`-4 thesis subrnitted to the
`Department of Computing and Information Science
`in conformity with the requirements for
`the degree of Master of Science
`Queen's University
`Kingston, Ontario, Canada
`September 1998
`Copyright @ Jun Su, 1998
`Page 1 of 107


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`Page 2 of 107


`Multimedia presentations demand specific support from database management sys-
`terns. The delivery of continuous media data from a database semer to multiple des-
`tinations over a network presents new challenges for buffer management in a DBMS.
`It has to consider specific requirements like providing for continuity of presentation or
`for immediate continuation of presentation after frequent user interactions. Different
`media also have specific features that must be considered.
`In this thesis we present a buffer management strategy for MPEG video presenta-
`tions. It supports smooth presentation of MPEG video stored in the relational DBMS
`DB2/UDB, and quick response to user interactions. Experiments show that Our buffer
`management strategy provides support superior to other strategies presented in the
`literature. -4 framework to support cornplex multimedia presentation that is based
`on DBP/UDB and its multimedia extenders is also presented.
`Page 3 of 107


`Page 4 of 107
`Page 4 of 107


`Acknowledgment s
`1 would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Pat Martin, for his support, advice, feedback.
`and above all, his patience. Without his guidance, this thesis could not have been
`finished. 1 would also like to thank Gary Powley and Wendy Powley, for helping me
`with my research and implementation; Rong Qiu and Hoiying Li, my good friends. for
`giving me help whenever 1 needed. Finally, I would like to thank the Department of
`Computing and Information Science at Queen's University for tlieir generous financial
`support provided during my graduate studies.
`Page 5 of 107


`Page 6 of 107
`Page 6 of 107


`1 Introduction
`1.1 Motivation for the Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`1.2 Goals of Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`1.3 Outline of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`2 Background
`2.1 Multimedia DBMS and Buffer Management Strategy . . . . . . . . .
`2.2 AMOS hlultimedia DBhlS at GMD-IPSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`I l
`2.3 LeastIMost Relevant for Presentation
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`2.3.1 A General Mode1
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`2.3.2 Replacement and Preloading S trategy
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`2.4 MPEG Video and -4udio Player a t OGI
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`2-41 MPEG video standard
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`2.4.2 System Architecture
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Page 7 of 107


`2.4.3 Software Feedback for Client/Server Spchronization
`. . . . .
`2.4.4 Software Feedback for QoS control
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3 System Architecture
`3.1 System Architecture
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.1.1 Session Manager and Client
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.1.2 SessionCoordinator
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.1.3 DB2/UDB and Its Multimedia Extenders
`. . . . . . . . . . .
`3.2 Media Provider and Media Presenter
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.2.1 Media Provider and Media Presenter for MPEG video . . . . . 34
`4 B d e r Management Strategy
`4.1 MPEG Video Presentation
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`1.1.2 Buffer Manager
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`4.1.3 Decoder and Presenter
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`4.2 Buffer Management Strategy
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`4.2.1 Preloading Strategy
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`4.2.2 Replacement S trategy
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`5 Performance Study
`5.1 Measurements
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Page 8 of 107


`5.2 Comparing Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`5.3 Test Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - .
`5.4 Results and Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . . .
`5.4.1 Smoothness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
`5.4.2 Interactive Response Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`5.4.3 Smoothness vs. Buffer Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`W C
`i a
`6 Conclusions
`6.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . , . .
`6.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . 79
`Vit a
`Page 9 of 107


`Page 10 of 107
`Page 10 of 107


`List of Tables
`2.1 Functionality of the synchronization feedback mechanism . . . . . . . 26
`2.2 Functionality of the QoS control feedback mechanism . . . . . . . . . 25
`5.1 MPEG Video Frames Mode1
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`5.2 SmoothnessofAMOSandOurStrategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
`5-3 Smoothness of OGI and Our Strategy
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
`5.4 . Interaction Response Time (ms) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
`Page 11 of 107


`Page 12 of 107
`Page 12 of 107


`List of Figures
`General architecture of a hlhl-DBM S
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Architecture of the AMOS MM-DBMS
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Example state of a data flow
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`An example of interaction sets viith relevance values
`. . . . . . . . . .
`L/MRP Algorithm
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Architecture of the OGI player
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Structure of the synchronization feedback mechanism . . . . . . . . . 26
`Structure of the QoS control feedback mechanism
`. . . . . . . . . . .
`3.1 System Architecture
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.2 Session Manager and Client
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.3 Object-Relational Database System
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.4 Classification of Adaptation Mechanism
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`3.5 Media Provider and Media Presenter for MPEG video
`. . . . . . . .
`Page 13 of 107


`4.1 MPEG Video Presentation Process
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`4.2 Data Flow at Client Side
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`.-ln example of MPEG video stream
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`4.4 Buffer Management Algorithm
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`5.1 Smoothness Measurement
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`5.2 Smoothness vs . Buffer Size
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`C I -
`r a
`Page 14 of 107


`Chapter 1
`1.1 Motivation for the Research
`Multimedia presentations present a wide range of media including audio, video, test,
`images, and animation in a single presentation, and allow users to control the rate
`and selection of media being played. It is one of the most important multimedia
`applications. The fusion of different media into multimedia presentations provides an
`opportunity to create more effective and efficient communications of ideas.
`A multimedia database management system (MM-DBMS) provides the necessary
`support for multimedia presentation. A MM-DBMS has the capability of storing,
`managing and retrieving information on individual media, managing interrelation-
`ships between the information represented by different media, and exploiting t hese
`Page 15 of 107


`1 ntroduction
`media for presentation purposes [RNL95].
`Multimedia presentation demands specific support from a EVM-DBMS. They re-
`quire the delivery of continuous media data from a database server to multiple des-
`tinations over a network. To facilitate a hiccup-free presentation, the MM-DBbIS
`must ensure that an object is present in memory before it is displayed. If the loading
`rate of a media stream from disk to mernory is less than the delivery rate of the
`media stream, then preloading of the stream prior to delivery is necessary to ensure
`continuous presentation. Furthermore, an appropriate allocation and replacement
`strategy must be provided to anticipate the dernands of delays and user interactions.
`Such a strategy must rninirnize the response time of multimedia presentations while
`guaranteeing that dl continuity requirements are satisfied.
`Replacement strategies for conventional database applications, like LRü (Leas t
`Recently Used), FIFO (First In First Out), LFU (Least Frequently Used), etc.,
`([DTgO], (EH841) are not suitable for a multimedia database system. They do oot ex-
`plicitly address the reference behaviour of interactive continuous data. Furthermore,
`presentation scenarios can be constructed where these strategies have destructive be-
`haviour. We can show this by a n example. Suppose Our buffer uses the LRU strategy.
`If we begin with an empty buffer with constant buffer size 15, then playing frames
`1 to 20 of a video leads to a buffer state in which frames 6 to 20 are in the buffer
`after the presentation h a . finished. If we next wish to play forward from frame 5 to
`Page 16 of 107


`1.1 Motivation for the Research
`15, then kame 5 is not present in buffer, which causes a buffer fault. LRU would
`replace 6 to load 5. Now we request frame 6, and LRU would replace 7, and so on.
`In this case LRU always replaces the frame that will be needed next. T h e reason for
`this behaviour is that LRU does not consider any presentation specific informat ion.
`For al1 the other general strategies similar examples of "destructive behaviour" can
`be found. This behaviour is not only for some "constructed~' examples, Moser et al
`[kIKK95] show the average misbehaviour of LRU in their performance investigations.
`Currently many multimedia systems employ the "UseSrToss" replacement st rat-
`egy [CAFSl]. Each data page is free for replacement immediately after it is presented.
`The drawback of this simple strategy is that data that rnay be referenced after an in-
`teraction are not kept in the buffer. For example. if the user initiates a play backmard
`interaction from the play fonvard state, then al1 previously tossed d a t a may have to
`be reloaded into buffer, which leads to increase response times.
`Most buffer management strategies developed For multimedia database si-çtems
`only support generic models for continuous media, but we claim that media specific
`properties should be considered. A generic buffer manager treats video frames as
`independent, atomic units and the preloading and replacement strategies are based
`on this assumption. In MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) video presentation.
`frame dropping is used because the data volume involved is very large, and the systeni
`may not be able to present al1 the frarnes in time. Dropping of one frame rnay affect
`Page 17 of 107


`the following frames. Thus for MPEG video the dependencies between the single
`frames have to be considered.
`MPEG is a widely accepted international standard. Specially, MPEG-1 plays a n
`important role in multimedia applications. Some researchers [CPS95] have studied
`the specific features on MPEG-1, but did not consider the impact of these features on
`multimedia presentation. Other researchers [HL971 have considered the effect of the
`features of MPEG-I on multimedia presentation, but could not mode1 MPEG-I data
`very well. We investigate a specific buffer management strategy for MPEG-I video
`presentation in this thesis.
`A relational database uses tables to represent entities and uses keys to represent
`relationships. An instance of an entity is represented as a row of the table. The
`standard applications of a relational database range from high volume online trans-
`action systems to query intensive data aarehouse applications. Multimedia data like
`audio and video are stored as binary large objects (BLOBs) in a relational database.
`User-defined data types and functions are used to support multimedia applications.
`1.2 Goals of Research
`The main goals of the research are:
`To study efficient buffer management strategies for delivering MPEG video data
`from a relational database. The strategies must also support user interaction.
`Page 18 of 107


`1.3 Outline of Thesis
`To implement a buf'fer management strategy and study its performance in
`a client-semer environment where IBM DB2/UDB [IBAI97b] is used to store
`MPEG video a t the server side.
`To propose a framework to support complex multimedia presentations.
`The particular problems and issues addressed in this thesis are:
`How to preload video data to maintain a smooth presentation.
`How to replace video data in order to quickly respond to user interactions.
`1.3 Outline of Thesis
`The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows:
`Chapter 2 discusses the background rnaterial required for our work.
`Chapter 3 describes the architecture of a system to support multimedia presen-
`tation. The subsystem for MPEG video presentation is also presented.
`Chapter 4 presents the buffer management strategy for MPEG video presenta-
`Chapter 5 discusses the implementation of the buffer management strategy and
`presents a performance study of the strategy.
`Page 19 of 107


`Chapter 6 concludes the thesis with a review of the contributions of the work
`and a discussion of future research directions.
`Page 20 of 107


`Chapter 2
`In this chapter, we first introduce multimedia database management system (DBMS)
`and its buffer management strategy. Then we give an overview of the "AMOS Multi-
`media DBMS at GMD-IPSI". We present their "teast/most relevant for presentation"
`(L/MRP) buffer management strategy from which we derived our strategy for MPEG
`video presentation. Finaily we present an MPEG video player developed at OGI that
`provides the b a i s for Our implementation.
`Page 21 of 107


`2.1 Multimedia DBMS and Buffer Management
`A multimedia database management system (MM-DBMS) has the capability of stor-
`ing, managing and retrieving information on individual media, managing interre-
`lationships between the information represented by different media, and exploiting
`these media for presentation purposes. The basic constituents of a MM-DBMS are
`the following:
`Multimedia Data Modeling. Standard datatypes are not adequate to reflect the
`structure of multimedia data. New built-in datatypes like image and audio and
`a notion of stream for presentation and capture purpose are needed. In addi-
`tion to the datatypes, type constructors that allow one to deal with temporal
`relationships are also helpful.
`Content-Based Retrieval. Retrieval in rnuitimedia databases must include the
`type of queries known from the field of traditional databases as well as retrieval
`functionality (such as full text search) knowo from the field of information
`retrieval. In the case of videos, content-based search means the ability to search
`for a specific fragment of a video that starts with a given scene, or includes given
`Page 22 of 107


`2.1 Muhimecria DBMS and B a e r Management Strategy
`- - - - - - -
`data - conuol
`MM-DBMS Server
`p p -- -
`MM-DBMS Client
`manipulation object
`manipulation objecu
`1 Pragnrn
`Figure 2.1: General architecture of a MM-DBMS
`Continuous Storage Management. To provide timely delivery, continuous data
`strearns may be directed from the storage components to the consuming com-
`ponent (viewer, application) bypassing other layers of the multimedia database
`system. This avoids additional overhead but does not allow any further pro-
`cessing (selection of portion, scafing, etc.) of the data by the database system.
`Architecture. Figure 2.1 [NT921 shows a multimedia application that uses the
`service of the DBMS to retrieve multimedia objects from the database, to ma-
`nipulate them, to transport them over the network and finally to present them
`at the user's workstation. A transport protocol that implements the continuous
`flow of data along with a mechanism for continuous control is of central im-
`portance for an efficient management of presentation and capture functionality
`throughout the whole system.
`Buffer management wit hin the multimedia database system is essential to ensure
`the maintenance of the intra- and inter-strearn synchronization requirements of mul-
`timedia data presentations. To facilitate a hiccup-free presentation, we must ensure
`Page 23 of 107


`that an object is present in memory before it is displayed. If the loading rate of a me-
`dia stream from disk t o memory were less than the delivery rate of the media stream,
`preloading of the stream pnor to delivery would be necessary to ensure continuous
`presentation. Furthemore, an appropriate allocation and replacement strategy must
`be provided to anticipate the dernands of delays and user interactions. Such a strat-
`egy must minimize the response time of multimedia presentations while guaranteeing
`that al1 continuity and synchronization requirements are satisfied.
`Research involving buffer management in multimedia database systems is still in
`its infancy [TK95]. Moser et al [MKK95] have proposed a buffer strategy termed
`"least /most relevant for presentation" . This buffer strategy invest igates the effects
`of such user interactions as "rewind" and "fast fonvard" on buffer design. A mech-
`anism is proposed which reduces the delay after user interactions. Chaudhuri et al
`[CGS95] have investigated the problem of continuously displaying composite objects
`that are dynamically specified at the server level. Techniques based on simple slid-
`ing and buffered sliding are proposed which support continuous display by partial
`prefetching of overlapping media objects. Such an approach is preferable to the naive
`strategy of prefetching the entirety of overlapped media objects. Gollapudi [GZ96]
`has investigated the minimum buffering requirements that are necessary to guarantee
`the continuity and synchrony of the presentation of multimedia data. A prefetching
`technique that satisfies the minimum requirements has also been worked out.
`Page 24 of 107


`2.2 AMOS Multimedia DBMS at GMD-IPSI
`2.2 AMOS Multimedia DBMS at GMD-IPSI
`The Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute (IPSI) is one of the
`eight institutes of GMD - German National Research Center for Information Tech-
`nology. Research on MM-DBMS a t IPSI started at the end of the 1980's. In 1992,
`the department Active Media Object Stores (AMOS) was founded to foster devel-
`opments in this research area [NT92]. Currently, concepts are implemented in the
`AMOS MM-DBMS prototype and are elaborated by means of international research
`projects as well a s industrial projects. The accomplishments to date of the AMOS
`prototype include the following: the design of multimedia data types, the modeling
`of meta information, support for multimedia presentations, and the development of
`an object manager for continuous objects.
`AMOS allows the free composition of different media into a new multimedia prod-
`uct - a multimedia presentation. Any combination of both continuous media, such
`as audio, video, and text, as well as non-continuous media, such as a picture, can be
`arranged in one multimedia presentation. This calls for a mode1 of a presentation that
`includes defined temporal dependencies between the media, defined time intervals in
`which media are presented to the user as well as media specific characteristics such
`as initial playback volume of an audio.
`The essential concepts of the modeling and solutions can be summarized as follows:
`Spatial and Temporal Composition: The description of a presentation
`Page 25 of 107


`reflects al1 possible temporal relationships between the media and a possibIe
`spatial position and overlapping of two-dimensional media on the screen.
`Time Line: The selected representation mirrors the entire temporal course of
`the multimedia presentation. The solution to keeping track of a presentation is
`to store information only about changes during a presentation.
`Interaction Capabilities: One of the main features of a presentation on the
`client's site is the user interaction in the course of a presentation. Interactions
`are treated and modeled as normal media.
`Coarse and Fine Synchronization: Timing requirements are subdivided into
`fine and coarse synchronization. The coarse synchronization ensures that the
`time line representation of the presentation is put into action. Coarse synchro-
`nization relies on the mere schedule of the presentation stored in the description.
`The fine synchronization, however, obeys the maximum permissible deviation
`from reference media.
`Presentation Parameters: Initial settings such as playback volume for an
`audio, the playback speed of a video, and the like, are modeled.
`A presentation is composed on a high definition level using a definition tool such
`as HyTime [IS092]. The script-like description of the presentation is transferred
`from the MM-DBMS semer to the client, is interpreted there, and the presentation
`Page 26 of 107


`2.2 AMOS Multimedia DBMS at GMD-PSI
`is shown to the user as desired. The interpreting component at the client manages
`the preparation, startup and termination of the individual media presentations that
`belong to the integrated multimedia presentation.
`The architecture of the AMOS MM-DBMS is shown in Figure 2.2 [RKN96]. The
`VODAK DBMS [AUG95], which was also developed at GMD-IPSI, is used for the
`modeling and storage of discrete data. Thus, data types of the VODAK Modeling
`language (VML) are exchanged between client and server. The main tasks a t the
`server are data storage, scheduling, and cont inuous ob ject management (CO hil) , which
`uses extemal media servers for storage. This architecture enables easy integration of
`specific hardware such as real-time servers, tape or magneto-optical jukeboxes, and
`CD-ROM devices. The Continuous Transport Manager (CTM) enables access to
`Internet protocols as well as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM).
`The "Spatial, Temporal and Interaction Script" Interpreter (STI) interprets the
`time line-based scripts (as generated from a VML schema) and triggers the Multi-
`media Playout Manager (MPM). This module is responsible for the handling of the
`client's environment, the synchronized playback, and the scheduling of concurrent
`requests. The MPM controls single media presenters (SPMs) which are implemented
`by utilizing libraries available for the client's platform, for example, a virtual audio
`device, a motion JPEG player, and an animation tool. -4 SPM get its data from
`the COM. When the application asks for time-dependent data, this request is sent to
`Page 27 of 107


`Continuws Transp. Mgr. 1
`1 VODAK remote API
`; 1 Continuous Data
`1 l
`Controt Data
`VML SchemdApplication
`Figure 2.2: Architecture of the AMOS MM-DBMS
`the VODAK DBMS via the VODAK remote API. Time-dependent data are sent via
`COM to the application. The COM initiates asychronous replacement and loading
`of distributed continuous data and adaptation in case of semer and network delays.
`In contrast to traditional object managers, the delivery of data like audio and
`video is "just in time". Object management enables an application to access data by
`loading these objects from disk into a main memory buffer and by replacing objects
`no longer needed. Updated objects are written back to disk. In a client/server based
`Page 28 of 107


`2.3 Least/Most Relevant for Presentation
`environment, objects must be transported in addition to the main memory of the
`requesting client. Because of their large volume, time-dependent data cannot be
`entirely loaded into the buffer. These objects are therefore decomposed into small
`blocks (for example audio sequences, frames) which are loaded and replaced in the
`buffer. Loading and replacement of objects is done by a strategy, called Least/Most
`Relevant for Presentation (L/MRP) [MKK95] which is explained in more detail in
`next section.
`2.3 Least /Most Relevant for Presentation
`Least/Most Relevant for Presentation (L/MRP) is a buffer management strategy that
`considers specific requirements such as continuity of presentations and immediate
`continuation of presentations after frequent user interactions. It is especially sui table
`for supporting highly interactive multimedia presentation.
`To explain the general idea of L/MRP, we use the presentation snapshot illus-
`trated in Figure 2.3. Since the continuous objects are too large to be stored in the
`client buffer as a whole, they are segmented into a sequence of manipulation units,
`called Continuous O bject Presentation Units (COPU). Single COPUs are requested
`continuously by the buffer manager. Al1 COPUs of a continuous object are indexed
`from O to ri-1, where n denotes the total number of COPUs. We denote the direction
`and skip parameter of a presentation by a single signed skip value. A positive value
`Page 29 of 107


`indicates the fonvard direction and a negative value indicates the backward direction.
`The absolute value of the skip value denotes the number of COPUs to be skipped. In
`Figure 2.3, the skip value is +2 which means the presentation rnoves forward and one
`of every two frames are skipped. We can also identih three different COPU types
`in Figure 2.3: COPUs located in the reverse direction (History), COPUs to be refer-
`enced in future (Referenced) and COPUs to be skipped because the absolute value of
`the skip value is great than one (Skip). LIEVIRP introduces the notion of a relevance
`function that assigns a value to every element of a set denoting its significance for
`replacement and preloading. L/MRP makes use of the relevance values in the way
`that least relevant COPUs are replaced and most relevant COPUs will be preloaded.
`The relevance value of a COPU also depends on specific presentation parameters like
`the number of the currently presented COPUs.
`current presentation
`point p
`presentation direction -
`COPU in reverse
`COPU to be
`Figure 2.3: Example state of a data flow
`Figure 2.4 shows the sets of History, Referenced and Skip COPUs for the given
`presentation point (508) and a skip value of +2. Each COPU, identified by the
`index on the x-axis, is associated with a relevance value refiecting the importance of
`Page 30 of 107


`2.3 Least/Most Relevant for Presentation
`the COPU with respect to the specific interaction set. Let us assume that due to
`some previous ongoing presentations, the COPUs with underlined numbers are in the
`buffer. The least relevant COPUs, that is the COPUs with the lowest relevance value,
`a t this moment are 527, 525, 523, 528, 521,500, 526, etc.. Thus, the next replacement
`candidates are 527, 523, 500, etc.. The most relevant COPUs for presentation are
`508, 510, 512, 514, etc.. Thus, the next preloaded COPUs will be 510, 514, etc..
`4 a a a
`0 : .
`u I
`m -
`0 History
`O Skip
`Figure 2.4: .4n example of interaction sets with relevance values
`2.3.1 A General Mode1
`Let CO (continuous object) denote the sequence of al1 COPUs that constitute a
`continuous object. An element ci, i = O,. . . , ICOI - 1, denotes the COPU with index
`i within the continuous object CO. The state of a presentation is characterized by a
`Page 31 of 107


`tuple s =< p, skip >, with p E {O,. . . , ICOI - 1) denoting the index of the COPü
`at the current presentation point and skip E 2, skip # O, denoting the skip value.
`COPUs are related to one or more interaction sets A,. Each set A, has an associated
`criteria that is used to decide whether or not a COPU belongs to the set at a specific
`point of a presentation, and to specify the relevance value of the COPU with respect
`to S. Hence, an interaction set A, is defined as a binary relation relating a COPU to a
`relevance value. For example the interaction set Re f erenced, with s =< 508, +2 >.
`as visualized in Figure 2.4, is:
`To denote the relevance of a COPU within a given interaction set A,, a distance
`relevance junction d.,
`is defined. The domain of a distance relevance function is
`relative distance of individual COP Us to the current presentation point. Function
`d,, map distances to values in [O, 11:
`(2) is the relevance value of a COPU with distance i to any possible presectation
`point p. The distance relevance values describe the degree of importance to keep
`COPUs in buffer. For example, the distance function &R,,,R,,,,,
`for al1 future
`referenced COPUs describes the degree of importance to keep specific COPUs in the
`buffer because of the high probability to be accessed in the current presentation. X
`Page 32 of 107


`2.3 LeadMost Relevant for Preseztation
`distance relevaace function value of 1 means that the COPU is most relevant for
`presentation, and, hence, is not to be considered as a candidate for replacement, but
`has to be preloaded by L/MRP, if necessa-
`The formal definition of the interaction set As for a presentation state s is:
`A, = {((cj, dr, (i)) lcj E CO, j = g ( i , '11
`2 E NO)
`The index j of a COPU to be considered in A, is determined by a function g which
`depends on the dis

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