invariant. However, this multiplication may be detectable
`in our finite implementation:
`some copies on the edge of
`the tessellation may appear or disappear.
`ln the ideal im-
`plementation (requiring more computer power) these copies
`are barely visible, either being too small or too foggy.
`The alternative, to translate the tessellation to follow the
`observer, quickly leads in the hyperbolic case to severe nu-
`merical problems in the action in the group elements. The
`result is that the fourth, “homogeneous” coordinate of the
`transformed vertices grows exponentially large and the de-
`homogenization operation loses precision. This is avoided
`by the method outlined above.
`4.4 Stereo
`Modeling stereo vision presented challenges in the non-euclidean
`case. We first describe the more familiar solution available
`in the euclidean setting. The observer and the CAVE have a
`fixed physical reality which should be mirrored in the mod-
`els we apply to them. That is, the model coordinates for
`the navigator are the same as the model coordinates of the
`CAVE. In particular, the interocular separation of the ob-
`server stays at a fixed ratio to the CAVE size. We found
`empirically that an interocular distance of about 1 / 100 that
`of the diagonal of the CAVE is small enough to assure fu-
`sion. This translates to ‘a distance of about 2 inches, roughly
`corresponding to human anatomy. ln euclidean space, mak-
`ing the CAVE larger is equivalent
`to shrinking the scene
`while keeping the CAVE a Constant size. However, in non-
`euclidean settings, this equivalence no longer holds! In these
`there is no change of size without also changing
`shape. Consequently,
`it is the CAVE and observer that
`changes size (and shape!) while the scene remains the same.
`Of course there is no guarantee of fusion; it may become dif-
`ficult if the observer in H3 becomes too large while standing
`near the fixed geometry; but the danger is no different from
`the physically observed difficulty of fusing stereo when you
`move your hand closer to your eyes in everyday life.
`The pair of images for the stereo effect is produced by
`rendering each eye separately as described above by hyper-
`bolically translating the scene to locate the given eye at the
`4.5 Efficiency measures
`To maintain the frame rate required in VR, we needed to
`disable the software lighting and shading for non-euclidean
`scenes (OOGL does lighting in software because of the dif-
`ferent metrics of the non-euclidean geometries). We kept the
`model of the tessellation simple — a wireframe, with simple,
`solid tiles inside. The discrete group software in OOGL au-
`tomatically culled the copies of the tessellation which lay
`outside the viewing frustum of a given wall of the CAVE.
`Also, we kept the number of layers of the tessellation great
`enough to produce a sense of depth, but small enough to
`maintain an adequate frame rate.
`5 Evaluation
`We have combined the discrete group capabilities of OOGL
`with VR,
`the only visualization paradigm for an immer-
`sive, direct experience of mathematical spaces,
`to extend
`the power of interactive 3-d visualization of such spaces. Ac-
`cess to 3—manifolds via a virtual environment is a significant
`addition to the tools available for mathematical research
`and education. For example, as pointed out in section 3,
`GeomCAVE allows direct observation of interesting prop-
`erties of non-euclidean spaces, such as the right angles of
`dodecahedra in hyperbolic space. GeornCAVE immediately
`makes features of OOGL available in VR, such as a col-
`lection of geometric models and discrete group operations.
`Thus, a mathematician who has built a manifold for viewing
`in maniview would be able to also explore it in GeomCAVE.
`6 Further Work
`0 Implement mixed mode navigation in H 3 (see conclu-
`sion of Section 4.2).
`0 Add more features of maniview:
`— Control over the size and shape of the Dirichlet
`- Control over the depth of the tessellation.
`— As hardware improves, re-activate the software
`shading and fog effects.
`3 More sophisticated tools for mathematicians:
`— Connections with existing manifold software (such
`as snappea
`- Finer interactive control of the discrete group: se-
`lecting subgroups, use of color, deformation of the
`— Simulation of dynamical systems in non-euclidean
`— Extend the coverage to the other ‘live Thurston
`0 Experiment with audio tessellation along with the ge-
`ometric data. The resulting echo patterns could dis»
`tinguish differently-shaped manifolds.
`7 Acknowledgements
`We would like to extend special thanks to Stuart Levy of the
`Geometry Center for his help. Thanks are also due to Mark
`Phillips and Tamara Munzner, also of the Geometry Center,
`as well as Louis Kauffman, of the University of Illinois at
`[1] Callahan, M..l., Hoffman, D. and Hoffman, J.T. Com-
`puter Graphics Tools for the Study of Minimal Surfaces.
`Communications of the Association for Computing Ma-
`chinery 31, 6 (1988), 548-661.
`J., DeFanti,
`[2) Cruz-Neira, Carolina, Sandin, Daniel
`Thomas A., Kenyon, Robert V. and Hart, John C.
`The CAVE: Audio Visual Experience Automatic Vir-
`tual Environment. Oommunications of the Association
`for Computing Machinery 35, 6 (June, 1992), 65-72.
`[3] Gunn, Charlie. Discrete Groups and Visualization of
`Three Dimensional Manifolds. Computer Graphics 27
`(July, 1993), 255-262. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1993.
`[4] Thurston, William. Three Dimensional Manifolds,
`Kleinian Groups and Hyperbolic Geometry. BAMS 19
`1.1932}, 417-431.
`snappea e a
`tion for computing 3-manifolds”.
`BUNGIE - EXHIBIT 1006 - PART 12 OF 14
`BUNGIE - EXHIBIT 1006 - PART 12 OF 14

`Tracking a Turbulent Spot in an Immersive Environment
`*David C. Banks, Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering
`*Michael Kelley, Information Sciences Institute
`We describe an interactive, immersive 3D system called Trackmr,
`which allows a viewer to track the development of a turbulent
`flow. Tracktur displays time-varying vortex stnictures extracted
`from a numerical flow simulation. The user navigates the space
`and probes the data within a windy 3D landscape. In order to sus-
`tain a constant frame rate, we enforce a fixed polygon budget on
`the geometry. In actual use by a fiuid dynamicist, Trackrur has
`yielded new insights into the transition to turbulence of a laminar
`Simulating the evolution of a turbulent spot has consumed
`thousands of CPU hours (on a Cray 2, Cray YMP, and YMP C-90
`over the course of 2.5 calendar years) [1]. We wish to animate 230
`time steps produced by the simulation, which are archived as hun-
`dreds of gigabytes of data. How does one visualize this large
`amount of ti me-varying data at interactive speeds?
`A new technique for locating vortices in an unsteady flow [2]
`compresses the volumetric flow-data by a factor of more than a
`thousand. This amount of compression seemed to promise interac-
`tive visualization of a massive time-varying dataset. We therefore
`developed a visualization system, Trackrur,
`that uses the com-
`pressed vortex representation to help track the development of a
`turbulent flow [3]. Trackrur uses a graphics workstation, 3D track-
`ing, and a stereoscopic display to create a virtual 3D environment
`populated by time-varying vortex tubes.
`The Interactive Environment
`Our target user is the theoretical flow physicist who produced
`the time-varying dataset. From his perspective, the significant fea-
`tures of the simulation include the flat plate, the fluid flowing over
`it, the vortex structures, and the units of the computational domain
`(both spatial and temporal). The combination of a plane with a
`continual flow over it suggested to us a windy landscape.
`*ICASE. Mail.’ Stop 132C, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Vir-
`ginia 23681. 804/864-2194 (
`flnformation Sciences Institute, 4350N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 400, Arling-
`ton, VA 22203. 703/243-9422 (
`Permission to copy without tee all or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
`direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the
`title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given
`that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing
`Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee
`and/or specific permission.
`1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey CA USA
`© 1995 ACM 0-89791-736-7195/0004...$3.50
`One of our early design decisions was to make generous use
`of texture maps to enrich the virtual world. A grid-texture was an
`obvious choice for the ground plane, with stenciled textures added
`to denote streamwise units of the domain. To indicate the free-
`stream velocity, we animate a cloud-texture on two distant walls.
`Textures denote the upstream and downstream directions. Sur-
`rounded by a textured landscape, a viewer is given persistent
`reminders of the spatial context he is operating within. The 3D
`widgets in the environment are also textured to eliminate the car-
`toon quality that constant-colored polygons convey.
`In an actual wind-tunnel experiment,
`the vortex structures
`would be only millimeters in size and the free-stream velocity
`would be about 30 meters per second. The lifetime of the turbulent
`spot would be less than a second. Trackrur displays the 3D anima-
`tion at more human scales: the geometry is larger and the simula-
`tion lasts longer, each by about three orders of magnitude.
`We want to help the scientist comprehend the spatial evolu-
`tion of a turbulent spot; since the spot convects downstream, we let
`the viewer be convected along with it to keep it in the field of view.
`Widgets are convected downstream with the viewer to remain
`within reach. A time-slider advances to mirror the current time
`step in the animation; alternatively, the viewer can set the current
`time step by adjusting the slider. Shadows on the ground plane pro-
`vide a depth cue at only a small penalty in performance [4]. The
`viewer can select surface, wire—frame, or fat-line representations of
`the geometry. The fat-line segments (through the core of the vorti-
`ces) are given widths to match the thickness of the tube and are
`illuminated as one-dimensional fibers [5] in order to convey shape
`from shading.
`We also want to permit routine measurements of flow quanti-
`ties. The viewer is given a data probe — a ray emanating from the
`pointing device in the virtual environment. Trackrur locates the
`nearest point on a vortex core to the probe ray,
`then displays
`attributes (such as spatial position of the point) in a pop-up panel.
`3D Toolkits
`Tracktur is constructed from several component
`including public-domain toolkits. The Minimal Reality toolkit [6]
`provides the basis of a through-the-window interface that uses ste-
`reoscopic display and 3D tracking for the head and hand. The
`CAVE version of the application [7] uses code developed by the
`Electronic Visualization Laboratory [8].
`to implement 3D menus
`We developed a custom toolkit
`(using Hershey fonts), buttons, and sliders. We also developed a
`calibration tool for the 3D trackers to determine the proper matrix
`traiisforms. The user interactively aligns coordinate axes {dis-
`played on the screen) to establish the correct rotation matrix. The
`various transformations are written to a file and need not be recom-
`puted unless the equipment is moved.
`i 1ilI1

`A backward-tilted S-shaped vortex head that develops in the late
`stages of transition from a laminarflow to a turbulent spot.
`The Fixed Polygon Budget
`A difficult aspect of developing an interactive system is pre-
`serving a fixed frame rate. Our scene-updates are typically domi-
`nated by the time spent drawing the vortex tubes, so we budget a
`fixed number of polygons with ,-which to model them. The turbu-
`lent spot
`increases in geometric complexity as the simulation
`progresses: a single vortex tube at time 28 develops into about 150
`tubes at time 221. An SGI Onyx with RealityEngine2 graphics sus-
`tains about l5 frames per second with a fixed count of 9000 poly-
`In the early stages of the simulation, the polygon budget
`allows a finer resolution than we have computed. We therefore re-
`sample the vortex skeleton at a higher spatial resolution in order to
`exhaust the supply of polygons. But in the late stages of the simu-
`lation it is imperative to dole out the polygons in a miserly fashion.
`The vortex skeletons are down-sampled according to a set of heu-
`ristics designed to preserve significant geometric features. The re-
`sampling works as a filter on the original skeletal representation of
`the vortex core. The first sample-point is always retained. After a
`point is retained, subsequent points along the skeleton are rejected
`unless any of the following hold:
`0 the arclength exceeds a threshold;
`0 the integrated curvature exceeds a threshold;
`0 the radius of the cross-section changes quickly.
`Sometimes a vortex skeleton enters a small spiral from which
`it never exits. To guard against wasted samples, we reject points on
`the skeleton where the ratio of the skeleton‘s radius to its radius of
`curvature exceeds a threshold (we use the constant 0.7). These
`heuristics maintain a reasonable amount of geometric detail at the
`late stages of the simulation.
`5 What Has Been Learned
`The scientist who generated the dataset (Dr. Bart Singer)
`agreed to use the system to study how a turbulent spot develops.
`He has learned two new things about the evolution of the turbulent
`spot. In order to place them in their context, we give a brief
`descriptive summary of the spot’s development.
`First, Singer discovered a backwards-tilted S-shaped vortex
`head in the late stages of transition (see figure). The vortex is simi-
`lar in shape to a structure seen in experimental data for a similar
`flow. Singer had not observed this feature in his dataset until he
`used our system. Evidently,
`the interactivity permitted him to
`select the right combination of a particular viewpoint and a panic-
`ular time step. This could, in principal, have been discovered with
`the visualization system he was a accustomed to using, but its
`more limited interactivity made the feature much harder to find.
`Secondly, the visualization system gave Singer his first view
`of the dynamic behavior of “necklace” vortices, which define the
`outer extent of the turbulent spot. They eventually shred into
`pieces, curling into horseshoe and hairpin vortices, Without Track-
`tur, Singer had been unable to track the necklace vortices through
`their entire history. These findings are initial evidence that the sys-
`tem can assist in the research task.
`6 Conclusions
`can certainly communicate research
`Visualization tools
`results, but it is not yet clear how well they help produce research
`results. We have created an interactive 3D visualization system,
`called Tracktur, and put it into the hands of the scientist. Tracktur
`provides a textured environment for examining the onset of turbu-
`lence. The viewer can navigate through the landscape and interact
`with a turbulent spot through 3D menus, buttons, sliders, and a
`data probe. In the hands of a fluid scientist, the system has yielded
`new insights into the development of a turbulent spot.
`This work was supported under NASA contract No. NAS1-
`19480. We thank Bill von Ofenheim and the Data Visualization
`Lab at NASA Langley Research Center for use of their stereo
`glasses. We thank Jonathan Shade at the San Diego Supercomputer
`Center for help in creating transparent texture maps.
`[1] Singer, Bart A. and Ron Ioslin, “Metamorphosis of a hairpin
`vortex into a young turbulent spot.” Physics of Fluids A, Vol.
`6, No. 11 (Nov. 94).
`[2] Banks, David C. and Bart A. Singer, “Vortex Tubes in Turbu-
`lent Flows: Identification, Representation, Reconstruction.”
`Proceedings of Visualization ’94.
`“The Tracktur Home Page,” World Wide Web URL
`[4] Blinn, Jim, “Me and My (Fake) Shadow.” IEEE Computer
`Graphics & Applications (Jim Blinn’s Corner), January 1988,
`pp. 82-86.
`[5] Banks, David C., “Illumination in Diverse Codimensions.”
`Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’94 (Orlando, Florida, July 24-
`29, 1994). In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Con-
`ference Series, 1994, ACM SIGGRAPH, New York, pp. 327-
`“MR Toolkit," World Wide Web URL
`[7] Banks, David C., “The Onset of Turbulence in a Shear Flow
`a Flat Plate.”
`[Demonstration] SIGGRAPH ’94
`VROOM Exhibit. In Visual Proceedings.‘ The Art and Inter-'
`disciplinary Programs of SIGGRAPH 94, Computer Graphics
`Annual Conference Series, 1994, ACM SIGGRAPH, New
`Dfork, p. 235. Also in “Fluid Mechanics,” World Wide Web
`,/I " http1//www.ncsa.uiuc.edufEVI..ldocs/VROOM/I-ITMU
`“CAVE User’s Guide,” World Wide Web URL

`Behavioral Control for Real—Time Simulated Human Agents
`John P. Granieri, Welton Becket,
`Barry D. Reich, Jonathan Crabtree, Norman 1. Badler
`Center for Human Modeling and Simulation
`University of Pennsylvania
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6389
`granieri/becket/reich/crabtree/badlerflgraphics . cis . upenn . edu
`A system for controlling the behaviors of an interac-
`tive human—like agent, and executing them in real-time,
`is presented. It relies on an underlying model of contin-
`uous behacior, as well as a discrete scheduling mecha-
`nism for changing behavior over time. A multiprocess-
`ing framework executes the behaviors and renders the
`motion of the agents in real-time. Finally we discuss
`the current state of our implementation and some areas
`of future work.
`As rich and complex interactive 3D virtual environ-
`ments become practical for a variety of applications,
`from engineering design evaluation to hazard simula-
`tion, there is a need to represent their inhabitants as
`purposeful, interactive, human—like agents.
`It is not a great leap of the imagination to think
`of a product designer creating a virtual prototype of a
`piece of equipment, placing that equipment in a virtual
`workspace, then populating the workspace with virtual
`human operators who will perform their assigned tasks
`(operating or maintaining) on the equipment. The de-
`signer will need to instruct and guide the agents in the
`execution of their tasks, as well as evaluate their per-
`formance within his design. He may then change the
`design based on the agents’ interactions with it.
`Although this scenario is possible today, using only
`one or two simulated humans and scripted task anima-
`tions [3], the techniques employed do not scale well to
`tens or hundreds of humans. Scripts also limit any abil-
`ity to have the human agents react to user input as well
`as each other during the execution of a task simulation.
`We wish to build a system capable of simulating many
`agents, performing moderately complex tasks, and able
`to react to external (either from user—generated or dis-
`tributed simulation) stimuli and events, which will oper-
`ate in near real-time. To that end, we have put together
`a system which has the beginnings of these attributes,
`Permission to copy without fee ail or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
`direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the
`title of the publication and its data appear, and notice is given
`that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing
`Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee
`andfor specific permission.
`1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey CA USA
`© 1995 ACM 0-89791-736-7/95f0O04...$3.50
`and are in the process of investigating the limits of our
`approach. We describe below our architecture, which
`employs a variety of known and previously published
`techniques, combined together in a new way to achieve
`near real—time behavior on current workstations.
`We first describe the machinery employed for behav-
`ioral control. This portion includes perceptual, control,
`and motor components. We then describe the multipro-
`cessing framework built to run the behavioral system in
`near real-time. We conclude with some internal details
`of the execution environment. For illustrative purposes,
`our example scenario is a pedestrian agent, with the
`ability to locomote, walk down a sidewalk, and cross
`the street at an intersection while obeying stop lights
`and" pedestrian crossing lights.
`2 Behavioral Control
`The behavioral controller, previously developed in [4]
`and [5],
`is designed to allow the operation of paral-
`lel, continuous behaviors each attempting to accom-
`plish some function relevant to the agent and each con-
`necting sensors to effectors. Our behavioral controller
`is based on both potential-field reactive control from
`robotics [1, 10] and behavioral simulation from gra h-
`ics, such as Wilhelms and Skinner’s implementation 20
`of Braitenberg’s Vehicles
`Our system is structured
`in order to allow the application of optimization learn-
`ing [6], however, as one of the primary difliculties with
`behavioral and reactive techniques is the complexity of
`assigning weights or arbitration schemes to the various
`beh[avio]rs in order to achieve a desired observed behav-
`ior 5, 6 .
`Behaviors are embedded in a network of behaviors!
`nodes, with fixed connectivity by links across which only
`floating-point messages can travel. On each simulation
`step the network is updated synchronously and with-
`out order dependence by using separate load and emit
`phases using a simulation technique adapted from [14].
`Because there is no order dependence, each node in the
`network could be on a separate processor, so the net-
`work could be easily parallelized.
`Each functional behavior is implemented as a sub-
`network of behavioral nodes defining a path from the
`geometry database of the system to calls for changes
`in the database. Because behaviors are implemented
`as networks of simpler processing units, the representa-
`tion is more explicit than in behavioral controllers Where
`entire behaviors are implemented procedurally. Wher-

`ever possible, values that could be used to parameterize
`the behavior nodes are made accessible, making the en-
`tire controller accessible to machine learning techniques
`which can tune components of a behavior that may be
`too complex for a designer to manage. The entire net-
`work comprising the various sub-behaviors acts as the
`controller for the agent and is referred to here as the
`behavior net.
`There are three conceptual categories of behavioral
`nodes employed by behavioral paths in a behavior net:
`perceptual nodes that output more abstract results
`of perception than what raw sensors would emit.
`Note that in a simulation that has access to a com-
`plete database of the simulated world, the job of
`the perceptual nodes will be to realistically limit
`perception, which is perhaps opposite to the func-
`tion of perception in real robots.
`motor nodes that communicate with some form of mo-
`tor control for the simulated agent. Some motor
`nodes enact changes directly on the environment.
`More complex motor behaviors, however, such as
`the walk motor node described below, schedule a
`motion (a step) that is managed by a separate,
`asynchronous execution module.
`control nodes which map perceptual nodes to motor
`nodes usually using some form of negative feed-
`This partitioning is similar to Firby’s partitioning of
`continuous behavior into active sensing and behavior
`control routines [10], except that motor control is con-
`sidered separate from negative feedback control.
`2.1 Perceptual Nodes
`The perceptual nodes rely on simulated sensors to
`perform the perceptual part of a behavior. The sensors
`access the environment database, evaluate and output
`the distance and angle to the target or targets. A sam-
`pling of dilferent sensors currently used in our system is
`described below. The sensors differ only in the types of
`things they are capable of detecting.
`Object: An object sensor detects a single object. This
`detection is global; there are no restrictions such
`as visibility limitations. As a result, care must
`be taken when using this sensor:
`for example, the
`pedestrian may walk through walls or other objects
`without the proper avoidances, and apparent real-
`ism may be compromised by an attraction to an
`object which is not visible. It should be noted that
`an object sensor always senses the object’s current
`location, even if the object moves. Therefore, fol-
`lowing or pursuing behaviors are possible.
`Location: A location sensor is almost identical to an
`object sensor. The difference is that the location
`is a unchangeable point in space which need not
`correspond to any object.
`Proximity: A proximity sensor detects objects of a
`specific type. This detection is local: the sensor can
`detect only objects which intersect a sector-shaped
`region roughly corresponding to the field—of—view of
`the pedestrian.
`Line: A line sensor detects a specific line segment.
`Terrain: A terrain sensor, described in [17], senses the
`navigability of the local terrain. For example, the
`pedestrian can distinguish undesirable terrain such
`as street or puddles from terrain easier or more de-
`sirable to negotiate such as sidewalk.
`Field-of-View: A field-of—view sensor,
`in [17], determines whether a human agent is visi-
`ble to any of a set of agents. The sensor output is
`proportional to the number of agents’ fields—of—view
`it is in, and inversely proportional to the distances
`to these agents.
`2.2 Control Nodes
`Control nodes typically implement some form of neg-
`ative feedback, generating outputs that will reduce per-
`ceived error in input relative to some desired value or
`limit. This is the center of the reactivit
`of the be-
`havioral controller, and as suggested in [9, the use of
`negative feedback will effectively handle noise and un-
`Two control nodes have been implemented as de-
`scribed in [4] and [5], attract and avoid. These loosely
`model various forms of taxes found in real animals [7, 11]
`and are analogous to proportional servos from control
`theory. Their output is in the form of a recommended
`new velocity in polar coordinates:
`Attract An attract control node is linked to El and d
`values, typically derived from perceptual nodes,
`and has angular and distance thresholds, i9 and
`ta. The attract behavior emits A6 and Ad values
`scaled by linear weights that suggest an update
`that would bring d and 6 closer to the threshold
`values. Given weights kg and icy :
`ic,9(6 + t,«,-.
`if -153 S 3 S is
`Ad _ { it-,;(d - td)
`Avoid The avoid node is not just the opposite of ai-
`tmcif. Typically in attract, both 6 and d should
`be within the thresholds. With avoid, however,
`the intended behavior is usually to have at outside
`the threshold distance, using :9 only for steering
`away. The resulting avoid formulation has no an-
`gular threshold:
`It-,9 —7r — 9)
`if cl > td
`A8 : [ kd(td — 0.‘)
`if (ll > L1

`Max Step Length
`Figure 2: The fan of potential foot locations and orien-
`Goal Sensor
`L b__
`‘gm 0 I p"
`‘ -a' min- 9
`6 :
`scaling weights (4)
`far. max-d E r:l£.t—d max-step
`avzraging weiglalsf-1)
`scaling weig-‘US 1'4}
`J .
`Cylinder Sensor
`fav. max-d’
`averaging werglrrrts)
`scaling we1'giI.r5(4)
`Figure 3: An example behavior net for walking
`is cleared, producing an extremely unrealistic sawtooth
`path about the true gradient in the potential field.
`To eliminate the sawtooth path effect, we sample the
`value of the potential field implied by the sensor and
`control nodes in the space in front of the agent and step
`on the location yielding the minimum sampled ‘energy’
`value. We sample points that would be the agent’s new
`location if the agent were to step on points in a number
`of arcs within a fan in front of the agent’s forward foot.
`This fan, shown in Fig. 2, represents the geometrically
`valid foot locations for the next step position under our
`walking model. This sampled step space could be ex-
`tended to allow side—stepping or turning around which
`the agent can do [3], though this is not currently ac-
`cessed from the behavior system described in this pa-
`per. For each sampled step location, the potential field
`value is computed at the agent’s new location, defined
`as the average location and orientation of the two feet.
`2.4 An example behavior net
`The example behavior net in Fig. 3 specifies an over-
`all behavior for walking agents that head toward a par-
`ticular goal object while avoiding obstacles (cylinders in
`this case) and each other. The entire graph is the behav-
`ior net, and each path from perception to motor output
`is considered a behavior. In this example there are three
`behaviors: one connecting a goal sensor to an attraction
`controller and then to the walk node (a goal-attraction
`behavior), another connecting a sensor detecting prox-
`imity of other walking agents to an avoidance controller
`Figure 1: Sawtooth path due to potential field discon-
`2.3 Motor Nodes
`Motor nodes for controlling non-linked agents are im-
`plemented by interpreting the Ad and A9 values emit-
`ted from control behaviors as linear and angular ad-
`justments, where the magnitude of the implied velocity
`vector gives some notion of the urgency of traveling in
`that direction.
`If this velocity vector is attached di-
`rectly to a figure so that requested velocity is mapped
`directly to a change in the object’s position, the result-
`ing agent appears jet—powered and slides around with
`infinite damping as in Wilhelms and Skinner’s environ-
`ment [20].
`2.3.1 Walking by-sampling potential fields
`VVhen controlling agents that walk, however, the mo-
`tor node mapping the velocity vector implied by the
`outputs of the control behaviors to actual motion in
`the agent needs to be more sophisticated. In a walking
`agent the motor node of the behavior net schedules a
`step for an agent by indicating the position and orien-
`tation of the next footstep, where this decision about
`where to step next happens at the end of every step
`rather than continuously along with motion of the agent.
`The velocity vector resulting from the blended output
`of all control nodes could be used to determine the next
`footstep; however, doing so results in severe instability
`around threshold boundaries. This occurs because we
`allow thresholds in our sensor and control nodes and as
`a result the potential field space is not continuous. Tak-
`ing a discrete step based on instantaneous information
`may step across a discontinuity in field space. Consider
`the situation in Fig. 1 where the agent is attracted to a
`goal on the opposite side of a wall and avoids the wall
`up to some threshold distance. If the first step is sched-
`uled at position pl , the agent will choose to step directly
`toward the goal and will end up at P2. The agent is then
`well within the threshold distance for walls and will step
`away from the wall and end up at p3, which is outside
`the threshold. This process then repeats until the wall

`State 1
`Go North to
`SE Comer
`Figure 4: North-net: A sample ped—net shown graph-
`Figure 5: A pedestrian crossing the street
`different ways.
`Liglht-nets control traflic lights and pod-nets control
`pe estrians. Light—:nets cycle through the states of the
`traffic light and the walk and alon’t walk signs.
`Fig. 4 is a simple ped-net, a north-net, which moves
`a pedestrian north along the eastern sidewalk through
`the intersection. Initially, avoidances are bound to the
`pedestrian so that it will not walk into walls, the street,
`poles, or other pedestrians. The avoidances are always
`active even as other behaviors are bound and unbound.
`In State 1 an attraction to the southeast corner of the
`intersection is bound to the pedestrian. The pedestrian
`immediately begins to walk toward the corner avoiding
`obstacles along the way. When it arrives the attraction
`is unbound, the action for State 1 is complete. Nothing
`further «happens until the appropriate walk light is lit.
`Wheriit is lit, the transition to State 2 is made and ac-

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