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`u‘ OF I.
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`FORD 1233


`DECEMBER 5—7, I994
`Presented bythe ,
`Norman Bryan
`Ist Vice Chair
`Pacific Gas and Electric Company
`John R. WaIIace
`Ford Motor Company
`2nd Vice Chair
`Ray Gecicies
`James .IA Jackson
`Edwin RiddeII
`Unique Mobility, Inc.
`Alupower, Inc.
`Electric Power Research Institute
` EVAA Board of Directors
`William Adams
`Kenneth Barber
`Robert A. Bell
`MichaeI Crews
`Robert L. Davis
`GoIe KIappa
`James Mathis
`Thomas D; Morron
`Frank L SchweiboIcI
`WiIIiam H. TiecIemonn
`Diane O. Wifienberg
`Electric Vehicle Association of Canada
`United States Departmental Energy
`ConsoIicIatecI Edison Companyoi New York, Inc.
`Duke Power Company
`Chrysler Corporation ,
`Georgia Power Company
`CoIImer Semiconductor, Inc.
`Edison Electric Institute
`General Motors Corporation
`Johnson ControIs, Inc.
`Southern California Edison Company
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`Chair: John R. Wallace
`_ Ford Motor Company
`North American Members:
`Norman Bryan
`Ray Gedcles
`Robert T. Hayden
`James J. Jackson
`Thomas D. Morron
`Edwin Riddell
`Roland Risser,
`Frank L Schweibold
`David R. Smith
`William H. Tiedemann
`Pamela A. Turner
`Diane O. Wittenberg
`International Members:
`Giampiero Brusaglino
`C.C. Chan
`Francois Fantin
`Masazumi lshikawa
`Hans Kahlen
`Jian Lai
`Gaston Maggetto
`Henri Payot
`David F. Porter
`Tsunealcl Takami
`Pacific Gas and Electric Company
`Unique Mobility, Inc.
`Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas
`Alupowei; Inc.
`Edison Electric Institute
`Electric Power Research Institute
`Pacific Gas and Electric Company
`General Motors Corporation
`Chrysler Corporation
`Johnson Controls, Inc.
`EVS- 72 Symposium Manager
`Southern California Eclison Company
`Centro Ricerche Fiat
`University of Hong Kong
`AVERE France
`Japan Electric Vehicle Association
`University of Kaiserslautern
`Chinese Electric Vehicle Institution
`AVERE France
`Japan Electric Vehicle Association
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`Chair: Diane Or Wittenberg Southern Calitornia Edison Company
`North American Members:
`Bradiord Bates
`Mary M. BrazeII
`Thomas J. Doughty
`Ray GecIcIes
`Robert T. Hayden
`Cynthia Hernandez
`Kenneth Koyama
`George McCrae
`Athena MiIIer
`Thomas D. Morron
`Edwin RiddeII
`Roland Risser
`David R. Smith
`Lee Stetanakos
`PameIa A. Turner
`Robert Wragg
`International Members:
`NoeI Bureau
`C.C. Chan
`Cord-Henrich Dustmann
`Francois Fantin
`A. Fuiisaki
`David F. Gosden
`Masazumi Ishikawa
`Pietro Menga
`Henri Payot
`Tsuneaki Takami
`Peter Van den Bossche
`Ford Motor Company
`Brazell 8: Company
`Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
`Unique Mobility, Inc.
`Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas
`Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas
`California Energy Commission
`BC. Hydro
`Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas
`Edison Electric Institute
`Electric Power Research Institute
`Pacific Gas and Electric Company
`Chrysler Corporation
`University of South Florida
`EVS-IZ Symposium Manager
`DeIco Electronics/GM Hughes Electronics
`PSA Peugeot Citroén
`University of Hong Kong
`AVERE France
`Japan Electric Vehicle Association
`University at Sydney
`Japan Electric Vehicle Association
`AVERE France
`Japan Electric Vehicle Association
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`Chair: Edwin Ridden
`Electric Power Research Institute
`Ray Geddes
`Robert T. Hayden
`Howard Hampton
`Cynthia Hernandez
`Athena Miller
`Joanne Rohn
`Melanie J. Savage
`Pamela A. Turner
`Unique Mobility, Inc.
`Electric Vehicle Association at the Americas
`Ford Motor Company
`Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas
`Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas
`General Motors Corporation
`Southern California Edison Company
`EVS—i2 Symposium Manager
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`Session 3A: Drives
`Adaptive Cdntrol at an EV Drive System to Account
`For Time-Varying Battery Parameters
`Carlo Kept, Unique Mobility, Inc
`Development of an EV Drive Train tor a California
`Chris Kambouris, Ford Motor Company
`Power Trains toiiEVs, Design tor Flexibility
`Frank walker/Westinghouse Electric Corporation
`Session 33: Battery Modeling
`Batteries: Concept/arid Practical Experience
`Friedhelm Schc’ipe, Aachen University of Technology
`Thermal Management tor Hybrid Electric Vehicle
`ValveRegulated LeddvAcid Batteries
`Frank Fleming, Hawker Energy Products, Ltd
` Battery Manageinent Eystem tor Nickel-Cadmium
` The Need and Requirements ot a Series Hybrid Electric
`Vehicle Battery
`Anders Romare, AB Volvo
` Session 3C: Infrastructure
`Electric lnirastructuretor the EV Introduction ProgramIn
`Hans Ristborg, vattenfall Utveckling AB
` Developmentand Evaluation oi Quick Charging Systems
`at Tokyo Electric Power Company
`Hirokazu Suzuki,Tokyo Electric Power Company
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`Gloria Krein, Hart, McMurphy & Parks
`Session 4A: Vehiclesl
`Pertormances oi Electric Vehicles
`Masahiko Taliara/Nissan Motor Company, Ltd.
`Toyota EV-50: An Ettort to Realize Practical EVs
`Kunio Kanamaru, Toyota Motor Corporation
`"lsuzu ElIc EV Third Generation
`Shauichi Taguchi, Isuzu Motors Ltd.
`Making the EV Connection: EV Charging Safety and the
`National Electrical Cocle
`Sealed Alkaline Batteries tor Electric Cars
`Wolfgang Wdrthmann, Deutscl'Ie Automobilgesellscaft
`Session 4C: Utility System Impact
`Session 48: Batteries
`Development ohhe VRLA Battery tor Low Emission
`Hybrid VehiEleg.’
`Yasuhia'e Nakayama, Yuasa Corporation
`Optimizing Lead/Acid Batteries tor Electric Vehicle
`Applications: A Systems Engineering Approach
`Geoffrey May, Hawker Battenes Group
`Impact at Electric Vehicle Load on Residential Transformer
`Kenneth E. Brown, Salt River Project
` "Paper not available at time of printing.
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`Modeling Electric Vehicle Utility System impact Utilizing
`0 Geographic lntormation System
`Richard E. Rice, Southern California Edison Company
`impulses tor the Electric Automobile
`F. Kruger; VARIA Batterie AG
`Study at impacts at Electric Vehicle Charging to Power
`Supply Systems
`Eiii Hayaslti, The Central Electric Power Council
`Session 5A: Hybrid Drives
`Propulsion Control System For a 22-Foot Electric/Hybrid
`Shuttle Bus
`Kaushik Raiashekara, AC Delco Systems
`Development at a225 ch Hybrid Drive System For a
`Low-Floor, Low~Etnissions Transit Bus
`R.D King, GeneralElectric Company
`A Hybrid Drive Basedona Structure Variable
`J. Mayrltoter AVL-ListGian
` Session 58: Batteries
` Advanced Battery Systems For Electric Vehicles _- New
`Ovonic Nickel-Metal Hydride Electric Vehicle Batteries:
`From the First 10,000 Miles to the First 10,000 Vehicles
`Dennis Corrigan, Ovonic Battery Company
` From Nickel-Cadmium to Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery:
`A Coherent Strategy tor an Achieved Electric Vehicle
`Jean—Pierre Comu, SAFT
` Electric Fuel and the Deutsche Bundespost Postdienst
`Jonathan Whartman, Electric Fuel Limited
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`Session 5C: EV Policies,
`‘Caiitornia's E/xpehenceIn Developing incentives tor
`Electric Vehidies/
`Davicl Modisetté/California Electric Transportation
`The Caliueis EV Inirastructure Study: The Status oi
`Electric VehiclesIn Caiiiornia
`Heather Raitt, California Energy Commission
`A PartnershipIn Paris tor the Development at the
`Electric Vehicle
`Patrick Lefeisvre, Technical Advisor to the Mayor of Paris
`‘Eiectric VehIcies and Sustainable Transportation:
`A Vision oi ihe thure
`Daniel Sperling,University of California at Davis
`Session SD: National Electric Vehicle lnimstructure
`Working Council
`The Origin and Role oi the National Electric Vehicle
`inirastructure Working Committee
`Roland RisseI; Pacific Gas and Electric Company
`Electric Power Research institute inirastructure Working
`Council -— Connector ancl Connecting Stations Committee
`Recommendations on EV Charging infrastructure
`Craig ToepfeI; Ford Motor Company
`Session 6A: Components
`A High Eiticiency Electric Vehicle Drive System with
`Muiti-Functional Battery Charger
`Masami Hirata, Toshiba Corporation
`‘Paper not available at time oi: printing.
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`US. Department of Energy Advanced Battery Systems
`Program: Meeting the Critical Challenge at EV
`R.A. Sutula, US. Department of Energy
`Development of a Solid Lithium Polymer Battery
`P. Baudry, Electricité de France
`‘The Ecostar/NaS Battery Integration Experience
`Wolfgang Dorrscheiclt, ABB Hochenergiebatterie GmbH
`Session 6C: Demonstrations
`Consumer impressions Before and Alter Driving on
`Electric Vetiicle/ l
`D.A. Wassmann, Ford Motor Company
`Hybrid Versus All-Electric: The Test of Performance
`Claude Boivin, Hydro~Québec
`America PrEVIewing the impact
`‘ Frank L Schweibold, General Motors Corporation
`Phase Advanced Qfierat' ii of Permanent Magnet Motor
`Drive System
`Jon F. Lutz, Unique Mobility, Inc.
`A Versatile AC Machine EV Drive Using Microprocessor
`, /‘7 '1
`David E Gosclen, University of Sydney
`Session 68: Batteries
`, ‘Paper not available at time of printing.
`Progress of the Introduction Program For Electric Vehicles
`in Goteborg ,
`. Stefan liliemark, City of Goteborg Traffic and Transit
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`Session 6D: National Electric VehicIe‘lntrastructure
`Working Council
`Utility System EIectric VehicIe Load Impacts
`Steve Frost, Salt River Project
`Load Management and Power QuaIity Issues
`John Kennedy, Georgia Power Company
`Infrastructure Working Council HeaIth & Safety
`John Olsen, Detroit Edison Company
`Identification at Safety Concerns For EVs
`Carol Hammel, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
`The IWC NEC Subcommittee
`David Brown, Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
`Infrastructure Working CounciI Health and Safety
`Committee; BuiIcIing Code Subcommittee
`Robert Brown, National Conference of States on Building
`Codes and Standards
`Assessment of Methods For EV Charging Systems to
`Protect Against EIectric Shock
`Gregory Nieminski, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc
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`Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
`(Safety; Components; Simulation)
`A Cost Conscious Approach to the Design ot an Electric
`CN. Spentzas, National Technical University of Athens
`Comparison oi Hybrid and Conventional Bus Simulations
`using Toronto Transit Commission Bus Route Information
`Peter Drozdz, ORTECH
`Computer Simulation oi I‘berveh’icles with Fuel Cells
`and Batteries
`A. Iacobazzi, ENEA
`Determination of[ElybriclgLehicle Consumptions,
`Emissions, and PeriormaiIces Using 0 Simulation
`I /
`Francois Badin, INRETS
`Development of the Electric Vehicle ”Pivot”
`Shigenori Matsumura, Shikoku Research Institute, Inc.
`Electric Vehicles Integrated in Call-A-Car and Public '
`Transportation Systems
`Richard Smokers, ECN
`Evaluation at Overall Dynamic Performance ot a High-
`Pertormance EV, IZA, Based on On—Road Use Monitoring
`Yasuko Baba, University of Tokyo
`Fiat’s ConceptuaIiApproach to Hybrid Car Design
`Oreste Vittone, FiatAuto/
`Prototype of on Innovative Electrical Scooter tor
`Application in Zero-Emission Urban Mobility
`E Caricchi, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”
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`Results at the Zurich Car Field Trial
`Philipp Dietrich, ETH Zurich
`Salety Considerations‘lor Electric Vehicles
`Peter Van den BosSche, CITELEC
`Simulation Study of Tllvo and Three Source Hybrid Drives
`Antoni Szumanowski>\~.W6rsaw University of Technology
`The Test Results oi the Diesel-Electric Hybrid Bus on
`City Routes
`Tetsuo Koike, Hino Motors, Ltd.
`Electric Vehicle and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Batteries
`(Lead Acid & Nickel-Based; Sodium & Lithium-Based;
`System Components)
`A Dynamic State-ol-Charge Model for Electric Vehicle
`. '1
`Sung~Ku Song, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
`Advances in Electric Bus Batteries
`Klaus-Dieter Mertz, CMP Batteries, Ltd‘
`Development at Ni-Zn Battery tor EVs
`Yukio'Fuiita, Yuasa Corporation
`Development of Sealed-Type Nickel/Metal—Hydricle
`Battery For Electric Vehicles
`Munehisa ”coma, Matsusliita Battery Industrial Company
` Dryiit Electric Vehicle -— Enhanced Dryiit Traction Block
` Lithium—Carbon (Litlwium~lon) Battery System tor
`Dieter Hanauer, Accumulatorentabrik Sonnenschein
`Electric Vehicles
`R. Staniewicz, SAFT
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`New Sodium Batteries with Polymer Electrolytes
`Marco M. Doeh‘, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
`University of California
`On-Boarcl Management System tor EV Batteries — A Fielci
`Experiment on Dilterent EVs in the EDF Fleet
`Patrick Gagnol, Electricité cle France
` Status at the National Proiect on Lithium Secondary
`Batteries in Japan
`Kazuhiko Kurematsu, Lithium Battery Energy Storage
`Technology Research Association (LIBES)
`an EV
`Hiroshi Shimizu, The National Institute for Environmental
` The Battery Built-in Frame —— A New Frame Structure tor
`Drive Systems and Motors
`(Control; Tests; Components; Climate Control; Flywheels;
`Fuel Cells)
` A Comparison 0t;Thr\ee Ditterent Motor Types tor Electric
`Vehicle Application/z/‘
` A Novel DC/DE Shep-Up Converter
`J.R Hadii-Minagloij,Institut fur Elektrische Maschinen
` Design at New ACPower Train Using 2 Quadrant
`Sung*Chul Oh, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
`lvor Smith, Loubhfiorough University of Technology
`Chopper as an InputConverter
`‘Etticiency and Pertqijmaii‘ce ot a 4.6 Ton Fuel Cell Van
`M.B. Virii, Loughboriiughjflniversity of Technology
`Endurance Tests tor Electric Vehicle Drives
`Jurgen Weimer, University of Kaiserslautern
`‘Paper not available at time of printing.
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`Fully Integrated ElegctrAiVehicle Control Unit
`Otmar Bitsche, Steyerafnler-Puch Fahrzeugtechnik
`"Motor and Drives
` Operating Characterisi'
`EV Infrastructure
`(Chargers; Utility & System Effects; Energy Efficiency;
`Air Quality & Emissions)
`Performance Optimigatioii;iibr the Electrical Drive System
`at the Hybrid Ill Passengei Car
`Andrea Vezzini, EIHZ - Swiss Federal Technical Institute
`Chassis Dynamometer tor Evaluating EVs
`Ken lchi Shimizu, Ministry at International Trade and
`Industry (MIT!)
`Data Acquisition and Performance Analysis tram a
`Network at EVs:
`Including PV Charging
`Howard C. Lamb, Clean Energy 8: Vehicles Research
`Center, University at South Florida
` Development at a Quick Charging Station tor Electric
`Alcira Takano, Japan Storage Battery Company, Ltd.
` Electric Vehicle Impact Assessment Study
`Kevin Morrow, Salt River Project
`‘Paper not available at time of printing.
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`Electromagnetic impact of the Electric Vehicle
`A. Buonarota, ENEL SpA CRE
`Fleet Monitoring tor Electric Utility Vans: Optimizing
`Operational Use and Maintenance
`Bernard Courty, Oldham France SA
`Lessons Learned in Acquiring New Regulations tor
`Shipping Advanced Electric Vehicle Batteries
`Gary Henriksen, Argonne National Laboratory
`Progress in the Development at Recycling Processes tor
`Electric Vehicle Batteries
`Rudolph Jungst, Sandia National Laboratories
`Survey on the Drive Systems, Battery Technology,
`Charging and lntrastructure Systems for German Electric
`Dietrich Naunin, Technical University of Berlin
`[The Results of an lnirastructure Build-Up Plan tor
`’ Promoting Electric Vehicles
`Masaharu Nakamura, Osaka City Government
`’Alternate Fueled Vehicle - Development and
`Demonstration: Chesapeake and Cedar Rapids
`,' Consortium Results
`Dallas Usry, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
`flnh‘oduction, Demonstration and Test
`(Market Factors; Incentives, Mandates & Policy; ,
`, Treating a Positive image For Electric Vehicles in
`, Switzerland
`VVFlh'ied Blum, MobilE
`Current Hybrid Electric Vehicle Performance Based on
`Temporal Data from the World’s Largest HEV Fleet
`Keith Wipke, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
`'Paper not cwailable at time of printing.
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`Daily Traveling Distance of internal Combustion Engine
`Vehicles and Capability ot Electric Vehicles to Substitute
`the Vehicles
`Hiroshi Hasuike, The Institute of Applied Energy
`Dynamometer and Road Testing at Advanced Electric
`Vehicles and Projections at Future Range Capability
`AF. Burke, University at California at Davis
`G-Van Data Acquisition and Analysis
`Dennis Landsberg, The Fleming Group
`Major Elements at an Elech‘ic Vehicle Technician
`Training Program
`Edward F. DUFBI, York Technical College
`Electric Vans in Canada
`Marketing Under Uncertainty: The Electric Vehicle Case
`with Retérence to the French Experience
`Pascal Larbaoui, Centre de Recherche en EcOnomie
` Operation at a Research and Demonstration Fleet at
`William A. Adams, University of Ottawa (ESTCO)
` ‘Possibilities of Training For Economical Driving and
`Maintenance at Electric Vehicles
`CA. Bleijs, Electricité cle France
`Research and Development ot the Mazda MX-5 EV
`Michio Yoshino, Mazda Motor Corporation
`Wolfgang Stretcher, Graz University of Technology
`Results at the Austrian Fleet Test with 150 Private B’s
`The Fleet Testing Program tor Lightweight Electric Vehicles
`Urs Muntvvyler, Swiss Federal Office of Energy For the
`Promotion Program "Lightweight Electric Vehicles”
`The Various Measures Taken by the Government to
`Encourage the Use at EVs in the Principality at Monaca
`Raoul Viora, Ministere cl’Etat cle Monaco
`‘Paper not available at time of printing
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`Session 4B:
`John Williams
`General Motors
`Ford Motor Company
`Mike Mangan
`Chloride Silent Power
`Session 3C:
`Francois Fantin
`Thomas Doughty
`Los Angeles Department
`of Water & Power
`Ken Heitner
`US. Department of
`Session 4C:
`Utility System Impact
`Roland Risser
`Pacific Gas and Electric
`David Owen
`PowerGen PLC
`Session 58:
`Masazumi lshikawa
`Japan Electric Vehicle
`Association (JEVA)
`Russell Moy
`Ford Motor Company
`Session 5C:
`EV Policies
`Kateri Callahan
`Electric Transportation
`Mary Brozell
`Brazell 8: Company
`Session 5D:
`National Electric Vehicle
`Infrastructure Working
`Roland Risser
`Pacific Gas and Electric
`Session 4A:
`C. C. Chan
`University of Hong Kong
`Session 5A:
`Hybrid Drives
`Terry Penny
`Midwest Research Institute
`David F. Gosden
`Allan Gale
`University of Sydney
`' Ford Motor Company
`Session 3A:
`Geoff Harding
`International Automotive
`Design (IAD)
`Craig Cambier
`Unique Mobility; Inc.
`Session 38:
`Battery Modeling
`Ron Sims
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`Session (SA:
`Frank Jamerson
`Jamerson & Associates
`Hans Kahlen
`University Of
`Session 6B:
`Willlcim Adams
`Electric Vehicle
`Association of Canada
`Corcl—Henrich Dustmann
`Session 6C:
`Poster/Dialogue Session:
`Electric Vehicles and
`Hybrid Electric Vehicles
`Alan Gilbert
`Unique Mobility, Inc.
`Poster/Dialogue Session:
`Electric Vehicle and
`Hybrid Electric Vehicle
`Ray Hobbs
`Arizona Public Service
`Poster]Dialogue Session:
`Drive Systems and Motors
`Chris Borroni-Bircl
`Chrysler Corporation
`Poster]Dialogue Session:
`EV Infrastructure
`Rm“ 5‘ JOm‘es‘m
`General Motors
`Poster/Dialogue Session:
`Demonstration and Test
`Larry Brandenburg
`Ford Motor Company
` Gary Purcell
`Electric Power Research
` Michael Gage
` Session 6D:
`National Electric Vehicle
`Infrastructure Working
` Roland Risser
`Pacific Gas and Electric
`Company Page 21 of 40
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`Poster/Dialogue Session:
`Electric Vehicles and
`Hybrid Electric Vehicles
`(Salety; Components; Simulation)
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`lng. Oreste Vittone ‘
`FIAT AUTO Engineering Department
` Settembrini, 4O
`TORINO 10135
`Ing. Filippo D’Aprile
`Ing. Giovanni Tornatore
`Strada Torino, 50
`Orbassano, TORINO 10043
`In this paper the different motivations behind the development of hybrid cars are
`examined and various hybrid configurations are illustrated which can satisfy a
`wide range of different and contrasting user needs.
`Specific attention is then given to the definition of guidelines for the
`of a hybrid car where parallel configuration of the propulsion system allows the
`fulfillment of two types of mission:
`' short trips in urban areas with zero emissions by only using the electric motor
`‘ long highway trips with performance close tothat of conventional cars but
`lower emissions.
`The corresponding design criteria for a Fiat medium size hybrid car are described
`together with the propulsion system, consisting of an AC. electric motor and an
`ICE, that has been implemented and bench tested. A prototype car has also been
`equipped'with this hybrid system and the driveability demonstrated.
`The management of the two propulsion units: electric motor and ICE is
`performed via an ECU using suitable control logics to optimize, in terms of
`consumptions, emissions and battery energy management, the performance of
`the global system.
`In the last years the legislation scenario and the attention to the environmental
`issues have changed, also in relation with the inconvenience produced by the
`traffic density in the most congested urban centers; as a consequence the research
`and development effort of the automotive and component manufacturers has
`changed, in order to better cope with the problems which did not allow up to
`now an industrial development of the environmental friendly electrically
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`, Page 23 of 40
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`FORD 1233


`Alternative hybrid vehicle configurations
`The hybrid vehicle features a powertrain which integrates a thermal engine with
`an electric motor.
`Toward the hybrid vehicle approach, various possible configurations have been
`examined [1]
`The addition of an independent electric powertrain on the thermal vehicle
`originates the simplest mixed configuration, called ”dual mode”
`The two powertrains operate in alternative, to meet the requirements of the
`circulationin typical urban areas (electric traction) or those of the extraurban
`missions (thermal engine)
`This configuration allows the following advantages:
`o it does not require the integration of two powertrains, as a matter of fact, the
`simplest configurationis related to a conventional front drive ICE to which an
`electric powertrain is added on the rear axle.
`- it offers the possibility to make available a drive system on the two axles in the
`cases of critical mobility.
`On the other hand, some constraints exist:
`propelled vehicles
`The range and performance limits which are tied to the characteristics of the
`batteries presently available or under development (poWer, energy, weight,
`volume) remain the principal obstacle against the electric traction diffusion, even
`within the assumption of the european scenariowhich forecasts the
`establishment of areas with circulation reserved to ZEV vehicles
`A recent study of the MIP Consortiumin Milan has putin evidence that only
`10% of the vehiclesin circulationin the Milan area could be substituted by
`electric vehicles, provided that they can assure a real range of 85 Km On the
`contrary, the hybrid vehicles, featuring a range in pure electric of some 40 Km,
`would allow a substitution of approximately 90% of the vehicle park
`This study, whose results can be extended to other italian and european cities,
`puts in evidence the enormous potential of hybridvehicle.
`The introduction of such a vehicle into the market, could have indeed an
`important impact on the enviromental quality improvement of the more
`congested urban areas and, in general, on the global pollution.
`a critical layout due to the encumbrances on the two traction axles, with
`considerable modifications on structure and mechanics;
`~ vehicle performance in the thermal mode penalized by the higher weight due
`to electric motor, related electronics and batteries; '
`- system not optimized in terms of consumption and emissions.
`Another possible configuration is the series hybrid, which is constituted by a
`generating unit (thermal engine/electric generator) and by the electric
`For this configuration, the following advantages are envisageable:
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`. utilization of the thermal engine within the most favourable working
`conditions in terms of efficiency. This offers the possibility, for a mission
`featuring variable speed and low power, of limiting the emissions of the
`traditional pollutants, to the minimum allowed by the technology;
`- equal vehicle performance in the elecuic and hybrid modes.
`On the other hand, the most important disadvantages of this configuration are:
`. the number of installed components (two electrical machines besides the
`thermal engine), which have an impact on the vehicle in terms of weight,
`volume and cost;
`- low efficiency over constant speed runs, as a consequence of the energy
`conversions (thermal—electrical—mechanical).
`A further possible configuration is the parallel hybrid
`This solution, albeit a higher mechanical and system complexity, utilizes the
`combination of the two engines (thermal and electric), adding on the same shaft
`the respective torque and power to achieve the desired performance.
`In this case the advantages of the system can be summarized as follows:
`. low installed electric power, related to the urban mission, with consequent
`weight and volume reduction;
`. possibility of a direct conversion of the thermal energy into mechanical, with
`higher global efficiency of the system;
`- addition of the electric power to that of the thermal engine, ~with power peaks
`covered by the electric motor.
`However, it is necessary to overcome the critical aspects deriving from the
`integration of the two systems, that are:
`. mechanical complexity;
`. complexity of the system for control and simultaneous management of the two
`:0 ulsion s stems.
`p p
`As far as the cost aspect is concerned, taking as a reference an electric vehicle of
`the same size, the hybrid vehicle would feature as follows:
`- the electric motor is of slightly smaller power;
`the battery can be of lower capacity (roughly one half);
`. a thermal engine of relatively low power is added which is taken from the
`conventional mass production;
`. a mechanical transmiSsion is substituted to that of the electric vehicle; a specific
`mechanical interface is added.
`Therefore, in this preliminary development phase, a not unreasonable goal
`would be a substantial equivalence of cost between the parallel hybrid and a put
`electric vehicle of the same size.
`The optirfi
`with meg
`to the dei
`' city cen
`' extraurl
`The ‘uncer’
`best syner;
`The cost a
`various vs
`Research a
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`In order td
`technical cl
`The global:
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`Overall 0t
`The perforr
`- convention;
`electric and
`the cases of
`Tab. 2 exhib
`first phase if
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`Page 25 of 40
`FORD 1233


` - city centers with mobility restricted to ZEV vehicles
`Research and development activity in FIAT
`The optimum choice of the hybrid vehicle configurationis strictly connected
`with the mission FIAT RcSzD activities in the field ofelectric traction are lined up
`to the development trendin Europe, where the reference mission can be
`summarized as follows:
`- extraurban and motorway runs with performances comparable to those of
`conventional vehicles.
` The uncertainties of the evolution. of the market and of the introduction
`procedures of the regulations did not prevent activities on large fields of
`investigation, both to assess the different technology options and to identify the
`best synergy of thermal]electric /hybrid vehicle
`The cost constraint requires a strong attention to the carry over among the
`various vehicles and in particular to the conventional normal production
`Research activities have been started on a hybrid vehicle with parallel
`configuration, derived from a conventional medium size car, pursuing the best
`compromise among technical complexity, cost and performance, keeping the
`same characteristics of roominess, comfort, active and passive safety;in
`particular, design solutions have been followed which limit the required
`modifications on the basic vehicle and optimize the number of components
`drawn from the conventional vehicles alreadyin production, keeping the final
`price of the product within acceptable values
`In order to verify the functionality of the Whole system and the potential of the
`technical choices, a demonstrator prototype of the hybrid vehicle has been
`designed, manufactured and tested both at the test bench and on the road.
`The global objectives of the vehicle, the specifications of, the subsystems and the
`preliminary experimental results are discussed in the following paragraphs.
`The performances of the hybrid vehicle compared with those of the basic
`conventional vehicle are shownin Tab 1, with reference to the Operating modes
`electric and hybrid; the use of the pure "thermal" traction is considered only for
`the cases of some anomalous behaviour of the system
`Throughout a prelimin

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