`United States Patent
`(10) Number:
`US 6,425,035 C1
`Hoese et al.
`(45) Certificate Issued:
`*Aug. 8, 2006
`Inventors: Geofl'rey H. Hoese, Austin. TX (US);
`Jetfry T. Russell, Cibolo, TX (US)
`(73) Assignee: Crossworlds Software, Burlingame,
`CA (US)
`Reexamination Request:
`No. 90/007,125, Jul. 19. 2004
`No. 90/007,317, Nov. 23, 2004
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`Patent No.:
`Jul. 23, 2002
`Appl. No.2
`Sep. 27, 2001
`(*) Noticer
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/354,682, filed on Jul. 15,
`1999, now Pat, No. 6,421,753, which is a continuation of
`application No. 09/001,799, filed on Dec. 31, 1997, now Pat.
`No. 5,941,972.
`Int. Cl.
`6061’ 13/00
`............................... 710/315; 710/2; 710/8;
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`710/36; 710/105; 710/305; 710/308; 711/112
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 710/1-5,
`710/8—13, 36—38, 105, 100,101,305—316;
`711/100, 112, 113; 714/42
`See application file for complete search history.
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`Defendant’s Trial Exhibits, Crossroads Systems,
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`(W.D. Tex. 2001). (CD-Rom).
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 2
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 2
`US 6,425,035 C]
`Page 3
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`A-OOCA—2l7—SS (W.D. Tex. 2001) (CD—Rom).
`Defendant Chaparral Network Storage. Inc's First Supple-
`mental Trial Exhibit List (D1 through D271) (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits ExList_Def), Sep. 2, 2001.
`Defendant Pathlight Technology Inc.’s Third Supplemental
`Trial Exhibit List (CD-ROM Pathlight Exhibits ExList_
`Plaintifi‘s Fourth Amended Trail Exhibit List, Crossroads
`Systems. Inc. v. Chaparral Network Storage, Inc, CA. No.
`A-OOCA—2I7—SS (W.D. Tex. 2001) (CD—Rom), Sep. 11.
`Plaintiff’s Revised Trial Exhibit List, Crossroads Systems,
`Inc., CA.
`A—00CA—248—SS (W.D. Tex. 2001). (CD—Rom).
`Plaintiff’s Trial Exhibits, Crossroads Systems, Inc. v. Chap-
`arral Networks Storage, Inc. CA. No. A-OOCA—217—SS
`(W.D. Tex. 2001). (CD—Rom).
`Plaintifi‘s Fourth Amended Trail Exhibit List (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits ExList__Plaintiff), Sep. 11, 2001.
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`Exhibits ExList_Plaintitl).
`Inc. v. Chaparral
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`Tex. 2001) (CD—Rom).
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`chet Ex 2 (L51 1421—1658)) (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`D013), Dec. 3. 1997.
`Press Release—Symbios Logic to Demonstrate Strong Sup-
`port for Fibre Channel at Fall Comdex (Engelbrecht 12 (L51
`2785—86)) (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D016), Nov. 13,
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`(L81 01837—38» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D017), Jun.
`17, 1905.
`Nondisclosure Agreement Between Adaptec and Crossroads
`Dated Oct. 17, 1996 (Quisenberry Ex 25 (CRDS 8196))
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D020).
`Organizational Presentation on the External Storage Group
`(Lavan Ex 1
`(CNS 182242—255» (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D021), Apr. 11, 1996.
`Bridge. C, Bridge Between SCSI—2 and SCSI-3 FCP (Fibre
`Channel Protocol) (CD—ROM Chapan-ral Exhibits P214).
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`182287—295» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D022), Apr.
`12, 1996.
`Attendees/Action Items from Apr. 12, 1996 Meeting at BTC
`(Lavan Ex 3 (CNS 182241)) (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`D023), Apr. 12, 1996.
`Brooklyn Hardware Engineering Requirements Documents,
`Revision 1.4 (Lavan Ex 4 (CNS 178188—211» (CD-ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D024) by Pecone, May 26. 1996.
`Brooklyn Single—Ended SCSI RAID Bridge Controller
`Hardware OEM Manual. Revision 2.1 (Lavan EX 5 (CNS
`177169—191» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D025), Mar.
`21. I996.
`Coronado Hardware Engineering Requirements Document.
`Revision 0.0 (Lavan Ex 7 (CNS 176917—932». (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D027) by O’Dell, Sep. 30. 1996.
`ESS/FPG Organization (Lavan Ex 8 (CNS 178639—652»
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D028), Dec. 6, 1996.
`Adaptec MCS ESS Presents: Intelligent External [/0 Raid
`“Bridge” Strategy
`(Lavan Ex
`178606—638». (CD~ROM Chaparral Exhibits D029), Feb.
`6, 1996.
`ABC—7313 Fibre Channel Daughter Board (for Brooklyn)
`Engineering Specification. Revision 1.0 (Lavan Ex 10 (CNS
`176830—850» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D030), Feb.
`27, 1997.
`14 (CNS 177211—214»
`(Lavan Ex
`01‘ Material
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D034), Jul. 24, 1997.
`AEC-. 4412B, AEC—7412/B2 External RAID Controller
`Hardware OEM Manual, Revision 2.0 (Lavan Ex 15 (CNS
`177082—123» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D035). Jun.
`27, 1997.
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`Brooklyn) Hardware Specification, Revision 1.2 (Lavan Ex
`16 (CNS 177192—210» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`D037) by Tom Yang, Jul. 18, 1997.
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`Hardware OEM Manual, Revision 3.0. (Lavan Ex 17 (CNS
`177124—165» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D036), Aug.
`25, 1997.
`Memo Dated Aug. 15, 1997 to ABC—7312A Evaluation Unit
`Customers re: BOO] Release Notes (Lavan Ex 18 (CNS
`182878—879» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D038), Aug.
`15, 1997.
`Brooklyn Main Board (AES—0302) MES Schedule (Lavan
`Ex 19 (CNS 177759-763» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`D039). Feb. 11, 1997.
`News Release—Adaptec Adds Fibre Channel Option to its
`External RAID Controller Family (Lavan Ex 20 (CNS
`182932—934» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D040), May
`6, 1997.
`AEC-4412B/7412B User‘s Guide, Rev. A (Lavan Ex 2])
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D041), Jun. 19, 1905.
`Data Book—AIC—7895 PCI Bus Master Single Chip SCSI
`Host Adapter (Davies Ex 1 (CNS 182944—64» (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D046), May 21, 1996.
`Data Book—AIC-1160 Fibre Channel Host Adapter ASIC
`(Davies Ex 2 (CNS 181800—825» (CD—ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D047), Jun. 18, 1905.
`180969481026» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D048),
`Jun. 13, 1905.
`Header File with Structure Definitions (Davies Ex 4 (CNS
`180009—018» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D049), Aug.
`8, 1996.
`CH- SourceCode for the SCSI Command Handler (Davies
`Ex 5 (CNS 179136-168» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`D050), Aug. 8. 1996.
`(Davies Ex
`Header File Data Structure
`179997—180008)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D051),
`Ian. 2, I997.
`SCSI Command Handler (Davies Ex 7 (CNS 179676—719»
`(CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits 0052), Jan. 2, 1997.
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 3
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 3
`US 6,425,035 C1
`Page 4
`to SCSI Intelligent RAID Con-
`Coronado: Fibre Channel
`troller Product Brief (Kalwitz Ex I (CNS 182804—805»
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D053).
`Bill of Material
`(Kalwitz Ex 2 (CNS 181632—633»
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits 0054), Mar. 17, 1997.
`Emails Dated Jan. 13—Mar. 31, 1997 from P. Collins to M0
`re: Status Reports (Kalwitz Ex 3 (CNS 182501—511»
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D055).
`Hardware Schematics for the Fibre Channel Daughtercard
`Coronado (Kalwitz Ex 4 (CNS 181639—648» (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D056).
`Adaptec Schematics re AAC—340 (Kalwitz Ex 14 CNS
`177215—251» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D057).
`Bridge Product Line Review (Manzanares Ex 3 (CNS
`177307—336» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D058).
`AEC Bridge Series Products—Adaptec External Controller
`RAID Products Pre—Release Draft, v.6 (Manzanares Ex 4
`(CNS 174632—653». (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D059),
`Oct. 28, 1997.
`Hewlett—Packard Roseville Site Property Pass for Brian
`Smith (Dunning Ex 14 (HP 489) (CD—ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D078). Nov. 7. 1996.
`Distribution Agreement Between Hewlett—Packard and
`Crossroads (Dunning Ex 15 (HP 326—33) (CD—ROM Chap-
`arral Exhibits D079).
`HPFC—SOOO Tachyon User’s Manuel, First Edition (PTI
`17249—839) (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D084), May 1.
`X3T10 994D—(Draft) Information Technology: SCSI—3
`Architecture Model, Rev. 1.8 (PTI 165977)
`Chaparral Exhibits D087).
`X3T10 Project 1047D: Information Technology—SCSI—3
`Controller Commands (SCC), Rev, 6c (PTI 166400—546)
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D088), Sep. 3, 1996.
`X3T10 995D—(Draft) SCSI—3 Primary Commands. Rev. 11
`(Wanamaker Ex 5 (PTI 166050—229» (CD—ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D089), Nov. 13, 1996.
`VBAR Volume Backup and Restore (CRDS 12200—202)
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D099).
`Preliminary Product Literature for Infinity Commstor’s
`Fibre Channel
`to SCSI Protocol Bridge (Smith Ex 11;
`Quisenberry Ex 31 (SPLO 428—30) (CD—ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D143), Aug. 19, 1996.
`Letter dated Jul. 12, 1996 from J. Boykin to B. Smith re:
`Purchase Order
`for Evaluation Units from Crossroads
`(Smith Ex 24) CRDS 8556—57)
`(CD—ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D144), Jul. 12. 1996.
`CrossPoint 4100 Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Preliminary
`Datasheet (Hulsey EX 9 (CRDS 16129—130» (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D145), Nov. 1, 1996.
`CrossPoint 4400 Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Preliminary
`(Bardach Ex. 9, Quisenberry Ex 33 (CRDS
`25606—607» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D153), Nov. 1,
`to B. Smith re:
`Fax Dated Jul. 22, 1996 from L. Petti
`Purchase Order from Data General
`for FCZS Fibre to
`Channel SCSI Protocol Bridge Model 11 (Smith Ex 25;
`Quisenberry Ex 23; Bardach Ex 11 (CRDS 8552—55; 8558)
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D155).
`Email Dated Dec. 20, 1996 from J. Boykin to B. Smith re:
`Purchase Order for Betas in Feb. and Mar. (Hoese Ex 16,
`Quisenberry Ex 25; Bardach Ex 12 (CRDS 13644—650)
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D156).
`Infinity Commstor Fibre Channel Demo for Fall Comdex,
`1996 (Hoese Ex
`15, Bardach Ex
`(CRDS 27415)
`(CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D157).
`Fax Dated Dec. 19, 1996 from B. Bardach to T. Rarich re:
`Purchase Order Information (Bardach Ex. 14; Smith Ex 16
`(CRDS 4460)) (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D158).
`Miscellaneous Documents Regarding Comdex (Quisenberry
`Ex 2 (CRDS 27415—465» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`CrossPoint 4100 Fibre Channel to SCSI Router Preliminary
`Datasheet (Quisenberry) Ex 3 (CRDS 4933—34) (CD-ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D166) (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`CrossPoint 4400 Fibre to Channel to SCSI Router Prelimi~
`nary Datasheet; Crossroads Company and Product Over-
`view (Quisenberry Ex 4 (CRDS 25606; 16136)) (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D167).
`Crossroads Purchase Order Log (Quisenberry Ex 9 (CRDS
`14061—062» (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits D172).
`RAID Manager 5 with RDAC 5 for UNIX v.4 User’s Guide
`(LSI—01854) (CD—ROM Chaparral Exhibits P062), Sep. I,
`Letter dated May 12, 1997 from Alan G. Leal to Barbara
`Bardaeh enclosing the original OEM License and Purchase
`Agreement between Hewlett—Package Company and Cross-
`roads Systems, Inc. (CRDS 02057) (CD—ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits P130).
`CR4x00 Product Specification (CRDS 43929) (CD—ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits P267), Jun. 1, 1998.
`Symbios Logic—Hardware Functional Specification for the
`Symbios Logic Series 3 Fibre Channel Disk Array Control-
`ler Model 3701 (Engelbrecht Ex 3
`(CD—ROM Pathlight Exhibits D074).
`Report of the Working Group on Storage 1/0 for Large Scale
`Computing; Department of Computer Science Duke Uni-
`versity: CS—1996—21 (PTI 173330-347). (CD—ROM Path-
`light Exhibits D098).
`Brian Allison’s 1999 Third Quarter Sales Plan (PDX 38
`)CNS 022120—132» (CD—ROM Pathlight Exhibits D201),
`Jun. 5, 2001.
`Brooklyn SCSI—SCSI Intelligent External RAID Bridge
`Definition Phase External Documentation (CD—ROM Path-
`light Exhibits D129).
`“InfoServer 100 System Operations Guide”, First Edition,
`Digital Equipment Corporation, 1990.
`S.P. Joshi. “Ethernet controller chip interfaces with variety
`of 16—bit processors,” Electronic Design. Hayden Publish-
`ing Co., Inc., Rochelle Park, NJ, Oct. 14. l982.pp 193—200.
`“DP5380 Asynchronous SCSI Interface”, National Semi-
`conductor Corporation, Arlington, TX. May 1989, pp. 1—32.
`Johnson, DB, et al.. “The Peregrine High Performance
`Software—Practice & Experience,
`23(2):201—221, Feb. 1993.
`“InfoServer ISO—Installation and Owner‘s Guide". EK—IN-
`FSV—OM—OOI, Digital Equipment Corporation. Maynard,
`Massachusetts 1991, Chapters 1 and 2.
`Pictures of internal components of the InfoScrver 150, taken
`from http://www.binarydinosaurs.eouk/Museum/Digital/in-
`foserver/infoserverphp in Nov. 2004.
`* cited by examiner
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 4
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 4
`US 6,425,035 Cl
`The patentability of claims 1—14 is confirmed
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 5
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 5
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg_ 6
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 6
`Afiy- Docket N0-
`37 C.F.R. 1.248
`Geoffre B. Hoese, et al.
`Date Filed
`Control No.
`Storage Router and Method for Providing Virtual
`Local Stora - e
`Group Art Unit
`Chen, Alan
`Applicant hereby serves the Comments on Statement of Reasons for Patentability
`and/or Confirmation in the above referenced case to:
`Larry E. Severln
`Wang, Hartmann & Gibbs, PC
`1301 Dove Street, #1050
`Newport Beach, CA 92660
`William A. Blake
`Jones, Tullar & Cooper, PC
`PO. Box 2226 Eads Station
`Alexandria, VA 22202
`As per 35 U.S.C. §1.248 service is made via first class mail, certified, R.R.R. on
`October 7, 2005.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Sprinkle IP Law Group
`Dated: October 7, 2005
`1301 w. 25th Street, Suite 408
`Austin, Texas 78705
`Tel. (512) 637-9220
`Fax. (512) 371-9088
`John L. Adair
`Reg. No. 48,828
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 7
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 7
`Goeffre B. Hoese, et al.
`Reexamination Control No. Date Filed
`Atty. Docket No.
`Comments On Statement of Reasons for Patentability,
`CROSS1123-1 7
`and/or Confirmation
`Storage Router and Method for Providing Virtual
`Local Stora - e
`Group Art Unit
`Chen, Alan
`Commissioner for Patents
`P-O- Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313_1450
`Dear Sir:
`Certificate of Mailin Under 37 C.F.R. 1.8
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with
`the United States Postal Service as First Class Mail in an
`envelope addressed to Commissioner for Patents. P.O. Box
`1450, Alexandria, VA 22312-1450 on October 7. 2005.
`,(A ,‘Lnfl—J
`Printed Name
`Julie H. Blackard
`Applicants appreciate the Examiner’s confirmation of Claims 1-14 of United States
`Patent No. 6,425,035. Applicants submit the record as a whole makes evident the reasons for
`allowance and that there are additional reasons for patentability not enumerated by the
`Examiner. While Applicants agree with the Examiner’s reasons for patentability to the extent
`such reasons are consistent with the record as a whole (as Applicants understand them to be),
`Applicants do not acquiesce or agree to any characterization of the claims that place
`unwarranted limitations or interpretations upon the claims, especially to the extent such
`limitations or interpretations are inconsistent with the claim language, specification or prior
`prosecution history in this case.
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 8
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 8
`Attorney Docket No.
`Customer ID: 44654
`These “Comments on Statement of Reasons for Patentability and/or Confirmation” was
`served via First Class Mail, Certified, R.R.R. on October 7, 2005 to Larry E. Severin of Wang,
`Hartmann & Gibbs, PC, 1301 Dove Street, #1050, Newport Beach, CA 92660 and to William A.
`Blake of Jones, Tullar‘& Cooper, PC, PO. Box 2226 Eads Station, Alexandria, VA 22202
`The Director of the US. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge.
`any fees or credit any overpayments to Deposit Account No. 50-3183 of Sprinkle IP Law Group.
`Respectfully submitted.
`Sprinkle IP Law Group
`Attorneys for Applicant
`John L. Adair
`Reg. No. 48,828
`Date: October 7, 2005
`1301 W. 25'” Street, Suite 408
`Austin, TX 78705
`Tel. (512) 637-9223
`Fax. (512) 371-9088
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 9
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 9
`United Smtcs Patcnl and Trademark Office
`P.01 Box I450
`Alcxmdn'a. Virginia 223 I 3- I450
`tic/Do? 3 l '7
`642503 5
`1006-891 o
`1301 W. 25111 STREET
`AUSTIN, TX 78705
`DATE MAILED: 09/23/2005
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`PT090C (Rev. I 0/03}
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 10
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 10
`¥ ’
`90/007,317 '
`W16 mats
`’4’. 'X U11] 1 DU .3 l A I no DILI’AKI MILN 1 UI‘ UUMMLKL'IL
`Patent and Trademark Office
`- Moe 20231
`' 6425035
`[my E. 5mm
`Wang, Hanman & Gibbs, PC
`1301 DoveSlreet
`Suite 1050
`Newport Beach, CA 92660
`C '
`[49: h
`/ 4 .‘1
`DATE MAILED; 9 -9L3.105
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or
`proceeding. 1
`Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`1301 w. 25“ Street
`Suite 408
`Austin, TX 78705 '
`PTO-SOC (Revfivsa)
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 11
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 11
`Control No.
`90/007,125 Marvel “I
`Notice of Intent to Issue
`‘ e do
`Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate
`Patent Under Reexamination
`Art Unit
`Alan S. Chen
`‘— The MAIUNG DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`1. IX] Prosecution on the merits is (or remains) closed in this ex parte reexamination proceeding. This proceeding is
`subject to reopening at the initiative of the Office or upon petition. Cf. 37 CFR 1.313(a). A Certificate will be
`issued in view of
`(a) X Patent owner’s communication(s) fiied: 22 July 2005.
`(b) E] Patent owner‘s late response filed:
`[:1 Patent owner’s failure to file an appropriate response to the Office action mailed:
`(d) [:1 Patent owner’s failure to timely file an Appeal Brief (37 CFR 41.31).
`(e) C] Other: _.
`Status of Ex Parte Reexamination:
`1:] Yes [2 No
`(f) Change in the Specification:
`(9) Change in the Drawing(s): D Yes E No
`(h) Status of the Claim(s):
`(1) Patent Claim(s) confirmed: 115.
`(2) Patent Claim(s) amended anciuding dependent on amended ciaim(s)):
`(3) Patent Claim(s) cancelled:
`(4) Newly presented Claim(s) patentable:
`(5) Newly presented cancelled claims:
` 2. X Note the attached statement of reasons for patentability and/or confirmation. Any comments considered
`necessary by patent owner regarding reasons for patentability and/0r confirmation must be submitted promptly
`to avoid processing delays. Such submission(s) should be labeled: “Comments On Statement of Reasons for
`Patentabiiity and/or Confirmation."
`3. E} Note attached NOTICE OF REFERENCES CITED (PTO-892).
`4. [:1 Note attached LIST OF REFERENCES CITED (PTO-1449 or PTO/SB/OB).
`5. D The drawing correction request filed on ___ is: D approved
`[:1 disapproved.
`6. E] Acknowledgment is made of the priority claim under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`a)l:| Ail
`b)I:l Some*
`c)|:l None
`'of the certified copies have
`[:1 been received.
`E] not been received.
`I] been filed in Application No.
`El been filed in reexamination Control No.
`[I been received by the International Bureau in PCT Appiication No.
`* Certified copies not received: _
`7. E] Note attached Examiner’s Amendment.
`8. E] Note attached interview Summary (PTO-474).
`9. 1:] Other: __ I
`cc: Requester (if third party requestg)
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-469 (Rev.9—04)-
`Notice oi Intent to issue Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate
`Part of Paper No 09022005
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 12
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 12
`Reexamination Control No.90/DO7125 "WW4 w/ Attachment to Paper No. 09022005,
`10(00‘7 $17
`Art Unit 2182.
`Claims 1-14 are allowed.
`The prior art disclosed by the patent owner and cited by the Examiner fail to teach or suggest, alone or in combination, all the limitations of the ‘
`independent claims (claims 1, 7 and 11), particularly the map/mapping feature which is a one-to—one correspondence, as given in a simple table,
`the map physically resident on a router, whereby the router forms the connection between two separate entities over different transport mediums,
`such that neither entity determines where data is to be sent, but rather, the router solely dictates where the data will be sent; also the “NLLBP"
`feature refering to a fundamental low level protocol defined by a specification/standard that is well known to one of ordinary skill in the art, where
`the NLLBP is used at the router for communications with both the first and second transport medium. The SCSI protocol/standard is considered
`a NLLBP. TCP/IP, e.g., used in Ethernet communications, however, is not considered to be a NLLBP.
`PTOL—476 (Rev. 03-98)
`4% : g%z//
`(Examiner's Signature)
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 13
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 13
`I Certificate Date
`Certificate Number
`Application/Control No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under
`90/007125 WeAvazozomn 5425035
`Correspondence Address:
`E] Patent Owner
`[I Third Party
`Case Name
`T/IOZ /é} {
`Director lnitials
`Crossroads Systems, (Texas), Inc v. Dot Hill Systems
`Western District of Texas (03-CV-754)
`US Patent and Trademark Office
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 14
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 14
`Issue Classification
`Application/Control No.
` Applicant(s)lPatent under
`90/007,125 «Mei V/ 141mm 6425035
`Art Unit
`Alan S. Chen
`(Legal Instruments Examiner)
`I»: " 173:5(fififiéfimd2100
`-- --
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`._L 0'!01(0
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`_|. (Do
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` 4.14.;
`.5 AC)
`Pan of Paper No. 09022005
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 15
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 15
` a}?9;
`Search Notes
`3‘33 ‘1’- Applicanus)
`Application No
`90/007125 u Ada
`Frilz M Flemin -
`EAST 554m!
`. M7763
`A?" awed 5651’,
`07cc,block Ifl/Ehnahv
`U.S. Pawn! and Trademark Office
`Pan 0! Paper No. 01212005
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 16
`lfllillllNlflllllfllllfllll mun‘mmuu’%”vi-FLY’-H
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 16
`Index of Clainis
`90/007,125 .NW A MR 1 3G
`Frilz M Flemin
`hrough numeral)
`IlIlIIllIIII Rejected ~
`gnmnnuu- I
`us. Patent and Tradematk Office
`Part of Paper No. 01212005
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 17
`Oracle Ex. 1032, pg. 17
`Search Query
`@ad<"20010927" and (fibre adj
`j channel near router) same SCSI
`@ad<"19971231" and (fibre 'adj
`channel near router) same SCSI
`@ad‘<"19971231" and fibre ad