Real-Time Multimedia and the Web workshop
`VEMMI: a new On-line Client/Server
`Multimedia Protocol for the Internet
`Author: Daniel MAVRAKIS
`Company: Monaco Telematique MC-TEL
`Address: 25, boulevard d'Italie, P.O. Box 225, MC 98004 Monte-Carlo Cedex, Principality of Monaco
`Voice: +377 9216 8888
`Fax: +377 9330 4545
`Internet e-mail:
`Date: September 12, 1996
`Introduction: VEMMI, an European and
`International Standard for Multimedia On-line
`VEMMI is a new international standard defining the user interface and client/server protocol for on-
`line multimedia interactive services.
`This paper will introduce this new European (ETSI 300 382 and ETS 300 709) and international (ITU-
`T/CCITT T.107) VEMMI standard: "Enhanced Man-Machine Interface for Videotex and
`Multimedia/Hypermedia Information Retrieval Services" , and how it could be used right now to create
`on-line advanced multimedia services on the Internet, interworking with Web services.
`VEMMI allows to create on-line multimedia and hypermedia services that could be accessed from any
`user owning a PC or Mac personal computer running a VEMMI client software, using any network
`(Internet, ISDN, videotex, and so on...) to access the multimedia server.
`VEMMI: a new On-Line Client/Server Multimedia Protocol for the Internet
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`Figure 1: VEMMI defines and uses various objects (buttons, selectors, input fields, display areas for text,
`images, videotex or moving video) that are represented and managed in the user's terminal current
`operating system and graphic user interface. All the VEMMI objects are displayed as other objects of the
`current graphic user interface (Windows, Mac/OS, Motif, and so on...) and are managed in the same way.
`The multimedia VEMMI application could then be immediately used by any user that will see no
`difference between the user interactions of such an application or those of any local program executed by
`his personal computer.
`VEMMI is a standardized on-line interactive multimedia protocol, allowing to create easily any
`multimedia on-line service, with the following features and facilities:
`standardized and internationally recognized, this architecture warrants the information providers
`(and users) to be fully independent from any manufacturer and completely free of their choices. It
`allows the multimedia on-line services to be accessed from any system (personal computer, X-
`terminal, dedicated terminal,...) supporting VEMMI.
`VEMMI is currently promoted along HTTP/HTML by several European and non-European
`Telecom carriers (Deutsche Telekom, Austrian Telecom, Belgacom, and so on...) that recommend
`that the new multimedia applications created using their networks use either Web HTTP/HTML or
`VEMMI protocols.
`VEMMI is readily available on most personal computers (PC/Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, Mac,...). It
`allows then the on-line multimedia services to be reached by anybody.
`from a technical standpoint, VEMMI offers all the features required by advanced today and
`tomorrow multimedia on-line services:
`interactive multimedia session in the current user's terminal operating system and graphic
`user interface (Windows, MacOS, OS/2, Motif, and so on...).
`object-oriented programming.
`support of numerous data formats for text, sound, photo, moving video,...
`bi-directional data transfer and local data and object storage on the personal computer.
`activation of local programs on the personal computers during the multimedia session,
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`allowing to extend the VEMMI functionalities as needed.
`and so on...
`It must be strongly pointed out that VEMMI does not compete with but instead is quite complementary to
`the HTTP/HTML protocols used on the Web: VEMMI is for example not well suited to the display of
`documents linked by hyperlinks. Instead, VEMMI is designed to allow to create complex, high-value
`added applications using advanced features (multi-windowing object-oriented interface, continuous
`dialog with the host computer, use of client PC local processing facilities, and so on...) that will
`complement the Web and could be started during a Web session. To have more information on this point,
`consult the part dealing with VEMMI and Internet. You could also consult advanced technical
`information on VEMMI and Internet on
`Here is an example of actual VEMMI application: Figure 2: the demo Yellow Pages multimedia
`electronic directory built for France Telecom and demonstrated at Telecom 95 exhibit: the object-
`oriented, event driven, multi-windowing interface allows for example to search for an hotel in Paris, and
`in the same time looking at maps in another part of France.
`Introduction to VEMMI and its main features and
`An universal and network-independent standard
`One of the main interest of VEMMI is that it could be used on any network and low layers
`communication protocols, as it is fully independent of any network or transport layers. Typically, once
`the communication is established between the VEMMI client (usually a personal computer running a
`VEMMI emulator) and the VEMMI server, the multimedia VEMMI session could start.
`VEMMI could then be used on any network (STN, videotex and X.25, ISDN, and so on), but one of its
`main area of interest is of course the Internet and TCP/IP networks. VEMMI is particularly interesting in
`respect of Internet or Intranet, as it offers an interactive multimedia solution that is quite complementary
`to the ones already existing in the Internet, mostly based on HTTP/HTML protocol (and using products
`such Mosaic, Netscape and other Web browsers).
`An object oriented programming
`As the Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) currently used on personal computers and workstations
`(Windows, OS/2, MacOS, Motif, and so on...), VEMMI is object-oriented and use objects and resources.
`The logical units which form the structure of VEMMI are:
`VEMMI objects;
`VEMMI components;
`VEMMI component items;
`VEMMI resources, that could be shared between several objects.
`For the sake of simplicity, the term "VEMMI element" is a generic name used to designate an object, a
`component or an item.
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`Figure 3: Example showing the relationships between VEMMI objects, components and component items.
`The VEMMI Objects
`The VEMMI objects are the logical units used by the multimedia application to interact with the user.
`These objects are composed of several components.
`A fundamental VEMMI characteristics is the objects are only defined by their function, their size and
`their position on the terminal screen. The actual object representation by the user terminal is not
`imposed and will be in practice the same that the one used by the graphical user interface running on
`the user terminal to display an equivalent object. This characteristic is of extreme importance, as it
`a given VEMMI application may be accessed from any terminal supporting VEMMI,
`independently of its manufacturer, operating system and graphical user interface. In any case, the
`VEMMI objects will be displayed using the facilities of the current graphical user interface. A
`VEMMI object will appear in the same way than a Windows object on a PC/Windows, in the same
`way than a Mac object on a Macintosh, in the same way than a Motif object on a X/Motif
`workstation, and so on.
`the users will then be able to use immediately and instinctively any VEMMI application, as the
`objects managed by the application will appear to him as the familiar objects of his computer
`graphical user interface. In the extreme, it could even be difficult for the user to differentiate a
`VEMMI on-line multimedia application running in client/server mode to the execution of a local
`program on his personal computer.
`The VEMMI components and component items
`The VEMMI objects includes several components that belong to them. The VEMMI components could
`contain a data content.
`Some examples of VEMMI objects
`The VEMMI objects includes all the objects used by most GUI:
`main application bar, located on the top of the screen, athat llows the user to make a choice
`between the different VEMMI application and sub-application parts.
`pop-up menu that display a list of choices (and if necessary subchoices) anywhere on the screen.
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`button bar.
`dialogue box, that is the object where the main interaction between the user and the VEMMI
`application takes place. Within the dialog box, various components may be used for example text or
`graphic presentation areas, push buttons, text input fields, list box, and so on...
`message box displaying information, not requested by the user, but sent by the VEMMI application
`in response to an unexpected event.
`operative object, that is an executable program run during the session. It could works in
`standalone mode, without interacting with the VEMMI application (for example, the Word program
`may be started) or directly interact with the remote server and the objects managed by the VEMMI
`client software.
`metacode object containing VEMMI commands that could be executed locally. This method
`provides an easy way to avoid unnecessary dialogue steps with the host multimedia application and
`improving response time.
`text, graphic, font, color, audio, video or multimedia resource object.
`The VEMMI resources
`The resources are elements which can be referenced by one or several VEMMI elements. They include:
`the colour table;
`files stored in the terminal (identified by their filenames) that could for example contains text,
`sound data, photo, video, executable programs, and so on...
`character fonts and their attributes;
`VEMMI elements data content
`VEMMI supports numerous data formats and is similar to Web regarding the variety and openness of
`supported datatypes. The VEMMI elements could have contents of various types:
`1. text and its attributes;
`2. HTML;
`3. bitmaps (BMP, GIF, JPEG);
`4. colour table;
`5. videotex;
`6. sounds (WAVE,MIDI);
`7. graphical data;
`8. moving video;
`9. VEMMI commands;
`10. character fonts;
`As this in the case in Web world, numerous datatypes are supported but not in a mandatory way (for
`example JPEG pictures could be transmitted if the terminal VEMMI implementation supports this
`format). An interesting feature is that the information provider could check the datatypes supported by
`the terminal but also provide a specific data decoder to the user (on a floppy disk or on-line as
`required), or even use any proprietary datatype by supplying the appropriate decoder.
`The main computer character sets are supported by VEMMI, including non-latin alphabets (Greek,
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`Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Japanese, and so on...). Furthermore, VEMMI allows to switch from an
`alphabet to another one within a single text.
`The text data used by the VEMMI application could be transmitted by the host server, but the application
`could use a local filename storing the text to display by specifying its filename.
`VEMMI could display high quality text by specifying its character font, its colour its size and its
`attributes (italic, bold, underline). VEMMI text could includes sensible words whose activation will
`trigger any associated action.
`In order to facilitate the interworking between VEMMI applications and existing Web services, HTML
`data may be displayed by VEMMI.
`Bitmaps and pictures
`The main picture formats are supported:
`Microsoft Device Independent Bitmap DIB (BMP).
`photovideotex with its T.4/T.6 extension allowing to display fax data.
`Graphical geometric data could also be represented if the terminal supports them (CGM, videotex
`with geometric extension).
`Any other format could be represented by activating a viewer or decoder able to represent it.
`In order to allow existing videotex services (mainly used in Europe) to evolve smoothly to multimedia,
`videotex screens could be represented by the VEMMI emulators in a standard videotex window. Either
`the videotex window or the VEMMI window could be active, allowing to keep the existing videotex
`databases and to upgrade some part of them to VEMMI applications.
`Furthermore, existing videotex screens or data could be displayed in a graphical output area.
`Additionally to standard videotex data, photovideotex data may also be displayed, including fax data (as
`the T.4/T.6 fax encoding in included in photovideotex).
`Audio data
`Sounds could be associated with a object and will be played during object activation (triggered by the
`application or the user action).
`The sound formats supported are:
`MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface).
`audiovideotex (including ADPCM).
`Moving video
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`Video data could be displayed within a VEMMI object:
`videophone (H.261, H.320)
`It is of course mandatory to have either a sufficient throughput or to have the video data stored on a local
`disk with high transfer rate.
`Real-Time capability
`VEMMI may be used for real-time applications. To the difference of MHEG-5, VEMMI has not been
`designed for real-time interactive video (mainly because the synchronization mechanisms provided by
`MHEG-5 are not included in VEMMI right now), but it could nevertheless be used in numerous real-time
`multimedia applications:
`any multimedia on-line services using text, images, sounds and video (with some restrictions
`regarding video, see below).
`video data stored on a local disk or CD-ROM and whose display is controlled by the remote
`server.on-line video, if the data throughput between the VEMMI client and server is sufficient. The
`release 3 of the standard will expand VEMMI capabilities regarding on-line video.on-line audio.
`The ADPCM facilities of VEMMI could be used in order to allow efficient on-line audio data
`transfert on slow lines.
`VEMMI Commands (metacode objects)
`A metacode object contains VEMMI commands. It will not be displayed on the screen, but it will provides
`an easy way to avoid unnecessary dialogue steps with the host application and to improve the response
`Local storage and file transfer
`In many multimedia applications, large data must be displayed or used: pictures, sound, moving video,
`data, executable programs, and so on...
`The transmission of these data may require a long time, even when medium speed networks as ISDN are
`used. VEMMI allows to use and display data already stored in the user personal computer, then
`avoiding both the transmission delay and the associated communication cost.
`Several methods may be used:
`the information provider may store some objects on a floppy disk transmitted to the user, for
`example along with the VEMMI client software.
`if huge or numerous objects must be stored, the best way is to use a CD-ROM that is for example
`very well suited to teleshopping applications.
`an middle way is to transmit the objects during the first session and to store them on the personal
`computer disk. It could then be used again during future sessions.
`The file transfer of files or VEMMI data offers the following facilities:
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`it could be performed with or without displaying a dialog box informing the user of the operation.
`the file transfer is performed as a parallel task and during the file transfer operation the user may
`continue to interact with the VEMMI application.
`a window could display in real-time the status of the file transfer if needed (file copied, percentage
`of the file copied up to now (e.g. in graphic format).
`possible user interaction with the file transfer operation (abord, suspend, resume...).
`several file transfers could be requested independently at the same time.
`Additionnally to the VEMMI file transfer protocol, other standard protocols could be used, including:
`European file transfer protocols (ETS 300 075 and ISDN file transfer Eurofile (ETS 300 383))
`In order to allow the VEMMI application to download files without having to know in advance the system
`configuration (disk unit names, directory names, and so on...), the server application may refer to
`directories using logical names that will be translated by the client software to their equivalent names on
`the personal computer. For example, an application may refer to the CD-ROM drive by the logical name
`$CD, and the VEMMI client software will translate it to the actual CD-ROM drive unit name (F:, H:,...)
`according to its configuration. The user has the ability to change the logical name definition and also to
`restrict the application access rights (read, write,...) or the available disk space for storage for a given
`A very open standard
`As it is understood that a given protocol could never plan for the introduction and support of all the
`features that may be needed thereafter, VEMMI has been designed to offer very open features allowing to
`extend it easily:
`during the session VEMMI session, any local software stored on the user personal computer
`could be executed. This important feature open the way to numerous opportunities, for example:
`a viewer or decoder could be activated to display any data type not supported by the
`standard VEMMI standard or the current emulator implementation.
`the application could send data to the terminal and then start a local program to process or
`display the data. For example, an home banking multimedia application could download the
`latest stock exchange data and then start a spreadsheet program to integrate the data in the
`user personal stock exchange sheets.
`some applications could start drivers allowing to control external devices whose input is
`needed during the multimedia session: bar-code reader, smart card reader, video camera,
`scanner, and so on...
`The program may already exists on the system, but it could also be downloaded by the host server
`during the first session and then stored on the system for future use.
`any specific data syntax could be used by an application, VEMMI allows to use any viewer,
`decoder or converter to process an application-specific data type.
`a VEMMI terminal capabilities identification command allows the server, at the beginning of the
`multimedia session, to check the terminal characteristics.
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`An optimized protocol
`VEMMI includes several optimization mechanisms designed to improve efficiency and response time,
`even when low or medium speed networks are used or if transit delays are encountered within the
`network (as it is often the case with Internet):
`local objects may be stored on the user personal computer and accessed during the VEMMI
`session. For example pictures or moving video could be send to the user on floppy disk or CD-
`During a VEMMI multimedia session, the host server could also store objects on the user personal
`computer to access them later on during future sessions.
`the VEMMI elements could be associated to local actions, that will be triggered automatically
`when the user will activate or validate this element (for example push a button, fill in a text entry
`field, select a menu choice). The actions previously defined for this case will then be executed
`automatically by the terminal without needing any server interaction, allowing an immediate
`response to the user action.
`furthermore, complex sets of VEMMI commands could be stored in metacode objects ready to be
`run on a server command or following a local action.
`VEMMI and Internet
`One of the main strong points of VEMMI is that its characteristics and features are quite complementary
`to those of the HTTP/HTML protocol used on the Web: VEMMI is then particularly useful to complement
`Web applications.
`network Characteristics Advantages
`oriented, stateless
`and connectionless
`paradigm, the
`client software
`controls the
`language, the Java
`programs are
`downloaded to the
`client system and
`run locally
`no real session
`nor context
`save, no real
`feature, the
`server could not
`data (not
`requested first)
`to the client
`development is
`complex, does
`not run on
`Windows 3.x
`document creation
`very easy, distributed
`applications, Web
`browsers widely
`spread worldwide
`complex processing
`done locally by the
`client, object-oriented
`language with very
`extensive features
`Well suited to
`consultation, simple
`applications does
`not requiring
`improvement of
`Web services, local
`processing features,
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`and so on
`development is
`complex, client
`software still
`not widely
`high-value added
`requiring keeping a
`session context,
`and object oriented
`interface, the
`control of the client
`by the remote
`client/server, object-
`orient environment,
`object oriented
`multi-windowing (of
`protocol, the
`course), easy
`objects used by
`evolution from a
`the client are
`standard data
`created and
`processing (telnet,
`managed by the
`remote host
`application to a
`through a constant
`multimedia VEMMI
`link between client
`and server.
`Table 1: Brief comparison of HTTP/HTML (Web), Java and VEMMI.
`Using VEMMI on Internet
`VEMMI is independent of the network and transport layers used, and could of course be used on Internet.
`Although several transport protocols could be used to transport VEMMI data on the Internet network
`(TCP, UDP,...), it is assumed that TCP will be mainly used.
`The coding mechanism and client/server protocol used by VEMMI could be used on a TCP/IP stack, with
`the following remarks:
`During a VEMMI session, a continuous link is established between the client and the server,
`using the TCP/IP virtual circuit protocol. This link will remains up during the whole VEMMI
`session (to the difference of the Web applications that use a stateless protocol.
`A well-known port number has been assigned to VEMMI protocol by IANA: this is the port
`number 575, that will be used by all client and server software.
`After the connection is established, the terminal must be able to select the VEMMI application
`desired (as all the VEMMI applications hosted on a given system must ideally be accessed through
`the same well known port number assigned by IANA). The proposed mechanism to select the
`service and start the session is to extend the URL mechanism in order to support VEMMI as
`protocol scheme (URLs already supports a lot of protocols, such http, ftp, gopher,...).
`A VEMMI URL protocol scheme has then been designed (this document is currently an Internet-
`Draft in Last Call) and allows to integrate VEMMI services within Web services. Simultaneous
`navigation on the Web service and the VEMMI service is possible.
`Demonstration of the complementarity between VEMMI and the
`Introduction to the Web and HTTP/HTML protocols
`As most users well know, the HTTP communication protocol between a Web browser client and the
`server is very simple [8]: the client establishes a connection with the server and sends a request
`containing the word GET following with the name (partial URL) of the document to be retrieved. The
`server responds with the document contents and then closes immediately the session. The difference
`between the multimedia interactive VEMMI session maintaining the link between the client and the
`server and a session context during the communication and the stateless procedure used on the Web is
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`immediately shown:
`A Web browser only retrieves a document to display (or send a document to the server) and close
`the communication. When the user will click on another word to retrieve another document (that
`could be located on another server anywhere on the world), a new communication will be
`temporarily established, only during the time needed to retrieve the document.
`What appears to the user to be a single continuous "session" is in fact a succession of several
`completely independent HTTP sessions, each comprising a request and the corresponding response.
`Therefore, the Web servers could not easily keep a session context and are then not always well
`suited to implement high value added applications best supported by a bidirectional data exchange
`between the client and server during a single session.
`VEMMI, on the other hand, will run on a single continuous session between the client and server. Most of
`its characteristics are quite different from the Web (see below): for example VEMMI uses a client/server
`object-oriented interface.
`Characteristics of the HTTP protocol used by Web browsers
`Characteristics Value
`1) As the server does not maintain a
`session context, the development of
`complex, high-value added
`applications is very difficult.
`2) Performance problems, both in the
`time taken for each connection, the
`slow start of the data transfer, and the
`load placed on both networks and
`Managing hyperlinks to remote
`documents that could be modified
`anytime and without notice at the
`remote location is tiresome. This
`explains why it is so often not
`possible to access to a document
`because the hyperlink became
`1) No real GUI object oriented
`1) The server
`does not have to
`maintain a
`session context
`and an active link
`with the client.
`2) No need to
`maintain a
`continuous link
`on the network.
`3) This also
`explains why it is
`so easy to access
`documents stored
`on independent
`Documents could
`point to other
`leading a wholly
`HTTP Protocol
`and Session
`Stateless protocol, based on a
`request/response paradigm:
`connect, request, response,
`There is no continuous
`session between client and
`server, but a new connection
`is established for every
`Yes, as the documents are
`independent (even linked)
`Object-oriented No, the Web interface is
`document oriented. A single
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`Man Machine
`Interface with
`document is active. Even with
`the latest multi-document
`extension, the system remains
`a document-oriented one, not
`Creation and
`update of HTML
`documents is
`very easy
`2) HTML protocol is only document
`The supported
`data formats are
`specified by the
`client that could
`sort them
`according to its



`Numerous tools
`are not only
`widely available
`but often



`The server could not react
`asynchronously. It could only send
`back its answer when a request arrive
`from the client.



`Negociation of
`offered by the
`controlling the
`Well suited to
`No (except Java or the other
`proprietary scripting
`The client controls the
`"session" and is responsible
`for fetching and displaying
`the data.
`In fact, there is no real
`session, as a Web "session" is
`composed of multiple
`independent HTTP requests
`(issued by the client) and
`responses (done by the
`Hyperdocument consultation,
`simple transactional
`Availability of
`Table 2: characteristics of the HTTP/HTML protocols used by the Web
`Characteristiques of the VEMMI protocol
`As shown by the table 3 below, the VEMMI characteristics are quite opposite to those of HTTP. In that
`respect, we could see VEMMI and HTTP as complementary solutions, each one offering specific
`advantages and disadvantages and each best suited to some kind of applications.
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`Characteristics Value
`Protocol and
`Client/server protocol
`supported by a
`continuous session
`between the client and
`the server.
`The server could keep track of the user
`actions and maintains a session context.
`This allows to develop complex, high
`value added applications.
`Man Machine
`Interface with
`Negociation of
`Yes, advanced Man-
`Machine Interface
`supporting wide range
`of objects and
`offered by the
`Yes (local actions, local
`object storage,
`metacode objects,
`operative objects).
`controlling the
`Both client and server
`could interact
`asynchronously during
`the session, even if in
`most cases the session
`is mostly controlled by
`the client.
`Simple and complex
`Complete data integrity as the VEMMI
`application does not rely on the
`availability of other systems or
`documents to run.
`1) Advanced user interface conforming
`to those used on most GUI.
`2) Objects and events- oriented
`The server could check the datatypes
`supported by the terminal.
`1) Improved response time
`2) Activation of local programs
`3) Possible local secure processing of
`4) Extension of the terminal and
`session capabilites
`1) Much advanced features for the
`application developer as the server
`could notify asynchronously the
`terminal when an event occur. For
`example a real-time messaging system
`between connected users is easy to do
`with VEMMI.
`1) The server must
`maintain a session
`2) A network link (and
`the associated network
`load and
`communication costs)
`must be maintained
`between the client and
`the server.
`3) Distributed
`databases are not easy
`to use.
`All the objects must be
`stored and managed on
`the server system.
`Implementing a
`VEMMI application is
`more complex than
`setting up a Web
`It is currently not
`possible to ponderate
`them according user


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`Well suited to
`Availability of
`applications requiring
`advanced object-
`oriented man-machine
`Not widely available
`right now, but
`numerous software
`suppliers are
`implementing VEMMI
`Soon ?






`Table 3: characteristics of the VEMMI protocol: the comparison between the tables 2 and 3 demonstrates
`clearly the differences and the complementarity between VEMMI and Web
`Integration and interworking between VEMMI and
`In order to take full advantage of the complementarity between VEMMI and Web, interworking
`mechanisms have been designed:
`a VEMMI application could be started when an user browing the Web clicks on a VEMMI
`a VEMMI client software may display existing HTML documents.
`Activating a VEMMI session from a Web browser
`Standard HTML documents may include VEMMI hyperlink, that is URLs whose scheme is of VEMMI
`type, as specified in the VEMMI URL specification.
`In this case, when the user selects a VEMMI URL when browsing the Web, the Web browser will
`activate th

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