4. Checklists
`5. Emergency procedures
`6. Data from nav systems
`7. Diagnostics
`8. Backup for EICAS displays
`(Engine Instrumentation
`and Crew Alerting Systems)
`EICAS systems are currently available for the 757/767 and the
`Airbus 300 and 310. To date EICAS has not been certified in a
`general aviation aircraft though all of the avionics vendors are
`working on systems for specific aircraft types. There are several
`issues with EICAS:
`1. Is there sufficient panel space for two tubes?
`Fig. 18 Crew Alerting Systems
`Future Directions
`It is obvious that the shell has only been cracked in the appli-
`cation of CRT's to the business aviation cockpit. Currently, work
`is going on in several areas:
`2. Will the airframe support the weight and power penalty that
`EICAS brings with it?
`1. Side by side 8”x8" tubes
`2. Integrated symbol generators
`3. During engine start, how will the system be powered?
`3. High speed CMOS to reduce heat
`4. Can the reversionary display tube be used as an MFD when
`not needed for EICAS?
`4. Fully integrated avionics shipsets that share a great deal of
`their hardware.
`3|. What should be displayed (all parameters, only the essential
`engine parameters, all warnings of only the noncritical adviso-
`5. Three dimensional displays
`6. Voice entry systems
`From the list above, it can be seen that the application of
`EICAS in general aviation aircraft needs careful study and per-
`haps some new technology before it can achieve the same level of
`acceptance as EFIS. The most promise lies in the integration of
`the entire cockpit by an all new system. In fact, this is the direc-
`tion that all of the avionics vendors are headed.
`7. Integrated FMS and EFIS systems
`8. CRT (stand-alone) air data instruments
`9. Raster only high resolution tubes
`ii. a
`Fig. 17 Engine Instruments
`10. Liquid crystal and other “flat plate” displays
`General aviation avionics finds its way into many other mar-
`kets. It is typically an evolutionary rather than revolutionary
`growth. When Boeing developed the all—digital shipset, general
`aviation systems engineers were literally green with envy because
`they recognized the advantages of this type of change.
`At this time, the first all-digital general aviation aircraft (the
`SF-340 and the BAe-800) have been certified and are starting the
`payoff period that EFIS initiated in 1982. The future is exciting,
`to say the least, now that the core systems are all-digital.
`(1) Robert J. Tibor, John C. Hall, “Flight Management Systems
`III Where Are We Going And Will It Be Worth It,” Collins
`Air Transport Division, Rockwell International
`Ex. 1031, p.251
`Ex. 1031, p. 251

`Billy L. Dove
`NASA Langley Research Center
`Dennis B. Mulcare
`Lockheed—Georgia Co.
`This session addresses the application of fault tolerant technologies to digital avionics,
`architectural concepts and software techniques used to achieve fault tolerance.
`Ex. 1031 , p. 252
`Ex. 1031, p. 252

`Ex. 1031, p. 253
`Ex. 1031, p. 253

`Jaynarayan H. Lala'
`The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory,
`Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
`The Advanced Information Processing System (AIPS)
`designed to provide a fault tolerant and damage tol-
`erant data processing architecture for a broad range
`aerospace vehicles.
`This paper describes the
`its operational philosophy.
`system is now in the detailed
`describes the architecture of the POC system build-
`ing blocks.
`The following sections define the AIPS in great-
`er detail. Section 2 is a conceptual definition of
`the system and its operational philosophy. Section
`a more
`system configuration,
`AIPS building blocks, and their architecture.
`For a
`more complete description of
`the AIPS system please
`see ‘AIPS System Specification‘
`designers to select an appropriate set of the build-
`ing blocks and system services and configure a spe-
`cific processing system for their application. The
`application designer need not
`include all the build-
`ing blocks that are present
`in the POC system. The
`number and type of building blocks and their config-
`uration will be determined by the specific applica-
`tions requirements.
`The Advanced Information Processing System (AIPS)
`designed to provide a fault tolerant and damage tol-
`erant data processing architecture that meets aer-
`The requirements for seven different
`are described in
`‘AIPS System
`[1]. The requirements can be divided
`into two categories: quantitative and qualitative.
`the former are processor
`memory size,
`lag, mission success proba-
`Examples of
`the latter are graceful
`degradation, growth and change tolerance,
`bility. etc.
`The AIPS architecture is
`intended to
`satisfy the quantitative requirements and also have
`attributes that make
`responsive to the qualita-
`tive requirements.
`system is comprised of hardware ‘building
`blocks‘ which are fault
`tolerant processing ele-
`and damage tolerant
`network and an
`input/output network,
`and a fault
`tolerant power distribution system.
`A network oper-
`ating system ties
`these elements
`coherent system.
`The system is managed by a Global Computer
`allocates functions to individual processing sites.
`system level
`redundancy management
`reconfiguration, and maintains knowledge of the sys-
`tem state for distribution to the component ele-
`system management
`functions may
`in-flight. Redundancy management,
`task scheduling,
`and other
`local services at
`individual processing
`sites are handled by local operating systems. The
`network operating system links local operating sys-
`tems together for such functions as intertask commu-
`Member AIAA,
`C°P3’|'lghl © American Institute of Aeronautics and
`Astronautics. lnc.. 1984. All rights reserved.
`The Advanced Information Processing System con-
`sists of a number of computers located at processing
`sites which may be physically dispersed throughout
`the vehicle.
`These processing sites
`together by a reliable and damage tolerant data com-
`munication bus, called the Intercomputer Bus or the
`IC bus.
`a given processing site may have
`A computer at
`access to varying numbers and types of Input/Output
`(I/O) buses. The I/0 buses may be global,
`in nature.
`Input/Output devices on the
`I/0 bus are available to all or at
`majority of
`the AIPS computers. Regional buses con-
`nect I/O devices in a given region to the processing
`sites located in their vicinity.
`Local buses con-
`nect a computer
`to the I/O devices dedicated to that
`computer. Additionally,
`there may be memory mapped
`I/O devices that can be accessed directly by a com-
`puter similar to a memory location. Finally,
`is a system Mass Memory that
`is directly accessible
`from all computers in the system on a dedicated mul-
`tiplex Mass Memory (MM) bus.
`I/O bus are
`Input/Output devices on the global
`available system wide.
`The global
`I/O bus is a time
`division multiple access (TDMA) contention bus. The
`(IC) bus is used to transmit commands
`and data between computers. The IC bus is also a TDMA
`contention bus.
`shows a simplified system level diagram
`Figure 1
`of the AIPS architecture.
`Computers at various AIPS processing sites are
`General Purpose Computers (GPCS) of varying capabil-
`in terms of processing throughput, memory,
`reliability, fault tolerance, and damage tolerance.
`Throughput may range from that of a single micro-
`processor to that of a large multiprocessor. Memory
`size will be determined by application requirements.
`Reliability, as measured by probability of failure
`due to random faults, ranges from 10‘4 per hour for a
`Ex. 1031, p. 254

`a multi-
`to 10“° per
`simplex processor
`processor that uses parallel hybrid redundancy. For
`those functions
`requiring fault masking a
`level of
`redundancy is provided.
`low criticall-
`ty functions or noncritical functions,
`the GPCs may
`be duplex or simplex. Parallel hybrid redundancy is
`for extremely high levels of fault
`and/or for
`longevity (long mission durations). GPCs
`can also be made damage tolerant by physically dis-
`persing redundant GPC elements and providing secure
`and damage
`communications between these
`elements. Within AIPS, computers of varying levels
`of fault tolerance can coexist such that
`less reli-
`able computers are not
`a detriment
`to higher reli-
`ability computers.
`framework in which AIPS operates can
`The overall
`be characterized as a
`limited form of a fully dis-
`tributed multicomputer system.
`A fully distributed
`system must
`following subsections
`describe these requirements
`and characterize the
`AIPS architecture in the context of
`these require-
`fully distributed system must have a multi-
`plicity of resources which are freely assignable to
`functions on a short-term basis [3]. AIPS has mul-
`tiple processing sites; however.
`they are not freely
`assigned to functions on a short-term basis. During
`routine operations the General Purpose Computers at
`various processing sites are assigned to perform a
`fixed set of functions, each computer doing a unique
`set of
`tasks. However,
`in response to some internal
`or external
`the computers can be reas-
`a different
`results in some functions migrating from one proc-
`essing site to another site in the system. Under
`certain conditions,
`it may also result in some func-
`tions being suspended entirely for
`a brief time
`period or for
`the remainder of the mission.
`form of
`limited distributed processing is
`called semi-dynamic function migration.
`in function
`migration may consist of detection of a fault in the
`a change in the system load due to a change
`in mission phase, etc.
`An example of
`an external
`stimulus is a crew initiated reconfiguration of
`a fully distributed
`Another characteristic of
`system is that the multiplicity of resources should
`be transparent
`to the user.
`To a large extent,
`is true in the AIPS.
`Function migration is trans-
`to the function and the person implementing
`that function in software.
`Interfunction communi-
`cation is handled by the operating system such that
`the location of
`the two communicating functions is
`also transparent
`to both.
`The two functions could
`be collocated in a GPC or
`they may be executing in
`different GPCs.
`Indeed, at one time they may be col-
`located. while at a later time one of
`them may have
`been migrated to another site. This transparency is
`achieved through a layered approach to interfunction
`One of
`these layers determines the
`current processing site of the function to which one
`wishes to communicate.
`If it is another GPC, anoth-
`in the communication hierarchy is invoked
`takes care of appropriate IC bus message for-
`mattinq and interface to the bus
`transmitters and
`comvuren 1
`,..__.MAss MEMORY BUS
`Figure 1. AIPS Architecture: A Software View
`layer. This lay-
`the physical
`ered approach is responsible for hiding the exist-
`ence of multiple computers
`from the applications
`programmer .
`Another characteristic of a totally distributed
`system is that the system control
`is through multi-
`ple cooperating autonomous operating systems.
`AIPS operational philosophy differs considerably in
`this regard.
`The overall AIPS system management and
`control authority is vested in one GPC at any given
`time. This GPC is called the Global Computer. All
`other GPCs are subservient to this GPC as far as sys-
`tem level
`functions are concerned. However, all
`functions are handled quite independently by
`each computer. This philosophy is more akin to a
`hybrid of hierarchical and federated systems. This
`is explained in the following.
`each GPC operates
`fairly autonomously of other computers.
`Each GPC
`has a Local Operating System that performs all
`functions necessary to keep that processing site
`operating in the desired fashion. The local operat-
`ing system is responsible for an orderly start and
`initialization of
`the GPC, scheduling and dispatch-
`ing of tasks.
`input/output services,
`task synchroni-
`zation and
`It also is responsible for maintaining
`the overall
`integrity of
`the processing site in the
`presence of faults. This involves fault detection,
`reconfiguration (FDIR).
`The local
`operating system performs all of the redundancy man-
`including FDIR, background self
`transient and hard fault analysis. and fault
`The services provided by local operating systems
`at various processing sites are similar although
`they may differ in implementation.
`For example,
`multiprocessor version of the operating system must
`into account
`the multiplicity of processors
`Ex. 1031, p. 255

`it must also con-
`task scheduling. Similarly,
`sider the more complex task of redundancy management
`and cycling of spare units. The uniprocessor oper-
`ating system can also have different variations
`depending upon the level of
`redundancy and the I/O
`The Local Operating System in each computer
`interfaces with the Network Operating System.
`Network Operating System is responsible for system
`functions. These include an orderly start and
`initialization of various buses and networks, commu-
`nication between processes executing in different
`system level
`resource management,
`system level
`redundancy management.
`System level
`resources are the GPCS,
`the I/O, IC, and the HM bus-
`es, and the shared data and programs stored in the
`mass memory or
`in some other commonly accessible
`System redundancy management
`FDIR in the I/O and IC node networks, correlation of
`in GPCs
`(both transient and hard faults),
`reassignment of
`to functions
`and graceful degradation in case of
`loss of a processing site.
`the Network Operating
`the functions of
`Some of
`System are centralized the Global Computer.
`Global Computer
`responsible for
`system start,
`resource management,
`redundancy management,
`function migration.
`It needs status knowledge of
`all processing sites and it must be able to command
`other GPCs
`to perform specific functions. This com-
`munication is accomplished via the Network Operating
`a portion of which is resident
`in each com-
`The Global Computer does not participate in
`every system level
`Some of
`the system
`functions performed by the Network Operating
`System may involve only a pair of nonglobal GPCs.
`is designated to be the Global
`the GPCs
`One of
`system bootstrap time. However,
`Computer at
`this designation can be changed during system opera-
`tion by an internal or an external stimulus.
`to be reliable, fault
`allows each hardware element
`From a
`this underlying complexity of
`the system is transparent. This is true not only in
`the context of
`the applications programs but
`most of
`the operating system as well; however,
`elements of
`the operating system that are concerned
`with fault detection and recovery and other redun-
`dancy management
`functions have an intimate know-
`ledge of the underlying complexity.
`Hardware redundancy in the AIPS is implemented
`at a fairly high level,
`typically at
`the processor,
`and bus
`level. There are two fundamental
`reasons for providing redundancy in the system: one,
`to detect
`through comparison of
`results, and two,
`to continue system operation after
`component failures. Processors, memories, and buses
`are replicated to achieve a very high degree of
`reliability and fault tolerance.
`In some cases cod-
`ed redundancy is used to detect faults and to pro-
`vide backups more efficiently than would be possible
`with replication.
`redundant elements are always operated in
`tight synchronism which results in exact replication
`of computations and data. Fault detection coverage
`with this approach is one hundred per cent once a
`is manifested.
`To uncover latent faults,
`poral and diagnostic checks are employed. Given the
`low probability of
`latent faults,
`the checks need
`not be run frequently.
`Fault detection and masking are implemented in
`hardware, relieving the software from the burden of
`verifying the correct operation of
`the hardware.
`isolation and reconfiguration are largely per-
`formed in software with some help from the hardware.
`resources after failures are encountered, and yet it
`is not burdensome since isolation and reconfigura-
`tion procedures are rarely invoked.
`a distributed
`important attribute of
`system is the treatment of
`the data base. The data
`base can be completely replicated in all subsystems
`it can be partitioned among the subsystems.
`the data base directory can be centralized
`in one subsystem, duplicated in all subsystems, or
`partitioned among the subsystems. The AIPS approach
`is a combination of these.
`GPCs will
`the mass memory data base, all
`This can be
`contain a directory of the MMU contents.
`implemented as
`‘directory to the directory‘
`order to limit the involvement of GPCs
`in the direc-
`tory change process.
`The MMU directory will
`static over extended intervals.
`The data base that reflects the global
`state will be maintain ed by the Global Computer
`its local memory.
`A copy will be maintained by any
`alternate Global Computer, also in local memory.
`The data base that reflects the distribution of
`functions among GPCs will be contained in all GPCS.
`considerable amount of
`redundancy and complexity associated with each of
`in Figure 1}
`This redundancy
`the AIPS survivability related require-
`One of
`is that
`the information processing system be
`to tolerate those damage events that do not
`inherent capability of
`vehicle to fly, be it an aircraft or a spacecraft.
`tolerance will be
`for damage
`applied to redundant GPCs,
`intercomputer communi-
`cations, and to communication links between GPCs and
`sensors, effectors, and other vehicle subsystems.
`the redundant com-
`The internal architecture of
`puters supports the damage tolerance requirement
`several ways. The links between redundant channels
`computer are point-to-point.
`is, each
`channel has a dedicated link to every other channel.
`can be
`several meters
`This makes
`it possible to physically disperse redun-
`in the target vehicle.
`The channel
`interface hardware is such that
`long links do not
`a problem in synchronizing widely dispersed
`For communication between GPCs and between a GPC
`and I/O devices a damage and fault tolerant network
`is employed. The basic concept of the network is as
`The network consists of a number of full duplex
`that are interconnected by circuit switched
`Ex. 1031, p. 256

`to form a conventional multiplex bus.
`steady state.
`the network configuration is static
`the circuit
`switched nodes pass
`through them without the delays which are associated
`with packet
`switched networks.
`The protocols and
`operation of
`the network are identical
`to a multi-
`plex bus.
`Every transmission by any subscriber on a
`node is heard by all
`the subscribers on all
`the nodes
`just as
`if they were all
`linked together by a linear
`a virtual bus.
`The network performs exactly as
`the network concept has many advantages
`a bus. First of all, a single fault can disable
`only a small fraction of
`the virtual bus,
`link connecting two nodes, or a node. The network
`is able to tolerate such faults due to a richness of
`interconnections between nodes.
`the network around the faulty element, a new virtual
`is constructed.
`such reconfigu-
`the structure of
`the virtual bus
`to recognize
`The nodes are sufficiently smart
`reconfiguration commands
`from the network manager
`which is one of
`the GPCs.
`The network manager can
`topology by
`sending appropriate
`reconfiguration commands to the affected nodes.
`induced damage or other
`Second, weapons effect
`damage caused by electrical shorts, overheating, or
`localized fire would affect only subscribers in the
`damaged portion of the vehicle. The rest of the net-
`subscribers on it, can continue to
`operate normally.
`If the sensors and effectors are
`themselves physically dispersed for damage tolerance
`or other
`the damage event does not
`inherent capability of
`the vehicle to
`continue to fly,
`then the control
`system would con-
`to function in a
`normal manner or
`in some
`degraded mode
`The communication mechanism,
`that is,
`the network itself, would not be a reliability bot-
`in the
`isolation is much easier
`network than in multiplex buses.
`For example,
`remote terminal
`transmitting out of
`a rather
`common failure mode, can be easily isolated in the
`network through a systematic search where one termi-
`is disabled at a time. This,
`in fact,
`is a stan-
`dard algorithm for isolating faults in the network.
`the network can be expanded very easily
`by adding more nodes.
`In fact, nodes and subscrib-
`ers to the new nodes
`(I/O devices or GPCs)
`can be
`added without
`shutting down the existing network.
`In bus systems, power
`to buses must be turned off
`new subscribers or
`remote terminals can be
`to distribute simplex data to redundant
`in one step.
`The redundant elements must
`exchange their copy of
`the data with each other to
`make sure that every element has a congruent value
`of the simplex data. The AIPS architecture not only
`this requirement
`into account but also pro-
`vides efficient ways of performing simplex source
`congruency through a mix of hardware and software.
`The simplex to redundant interface is also the place
`where the applications programmer gets
`involved in
`the processor
`redundancy and the applications code
`complexity multiplies.
`The AIPS processor
`architecture is designed such that it separates the
`source congruency and computational
`into two
`distinct functional areas. This reduces the appli-
`cations code complexity and aids validation.
`The mass memory in AIPS provides the following
`System Cold Start/Restart.
`Function Migration Support.
`3. Overlays for
`local memory of General Purpose
`System Table Backup.
`5. Storage for system-wide common files.
`Program Checkpointing.
`3 Q EBQQE-QE_§QNcEEI 51515”
`the Advanced
`feasibility of
`To demonstrate
`Information Processing System concept described in
`the preceding sections,
`laboratory proof-of-con-
`system will be built.
`Such a system is now in
`the detailed design phase.
`The POC system config-
`uration is shown in Figure 2.
`It consists of five
`processing sites which are interconnected by a tri-
`plex circuit
`switched network.
`Four of
`the five
`GPCs are uniprocessors, one simplex, one duplex, and
`two triplex processors.
`The fifth GPC is a multi-
`processor that uses parallel hybrid redundancy. The
`redundant GPCs are to be built such that they can be
`physically dispersed for damage tolerance.
`Each of
`the redundant channels of a GPC could be as far as 5
`meters from other channels of the same GPC.
`tolerant processors
`the triplex fault
`Each of
`(FTPs) and the fault tolerant multiprocessor
`interfaces with three nodes of
`the Intercomputcr
`node network.
`The duplex and the simplex pro-
`interface with two and one nodes,
`there are no topological constraints
`which might be encountered with linear or ring bus-
`The mass memory is a highly encoded memory that
`interfaces with the GPCs on a triplex multiplex bus.
`An important consideration in designing AIPS is
`interface between redundant
`and simplex ele-
`ments. This interface design is crucial
`in avoiding
`single point faults in a redundant system. One must
`perform source congruency operations on all simplex
`coming into a redundant computer.
`is not
`is mechanized using a 16 node
`The Input/Output
`circuit switched network that
`interfaces with each
`the GPCs on 1
`to 6 nodes depending on the GPC
`redundancy level.
`Redundant system displays and controls are driv-
`en by the Global Computer and interface through the
`I/O network.
`Each GPC has a Local Operating System and a por-
`tion of
`the Network Operating System.
`proof-of-concept system,
`initially the FTMP will be
`Ex. 1031, p. 257

` ——1
`Figure 2.
`the Global Computer.
`hardware building
`the major
`Architecture of
`blocks of
`the AIPS Proof-of-Concept System config-
`uration is described in the following sections.
`the FTP is divided
`The architectural description of
`into three sections: Software View, Hardware View,
`and External Interfaces.
` Fault Tolerant Processor: Software View
`the uniprocessor architecture from a
`FTP or
`software viewpoint appears as shown in Figure 3.
`L >
` AT
`Figure 3.
`Architecture: Software View
`The uniprocessor can be thought of as consisting
`two separate and rather independent sections:
`°°mPutational core and the Input/Output channel.
`The computational core has a conventional pro-
`cessor architecture.
`It has a CPU, memory (RAM and
`a Real Time Clock, and interval timer(s). The
`Real Time Clock counts up and can be read as a memory
`location (a pair of words) on the CP bus.
`timers are used to time intervals for scheduling
`and keeping time—out
`limits on applications
`tasks (task watchdog timers).
`An interval
`timer can
`loaded with a given value which it
`starts counting down and when the counter has been
`decremented to zero,
`the CPU is interrupted with a
`A watchdog timer
`is provided to
`increase fault coverage and to fail-safe in case of
`software malfunctions.
`The watchdog
`timer resets the processor and disables all
`its out-
`the timer
`is not reset periodically. The
`watchdog timer
`is mechanized independently of
`basic processor timing circuitry.
`There also appears on the processor bus a set of
`called the data
`These are used in the redundant fault tolerant pro-
`to exchange data amongst
`redundant process-
`From a software viewpoint,
`this is the only
`form in which hardware redundancy is manifested.
`On a routine basis the only data that needs to be
`exchanged consists of error
`latches and cross chan-
`comparisons of
`results for
`fault detection.
`These operations can be easily confined to the pro-
`gram responsible for Fault Detection, Isolation, and
`Reconfiguration. Voting
`results of
`redundant computational processors is performed by
`the Input/Output processors. Therefore.
`the remain-
`ing pieces of
`the Operating System software and the
`need not
`aware of
`existence of
`the data exchange registers. The task
`scheduler and dispatcher,
`for example, can view the
`computational core as a single reliable processor.
`has a CPU
`I/O channel
`Input/Output channel.
`(same instruction set architecture as the CP), memo-
`ry (RAM and ROM),
`a Real Time Clock. and an Interval
`Timer(s). This part of
`the I/O channel
`is identical
`to the CP except that it has less memory than the CP.
`The IOP has interfaces to the intercomputer bus,
`one or more
`I/0 buses,
`and memory mapped
`The CP
`and the IOP also have a shared
`interface to the system mass memory. These external
`interfaces of
`the FTP will be discussed in the next
`two sections.
`IOP and CP exchange data through a shared
`The IOP and CP have independent operating
`that cooperate to assure that
`the sensor
`and other data from Input devices is made
`available to the control
`laws and other applications
`programs running in the CP
`in a timely and orderly
`fashion. Similarly,
`the two processors cooperate on
`the outgoing information so that
`the actuators and
`other output devices receive commands at appropriate
`times. This is necessary to minimize the transport
`lag for closed loop control functions such as flight
`control and structural control.
`CP and IOP actions are therefore synchro-
`nized to some extent.
`To help achieve this syn-
`chronization in
`a hardware feature has
`been provided. This feature enables one processor
`to interrupt
`the other processor.
`By writing to a
`reserved address in shared memory the CP can inter-
`the IOP
`and by writing to another
`location the IOP can interrupt
`the CP. Different
`Ex. 1031, p. 258
`Ex. 1031, p. 258

`meanings can be assigned to this interrupt by leav-
`ing an appropriate message, consisting of commands
`and/or data,
`in some other predefined part of
`shared memory just before the cross-processor inter-
`is asserted.
`flow of
`the shared memory will be used without
`interrupts but with suitable locking semaphores to
`pass a consistent set of data. The interrupts can be
`used to synchronize this activity as well as to pass
`time critical data
`that must meet
`time requirements.
`In order to assure data consist-
`ency it
`is necessary that while one side is updating
`a block of data the other side does not access that
`block of data.
`can either
`through semaphores
`software or
`through double
`buffering. Hardware support for semaphores,
`in the
`form of
`8 set
`is provided in the
`IOPs and CPs.
`are many attractive features of
`architecture from an operational viewpoint.
`important of
`these is the decoupling of compu-
`tational stream and the input/output stream of tran-
`The computational processor
`unburdened from having to do any I/O transaction. To
`the CP all I/0 appears memory mapped.
`And this not
`only includes I/O devices but also all other comput-
`in the system as well. That
`is, each sensor,
`switch, computer, etc.
`to which the FTP
`interfaces can simply be addressed by writing to a
`word or words in the shared memory.
`Data from other processing sites is received by
`each IOP on the redundant
`IC buses, hardware voted,
`and then deposited in their respective shared memo-
`Simplex source data such as
`from I/O
`local processors, etc.
`is received by the
`single I/O processor that is connected to the target
`device. This data is then sent
`to the other two I/O
`processors using the IOP data exchange hardware.
`The congruent data is
`then deposited in all
`shared memory modules.
`In either case,
`the computa-
`tional processors obtain all data from outside that
`has already been processed for faults and source
`congruency requirements by the I/O processors.
`The data exchange mechanism appears to the soft-
`a set of registers on the processor bus.
`exchange between redundant processors
`one word at
`types of data
`exchanges are possible:
`a simplex

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