generally perceptible. Any "chattering" induced by sharp
`surface features may be dealt with by either increasing the
`sponginess of the surface, or increasing the size of the virtual
`surface in the user's hand space, thereby effectively increasing
`the spatial sampling rate for
`the same hand movement
`The assumptions made about reasonable and expected hand
`movements could easily be enforced by the addition of velocity
`dependent forces to restrain motion to a reasonable speed.
`Users have been surprisingly adept, however, at tuning their
`hand gestures to give the maximum sensitivity to surface
`features, and so a need for such restrictions has not yet been
`.. Ms...
`- Measuring a sample of TMV. Height in 3D space is
`Figure l
`exaggerated by a factor of 5.
`The NM has inherited the standard set of virtual-reality (VR)
`tools from the UNC vlib, such as grabbing, scaling, and flying
`In addition, tools are added as their desirability becomes
`apparent during use ‘of the system. When used immersively,
`fixed lighting sources have proved sufficient, as the user's head
`position relative to the surface and light determines specular
`highlighting. By moving about
`in the scene,
`the optimal
`angle for viewing features of interest can be found. While
`working in groups, however, it frequently proves advantageous
`to fix a single hypothetical user's position in space, and
`display to a projection screen a single view which all user's
`share. Transition from fixed view to head tracked may be
`performed on the fly for investigation of specific features, the
`subtleties of which are often more easily discerned in the
`immersive mode despite the lower resolution display. While in
`fixed view, it is helpful to adjust the lighting source to bring
`out specific details. A virtual pointer is supplied to allow the
`user to point to the directional light source. The lighting of
`the scene is updated as the user moves the pointer until
`illumination becomes optimal.
`Quantitative tools are essential for full understanding of the
`data. Often, features are distinguishable only by their absolute
`size. The user may create a measuring rectangle perpendicular
`to the horizontal plane by selecting two points, such as at the
`base and peak of a feature. The rectangle is displayed with
`height and width in nanometers, as well as a profile of the
`surface intersecting the rectangle.
`This display may be
`independently positioned by the user, and persists until being
`explicitly dismissed, giving a reference scale for the rest of the
`image. Since the horizontal shape of features displayed is the
`convolution of features on the surface with the probe tip, which
`has a typical radius of curvature of 30 to 50 nm, features tend to
`flattened. This appearance may be corrected by
`vertically stretching the measurement rectangle until
`profile of a reference feature takes the correct shape (e.g. a
`colloidal ball has same height as width). The height of the rest
`of the scene is then sealed accordingly.
`While the NM is primarily a real-time data visualization
`system, it is also valuable for off-line analysis. Snapshots of
`the scene may be saved to disk at any time. Additionally, the
`stream of data returning from the microscope is saved and may
`be replayed interactively, with all tools available except those
`involving modification, which naturally require an actual
`surface and microscope. Standard VCR functions are supported,
`such as control over replay rate, fast forward, rewind, and
`absolute positioning in the stream. These afford quick review
`of selected segments within a stream which may be quite large,
`having been acquired over the span of up to an hour. The
`viewpoint and vertical scale can be different in the replay than
`in the original experiment, as they do not depend on the surface
`The NM is not limited to data collected within the interface.
`Simple file format conversion routines have been written to
`allow the importation of data collected elsewhere and by
`microscopes other than the Digital Instruments Nanoscope III
`currently used in the system. Data received from the UCLA
`materials science group is investigated using the interface as a
`3-D viewer, and video tapes returned to the group of "walk-
`throughs" of the surface under study. As a visualization tool
`alone the interface has proven worthwhile in the understanding
`of complex surface features.
`A set of physical knobs on the ARM control the sponginess of
`the surface and the forces applied by the tip to the sample. That
`the perceived hardness of the surface determines sensitivity to
`smaller details is straightforward. The implications of tip force
`on haptic response is more subtle.
`if the force applied by the
`microscope is
`too great,
`feature will be displaced
`immediately, and will never be felt.
`If the force is too small,
`the feature will be felt, but no modification made. The force
`necessary to modify the surface is determined by factors such as
`the exact tip shape, the direction of the force, humidity. and
`surface contaminants, and may vary widely across a given
`sample and over periods of time as short as tens of minutes.
`Without knowing a priori the force required, the user must have
`immediate control over the forces applied. The interface allows
`the user to control the position of the tip and feel the surface ‘
`with one hand, while the other hand adjusts physical knobs
`controlling the force level. The microscope may be toggled
`between non-damaging and modification modes with a thumb
`switch, to allow exact positioning of the tip by feel before the
`application of forces to features.
`the modification mode's immediate haptic
`To supplement
`display, after a modification event a small area around the event
`is scanned and updated. This area is generally of greatest
`interest and most likely to be out of date, and is refreshed in
`about a hundredth of the time needed to rescan the entire
`surface. After quickly updating that subset of the grid, imaging
`of the full selected region resumes.

`Since the forces applied by the tip are
`Area Sweep
`always under immediate user control,
`the entire area being
`scanned may be swept out simply by increasing the force until
`all materials are removed as desired. This is the interactive
`method most commonly supported by commercial AFMS.
`While an efficient way to clear a region,
`it has several
`disadvantages. This method is inappropriate for selective
`removal of material within a rectangle. The force required to
`move material
`in one area may be enough to damage the
`substrate or other desired features nearby. Moreover,
`clearing may be incomplete, with ragged edges around the
`border or debris left in the region which must then be cleaned
`The etching of circuits from a conducting
`Line Tool
`film on non-conducting substrate frequently requires straight
`lines connecting cleared regions or
`isolating conducting
`regions. The user may select any two endpoints of a line
`segment, and have the tip scratch between the two points at a
`preset modification force.
`Eng:-ave Tool Many commercial microscopes
`lithography techniques, allowing the user to preset a path to be
`traced by the tip at a specific force. These afford efficient
`etching of an exact known outline into a surface, but leave the
`same jagged edges and debris as the area sweep. Cleaning these
`edges is easily performed using the engraving tool,
`in which
`the tip tracks the hand exactly over the surface. The effect is
`like the user having an ice pick with which to feel the surface,
`scratch it, and push about materials on it.
`(Depending on the
`tip radius relative to surface features, it may be a very blunt ice
`pick.) This gives the finest degree of control available with
`the microscope.
`Figure 2 - A segment of TMV is separated using the sweep tool.
`The two black lines extending upward toward the hand (not
`shown) define the flat edge of the virtual broom. The two
`parallel lines of white markers indicate the path having been
`swept out. The image has not yet been updated to show the
`removal of the segment.
`imagined, pushing
`can easily be
`Sweep Tool
`materials about with an ice-pick might sometimes be less than
`convenient. Often, a different instrument is more appropriate.
`While there is only one physical tip, control of its motion can
`simulate other, virtual tools. A virtual whisk broom is provided
`for selective clearing of regions and manipulation of larger
`objects, or even small objects which are to be swept in a
`general direction, and then positioned precisely using the
`engrave tool.
`In sweep mode, the tip oscillates between the
`tracked position of the user's hand and a point determined by
`the orientation of the hand (figure 2). The magnitude and
`direction of the oscillation is therefore immediately and
`intuitively determined by the user, giving the illusion of an
`extended tip, the flat edge of which may be used to scrape our
`selected areas or push objects. This complements the area
`sweep mode in that, while it
`lacks the precise rectangular
`boundary of area sweep, it is also not limited to any rectangle.
`The "edge" may become wide or narrow, and change orientation
`relative to the surface plane as required to navigate though
`features which must be left undisturbed.
`The manipulation of colloidal gold particles has proved an
`test-bed for the interface,
`in addition to being a
`worthwhile pursuit in its own right. Controlled movement of
`the balls would enable the performance of experiments
`determining physical properties and materials characteristics
`which are currently only predicted by theory [1]. Balls are
`typically deposited randomly about a surface.
`Isolation and
`precise positioning of individual balls, either into patterns or
`within other structures is difficult,
`if not
`impossible using
`means available with commercial microscopes.
`interaction between balls
`and the microscope tip is
`unpredictable. At the same time, the balls are rigid enough to
`easily be felt with the NM‘s haptic display, and image clearly.
`Figure 3 - Colloidal gold balls arr
`icon is front right.
`anged in a ring. The hand
`In one experiment, a thin gold wire (~50 nm wide) was etched
`into a 15 nm thick gold film on mica substrate using standard
`AFM lithography techniques. A gap approximately 100 nm
`wide was then cut into the wire, and colloidal gold balls of 15
`nm diameter distributed over the surface. The user was then able
`to select a ball and maneuver it through the other particles in
`the area and position it
`in the gap, without disturbing other
`material in the region, or damaging the wire. By using a light
`force in engrave mode, the user could feel the ball on the edge
`of the tip, and so could follow the ball closely and detect when
`the ball
`took an erratic jump, quickly compensating in the
`direction of pushing, or waiting for the image to be updated to
`relocate the ball. Fig. 4 shows the trace of the pushing events
`and the final pushes of the ball
`into the gap. The entire

`sequence was performed in a matter of minutes. It is not clear
`how or even if the same result could be accomplished using
`methods currently available with commercial AFMS. The
`experiment provides a convincing proof of concept for the
`manipulation of a colloidinto a gap in a wire which is
`to macroscopic
`characterization of the particle. Such a circuit is currently
`being fabricated at UNC-CH, and characterization experiments
`are expected in the coming weeks.
`Colloidal gold balls have also been arranged into structures
`such as a ring and a matrix. The ability to arrange the balls
`into specific patterns is useful both in the fabrication of
`circuits from the balls, and comparison with theoretic
`refraction patterns in near field spectroscopy studies. Work is
`also currently underway to position balls in arrangements for
`which theoretic predictions of refraction patterns exist.
`The positioning of a virus in a circuit as described above would
`offer a unique ability to characterize the electrical properties of
`the virus. Manipulation of the virus is even more challenging
`than the gold balls, however.
`Samples of Tobacco Mosaic
`Virus (TMV) were distributed over a mica substrate.
`In pushing
`it with the engrave tool, the TMV was found to be very easy to
`bend and break. The tip could also be positioned on the TMV
`and the force turned up slowly until the tip ruptured the virus, an
`event which could be easily felt by the user. But while the
`dissection of TMV particles was interesting in its own right,
`moving a particle as a whole unit was also desirable.
`User frustrations with trying to push an extended flexible
`object with a sharp instrument led to the introduction of the
`sweep tool.
`Intuitively, it would have been the tool of choice
`in an analogous real-world task. Building the illusion of the
`broad edge from the reality of the microscope's single sharp tip
`proved easier than coming up with the initial insight that a
`blunter instrument would sometimes be preferable.
`In the
`natural and intuitive ‘environment in which user's had been
`interacting with the TMV, however, that insight and the request
`for its implementation were natural and forthcoming.
`the sweep tool proved ideal.
`In positioning a virus particle,
`The broad edge of the tip oscillations along the length of the
`TMV applied a more uniform force, moving and rotating it as a
`unit. Again as proof of concept, a letter T was formed of TMV
`segments as shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen in the figure, the
`TMV particles obtain a slightly rumpled appearance after they
`have been moved. This indicates that, while we are moving the
`particles as units, we are not doing so without damage. We are
`investigating possible virtual tools that might be even gentler
`in the hopes of moving the particles while leaving them
`The NanoManipulator provides an intuitive interface hiding the
`details of performing complex tasks using an SPM. Surface
`features are more easily recognized with the combination of 3-
`D topography and haptic feedback in real
`time. Feeding the
`senses more fully allows faster development of
`manipulation skills. The collaborative nature of the project
`allows new tools to be developed as the needs of the users
`become more sophisticated. Many tasks performed using the
`NM are not well enough understood to be automated, so they
`require real time feedback to and response from the user.
`It is
`hoped that
`the NM will provide the insight
`into the
`manipulation process necessary to automate the fabrication of
`mesoscopic and nanometer-scale circuits. The NM is valuable
`new in the building of one-of-a-kind structures which will
`contribute significantly to the areas of materials science and
`solid state physics.
`to the National Institutes of Health (grant
`We are grateful
`#RR02l70), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
`(contract #DABT63-92-C-0048),
`the National Science
`Foundation (grant #IRI-9202424),
`and the Office of Naval
`Research for funding and support.
`Devoret, M. H., D. Esteve and C. Urbina, “Single-
`electron Transfer in Metallic Nanostructures", Nature 360, 547
`Kastner, M. A., Reviews of Modern Physics, 64, 849
`and Richard Holloway,
`Robinett, Warren,
`Implementation of Flying, Scaling, and Grabbing in Virtual
`Worlds. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D
`Graphics (Cambridge, MA, 1992), special issue of Computer
`Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH, New York, 1992.
`Taylor, Russell, Warren Robinett, Vernon L. Chi,
`Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., William V. Wright, R. Stanley
`Williams, and Erik J. Snyder, The Nanomanipulator: A Virtual-
`Reality Interface for a Scanning Tunneling Microscope.
`Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '93 (Anaheim, California, August
`1-6, 1993).
`In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual
`Conference Series, 1993, ACM SIGGRAPH, New York, 1993,
`pp. 127-134.
`Mark, Wiliam R. and Scott C. Randolph, "UNC-CH
`Force Feedback Library", UNC-CH Computer Science Dept.
`Technical Report #TR94-056, 1994.
`Force Display in Molecular
`Ouh-young, Ming.
`Docking, Ph. D. Thesis, University of North Carolina at
`Chapel Hill, 1990.
`Fuchs, Henry, John Poulton, John Eyles, Trey Greer,
`Jack Goldfeather, David Ellsworth, Steve Molnar, Greg Turk,
`Brice Tebbs, and Laura Israel. Pixel—Planes 5: A Heterogeneous
`Multiprocessor Graphics System Using Processor-Enhanced
`Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '89.
`In Computer
`Graphics, 19 3 (1989). 79-88.
`Stroscio, Joseph A. and D. M. Eigler, Atomic and
`Molecular Manipulation with the Scanning Tunneling
`Microscope. Science, 254 (1991). 1319-1326.
`Sarid, Dror, Scanning Force Microscopy,0xfora.'
`Series in Optical and Imaging Sciences, Oxford University
`Press, NY 1991.
`Chen, C. Iulian, Introduction to Scanning Tunneling
`Microsc0py,0xford Series in Optical and Imaging Sciences,
`Oxford University Press, NY 1993.

`Combatting Rendering Latency
`Marc Olano, .lon Cohen, Mark Mine, Gary Bishop
`Department of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill
`Latency or lag in an interactive graphics system is the delay
`between user input and displayed output. We have found latency
`and the apparent bobbing and swimming of objects that it
`produces to be a serious problem for head-mounted display
`(HMD) and augmented reality applications. At UNC, we have
`been investigating a number of ways to reduce latency; we present
`two of these. Slats is an experimental rendering system for our
`Pixel-Planes 5 graphics machine guaranteeing a constant single
`NTSC field of latency. This guaranteed response is especially
`important for predictive tracking. Just-in-time pixels is an attempt
`to compensate for rendering latency by rendering the pixels in a
`scanned display based on their position in the scan.
`1.1 What is latency?
`Performance of current graphics systems is commonly measured
`in terms of the number of triangles rendered per second or in
`terms of the number of complete frames rendered per second.
`While these measures are useful, they don‘t tell the whole story.
`Latency, which measures the start to finish time of an operation
`such as drawing a single image, is an often neglected measure of
`graphics performance. For some current modes of interaction,
`like manipulating a 3D object with a joystick, this measure of
`responsiveness may not be important. But for emerging modes of
`“natural” interaction, latency is a critical measure.
`long as the full time spent computing the frame in all of its stages.
`1.3 Why is it bad?
`Latency is a problem for head-mounted display (HMD)
`applications. The higher the total latency, the more the world
`seems to lag behind the user’s head motions. The effect of this lag
`is a high viscosity world.
`The effect of latency is even more noticeable with see-through
`HMDs. Such displays superimpose computer generated objects
`on the user’s view of the physical World. The lag becomes
`obvious in this situation because the real world moves without lag,
`while the virtual objects shift in position during the lag time.
`catching up to their proper positions when the user stops moving.
`This “swimming” of the virtual objects not only detracts from the
`desired illusion of the objects’ physical presence, but also hinders
`any effort to use this technology for real applications.
`Most see-through HMD applications require a world without these
`“swimming” effects.
`If we hope to have applications present 3D
`instructions to guide the performance of “complex 3D tasks” [9],
`such as repairs to a photocopy machine or even a jet engine, the
`instructions must stay fixed to the machine in question. Current
`research into the use of see-through HMDS by obstetricians to
`visualize 3D ultrasound data indicates the need for lower latency
`visualization systems [3]. The use of see-through HMDS for
`assisting surgical procedures is unthinkable until we make
`significant advances in the area of low latency graphics systems.
`1.2 Why is it there?
`2.1 Matching
`All graphics systems must have some latency simply because it
`takes some time to compute an image.
`In addition, a system that
`can produce a new image every frame may (and often will) have
`more than one frame of latency. This is caused by the pipelining
`used to increase graphics performance. The classic problem with
`pipelining is that it provides increased throughput at a cost in
`latency. The computations required for a single frame are divided
`into stages and their execution is overlapped. This can expand the
`effective time available to work on that single frame since several
`frames are being computed at once. However, the latency is as
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
`direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the
`title of the publication and its date appear,‘ and notice is given
`that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing
`Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee
`and/or specific permission.
`1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey CA USA
`© 1995 ACM 0-89791-736-7/95/00D4...$3.5O
`A possible solution to this lag problem is to use video techniques
`to cause the user’s view of the real world to lag in synchronization
`with the virtual world. However,
`this only works while the
`latency is relatively small.
`2.2 Prediction
`Another solution to the latency problem is to predict where the
`user’s head will be when the image is finally displayed [10, 1, 2].
`This technique, called predictive tracking, involves using both
`recent tracking data and accurate knowledge of the system’s total
`latency to make a best guess at the position and orientation of the
`user’s head when the image is displayed inside the HMD. Azuma
`states that for prediction to work effectively, the lag must be small
`and consistent.
`In fact he uses the single field-time latency
`rendering system (Slats), which we will discuss shortly, to achieve
`accurate prediction.

`Figure 2: Pixel-Planes 5 system architecture
`Pixels may be transformed at whatever rate is most convenient.
`This reduces latency at
`the cost of image clarity since only a
`portion of the pixels are updated. The transform rate can remain
`locked to the tracker update rate or separated on a pixel-by-pixel
`basis as with the just-in-time pixels method, discussed next.
`Just-in-time pixels (JITP)
`We will present a technique called just-in-time pixels, which deals
`with the placement of pixels on a scan-line display as a problem of
`temporal aliasing [14]. Although the display may take many
`milliseconds to refresh, the image we see on the display typically
`represents only a single instant in time. When we see an object in
`motion on the display, it appears distorted because we see the
`‘higher scan lines before we see the lower ones, making it seem as
`if the lower part of the object lags behind the upper part.
`Avoidance of this distortion entails generating every pixel the way
`it should appear at the exact time of its display. This can lead to a
`reduction in latency since neither the head position data, nor the
`output pixels are limited to increments of an entire frame time.
`This idea is of limited usefulness on current LCD HMDS with
`their sluggish response. However, it works quite well on the
`miniature CRT HMDs currently available and is also applicable to
`non-interactive video applications.
`As a more conventional attack on latency, we have designed a
`rendering pipeline called Slats as a testbed for exploring fixed and
`low latency rendering [7]. Unlike just-in—time pixels, Slats still
`uses the single transform per frame paradigm. The rendering
`latency of Slats is exactly one field time (16.7 ms). This is perfect
`for predictive tracking which requires low and predictable
`latency. We measure this rendering latency from the time Slats
`begins transforming the data set into screen coordinates to the
`time the display devices begin to scan the pixel colors from the
`frame buffers onto the screens.
`We have made both external and internal measurements of the
`latency of the Pixel-Planes 5 PPHIGS graphics library [13, 7].
`These have shown the image generation latency to be between 54
`and 57 ms for minimal data sets. The internal measurement
`methods are quite specific to the PPHIGS library. However, the
`external measurements can be taken for any graphics system.
`The external latency measurement apparatus records three timing
`signals on a digital oscilloscope (see figure 1). A pendulum and
`led/photodiode pair Provide the reference time for a real-world
`event — the low point of the pendulum’s are. A tracker on the
`pendulum is fed into the graphics system. The graphics system
`AID converter
`' LEDfPhotodiode
` Digital
`Figure 1: Apparatus for external measurement of
`tracking and display latency.
`2.3 Rendering latency: compensation and reduction
`Flange of solutions
`There are a wide spectrum of approaches that can be used to
`reduce lag in image generation or compensate for it. One way to
`compensate for image generation latency is to offset the display of
`the computed image based upon the latest available tracking data.
`This technique is used, for example, by the Visual Display
`Research Tool (VDR'T), a flight simulator developed at the Naval
`Training Systems Center in Orlando, Florida [5, 6]. VDRT is a
`helrnet~mounted laser projection system which projects images
`onto a retro-reflective dome (instead of using the conventional
`mosaic of high resolution displays found in most
`In the VDRT system, images are first computed
`based upon the predicted position of the user's head at the time of
`image display.
`Immediately prior to image readout, the most
`recently available tracking data is used to compute the errors in
`the predicted head position used to generate the image. These
`errors are then used to offset the raster of the laser projector in
`pitch and yaw so that the image is projected at the angle for which
`it was computed. Rate signals are also calculated and are used to
`develop a time dependent correction signal which helps keep the
`projected image at the correct spatial orientation as the projector
`moves during the display field period.
`Similarly, Regan and Pose are building the prototype for a
`hardware architecture called the address
`pipeline[l5]. This system achieves a very small latency for head
`rotations by rendering a scene on the six faces of a cube. As a
`pixel is needed for display, appropriate memory locations from the
`rendered cube faces are read. A head rotation simply alters which
`memory is accessed, and thus contributes nothing to the latency.
`Head translation is handled by object-space subdivision and image
`composition. Objects are prioritized and re-rendered as necessary
`to accommodate translations of the user's head. The image may
`not always be correct if the rendering hardware cannot keep up,
`but the most important objects, which include the closest ones,
`should be rendered in time to keep their positions accurate.
`Since pipelining can be a huge source of lag, latency can be
`reduced by reducing pipelining or basing it on smaller units of
`time like polygons or pixels instead of frames. Most commercial
`graphics systems are at least polygon pipelined. Whatever level
`the pipelining, a system that computes images frame by frame is
`by necessity saddled with at least a frame time of latency. Other
`methods overcome this by divorcing the image generation from
`the display update rate.
`Frameless rendering[4] can be used to reduce latency in this way.
`in this technique pixels are updated continuously in a random
`pattern. This removes the dependence on frames and fields.

`time t,
`time I),
`scanline y
`rotation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`scanline x
`time t,,
`time t),
`scanline x
`scanline y
`= = = = = = =
`at time t,,
`at time ty
`at time tx
`at time ty
`Figure 4: Image generation using just-in-time
`Thus, unless animation is performed on fields (i.e. generating a
`separate image for each field),
`the last pixel in an image is
`displayed more than 33 ms after the first. The problem with this
`sequential readout of image data, is that it is not reflected in the
`manner in which the image is computed.
`Typically, in conventional computer graphics animation, only a
`single viewing transform is used in generating the image data for
`an entire frame. Each frame represents a point sample in time
`which is inconsistent with the way in which it is displayed. As a
`result, as shown in figure 3 and plate 1, the image does not truly
`reflect the position of objects (relative to the view point of the
`camera) at the time of display of each pixel.
`A quick “back of the envelope” calculation can demonstrate the
`magnitude of the errors that result if this display system delay is
`ignored. Assuming, for example, a camera rotation of 200
`degrees/second (a reasonable value when compared with peak
`velocities of 370 degrees/second during typical head motion - see
`[12]) we find:
`200 degrees/sec camera rotation
`camera generating a 60 degree Field of View (FOV)
`NTSC video
`60 fields/sec NTSC video
`~600 pixelsfFOV horizontal resolution
`We obtain:
`X _
`60 fields
`= ‘ 3 degrees
`camera rotation
`Thus in a 60 degree FOV image when using NTSC video:
`3.3 degrees >< —
`X 600
`= 33 pixels error
`Image generation in conventional
`Figure 3:
`computer graphics animation.
`Scanline x is
`displayed at time tx, scanline y is displayed at time
`starts a new frame when it detects the pendulum’s low point from
`the tracking data. An D/A converter is used to tell
`oscilloscope when the new frame has started. Frames alternate
`dark and light and a photodiode attached to the screen is used to
`tell when the image changes. The tracking latency was the time
`between the signal from the pendulum’s photodiode and the
`rendering start signal out of the D/A converter. The rendering
`latency was the time between the signal out of the D/A converter
`and the signal from the photodiode attached to the screen. These
`time stamps were averaged over a number of frames.
`The internal measurements found the same range of rendering
`latencies. The test was set up to be as fair as possible given the
`Pixel-Planes 5 architecture (figure 2, explained in more detail
`later). The test involved one full screen triangle for each graphics
`processor. This ensured that every graphics processor would have
`work to do and would have rendering instructions to send to every
`tenderer. The first several frames were discarded to make sure the
`pipeline was full. Finally, latency determined from time stamps
`on the graphics processors was averaged over a number of frames.
`4.1 The idea
`the pixels that make up an
`When using a raster display device,
`image are not displayed all at once but are spread out over time.
`In a conventional graphics system generating NTSC video, for
`the pixels at the bottom of the screen are displayed
`almost 17 ms after those at the top. Matters are further aggravated
`when using NTSC video by the fact that not all of the lines of an
`NTSC image are displayed in one raster scan but are in fact
`interlaced across two fields.
`In the first field only the odd lines in
`an image are displayed, and in the second field only the even.

`Thus with camera rotation of approximately 200 degrees/second,
`registration errors of more than 30 pixels (for NTSC video) can
`occur in one field time. The term registration is being used here to
`describe the correspondence between the displayed image and the
`placement of objects in the computer generated world.
`Note that even though the above discussion concentrates on
`camera rotation, the argument is valid for any relative motion
`between the camera and virtual objects. Thus, even if the
`camera's view point is unchanging, objects moving relative to the
`camera will exhibit the same registration errors as above. The
`amount of error is dependent upon the velocity of the object
`relative to the camera’s view direction.
`If obje

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