`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2015-00630
`Patent No. 6,205,411 B1
`Mail Stop Patent Board
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Exhibit 1013 Page1
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 1


`My name is Eric R. Kischell. I am currently a Senior
`Analyst/Programmer at the Mayo Foundation. I hold a MS. in Electrical
`Engineering from Texas A&M University, and a BS. in Electrical Engineering
`from Northeastern University. My expertise encompasses image
`processing/segmentation/display, pattern recognition, 3D visualization, object
`oriented architecture, user interface prototyping and code optimization.
`I am being compensated at my ordinary rate of $60/hour for my time,
`but have no relationship to Mako Surgical Corp. My compensation is not
`dependent on the outcome of this case.
`A copy of my curriculum vitae is attached hereto.
`I began working for Carnegie Mellon University (“CMU”) in July of
`1995 as a Research Programmer for The Robotics Institute. I worked at CMU until
`December of 1997 in the same capacity. While at CMU, I worked on a team with
`Dr. Anthony M. DiGioia III, Dr. Takeo Kanade, Dr. Branislav Jaramaz, David A.
`Simon, Robert V. O’Toole, Michael Blackwell, Frederick Morgan, and Bruce
`Colgan (“the team”) to develop what we called the “HipNav System.”
`Additionally, the team published the following article, which
`summarized our development of the HipNav System: “HipNav: Pre-operative
`Planning and Intra-operative Navigational Guidance for Acetabular Implant
`Exhibit 1013 Page 2
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 2


`Placement in Total Hip Replacement Surgery,” 2nd CAOS Symposium, 1996 /
`(“DiGioia”) (Ex. 1005).
`At the time, it was well understood that malposition of the acetabular
`component during total hip replacement surgery caused complications following
`surgery, including dislocation and impingement. The HipNav System was
`developed to improve placement of the acetabular component during surgery,
`through the use of a pre-operative planner, a range of motion simulator, and an
`intra-operative tracking and guidance system.
`I was tasked with solving the following problem: how to integrate the
`intra-operative tracking and guidance system into a graphical user interface that
`would allow the surgeon to place the implant in the optimal position.
`The data had to be integrated and tracked in real time in a capable
`graphical user interface so that the surgeon could utilize the intra—operative
`tracking and guidance system to accurately place the implant in the predetermined
`optimal position. My solution was the graphical user interface utilized in the
`HipNav System as represented in the DiGioia article.
`In addition to the graphical user interface issue, we also had to find a
`way to process the CT scans so that they could be utilized in the pre-operative
`I was responsible for developing software to perform clean-up of image
`Exhibit 1013 Page 3
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 3


`contours for 3D object reconstruction. This pre-processing step was also utilized
`in the HipNav System as represented in the DiGioia article.
`To my knowledge, my solution to these was unique. It took
`approximately 14 months to create the graphical user interface, and approximately
`20 months to develop the CT scan pre-processing software.
`11. After a draft of the DiGioia article was written, I reviewed the draft
`and provided further input and revisions before it was published. The development
`of the system and the drafting of the article were team efforts, and I was certainly
`not the primary researcher on the medical front. Nonetheless, my contributions to
`solving the software problems in the HipNav system were important to the
`project’s success and were not insubstantial.
`In signing this Declaration, I recognize that the Declaration will be
`filed as evidence in a contested case before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office. I also recognize that I may be
`subject to cross-examination in the case and that cross—examination will take place
`within the United States. If cross-examination is required of me, I will appear for
`cross—examination within the United States during the time allotted for cross—
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`Exhibit 1013 Page 4
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 4


`believed to be true, and further that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine
`or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States code.
`é/vé' % QM
`Eric R. Kischell
`2 [/9 Z 29/1?
`Exhibit 1013 Page 5
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 5


`Southeast of Twin Cities, MN 

`My practical experience and theoretical knowledge in image processing/segmentation/display, pattern recognition, 3D 
`visualization, object oriented architecture, user interface prototyping and code optimization have been heavily utilized to 
`create very complex medical and military imaging systems and plug‐ins. 

`Computer Languages 
`C, Visual C++, C#, Java, Assembly (MMX/SSE), Visual Basic, HTML, XAML (lite), Perl, Python for data analysis (lite), TCL 
`(lite), VBScript, JavaScript (lite), UNIX Shell Scripts, SQL (lite). 
`Operating/Window Systems 
`MS‐Windows (WIN8.1 (lite), WIN7, Server 2008), Cygwin, LINUX (lite), UNIX, X‐Windows (lite). 
`Software Tools 
`DirectDraw, XForms, Objective Chart, Accusoft MISDK (DICOM), ActiveX (lite), Eclipse (lite), JBuilder, Visual Café, 
`BoundsChecker, VTune, Purify, Insure++, NUnit, CMake, TFS, SourceSafe, CVS, ReSharper, Beyond Compare, Nuget, 
`MS‐Word and Project (lite). 

`Aug.  2005  Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN 

` Architected and developed a Cardiac PYP Uptake WPF / MVVM application. 
` Enhanced complex WPF / MVVM PACS dashboard to help resolve problems faster.  Updated companion 
`applications to utilize statistically superior Banker's rounding algorithm. 
` Streamlined and improved absolute volume estimates of segmentation subsystem, improved surface/MIP 
`volume rendering quality, and added support for new image acquisition protocols in Gastric Accommodation 
` Improved stability and robustness of epileptic brain surgery planning application (SISCOM2).  Corrected 
`orientation‐related DICOM tags, integrated proprietary surface matching algorithm to handle difficult SPECT 
`to MRI registrations, improved legacy registration algorithm (AIR) via more accurate initial translational and 
`rotational guesses, and corrected defects in object segmentation pipeline in SISCOM2.  This work 
`considerably reduced case processing time. 
` Corrected critical legacy defect in DMSA renal application in which the wrong kidney was being used to 
`calculate the background region of interest (ROI) statistics. Refactored Renal Analysis application to handle 
`unexpected acquisitions, protocols, and ROIs. 
` Researched, designed, and developed an integrated clinical MRI‐based automated change detection system 
`consisting of DICOM receiver, image format conversion, intensity non‐uniformity correction (N3), co‐
`registration (ITK), brain extraction/cleanup (SPM, AVW), change detector, GUI (visualization), and web viewer 
`(ASP.NET, VBScript).  Optimized system for high performance computing via 64‐bit port, multi‐core 
`awareness, OpenMP, and Intel C++ compiler.  Partnered with IBM to further improve system workflow and 
`performance.  Enhanced system with on‐the‐fly image subtraction (with window/level) feature and status 
`reporting web service.  Extended internal image class library to support per pixel alpha blending.  This system 
`detected brain defects that were missed by the radiologist. 
` Detected and characterized artifacts in Ultrasound phantom images utilizing median filter, Sobel edge detector, 
`Hough Transform, Convex Hull, feature extraction (SNR), and alpha‐blending algorithms.  Extended MATLAB‐
`based active contour prototype to characterize (target SNR) scanner performance in Ultrasound phantom 
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 6








` page
` 2 
`ImageJ Java image processing program (Open Source)  
`Various Open Source 
` Proposed Java Advanced Imaging photo quality improvements for a United Way community card hackathon. 
` Prototyped microscopic‐based complex object length analysis plug‐in. 
` Contributed level of detail integration (multiresolution modeling) and screen capture to VTK‐ImageJ volume 
`and surface rendering plug‐ins.  Experimented with color volume rendering via ij‐VTK and TCL. 
` Prototyped cycloid arc (stereological method) measurement and batch processor plugins for commercial client. 
` Prototyped color image segmentation for pink particles in a sediment profile utilizing basic color space 
` Contributed elasticized ROI, Swing‐based measurement results table, and drag and drop plug‐in. 
` Developed automated time annotation and meat processor plugins to save user time and effort. 
` Prototyped color image processing cell counting methods for a non‐profit application. 
` Contributed UML Use Case diagrams to a Linux‐based animal shelter engine. 



`Sept. 1999 

`July  2005 
`Terason, Burlington, MA 

` Researched and integrated image quality scan conversion interpolation routines to substantially increase image 
`quality.  This feature helped Terason “make a big splash” at RSNA.  Improved gray scale resolution of images 
`especially for high frequency probes.  
` Hand‐optimized time critical code using Intel SIMD SSE/SSE2 instructions to increase speed 30‐fold. 
` Field‐tested a portable, low power, PC‐based Ultrasound device to support clinical trials. 
` Developed and integrated gray scale mapping "S‐Curve", calibrated gray scale display curves, gamma 
`correction, histogram/statistical, brightness/contrast, M‐mode/Spectral Doppler display controls, and 
`Spectral Doppler sound API. 
` Designed and developed optimized cardiac time series data and complex measurement scrolling utilizing virtual 
`bitmap, BitBlt, and Direct Input techniques. 
` Specified, prototyped, and tested biopsy needle guide subsystem.  
` Refined and integrated crude near real‐time EKG rendering prototypes from hardware group to speed product 
` Refactored and extended image file input/export (DICOM, TIF), DIB, palette, printing, on‐screen visual 
`components, and exam/patient presets. 
` Organized hardware/software co‐design meetings to facilitate company communication. 
` Researched histogram‐based “one‐touch magic button” image optimization techniques utilizing heuristic 
`(greedy), Powell, and simulated annealing algorithms for SBIR phase I grant. 
` Researched speckle reduction/edge enhancement filters. 
` Prototyped advanced image rendering techniques (DIB sections, True‐color DirectDraw pixel compositing 
`utilizing source color keying and hardware overlay plane). 
` Researched Time Gain Compensation (TGC) modeling taking into account tissue attenuation/frequency/depth, 
`transmit focusing action/beam shape, center frequency variation, and other transducer characteristics. 

`AutoQuant Imaging, Watervliet, NY 
`Dec.  1997 


`Aug.  1999  Managed and re‐engineered a 3D visualization Windows 98/NT‐based product to increase sales.  Managed, designed, 
`and assisted in development of product family reusable code libraries, visualization and GUI components.  Researched 
`and prototyped a multispectral crosstalk elimination project.  Managed and assisted in development of cell counting 
`and neuron tracing image segmentation SBIR phase I projects.  Researched and integrated a point spread function 
`correction scheme for widefield microscopic data to improve product image quality.  Integrated Visual Basic front‐end 
`code with C/C++ algorithm DLLs via Automation/ActiveX.
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 7








` page
` 3 
`Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
`Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 
`Prototyped, integrated, and field‐tested the HipNav intraoperative surgical navigational system to support clinical 
`trials.  Architected, developed, tested, and maintained a semi‐automatic contour extraction system including 
`complementary 3D GUI tools for surface model generation of the pelvis and femur.  Investigated template‐based 
`learning utilizing active contours. 

`July  1995 

`Dec.  1997 

`Nov.  1993 

`June  1995 
`Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corporation, Waltham, MA 
`Image Exploitation Group (secret clearance security level) 
`Successfully fulfilled large DOD contract by integrating SAR image‐based change detection system consisting of clutter 
`reduction/object detection algorithm, object oriented database, and GUI.  Programmed, debugged, and tested target 
`recognition algorithms based on multiband IR images.  Formulated and developed statistical and fuzzy logic‐based 
`feature analysis techniques to discriminate natural clutter objects in SAR imagery. 

`Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 
`M.S. in Electrical Engineering 
`Thesis Title 
`Classification of Brain Compartments and Head Injury Lesions by Neural Networks Applied to MRI. 
`Image Processing (Introductory and Advanced Special Topics), Pattern Recognition (Classical and Neural Networks), 
`Signal Theory, Statistical Communication Theory, Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, Parallel Numerical Algorithms 
`MRI brain boundary detection, image noise removal/enhancement, pattern recognition military targets, character 
`recognition, image compression, fuzzy control (Dodge van). 
`Journal of Computer Assisted Microscopy.  "Three‐Dimensional Thinning Algorithm…" 
`Neuroradiology Journal (1995) 37:535‐541.  Houston Conference Biomed. Eng. Res. (Feb. 1993). 

`Northeastern University, Boston, MA 
`B.S. in Electrical Engineering 
`Additional Courses 
`OpenCV (short), Kinect (short).  Rochester MN .NET Developers and Friends 

`Agile Training Boot Camp.  Mayo / TEKsystems 
`Microsoft Developers Conference (HTML5/Javascript for Gaming, SOA, Cross Platform Mobile Apps) 
`Applied Statistics and Hypothesis Testing (short).  Mayo 
`Unix Shell Fundamentals and Unix Shell Advanced (short).  Mayo 
`Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Distributed Computing Server (short).  MathWorks 
`Cell Processor Architecture and Programming (short).  IBM 
`MATLAB Fundamentals and Programming Techniques (short).  MathWorks 
`DICOM Basics, IHE Intermediate Level Course (short).  Siemens/internal 
`Programming the .NET Framework (ASP.NET, Web Services). 
`Win‐Dev (WinForms, Graphics/GDI+/Image Rendering, DirectSound/Direct3D).  Boston University 
`Software Development for Medical Device Manufacturers (short), Design Patterns (short).  IEEE 
`Medical Imaging Infrastructure (short).  MIT 
`Java, Data Mining (short), Web Tech. (short).  Carnegie Mellon University 
`User Interface Software Tools (HCI).  Carnegie Mellon University 
`Object‐Oriented Analysis and Design (2).  Boston University and IEEE 
`Prog. MS‐Windows; C I, II, C++.  Relational database and flat file reformatter.  Northeastern University 

`IEEE, Rochester MN .NET Developers and Friends, C4. 
`Enjoy fine art (drawing/painting), music, indie/science fiction/horror/Mike Judge films, health and fitness. 
`Mako Exhibit 1013 Page 8

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