Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`‘$342795 ~ GAL}: 2453
`Exhibit 138, Schu|zrinne‘vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patent2
`Exhibit 149, Atkinson‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 150, Atkinson'vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 151, Atkinson‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patentz
`- D465
`Exhibit152, Atkinson‘vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 153, Atkinson‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 154, Atkinson1vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit 155, Marine‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent’
`- D469
`- D470
`Exhibit 156, Marino‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 157, Marino1vs. Claims of the ‘18O Patentz
`Exhibit 158, Marino' vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 159, Marino‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`- D473
`Exhibit 160, Marino‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit 161, Aziz ('646)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit 162, Wesinger‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 751
`Arwnn mam
`Examiner Name
`jm °°°"e‘ “""‘°e'
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 751


`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Subst. for fonn 1449/PTO
`APP"°a“°“ ““”‘°°'
`F‘“"9 We
`First Named Inventor
`A” U“‘‘ :_
`E"a'“‘“°' Name
`-— Docket Number
`‘$342795 ~ GAL}: 2453
`Exhibit 163,Wesinger‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 164, Wesinger‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patentz
`Exhibit 165, Wesinger‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 166, Wesinger‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 167, wesinger‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit 168, Aziz (‘234)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 169, Aziz C234)‘ vs. Claims of the '1 51 Patent”
`Exhibit 170, Aziz (‘234)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patent?
`Exhibit 171, Aziz (‘234)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 172, Aziz C234)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 173, Aziz c234)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patent”
`Exhibit 174, Schneider‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patent”
`Exhibit 175, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 176, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 177, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patentz
`Exhibit 178, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 179, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 180, RFC 2401 in Combination with U.S. Patent No. 6,496,867‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180
`Exhibit 181, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 182, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 183, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patentz
`Exhibit 184, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 185, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 186, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit 187, AutoSOCKS v2.1‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 188, AutoSOCKS v2.1‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 752
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 752


`Subst. for fonn 1449/PTO
`33342795 ~ GAL]: 2453
`Comp|ete if Known
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`First Named Inventor
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Victor Larson
`Krisna Lim
`:- °°°“°‘““'“°°'
`Exhibit 189, AutoSOCKS v2.1 Administrator's Guide‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patent’
`Exhibit 190, AutoSOCKS‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit 191, Aventail Connect 3.01/2.51‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent’
`Exhibit 192, Aventail Connect v3.01/2.51‘vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 193, Aventail Connect 3.01/2.51‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patentz
`Exhibit 194, Aventail Connect 3.01/2.51‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit 195, Aventail Connect 3.1/2.6 Administrator's Guide‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 196, Aventail Connect 3.1/2.6 Administrator's Guide‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 197, Aventail Connect 3.1/2.6‘ vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patentz
`Exhibit 198, Aventail Connect 3.1/2.6‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patent’
`Exhibit2199, BinGO! User's User's Guide/Extended Features Reference‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151

`Exhibit2200, BinGO! User's User's Guide/Extended Features Reference‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135
`Exhibit 201, BinGO! vs. Claims of the ‘180 Patentz
`Exhibit 202, BinGO! vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patentz
`Exhibit2203, Broadband Forum Technical Report TR-025 (Issue 1.0/5.0)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135
`Exhibit 204, Domain Name System (DNS) Security‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 205, Domain Name System (DNS) Security‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 206, RFC 2230, Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211
`xhibit2207, RFC 2230, Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504
`Exhibit 208? RFC 2538, Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS)‘ vs. Claims of the
`‘211 Paten
`atent D521
`Exhibit 209t§RFC 2538, Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS)‘ vs. Claims of the
`‘504 Paten
`Exhibit 210, IETF RFC 2065: Domain Name System Security Extensions; Published January 1997‘
`vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 753
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 753


`$342755 ~ GAL}: 2453
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named inventor
`Art Unit
`vmtor Larson
`Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Examiner Name
`Krisna Lim
`Exhibit 211, IETF RFC 2065: Domain Name System Security Extensions; Published January 1997'
`vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 212, RFC 2486, RFC 2661, RFC 2401, and Internet-Draft, "Secure Remote Access with
`L2TP"' vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 213, u.s. Patent No. 7,100,195 in Combination with RFC 2401 and u.s. Patent No.
`6,496,867‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 214, U.S. Patent No. 7,100,195 in Combination with RFC 2401 and U.S. Patent No.
`6,496,867‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`- D528
`- D529
`Exhibit 215, U.S. Patent No. 6,643,701‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 216, U.S. Patent No. 6,643,701'vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patent2
`Exhibitt2217, U.S. Patent No. 6,496,867 in Combination with RFC 2401' vs. Claims of the ‘151
`Exhibit218, U.S. Patent No. 6,496,867 in Combination with RFC24011 vs. Claimsofthe '135 -
`Exhibit 219, U.S. Patent No. 6,496,867‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 220, u.s. Patent No. 6,496,867‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 221, RFC 2486, RFC 2661, RFC 2401, and Internet-Draft, “Secure Remote Access with
`L2TP”' vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patentz
`Exhibit 222, U.S. Patent No. 6,557,037‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 223, U.S. Patent No. 6,557,037‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibittz224, RFC 2230, Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135
`Exhibit2225, RFC 2230, Key Exchange Delegation Recordforthe DNS1 vs. Claims ofthe ‘151 -
`Exhibit Cisco-1, Cisco’s Prior Art Systems‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent
`Exhibit Cisco-2, Cisco’s Prior Art Systems‘ vs. Claims of the ‘151 Patent
`Exhibit Cisco-3, Cisco’s Prior Art Systems‘ vs. Claims of the '180 Patent
`Exhibit Cisco—4, Cisco’s Prior Art Systems‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent
`Exhibit Cisco-5, Cisco’s Prior Art Systems‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent
`Exhibit Cisco-6, Cisco’s Prior Art Systems‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patent
`Exhibit Cisco-7, Cisco’s Prior Art PIX System‘ vs. Claims of the ‘759 Patent
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 754
`- D539
`- D540
`- D541
`- D542
`- D543
`- D544
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 754


`'i33427Q5 ~ GAD: 2453
`Complete if Known
`Filing Date
`First Named
`Am 5
`Subst. for fonn 1449IPTO
`522?. ,.f§'.’.'§’.L,'.°..f§.'§I.............,,,
`Exhibit B: Certificate of Service to Request For Inter Partes Reexamination Under 35 U.S.C. § 311 -
`(Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Exhibit B: Certificate of Service to Request For lnter Partes Reexamination Under 35 U.S.C. § 311
`(Patent No. 7,490,151)
`- D550
`Exhibit B-1: File History ofU.S. Patent6,502,135
`Exhibit 8-2: Reexamination Record No. 95/001,269
`Exhibit C1: Claim Chart —Aventail Connect v3.1 (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Exhibit C2: Claim Chart Aventail Connect V3.01 (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Exhibit C-1: Copy of U.S. Patent No. 7,010,604
`Exhibit C2: Claim Chart Aventail Autosocks (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Exhibit C1: Claim Chart Aventail Connect v3.01 (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Exhibit C-2: Provisional Application 60/106,261
`Exhibit C3: Claim Chart Aventail AutoSOCKS (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Exhibit C3: Claim Chart BinGO (Patent No. 7,490 151)
`Exhibit C-3 Provisional Application 60/137,704
`Exhibit C4: Claim Chart Wang (Patent No 6 502 135)
`ExhibitC‘/1 Claim Chart Beser(Patent No 7,490,151)
`Exhibit C5: Claim Chart Beser (Patent No 6502135)
`Exhibit C5: Claim Chart Wang (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Exhibit C6: Claim Chart BinGO (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Exhibit D. Memorandum Opinion In VIrnetX v. Microsoft.
`I D545
`Exhibit D-1: Takahiro Kiuchi and Shigekoto Kaihara, “C-HTTP — The Development of a Secure,
`Closed HPPT-Based Network on the Internet," Published in the Proceedings of SNDSS 1996.
`Exhibit D-10: D.E. Denning and G.M. Sacco, “Time-stamps in Key Distribution Protocols,"
`Communications of the ACM, Vol. 24, N.8, pp. 533-536. August 1981.
`Exhibit D-11: C.l. Dalton and J.F. Griffin, "Applying Military Grade Security to the lntemet,”
`Proceedings of the 8th Joint European Networking Conference (JENC 8), (May 12-15 1997).
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 755
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 755


`Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`13342795 ~ GAU: 2453
`Complete if Known
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`vwtor Larson
`Krisna Lim
`77580-1 55(VRN K-1 CP3CN FT5)
`Exhibit D-12: Steven M. Bellovin and Michael Merritt, "Encrypted Key Exchange: Password-Based
`protocols Secure against Dictionary Attacks," 1992 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
`Docket Number
`Exhibit D-2: Copy of U.S. Pat. No. 5,898,830
`Exhibit D-3: Eduardo Solana and Jurgen Harms, “Flexible Internet Secure Transactions Based on
`U)moC 2
`5 0'9m‘.1’<as Uo 3 E’ :35”
`oE"(D 3'o '0 _. to to.“ '0 "C
`-2' 3?o3§ (7
`onT‘or —L
`Exhibit D—4: Copy of U.S. Pat. No. 6,119,234
`Exhibit D-5: Jeff Sedayao, “’Mosaic Will Kill My Network!’ — Studying Network Traffic Patterns of
`Mosaic Use,” in Electron. Proc. 2nd World Wide Web Conf.’94: Mosaic and the Web, Chicago, IL,
`Oct. 1994.
`Exhibit D-6: M. Luby Juels and R. Ostrovsky, "Security of Blind Digital Signatures,” Crypto '97,
`LNCS 1294, pages 150-164, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.
`Exhibit D-8: David M. Martin, “A Framework for Local Anonymity in the lntemet," Technical Report.
`Boston University, Boston, MA, USA (Feb 21, 1998).
`Exhibit D-9: Copy of U.S. Pat. No. 7,764,231
`Exhibit E-1: Claim Charts Applying Kiuchi and Other References to Claims of the ‘135 Patent.
`Exhibit E1: Declaration of Chris Hopen (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Exhibit E1: Declaration of Chris Hopen (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Exhibit E-2: Claim Charts Applying Wesinger and Other References to Claims of the ‘135 Patent.
`Exhibit E2: Declaration of Michael Fratto (Patent No.6,502,135)
`Exhibit E2: Declaration of Michael Fratto (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Exhibit E-3: Claim Charts Applying Solana and Other References to Claims of the ‘135 Patent.
`Exhibit E3: Declaration of James Chester (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Exhibit E3: Declaration of James Chester (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Exhibit E-4: Claim Charts Applying Aziz and Other References to Claims of the ‘135 Patent.
`Exhibit X1: Aventail Connect Administrator’s Guide v3.1/v2.6., PP 1-20 (1996-1999)
`Exhibit X10: Copy of U.S. Patent No. 4,885,778
`Exhibit X11: Copy of U.S. Patent No. 6,615,357
`Exhibit X2: Aventail Connect Administrator’s Guide V3.01/v2.51., PP 1-116 (1996-1999)
`Exhibit X3: Aventail AutoSOCKS Administration & User's Guide v2.1., PP 1-70 (1996-1999)
`Exhibit X4: Reed et al., “Proxies for Anonymous Routine," 12th Annuary Computer Security
`Applications Conference, San Diego, CA, December -9-13, pp 1-10 (1996).
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 756
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 756


`i334i~2'I/"95 ~ GAL}: 2453
` Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`F"$‘Na'“e° '"Ve"*°'
`A“ U"‘‘
`Examiner Name
`Docket Number
`Exhibit X5: Wang, The Broadband Forum Technical Report, "TR-025 — Core Network Architecture
`Recommendations for Access to Legacy Data Networks over ADSL," lssue 1.0: pp. 1-24 , v1.0
`- D595
`ExhibitX6: Copy ofU.S. Patent No. 6,496,867
`Exhibit X7: BinGO! User's Guide incorporating by Reference BinGO! Extended Feature Reference.
`Exhibit X7: Kent et al., “Security Architecture for the lntemet Protocol, “ Network Working Group
`Request for Comments (RFC) 2401, pp 1-70 (1998).
`Exhibit X8: Copy of U.S. Patent No. 6,182,141
`Exhibit X9: BinGO! User’s Guide v1.6 (1999).
`Exhibit Y1: Aventail Extranet Server 3.0 Administrator's Guide.
`Exhibit Y10: Hanks, S., et al., RFC1701, “Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)," 1994, Is
`Accessbile at
`- D602
`ExhibitY10: Socolofsky, T. et al., RFC 1180, “A TCP/IP Tutoria|," January 1991.
`ExhibitY11: Simpson, W., editor, RFC 1661, “The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)," July 1994.
` D509
`Exhibit Y1 1: Simpson, W., RFC1994, “PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP),"
`Exhibit Y12: Meyer, G., RFC 1968, “The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP)," June 1996.
`D606- Protocol DatagramsoverPoint-To-Point Links," 1990, IsAccessibleat
`- D505
`Exhibit Y12: Perkins, D., RFC1171, “The Point-To-Point Protocol for the Transmission of Multi-
`Exhibit Y13: Kummert, H., RFC 2420, “The PPP Triple-DES Encryption Protocol (3DESE),"
`September, 1998.
`ExhibitY14: Townsley, W.M., et al., RFC 2661, “Layer Two Tunneling Protocol ‘L2TP‘," August
`Exhibit Y15: Pall, G.S., RFC 2118, “Microsoft Point-To-Point Encryption (MPPE) Protocol," March
`-M Exhibit Y16: Gross, (3., et al., RFC 2364, “PPP Over AAL5,” July 1998.
`Exhibit Y17: Srisuresh, P., RFC 2663, ‘‘IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and
`Considerations," August 1999.
`Exhibit Y18: Heinanen, J., RFC 1483, “Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5,"
`July 1993.
`ExhibitY2: Goldschlag etal., “Hiding Routing Infonnation" (1996).
`- D513
`-M Exhibit Y3: Copy of u.s. Patent No. 5,950,519
`Exhibit Y4: Ferguson, P. and Huston, G., “What Is a VPN", The Internet Protocol Journal, Vol 1.,
`No. 1 (June 1998 (“Ferguson”).
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 757
`Exhibit Y5: Mockapetris, P., RFC 1034, "Domain Names — Concepts and Facilities," November
`1987 (“RFC1034").
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 757


`Subst. for fonn 1449/PTO
`F322 ..{§',°..'§’..5'§..'§F.‘I........s...,,
`Complete if Known
`~ 7. .. .. 2453
`Examiner Name
`Docket Number
`Krisna Lim
`Exhibit Y6: Mockapetris, P., RFC 1035, “Domain Names — Implementation and Specification,"
`November 1987 (“RFC1035").
`Version 1," 1991.
`Exhibit Y8: Woodburn, R.A., et aI., RFC1241, “A Scheme for an Internet Encapsulation Protocol:
`Exhibit Y9: Simpson, W., RFC1853, ‘‘IP in IP Tunneling," 1995, Is Accessible at
`Form PTO/SB/42, Listing Each Patent and Printed Publication Relied Upon to Provide a Substantial
`New Question of Patentability (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Form PTO/SB/42, Listing Each Patent and Printed Publication Relied Upon to Provide a Substantial
`New Question of Patentability (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`- D624 Request forlnter Partes Reexamination (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`- D625 Request for Inter Partes Reexamination Transmittal Form (PTO/SB/58) (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`D626 Request for Inter Partes Reexamination Transmittal Form (PTO/SB/58) (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`D627 Request for Inter Partes Reexamination Under 35 U.S.C. § 311 (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`D623 Request for Inter Partes Reexamination Under 35 U.S.C. § 311 (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Transmittal Letter (Patent No. 6,502,135)
`Transmittal Letter (Patent No. 7,490,151)
`Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`Exhibit A: Agreed Upon Terms; P.R. 4-3 Joint Claims Construction and Prehearing Statement
`Exhibit B: Disputed Claim Terms; P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`Exhibit C: \/irnetX's Proposed Construction of Claim Terms and Supporting Evidence
`Exhibit D; Defendants‘ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Support; P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and
`Prehearing Statement
`File History ofU.S. Patent 6,839,759
`Exhibit 8-4; VirnetX, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., Case No. 6:07-cv-80, Microsoft's Motion for Partial
`Summary Judgment of Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,839,759 (E.D. Tex. Dec. 18, 2009)
`- D634
`- D536
`Exhibit D-2; Kent et aI., "Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol," lntemet Engineering Task
`Force, Internet Draft, (Feb. 1998)
`ExhibitD-3;Azizetal., U.S. Patent5,548,646toAzizetaI.,“SystemforSignaturelessTransmission -
`and Reception of Data Packets Between Computer Networks," Filed Sept. 15, 1994 and issued Aug. 20. 1996
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 758
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 758


`13342795 ~ GAU: 2453
`Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`F*""9 Date
`First Named Inventor
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`A" U"" SW
`Applications on a Computer on an as needed basis, Filed on October 28, 1996 and Issued
`September 28, 1999
`Exhibit D-8; Barlow; U.S. Patent 5,204,961 to Barlow, “Computer Network Operating with Multilevel
`Hierarchical Security with Selectable Common Trust Realms and Corresponding Security
`Protocols," Filed on June 25, 1990 and Issued April 20, 1993
`Exhibit D-12; RFC 1122, Braden, "Requirements for Internet Hosts — Communication Layers," RFC
`1122 (Oct. 1989)
`Exhibit D-13; RFC 791; Information Sciences Institute, “Internet Protocol," DARPA Internet Program
`Specification RFC 791 (Sept. 1981)
`Exhibit D-14; Caronni et aI., “SKIP — Securing the Internet," 5th International Workshops on
`Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE '96) (June 19-21,
`Exhibit D-15; Maughan et aI., “Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
`(ISAKMP), " IPSEC Work Group Draft (July 26, 1997)
`- D545
`‘ D547
`- D545
`Exhibit E-1; Claim Charts Applying Kiuchi as a Primary Reference to the ‘759 Patent.
`Exhibit E-2; Claim Charts Applying Kent as a Primary Reference to the ‘759 Patent
`Exhibit E-3; Claim Charts Applying Aziz as a Primary Reference to the ‘759 Patent
`Exhibit E-4; Claim Charts Applying Kent in view of Caronni as a Primary Combination of References
`to the ‘759 Patent
`Exhibit D-5; Edwards et al., “High Security Web Servers and Gateways," Computer Networks and
`ISDN System 29, pages 927-938 (Sept. 1997)
`- D551
`- D552
`‘ D553
`‘ D554
`- D555
`Exhibit D-10; Lee et al., “Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.0," RFC 1945 (May 1996)
`Exhibit E-3; Claim Charts Applying Blum to Claims of the ‘151 Patent
`Exhibit B-1, File History of u.s. Patent 7,490,151
`Exhibit E-1, Claim Charts Applying Kiuchi, and Kiuchi and Martin to Claims of the ‘151 Patent
`Exhibit E-2, Claim Charts Applying Wesinger, and Wesinger and Martin to Claims of the ‘151 Patent
`Exhibit E-4, Claim Charts Applying Aziz and Edwards, and Aziz, Edwards, and Martin to Claims of
`the ‘151 Patent
`Exhibit E-6, Claim Charts Applying Wesinger and Edwards, and Wesinger, Edwards, and Martin to
`Claims of the ‘151 Patent
`- D555 Virnetx Inc., V. Mitel Networks Corp.; Defendants’ Joint Invalidity Contentions
`‘ D559
`Exhibit 37, RFC 2661' vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`- D555
`Exhibit 38, RFC 2661‘ vs. Claims of the '211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 39. RFC 2661‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 40, SecureConnect' vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 759
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 759


`Application Number
`Filing Date
`Complete if Known
`'i33427Q5 ~ GAL]: 2453
`Am E
`Subsl. for form 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`- D664
`- D666
`Exhibit41, SecureConnect‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 42, SecureConnect‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 43, SFS-HTTP‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent2
`Exhibit 44, SFS-HTTP‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`- D667
`- D666
`Exhibit 45, SFS-HTTP‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent2
`Exhibit 46, us 663‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent2
`Exhibit 47, us 663‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 48, us 663‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 49, chuah‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 50, chuah‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`- D676
`‘ D674
`Exhibit51, chuah‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent2
`Exhibit 52, u.s. 646‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent2
`Exhibit 53, u.s. 646‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`--I D
`Exhibit 61, Prestige 128 Pius‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent2
`- D661
`Exhibit 62, Prestige 128 Plus‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 63, Prestige 128 Plus‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 64, RFC 24011 vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`‘ D664
`‘ D666
`- D666
`Exhibit 65, RFC 2401‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 66, RFC 2401‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 67, us 072‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 68, RFC 2466‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 69, RFC 2486‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 760
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 760


`Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`33342795 ~ GAL}: 2453
`comp|ete if Known
`Victor Larson
`Krisna Lim
`First Named inventor
`An Unit
`Examiner Name
`Docket Number
`Exhibit 70 Understanding lPSec' vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 71, Understanding iPsec‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`- Exhibit 72, Understanding iPsec‘ vs. Claims of the 504 Patent 2
`- Exhibit 73, us ‘8201vs. Claims of the '135 Patent 2
`- Exhibit 74, us 920‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`_ Exhibit 75, us ‘8201 vs. Claims of the 504 Patent 2
`‘ Exhibit 76, us 'o19‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 77, us ‘o19‘vs. Claims of the 504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 78, US ‘0491 vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 79, us 'o49‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 80, US ‘0491 vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`- D700
`Exhibit81, us '74e‘vs. Claims ofthe ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 82, US '261‘ vs. Claims of the *135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 83, us ‘261‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 84, US ‘2611 vs. Claims of the '504 Patent 2
`N3Nfl rnXE E.. on3” C (D 05 N —I <9’ Q9. 3U) o—N
`NoonE [TI XE E.. on5° C (/7 0'5 V N <.0’ Q9.3to o—N ..:- cu Q N N ' 3..
`..2'at _I 0) U1
`Exhibit 90, US '671' vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`G N _L $- Exhibit 91, JP 704‘ vs. Claims of the '135 Patent 2
`U N _L _L
`Exhibit 92, JP 704‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 93, JP 704‘ vs. Claims of the 504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 94, GB 941‘ vs. Claims of the '135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 95, GB '841‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 761
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 761


`‘$342795 ~ GAL}: 2453
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`Arwni T
`‘ Exhibit 96, GB ‘341‘vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 97, us ‘318‘ vs. Claims of the '135 Patent 2
`- D717
`- D718
`Exhibit 98, US '318‘vs. Claims ofthe ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 99, US '318‘ vs. Claims ofthe ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 100, VPNNLAN1vs. claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 101, Nikkei‘ vs. claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 102, Nikkei1vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 103, Nikkei‘ vs. claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 104, Special Anthology‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 106-A, Gauntlet System‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 110-A, Gauntlet System‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`--- D
`Exhibit 121, Altiga VPN system‘ vs. claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 124, Kiuchi‘ vs. claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 123, Kiuchi‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 137, schulzrinne‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 137, Schulzrinne‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 (Final) Patent 2
`Exhibit 140, Schulzrinne‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 141, Schu|zrinne1vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 143, Solana1vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 762
`Subst. for form 1449lPTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 762


`Subst. for form 1449/pro
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`$342795 ~ GAL}: 2453
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named lnventor
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Complete if Known
`Victor Larson
`Krisna Lim
`Exhibit 146, Solana‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 147, Solana‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 155, Marino‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 158, Marino‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 159, Marino‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 168, Aziz‘ vs. Claims of the '135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 171, U.S. '234‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent2
`Exhibit 172, Aziz‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 175, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 178, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 179, Valencia‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 181, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 134, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2
`Exhibit 135, Davison‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 200, BinGO! User's Guide/Extended Features Reference‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`Exhibit 203, Broadband Forum Technical Report TR-025 (Issue 1.0/5.0)‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135
`Patent 2
`Exhibit 206, RFC 2230, Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211
`Patent 2
`Exhibit2207, RFC 2230, Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504
`Exhibit 208, RFC 2538, Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS)‘ vs. Claims of the
`‘211 Patent2
`Exhibit 209, RFC 2538, Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS)‘ vs. Claims of the
`‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 212, RFC 2486, RFC 2661, RFC 2401 and lntemet-Draft, “Secure Remote Access with
`L2TP" vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2
`2Exhibit 218, U.S. Patent No. 6,496,867 in combination with RFC 2401" vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent
`Exhibit 219, U.S. Patent No. 6,496,867‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent2
`Exhibit 220, U.S. Patent No. 6,496,867‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 222, U.S. Patent No. 6,557,037‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2 D765
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 763
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 763


`Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`‘$342795 ~ GAL}: 2453
`APP"°a“°" ”“'"be'
`"‘"“9 We
`First Named lnventor
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`A“ U“‘‘ E_
`E"a'“‘“e' Name
`Docket Number
` D755
`Exhibit 223, U.S. Patent No. 6,557,037‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2
`Exhibit 224, RFC 2230, Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 -
`Patent 2
`Exhibit 228, u.s. 588‘ vs. Claims of the '21 1 Patent 2 (Final)
`Exhibit 229, u.s. 588‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent 2 (Final)
`Exhibit 230, Microsoft VPN1 vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patent 2 (Final)
`Exhibit 231, Microsoft VPN1 vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent 2 (Final)
`Exhibit XX, Microsoft VPN' vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit Cisco-1, Cisco's Prior Art System‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit Cisco-4, Cisco's Prior Art System‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit Cisco-5, Cisco's Prior Art System‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 225, us '03?‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 226, ITU-T Standardization Activities‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 227, us ‘393‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 233, The Miller Application‘ vs. Claim 13 of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 234, Aventail Connect 3.1/2.6 Administrator's Guide (“Aventail Connect")‘ vs. Claims of the
`‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 235, Microsoft VPN1 vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Claims of the ‘211 Patentz
`Exhibit 1, IETF RFC 2065: Domain Name System Security Extensions; published January 19971vs.
`Exhibit 2, IETF RFC 2065: Domain Name System Security Extensions; published January 1997‘ vs.
`Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 3, RFC 2543‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 4, RFC 2543‘ vs. Claims of the '211 Patentz
`Exhibit 5, RFC 2543‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patent’
`Exhibit 6, SIP Draft v.2‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Exhibit 7, SIP Draft v.2‘ vs. Claims of the ‘211 Patent’
`Exhibit 8, SIP Draft v.2‘ vs. Claims of the ‘504 Patentz
`Exhibit 9, H.323‘ vs. Claims of the ‘135 Patentz
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1051, p. 764
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1051, p. 764


`‘i 34~27Q5 ~ GAL}: 2453
`F'”“9 Dam
`First Named lnventor
`A” U"‘‘
`Docket Number
`Subst. for form 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`- D799
`I D794
`- D795
`- D799
`- D797
`' D799
`- D799
`K D999
`I D991
`- D992

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