: C, Wysmt
`R. Roy Ei’rimhm
`’\ ichalasa Gem‘gge
`:1 December 388:”)
`”H: r m Hm“) i r
`K mnwih L. Andrew
`1.0:.) M E’im‘vicé‘:
`Mike) ishimaru
`Stank}; S. Bangui
`R. E. A Sake};
`Richard G. Brewer
`William) E. Carter
`Mmray 8:1?th IE}
`Ham‘y EVE Cm whim
`WWW}; H. Shapiro
`Umlid 1... Fried
`<1} maid Weatheimey
`Carl W . Eieigi‘mm
`{Eumar W . Wyszeefl
`Wiiiiam B Briégex‘, Cfmiz'num
`Robert M. Rowan}, (faker and Vision
`30m {3. [328211.33 Elaingragahy and [nimmaiion Prmzesging
`Sumner P. ban-Es, S;)G€trr2$41?4>3y
`Pane} 0f Topicai Advifiurs
`Freeman F. Hall, 31“., Eiéxnosphwéc {pr‘ém
`Peter Kaiser. Fii‘mr and Integrated 0,05% 1‘
`James E}. PE r5011, Last-(rs and Effl:£r4;~lf)g:>tlcs
`Wilhsm EL 1% :0 (")gjiémi [Engirmarmg
`Edimriai Staff at; AEE’: Laxvsencfi Ei‘i-zinhergi. Jon-ma! SEEIEE-srz;ixr2/‘; WSEESm E... Sé§{e:.ii. 555mm» {Edgy Editw
`37’uEBEisi‘lez<i 1‘1’x<_);3{;E1Ey by the Amwiczm Institute. of Physics
`Sm the Omicai SUCEEELy 43f Amm‘ica €139.
`JEN/mm! 0f {he
`Oméwe’ Socim‘y of Almeria: coniaius paparg and I€Lftr~
`that contribute significant new knowEedge 431' under—
`standing m‘ any optimi phemmezxmn, principle, (31‘ I'BSELhOd.
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`Eleventh International Quantmn Electronics Conference
`A3. Singlet-Trifle: Mixing by Hyper»
`fine Interactions in “lie, :1. R. FREEMAN,
`PHHEY, Bel! Teleghane Labumtories,
`Holnufid. NJ 07733 {1%} min.)
`A mmplete claterminmiem 05 the hyperfine
`smtemm of she. ‘23!) and 33D Sta-119$ 02‘ “Hé
`thrngh 231ml
`8 ml Doppler-free interim»
`dulmed flum‘es wms. Spectra ls rammed. We
`find the gtmcmre 0f the. 2331) state to he sig—
`nificantly mcadil‘ied by singlet—Lriplct mixing
`which is inclmced by hyperfine interactiom.
`The hyperfine interactimn is dominated by
`the Fermi mntact interaction of the inner is
`open shell electron with the nucleus and
`therefare does mt, decrease for highs}: lying
`states. Hence. unlike the case M {me ales
`tronlilie spectra fag” alkali ammg) or mul«
`Kielectmz: {Moms will: zero spin (9.5;, 4HQ) the
`high Rydberg states of 3&6 will have their
`elecironlc structures; completely (laminated
`by the hyperfine interaction.
`In particular,
`she hyperfine induced singletwtriplel m§xlug
`for 3H5: will increage rapidly with increasing
`principal quantum number n. Our resulis
`are in gaod agreement wiih illemelical (rah
`culaljnns (2f the hyperfim: interaction.
`In Fig. l we. slmw a pat/125m of nut smelmm
`which CCfilllEllnS transitkins associated with
`the 231913 levelg to we 33013.3 ates of “Pie.
`These statefi were obtained in a dc discharge
`tube operated with 9.8 '11:»? 0f 3H9.'1‘he Lube
`is pmbed with two counterpmpagating tunv
`allle lager beams wlxich are. chopped at (ll?
`femur: frequencies. By monitmingf1u<>ws~
`came at the difference frequency we obtain
`the l)0ppler»free spattmm SlIGWI‘l E31 Fig. E.
`This spectrum is fit tr.) 3 parametrized hy—
`perfine. Hamiltonian and the calculated res-
`ummce positions and line glrmagth {mm {he
`fit are shown in the figure. We find the ma-
`joriiy of the interaetian is tluc to the Fermi
`contact {arm 0f the L3 electron and {hat this
`Lerm is nearly the same. for the 2P zm‘cl LED
`states; as expected. This it-rm prucluces
`slzeable singleln-iriglm. mixing which mum. be
`included to correctly give the Structure. The
`domed lines Show resonanm pasitions if one
`neglects this mixing.
`Bacause the hyperfine lmeraetlml is; as»
`seniially mustang our rgsults, almg with
`published fine gamcture measurements allmv
`a precise detetminatkm of the structure of all
`higher lying states in 3He. We find, for ex-
`ample, we can reproduce llw two~phatom
`spectra recently abmimd by Giseobino 9; (2L1
`and also» prezlict. ihe hyperfine splittings of
`the n 1.7).; states; 0l::serve<l t'n leval crossing
`expcrirzmnts? In Table l we give 0m calm»
`hated values for these splittings; and the
`maasured experimenial valaefi. There is
`excellent agreement, As one of the simplest.
`atoms. helium is amenable to accurate ml~
`in Table. l we. {1150 include the re-~
`sults of a theory based rm hyd rogenic elec-
`tmnlc wave funmémas and gum? agresamtmt.
`will“: our catlc‘ulatimxs is again found.
`In comlusien we have made a determlm“
`Lian 0f the hymrfine interaclim in “He. This
`determinmiim Shuws
`impnrmm Singlet-
`triplet mixing affects which will (lomimw the
`Session A
`8:36 AM.
`Manday. Jime 23, 3988
`lndepaadence Room
`Laser Spectrgscapy 3
`Chairman: P.F.Llao
`Al. Doubly Excited Alkaline Earth
`At.oms* (Invited), ‘1‘. F T;-A.l..l.AGRER, R xx.
`SAFINYA, AND w. SAM.)NER. SR1“ Int-er»
`national, Menlo Park, Cal, ANS”) W.
`(:UQKE, University oj’FmHn-am Califamia,
`Los Angeles, C(ziiforma.
`{:30 min.)
`We describe recent. axpwrinmnts to pmlm
`the pmpertles ofdmxbly exalted ant.<‘>innizing
`moms. using a laser speclrmwpic technique.
`The physical basis of am excitaiinn process
`as well as. experiments; in probe the autoimp
`imiinn pmcess am deq'zrlbed.
`“)‘l‘hia work supported by AFGSR, NSF. and
`l 01%.
`A.2. Rydberg Alum Masers (Imitecl). S.
`HAfiOCHE, C. FARRE. P. (3035. M GRCQ .
`AND B. MOI. Laboramim ale Physique d6
`f’Emle Narmafe Supérimzm, Park,
`Using optically pumped alkali Rydberg
`atoms as the aczéve medium, we have recenlly
`developed new typess of g’mlaseé maser SURI‘CQS
`with unusual chzlmcterifitics. Due t0 the
`giant. electric dipole matrix elements of the.
`Rydberg states, these mizsers have extremely
`10w inveysimx thregholdss
`several oralcrs 0f
`magnitude $138136? than those of mnvemimml
`maserswand “microscopic” energy outputs.
`Very sensitive. éetectimx promdureg have to
`be used in order {.0 ebsesve their emissimx.
`An indirem detection metlmd mnsists in
`studying the field ionization characteristics
`(3f the atoms, which is strangly modified when
`maser amnion {IlCCUY'S. Direct cle’tectilm (3f the:
`tiny micmwave bursts has gals» been achieved
`by a hetemdyna technique with a very sen~
`slave Schoftky dimle mixer, Using bath
`methods. we} have matié =1 detailetl swéy of
`the emissien clmmclerisms (typical number
`of inverted atoms at threshold ~10“; pulse
`energy ml
`in if) 8“]; gawk emission power
`~IO'” W; gulse duratim: ~05 p3}.
`GWing to the large number of energy levels
`1163:“ the imiimilan limit. these new mama‘s
`can lae. opera tell at. many wavelengths; ranging
`{mm the centimetew to the submillimeter
`§n fact.
`the. sauce simuld cantir1~
`uausly evolve from éhe m'
`r it) the laser case
`when Elm binding energy 9f the lewls inl
`valved ii} the emissivon is increased.
`new coherent; SGurC85 are. brmml £43 have very
`interestifig apgllicationss
`in funclamenml
`pl‘eySiCS {study ei‘supermdlanm 0f very small
`systems 0f atoms) and for the. techmlogy of
`millimeter and submillimeter wave. (lsztecmrs
`as well.
`.9... a
`o ”'”'r
`w NNN N m N
`‘— NiiNr
`3 min}? 3
`0 W
` «‘_-«..-......__....;
` ‘
`(amua\m a
`ca” Q “25::
`5 2"???
`v-vn P6
`fix ‘4."
`rv-N N NNNv
`“She Eamls area marked by (FEB
`Porxion of Doppler»free spectrum of 230433!) lransifions 'm 3He.
`W3. 1.
`(2303?. The upper trace is the lransmission 0f an imerferometer having an FSR = 122.4 MHZ. The solid
`lines shew the calcukazed posillcns and intensities including singletvzriplét mixing. The dotted lines show
`the cafcufamd positions if singleMrSpiet mixing is ignored.


`seccitm for
`cm 1. T‘lxe 111agnitude (3f the cm.
`collisional dezxcimlion by :apanmr‘ieous
`emissizmss, (:3, was datarmined by meaguring
`the total number of signal photims integrated
`over the emission lumdwidth 51ml wing, for
`the number of detected mamas,
`«1851“»? ‘[)2)l,i\(ll‘lll‘lfl 7Pqfi1llffgv7' Vof,
`where. 1‘»! [BMW ‘1)3)} anal N l‘l‘imp'~’ 3:33} are
`the 111133 her demities in? the initial staragc
`levels, V is {he mean velocity of calligion. 7 is
`the effective radiafing time, V9 is the :1!"fective
`radiating vulume. and § is. the ratio {14'le-
`Ieetml :20 general-ed photons.
`In leix manner
`we obtain a measured value for the 0:03:51
`Section far
`(lipolwqxgndrupole collisional
`deexcimtiml (1? Us a 1.5 >4 10”"; cm“, with an
`m'emll experimental unuerminty of 21;»
`pmximateiy’ :1 tact01' 0t1‘
`The resulm of Ibis experiment have ap-
`plicaiinm to the mammalian of lowgain.
`hlglremérgy storage media and to the. spec:
`Imscopic study of the interamlrm patentiais
`(If colliding; Mann;
`1’3. E. Hank; and J.
` . Whitéz, KEEP. J. metum
`Electra”. :3, 8‘32 ('19
`213.C.‘VVlllEéé‘G.A. Z;
`' 311234, J. F. Yi‘sung.é111<l S. E.
`; 42, 4806?}?
`Phys. RM Lem“, Will}:
`{19 9)
`"\E: R Green EVL I) '1“right, l. Lukzsgik 1.4" ‘r’mmg.
`and S. l. H;,1rris.0pz. Lei-L. L 3'35 (19%)
`J25. $odiam 9111311135 Freda-cad by Mih
`liwatt cw Laser Irradiatimfl M.
`{mun 1.51.931" .F‘acility and Dépammmts of
`Chflmisl jg and P}:
`Universéw of
`(1:3 min.)
`lama, {rm-41 (fly, I;
`There are a variety 1:14" rapmts of Significant
`lmximzicm 04' alkali metal
`vapors using pulsed laisera {in Lil :mcl in Na?)
`and using; cw lasers (in C513 and in Na“). {See
`also Ref.
`far acldltimml backgmxmd.}
`While all at” this wurl; .is quite ingeresfing.
`much <15 II. inv‘mlverl mwnaxxce lines
`41ml 38
`if; perhupg not lien-3h]h surpriging.
`’l‘Eze other
`w;0rk‘ (m the other ..:.1nd, involvezs iransitiom;
`between a radiatwely trapped upper level of
`an afimlimatal rewnsnce line and 1: mare.
`highly excited level which can 335041:11Nels
`ignite m form 1‘13 .
`ln m incilzle, than, this cw
`{1135:1113 may mnmin a cozmentmtiun M M;
`which is quite mumquilibrjum. Mormven in
`contrast. 4:) a discharge where. MS may be
`rapiclly (festmyed by phutotllsgsociaLinn, the
`114:; may be stabEe with respect. to 12mm.“ anti?
`other light. (8.23.. near‘resimance lines) found
`li} the lager-produced plagma.
`With this; in mind, we have irradialed a
`smEium heat pépe (vaicalyl at $0711“), uairw
`a {mused w:- (43:23mar :38 568852 ()1 5f "}
`‘ .3:
`(‘ip . 4:1},aml
`.. ”spammed the (3:: result“
`at 80H) i. Uniike {.ssfwhem Ixs'mmg atomic
`ion—electmn radiative x‘azcs‘msbinatjm com
`timmm 388:1. we see rm slgnll‘icant spec-
`trmcopic ea'vxdence. far alums inns in our Na
`plasma. We feel thi“ is; becaum in (3&3, at the
`wager lavas! of tmm‘ .ion smdied by Tam and
`Happen the channel of ion palr fornmtions;
`(433“ + Ca W (3%“ + C5“) is available in ad:
`dition to asszaciiztive icmizafimn €Cs*’* + {is w»
`£ng + 9”}. Huwever, fer Na“ 3 Nabid),
`0111ij assaciative ionizatim can occur ener-
`geticaily. 5:) we have produwd essentially :1
`malemlar inn plasma. A1313 we note that this;
`plasma 611:1 be produced at; quite lmv pcwer
`(N? In“? fmuscd broadbaml lager light at
`388833 3‘1!) and we are currently examining the
`energy balance in deiail.
`We have obtained spectra of this 31l11sma in
`thé 2000~90W A raglan. The lm.erpretation
`afthig sg‘mclmm its
`.ill not: mn‘apletely clear.
`The varimzs amzmc lines seen can be under»
`$6641 in terms of Nal»£d)—N;~1 and N14.Rp)
`NaiSpl callisionse and the pm
`«1:41.144: recmnbinalion): N33 + c?“
`+ Na. Where Na“ is a highly excitftd N21 21mm
`lag. 4:3 or :33}. The structure:
`exciting line. and to the. rod cs presumably
`malecuiar fluorescence and If} line absorption.
`We me five hmad l‘calums at #36530. 33‘88,
`43230 4520. and 8000 A whéch mmzzin to be
`We have examined 1111:12W470I1 A reviim
`uncier higl1 “5:50leth andMimi the structure
`in Chat regian is) be a continuum. mi. tlenseiy
`spncad lines. A possaiifie explanatinn is that
`these cmxtinua represent the pl‘OCGSSGS Na?
`+ t?“ w N33 + in), where. Na} is an excited
`stale of N32 The eccurrence (If such mu~
`lecular ionvaléutron radiative recombinmion
`has; never beefi {Jreviously cistabliéalmd. al~
`though the atomic farm i$ wall knmwn. Th?
`features we see peaking at 43516 and 4:320 A
`have been olmarved in Other ways; eg...
`discharg ‘7“$.11 Ar‘” laserll‘wlineirrm‘iiaim:
`of the N .‘CX l3:1n§s;,“‘in twwplmmn N: 2
`excitatitm,“ and $11 cw and pulmd dye‘iaser
`excitation at the N11 29 lines.”‘" Similar
`features (mesm- in K, Rb, and (354.3335 Several
`explanations have been prefixed involvfing
`freefree, frewbmmd, 01' beund-free pm»
`093362;. Nate that lhe radiative recmu‘aina‘
`mm discussed. 11h<1ve can be cast in “munch
`free" form when a high molecular Rycllaerg
`state N345: 1‘s; {mined 1.1% a msx‘mance in N-«Nag‘
`smut'ering. Since: many of the patential 611‘
`ergy curves of N513 are fairly well km». ‘11, {a
`from high quality ab initio Calcu'éaliuns and
`I: variety (19f {scam exptzrimcnls, we are
`carrying wt explicit calculationa m" a number
`(.15 these alternaiives. W11 also have and will
`cmtinue m carry out simultaneous ionizatian
`{leteifzivn 1.0 attemp! Iii: rest)! ve {he origin of
`the 4:#3:.) and 4:320 A continua Final 1y we
`male that same mechanisms sugnest these
`bamis might 21911121le into :1 powerful violet
`laser with limiled utilsxbility.
`The 843% A I'eatum alums: {armixily cor:
`refiponds to {he
`.413?" —- X 1'?
`313mm“: handy?” and has previouslv been
`(lbsewell 'in a Na (0: other all:
`’ dis
`chargefi’m” There i5 1 continuum overlaid
`vith many (liscretc line:
`’l‘ho discrem linez‘s,
`however, exfieml thmugh all parts (ll the laser
`path whiis the. smilinum1 is; cmwentmtedm
`the cmtmi' ‘white’ raglan near the locus;
`where The 4‘4:30 and 45:20:31 featums appear.
`”11193510 and RESO A feaz'urm; have up
`parenaly mm been previously reported. They
`also appear mnfinumm and passiblé exgxla-
`nations for them are similar 1:1 finesse men:
`tinned abmre fer
`Ilm 43:34) and 42320 A
`We are currently examining fixese spectra
`and unending them in a varieg'iy of wayss, with
`ampltasgis. on obtaining: micrrmgroplc under«
`standing of {hi} {3111mm fmmmim1 pmcegs.
`*Supportcd by the Nalimle Aeronautics and Space
`Adminislmtim) aml the Natimml Science F0un<§a~
`”Y. J. Mellmth and 'I’. B. laxmmxm. Phys. Rev.
`Lem. 38: I390 {497?}.
`‘3'? EL Lumim‘m and 'l‘. vl. Mellmth. Phys. Rev.
`Len. 37 1223:1978;
`3A. “lam and 3‘. H:epper,01)i Commun. 21 40"
`4G. H. Bemman and J. J. L<>ve11tl1al. Phys. Rev.
`Leu. 44, 1227 “97:81:41, lmfillil (3978}.
`5-413. {411mg M. {I}. Payne. 8. l). Kramer. mail J. P.
`‘x’aung. Rev. Mad. Phys ‘33., ’58? (1372)}.
`“EVE. Allegrinfll. :\l2€[§.{1..‘\.
`15km L. Mai.
`3nd G. 0rr§z>lss. Om, memnm. 1‘).
`EH. Barlels. Z. Ply l
`'33, 2013 (19133}.
`gK chmédi. News {flags 0f the Sm}: lmerrmtfmmf
`("‘mziérmqe 0:! {mixtxtizm Phermmmm in Gases
`(Pearls 196i} \-’.s)l :‘1,p.
`94.! I. dellront mad 3 A J N! Van“int. J Phys 1)
`s, 11:51 (19
`NJ. {5. W:
`rd'mam. Opt. Commun. 2S1, {BS {1978)
`“J. P. erdman. (331mm.
`l-‘lwss. Lest. $3.">..;£l
`,. Mni.
`. Allegrini. (E. Alzé'llfl. A, Einpy
`S1; 7':
`and {1. Orriuls. 93):” C‘ummtm. 23,
`“A K01
`ynxlm and P. Kiwalvzyk. (1m. (.ommun.
`SEE?“ : ES}
`. mynslza and P. Kn>1x=s1lmyk.{}m. Camnn'm.
`‘53:}. M. 13.?le 51ml H. l". Bmida, J.Chz1m.l’l1ys.(il,
`88?. 1' 15134).
`”W. (T‘ Stwslley,"isxse? M‘ 2ipt1l11tion :1fMalallic
`Vapnre‘s", Radiatign EREI'M’ Con-w-
`‘imz in Spawn
`edited by K. W. Billman, th (£1 (12‘ Program in As»
`trmaauticg 21ml Aermmuilw (£53781, {3. 5934503.
`“I... K. Lam. A. Gallagher, and M. M. He....el. J.
`Chem. Phys. (£6. 32360 (19W).
`“‘1’. ?. $(xr0kin and 1}. R. Lzmkard. J. Chem. Phys.
`513, 3810 (EBYU.
`Ll‘l1ys. R 4.
`{animation in Crassed Atomic. Beams. P,
`PQLAK-ENNGELJS. ml". BMW-11:115. AND J.
`WE? NEIL flepmtmmz 0f
`L 'Wm'zvof Varx-‘I’rmd, Callvgv Park .41)
`{l :3 minJ
`Lasepswitched m lwer-maclified emulsions
`an». the abject of irxazengive theoretical and
`experimental emuly because they filler the
`. mltrenlling the relative proba-
`bilitms (1f mnnpeliug inelastic and reactive
`exit. channels.
`'l‘he influence of {4:13 lasers» field
`is; {i} mnclify the (Elfifil'lffiiiit? 34.411233 of [he Sygx
`Lem during a mlllglmml enmunter. Lager-
`indmml collimhms
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`atl‘ymicfield imamElam which are nonre~
`sax-mm with 1%»me m dipole allmucd (mm
`5 Runs of she Separatemlto
`m partners
`We (Eli:
`here new results an l’emxing/
`amecéative ionization ml“ Nam/N3 Culliskms in
`the: masseuse of Uptécal held pmver demities
`0;“ 2210'“ W/cmg.
`11$ follows;
`Tlm experimental $03,411,)
`Twc; alkali atomic-beam sources are animated
`(m 21 multiparted vacuum chamber at. right
`angles; in the horizcmtal plane. Two laser
`beams enter from oppmfie 1mm: and (averlap
`at. the lnlemctlm: reginn wiah am angle of
`nearly 1843”. The light sources are 113mb
`lamp pumped tunable (lYfif lasers. sytmhrl»
`sized tegether and with a £301; car inmgrw
`Lorlamplifier used to recorti the ion signal. A
`quadrupole: mags filter, mounted above the

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