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`IPR2015-01087 - Ex. 1007
`Micron Technology, Inc., et al., Petitioners

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`(19) Japanese Patent Office (JP)
`(12) Kokai Unexamined Patent Application Bulletin (A)
`(11) Laid Open Patent Application No.
`(43) Publication Date
`September 2, 1994
`Number of Claims
`4 OL
`Number of Pages
`Examination Request
`not yet made
`Int. Cl.5
`H01L 21.82
`Identification Code
`Internal File No.
`(21) Application No.:
`(71) Applicant:
`(22) Application Date:
`February 15, 1993
`(54) [Title of the Invention] SEMICONDUCTOR
`(57) [Abstract]
`[Object] The energy of an energy beam is more
`effectively utilized, allowing a
`to a redundant circuit comprised by a
`semiconductor-integrated circuit device to be reliably
`melted by an energy beam having lower energy.
`[Configuration] A semiconductor device provided with a
`fuse 1 connected
`to a wire, which
`electrically activates a redundant circuit and deactivates
`a circuit in which a failure has occurred by way being
`melted by an energy beam, the redundancy fuse 1
`comprising: non-melting portions 1b positioned on both
`sides; and a melting portion 1a continuously provided
`between the non-melting portions 1b, which is a region
`irradiated by the energy beam, the width thereof being
`configured larger than the widths of the non-melting
`portions 1b.
`H01L 21/82
`Tech. Indic.
`Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
`1-1, Saiwai-cho, Takatsuki-shi,
`WADA, Atsuo
`Matsushita Electric industrial co., Ltd.
`1006, Ooaza-kadoma, Kadoma-shi,
`KAJITANI, Atsuhiro
`Matsushita Electric industrial co., Ltd.
`1006, Ooaza-kadoma, Kadoma-shi,
`Patent Attorney, MIYAI, Teruo
`(74) Agent:
`2: wire
`4: energy beam
` irradiation region
`1: redundancy fuse
`1a: melting portion
`1b: non-melting portion
`Translation by Patent Translations Inc. 206-357-8508

`JP-06-244285-A (2)
`[Problem to Be Solved by the Invention] However, with the
`above-described configuration, the part of the irradiation region
`54 that overlaps with the redundancy fuse 51 constitutes only
`approximately 40%, and thus only half or less of the energy of
`the irradiated laser light is effectively utilized, which is to say
`that there was a problem that laser light irradiation must be
`performed with more than twice the energy needed for melting.
`[0006] Accordingly, in light of the foregoing problem, an object
`of the present invention is to provide a semiconductor device in
`which a redundancy fuse can be reliably melted by an energy
`beam with lower energy, by way of utilizing the energy of the
`energy beam more effectively.
`[Means for Solving the Problem] A semiconductor device of
`claim 1
`is such
`the redundancy
`fuse comprises
`non-melting portions positioned on both sides and a melting
`portion continuously provided between
`the non-melting
`portions, which is a region irradiated by the energy beam, the
`width thereof being configured larger than the widths of the
`non-melting portions. A semiconductor device of claim 2 is
`such that the redundancy fuse comprises a melting portion
`positioned in a central portion, which is a region irradiated by
`the energy beam, and non-melting portions, which are
`continuously provided at both ends of the melting portion, and
`provided, in a portion thereof, with a region having higher
`thermal resistance than that at the periphery.
`[Effect] With the configuration of claim 1, because the width of
`the melting portion is configured larger than the width of the
`non-melting portion, the ratio of the area occupied by the
`melting portion in the irradiation region of the energy beam will
`be larger than was conventional. Thus, the energy of the
`energy beam can be effectively utilized for melting the
`redundancy fuse.
`[0009] With the configuration of claim 2, because the region
`having high thermal resistance is provided in a portion of of the
`non-melting portions, escape of heat generated in the melting
`portion can be reduced. Thus, the energy of the energy beam
`can be effectively utilized for melting the redundancy fuse.
`[Embodiments] A first embodiment of the present invention
`will be described based on FIG. 1. FIG. 1 shows a schematic
`top view of a semiconductor device of the first embodiment, in
`which 1 denotes a redundancy fuse to be used for switching
`from a circuit in which a failure has occurred to a redundant
`circuit. This redundancy fuse 1 comprises a melting portion 1a
`and non-melting portions 1b, and
`polycrystaline silicon, or polycide, which
`is made of
`polycrystaline silicon and a metal silicide, or aluminum, or the
`like. The melting portion 1a is continuously provided between
`the non-melting portions 1b, 1b on both sides so as to overlap
`with an irradiation region 4 of an energy beam (for example,
`laser light such as from a YAG laser)
`[Claim 1] A semiconductor device provided with a redundancy
`fuse connected to a wire, which electrically activates a
`redundant circuit and deactivates a circuit in which a failure
`has occurred by way of being melted by an energy beam, the
`redundancy fuse comprising non-melting portions positioned
`on both sides and a melting portion continuously provided
`between the non-melting portions, which is a region irradiated
`by the energy beam, the width thereof being configured larger
`than the widths of the non-melting portions.
`[Claim 2] A semiconductor device provided with a redundancy
`fuse connected to a wire, which electrically activates a
`redundant circuit and deactivates a circuit in which a failure
`has occurred by way of being melted by an energy beam, the
`redundancy fuse comprising a melting portion positioned in a
`central portion, which is a region irradiated by the energy
`beam, and non-melting portions, which are continuously
`provided at both ends of the melting portion, and provided, in a
`portion thereof, with a region having higher thermal resistance
`than that at the periphery.
`[Claim 3] The semiconductor device according to claim 2, in
`which the region having high thermal resistance is a region
`whose width is reduced.
`[Claim 4] The semiconductor device according to claim 2, in
`which the region having high thermal resistance is a region
`where a slit is provided.
`[Detailed Description of the Invention]
`[Industrial Applicability] The present invention relates to a
`semiconductor device.
`[Prior Art] Recently, higher integration of semiconductor
`devices, particularly memories such as DRAM (Dynamic
`Random Access Memory) have been developed and along
`with this manufacturing processes are becoming advanced and
`In general,
`the manufacturing yields
`semiconductor circuit devices decrease as
`becomes higher, and thus it is common practice to provide
`redundant circuits so that, even if a certain degree of failure
`the circuit device,
`this can be remedied. A
`redundancy fuse is used for switching from a circuit in which a
`failure has occurred to a redundant circuit. That is to say, this is
`adapted so that the normal circuit operates if the redundancy
`fuse is not broken and the redundant circuit operates if it is
`broken. The redundancy fuse is generally melted by focusing
`irradiation of an energy beam such as a YAG laser; and in this
`case it is necessary for this to be reliably melted with as low an
`energy as is possible.
`[0003] One example of the above-described conventional
`semiconductor device will be described below by referring to
`the drawings. FIG. 4 shows a schematic top view of a
`conventional semiconductor device. In FIG. 4, 51 denotes a
`from polycrystalline silicon, or
`polycide, which is made of polycrystalline silicon and a metal
`silicide, or the like, and having a width of approximately 1 µm.
`[Reference numerals] 52 denote wirings formed from aluminum
`or the like, and connected to the redundancy fuse 51 via
`contact holes 53. The contact holes 53 are formed in an
`insulating film provided between the redundancy fuse 51 and
`the wirings 52. [Reference numeral] 54 represents an region
`irradiated by laser light for melting the redundancy fuse 51,
`which has a circular shape with a diameter of approximately 3
`[0004] The operation of the semiconductor device thus
`configured as described above will be described below. Laser
`light, such as from a YAG laser, is focused by using a lens to
`irradiate the redundancy fuse 51. At that time, a part of the
`redundancy fuse 51 that overlaps with the region irradiated by
`laser light 54, is heated and melted.
`Translation by Patent Translations Inc. 206-357-8508

`JP-06-244285-A (3)
`regions 6 with narrow widths are provided at both ends of the
`melting portion 5a of the redundancy fuse 1, whereby escape
`of heat generated in the melting portion 5a is reduced, and
`thus the energy of the laser light can be effectively utilized for
`the action of melting the redundancy fuse 1, such that if the
`energy of the laser light is the same as was conventional,
`fusion can be more reliably performed, and furthermore the
`energy of the laser light can be also be made lower than was
`conventional. In addition, this also has the effect of reducing
`the amount of transmitted heat as compared to that which was
`conventional, and consequently reducing adverse effects of
`heat on circuit devices connected to the redundancy fuse 1
`and the wire 2.
`[0016] FIG. 3 is a schematic top view of a semiconductor
`device according to a third embodiment of the present
`invention. Similar to the second embodiment, a redundancy
`fuse 5 for this semiconductor device comprises a melting
`portion 5a positioned in the center and non-melting portions 5b
`continuously provided on both ends of the melting portion 5a
`and having, in a portion thereof, a region 6 with higher thermal
`resistance than that at the periphery. The difference from the
`second embodiment is that the thermal resistance of the region
`6 is increased by providing a slit 7. For example, the size of the
`slit 7 is such that the short side is approximately 0.6 µm and
`the long side is approximately 1 µm. Thereby, the region 6
`constitutes two wires with a width of approximately 0.2 µm, and
`thus the thermal resistance will be higher than that at the
`periphery. Other than this, the configuration and effects are
`similar to that of the second embodiment.
`[0017] Note that the first embodiment and the second
`embodiment, or
`first embodiment and
`embodiment, may be practiced in combination. In this case, an
`even greater effect can be expected than in the case where
`each is performed separately. Furthermore, the portion 1a that
`constitutes a melting portion is made square in the first
`embodiment, but this may also be polygonal or circular.
`[Effects of the Invention] With the semiconductor device of
`claim 1, because the width of the melting portion is configured
`larger than the width of the non-melting portion, the ratio of the
`area occupied by the melting portion in the irradiation region of
`the energy beam will be larger than was conventional. For this
`reason, the energy of the energy beam can be effectively
`utilized for the action of melting the redundancy fuse. As a
`result, if the energy of the energy beam is the same as was
`conventional, fusion can be performed more reliably and
`easily; furthermore, the energy of the energy beam can be also
`lowered with respect
`that which was conventional.
`Furthermore, this also has an effect in that the amount of laser
`light that irradiates the periphery of the melting portion and
`leaks to under-layers can be made less than was conventional,
`and thus heat damage to an element present in a layer below
`the redundancy fuse or a substrate can be reduced; and
`moreover this also has the effect of reducing the amount of
`transmitted heat as compared to that which was conventional,
`and consequently reducing adverse effects of heat on circuit
`devices connected to the redundancy fuse and the wire.
`[0019] With the semiconductor device of claim 2, because the
`region having high thermal resistance is provided in a portion
`of the non-melting portion, escape of heat generated in the
`melting portion can be reduced.
`and the width thereof is configured larger than a width of the
`non-melting portion 1b. Specifically,
`the width of
`non-melting portion 1b is approximately 1 µm, while the size of
`the melting portion 1a is made a size that allows melting and is
`close to the area of the region irradiated by laser light 4; and
`for example, if the region irradiated by laser light 4 is made a
`circle with a diameter of 3 µm, the area of the melting portion
`1a is made approximately 60% thereof, for example a square
`with a 2 µm side. [Reference numeral] 2 denotes a wire formed
`from aluminum or the like. Contact holes 3 are formed in
`films provided between
`the wires 2 and the
`redundancy fuse 1, and the wires 2 are connected to the
`redundancy fuse 1 via the contact holes 3.
`[0011] The operation of the semiconductor device configured
`as described above will be described. The laser light is
`irradiated on the melting portion 1a of the redundancy fuse 1 to
`melt the redundancy fuse 1. At this time, the overlapping area
`ratio of the irradiation region 4 and the melting portion 1a will
`be greater than was conventional, and thus the energy of the
`light can be more effectively utilized
`than was
`[0012] As described above, according to this embodiment, the
`melting portion 1a of the redundancy fuse 1 is made so as to
`be able to melt and so as to be as close as possible to the area
`of the region irradiated by laser light 4 so that the overlapping
`area of the irradiation region 4 and the melting portion 1a is
`larger than was conventional, and thus the energy of the laser
`light can be effectively utilized for the action of melting the
`redundancy fuse 1. As a result, if the energy of the laser light is
`the same as was conventional, melting can be more reliably
`performed, and the energy of the laser light can be also be
`made lower than was conventional. Moreover, this also has an
`effect in that the amount of laser light that irradiates the
`periphery of the melting portion 1a and leaks to under-layers
`can be made less than was conventional, and thus heat
`damage to an element present in a layer below the redundancy
`fuse 1 or a substrate can be reduced.
`[0013] A second embodiment of the present invention will be
`described based on FIG. 2. FIG. 2 shows a schematic top view
`of a semiconductor device according to a second embodiment,
`in which the same members as in of FIG. 1 are given the same
`reference numerals. The
`fuse 5
`semiconductor device comprises a melting portion 5a
`the center and non-melting portions 5b
`continuously provided at both ends of the melting portion 5a
`and provided, in a portion thereof, with a region 6 with higher
`thermal resistance than that at the periphery. That is to say, the
`width of the region 6 that is continuously provided at both ends
`of the melting portion 5a is made smaller than the width at the
`periphery, whereby the thermal resistance is increased. Here,
`the widths of the melting portion 5a and the non-melting portion
`5b, excluding the regions 6, are made approximately 1 µm, and
`the width of the regions 6 is made approximately 0.5 µm. The
`configuration other than this is similar to that of the first
`[0014] The operation of the semiconductor device configured
`as described above will be described. The laser light is
`irradiated on the melting portion 5a of the redundancy fuse 1 to
`melt the redundancy fuse 1. The heat generated at that time in
`the portion of the melting portion 5a that overlaps with the
`irradiation region 4 is further transmitted to the region 6, via
`both ends of the melting portion 5a; but the width of the regions
`6 is approximately half of the width of the melting portion 5a,
`and thus the thermal resistance is higher than in the case of a
`redundancy fuse with a uniform width as was conventional,
`such that less of the heat generated in the melting portion 5a
`escapes. Accordingly, the redundancy fuse 1 is more easily
`melted than was conventional.
`[0015] As described above, according to this embodiment,
`Translation by Patent Translations Inc. 206-357-8508

`JP-06-244285-A (4)
`[Explanation of Reference Numerals]
`1, 5
`redundancy fuse
`1a, 5a melting portion
`1b, 5b
`non-melting portion
`region irradiated by the energy beam
`region having high thermal resistance
`[FIG. 1]
`[FIG. 2]
`Thus, an effect similar to that of the semiconductor device of
`claim 1 can be obtained.
`[Brief. Description of the Drawings]
`[FIG. 1] This is schematic top view of a semiconductor device
`according to a first embodiment of the present invention.
`[FIG. 2] This is a schematic: top view of a semiconductor
`device according to a second embodiment of the present
`[FIG. 3] This is a schematic top view of a semiconductor device
`according to a third embodiment of the present invention.
`[FIG. 4] This is a schematic top view of a conventional
`semiconductor device.
`[FIG. 4]
`1: redundancy fuse
`1a: melting portion
`1b: non-melting portion
`2: wire
`4: energy beam
` irradiation region
`[FIG. 3]
`Translation by Patent Translations Inc. 206-357-8508

`Patent Translations Inc.
`1700 Seventh Avenue, Surte 2100 ma!
`Seattle, WA 98 ·1 Oi, USA httpJ/vvww.Patentrrans!
`Fax: 20l1-29H-36f)2 TeL 206-357-8508
`Certification of Translation
`Translator's Declaration: Apri116, 2015
`I, Martin Cross, hereby declare:
`That I possess advanced knowfNign of the ,lapal'1'~s: ;;.nd Erglk>h languages. My
`qualifications are

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