`Page 1
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ______________________
` Case IPR2015
` Patent 00685, 686, 687 and 688.
`GEORGIANNA W. BRADEN, Administrative Patent Judges
`Job No. 2031172
`Pages 1 - 10
`Reporter: Donna M. Lewis, RPR, CSR
`3 4
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`Ex. 1029

`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` Mid-Atlantic Region
` 1250 Eye Street NW - Suite 1201
` Washington, D.C. 20005
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`5 6

`Page 3
` P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S.
`Blankenship from the P tab (phonetic). Also on
`are Judges Begley and Braden. This call concerns
`cases of IPR2015-000685, 686, 687 and 688. Is
`counsel for patent owner on the line?
` MR. AYERS: Yes, he is, Your Honor.
`Peter Ayers for Patent owner 76.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: All right. Counsel
`for Petitioner.
` MR. EISENBERG: Yes, Your Honor. This
`is Jason Eisenberg for Petitioner.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: All right. Is there
`a court reporter on the line?
` THE COURT REPORTER: Yes. Donna Lewis
`the court reporter.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: Who is providing the
`court reporter?
` MR. EISENBERG: The Petitioner, Your
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: All right. Can you
`see that a copy of the transcript is filed in
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`Page 4
`these cases when it is available?
` MR. EISENBERG: Yes sir.
`understand the Patent owner seeks authorization to
`file a motion to stay in ex parte reexamination
`90012987. Patent owner, can you tell us why a
`motion to stay is appropriate?
` MR. AYERS: Yes, Your Honor. It is
`appropriate in this case because that
`reexamination involves some of the same patents --
`the same -- one of the same patents that is at
`issue in nine -- or several of these IPRs
`challenging the same claims based on the same
`identical prior art as presented in these IPRs.
`And we just think given that the patent owner is
`now -- it is not just these four IPRs, there have
`actually been a total of ten IPRs file against
`three related patents. In nine of those involve
`the two prime -- the two sole prior art references
`that are being asserted in the reexam. We just
`think that it would be much more efficient for
`that matter to be stayed to allow us to -- the
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`Page 5
`record to be developed in the IPRs because the
`same issues will be presented, namely the scope of
`the patent, the 482 patent in particular, some
`claim construction issues are presented in the
`scope of what the prior art teaches in the Mattus
`(phonetic) and Gregler (phonetic) references that
`are being -- that form the basis for their
`reexamination are also the basis for or at issue
`in nine of the ten IPRs. And we just requested
`this call in connection with four of those that
`specifically challenged the 4A2. But the Kramer
`and Mathis patents or references are also being
`asserted as the basis for invalidity in the 681,
`683, 806 and 807 IPRs which involve either the
`same 4A2 patent or two related patents. So we are
`going to be having to vet these same issues in
`nine of the ten IPRs. And we just think that that
`is inefficient if nothing else but -- so we would
`request that that reexam be stayed and that these
`issues be vetted in the inter parties review where
`the full record can be developed and we can
`conserve our resources in defending against all of
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`Page 6
`these IPRs.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: Has the trial been
`instituted in any of these IPRs that you've
` MR. AYERS: No, Your Honor. They were
`just filed. And we moved as quickly as possible.
`We have only been retained now for a week or so.
`So we are still trying to get our arms around all
`of these matters. And it is a considerable
`challenge. It looks like the defendants -- you
`know, the petitioners in this case put these --
`the claims and the grounds up and have presented
`them in individual IPRs and individual groups of
`claims. So we have a considerable challenge ahead
`of us in trying to defend against these, let alone
`concurrently fight the ex parte reexam. So we
`just would request that that be stayed to allow us
`to concentrate our efforts on these IPRs where the
`same exact issues are going to be presented.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: What is the status
`of the reexamination proceeding?
` MR. AYERS: The reexamination is now on
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`Page 7
`appeal. The examiner has filed his answering
`briefs. Our Summit 6 reply brief is due
`March 30th. So it is a matter of somewhat urgency
`to see if we can stay and preserve the resources
`that it would take to pull that together as well
`as, obviously, any hearing on that which from what
`I understand would occur during the pendency of
`this inter parties review should it be instituted.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: And would the stay
`be consistent with 35 USC Section 305 that
`requires that the reexam proceeding be conducted
`with special dispatch within the office?
` MR. AYERS: Yes it would, Your Honor.
`The board has stayed reexaminations in a number of
`cases pending inter party's review. And if we
`were permitted to brief this we would identify
`those cases for Your Honor.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: All right. Can we
`hear from petitioner?
` MR. EISENBERG: Yes. Our client does
`not have a position on whether or not they should
`be able to brief this at this time. We just
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`Page 8
`reserve the right to have an opposition to
`whatever they may file.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: All right. Patent
`owner, anything else to add?
` MR. AYERS: Well, the only thing I would
`add, Your Honor, is just that if we can have a
`expedited briefing schedule. As I said, our reply
`brief is currently due March 20th. We are
`prepared to file a five-page motion tomorrow on
`this issue but would ask for similar turn around
`from the petitioner's, perhaps Monday. So that if
`possible we could get a ruling next week ahead of
`when our reply briefs would be due, perhaps
`Wednesday or something. I know that that is
`asking a lot and I apologize for that. We brought
`this to the board just as soon as we were engaged.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: All right. We will
`go on mute for a while and the panel will confer.
` MR. AYERS: Thank you Your Honor.
` (Whereupon, a recess occurred from 4:38
` p.m. until 4:41 p.m.)
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: We do not find
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`Page 9
`sufficient reason at this time to authorize the
`motion to stay the reexam proceeding and a written
`order to that affect will be entered in due
`course. If trial is instituted in any of these
`cases, patent owner may renew its request to file
`a motion to stay or you may also renew the request
`if and when the reexamination appeal is docketed
`at the board.
` Anything else we need to discuss today?
` MR. EISENBERG: Nothing for petitioner,
`Your Honor.
` MR. AYERS: No, Your Honor, nothing from
`patent owner.
` JUDGE BLANKENSHIP: Thank you. We are
` MR. AYERS: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Whereupon, at 4:44 p.m., the above
` proceedings was adjourned.)
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`Page 10
` I, DONNA M. LEWIS, RPR, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, certify;
` That the foregoing proceedings were
`taken before me telephonically at the time and
`therein set forth;
` That the questions propounded and all
`objections and statements made at the time of the
`examination were recorded stenographically by me
`and were thereafter transcribed;
` I declare that I am not of counsel to
`any of the parties, nor in any way interested in
`the outcome of this action.
` As witness, my hand and notary seal this
`22nd day of March 2015.
` <%signature%>
` _________________________
` Donna M. Lewis, RPR
` Notary Public
`My Commission expires:
`March 14, 2018
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`[& - go]
`& 2:3,7
`00685 1:11
`1 1:20
`10 1:20
`1201 2:19
`1250 2:19
`14 10:20
`20005 2:20
`2015 10:15
`2018 10:20
`2031172 1:19
`20th 8:8
`22nd 10:15
`305 7:10
`30th 7:3
`35 7:10
`482 5:3
`4:41 8:21
`4:44 9:17
`4a2 5:11,15
`6 1:7 7:2
`681 5:13
`683 5:14
`686 1:11 3:5
`687 1:11 3:5
`688 1:11 3:5
`76 3:8
`806 5:14
`807 5:14
`90012987 4:6
`able 7:22
`action 10:13
`add 8:4,6
`adjourned 9:15,18
`administrative 1:15
`affect 9:3
`ahead 6:14 8:12
`allow 4:22 6:17
`answering 7:1
`apologize 8:15
`appeal 1:2 7:1 9:7
`apple 1:4
`appropriate 4:7,9
`arms 6:8
`art 4:14,19 5:5
`asking 8:15
`asserted 4:20 5:13
`atlantic 2:19
`authorization 4:4
`authorize 9:1
`available 4:1
`ayers 2:8 3:7,8 4:8
`6:5,22 7:13 8:5,19
`b 1:14
`based 4:13
`basis 5:7,8,13
`begley 1:14 3:4
`behalf 2:2,6
`blankenship 1:14
`3:2,3,9,13,17,21 4:3
`6:2,20 7:9,18 8:3,17
`8:22 9:14
`board 1:2 7:14 8:16
`braden 1:15 3:4
`brian 2:10
`brief 7:2,16,22 8:8
`briefing 8:7
`briefs 7:2 8:13
`brought 8:15
`c 2:1 3:1
`call 3:4 5:10
`case 1:10 4:9 6:11
`cases 3:5 4:1 7:15,17
`certificate 10:1
`certified 10:2
`certify 10:3
`challenge 6:10,14
`challenged 5:11
`challenging 4:13
`claim 5:4
`claims 4:13 6:12,14
`client 7:20
`commission 10:19
`concentrate 6:18
`concerns 3:4
`concurrently 6:16
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`confer 8:18
`connection 5:10
`conserve 5:22
`considerable 6:9,14
`consistent 7:10
`construction 5:4
`copy 3:22
`counsel 3:6,9 10:11
`course 9:4
`court 3:14,15,16,18
`csr 1:21
`currently 8:8
`d 2:4 3:1
`d.c. 2:20
`day 10:15
`declare 10:11
`defend 6:15
`defendants 6:10
`defending 5:22
`Page 1
`developed 5:1,21
`discuss 9:9
`dispatch 7:12
`docketed 9:7
`donna 1:21 3:15
`due 7:2 8:8,13 9:3
`e 2:1,1 3:1,1
`efficient 4:21
`efforts 6:18
`eisenberg 2:4 3:11
`3:12,19 4:2 7:20
`either 5:14
`engaged 8:16
`entered 9:3
`esquire 2:4,8,9,10
`ex 4:5 6:16
`exact 6:19
`examination 10:9
`examiner 7:1
`expedited 8:7
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`eye 2:19
`fight 6:16
`file 4:5,17 8:2,9 9:5
`filed 3:22 6:6 7:1
`find 8:22
`five 8:9
`foregoing 10:4
`form 5:7
`forth 10:6
`four 4:16 5:10
`fox 2:3
`full 5:21
`g 3:1
`georgianna 1:15
`given 4:15
`go 8:18
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`[going - rpr]
`going 5:16 6:19
`goldstein 2:3
`gregler 5:6
`grounds 6:12
`groups 6:13
`hand 10:14
`hayes 2:7
`hear 7:19
`hearing 7:6
`honor 3:7,11,20 4:8
`6:5 7:13,17 8:6,19
`howard 1:14
`identical 4:14
`identify 7:16
`individual 6:13,13
`inefficient 5:18
`instituted 6:3 7:8
`inter 5:20 7:8,15
`interested 10:12
`invalidity 5:13
`involve 4:18 5:14
`involves 4:10
`ipr2015 1:10
`ipr2015-000685 3:5
`iprs 4:12,14,16,17
`5:1,9,14,17 6:1,3,13
`issue 4:12 5:8 8:10
`issues 5:2,4,16,20
`j 2:8
`jason 2:4 3:12
`job 1:19
`johnson 2:9
`judge 3:2,2,9,13,17
`3:21 4:3 6:2,20 7:9
`7:18 8:3,17,22 9:14
`judges 1:15 3:4
`kerry 1:14
`kessler 2:3
`know 6:11 8:14
`kramer 5:11
`lee 2:7
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`lewis 1:21 3:15 10:2
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`looks 6:10
`lot 8:15
`m 1:21 10:2,18
`mangum 2:10
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`mathis 5:12
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`matters 6:9
`mattus 5:5
`mentioned 6:4
`mid 2:19
`monday 8:11
`motion 4:5,7 8:9 9:2
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`mute 8:18
`n 2:1 3:1
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`notary 10:14,18
`number 7:14
`nw 2:19
`o 3:1
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`occurred 8:20
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`order 9:3
`outcome 10:13
`owner 1:8 2:6 3:6,8
`4:4,6,15 8:4 9:5,13
`p 2:1,1 3:1,3
`p.m. 8:21,21 9:17
`page 8:9
`pages 1:20
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`parte 4:5 6:16
`particular 5:3
`parties 5:20 7:8
`party's 7:15
`patent 1:1,2,8,11,15
`2:6 3:6,8 4:4,6,15
`5:3,3,15 8:3 9:5,13
`patents 4:10,11,18
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`pending 7:15
`permitted 7:16
`peter 2:8 3:8
`petitioner 2:2 3:10
`3:12,19 7:19 9:10
`petitioner's 8:11
`petitioners 1:5 6:11
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`7:11 9:2
`Page 2
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`r 2:1 3:1
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`6:16 7:11 9:2
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`4:10 5:8 6:21,22 9:7
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`region 2:19
`reid 2:9
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`3:15,16,18 10:3
`reporter's 10:1
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`requested 5:9
`requires 7:11
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`resources 5:22 7:4
`retained 6:7
`review 5:20 7:8,15
`right 3:9,13,21 4:3
`7:18 8:1,3,17
`rpr 1:21 10:2,18
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`Page 3
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`[ruling - written]
`ruling 8:12
`s 2:1 3:1
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`6:17 7:14
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`taken 10:5
`teaches 5:5
`telephonically 10:5
`tell 4:6
`ten 4:17 5:9,17
`thank 8:19 9:14,16
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830

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