
`E '
`Ninth Eéitien
`Osborne} MchwHill
`New Yer}: Chécago San Fcandsm
`3413330!» Landau Madrid Mexico City Milan
`NewDelhi Sznjuan Seoul Singapmrg Syeiney "(aroma
`Page 1 of 9
`Apple V. VirnetX
`Trial IPR2015-00812
`Apple v. VirnetX
`Trial IPR2015-00812


`2690 Tenth Styeet
`Beflwley, California 9%?10
`mange bulkgmrzzhase Cliilcdlmis Fur Salas pmmo‘tians, iaremiums, or fundwmisesa,
`plea: - cmi‘agt Oahmne/ Mchwék‘lill at the above addmss. For infomatlon on
`arm-s51 {ions 9r beak distributorg mam the 135.25“, gleam? 3:36 the International
`$011M tlnformatiwl page at the and! of this book.
`Computer naaktop- Encyclogedla, Math Edltkm
`093; lghi @ 2001 by The, McGtaw~Hill Cmnpzmies. All rigkm reserved. Prlnmrri if? tilt?
`53mm of Amerimzo liitiazp’r as permimd under tine Capyzlght Act 9f 193% at? part
`:3 publication may Em repmducecl 0r éifiitthed in any fam 01‘ by my 111mm, 3r
`ts: red is: a database 01‘ retrieval systemgwémam the prim? Writ‘ren permissiml Blithe
`publig‘her, with Hm {inception that the:pm‘gram listings mayE39 entered, stared, and
`examined in a commie: system but they" may not be mprtrduced my publicatlmw.
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`Braucitm A‘ Nordin
`Vice Resident 8: Associaw Publisher
`8:332? Rogers
`Editorial Directux
`Roger Stewarl
`Senior I’roj cct fiéimr
`Pamela Woolf
`"£3163 Mecioff, Pal}? Mecleff
`Compui’er D cgigner5
`Lauren McCarthy; ’i‘abllha (Sagan
`Lyssa ngd; Michael Mueller
`Series Uasign
`Pam F. Handle:
`Cover Design
`(3mg Scotl
`"John Black
`LC Coalmiwmhm
`29 {315”
`This book was composed with Core? VENTURAW Puéplisher.
`Infarmaticm him W11 ubtuhwd by OsbnwchG raw-H51! {mm wurczs iaellevué lolm miifiqle. Hnwwvr. bowuw lfi'm
`gimhlljryof human 6r mechamémi arm: by war sources, MmmKMcGraw-mil, or mm {islmrmfMth-w-Hill Kim ml
`gmmmw the llu'urnt‘f, adeqvaafifi w- casmpletenR205 0! any lal‘mmathan and is not};wqmible far any Elma; 9r vmlusiens u:
`EM rcsulls obtained {mm we of such inFm-maiian.
`Page 2 of 9


`has: at;
`MIX {Um}
`Mgn as
`Am {mm
`Malaria: WW2
`wamnwsm. wee. m’
`w; 2cm
`mm: Um:
`:2?ng MMN
`firth {mm 11
`560 Umm 33?}
`M Ural
`6126M (1) A kaniazinn or persona? wwpuier in :1 cliémfwz’ver
`mwimnmem, gee diam/server andfifit Him?
`{2) One and of rhea syngtmm in a {(31qusuppiy relatmfifihip
`beiwmn programsai‘xm X Window and. OLE.
`An appiicatiog waning in a: workmation or
`CHEM application
`personal mmpul‘nr on a network. See aim; OLE.
`cllent bEBefi
`Refers to hardware or softwave 61a? mus 17:. she umras
`macbém (client) Contrast with fiarvw based.W
`A user’s worksmflma (in? is attachnd so a netwark.
`638%“ machine
`The term can aim {3336: to n partabla‘ wxnputer that is Mugged into Page
`nerwark Sea cffmi and cflmtfsmez’,
`ciEemt program Sofkwam mm mm in me May’s PC or workstation.
`Contrast with server program; which resides in a server 'm the mtwoa-k,
`An- mcfmmmreln which Ehggser‘s m tame £33m} 13
`theracpwtimg maclfim arm the server iv. m gaupplying macaw ism, both an?
`which-am mmxecml We; a; 10ml amamawgzéc {LAN} :1! Wtidl: area netwuxk
`{WAN}. Thrdufihoul the 3m "$305 anti-3am £9905, cfiFfiEngm' was
`Emabut'imzzwurci £25 3§p§1icntjons wm'c'xr'égz‘n ted Itomcmmlimi
`mifiicumymgw :11ng mamfrmms m‘mtworka of {)érfimml cumguwn.
`1:1 djenifymr, {we Giantigmm 1hr: user mum (Mam “Mac,
`am} mi can pczfzmn5mm Ora-$1 df'the nWhmfim pmcmivg,Samara range
`in mymity from mgnmm 1.6) mainframm. A database amid maénizfim
`fiwdatabaaes and gamm mqucstsimm firm diam-w Emmet rials {m a:
`m lamina the dutaimm an appflmflmaerate: provider; mléixiunné imam
`pmmalng {Grim wants. ‘32:. clim$ww§mfupmm Wm;
`Silantjserver Versua-tha Walt:
`Became of the hammer, name; such
`as “Web basal" ismi We?) malaleci" have minimize; ma élinnkjgewggf
`‘imaaword, yet .‘tltggi'di'gnwsawer archikrrmre is emcegtuafly E313 58mm.
`Umrs.’ PCS "a rag-{9&1 clients, anti 2mm are tens af-thog'smwls of Wail semres
`llucmghmnt [he'mternct (1611'ng Web pages_._Nwerihum, cfimt/
`sewer i3 was“)! used it) my to “iegacy,” mfié‘g’gfi; based ayflem.
`0a m Web, the éiimt mm lhchwwwr and-just like ‘93“? chem?
`same}; can perform iime m“ a 1m of pmé'swgmgt simple dimlaying of
`m pages, mare p'rmessing wilh Mbedded scrispw Q; considerable
`pmma'mg, with lava applnls‘ A myriafi'ei- brewer plilg~i¥§i§ provide all
`saris. a? silent procwginga
`'ifie sewer skin a? £52 Web is a mulriatier Sun’er amhfmctureWiii’x
`Mlmiinked Web wwers, applicariw Mrvew, dataWz‘e gervem and
`€36}!ng servem 36:2 application serum
`mast“: UNIX
`«M Mr
` WW
` mm ammo
`mmoufih mm arc: clients and “were: in em:
`scunafifi, Ehésis no: firm?“ aléamgaewer,
`because 1% gamer lfi naming 3mm than :3
`{Emma {flak Grim, and tm‘ client (REDS a" Una”
`fifunesfiih’slv WHEN 595F039?) (33* 590% GM”? {31%
`ncumrk, baselines each claws: has to reae: the
`oniim gfiamfiasav At 11:00 hyém'ner record,
`a éflsbaw with 1%2600 riawrds wads
`1003948 war the LAN
`A person mpomihle ED: pm’Eonfiiag
`want/WNW analyfi‘t
`amalgam and design of a £1insewer system. A knowledge (3% two~ Her and
`21h mafia: clienlfserver architectures is {equimd‘ Sec sysimg :zmiysx and ciitméfgzrwr.
`cfiient/sarvar archfiectum Pm enviromnmi in which {he apgzficari nu prawasing is dividezi beéween client
`workstatmm mad servers. It hnpéies the use uf tiesiflqp computm Emernciingwifia aervcrs in a netwozk, in comm is)
`processing avcrything in a Baige wztraiézed mainframe. Sea aéimffscrvcn
`(395M513? Risking £ncys¥§peéia
`Page 3 of 9
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`An application management suite from BMC that uses agents to report on software activities on all the
`servers within the enterprise. Using the information in ”knowledge modules" (KMS) about each system component,
`agents detect events, collect information and notify system and network administrators to take corrective action.
`(1) (Private Automatic Exchange) An inhouse intercom system.
`{2) (Parallel Architecture Extended} A parallel processing environment standard based on Intel’s 1860 RISC chip,
`UNIX System V and Alliant Computer's parallel and 3—D graphics technologies.
`The data-carrying capacity of some structure. It typically refers to a part of a packet or frame in a
`communications system that holds the message data in Contrast to the headers, Which are considered overhead.
`See Web payment service.
`payment service
`Software distributed for money. Contrast withfrcewarc.
`PB See Powchuilder.
`(Private Branch eXchange) An inhouse telephone switching
`system that interconnects telephone extensions to each other, as well as
`to the outside telephone network. It may include functions such as least
`cost routing for outside calls, call forwarding, conference calling and call
`accounting. Modern PBXs use allwdigital methods for switching and may
`support both digital terminals and telephones along with analog
`telephones. See WPBX.
`An Early PBX
`This PBX began operation In Bangor. Maine in
`1883. (image courtesy of AT&T.)
`(sound, u‘amo)
`HO Controller
`(hard dlak,
`floppy, serial,
`PG (3) (Printed Circuit) See printed circuit board,
`(2) (Personal Computer) Any laptop or desktop
`computer such as Windows machine or a Macintosh
`(1) (Personal Computer) A standalone laptop or
`desktop computer running Windows (or DOS for earlier
`applications). PC hardware and operating systems are
`primarily governed by Intel and Microsoft respectively.
`The PC is the world’s largest computer base.
`PCs are also widely used as clients and servers in a local
`area network (LAN). PC clients predominantly run under
`Windows, but PC servers (xfié-based servers) run under
`Windows, NetWare or a variation of UNIX such as Linux
`or Urdeare. PC servers may use Windows 95/98, but
`Windows NT and 2000 are more likely choices.
`Although there are literally thousands of PC vendors,
`from mom and pop shops to large mail order houses (Dell,
`Gateway, etc.) to the major computer companies (Compaq,
`HP, etc), and of course IBM, still one of the world’s largest
`PC makers, all PCS use an intel x86 or compatible CPU.
`After IBM introduced the PC in 1981, the first attempts at
`cloning it were mostly unsuccessful. Except for Compaq’s first
`PC, from 1982 to 1985, there were a lot of ”almost compatible” PCs. However, as soon as the part of the operating system
`known as the BIOS was successfully cloned and made comercially available, true compatibles appeared in abundance.
`Before Windows 95, adding another peripheral deVice to a PC was often an exercise in trial and error. Modifying
`DOS’s infamous configuration files (AUTUEXBCBAT and CONFIGSYS) caused many a user to give up. Windows 95.
`98 and 2000 added Plug and Play, which means for the most part, you can replace hard disks and display adapters, as
`well as add a scanner, (CD-ROM or other device without difficulty.
`The PC has become a commodity item, winding its Way onto the shelves of retail outlets worldwide. This is a
`testimonial to the power of a computer standard, even one fraught with loopholes and inconsistencies.
`Slots {has}
`What’s Enslda a PC?
` Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`Page 4 of 9


`persuaal camputer
`(Prazzficzsi fixtraciinn Report Language} J; pmgramming imguage written Egg mm: Wall that mmh‘mgs syntax
`from several WK wiiitles and languagm introduced in @837, Perl £5; designed k3 hmdie a variety 0E system
`adminigtrmor Emma-rm and provldey aempwhensive sfrizsg handllng fumu‘ms. TI is; w ‘niely used m write WEB aerum‘
`programs for such tasks as autonmtlmlly updating user acmxmls and "@53de pastingsj [Humming removal reguesm
`symhmnizing databases and gurmmlmg repuria Perl has also been {1:1an m. newUNlX plaélmtmsvfie also FURL.
`£1} A soft {Ont lhal is key? in the printer's manner}? until (he prinlm i3 turned off.
`parmamnf font
`{2) Same as Wanted{(3213,
`permanent Mammy
`Same as nrsl'bwlalilr: memory.
`One passibifl wmbinalian of Harm wt of a larger Sat of imms. For example, with the set of Wm
`1} :2 and 3, mere are six posséhle pamwulaiions: :9; 2i, ’13, 31, 23 and 3%»
`penguin cular (wording
`par seat By woriwmiiom. See per mm Hamming.
`Sofhvara limmmg [sawed on 11 per use: basis, Fer emmpfiz}, 2; 1064mm Emma means that up
`53m seat “gaming
`to 200 specificaiiywmmed users fiave «we; to the pmgmm. Per seat iicamireg is administemcfi is}! providing mermimwl
`security {a {he dérccmry canta‘ming Hm program: Comma: with mnmn‘em‘ Naming.
`fiemistenw (1) In a CRT, {he lime u phoesphm d 01 remains illumnatad aftar {xemg energized. Lortg—mmisteuce
`galwgphars reduce: flécézcrl but gemram ghwéwlflce images that 1133a”: on screen far a fraction of a second.
`{23 in, objeci lecimakzgy, the starageoi a2: ehject on a 2mg (yr Omar permamnt :smrage dcvlm
`{hm aihm exists Ram sesaion to session i’ezsisfenf; aim: is stored If: a; zimabase. on digk or rage.
`fwflilmen‘t data
`Casting? with irtmm’mé data. '
`perslstenf llnk 3mm: link.
`yemlstent 13th An object that centinues m exist after Mgmgmm that «email it has Mm unlmdecl. An
`obiect’s class: anti cufrsz state must be saved fer use in aubsequmr sefisiuns. I’n claim: technology, persistence means
`staring the object For am: “am,
`gamma] agent See agam.
`personal communicator
`5m FDA.
`Syaonymmxs with ”micwcnmputec,” ”(1%:ka cnmpmer,“ and "laying; Compgter,” it $3 3
`gymsunal campmer
`Computer téxa: WWflS Line user in the Office or home. A campiete mammal campumr system with ixfinbcr can cosé as
`little as fight} or as much :19 $8,000 Q!” mare. Size is based rm memory and disk capacityfipeed i3 53336. on the CFC
`that runs it; and output (11231331 is famed on lha type and resoiufiuu of its mamléar and primcxu
`Maw Suppfiars of Personal Compumm The pemml computer wurld ls daminatcd izy Wllwlowhami FEES,
`Ma are ihousmds cfmndom mat makfi than, {rem mm'fium pop shopa in hugu tnmpmes mach a5 {Enigma}, HP
`and {EMA The albermte parsonnl comgmler standard l3 appla’g Macintmsly Which is {3433 tnucle‘by Aggie. {11311 and
`Cfimrmdoru nnre carved out their rwgmfive nicheu, but Atari relumeé E0 E13 gamjmg mats and Commadam has 55mm
`closed its (105:5.
`'l‘iu—z» immm began in W”, when Apple, Radio Shack wed Cmnmodom
`“file His-333m fif’PWSOHEI Comgmers
`in lz'wclumi {aim first offnlhmsheif romputers nsgmnsumer pracluula. The first machinas usual H n 8-133: m¥m0pflmwsm
`with a zlmimmz or £14K anmmmy" and floppy'éislm fur mamas. The Apple ill Mari 50E}, ami Cummudore 54 lxgmg’le
`Impular'hmm computem, and Appit: W53 auccmful ln cumpasfies after m Vigimcspraadihmli was hit-ruclumé.
`Howwer, the buslnw wvrkj was soon (flammai'efi by {me 2580 processor and CWM operaéfifig Bysiem, wed Ely
`fiomgatgr Besktup Meyelogefila
`Page 5 of 9


`protocol stack
`protocol stack The hierarchy of protocols used in a communications network. Network architectures desi
`in layers, such as TCP/IP, 05] and SNA, are referred to as stacks. See 051'.
`protocol suite
`Same as protocol stack.
`(1) Creating a demo ofa new systan. Prototyping is essential for clarifying informationrequiramems
`The design of a system (functionalspecs} must be finalized before the system can bebuilt. While analyticallyflriemed ‘
`people may have a clear picture of requirements, others may not.
`Using fourthugeneration languages, systems analysts and users can develop the new system together. Databases Can
`be created and manipulated while the user monitors the progress. Once users see tangible output on screen or Paper
`they can figure out what’s missing or what the next question might be if this were a production system. Ifprototypkig
`is carefully done, the end result canbe a working system.
`Evenif the final system is reprogrammed in other languages for standardization or machine efficiency, prototyping
`has served to provide specifications for a working system rather than a theoretical one.
`{2) Seefunction prototyping.
`Settingup a telecommudcations service fora particular customer. Common carriersprovision
`circuits by programming their computersto switchcustomer lines into the appropriatenetworks.
`proxy ISee proxyserver.
`proxy cache
`A facility in aproxy server thatcaches incomingWeb pageson thehard disk. Ifthenextpage
`requested by a browser is already in the proxy cache, the page is retrieved locally instead of from the internet. With
`proxy caches, the browsers mustbe configured to use the proxy server. See proxy server; reverse proxy cache, transparent
`cache and Web cache.
`proxy server Also called a ”proxy” or ”application level gateway," it is an application that breaks the connection
`between sender and receiver. Allinput is forwarded out a different port, closing a straight pathbetweentwo networks
`and preventinga hacker from obtaininginternal addresses and details of a private network.
`Proxyservers are available for commonInternetservices; forexample, anHTTPproxyis usedforWebaccess, and
`an SMTFproxy is used for email. Proxies generally employ network address translation (NAT), which presents one
`orgardzation-wide IP address to the Internet. It funnels all user requests to the internet and fans responses back out to
`the appropriate users. Proxies may also cache Web pages, so that the next request can be obtained locally. Proxies are
`only one tool that can be used to build a firewall. See LAMfirewall, proxy cache and SOCKS server.
`PR/SM (Processor Resource/Systems Manager} Hardware circuits and microcode built into IBM System/390
`mainframes that support logical partitions (LPARS). LPARs allow the running of multiple system images on a single
`processor complex. Each such image has a full complement of CPUs (dedicated or shared), central storage, expanded
`storage and channels. ESCON and FlCON channels may be shared across images using the W feature. Pronounced
`“prism.” PR/SM was derived from VM, the IBM operating system that provides multiple system images in software.
`See LPAR, MI? and VM.
`PRT 88
`See print screen.
`(1] (PicoSecond) See space/time.
`(2) (PS—Personal Services) IBM office automation software forPCs, minis and mainframes, whichincludesword
`processing, electronic mail and library services.
`(3) (PostScript) SeePostScript.
`An early IBM home computer series introduced in 1990. The original models featured an integrated monitor
`and easy~t0uopen case, The first PS/l was a 286 with an ISA bus. See PC.
`" “
`. :13
`g 1
`ii i
`i f
`{,5 ’
`g3 '
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`Page 6 of 9


`_ MM
`(Thin Small Outline Package) A very»thin, plastic, rectangular surface mount chip package with gullvwing
`pins on its two short sides. TSOPs are about a third as thick as SO] chips. See gull-wing lead, SOP, SO] and chip package.
`A 24—charmcl group, which makes up one T1 line, See TI.
`(Terminate and. Stay Resident) Refers to a program that remains in memory when the user exits it in order
`that it be immediately available at the press of a hotkey. TSRs were popular under DOS to quickly pop up a calendar,
`calculator or other utility, because DOS did not have built-in task switching. Standards for writing TSRs were not
`codified early on, and TSRs often conflicted with each other and regular applications. After Windows 3.0, TSRs became
`moot, since any D05 or Windows application could be conveniently task switched in a separate window.
`See ITU.
`(Tree and Tabular Combined Notation} A programming language endorsed by 150 that is used to-write test
`suites for teleconununications systems. TTCN is used for ”black box testing,” which means that all interaction to the
`system is via messages, rather than by a user with a mouse. Test suites are built in a hierarchical and modular manner,
`allowing many programmers to be involved in the project. Numerous telecorn vendors use TFCN for their products, and
`organizations such as the ITU, ATM Forum and BIG], provide 'iTCN conformance'tests for new standards.
`Digispeak for goodbye (”ta ta for now").
`TT font
`See TrueType.
`(1) (Transistor Transistor Logic} A digital circuit composed of bipolar transistors wired in a certain manner.
`'iTL logic has been widely used since the early days of digital circuitry. TTL designations may appear on input or
`' output ports of various devices, which indicates a digital circuit in contrast to an analog circuit.
`{2) (Time To Live) A set maximum amount of time a packet is allowed to propagate through the network before it
`is discarded.
`(3) {Through The Lens) Refers to a single~iens reflex camera that lets the photographer View the scene through the
`same lens that captures the image.
`T.TUD See T120.
`(TeleTYpewriter protocol) A low-speed asynchronous communications protocol with limited or no
`TTY protocol
`error checking. See teletypewriter.
`See CRT and vacuum tube.
`A laser that can change its frequency over a given range, in time, tunable lasers are expected to be
`tunable laser
`capable of switching frequencies on a packet—by—packet basis.
`tuner An electronic part of a radio or TV that locks on to a selected carrier frequency (station, channel) and filters
`out the audio and video signals for amplification and display.
`tunneling Transmitting data-structured in one protocol format within the format of another protocol. Tunneling
`allows other types of transmission streams to be carried within the prevailing protocol. See iP tunneling and LZTP.
`In relational database management, a record, or row. See relational database.
`A C compiler from Borland used to create a wide variety of commercial products. it is known for its
`Turbo 0
`well-designed debugger. Borland's object-oriented versions of C are Turbo C++ and Borland C++.
`The DOS version of this database is written in Turbo C. The Windows version is written in Microsoft C.
`A type of channel coding that uses a convolutional code and a type of Viterbi decoder that outputs a
`turbo code
`continuous value rather than a O or 1. See convolutioual code and Viterbi decoder.
`Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
`Page 7 of 9


` 1044
`fB-D datajusl as 3 1,73er rages-mm
`Bi, 2%, voxe‘L represents as gummy ahat process SJ“) imagea
`medical apyfimt‘mm r
`(VOlume piXfiL) A ledimensional pix
`En 2-D Lima. It is used m mimtific and
`a 33:33:“ at cluster of points
`East-139;: of‘suund Cumin and magic
`lama Vnym mg Emundcd
`(Voyem‘sTurtle 25mm, 1m” Y’Werm nygwwwfibsmfimcgm} A mam:
`gofhvm‘e mat i5 :1 rem}:aha late—1996 mergez 0iVuyéirn '1“aclmolmim and 'i‘urae Whfiya
`[refluxed fixe‘gayena
`an‘IWS m: chwaBremen?
`(é repais'facilizggmamuhamNewka mum TL in
`Wymra ufilikies arc;
`cs, :1 syntheaiaar an
`fiyuihusizer 5am! £51mmews
`M1131 aequmw m‘xiwnusia—rfléfied:appiia‘nHum
`d into ssfiwane-{mr
`d card;
`(2 knowu for its awaréwwinnmg Muifisaufld line of
`bundled M231 minerals mun
`199$”ii: ka. PA. anti becam
`865: ufierbe'aches from aromui the worid
`Turfie Beach WW fmmdcd in
`150 pfi‘giflm‘ and are 11am
`highrend auufixi mania 1m consumes: "branch; eerie a.
`finch ae Mamm, Mmmgc and Daytonna
`r Comwex} an ZBM mainframe multip
`VPG {Virtual Processo
`central 3:.)me
`VPN (Virtual Frivme flework} A yrivnumerwork that immfigvr
`cafi'imNews huflt VI’Nsmmappeai as Pfiwwmam] orinfermfiém
`ca? aumomera. mm cnjuy the security cf it private n
`harm hunks wills om
`wmie taking ndvantugse:3? ms mummies 0%wits and buiétmia Wagememfa
`Win:illoverX.25,$witchad 56,iramit whyandATMMwlogies.Today; them is htefixemiuusimwesl
`theInlarmt,efiwialiydue to thewmiemthreatpfhackerattach;‘fiwVPNadds L113!mamfigmpfsecm'iky,
`growthinWENwisemec’mi.smpm,L21”. [33’5“meng PVC,amand fransmmrfi EANgaming.
`iVirtual Pwaeswr 1min) 1m: amber ofvirizmigémcessom that aphyfiical pionessm i5: mammanng.
`? mile:
`flu: speed of a vector 02‘ army protease;
`(Vectors Y‘efi Secwd) The megsummcnl of
`VR Sea; firm“? msfiéy.
`rwaasmg rm usca seven? mmputera manic: fight
`mkwurk. For yams, common
`2d within a puma:
`customm km physically sham
`:11 nutwmka :33 liw
`swim} and encuypmm
`efiwm‘k via access
`rks. V9343 Mm
`cflfifim of lurgegu‘nlic :3:in
`in We; over
`and a huge
`W V
`VRAM See mm RAM»
`{VertitalRedursdmcy Check) A?!emu?{thackingmathoé Ehatgerfifl‘aWBand tests aparityin: ft)
`dam that Tags moveri or transmitted.
`(Virtual Refit}: ModdingLanguage) A 3-D grapkicakmguagagmdon theWeh‘ flier downluudéng a
`3 mm mmbeViewmi,mtat'egi and mampumed.‘ Simulawémums canhe "wanked into.” WW1.
`was the hams for dwaioping
`Mac viewers,
`iteik imjm WWW [he Weé} brcwercmam 5% WW Open Invenm' graphics Emma?
`V The first VMfiWm‘ was Webfipaw fr _
`the: Wows Viewmis, imgi Whurlwimi and Voyager are
`r each by”: of
`m Wang hilmduccd in 29???
`r stark-:5 visits, witieiy 135226 111 mm maiui
`which use viflmal memory lechfiiqumh
`38.) Same as virtual memary.
`(1) (Virma! Shara
`A family {)f mhfimmptfim fro
`[2) (Virtual gwmga)
`VSAM [Virtual Stomge Aaccss Methafi} An 131V! am method f0
`1% mafia me §+Lrea meihqd for organizing dam
`like transmigsion ihat handies u? to 56
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`hmi dev‘fiémzéd by Zenith for cable mudemts amfi tarresmai
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`ltansmimlon far {XIV See 34’38.
`Sm DOS/V851.
`Commits: 323M633 Encyclupadia
`Page 8 of 9


`work lunetlnu
`bottom of the in basket. Afitomafing wmkfiow sets timers éhxzxt mama {hat documents move aiung a? a prescré‘aed pace and
`$13? the aispmgasiate person processes U mm in fihe gammrficz,
`_§n§eg_réatmg wwkfiaw tan-to existing software. apgfiimljmg may require exiemivg mgmgmmming, because aéthwgh
`maepmcieut workflow software (tail lafimét a wéwiu application, a- «ark-flaw watm mum biz: 31319 to izwoke Mividual
`mafia-w within the uppiicminm £35 a Hawk; vmudom of applicafim-mfifiwnm have lemma! up with workflfiw vendor‘s to
`provide (he nfmrnpri um Lntmfam ami far {hay have developtéd $36k awn wax-know capability. Wnrkflow Wind ards
`developed by the Workman! Mmagament ”Coalition (WFMC) are expected to pIQVidE lniemperahilliy between wgrkflow
`anfhvare and tine appfimufimfl mi wail as betweea éiiferemworkflnw systems.
`Waricfiow“ WWW :1; my: the same as workgwup emit-warn, cthcrwiac known as yawn. kaflaw deais with
`the stcpubyuaém prmsefi, Whereas woa'kgmup systems are concerned wiih information mating and thmadeci
`ufilscusaiom §mung uaem
`For an excellerat hook on the subject ofwnrkflnw writgun by the guru in this field, read Tim Workflnw Impacting by
`Thomas M: Kcmlopoulm, gublished by Van Mofimm} Reinhokd, ISBN Gvfifl-Efi‘flfifl,
`We?“ fanc‘kiim *E’he amount of photcm mmgy required to mum: an aiectmn t0 be: emiihzci from a materiai.
`"i’wc: or more infli‘éfiidum £31m Ellare files and (firm. LANE designed amuné wmkgmnps provide
`fiectmmt: sharing of requizcd thins. krgcmeml, proclmaisdgfignafi M workgmugsgfiiwpnrk-iép i'o Si) people, wl‘nmas
`departmenéai devicessuppmi am’emi'hundmd, and enter‘prist-z devices serve wanl'fismam; Sec gralzme and WW‘
`Wu rkgmufi switch Arielwork Emmi: designed for LAN trafficvmhm em mierprise‘ GammaW‘fifi? wwwciuss switch.
`working alrectmy See cu mm dimzémy.
`Wfifkfiififie Shen
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`ayglimtimn éavclopera can mse Workplace Sheil libraay fimetions when dcvelupsng gamma.
`workshwt Same as: sprwmm
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`Same aa spraartshm mmfiaw.
`{1} A Mghfierfmmance, singievufier computar user; £01“ gmphlcs, CAD, CAB: sismflat‘lon and Sciefillfifl
`apgfiimfionsr It m Wimliy a NSC—based wn'mpmézr {hat runs mar'isgma variation LifUNSXZfiW'-miajor vendors of
`“woxkalaticms are wry HP, IBM. Comping and SCI. I‘iigh-end Pmi‘ium PCs incrmaingiy proviflmiwmksiation gel-Emma.
`{2) A terminal or [183ka computer m a network. in this cantexé, wm'i-cstauonis jam a generic term for a 9.588%
`mashing {cilenl machine). Comma: with acrim' and host
`{a} in sake wlecom industry, a combined teiepiwne am mmpuier,
`Wmifiifiiom {Wun’IdCng.§Ec.,jac§45w, MS, wwi.wc:§mc:cm) ‘A'majm‘, inlamaéirmal ieiewmmunicafiwns carz'ier
`§oum§ed in 1983 ns Lung Dép'mme Discount Service {ENDS}, a roseiletf uf ATHI’WJX'I'S iinus to 5‘an busineases. It’grew
`ivy acquiring many small, md-wwtmdly. large Kiting ciisi-ance and netwm‘firig' argemizationa, including {Di} WorldCem,
`a leading mtemanofinl carrier, WiETeL a majar {airman carrier, and M35 fiemmunicmians, an intmafimnué [flaunt
`wmpauy and-recmt’pamn! of U‘UNET, a gmznsrzem Enl‘emel' provider.
`In may; §M9ctwnrk opemr‘mns cf Amariea Qn'Eitm and Cmmpzfiarve became part 0meir§Cem Iialso mugged
`with Brooks Fi‘mtr and than acquirad MCI in $398 to become the MC; kalCom powmmwe. Whiie WorldCam-mzly
`have Man a praisnfiuus name far raffles; modes? beginnimgliaa i; WM: Wary prophetic, lama-1.155 fin: MCI name was; {am
`dropped, Eeaving WorldCom ax the name uf the company.
`Worm Wide Wait Whm mam: have caliecl the Wain while. waiting pmimtly R3; the newt page to dawnimd‘ Tm
`Worm Wide Wallis cmwd by any combinmiem :3 a slow modem, overfieaded With server at the site 33w arc: accessing
`or any dog 1% 9m {31‘ the muters or switches at ii notionai, regiona} or local TSP. Set: hammer gewz‘cs prawfiw.
`Wefifi Wfifi W85
`An Insemet’ §aci3i1y that links dommméaéamlly and remoieiy. The WE}: dnmlmenh WWW
`page; contains text. graphics, anxmnfim‘w and vicluns :33 waflm fiypexiext lénks, The. liraks in the page let usega; filmy
`computer Eluktup Encyclopésfiz
`Page 9 of 9

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