`emu _gm:nted hi) r;:0i1;¢1:T‘g*_:_:':~ to the same I}e:;msiI: .3‘xcr.:flunt 5-mail emit}; additi.m'1ai
`{ifas1}=f}, and 31$ other fees ’n.c:c::~;::a.r3,«‘ in fiis‘: this Reply and £tp_§3iicabl.£: in 3, 51:20:11} cmiigy.
`.Ammdms::n.f.s R) {hint c¥ai.m.s, .il°au3y, are r«::'i.1_::<:‘:a:d in
`iis1‘ing{.:i"»::§ain1s‘ihali heg,i.11s an pagaa
`\?€u1*3.dS €303 UTE...
`sf this }‘f$:‘1}]t‘3.I‘.
`R::.:11a.:‘1<sl3agi:1 am ;3z=:ge $3 rtrf 1‘.h;,i.<; paper.

`€303 UTE...
`C Zairn S13?
`(IJ§ai1m 44’, W1}! 1:»: pe:n.cEi.n.g in {he app}.ication. :1ft<:1* entry N.‘ the ?.Q3t'3\}’€ mluendznenis. This
`pap»~;::r sitidfi new c.§ 36 mail
`zimii does mat asntsnd :31‘ c:a_n.£te1 zm}-“ ;:§a..iIns. {Ila.ims 4, E 1,. :mc;i
`are tlw ixzaicpctiacinzxai claims mjfthe appiiczaiican.
`{‘§;1I?_1:iTT:§1§°V‘('3|'§_‘i‘§_l(*:. Firxai ()fl':ce .A<:$im1
`In 111:: Fimi ()1“fice Am:ion,. ciaims <-“H1 vs.-‘em raj-3c?t¢:d uxzcirr 35
`I834 22.)
`11npatr:z1£a.b§e mm‘ Shiiva ax .:;rt’,, U Patent N12n1’hc1' 5.49135’-"13 {“‘Shii0“}, in View :3? Suzuki st 03.,
`{.53. Paimi Nmnbuzzr 5,'?’3{i,?}E°§.2 {“f§u:a:u1<:i”_}_. amd ‘fmriher
`in "*»-’.if.’fi.-\-’
`f‘¢’§‘n;1}%’<:tf?l1E1£§., Va.l_en’li.1im’s E32132
`W<:Lid_ing in ill Vimzaf., P0st«VNew3m-‘ask IBu3’n‘1e—3s {I_uI’o:‘ma'iim1 inc. Nexwbyleg {[E3=':‘:$:1':?umf;»I E4,
`}%':3:‘§*{$:} ew:*~.°“ 'i1m*+:.iv;1.afte:-)_.
`;’\p;:>IiTs:a;3ts respecifuligg resgmnd to ih>‘L?Fi11i1§ Qffintss: Asstiun.
`Pinaiitv mfthe. .»“~\a:i'imtx
`A second my suhseqmant Qffiwcze actim ‘im the mcrzits shaii. be final,
`as-...\;s:ept W§1CI‘t3 I13:
`axmimisicr itmmiusces 21 new ground ui't”1*s::ieczim1 H113‘: is n<:i1;he;f nemzssitzzieci, by £ip_{1iiCiinl”S m11e:z1.dn1ent
`s;xfthe..:‘, clainm mu‘ based am i11'£}.am1at..ia;m sxibnijtied in an §n\i‘1'>mm‘£‘§.(3n dififlfisllfe 5iate.1m:m fikd nitiring
`the pc':.ri0d sci: '{"m'ih in 3? {ZII¥3i"{ }.'9?A{'C) with me
`Sm. .i"m'i'§1 in 37 CPR 'i.1"?{p}.°‘
`in the p.:'»3s.«::.11t a:a..<;£:, the Fimal {i}’iT:::e: Actizm i.:'1£mdu<;:E<s a new grouixci mt‘ 1'e_i<:ct.i:;3I3 msésii on 3. m":w
`refemncc, Newsbytazs.
`mns;%11dn1c:1I. of :;i.aim 1} made:
`in the pre*.='i{>u:,~r pamper
`A.pspi.ia::;21%11’s was ciari.'fj;; '£hs::~ z1m.e11d113eni §:i.arii‘E::d {hat} {p.a1'aphrasing} the p.wc~;‘ i‘hE-ii 1.‘§:£:s;f:‘i\-"t‘.{§
`1.\s';1sil’i.:;m infm‘1m1i:i£.:1z z‘1.S:’$'{‘ki3.i£ll;7c‘f{3. with ‘§.1:M\=x-"<31." than 21%!
`t'.!fi”.l1‘Z3.i' u;~;:e.r £w'aia.:'—s 4(§:'3«::5 .11:'.&t4re«:s3ik='t‘- 1333.3 i'imI".1

`\*V{)l‘3.{1S €303 UTE...
`.iufm‘mai'i:‘m 01%’: §;t an-‘a:ia2's of t}3'u‘- other us;ss1‘s. We 's.‘e$pec{fu¥.}}g' stihmii that: tlixe nxsw rqis3*::§.i:_m of
`«:1»-aim 3.1 was mt xxecressitated. by the's in. the: p:'cvicsL:sps1p—::r.
`The new-‘ 1‘ejeL‘1im1.
`i‘i.lS{.3 um §:1£iS’\3§j an an ini"0r.t1.*1a:i0:1 €£i.sci.(3sur<.:
`:x.‘1'ms%:t:1<:m {HES} s1_1bn1iti'es;¥
`as dese:r.ibed §11}viI~".iE{.}’ §?{}€i.{’1?{:1_},
`bE3C3.l1SBm‘3 such Iiiii}E~'; has hem s‘ubm‘i.:ted asftarfi’1efp1‘evio11.s (i‘}ff1c3
`21£'.ti:;.m (iwlxich 1-\-*z:s:31:::Tiieii cm Sésptembexf 2 I , 20 3(3).
`‘B1'li3.1’§{}" :33?‘ the current Office Act-is:m
`p_1'm11’di1l1’<': and azihmuid be withdrzwm. Siiif
`?{}fi.{}7{£i}1 ..»\dd.ij£i0na1}y, rm: Fi.n.a} Cn“I.‘ice AcV§i.<:_:1_3 (}m:':s not adciresra‘. 1311?: siauus m.‘ ciainm §EE.~
`15. Wt’: n:3pect‘§.‘u}.iy rs-;:qu§:si tilt’: }§§xa1m_i':.1e':7 in x1<H'tI1.ci1‘z1w the fimi3.iii§v" G? the ().iT{7ice .»’-‘miiuil,
`i:‘.n{'{;‘-I’ {he
`a2.bcm: ‘c7£I1'l€1i'$Ch“i}f3'.I3t3, and cc>'m;ick:=a' the m*gu.1n¢nt‘s p2*cs.<::1t::d beiuw.
`F u.1't}2er, the new c;f¥aims ‘E 6 and 1? are i1mi}iT$_E_.§_,[.’!uS, rs:s‘pecti*s~>::§y, ta ciaims 8 smd N3, and thus
`v,»'0uid rc?:c; (miy at m_1rs0:*)e review; The ammdmsctnt _t1m‘y the1rei""m*e
`eni‘en;éd razgardleas (.x’£'1h:2
`_fi‘:.1a}.ity n1"t}1.t;t zn':ti+;,m.
`s\-?iii~‘F.—}:" § ?}4.1V3{_’}:{); 37 CT.i§*‘..R.
`.1.1}€3{b){2’} £21: {3}.
`Art‘ R€3“*;:i?t§’()I1S
`limi Shiéu z-md S'u:e=.uki do» 1103' disciuse certain
`liinitamkns G.f’i.I‘}L‘§$1)Bi1S3t'3£‘1§ ciaiins 4 am? 1}.
`In pz1z*t§icui_z1r,
`::f§‘:.r;*. }“.ina.}; {Effie-e As;-.tfim.1 zrclmniswledged that
`“Suzuki anti
`e>:_;1i.icitfi3-* teach 2'cceivin.g,
`Itw 111:: diam ::§cV=‘i:;r£;‘—,
`;m;>s.itie.:sn infor;nati<>u
`:;:s§iJ§:ia$.'sr:c.i with fin;-xrer than ail of ms’: ether us” m/’{:l'{i1I.‘S fmm 21
`process, Mxezrssixz the <:1i.s:z.1.t
`ciexsice ~;.i0es mini ;.'m:eiw;*. j;J0sit_im.1 inlfkmmitimx. aimfétt least some EiV’Ei¥.&£‘S (sf the :;1$‘;¥1e1"m'st:r z1\«-‘aI.m.'s in the
`xriflguai space; zmd dis_p~h=z}=i.t1g, on {$193 Cliflilf d{‘.‘~'¥"iC£§ di.<;p§a'_§~; the dispiaf;-‘a2b3.é: seii r;.zfi¥1r: mher ’L1Si:‘:I‘
`mxatzzrs 3.33-aciated. with this C-hi$;‘..i11‘. device d_isp}ay,“ ’1”‘i1e Fina} ()ffi.s.:e Acfian than reiieci. on E\'?s:ewsb}n:e
`w i’ii.1~in :13‘? adn:}it.t:;2d gaps CRT} the di5L:k.:s’L1ms m“:}1a: othm we-'0 r@i>‘€r{§I}Et:$<

`€303 UTE...
`(1313:: is Feb1‘11a1‘}=‘ M, 1996. The p';‘es;e.m“. app¥_i::aTiim1 iZ}ai11‘}:§ p:'i€;'e3‘§‘:_x«-‘ has:-:.d 011118
`prméisituaaai paten: appiiaramzwn scriai z1.Lu*;;r {ifJ.v-"{}2{),296, which was f:f§«::fi an ?\Em-"«::3113s::;‘ 13, ‘£995.
`’i7¥1e.:‘x::§"m*s:, Nexx»-'ssl3y’i3 mi art gggjgj to rm: §31.'esen‘£ appiic3.i:i¢.m.
`A.pp}.icams ’re3p»::c\tfu1§y siubrnii
`'i.:1cié:;3£:1}tie.m: ciaim 4
`{bait med
`r;2‘27§:n:.:1.ees mi 1:3:-23$ fc».ril'1e above 1“‘§3‘aS:;)I3S.
` H r§:1;:it::s Ii.n1.imtio;1s idenriszai gr :u1aic»guus {:3 {imse mi:‘'; 4 s;iiscussec3.
`a?:.\m»'e, and s.~'‘}.::‘a z'cji:L:£.t:=d. on ihe sauna g;rms.:1d as ckflm 4.
`..='~\.ppi.ia:.§:n'Ls r:2sp::a:i.fu}iy subnlit‘ tha=:.i‘
`imIepen.d£:.n.i a':}a.i'm I1 is pa§:::ni:1h§e {_w<~;<r
`that: ciiteii
`r::fi::_1‘t:_n.=c.e at i.ea.<_4t for the .S;1:11e r:'3as{;1=:.1s as mic
`discrusssed a'hs;.we in 1*ela, to clainl 4.
`[)u«:.p—endent ciaim.
`3. Eimitatiam mf 1-:.».?‘mreir:s {fie cfim2s'
`sfaezw r-2.0! 5'-e::eive
`isgfi‘.a>'n:Aa1'z’a>:»2 off" :1: 312252.?! swm? ::n.:¢:;*zm‘s sigfriwe :>r!°zg'e.r* z.;Js*e:" m»'m;;.:r1s‘ in s’}r:~.e~ 1—-*z’r:’zm§ .'sT;.>tI{.‘L?.
`agnguears 111112;: the _:=-::fe:'eI.1<:§2—s 'fa1?} vs: »;i.i.<_:<::'%0.<_z.:': or sugg,§::s3t this ii.I‘I1.i‘iE1‘€.iQ‘iJ_, anti i‘her:':'i};m': depexxdezxi‘ c:ia2i.1r1'z. 8
`is 3:-zpamteiy }'i1flt'u‘-§}i'£’i‘b§i:‘.". far this Ei(“3.(fifiiTi§",££1‘i 1:-mama.
`C.§ M} ticpcxicis f}*01n.L:§ 4 amti r:':s;tit'es a.ddit'is’.)na} iin1i{‘a:i0:13 of 1-1-’iI€:?.F‘&?iIE rim 1»‘i't*.’.'M:z‘:’ .Sf.}¢tI(i'e£?
`_,fi:r‘£§M-.9‘ £‘t?I>3g?!'i.S'é.‘..$ Iwe7.> or irzcnxw 1<=x’i-‘imzf rr:s{m1s :;m'c2’ {Ire INé?IfI(J:3’_fi;‘f‘1‘fIeff‘{?Dmp?‘iS&‘S pm siawilféii‘ !e?£epa:>;‘Iz’:‘3g
`ji*m-;r2t c'.'.firsr' ~:.*ir*:?m:n.' man: I0 :3 ..~:e%c’r.:wa’ 1v'£‘!"i2»££¥2’ mam-2.
`"l7f§1£: iiififiue Aciitni uiied <:olum1"1 73} §.i.m;‘:s 15~€i2 0'37
`Shim as di{sx:i0sing, tiwsrz 'iin1i;tai‘i:;m:';.
`it appemrs that {he Office Acii(:$11 :r0n1sidm:d the refe1'm1s:e in a
`p:;urE;i.c.ip;ini' hazing addtzd to El §:s;mfer§:ns:s::~ by dxaggilzg {paaraplxraiseii} to {Tie zxzléxiuguus to fc:i§:pu1'£i11.g.
`A ppE.ica=u1ts
`mm-mmarmi. E}:-aggi.t1g, in ;:s*3*r1’{r‘::u;1i:=.timzticm,
`:1 gradual. x‘11.m=:‘:.ment.
`'AIT‘§.xere‘{2)‘re, the z*ef::.:' dais nut
`d:iS<:.}:;:se £32‘ sug,§.3.esi' the "“te~i.ep0n‘tin5_:g’° 'iin1itati£32";s mi’ Vciaim H), am! claim 10
`fl‘§£iii'Bf()i‘t} s¢p:;urate¥y
`at §¢::a=z.s'!; fur [ms ar3diii(.s1‘1a!i ra::as(:1‘:. We ham: ;:>ra:1.-‘inn:-2i!;v' preserzissd this a.rgum::n.t, hm’ am:
`}*"i.21afi (Eficrs As;:I;i0n has um. addaressed it’,
`1 {}

`D'tZ;?t31§€}u':1i§f cizzxiim; 5-?’ 21nd 9 shatlid
`pzitemziwa at $53353:
`.1"§':aS{.‘s§'1S z1p’;):§i{:é1{}}@ {:3 ‘thxzir
`\*'€{)l‘3.{1S €303 UH...
`base claim
`<:ia..i'm 16
`m';aEa.3;_;A{3u:\: {£3 cl-aim
`New Chlili} 17’ is<>gou.s to <:l.a.,im ii}.
`1 1

`\?€u1*3.dS {>03 UTE...
`Appfiicemts submit thai ali peaxriim, t3i§ii.i".I‘£S art: aiiowabie.
`‘I33 dizmuss 313}; 1nmte17pmrmi;1ing in
`I316 i.r;SEm1t*i.:;:n}, the f{§i:~;*.-zmi.m::r
`i.:*m‘.t.::u‘ :0 25131 $316 ‘umie .'s17_g.n,eci aI.1'0.n1e;«,»‘ at {$158} ’.?2U-943 L
`I-izwing r11:—1de: 31!}. e§7fi:n**t in {wing the z‘-3m)¥.icz=1ti@u in c:mdi‘§.i0n fin? alimwnce, 21 nmlice to this
`::fi}:a:t. is earnestly 8niic*..ii:::d.
`R.‘c:spt:c.1l’uB}-‘ 1':§'Li§_T=i1'.i‘3.¥.‘£iii«{.i,
`}‘)a.t::.:1; .¥\4:w 24‘ 283 ‘§_
`,-'i{:m'i_)~= hm-s.= £3‘:-.=~'r;:z1.;_;=
`\R"eisar, Reg. Nu, 43,229
`352.5 {}eH*»~'iar_¥1{eig;,i1is; .R{3a»:i_. 95
`Eééma EI)iegs), (EA *9?-.}3()
`€858} ’.F2{}~9431

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`International Application Number:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Dave Leahy
`Customer Number:
`Anatoly Weiser.
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Payment information:
`Document Description
`File Size(Bytes)/
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`Part /.zip (if appl.)
`Amendment After Final
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`lfa new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
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`°I‘}E§lé“; !..?.=.\"ITEI)
`}.*,~:§C“E§K’}.‘ A,a"\‘l) ’}‘fiRAil)E£k=I,«§.RK ()1<“’FI(.‘.Ii
`Apgwiicaaztioix <31";
`Dave I.;eah.}= .92‘ rd.
`Seriai }Mc::.: 12.’-'1fl{i,?)68
`.3-'I21.rL*h 11.9., lfiifi}
`ijinz.-U39 :\1‘£1;3ni£:
`Can H. E’\*gu.}=en
`A'£t0rm':;«' }3‘i‘ii~: No: Wmrlds {M3
`(Aiffice Actian §1»*1Laiie»d {L}:-1: M3’! ill)! i
`M21: M'e::'s‘I»I(3£: Mm :!§;§.‘I$.}3{(§N“:;
`Us1~:ARs T0 I:\z'I‘ti;:?m<::T1mx Vskimxl.
`Cm1i‘it‘n1ati<m :.\Eo.: 6432
`ifmnmissimier fur Patents
`}.’.(}. Em; ‘I450
`_.=X.IeX:u1th'ia, V:=\ 2231.3»-145%}
`.Appli::a.nts and the u.nd:‘::‘sigm:d m_t0.:tm;y .:‘eqt1.s::~.‘.t
`tesissphtmic int¢:rv'iz:w'
`¥f:§:t\=v<;:c‘:11 {ii} the
`L1.t1.d&.rsi.g:3ed ati«:_m.1e'_y_, and {2} {he iI-Io.:.m_x‘ab'¥e i§3x_a1nim:r _i\2Iuhzgeiz1 (lac: I-L gujgexx. W&'m‘n1}d Ilka‘: to
`dfiscusés fi';.1a}.ity {if the {i}f§§::e .Ar;:-tion, fine News7iay£a~:.s 1'6-i":'3:*s:*—:1r;:>L'; and Vr.atZ‘;_m‘ mai:t:':rs pa:-.1'ta’i.:1i.n.g_; in mri
`1‘::je::ti.o<n.s of the claims.
`W'it pmpuse }Lme I-3, 20$ 1, at 2. pm I:’;as{::fn Heiylight Sax-'i; ’I‘imc:,
`i2i.te:.'\='iev;-'. Alterrxaiive dz«1t.e.<; am fimes can. ez«1$-iiy he :‘§:serves;i.
`N0. <§3,.;732§}
`.-=k:‘m3'.‘_y .i..::w {Era}-.up
`3525 13:23 Mm‘ iiiittighiis Rnanh .%i?,'E9f3
`San. {lie-go, (IA 92 I 30
`($358) ‘T»’L3{}~9431

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`International Application Number:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Dave Leahy
`Customer Number:
`Anatoly Weiser.
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Payment information:
`Document Description
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Message Digest
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`ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1—800—PTO—9199 and select option 2.
`Legal Instrument Examiner.

`Worlds Q03 UTL
`Please amend the claims in accord_ance'with the following listing, which will replaceall prior
`listings, and versions of claims.
`Listing of Claims
`Claims 1-3 (Cancelled)
`4. (.P.r;ev_i9.u.sly Presented).
`A‘ method. for..enah1in'g: ag. flrst user to ‘interact with“ other. u,s.ers..;-fin. a
`virtual_ spa_c,e,‘each.user‘of the first user and the other users being associated with -a three dimensional
`avatar representing s_aid.each. user in-the virtual;space,,the method comprising the steps of:
`customizing, using aprocessor of a client device,~an avatar in response to -‘input by the first
`receiving, by the client‘ device, position information -'associat_ediwith._.fewer than all of the
`other user avatars from a server, proces_s,~ wherein.‘ the _’client Idevice. does ‘not ‘receive;_ position
`'in;fo'rmat’ion of at leastisome: avatars of the other user a_vatars'.'in the virtual. space;
`determining, by the client ‘device; a displayablc sct'of thc.othcr -user avatars associated with
`the-«client device display; and
`displaying, on the client device display,
`the. disp1ayable_ set of the other user avatars
`associatedwith the client device display.
`5. (Previously Presented)
`The method according to claim 4, further comprising the step of:
`monitoring an orientation of the first user avatar;

`wherein the step of determinin_g comprises filtering the other user avatars based on the
`Worlds 003 UTL
`monitored orientation of_ the first user avatar.
`6. (Previously Presented)
`Themethod according to claim 4, wherein the step .,of customizing
`cornp_ris_es~accessin_g a first database containing (custom avatarimages.
`7. (Previously) Presented)
`The method according ‘to_. claim 6, wherein the step of customizing
`further comprises selecting from the first database xinforrnation that is used to .ren_der*the avatars-1--in
`the displayableset.
`.8. (Previously Presented)
`The method according to claim 4,) further comprising ‘receiving by the
`-.client. device orientationinformatioon associated with fewer than all ‘of the otheruseriavatars, wherein
`"the client device does -not receive orientation information of at least some avatars of ‘the other user.
`avatars in the virtual space;
`9. (Previously Presented)
`The methodaccording to‘ claim 4, fitrthercomprising, storing an: entry
`including a pointer to an image associated with the other user avatarstfor which position information
`hasibeen received.
`10. (Previously Presented)
`The method according to claim 4; wherein the virtual space ‘further
`comprises two or more virtual rooms and the method further comprises an avatar teleporting from'.a
`first virtual room to a second virtual room.

`1 1. (Previously Presented)
`A client device for enabling a first user to interact with other users in_a
`Worlds (003 UTL
`virtual space, each user being associated with a three dimensional avatar representing the user. in the
`virtual space, the device comprising:
`a. memory storing instructions; and
`a processor programmed using the instructions to:
`create a custom avatar in response to. input by.the'f1rst user;
`receive position information associatedwith fewer than all of the other user avatars,
`wherein the processor does not. _rece_ive positioninformation ofat least some;-avatars of the
`I other user avatars in the virtual space; and
`determine a set of the other users’ avatars displayable on a screen associated with the
`client device.
`12. (Previously Presented)
`The method ;according}to claim 4., further comprising .lhe_.s_tep_ of:
`monitoring an orientation of the first user avatar;
`wherein the ‘step of determining comprises -‘filtering the ‘other user avatars .ba‘sed?on at least
`one variable other than (1) positions of the other user avatars, and (2) orientation of the first user
`13. (Previously Presented)
`The method according to claim 4, wherein the "step ‘of determining‘
`comprises filtering the other user avatars based on identifiers (IDs) of the other useravatars.

`1.4. (Previously Presented)
`Worlds 003 U__TL
`The method according to claim.4_, wherein the step'_of detennining
`comprises filtering the other user avatars based on a limit of the other user avatars that maybe
`displayed ‘onithe client device display,‘ the limit being set at the client device.
`15. (Previously Presented)
`An ‘article of manufacture ‘comprising at least‘ one memory storing
`computer code for enabling a first user to interact with other users in~.a.-virtual spacey,-each user of the
`first ‘user and the other users being associated with a three dimensionalsavatarrrepresenting} said each
`user inthe virtualrspace, the computer code comprising instructions7for:»
`customizing, using .a processor of a client device, an avatar in ares_p_onse'to input by the first
`user; ’
`receiving, by the client device, position infonnation associated with fewer than‘ all of the
`other user avatars -from a. sewer process, wherein. the :client- device. does not receive position
`information of at least some avatars of the other user avatars. in the_~..virtual space;
`determining, bythe client.device,v a displayable set of thezotheriuser avata’rs;assoc’iated with
`the-ic.lien__t deV.i§e display; and
`‘on the client device display,
`the displayable set of the other user avatars
`‘associated with the client device display.
`The. articleof manufacture according to claim 15, wherein the..comp,uter code-further
`comprises‘ instructions for receiving by the client device orientation information associated with
`fewer than all of the other user‘ avatars, wherein the client device does not receive orientation
`information of at least some avatars of the other user avatars in the virtual space.

`Worlds 003 UTL
`The article of‘manufacture according to claim 15-, wherein the virtual space comprises
`l7_. (New)
`at first virtual room and a second, and the method further comprises teleporting an
`avatar from the first virtual room to the second virtual room.

`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Dave Leahy
`SAN DIEGO, CA 92130
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)

`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`A“ Unit
`Cao “Kevin“ Nguyen
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed
`after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`— Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1)IXl Responsive to communication(s) filed on 24 May 2011.
`2a)I:I This action is FINAL.
`2b)IXl This action is non—final.
`3)I:l Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Exparte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`4)IZl Claim(s) 1 is/are pending in the application.
`4a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`5 I:l Claim s)
`is/are allowed.
`is/are objected to.
`are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`Application Papers
`9)I:l The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`10)|:| The drawing(s) filed on j is/are: a)I:I accepted or b)I:l objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`11)I:I The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152.
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)I:I Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`a)|:| All
`b)I:l Some * c)|:| None of:
`1.|:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.|:| Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. _.
`3.I:I Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`* See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`1) IX] Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2) D Notice of Draftsperson‘s Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`3) |:| Information Disclosure S1a1emen1(s) (PTO/SB/08)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`4) El Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper N°(5)/II/Ia" DaTe- 2
`5) I:I Notice of informal Patent Application
`6) D Other:
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 08-06)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20110707

`Application/Control Number: 12/406,968
`Page 2
`Art Unit: 2171
`Response to Amendment
`Applicant's request for reconsideration of the finality of the rejection of the last Office
`action is persuasive and, therefore, the finality of that action is withdrawn.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. l03(a) which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described as set forth
`in section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior
`art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made
`to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be
`negatived by the manner in which the invention was made.
`This application currently names joint inventors. In considering patentability of the
`claims under 35 U.S.C. 103(a), the examiner presumes that the subject matter of the various
`claims was commonly owned at the time any inventions covered therein were made absent any
`evidence to the contrary. Applicant is advised of the obligation under 37 CFR 1.56 to point out
`the inventor and invention dates of each claim that was not commonly owned at the time a later
`invention was made in order for the examiner to consider the applicability of 35 U.S.C. 103©
`and potential 35 U.S.C. 102(e), (f) or (g) prior art under 35 U.S.C. l03(a).
`Claims 4-11 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Shiio (US
`Patent No. 5,491,743) and Suzuki et al. (US Patent No. 5,736,982) as applied to claims 4-11
`above, and further in view of Nitta (US Patent No. 5,347,306)

`Application/Control Number: 12/406,968
`Page 3
`Art Unit: 2171
`Regarding claim 4, Shiio discloses a method for enabling a first user to interact with other
`users in a virtual space, each user of the first user and the other users being associated with a
`three dimensional avatar representing the user in the virtual space, the method comprising:
`customizing, using a client device processor, an avatar in response to input by the first user input
`(animated characteristics representing operators in virtual conference; see col. 5, lines 16-62);
`receiving, by the client device, position information associated with fewer than all of the other
`user avatars from a server process (see col. 5, lines 42-60); however, Shiio fails to explicitly
`teach determining, by the client device, a displayable set of the other user avatars associated with
`the client device display.
`Suzuki discloses determining, by the client device, a displayable set of the other user
`avatars associated with the client device display (..the server is always supplied with the latest
`position information of the avatar from every terminal; see abstract and col. 1, lines 57-67 and
`col. 2, lines 1-13).
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, having the teachings of
`Shiio and Suzuki before him at the time the invention was, modify the virtual conference system
`user of Shiio to include virtual space display method, as taught by Suzuki. One would have been
`motivated to make such a combination in order to in order to provide each user terminal uses the
`relationship between position information of its avatar and that of the other avatars to determine
`the 3-D image quality of the latter, then requests the other terminals or a server for video images
`of the other avatars, each having the thus determined quality, and the other terminals or server
`sends the requested 3-D images of the avatars to the requesting terminal after converting them
`into video images of the specified quality.

`Application/Control Number: 12/406,968
`Page 4
`Art Unit: 2171
`Suzuki and Shiio fail to explicitly teach receiving, by the client device, position
`information associa

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