5‘“”“S°‘3‘a~?irhe Chipcollection
`. _.
`Series 4
`Construction Analysis is a complete physical characterization of a specific circzrrr. The
`analysis covers x-ray, optical, scanning electron micrographs, cross sections, topological
`layout and dimensions, layer thickness, and material analysis.
`E81) and latchup sensitivity are also included on specific circuit analyses. Some of the
`many uses ICE has found for construction analysis are: access technology, selecting
`preferred vendors and second sources. documenting process changes, background for
`failure analysis and patent investigations.
`These reports are published and sold through Integrated Circuit Engineering to the
`industry-at—large. Many are available in the Smithsonian collection on C D~ROM. Most
`have cIient—pubIished information added to the analysis as an addendum.
`For example the...
` , March 1984, outlines the complete chip, from
`text information to photographs. The construction analysis often rendered the
`chip useless and non-existent after the investigations were completed. In this
`case the construction analysis verifies and provides complete definition and
`locations of the circuit areas, e.g. logic, memory matrix & cells, inputfoutput
`buffers addresses. decoder(s) and binary addresses.
`Active links below will display CD—ROM reports which are currently onlinc at this web
`RrJr;trii‘t‘.s' xlu’r;hc A t't‘rJ/Jtrt RctI.tIt’i‘
`9 Shared Construction Analysis
`SCA 9'r'l2-569: report was issued the 12th month oi‘ 1997 and is the 569th
`report in the series.
`' (3 MB}
`Samsung KM44C40{}0J-7
`I6 Megabit DRAM
`0 ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9412-394 (4 MB)
`Micron Semiconductor MT5C64Kl6A1 DJ
`64K x l6 SRAM
`Micron Technology, Inc. et el., Petitioners — Ex. 1051
`Micron Technology, Inc. and Micron Memory Japan, Inc. v. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. IPR2015—01UB7

`The(L"|1ip(‘o|1t:CIion - (_'"or15:tr1I::tiv;a1'J .-"\I1al_\-"sis Series 4 - Sl11lll'ISt'Jl'Ilfl1'! Institution
`Q ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9504-401 (1.3 MB)
`Xicor X23C0l0.l-20
`128K x 8 Bit EEPROM
` r2.a MB:
`Actel A I440
`ICE Shargd Construction Analysis SCA 9504-407 (1.? MB)
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9504-403 (3.5 MB]
`- {3.8 MB)
`National Semiconductor 24CI6EN
`16K Serial EEPROM
`' {24.5 MB)
`SCSI Processor
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9512-4145 (15.3 MB)
`Maxim MAX662
`12V DC-DC Converter
` (36 MB)
`Chip Express QYH530
`Laser Programmable Gate Array
`I§;E fihareg §;gn§_tr!gction Analysis §§;A Q60§—§!§§ (19 MB)
`Motorola XC56002PV80
`Digital Signal Processor
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9609-511 {3 ME}
`UMC UM6 1326417-7
`2Mbit SRAM
` (5.6 MB)
`Philips PZS032-l0A44
`32 Macrocell PLD
` &$Q (18 MB}
`QuickLogic QL24x32B
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9512-512 (42 MB)
`Samsung KM984000Al,G-7
`4 Meg. SRAM
`|§}E Sljaarefl §;ons1[n_Q1j_Qn I‘-_\,_ua|ysj5 SE35 9fi12-51$ (23 MB)
`Panasonic MN15l]8{I8KJAG
` <29 MB)
`Microchip 93LC86
`l6K Serial EEPROM
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9612-516 (20.5 MB)
`;-5-'3-("IE5 13:23:08 I’).-I]

`Thc (_'"|1ip ('”o|1t:r:Ii(_n1 - (_'"on5:tr1I::tiv;a1'J .-"\I1:1l_\-"sis Series 4 - SI11i1|1soI1ian il'l!SllIllIit'_)l'I
`9 r1Ma)
`AMI) AM27(f01I}
` (5 M3}
`SGS-Thomson Ml7Cl00l
`ICE Shafig Constrggction Analygis S§;A 9612-519 (1.2 MB)
`SGS-Thomson 93C46CBl
`- (e.4 Man
`Xicor X25020?
` (6.6 MB]
`Lattice ispLSl1032E
` t?.3 Ms)
`Sony CXKSBl612I]J -12
`lMbit (o4K x 16) BiCMOS SRAM
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9?o2-524 (12.2 MB)
`Toshiba TC5l65l65AFT-50
`64 Mhit DRAM
` § (5 MB}
`Dallas Semiconductor DS80C320
`IC Sh r d
`n lru tion Anal
`C Q
`(10.5 MB)
`Complex Programmable Logic Dcvicc
`ICE §|3aL§g Cgggjggggflon aggggsts scg Qzgg-5210.3 MB]
`AMD MACH5-256
`Programmable Logic Device
`-- c2.? MB)
`Fujitsu MB8lG8322-010
`8Meg. SGRAM
`- <13.7 MB)
`Ilitachi llM5283206FP10
`8Mbit SGRAM
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA EH02-530 (5.4 MB]
`Samsung KM4132G27]Q-I0
`8Mbi{ SGRAM
` (5.4 MB)
`Moscl Vitelic MS6226S6CLL-70PC
`256Kbit SRAM
`ICE Shaggg Constrggction Analygis SCA 9?D3-531 (2 MB}
`NBC D481850GIi-A10
`8Mcg. SGRAM
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA SW02-532 {2 MB}
`;-5-'3-("IE5 13:2_‘a:(JS I’).-I]

`The(L"|1ip(‘o|1t:CIioii - (_'"::irr5:tr1I::tiv;a1i
`.-"\I1:il_\-"sis Series 4 - S|'I'Iili'ISt'_'l|'Ilfil'l Irrstitution
`Toshiba TC86Rl00l}0-200
`64-Bit Microprocessor
`- (1.4 MB)
`Winbond WZESIZ. W27E2S7
`ar Cnsr
`i S
`NEC D23C3200A
`32Mb MROM
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9-.-"04-535 (1.4 MB]
`Strong/XRM 32-Bit Microprocessor
`- {1.3 MB]
`Lattice GAL22LV1UD—4LJ
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9?'U4-53? (15.9 MB)
`Analog Devices ADS P-2 1062- KS-] 60
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA W05-538 (6.3 MB]
`Lattice 3256A-90LM
` {1.5 MB)
`Micron Semiconductor MT4LCl6M4H9
`64Mbit DRAM
`ICE Shared Construction Analygis SCA 9?U5-540 (12.2 MB)
`Intel 200MHz Pentium
`Processor WE M MX
`ICE Shared Constrgction analysis 3C3, 9308-53} (12.5 MB)
`Advanced Micro Devices 200MHz K6
`' (11.5 MB)
`Intel 266MHz 32-Bit Pentium [1
`(Klamath) Processor
` {7 MB}
`Atmel AT89C2051 & AT89S8252
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA ems-544 (6.4 MB)
`Xilinx XC4036EX
`- {8.2 MB)
`Oki M51 l7805A-60J
`l6Mbii DRAM (EDO)
`ICE ghargg Cgnstrgggign ggglygig sggg QZ![T—fi§{6.4 MB]
`Rockwell ll577-ll
`Digital Correlator
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9i"0i’-547" (5.? MB]
`NKK .\lR4645LQF-133
`64-bit RISC Processor
`'35-"3i'Ii5 13:2_‘a:(JS I’).-I]

`Thc(L"|1ip(‘o|1cction - (_'"orrstructio1'J .-"\I1:il_\-"sis Series 4 - Sl'I'Ii1i1St'Jl'Iifi1'! Institution
`9 {9.3 MB)
`Sharp LH28F032SlITD-70
`32Mbit Flash EEPROM
`' (3-3 MB)
`VTC VM365830VS.J
`ICE snargc: Construction Analysis SCA srog-55g (12.4 MB)
`Toshiba TC58Al]40F
` i10 MB}
`Motorola PC1503
` (1MBi
`Rockwell R6182-I3
`RF to IF Down Converter
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9?o9-553 (4.3 MB)
`Xilinx XC4036XL-1 C
`AMDa’\/antis MACHL V466-ll]
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9?10—556
`Silicon Systems 32R220R
`Readlwrite Device
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9710-55? (1.8 MB]
`Qlogic ISPIO-40B
`SCSI U0 Processor
`ICE Shgred fignstrgigtion Analysts §§;A 9710-553 {? MB}
`PLX TEchnol0gy PC! 9080
`U0 Accelerator
`- £UDjfl (1 M3]
`SGS—'l‘h0mson M28C64—121
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9?‘lO-550 (1 MB)
`SGS-Thomson L4990
`ICE §|3aLu'-gg Cgnstrggtjgn Analysis scg 9211-55: (1.1 MB]
`Motorola MPA1(}l6FN
`-' {1.a MB)
`Motorola MC68360EM25V(.
`Communication Controller
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9711-563 (10.5 MB)
`IBIW Motorola MPC750
`RISC Microprocessor
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9'r"I 1-56? (9 MB}
`NEC 79VR5000
`'35-"3l'Ii5 13:23:08 I’).-I]

`The Cliip ('”u|1ccIir.m - (."::rr15:tr1Ictiv;a1i
`.-"\I1al_\-"sis Series 4 - Smillisoniari Institution
`RISC Microprocessor
`O {5-3 MB]
`Hitachi 5I65805A
`64Mbit (8Mb x 8) Dynamic RAM
` (2-5 MB]
`Mitsubishi M5M465405AJ
`64Mbit DRAM (l6M X 4 bit)
`ICE Shafig Cgnstrggotion Analysis S§;A 9?‘l2-563 (6.4 MB)
`Xilinx XC9536
`- (1.2 MB)
`Altera EPM7128SQ(.i160-I5
`(8 MB}
`National Semiconductor LM2672
`Simple Switcheri?) Voltage Regulator
` t1.a Ms)
`Melexis ELEX 162U1C
`ICE Shared Construction Analysis SCA 9?12-5?2 (5.? MB)
`Macronix 27C8] 00I’C- I0
` 2£fl (22 MB)
`Lattice ispLSl2032-l80L
`ICE Shgrgd §;Qn§lrugtion Ana|g§'r§ §cg QZ‘l2—§T§ (3.8 MB)
`Analog Devices ADSP-21062-KS-I60
`SHARC Digital Signal Processor
`ICE §|3aLeg Cggsjtugtjon .gggig§;s sea 9112-52; (4.5 MB]
`Linear Technology LTCl148CS-3.3
`Switching Regulator
`-' Subscription Construction Analysis
`SUB 9408-05: report is part of the I994 series, issued August 1994 and is the
`5th report (of six issL1ed).
`No CD-ROMS SCAS - the following seven (7) reports are available by
`NMAI-I Archives
`Hitachi HM5l4100ZPl0
`SCA 902-0]
`SCA 9006-06
`SCA g0.f._0?
`Sharp LH52252 64K x 4 SRAM
`Integrated Device Technology 'x'9R3000-25G RISC
`SCA 9000?-10
`Toshiba TCl40G2?'| [S Gate Array
`SCA 9007-09
`SCA 906-04
`Hitachi HMS] 1000/\P 1-Megabit CMOS DRAM
`NCR 53C'?00 CMOS SCSI Ii-‘O Processor
`SCA 90002-02
`Xilinx XC3090-T0 Logic Cell Array
`Imp:-'.-""[i 1.-"35-';{'Ii5 l3:23:U.‘.€

`The (‘hip Collection - C0l'lSt1’llCti(!1'1 Ana!_vsi5 Series 4 — Smit|1s0nian Institution
`The ..='\1'e|1i\-‘es ("enter 1n:-1intains C(mta'meI' lists wit|1 unique i:n|1eu:Iim1 names. \e|‘ie5I1uml‘.reI‘S and most il‘I1|’.I0lT3|]f
`the .Arehi\-‘e C'enter Number. When 1'eque3ti11_g information Fm‘ _\_-‘our rese:-11'eh either from the collecting ::|i\-'i5ion or
`the '—\1'ehi\-"es it is imperatix-‘e to include the associated numhel
`_ Your contacts For requesting infi_1.1'InaIim1
`and..o1‘ appointments IE: rese:-1reh the (_'"|1ip (follectioll are:
`|mp:..-':"sn1ithsonianchips.si_edu-’[I 1.-'25-‘"2015 12:23:08 PM]

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