`Shiae111 Kuunoki, Hyogo, Japan
`[73) Assignee: Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisba,
`Tokyo, Japan
`[21] Appl. No.: 585,462
`[22) Filed:
`Sep. 20, 1990
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Sep. 22, 1989 [JP)
`Japan .................................. 1-247156
`lilt. 0.5 ...................... H01L 27/14; HOIL 31/00
`[52) u.s. a ......................................... 359/72; 359/48;
`257/72; 257/84
`[58] Field of Search ................ 357/30 D, 30 G , 30 H,
`357/30 K, 49, 59 F, 71 , 59 E, 23.7, 75, 49;
`References Cited
`4,272,880 6/1981 Pashley ............................. 357/59 F
`4,651,001 3/1987 Harada et al. .................... 357/30 D
`4,870,475 9/1989 Endo et al ............................ 357/71
`4,899,204 2/1990 Ro~n et al ....................... 357/30 D
`4,939,568 7/1990 Kato et al ............................. 357/49
`Furukawa, "Silicon-on-Insulator: Its Technology and
`Maszara eta!, "Wafer Bonding for SOl", Mat. Res. Soc.
`Symp. Proc., vol. 107 (1988), pp. 489-494.
`Nishimura et al, "Three Dimensional IC for High Per(cid:173)
`formance Image Signal Processor", Procee(!.ings of the
`Feb. 23, 1993
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45) Date of Patent:
`Internadona/ Electron Devices Meeting (1987),
`pp. I ll-114.
`Ahn et a!, "Dissolution and Disintegration of Uniform
`Si02 Layers During Direct Silicon Wafer Bonding",
`Mat Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. 107, pp. 501-506.
`Furukawa et a!, "Applications of the Silicon Wafer
`Direct-BOnding Technique to Electron Devices", Ap(cid:173)
`plied Surface Science 41/42 (1989), pp. 627-632.
`Primary Examiner-Andrew J. James
`Assistant Examiner-Sara W. Crane
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Lowe, Price, LeBlanc &
`A multi-layer type semiconductor device is disclosed, in
`which a plurality of semiconductor layers are formed in
`vertically opposite directions. The multi-layer type
`semiconductor device is obtained by forming a first
`semiconductor layer, an insulating layer and a second
`semiconductor layer in the mentioned order on a main
`surface of a first substrate, forming a semiconductor
`device by using the second semiconductor layer as a
`base, with an exposed surface thereof directed upward,
`forming an insulating falm on the semiconductor device,
`attaching a second substrate to the insulating ftlm, thin·
`ning the first substrate to expose the first semiconductor
`layer, and forming a further semiconductor device by
`using the frrst semiconductor layer as a base, with an
`exposed surface of the f1rst semiconductor layer di·
`rected upward. A single- chip type image forming sys(cid:173)
`tem or sensing system may be provided by employing,
`as the semiconductor devices, a sensing device such as
`a photosensor, a pressure sensor or the like, a processing
`circuit for processing a signal received from the sensor,
`and a display device for displaying results of the pro·
`cessing. A large number of pads may be provided by
`arranging the pads on opposite surfaces of a chip.
`15 Claims, 24 Drawing Sheets
`SONY 1011
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 1 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 2 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 3 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 4 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 5 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 6 of 24
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`Feb. 23, 1993
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`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 9 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 13 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 14 of 24
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`Feb. 23, 1993
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 18 of 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 23, 1993
`Sheet 19 of 24
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`Feb. 23, 1993
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`..._____, _____ _..;_ ___ }-__, 601a
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`such as of oxygen are injected in high concentration
`into a semiconductor layer to form a buried insulating
`layer. With this method, however, it is difficult to ob(cid:173)
`tain a multi-layer structure, which makes this method
`5 hardly applicable for manufacture of a three-dimen(cid:173)
`sional integrated circuit.
`As another technique of obtaining the SOl structure,
`a wafer direct bonding method is known. Such a
`1. Field of the Invention
`method is presented, for example, in "APPLICA-
`This invention relates to multi-layer type semicon-
`ductor devices, and more particularly to multi-layer 10 TIONS OF THE SILICON WAFER DIRECT-
`type semiconductor devices having semiconductor ele-
`VICES" by K. Furukawa et al. in 1989 Applied Surface
`ment layers stacked in opposite directions. This inven-
`tion relates also to methods of manufacturing such mul-
`Science 41/42 at pp. 627-632. In the wafer direct bond-
`ti-layer type semiconductor devices. The invention has
`ing method, a wafer having an insulating layer formed
`particular application in the field of image processing 15 on a surface thereof is superposed by a single-crystal
`wafer or a wafer having a single-crystal layer, and the
`system fabricated on a single common multiple layer
`two wafers are heat-treated (annealed) in an atmosphere
`integrated circuit.
`2. Description of the Background Art
`of 600• to 1,000• C. The heat treatment induces an inter-
`An ordinary integrated circuit is formed on a surface
`atomic junction over contacting surfaces, thereby bond-
`of a wafer and has, so to speak, a two-dimensional struc- 20 ing the wafers together. Then the upper wafer is
`ture. As distinct from this, an integrated circuit includ-
`thinned, to complete a semiconductor layer formed on
`ing a plurality of semiconductor layers having semicon-
`the insulating layer. The semiconductor layer obtained
`ductor elements and stacked one upon another is called
`on the insulating layer by the wafer direct bonding
`a three-dimensional integrated circuit. Because of the
`method is, by origin, a product of epitaxy formed on a
`multi-layer structure, the three-dimensional integrated 25 single-crystal silicon substrate. Thus, this semiconduc-
`tor layer has an excellent crystalline property and a
`circuit has the advantage of realizing a very high degree
`of integration and greatly improved functions.
`uniform film thickness, to be suitable for manufacture of
`Generally, the three-dimensional integrated circuit
`a three-dimensional integrated circuit.
`includes semiconductor layers and insulating layers
`A multi-layer type semiconductor device manufac-
`stacked alternately, with each semiconductor layer 30
`having active elements formed therein. With the inte-
`tured by the above wafer direct bonding method and
`forming the background of this invention will be de-
`grated circuit having active elements formed in the
`scribed next.
`respective semiconductor layers formed on the insulat-
`FIGS. 24A through 24K are sectional views showing
`ing layers, the elements have only a small excess capac-
`ity, and hence a further advantage of enabling high 35 a process of manufacturing the multi-layer type semi-
`speed operation of these elements.
`conductor device forming the background of this inven-
`The technique of forming semiconductor layers, par-
`ticularly silicon layers, on insulating layers will be de-
`Referring to FIG. 24A, a first silicon wafer lOla
`scribed next.
`having a thickness of 500 to 600 JLm includes an insulat-
`The technique of providing a structure in which sili- 40 ing layer 102 formed 1,000 to lO,OOOA thick on a surface
`con layers are formed on insulating layers is known as
`region thereof. A second silicon wafer lOlb having a
`SOl (Silicon On Insulator) technique. A silicon layer
`thickness corresponding to that of the first silicon wafer
`formed on an insulating layer is called an SOl layer, and
`lOla includes, formed on a surface region thereof, a
`a structure having silicon layers formed on insulating
`boron-injected layer 103a with boron injected thereinto
`layers an SOl structure. Such a technique is described, 45 in a high concentration on the order of 1 X 102°/cm3 and
`a low concentration epitaxial layer 104a having a thick-
`for example, in an article titled "Silicon-on-Insulator: Its
`Technology and Applications" edited by S.Furukawa
`ness of about S,OOOA. Boron-injected layer 103 is used
`and published by KTK Scientific Publishers in 1985.
`as etchant stopper for a subsequent process. The epitax-
`ial layer 104a is obtained by causing silicon crystals to
`As SOl techniques, methods are known which utilize
`epitaxy. These methods include a liquid phase epitaxy so grow epitaxially on the single-crystal substrate lOlb.
`Referring to FIG. 24B, the two wafers lOla and lOlb
`method such as a melting recrystallization method in
`which a polycrystalline or amorphous semiconductor
`are placed in superposition with the insulating layer 102
`layer formed on an insulating layer is exposed to and
`and epitaxial layer 104a opposed to each other, and are
`melted by energy light such as a laser beam, an electron
`heat-treated in an atmosphere of about 800• C. This heat
`beam or the like, and is thereafter allowed to solidify, a 55 treatment is called annealing. The annealing induces an
`solid phase epitaxy method which causes an amorphous
`interatomic junction over contacting surfaces, which
`semiconductor layer to grow in solid phase, and a vapor
`bonds the two wafers lOla and lOlb together. Next, an
`phase epitaxy method which utilizes graphoepitaxy or
`upper surface of one of the wafers lOlb is coarsely
`polished until its thickness is reduced to 100 JLm. There-
`bridging epitaxy. However, since these methods cause
`silicon crystals to grow on an insulating layer, it is difli- 60 after the wafer lOlb is fmely etched with a mixed liquid
`of hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid until its thickness is
`cult to obtain a single-crystal layer over a large area and
`to control film thickness compared with the case of
`reduced to 10 JLm.
`causing silicon crystals to grow epitaxially on a single-
`Next, the wafer lOlb is etched with an aqueous solu-
`tion of ethylenediamine and pyrocatechol. The etching
`As a technique of obtaining the SOl structure, 65 step using this aqueous solution is carried out at a rate of
`SIMOX (Separation by Implanted Oxygen) is known.
`1 JLm/min. for semiconductor regions having a low
`SIMOX is a method of obtaining a structure having
`concentration of boron, whereas the etching progresses
`at a rate of 20Mmin. for regions of higher boron con-
`mutually separated semiconductor layers, in which ions
`5,189,500 .
`electrically interconnected, as necessary, by conductors
`centration. Consequently, the etching action stops at the
`mounted in through holes 114.
`high concentration boron- injected layer 103a. Thus, as
`The multi-layer type semiconductor device manufac-
`shown in FIG. 24C, the wafer lOlb is removed except
`tured by the above method employs a refractory metal,
`the high concentration boron-injected layer 103a and
`epitaxial layer 104a. Next, to form semiconductor ele- 5 instead of aluminum, for the metal interconnections of
`ments, the boron-injected layer t03a is etched away,
`the first active layer. This is because the metal intercon-
`and a surface thereby exposed is oxidized which is fol-
`nections are exposed to the high temperature when the
`lowed by a step of etching away an oxide fllm. This
`two wafers are bonded by annealing as shown in FIG.
`leaves a thin SOl layer t04a having a thickness on the
`241. Thus, if a third active layer is formed on the second
`order of l,OOOA.
`10 active layer, the aluminum interconnections of the sec-
`Referring to FIG. 240 next, field oxide layers lOSa
`ond active layer L2 are replaced with the refractory
`are formed by LOCOS (Local Oxidation of Silicon) in
`metal interconnections.
`regions of the SOl layer 104a which are to serve as
`In the foregoing multi-layer type semiconductor de-
`isolation regions.
`vice, the active layers are stacked in a fixed direction on
`Referring to FIG. 24E next, a gate insulator fllm 107a 15 the basis of a surface of the semiconductor substrate. If
`is formed by oxidation of the SOl layer 104, and a
`a large number of layers are stacked, a distortion due to
`polysilicon layer is formed on the gate insulator fllm
`the fixed stacking direction becomes apparent, giving
`107a. This polysilicon layer is patterned into a shape of
`rise to the problems of fluctuating a threshold voltage
`· ·
`li d b
`and increasing leakage.
`a gate electrode 106a.
`ext, unpuntles are app e Y 20
`Further, since the active layers are stacked on only
`ion implantation using the gate electrode l06a as a mask
`one surface of the substrate, the active layer close to the
`to form source and drain regions 108a.
`substrate is heated more frequently than the active layer
`Referring to FIG. 24F next, an interlayer insulating
`or layers farther away from the substrate and, therefore,
`fllm 109a is formed over the entire surface, and contact
`is required to have a better heat-resisting property.
`holes 110 are formed through the interlayer insulating 25
`An image· processing system employing the multi-
`fllm 109a.
`layer type semiconductor device manufactured by the
`Referring to FIG. 24G next, refractory metal inter-
`foregoing method will be described next. This image
`connections 111 are formed as electrically connected to
`processing system includes a photodetecting portion for
`the source and drain regions 108a and extending onto
`receiving light from an object, and a display portion for
`the interlayer insulating fllms 109a. The gate electrode 30 displaying a received optical signal as an image.
`In such an image processing system, generally, the
`106a, gate insulator fllm 107a and source and drain
`regions 108a constitute a transistor. Next, an insulating
`photodetecting portion and display portion are formed
`layer lU is formed over the interlayer insulating fllm
`separately for the following reason. It is necessary for
`photodetecting elements to receive light from outside,
`109a and refractory metal interconnections 111.
`. Referring to FIG. 24H next, the insulating layer 112 35 and for display elements to be visible from outside. The
`is flattened for the purpose of superposition. Thereafter
`two types of elements must, therefore, be formed in or
`the flattened insulating layer 112 is superposed by a
`adjacent outwardly exposed positions. If the multi-layer
`semiconductor device 10 shown in FIG. 24K is applied
`third silicon wafer tOle including a high concentration
`boron- injected layer 103b and an epitaxial layer 104b as
`to the image processing system, since the display ele-
`does the second silicon wafer lOlb. The two wafers are 40 ments and photodetecting elements are formed on one
`anneaied in an atmosphere of about soo· c., whereby
`side of the substrate, the substrate must be transparent
`the wafers are bonded together through surfaces of the
`and the display elements are formed closest to the sub-
`insulating layer 112 and epitaxial layer 104b as shown in
`strate and the photodetecting elements remotest there-
`FIG. 241.
`from, or, conversely, the photodetecting elements are-
`Next, as described hereinbefore, the wafer tOle is 45 formed closest to the substrate and the display elements
`thinned by polishing and by etching with the mixed
`remotest therefrom. Since the previously formed active
`liquid of hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid. Further, the
`layers are heated every time a new active layer is
`wafer ethylenediamine and pyrocatechol. Conse-
`formed, the active layer close to the substrate is heated
`quently, as shown in FIG. 24J, the wafer tOle is re-
`more frequently than the active layer or layers farther
`moved except the high concentration boron-injected 50 away from the substrate. Thus, a material having a poor
`heat-resisting property cannot be used for the layer
`layer 103b and epitaxial layer 104b. The epitaxial layer
`104b of the third silicon wafer tOle is used as a second
`close to the substrate.
`SOl layer. Subsequently, to form semiconductor ele-
`If, for example, a sensor comprising an amorphous
`ments, the boron-injected layer 103a is etched away.
`material were formed in the layer close to the substrate,
`Referring to FIG. 24K next, field oxide layers lOSb, a 55 this sensor would be inoperable since the amorphous
`material would become crystallized as a result of the
`gate insulator fllm 107b, a gate electrode 106b, source
`long heat treatment. If a sensor comprising a pn junc-
`and drain regions 108b, an interlayer insulating fllm
`tion were formed in the layer close to the substrate, the
`109b, and metal interconnections 113 comprising alumi-
`num or an aluminum alloy are formed by using the
`position of junction in the pn j\inction would shift or
`second SOl layer 104b as a base, as described with 60 would extend deep into the semiconductor layer as a
`result of the long heat treatment, thereby lowering the
`reference to FIGS. 240 and 24E. The gate electrode
`light absorption efficiency of the sensor. Further, a
`106b, gate insulator fllm 107b and source and drain
`regions 108b constitute a transistor. In this way, a first
`liquid crystal display formed adjacent the substrate
`active layer Ll is formed on the semiconductor sub_-
`would have the liquid crystal destroyed by the heat.
`strate lOla through the insulating layer 102, and a sec- 65
`In order to avoid the above setbacks, a possible con-
`ond active layer L2 on the first active layer Ll through
`sideration is that, for example, an active layer including
`the insulating layer 112. The transistor of the first active
`display elements is formed on one surface of the sub-
`layer Ll and that of the second active layer L2 are
`strate, and an active layer including sensor elements is
`formed on the other surface thereof. However, this
`transparent window 321 is attached to the resin member
`construction would require through holes to be formed
`320. Subsequently, pressure in a gap between the
`in the thick substrate in order to electrically intercon(cid:173)
`switching circuit 318 and window 321 is reduced to
`nect the active layers formed on the opposite surfaces of
`introduce the liquid crystal 319 therein.
`the substrate. Since it is difficult to form a plurality of 5
`A sensing system employing the foregoing multi(cid:173)
`through holes in the substrate, this method cannot be
`layer type semiconductor device having the three-di(cid:173)
`applied to the above system which requires a high de(cid:173)
`mensional integrated circuit will be described next. This
`gree of integration. Thus, it is very difficult to apply the
`sensing system includes a sensor provided at an input
`multi-layer type semiconductor device with the SOl
`side for detecting light, pressure, temperature or radia-
`layers stacked only on one surface of the substrate to an
`10 tion, and light emitting elements such as light emitting
`image processing system having a photodetecting por(cid:173)
`piodes at an output side for displaying sensing results.
`tion and a display portion formed on a single chip. Gen(cid:173)
`Such a sensing system is shown in fiG. 27.
`erally, therefore, as shown in FIG. 25, a photodetecting
`In FIG. 27, a sensor portion 40 includes a substrate
`portion 20 and a display portion 30 are fabricated sepa(cid:173)
`401, an insulating layer 402 formed on the substrate 401
`rately and are electrically interconnected through leads
`15 for forming an SOl layer, a three-dimensional inte(cid:173)
`grated circuit 415 formed of a plurality of active layers
`In FIG. 25, the photodetecting portion 20 includes a
`L1, Ll ... Ln and having a processing circuit for pro-
`substrate 201, an insulating layer 202 formed on the
`cessing information detected by the sensor portion 40,
`and an output circuit 417 having output pads. An output
`substrate 201 for forming an SOl layer, a three-dimen-
`sional integrated circuit 215 formed on the insulating 20 portion 50 includes a substrate 501, display elements 522
`which are red, green and blue light emitting diodes
`layer 202 and having a processing circuit for processing
`an electric signal based on the light received by the
`arranged in matrix form, and an input circuit 517 having
`photodetecting portion 20 and a memory circuit for
`input pads.
`storing data for comparison with the electric signal, a
`This sensing system is manufactured by the following
`photoelectric sensor lUi having photodiodes arranged 25 method. As shown in FIG. l8A, the insulating layer 402
`:~~t~:~:~~?:e~~~t ~~~;:!t!~7 ::~::f ~;?~~
`is formed on the substrate 401, and the three-dimen-
`cludes active layers L1, Ll ... Ln forming, individually
`sional integrated circuit 415 is formed on the insulating
`or in combination, circuits having independent func-
`layer 402. Then, as shown in FIG. 28B, the sensor 416
`tions, and signals are communicated among the layers 30 and the output circuit 417 having the output pads are
`via through holes. The disP.lay portion 30 includes a
`substrate 301, a switching circuit 318 having electrodes
`As shown in FIGS. 28C and 280, the display ele-
`for driving a liquid crystal display, an input circuit 317
`ments 522 which are the light emitting diodes arranged
`having input pads, a liquid crystal 319, a resin member
`in matrix form, and the input circuit 517 having the
`320 for sealing the liquid crystal, and a window 321.
`35 input pads are formed on the substrate 501. Next, the
`In the image processing system shown in FIG. 25, the
`output pads 417 and input pads 517 are interconnected
`photoelectric sensor 216 of the photodetecting portion
`by leads 15. This completes the sensing system ha~ing a
`20 receives light traveling in the direction of arrow A
`sensing function and a displaying function.
`The foregoing image processing system or sensing
`from an object, and converts it into an electric signal.
`This electric signal is electrically processed by the 40 system may be classified broadly into two types by a
`difference in displaying mode.
`three-dimensional integrated circuit 215 for contour
`extraction and highlighting, pattern recognition and the
`The first type, as shown in FIG. 29, has a photode-
`tecting portion 20 and a display portion 30 formed of
`like. This electric signal is transferred from the output
`pads 217 of the output circuit such as a shift register
`materials penetrable to light, and a transmitted image of
`through the leads 15 to the input pads 317 of the display 45 an object 25 to be detected and an image based on re-
`suits of processing are superimposed when seen by the
`portion 30. In the display portion 30, the liquid crystal
`319 is driven in response to the signal transferred, to
`naked eye 35. The transmitted image herein refers to an
`display a figure such as of contour lines. The displayed
`image of the object 25 visible through the photodetect-
`figure is visible through the window 321 in th