`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, Cover
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, Cover


`In re Patent No. 7,490,151
`In re Patent No. 7,490,151
`Munger et al.
`Filed: September 30, 2002
`Group Art Unit:
`Not assigned.
`Confirmation No.2
`1, CHRIS HOPEN, do hereby declare and state:
`I am a citizen of the United States, and reside in 19805 15"’ Avenue NW, Shoreline,
`I am presently the Chief Executive Officer of HomePipe Networks, Inc., based in Seattle,
`Prior to HomePipe, I was affiliated with Aventail, Inc., until that company was acquired
`by SonicWall, Inc. in 2007.
`I helped co-found Aventail in 1996, and served as its Chief
`Technical Officer and Vice-President of Engineering from 1996 to 2007.
`While I was affiliated with Aventail, I was involved in the design, development and
`distribution of all of Aventail’s network security products.
`In 1997, Aventail released a set of SOCKS v5 compliant VPN software products
`including AutoSOCKS, MobileVPN and PartnerVPN. AutoSOCKS was a client-based
`software product that ran on user’s computers, while Mobile VPN and Partner VPN were
`server-based products.
`When paired with Aventail MobileVPN or PartnerVPN server products, Aventail
`AutoSOCKS would automatically establish a VPN to give the remote user access to
`secured network resources on a private network. The AutoSOCKS client and the server
`would automatically authenticate the remote user and encrypt all communications with
`the remote user.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 1
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 1


`In re Patent No. 7,490,151
`Version 2.1 of the AutoSOCKS product was publicly distributed in the summer of 1997.
`Exhibit A is a copy of a May 2, 1997 Aventail press release announcing the AutoSOCKS,
`MobileVPN and PartnerVPN products. Exhibit B is a copy of a June 23, 1997 article in
`InfoWorld reviewing the AutoSOCKS v2.1 and MobileVPN v2.0 products.
`Aventail included printed manuals with the software packages that it distributed. Exhibit
`Cis a copy of the Aventail AutoSOCKS v2.1 Administrator’s Guide that was distributed
`with the AutoSOCKS v2.1 software. This document was distributed without any
`confidentiality restrictions.
`I estimate that thousands of copies of the Aventail AutoSOCKS v2.1 software that
`included the AutoSOCKS v2.1 Administrator’s Guide were distributed to customers
`during 1997 and 1998.
`In the fall of 1998, Aventail announced a product called the Aventail Extranet Center
`(“AEC”). Exhibit D is a copy of an October 12, 1998 Aventail press release announcing
`the Aventail Extranet Center product.
`The AEC product had three components: (i) the Extranet Server (which resided and ran
`on a server), (ii) the Aventail Management Server and Config Tool (which was used to
`configure server and client installations), and (iii) the Aventail Connect client software
`(which resided and ran on client computers).
`Like the earlier Aventail VPN solution, Aventail Connect would, when paired with the
`Extranet Server, automatically establish a VPN between a remote user and a private
`network to give the remote user access to secured network resources on a private
`network. The Aventail Connect client and the Extranet Server would automatically
`authenticate the remote user and encrypt all communications with the remote user.
`The initial release version of the AEC product was version 3.0. The AEC v3.0 product
`included version 3.01/2.51 of Aventail Connect and version 3.0 of the Aventail Extranet
`The AEC v3.0 product with its client and server components was publicly distributed
`during no later than Januaryof 1999.
`Exhibit E is a copy of the Aventail Connect v3.01/2.51 Administrator’s Guide that was
`distributed with the Aventail Connect v3.01/2.51 software. Exhibit F is a copy of the
`Aventail Extranet Server v3.0 Administrator’s Guide that was distributed with the
`Aventail Extranet Server software. Both of these documents were distributed without
`any confidentiality restrictions.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 2


`In re Patent No. 7,490,151
`I estimate that Aventail distributed thousands of copies of the AEC V3.0 product
`(including the Administrator Guides for Aventail Connect and Extranet Center) during
`the first six months of 1999.
`Aventail announced Version 3.1 of the Aventail Extranet Center product in May of 1999.
`This Version of AEC included Aventail Extranet Server V3.1 and Aventail Connect
`V3.1/V2.6. Exhibit G is a May 26, 1999 Aventail press release announcing the AEC V3.1
`product. Exhibit H is copy of an August 9, 1999 Aventail press release reporting that
`Aventail had begun shipping the AEC V3.1 product to customers.
`I recall that Aventail began distributing the AEC V3.1 product to its larger customers in
`June and July of 1999. Two such customers that I recall having received the AEC V3.1
`product in June or July of 1999 were IBM and Morgan Stanley.
`Exhibit I is a copy of the Administrator’s Guide for the Aventail Connect V3.1/V2.6
`product that was distributed with the Aventail Connect V3.1/V2.6 client software. This
`document was distributed without any confidentiality restrictions.
`Aventail customers were not required to accept any obligations limiting their ability to
`use or disseminate the information contained in or associated with the AutoSOCKS V2.1
`product, the Aventail Connect 3.01/2.51 product or the AEC V3.1 product, or the printed
`materials that accompanied each of these products.
`I recall that between April and May of 1999, Aventail distributed pre-release Versions of
`the AEC V3.1 product to organizations that conduct and report on the testing of network
`security products.
`I recall that Michael Fratto of Network World was one of the
`individuals who received a copy of the pre-release Version of AEC V3.1 for testing and
`review between April and June of 1999. Mr. Fratto’s review of the pre-release AEC V3.1
`product was published in Network World on June 28, 1999. A copy of his review is
`provided in Exhibit J.
`The pre-release Version of AEC V3.1 provided to Mr. Fratto included a stable and feature
`complete Version of Extranet Server component of the AEC V3.1 package. While I recall
`that certain bug fixes and other minor changes were made to this pre-release version of
`the server component of the AEC V3.1 package before it was distributed to customers,
`none of those changes significantly altered the features or functionality of the Extranet
`Server component that was later distributed to customers.
`The Aventail Connect client in the pre-release Version of AEC V3.1 product provided to
`Mr. Fratto, by contrast, was the same Version of the Aventail Connect client that was later
`distributed to customers with the AEC v3.1 product in the summer of 1999.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 3
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 3


`In re Patent No. 7,490,151
`The copy of the Aventail Connect v3. l/v2.6 Administrator’s Guide that Mr. Fratto was
`provided with the pre-release version of the AEC v3.l product is the same as the copy of
`this guide shown in Exhibit 1. This printed Administrator’s Guide did not change
`between the date it was given to Mr. Fratto and the date the final version of the AEC V3.1
`product was distributed to customers.
`The ABC v3.1 software and the Aventail Connect v3. l/v2.6 Administrator’s Guide that
`were provided to Mr. Fratto between April and June of 1999 were provided without any
`restrictions or limitations on their use. Mr. Fratto was not required to enter into a
`agreement restricting his ability to disclose information about the pre-release AEC v3.1
`product or the Aventail Connect v3.1/v2.6 Administrator’s Guide as a condition of
`receiving and using these materials. Instead, I recall that it was Aventail’s practice to
`simply provide recommendations to reviewers about installation and use of a pre-release
`version of a product, and information about the intended release date for the product.
`I declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements
`made on information and belief are believed to be true; and further that these statements were
`made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by
`fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code and that
`such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the patent subject to this
`reexamination proceeding.
`Chris A. Hopen
`_ 4 _
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 4
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 4


`Exhibit A
`May 2, 1997 Aventail Press Release
`“Aventail Ships the First Standards-Based Virtual Private
`Network Software Solution,” PR Newswire, PR Newswire
`Association LLC. May 2, 1997
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 5


`Aventail Ships the First Standards-Based virtual Private Network Software Solution — PR Newswire I HighBeam Research: Online Press Releases
`S,(13,t11 1:42 PM
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`Aventail Ships the First Standards-Based Virtual Private
`"""‘°“"."""‘ Network Software Solution
`Publication: PR Newswire
`Publish date: Iilay 2. 199?
`Aventail Mobi|eVPN and Parl:nerVF'N include Granular Access Controls and Support
`For l\uc'ne::ticaI::io.'i and Etrtcrvption Methods
`SEATTLE. May 2 i’PRNewswirel' -— Aveniail Corporation announced today the availability of the
`industry's only standards-based Virtual Private Network [\r‘PN} software solutions. Aventail l'vlobiIeVPN
`and Aventail PartnerVFN for Windows NT will begin shipping today and pricing starts at $4,995. UNIX
`versions will be available at the end of this month.
`Aventall lvlobi|eVPN and Aventail Partnar\r'PN enable organizations to securely communicate over the
`Internet. allowing companies to extend the reach of their corporate intranet to customers, partners,
`remote officee, and mobile employees. Aventai|'s adherence to standards simplifies VPN deployment.
`enables interoperability. and leverages corporations‘ existing network investments.
`: :-..::.-.=.i i..-. (' -'::|Il';r
`"Aventail has moved the concept of a VPN to the next level. They are the only company providing a
`highly secure circuit-level solution that is deployable over existing network infrastructure and has the
`ability to work with a variety of authentication and encryption technologies," says Ira Machefsky. vice
`president at Giga Information Group.
`The Only Standards-Based VPN Product
`Aventail Mobile\r‘PN and Aventail Partner\i'PN are the first VPN solutions based on SOCKS v5. an
`A-UUUHY. ""3 “'t'-"'|d
`open Internet Engineering Task Force (IETFJ standard. SOCKS is a distributed network security
`standard that represents the next-generation of Internet security. The SOCKS protocol has received 8 “fled cn_‘r|_fl_r. lawyer
`widespread support from leading lntemet vendors. including Netscape {it-lasdao: NSCP). lvlicrosolt
`(Nasdaq: MSFT). IBM (NYSE: IBM). Sterling Software (NYSE: SSW), Netlvlanage (Nasdaq: NETM].
`FTP Software (Nasdaq: FTPS). and Pointcast. NEG USA. Incorporated has been the driving force
`behind SOCKS with the vision that it would be the most important communication technology for the
`RADIUS. Other features include:
`Powerful Security and Management Tools
`Aventail Mobi|eVPN and Aventail Partner\r'F'N are the only products to support all of the popular
`authentication and encryption methods. such as SSL. DES. Trip|eDES. CHAP, RC4. MD4, MD5, and
`" Access Control Tool allows the IS administrator to specily access based on destination. source.
`application usage. type of encryption andlor authentication. and specific filtering profiles.
`‘ Protocol Filtering blocks specific JAVA. Activex or any other application that could demand too
`much bandwidth or infect the network with a virus.
`‘ Content Filtering blocks out objectionable content that may interfere with employee productivity.
`' Traffic Monitor shows real-time inbound and outbound traffic through a graphical interface.
`' HighBeam Research on Facebook
`684 people like HigliBearn Research.
`;:r:paUnI‘;ingQ3fi1t:uLp0pQ°Qril:% Eggggggitom and logs server activity so that reports can easily be produced
`,m,,m mil, _,ug,.,,
`ti. y T.-fro 5'ti: tr: ypiir tn.‘-.I:t iifio :'
`k d
`* Administration Tool enables is managers to easily configure the server and add or modify security
`or management modules.
`Product Demonstrations at Networld+|nterop
`Avenlaii will be conducting product demonstrations in Booth 1?‘l[l at Networ|d+|nterop in Las Vegas
`from May 6th to 8th.
`About Aventail
`Aventail Corporation is the leading developer of Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions. Aventail
`software allows organizations to build session- layer VPNs so corporations can privately communicate
`with mobile employees. remote offices. and business partners. Aventaits standards-based products
`represent the nextwlevel of secure communication by providing strong authentication and encryption,
`C‘-'5‘°"“‘Z3b'9 399955 C0|'|i|'0|5»00fl1Drehenerve monitoring. logging and reporting capabilities.
`Aventail offers four aecuritv solutions: Aventaii I'vlobi|eVPN. Aventail Parlner\.tPN. Avenlail Internet
`Page 1 of 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - EX. 1023, p. 6
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 6


`Ayentail Ships the Firsl: Standards-Based Virtual Private Network Software Solution - PR Newswire I Hlghfleam Research: Online Press Releases
`5113111 1:42 PM
`Policy Manager (IPM), and Ayentail AulioSOCKS. Ayentail Mot:-ileVPN enables mobile or remote
`employees to have secure and managed access into the corporate network. Aventail Partner\i'PN
`allows a company to extend tl1eir networit to customers. suppliers, remote ofiioes or corporate
`partners. Ayantail IPM allows corporations to control and implement their Internet security policies.
`Aventaii AutoSOCKS enables client TCPIIP applications to securely traverse existing SOCKS—based
`firewalls and servers.
`The company has ofiices in Seattle. Washington and can be contacted by phone: EBB-SOCKSV5
`(?'62-STB5). fax: 206-T77-5656. or email: info@ayentai|.oom. Ayentails Web address is
`NOTE: Aventail. MobileVPN. and F"artnerVPN are trademarks of Aventail Corporation. All other
`brands. products. and service names mentioned are trademarks or registered service marks of their
`respective owners.
`SOURCE Ayentail Corporation
`ICONTACT: Deanna Leung of Au.-entail Corporation, 206-7??-561?. or deanna@aventail.r:om: or
`Jessica Meco of Reed. Reyell-Pechar. lnc.. 2tJI':‘u—462—47?'.?. or jmeco@rrp.corn.t
`CO: Airentail Corporation ST: Washington IN: CPR MLM SU: PDT
`DC-KW -- SFFDO6 -- 9928 lJ5l'lJ2i’97 03:01 EDT
`COPYFtiGl-IT 2009 PR Newswire Association LLC. This malarial is published under license from the publisher Ihrough the Gale
`Group. Ferrnington Hlils, Michigan. All inquiries regarding rights should be directed to Ihe Gale Group. For permission Io reuse
`this arlicla. mrllscl mmflmn
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`PR Newswire: March 10, 199? :
`700+ words ...... TM) and Atrentail PartnerVPN{TM)
`. ws.w'"" Combine
`security risk. Ayenlail Corporation announced TM} and Mrentail ParlnerVPN[TM
`and CEO of Aventail Corporation. "LinliIie Mobi|e\r'PN and
`L -.
`PR mrsvrirn‘. June 2. ‘I997:
`?0lJ+ words
`parameters. About
`u-entail ilwentail
`Corporation is the leading developer
`solutions: Ayenlail MobiIe\rPN. mrentail P.arIner\rPlil.
`Avenlail intemel Policy
`aventaiicom. SOURCE Avent.-sil Corporation -0- DBi'02.I'9? IPCONTACT
`.1 -'
`' 1 I.-'L'1.l II
`-;I '
`PR Nmnswire: April 28. ‘I997:
`?00+ words
`Pflflewswirei —-Avon
`il Corporation today
`president 8. CEO oi Atrentisil Corporation. "NetManage
`About Ayentail Atrenlait
`Gorporalion is the leading
`Av-entail li.Ilobile\.tF'N. Ayerslaii
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`Page 2 0,2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - EX. 1023, p. 7
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 7


`Exhibit B
`|nfoWor|d June 23, 1997 Article
`“Aventail delivers highly secure, flexible VPN solution,”
`lnfoWor|d, page 64D (June 23, 1997)
`[available at httg:h’
`=PA70-|A6&d =autosocks+v2.1&source=bl&ots= NS|ifDn &si =J-
`ook resu|t&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEwQ6AEwBg#v=one_gage&g=autosocks&f=fal
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - EX. 1023, p. 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 8


`Page 1

`. Lex|sNex|s“°
`Copyright 1997 lnfoworld Media Group
`June 23, [997
`SECTION: NETWORKING: Product Reviews; Pg. 64:1
`LENGTH: 106? words
`HEADLINE: Aventail delivers highly secure, flexible VPN solution
`BYLINE: By Lai-Han Szeto
`For secure remote-access needs. Aventail's Mo'_uiIeVPN 2.0 and Autosocks
`2.1 comprise a virtual private network (VPN) software solution that lets you
`monitor and maintain access to your central site via application-level
`Most VPN products, such as Microsofi‘s Steelhead technology, Digitsl's
`AltaVista Tunnel, and Data FelIow's F-Secure, do not address security issues
`beyond initial log-ins, tending to be server-centric. Aventail has en-
`gineered a solution that is user-centric, taking a more in-depth approach to
`VPN implementation.
`Boasting nearly unmatched interoperability with other security protocols,
`MobileVP]5~i and Autosocks succeed as a VFN solution. but not without drawbacks:
`Unidirectional data flow prohibits broadcasting and remote administration,
`and the system requires third-party products for specific IP-layer features.
`such as IPX encapsulation.
`High level of security
`Aventail has developed its own connectivity protocol, Socks 5, which
`represents the next step in the EV.D1tIllDIl of the well-known Socks 4 protocol.
`The addition of security protocols makes Socks 5 a viable VPN tool and a
`contender to Microsoft's Point to Point Tunneling Protocol {PPTP). Aventail
`irnplements the Socks 5 protocol in the Aventail Server. the engine of its VPN
`package. Socks 5 is based on directed architecture. as opposed to the
`tunneled architecture one usually associates with VPN technology.
`The server establishes a unidirectional connection with a remote client
`(Autosocks) or second host site. A secured user can read, write, and execute
`to the host Server site according to the user's perrnission profile. but the
`host cannot likewise carry out transactions on the user's machine. This
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - EX. 1023, p. 9
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 9


`Aventail delivers highly secure, flexible VPN solution InfoWorld June 23, 1997
`Page 2
`setup prevents an intruder from accessing both sites.
`Unlike IP-based protocols such as IP Security Architecture (IPSec), a
`tunneling protocol currently in the draft stage, Socks 5 compels a user to
`pass permission requirements once that user passes the system perimeter.
`Once users traverse firewalls, Socks 5 limits access to specific parts of
`your host system. The system locks out users from directories and
`applications according to their pennission profile.
`Socks 5 perfonns encryption and authentication at the session layer (Layer 5)
`of the IP packet, enabling an interoperability unmatched by most of
`Aventail's competitors.
`Aventail products support Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, Secure
`Sockets Layer, and Remote Access Dial-In User Service authentication. In
`addition, Aventail deploys an open architecture to further enhance the
`flexibility of its products. Key management is compliant with Public Key
`Cryptography Standards. Encryption is DES and triple-DES enabled. Recently,
`Aventail announced Socks 5 capability with the IPSec, PPTP, and Layer 2
`Tunneling Protocol security protocols.
`Outside authority
`I ran my VPN server on
`MobileVPN represents an achievement in usability.
`Windows NT 4.0 and used a Windows 95 client unit running AutoSocks.
`MobileVPN carries handy administrative tools such as Proxy Chaining and
`Credential Caching, as well as myriad conventional utilities for alias
`tables, filtering, and session parameters.
`AutoSocks acts as the remote-access agent that intercepts application
`requests between the client application itself and the WinSock interface.
`offers logging and configuration GUIs that resemble a miniature version of
`MobileVPN, minus the high-level host controls.
`I installed both pieces with minimal hassle, minus a certificate authority
`component. Aventail has no plans to become a certificate authority vendor,
`leaving the task to third parties, such as VeriSign. Unfortunately, this
`extra service can cost from $290 to as much as $2,000 per year per server.
`Add this to Aventail's tiered licensing scheme, and the bottom line becomes a
`little steeper than that of most conventional VPN solutions. Whether it is
`worth the cost depends on the complexity of your security policies.
`Fluctuating protocols
`Implementing VPNs is not for the faint of heart or pocketbook. Tunneling
`protocols are maturing even as I write. The key to maintaining a foothold in
`the market is flexibility. In general, developers are building modular
`products in anticipation of the Internet Engineering Task Force's final draft
`of IPSec, It is hard to say what will become of Socks 5 (or Socks 6), but
`for now it has found a little-explored niche in secured connectivity.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 10
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 10


`Aventail delivers highly secure, flexible VPN solution InfoWorld June 23, 1997
`Page 3
`Although MobileVPN and AutoSocks lack bidirectional communication and
`IP-layer features, their open architecture makes them compatible with
`multiple standards and provides a high level of security.
`Lai-Han Szeto ( is a contract analyst at the
`InfoWorld Test Center.
`MobileVPN 2.0 and AutoSocks 2.1
`This virtual private network (VPN) sofiware combination offers a secure and
`easy-to-manage remote-access solution.
`Pros: Excellent proxy-level management; flexible architecture that
`complements other VPN and security products.
`Cons: Third-party products required for specific IP-layer features such as
`IPX encapsulation; no broadcasting or remote administration.
`Aventail Corp., Seattle; (888) 762-5785 (toll-free), (206) 777-5600; fax:
`(206) 777-5656;
`Price: $4,999 per server for fewer than 25 connections; $66 per client seat
`for fewer than 25 seats. (Tiered pricing available.)
`Platforms: MobileVPN: Unix, Windows NT; AutoSocks: Unix, Windows 3.x, Windows
`95, Windows NT.
`LOAD-DATE: June 23, 1997
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 11
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 11


`Exhibit C
`Aventail AutoSOCKS v2.1 Administrator’s Guide
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 12


`Aventail AutoSOCKS
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 13


`Aventail AutoSOCKS v2.1 Administration and User’s Guide
`Copyright © 1996-1997 Aventail Corporation. All rights reserved.
`117 South Main Street
`4th Floor
`Seattle, WA 98104-2540
`Printed in the United States of America.
`Trademarks and Copyrights
`Aventail, AutoSOCKS, Internet Policy Manager, Aventail VPN, Mobile VPN, and Partner
`VPN are trademarks of Aventail Corporation.
`Socks5Toolkit is a trademark of NEC Corporation. MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm and
`MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm are trademarks of RSA Data Security, Inc. Microsoft, MS,
`Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
`Microsoft Corporation. RealAudio is a trademark of Progressive Networks.
`Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
`their respective companies and are the sole property of their respective manufacturers.
`Copyright © 1995-1996 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.
`Copyright ! 1990-1992, RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Copyright ! 1991-1992, RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 14


`Table of Contents
`Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1
`About This Document .................................................................................................................................1
`Document Organization.................................................................................................2
`Document Conventions .................................................................................................2
`Technical Support..........................................................................................................................................3
`About Aventail Corporation ......................................................................................................................4
`AutoSOCKS v2.1 Administration and User’s Guide............................................................. 5
`Getting Started...............................................................................................................................................5
`Network Security in a Nutshell....................................................................................5
`What is AutoSOCKS?.....................................................................................................6
`TCP/IP Communications ..............................................................................................6
`WinSock Connection to A Remote Host ...............................................................6
`What Does AutoSOCKS Do?......................................................................................7
`AutoSOCKS Platform Requirements..........................................................................9
`Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 ..........................................................................9
`System Requirements .........................................................................................9
`Interface Features................................................................................................9
`Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, and
`Windows NT 3.51 .......................................................................................................10
`System Requirements .......................................................................................10
`Interface Features..............................................................................................10
`Installation Source Media .............................................................................................10
`Installing AutoSOCKS ................................................................................................................................11
`Configuration Files.........................................................................................................11
`Individual Installation .....................................................................................................11
`Network Installation......................................................................................................13
`Networked Configuration File Setup......................................................................14
`Administrator-Maintained Shared Configuration Files ............................14
`Shared Configuration File Distribution ..................................................................14
`Setup Command Line Options .................................................................................15
`Configuring AutoSOCKS ..........................................................................................................................16
`Define a SOCKS Server ...............................................................................................18
`Define a Destination......................................................................................................20
`Table of Contents• i
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1023, p. 15


`Enter Redirection Rules................................................................................................23
`Define Local Name Resolution.................................................................................26
`Managing Authentication Modules.............................................................................27
`Example Network Configurations ..........................................................................................................35
`Configuration Using Aventail Internet Policy Manager........................................36
`Configuration Using Aventail VPN Server ..............................................................37
`AutoSOCKS Utilities Reference Guide ............................................................................... 42
`System Menu Commands..........................................................................................................................42
`Hide Icon ..........................................................................................................................43
`Configuration File...........................................................................................................44
`Config Tool......................................................................................................................45
`Logging Tool ....................................................................................................................46
`S5 Ping ...............................................................................................................................51
`AutoSOCKS User Supplement............................................................................................. 55
`How to Start and Close AutoSOCKS...................................................................................................55
`How to Enter Authentication Credentials ...........................................................................................56
`Username/Password and CHAP Authentication ...................................................57
`SSL Authentication.........................................................................................................58
`Appendix 1: Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................................61
`AutoSOCKS Installation Problems .........................................................................................................61
`Network Connectivity Problems ........................

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