Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 243 Filed 08!08!11 Page 1 of 156 PageID #: 6520
`Civil Docket No.
`August 4,
`1:15 P.M.
`Fish & Richardson
`12390 El Camino Real
`San Diego,
`Fish & Richardson
`60 South Sixth Street
`3200 RBC Plaza
`Fish & Richardson
`1717 Main Street
`Suite 5000
`Dallas, TX
`Official Court Reporters
`Suite 125
`100 East Houston,
`(Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography,
`transcript produced on CAT system.)
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`Case 2:09-cv—O0097—JRG Document 243 Filed 08)'08I11 Page 2 of 156 PageID #: 6521
`Fish & Richardson
`222 Delaware Avenue
`17th Floor
`Wilmington, DE
`Stevens Love Firm
`111 West Tyler Street
`The Davis Firm
`111 West Tyler Street
`Duane Morris
`505 9th Street, NW
`Suite 1000
`Washington, DC
`{Sandoz, et al)
`Duane Morris
`190 South LaSalle Street
`Suite 3700
`Gillam & Smith
`303 South Washington Avenue
`Katten Muchin Rosenman
`525 West Monroe Street
`Suite 1600
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 243 Filed 08l08!11 Page 3 of 156 PageID #: 6522
`Siebman Reynolds Burg &
`300 North Travis Street
`Sherman, TX
`Polsinelli Shughart
`161 North Clark Street
`Suite 4200
`Polsinelli Shughart
`100 South 4th Street
`Suite 1000
`St. Louis, MO
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE COURT: Please be seated.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`Good afternoon, Dr. Noecker.
`Good afternoon.
`The next reference that the Defendants looked
`25 at with their experts yesterday that
`I want
`to show you
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`Case 2:09—cv-00097-JRG Document 243 Filed 08l08!11 Page 4 of 156 Pagelt) #: 6523
`is DTXIL55 .
`I believe this is the Airaksinen article?
`And this is one in which they compared two
`different concentrations of
`the Timpilo drug to —— to
`is that correct?
`And you already testified about Timpilo and
`Pilocarpine and the effects of —— the adverse effects of
`Pilocarpine on the eye, correct?
`That's correct.
`Was —— did the addition of Timolol to
`Pilocarpine and Timpilo make it better?
`It did not seem to be.
`Did not
`seem to.
`If we could look at the graph on Page 589,
`please, and we see on the left—hand side on the top,
`looks like the —— a Timpilo with .5% Timolol and 2%
`the middle one is .5% Timolol and 4%
`Pilocarpine; and then the bottom is Pilocarpine by
`Do you see that?
`I do.
`And what does this graph show you?
`Poor control of intraocular pressure.
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`Case 2:O9~cv-0009?-JRG Document 243 Filed 08/08f11 Page 5 of 156 PageID #: 6524
`important —— so this graph we have to be a little bit
`careful with, because unlike the other graphs we
`at earlier, which are frequently across times of day by
`this drop on this graph is mean average.
`So in this study,
`they put a drop in of the
`medication and then they checked —— they checked the eye
`pressure, put a drop in, and then checked the eye
`pressure two hours later.
`And then this data is mean
`IOP of
`those two morning timepoints.
`So this is a study where they only collected
`morning data,
`so it doesn't tell us anything about
`effect on afternoon data.
`And then they had a run—in period on the
`And this is over a three—week —— this is
`21 days to 42 days of average IOP.
`So, once
`it should be capturing the best
`timepoint, and
`then the morning —— the morning, you know,
`effective timepoint.
`So it doesn't tell us anything about afternoon
`But when you look at this,
`the eye pressures
`are all over the board.
`So this is even day—to—day.
`this is not
`some fluctuation we were talking earlier
`about within the day.
`You know,
`this patient started,
`if this was a
`in my practice, once again, Patient Mrs. Jones‘
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`Case 2:09~cv«0O09?—.JRG Document 243 Filed 08f08!11 Page 6 of 156 PageID #: 6525
`pressure is in the 205, we put you on this drug or two
`We don't know what your eye pressure is going to
`be the next
`time you come in.
`Maybe one time it's 18, kind of below the
`overflow limit.
`The next
`time, it's above on the next
`So this is not somebody we say, okay, see you in
`six months.
`I'm sure everything will be fine.
`So this is P%or eye pressure control, and
`we —— you know, we wouldn't use this, because it's
`showing the poor IOP control of this combination drug.
`Thank you, Dr. Noecker.
`And just to —- before we move on, what does
`Airaksinen teach a person of ordinary skill in the art
`about combining Brimonidine and Timolol
`in a fixed
`combination drug?
`And it might give you pause about
`combination drugs in general.
`Thank you, Dr. Noecker.
`Let's move on to Defense Exhibit 148, which
`was the Clineschmidt article.
`Thank you, Mr. Exline.
`(By Mr. Denning) This is the article in which
`they were comparing Cosopt on the one arm versus BID
`Timolol and TID Dorzolamide monotherapies;
`is that
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`Case 2:09-cv-0009?-JRG Document 243 Filed 08!08i11 Page 7 of 156 Page|D #: 6526
`That's correct.
`And if we turn to Table 3 of this study —~
`MR. DENNING: Which appears on —— on Page
`1955, Mr. Exline.
`(By Mr. Denning) —e what
`time periods are they
`measuring with this study?
`They're looking at
`the pre—dose in the
`mornings of 8:00 a.m., putting the drop in, and then two
`hours, once again, at
`the time we'd expected to be the
`most efficacious.
`So morning time points,
`two hours
`Okay. Does this Show anything about that
`afternoon trough at all in this paper?
`It doesn't give us any afternoon information.
`Okay. Well,
`let's look at what it shows
`for the morning pressure.
`If we could go and,
`Mr. Exline, highlight on the bottom for month 3 and the
`the second to the rightmost column, and then
`highlight for the combination and for Dorzolamide —— I'm
`Sorry —— second to the right, Mr. Exline.
`There you go. Right there.
`(By Mr. Denning} So what —— what do we see
`here as the comparison between Dorzolamide as a
`monotherapy and then the Cosopt combination?
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`Case 2:09—cv~00097~.JRG Document 243 Filed 08i08l11 Page 8 of 156 PageID #: 6527
`So the combination of Cosopt combination drug
`had a —— a mean change of minus 4.4, kind of
`the best --
`the 10:00 a.m.
`Would you r" and compared to 2 points lower
`for Dorzolamide;
`is that right?
`So about
`2 milliliters of mercury
`So when determining how much benefit Timolol is
`giving us, adding on top of
`the Dorzolamide, it's about
`2 millimeters is what we see in this study.
`And what —— what
`impact does it have that this
`is at hour 2 versus if it were at hour 8?
`this is the best
`Once again,
`because it only goes —— gets worse from here.
`So this
`kind of tells us a best—case scenario,
`two hours
`post—dosing is as good as it's going to get.
`So we ——
`by inference, we would suspect that it will be less of a
`beneficial effect in the afternoon.
`We don't know exactly how much, but that's --
`it's going to be the best. That's all we can tell you.
`And at hour
`0 up above for the same --
`for the same 2
`in month 3, we see a difference from 2.8
`to 1.4;
`is that right?
`That's right.
`It's about 1.4, 1—l/2, yes.
`Okay. Earlier when we
`looked at
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`Case 2:09-cv-0009"/—JRG Document 243 Filed 08!O8l11 Page 9 of 156 PageID #: 6528
`demonstrative from opening that showed the afternoon
`trough, do you remember
`And there was a —— the afternoon trough was
`about 3.25,
`in that demonstrative.
`Do you remember
`I think it was 3.5.
`MR. DENNING: Mr. Exline, are you able to
`pull that up?
`You're talking about
`the difference between
`TID Brimonidine and BID Brimonidine?
`(By Mr. Denning] That's —— that's exactly
`right. That's what
`I was talking about.
`I recall it being 3.5 millimeters of mercury.
`That's 3.25 --
`I think you may remember
`from Ms. Batoosingh‘s
`testimony when they looked at the actual underlying
`It was —— it was different.
`in any event, does —— the 1.5 to
`2 millimeters of mercury benefit that we just saw from
`the Clineschmidt paper with regard to Cosopt, would that
`be enough to make up any afternoon trough in the
`difference between Brimonidine BID and TID?
`Like I said, it doesn't give us really any
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`Case 2:09-cv-0009?-JRG Document 243 Filed O8/08!11 Page 10 of 156 Page|D #: 6529
`information regarding Brimonidine, but if you were to
`make the inference about what's the benefit of adding
`the Timolol
`in terms of eye pressure reduction,
`the most
`these other papers indicate it might be in the best,
`best—oase scenario only at
`the morning is 1-1/2 to
`so not at the magnitude.
`But, really,
`the inference I
`think you can
`draw is that magnitude may fall short.
`It's not going
`to be —— adding Timolol is just not going to be
`So what would one of —— what,
`anything, would one of skill in the art learn from
`Clineschmidt about
`the ability to reduce the number of
`doses of Brimonidine from three doses to two doses by
`adding Timolol
`in combination?
`That it would not be adequate to make up for
`the deficit we see in the afternoon —— that afternoon
`dip in IOP control.
`You may set that exhibit aside.
`Dr. Tanna also looked at DTXZOO, and let's
`look at that briefly,
`if we could, please. This is the
`Boyle reference?
`Now, again,
`this is a study looking at Cosopt,
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 243 Filed O8:’08!11 Page 11 of 156 PageID #: 6530
`And Cosopt, meaning the combination of
`Dorzolamide and Timolol, correct?
`That's correct.
`Okay. What does that teach you as a person of
`skill in the art about combining Brimonidine and
`It doesn't teach you anything, because
`different ~— Dorzolamide and Brimonidine are different
`MR. DENNING: And, again,
`if we can --
`Mr. Exline,
`if you could look at Table 2, which is on
`Page 1948.
`the only time
`(By Mr. Denning) Again,
`measurements made with —— in the Boyle paper were at
`hour 0 and hour 2;
`is that correct?
`That's correct.
`So does that tell us any meaningful
`information about what
`the midday IOP control would be,
`even for this combination?
`All you can do is surmise that it's not going
`to be as good in terms of eye pressure lowering.
`And does the Boyle paper about Cosopt
`and the 0- and 2-hour measurements, what does that teach
`a person of skill in the art,
`if anything, about
`the ——
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 243 Filed 08!O8l11 Page 12 of 156 Page|D #: 6531
`combining Brimonidine and Timolol and the effects that
`that might be,
`if they were in a Combination drug
`Nothing specific to the Brimonidine/Timolol
`combination, but, once again, specific to the addition
`as Brimonidine —— or Timolol as a tool,
`it will fall --
`it may fall short or probably will fall short
`in the
`And if you could look at Table 5
`this paper as well.
`This -— this one deals with the ocular and
`local adverse experiences.
`Do you see that?
`And can you tell me, are there any —— did the
`combination in this study experience any reduction in
`adverse experiences than the individual
`It didn't —— it didn't reduce any.
`It may
`have stung a little bit more.
`It may have stung a little bit more.
`Thank you.
`You can set —— you can set
`that to one aside.
`And the last one of the articles that they
`showed yesterday that I'm going to show you is DTX201.
`If you could pull that up?
`(By Mr. Denning) This is the Hutzelmann
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`And this study, again, compared Cosopt on the
`one arm versus Dorzolamide BID/Timolol BID concomitant
`therapy, correct?
`And, again,
`if we
`look at —~ if we
`look at
`Table 2, which appears on Page 1251 --
`—— we can see that they, again,
`took the
`measurements only at hour 0 and hour 2;
`is that right?
`That's correct. Yes.
`I'm sorry.
`So, again, it tells us nothing
`the afternoon trough;
`is that correct?
`same story.
`And if we
`look at the mean change.
`I'm sorry, Mr. Exline.
`Please go back to that table.
`Thank you.
`(By Mr. Denning} If we look at the change
`second from the right, at month 3, we see the
`combination and the concomitant are both at
`the exact
`same pressure reduction;
`is that right?
`So in terms of efficacy, it's neutral
`for the morning.
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`Case 2:09-cv—00097—JRG Document 243 Filed 08:‘08l11 Page 14 of 156 Page|D #: 6533
`So based on what you read in
`Hutzelmann, Dr. Noecker, what does it teach,
`anything, one of skill in the art about combining
`Brimonidine and Timolol
`in a single combination
`treatment for intraooular pressure?
`There's certainly nothing here specific for
`And in terms of the addition of Timolol
`a fixed combination, it doesn't
`seem like it's going to
`solve efficacy problems.
`So you can set that one aside as well,
`Dr. Noecker.
`We've been through most of the art that the
`Defendants relied on yesterday at trial.
`Have you
`reviewed all of
`the art that Dr. Tanna and Dr. Laskar
`talked about yesterday?
`And in your opinion, Dr. Noeoker, as one of
`skill in the art, do these references —— would these
`references motivate a person of skill to develop a
`single composition drug of 0.2% Brimonidine and 0.5%
`Why not?
`I have not seen compelling information that
`would lead me to —— looking at
`the —— all this prior
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`Case 2:09~cv~00097-JRG Document 243 Filed OBIOBI11 Page 15 of 156 Page|D #: 6534
`that there's a benefit
`to doing so. Basically,
`looking at Timolol
`to solve efficacy problems that are
`associated with Brimonidine.
`And in your opinion, Dr. Noecker, do these
`references provide a motivation to one of skill in the
`art that making a fixed combination of 0.2% Brimonidine
`and 0.5% Timolol could allow you to reduce the number of
`dosage of Brimonidine from three doses a day to two
`doses a day without
`losing efficacy?
`I don't see any evidence here that would
`lead me to believe that,
`that you could successfully
`reduce the dosing interval from three times a day to
`twice a day —~
`+— of Brimonidine.
`Thank you, Dr. Noecker.
`We need to do one more —— one more run through
`the claims now in light of all of these references.
`So, Mr. Exline,
`if you
`could please pull up AGX512.
`And I
`think we can be even
`more efficient than last time.
`(By Mr. Denning) So here we have ——
`Do we have the other 512,
`There we go.
`Thank you.
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 243 Filed 08I08!11 Page 16 of 156 PagelD #: 6535
`1 6
`(By Mr. Denning) Here we have all of
`asserted ~— all the claims at
`issue of the four patents
`that we're talking about. And, again, we have
`highlighted all of
`the limitations that relate to the
`.2% Brimonidine and .5% Timolol.
`And my question w— those limitations appear in
`Claim 1 of the '976,
`1 and 7 of the ‘258,
`4 of
`the 'l49,
`and l and 4 of the '463.
`My question for you, Dr. Noecker, on the
`obviousness analysis,
`is there anything in
`in light of all of
`the other
`that would
`references that you've seen in this Court,
`have taught one of skill in the art to choose the
`specific combination of 0.2% Brimonidine and 0.5%
`in a single combination?
`I don't see any teaching in this prior art
`that would lead me to do so.
`If we could pull up
`the AGX5l3, please, Mr. Exline.
`(By Mr. Denning) Now, we have put up only the
`claims that have the preservative BAK in it as well as
`the concentrations.
`And I want to direct your attention
`to Claim 2 of the ‘258,
`8 of the ‘258,
`2 of
`the '463,
`and 5 of the '463, each of which additionally claim the
`limitation of BAK preservative, Benzalkonium Chloride
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`Case 2:09-c\/-0009?-.JRG Document 243 Fifed 08!08!11 Page 17 of 156 PagelD #: 6536
`1 7
`preservative, at 0.001% to 0.01%.
`And looking at those four claims, Dr. Noecker,
`is there anything in Desantis/Timmermans,
`in light of
`all of
`the other references that you have seen in this
`that would teach one of skill in the art
`choose a specific combination of 0.2% Brimonidine and
`0.5% Timolol
`in a composition with 0.001% to 0.01%
`Benzalkonium Chloride?
`And with respect to claims 3 and 9 of the ‘258
`and 3 and 6 of
`the '463, each of which include the
`limitation of BAK at a concentration of 0.005%, my
`question, Dr. Noecker,
`is there anything in
`in light of all of the references
`that you've seen in this courtroom,
`that would teach one
`of skill in the art to choose a specific combination of
`0.2% Brimonidine and 0.5% Timolol with a preservative
`concentration of 0.005% Benzalkonium Chloride?
`And finally,
`if we could go
`to 514, Mr. Exline.
`{By Mr. Denning} We have Claim 4 of the 'l49
`patent displayed, and this is the one that talks about a
`method of reducing the number of daily topical
`ophthalmic doses of Brimonidine administered topically
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`Case 2:09~cv-0009?-JRG Document 243 Filed O8!08!11 Page 18 of 156 Page|D #: 6537
`to an eye of the person in need thereof for the
`treatment of glaucoma or ocular hypertension from three
`to two times a day without
`loss of efficacy.
`And with respect to that limitation,
`Dr. Noecker, my question is,
`is there anything in
`in light of all of
`the other
`references that you've —~ you've seen in this courtroom,
`that would teach one of skill in the art a method of
`reducing the dose of Brimonidine from three doses to two
`doses without reducing efficacy in the treatment of
`glaucoma or ocular hypertension?
`And why not?
`Many of the ~~ much of the prior art does not
`really address the key timepoint, which is that
`afternoon trough, which is what's led to the labeling of
`So we really don't have a lot of
`information or reason to believe that the addition of
`the Timolol
`to the Brimonidine would allow us to reduce
`the dosing interval without
`losing efficacy.
`So now,
`looking back at 512, 513, and 514, my
`ultimate question, Dr. Noecker,
`in light of the
`DeSantis/Timmermans reference and all of the other prior
`art that you've seen in this courtroom,
`is it —— what is
`your opinion regarding whether these claims of these
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`Case 2:09-cv-00097-JRG Document 243 Filed 08l08!11 Page 19 of 156 PagelD #: 6538
`four patents would be obvious to one of ordinary skill
`in the art in 2002?
`They would not be obvious.
`in addition to —— to doing your
`anticipation and —— and obviousness analysis, have you
`also considered what are called objective considerations
`of non—obviousness?
`If you could —— if you
`Could please pull up AGXlllR.
`(By Mr. Denning) Okay.
`This is the —— this is
`the graph we've seen a couple times in your examination,
`and this is where you show the afternoon trough and the
`difference between Alphagan TID and Alphagan BID,
`Okay. With that in mind,
`if you could please
`grab PTX?7 from your PTX binder.
`And this is the Sherwood paper as it's been
`called, correct?
`That's correct.
`And what are the treatment arms in this study?
`This had Combigan, which was twice daily fixed
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`Case 2:09—cv—0009?-JRG Document 243 Filed 08208111 Page 20 of 156 Page-ID #: 6539
`combination Brimonidine/Timolol.
`And then we had
`monotherapy with Timolol
`twice a day.
`And then we had
`Brimonidine monotherapy used three times a day.
`are three treatment groups.
`So we're comparing on the one hand
`Combigan in which patients are getting Brimonidine twice
`a day.
`And on the other hand, we're giving this
`concomitant —~ concomitant
`therapy in which they're
`getting Brimonidine three times a day;
`is that correct?
`They're getting monotherapy three times a day.
`Thank you for correcting me.
`So there are three arms in this study.
`On the
`they're getting Combigan, which has
`one hand,
`two times a day.
`On the second hand,
`they're getting Brimonidine three times a day.
`And then
`on the third hand,
`they're getting Timolol without any
`is that correct?
`That's correct.
`Thank you for correcting me.
`If we could

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