Webster's II
`New College Dictionary
`Houghton Mifflin Company
`Boston • New York
`Praxair v. INO Therapeutics


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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster's II new college dictionary.
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`Praxair v. INO Therapeutics


`chiffonier • chin
`cessories for women's clothing. - adj. 1. Of, relating to, or like chif-
`fon. 2. Having a light and fluffy consistency.
`chi•fo•nier (shit'a-nie) ix. [Fr. < chiffon, rag. -see CHIFFON.] A
`narrow high chest of drawers, often with an attached mirror.
`tchi •io•robe (shit / a-rob', shit/nib') n. [einri:o(rnaa) (cid:9)
`ROBE.] Regional. A tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on
`one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.
`chigger (chig/ar) n. [Var. of CHIGOE.] 1. Any of various small six-
`legged larvae of mites of the family Trombidiidae, causing intensely
`irritating itching when lodged on the skin. 2. CHIGOE L
`chignon (shen-yOnt, shen/yOn') n. [Fe < OFr. chaignon, chain <
`Lat. catena.] A roll or knot of hair worn at the back of the, head or nape
`of the neck.
`chigoe (chig/ 6, che gal n. [Of Cariban orig.] 1. A small tropical flea,
`Tunga penetrans, of which the fertile female burrows under the skin,
`causing intense irritation and sores that may become severely infect-
`ed. 2. CHIGGER 1.
`Chi•hua•hus (chi-warwl, -we) IL [After Chihuahua, Mexico.] A
`tiny dos orig, bred in Mexico, with pointed ears and a smooth coat.
`n. [cmr.(n) + BLAIN.] An inflammation fol-
`lowed by itchy irritation on the hands, 'feet, or ears, caused by expo-
`sure to moist cold. - chil/blained/ adj. -
`child (child) n., p1. chi•dren (chili dran) [ME < OE cild.) 1. A per-
`son between birth and puberty. 2. a. An unborn infant : FETUS. b. A
`baby : infant. 3. A childish or immature person. 4. A son or daughter
`OFFSPRING. 5. often children. Members of a tribe : DESCENDANTS
`<children of Abraham> 6. Figurative offspring <a child of nature>
`-with child. Pregnant. -childless adj. -childilessmess
`¤ word history: The plural of child is really a double plural, and
`neither plural suffix belongs to the original declension of the word.
`The earliest Old English form cild was a neuter noun that formed the
`plural by adding no suffix, like the Modem English words sheep and
`deer. Other neuter nouns, however, formed plurals by suffixing -ru,
`and in later Old English times a new plural, cildru, was used for'efid.
`This form developed into childer. In Old English still another class of
`nouns formed the plural with the suffix -an, which survived in Mid-
`dle English as -en. Oxen and brethren are modem plurals that show
`this suffix. In some dialects of Middle English -en was the usual plu-
`ral suffix, and it was added to childer to make it conform to other
`nouns. Childeren was probably pronounced children, which became
`the modern spelling of the plural of child.
`child abuse n. Maltreatment of a child by a parent, guardian, or
`other adult that includes intentional acts resulting in physical injury,
`toleration of and complicity in conditions injurious to the child's
`health, or sexual assault upon the child. ' (cid:9)
`Child•bear•ing (child/ hieing) II Parturition.
`child.bed (child b6d1) n. The state of a woman in childbirth.
`childbed fever n. Puerperal fever.
`childbirth (child/With') n. Parturition.
`child-care or childcare (child/kir') adj. Of or providing care
`for children; esp. preschoolers. -child'care' n.
`childe (child) n. [ME child, child.] Archaic. A child of noble birth.
`childhood (cid:9)
`'hand') n. The time or state of being a child.
`childish (chilid1sh) adj. 1. Of, similar to, or for a child. 2. Lacking
`maturity : PUERILE. adv. -childiishmess
`ERILE adj. core meaning : of or characteristic of a chilkesp. in imma-
`turity <childish temper tantrums> ant: ADULT
`child labor n. Full-time employment of children under a minimum
`legal age,
`childlike (child lik') adj. Like or befitting a child <a childlike,
`innocent smile> -childilikeiness n.
`child neglect n. Failure on the part of a parent or parental substi-
`tute to supervise a chilland provide requisite care and protection.
`childproof (child/pro-of') adj. Designed to resist tampering by
`children <a childproof aspirin bottle>
`chi•dren (chit dran) n. pl. of CHILD.
`child's play n. 1. An easy task. 2. A trivial matter.
`chile (chllit) n. var. of mini. (cid:9)
`chile con also child con (chile kiln kartne)
`n. [Sp.: chile, chili + con, with + came, meat.] A highly spiced dish
`of red peppers, meat, and often beans.
`Chile saltpeter n. Sodium nitrate.
`chil•i.a/so chile or chilli (c.h,ili 6).n., pL -ies also -es or -lies.
`[Sp. chile < -Nahuatl chilli.] ,l. a.,The very pungent fruit of several
`varieties of a woody plant Capsicum frutescens. b. A condiment made
`from the dried fruits of the chili. 2. Chile con came.
`chi••ad (kil/e-id', -ad) n. [LLat. chilies, (cid:9)
`< Gk. khilias <
`khilioi, thousand.] 1. A group containing 1,000 elements. 2; One thou-
`sand years.
`ehil••asm (kil/E-Aziamln. [NLat. chiliasraus < LLat. chiliastes, a
`chiliast < chilies, chiliad.] The belief that Christ will reign on earth
`for 1,000 years. -chilibasti (cid:9)
`-ast) n. (cid:9)
`chi•i•bur•ger (chil /6-bilegar) n. A hamburger covered with chili.
`chi•i con carom (chll'e kiln kar (cid:9)
`n. var. of CHILE cox CAR
`chil••dog (chil/e-clog', -dog') n. A hot dog covered with chili.
`chili pepper n. CHILI .1.
`chili powder n. A condiment consisting of ground chilies mixed
`with several seasonings, such as cumin, oregano, and garlic,
`chili sauce n. A spiced sauce of chilies and tomatoes.
`chill (chili n. [ME chele < OE Me.] 1. A moderate but penetrating
`cold. 2. A feeling of coldness; as with a fever. 3. A dampening of ea.
`thusiasm, spirit, or joy <bad news that put a chill on the party> 4; A
`sudden numbing fear or dread. - ad). 1. Chilly. 2. Dispiriting : dis-
`couraging. -v. chilled, chill-ing, chills. - vt. 1:"To affect with
`cold. 2. To discourage. 3. To lower in temperature. 4. Metallurgy, To
`harden (a metallic surface) by rapid cooling. - vi. 1. To be seized with
`cold. 2. To become cold. 3. Metallurgy. To become hard by rapid cool-
`ing, -chilling-ly adv. -chilliness n.
`chiller (chillar) n. One that chills or frightens : THRILLER.
`chilli (chrlve).n. var. of CHILI.
`chilly (clan/ e) adj. -ber, -best. 1: Cold enough to cause shivering,
`2. Seized with cold :SHIVERING. 3. Distant and cool : UNFRIENDLY <a
`chilly meting> -chillibly adv. -chilli bness n.
`chblo•pod (ki'ls-pild') n. [NLat, Chilopoda, class name : Gk. khei.
`los, lip + Gk. pons, foot (so called because the foremost pair of legs are
`jawlike appendages),] Any of various arthropods of the Class' Chilopo.
`da, including the centipedes.
`chi•mae.ra (ki-mix's, ki-) n. [NLat. Chimaera, type genus < Lat.,
`chimera.] 1. One of the noncommercial fish of the family Chimae•
`ridae. 2. var. of CHIMERA.
`chimel (chine) n. [ME chimbe < OFr., var. of cimble,
`cymbal c Lat.
`cymbalum. -see CYMBAL] 1. An apparatus for striking a bell or bells
`to make 'a musical sound. 2. often chimes. A set of bells tuned to the
`musical scale and used as an orchestral instrument, 3. A single bell, 4,
`The musical sound made by a bell or bells. 5. Agreement : accord
`<Their views are in 'chime with mine.> - v. chimed, chit' n-ing,
`chimes. (cid:9)
`1. To sound with a harmonious ring when struck. 2,
`To make a musical sound by striking a chime, 3. To agree : harmonize
`<Their opinions chimed with' ours.> - vt. 1. TO produce (music) by
`striking bells. 2. To strike (a bell) to produce music. 3. To make
`known (the hour) by ringing bells, 4. To call; send, or welcome by ring-
`ing bells. -chime in. 1. To break into, as a conversation : INTER-
`RUPT <chimed in with an extraneous comment> 2. To join in
`chins' er n.
`chimes (chim) n. (ME chimb.] The rim of a cask.
`chione•ra also chi•nae•ra (ki-mirla, ki-) n. [ME chimere < OFr.
`< .Lat. chimaera < Gk. khimaira.] 1. Chimera. Gk. Myth. A fire•
`breathing she-monster usu. depicted as a composite of a lion, a goat,
`and a serpent. 2. A foolish fancy. 3. Biol. An organism, esp. a plant,
`with tissues from at least two genetically distinct, parents.
`ch•mer••cal (ki-m6r/I-kal, -mir'-, ki-) also chi.mer•
`(-m6r/11, -mix'-) adj. 1. Like a chimera : IMAGINARY. 2. Given to un-
`realistic fantasies : FANCIFUL. - chbnier bcably adv,
`chimney (chi:nine) n;,. pl. -neys. [ME chimene < OFr. cheminee
`< LLat, caminata, fireplace < Lat. caminus, furnace < Gk. kaminos.1
`1. a. .A structural passage through which smoke and gases escape from
`a fire or furnace FLUE. b. The usu. vertical. structure containing
`chimney, c. The part of such a structure rising above a roof. 2. Cher
`Brit. A smokestack, as' of a locomotive. 3. A glass tube for enclosing g
`lamp's flame. 4. Something, as a narrow cleft in a cliff, resembling
`chin•ney-piece (chiral ne-pes' ) n. 1. The mantel.of a fireplace. 2.
`A decoration over a fireplace.
`chimney pot n. A pipe put on top of a chimney to improve
`chinmeysweep n. One who cleans soot from chimneys.
`chimney swift n. A 'small, dark, swallowlike New World
`Chaetura pelagica, that frequently nests in chimneys.
`chimp (chimp) n. Informal. A chimpanzee.
`chim•pan•zee (chim'pAn-z6/, -pan-, chim-pAn/ zt) n. Ito f B
`orig.] An anthropoid ape, Pan troglodytes of tropical Africa, havO
`garious habits and a high degree of intelligence.
`chin (chin) /I [ME < OE tin.] The central forward portion , ,0,,
`er jaw. -v. chinned, chin-fling, chins. -vt. 1. To pun "
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`Praxair v. INO Therapeutics

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