`J. BELETIC, “Exotic Imaging: IR focal plane arrays enable imaging that is out of
`this world,” Laser Focus World, October 2007
`TRW Automotive U.S. LLC: EXHIBIT 1017
`OF U.S. PATENT NUMBER 8,599,001

`NG: I
`R foc
`al-plaane arrrays
`enabble immagingg thatt is ouut of tthis wworld
`largest grouund-
`some of the
`The HAAWAII-2RG iinfrared focaal-plane arraays are incoorporated in
`based observatoories in the wworld, and aare bound foor space too.
`Infrared aastronomy hhas advancedd rapidly sincce the first twwo-dimensioonal IR-ima
`ging arrays wwere
`producedd in the 19800s. From the modest 32 ×× 32-pixel arrrays that proovided a breeakthrough 220
`years agoo, the size off IR arrays hhas increasedd to the 20488 × 2048-pixxel arrays thaat are now thhe
`standard in IR astronnomy. Infrareed arrays havve greatly exxpanded the
`capability oof
`telescopees because innfrared can ssee through tthe gas and ddust in star-fforming regiions (see Figg. 1).
`Infrared wwavelengthss are also reqquired for stuudying distaant galaxies ffor which th
`e expandingg
`universe has shifted vvisible light into the IR sspectrum.
`FIGGURE 1. Thee Orion Nebula was imaaged with thee WIRCam
`(Wiide Field Inffrared Cameera) of the 3.
`6 m Canadaa-France-
`Hawwaii Telescoope in Hawaii. WIRCam
`is based on a 4096 ×
`40996-pixel mossaic of four HH2RG short--wave (1 to 22.5 µm)
`sensors (inset). Most of the red stars in
` this image wwere first
`obsserved with tthe advent off IR camerass. (Courtesy
`Cannada-Francee-Hawaii Teelescope)
`Click heree to enlarge iimage
`The HAWWAII-2RG iis Teledyne’s most advannced IR-imaaging array ffor astronommical
`instrumenntation and iis widely useed in the newwest generattion of instruuments for gground-basedd and

`space-based observattories (see Fig. 2). The HHAWAII-2RRG (H2RG) iis a 2048 × 22048-pixel aarray
`based on 18 µm pixeel pitch that pprovides high quantum eefficiency (QQE greater thhan 80%) annd
`very low noise (less tthan six elecctrons), whicch enables asstronomers tto detect andd study the faaint
`light fromm the most ddistant galaxiies.
`FIGGURE 2. Thee HAWAII-22RG (H2RG)) is a 2048 ×× 2048-
`pixeel imaging aarray. (Courtesy of Teleddyne Imagingg Sensors)
`Click heree to enlarge iimage
`Fifteen HH2RG IR arrrays (63 million pixels) wwill fly in thee James Webbb Space Teelescope (JWWST;
`/articles/ 7182), and tthe H2RG iss in use or pllanned for
`instrumenntation at neearly every mmajor groundd-based obseervatory. Maany instrumeents will use
` a
`mosaic oof four H2RGG arrays to pprovide a 40996 × 4096-piixel focal-pllane array (s
`ee Fig. 1 insset).
`The H2RRG is the most prominent member off the evolvinng HAWAII
`family of IRR imaging arrrays
`producedd by Teledynne Imaging SSensors for aastronomy. TThe HAWAIII acronym sstands for
`mercury cadmium telluride (HgCCdTe) Astronnomical Widde Area Infraared Imagerr, and other
`memberss of the HAWWAII familyy are the H1, H1R, H1RGG, and H2. FFor these arraays, the H sttands
`for HAWWAII, the nummber 1 or 2 denotes 1024 × 1024 or
`2048 × 204
`8 pixels, R ddenotes referrence
`pixels, annd G denotess guide-winddow capabiliity.
`Many H11 and H2 arrrays are in usse at ground-based obserrvatories (seee Fig. 3). Thhe H1R fleww on
`the Deepp Impact asteeroid interceppt mission annd is integraal to the Widde Field Cammera 3 (WFCC3)
`being insstalled in thee Hubble Spaace Telescoppe in 2008. I
`n addition, ttwo mid-wavve IR (sensittive

`to 5.2 µmm) H1RG arrrays will be fflown in the Wide-field
`launch inn 2009 for ann all-sky 3.5-to-23 µm IRR survey.
`Infrared Surrvey Exploreer (WISE) too
`FIGGURE 3. Thiis compositee of three
`imaages was takken using J, HH, and K
`filteers with Teleedyne’s HAWWAII-1
`shoort-wave IR ddetector arraay (1 to 2.5
`µm)) in the ISAAAC instrumeent of the
`Verry Large Teleescope (VLTT) in Chile.
`Thee pillars in thhe infrared vview of the
`Eaggle Nebula aare less promminent than
`in vvisible-light images becaause near-
`IR llight penetraates the thinnner parts of
`the gas and dusst clouds. (CCourtesy of
`Eurropean Southhern Observvatory)
`Click heree to enlarge iimage
`Hybridd arrays
`The HAWWAII imaginng sensors arre hybrid commplementaryry-metal-oxidde-semicondductor (CMOOS)
`arrays thaat combine tthe light-sennsing capabillity of an IR
`detector maaterial with thhe low noisee and
`high funcctionality proovided by a CMOS integgrated circuiit (see Fig. 44). The CMOOS circuit is
`fabricated in the samme silicon fouundries that pproduce commputer chips
`, but speciall amplifiers aare
`required to sense the very small ppackets of phhoto charge
`produced byy faint astronnomical sourrces.

`FIGURRE 4. A hybrrid CMOS deetector arrayy converts thhe illuminati
`into photo charge tthat is colleccted into indidividual pixells within thee
`detectoor layer. Thee photo chargge is conduccted to an ammplifier in eaach
`pixel off the silicon read-out arrray by an inddium intercoonnect. For tthe
`H2RG, there are mmore than 4 mmillion indiuum “bumps.”” A sensitivee
`amplifiier within eaach pixel of tthe H2RG reead-out arrayy converts thhe
`electriccal charge too a voltage ssignal that iss output throough the
`“multipplexer.” Thee H2RG has 32 outputs ffor transmittting the
`amplifiied signal offff-chip; the eentire image
`can be readd out of 1, 4,
`32 outpputs. (Courteesy of Ian MMcLean, Univversity of Caalifornia, Loss
`Click heree to enlarge iimage
`For the IRR detector mmaterial, Teleedyne uses aa layer of HggCdTe, slowwly and preciisely grown oone
`atomic laayer at a timee, using mollecular-beamm epitaxy. A
`unique featuure of HgCddTe is that, bby
`varying tthe ratio of mmercury to caadmium, wee can optimizze the bandggap and thereefore the
`wavelenggth sensitivitty of the deteector layer ffor the scienttific missionn. Teledyne pproduces
`HgCdTe arrays with wavelength cutoffs for nnear-IR (1.7 to 2.5 µm),
`mid-wave ((5 µm), longg-
`wave (8 tto 10 µm), aand very longg wave (up tto 18 µm). TThe hybrid CCMOS archittecture produuces

`pixels with 100% fill factor and high QE. As the quality of the HgCdTe material has improved,
`the JWST specification of dark current less than 0.01 electrons per pixel per second (at 37 K
`operating temperature) is achievable for 2.5 and 5 µm cut-off H2RG arrays.
`The HgCdTe crystal structure is grown on a cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe) substrate with
`lattice spacing nearly identical to that of HgCdTe. When the detector layer is hybridized to the
`CMOS readout circuit, the substrate is on “top,” the side of the hybrid that faces the incident
`illumination. The CdZnTe substrate is opaque to wavelengths shorter than 0.9 µm, and
`hybridized arrays with the substrate are insensitive to visible light. The process for substrate
`removal used for the JWST, WISE, and WFC3 arrays provides several performance
`improvements; among them is HgCdTe sensitivity through visible wavelengths down to 0.4 µm.
`Quantum efficiency is higher for the “J” band (1.1 to 1.4 µm), and an antireflection coating
`further optimizes QE at all wavelengths. Fringing that occurs in the substrate layer is eliminated,
`as is fluorescence from cosmic rays absorbed in the substrate layer.
`The CMOS read-out circuit for the H2RG provides several advanced performance features. Four
`rows and columns of reference pixels along each side of the array track any bias voltage
`fluctuations over the long (typically 1000 s) exposures required in astronomy. Reference pixel
`subtraction is key to achieving the lowest noise performance. The H2RG can intersperse readout
`of a guide window with readout of the entire array, so that the science array can perform the
`guiding function required for accurate telescope stabilization.
`Another feature of the H2RG array is low noise from nondestructive readout and multiple
`sampling. The pixel amplifier in the H2RG is read out nondestructively, and during a long
`exposure, multiple subframes can be read out. For example, 96 frames will be read out during the
`1000 s exposure of JWST. Because the read-out noise of each sample is uncorrelated, processing
`of multiple frames reduces read-out noise and can be used to eliminate the effect of cosmic rays,
`which deposit a large amount of charge in individual pixels. An H2RG science array can achieve
`less than six electrons total noise (root-mean-square) for a 1000 s exposure. Total noise is a
`combination of read-out noise and dark-current noise. To read out the H2RG with four read-out
`ports, each at 100 kHz pixel rate (10.6 s full-frame readout), the H2RG requires a very low-
`power operation of less than 2 mW.
`Current that flows through the amplifier in the pixel of the CMOS read-out array can produce IR
`photons that result in an undesired background glow. The H2RG has effectively eliminated
`amplifier glow by read-out-circuit design and light shielding with metal layers, which enables the
`extremely low noise that is achieved by multiple nondestructive readout.
`In parallel with the development of the H2RG, Teledyne developed an application-specific
`integrated circuit (ASIC) that interfaces directly with the H1RG and H2RG, providing all of the

`functionaality requiredd from focall-plane electrronics. The SSystem for IImage Digitiization,
`size, weight, and powwer of the focal-plane eleectronics (seee Fig. 5).
`Enhancemment, Controol and Retrieeval (SIDECCAR) ASIC pprovides siggnificant reduuction in thee
`FIGGURE 5. Pacckaged for gground-basedd astronomyy, the
`SIDDECAR ASICC chip is onlyly 14.5 × 22
`mm in size.
`Teledyne Imagiing Sensors)
`The SIDEECAR contaains a prograammable miccroprocessorr, bias generrators, clock
`amplifierrs, and analoog-to-digital converters. UUp to 36 anaalog inputs ccan be accommmodated inn
`parallel, and digitizedd with 500 kkHz, 16-bit oor 5 MHz, 122-bit analog--to-digital coonverters, Thhe
`SIDECAAR interfacess digitally wiith instrumennt electroniccs, and with
`low-voltagee differential
`signal coommunicatioon, the SIDECAR can bee placed seveeral meters ffrom the insttrument
`electronics. Operation of the SIDDECAR is fuully programmmable via thhe communiccation lines.
`The SIDEECAR ASICC has been seelected for uuse in three oof the four innstruments oof the JWST.
`Two feattures of the SSIDECAR wwere importaant factors inn its selectionn for JWST.
`The first is low-
`power opperation. Forr JWST operration, four pports continuuously read aat 100 kHz ppixel rate an
`d 16-
`bit digitizzation, the SSIDECAR usses 11 mW oof power at 337 K. Low-ppower operattion enables
`JWST to
`place the SIIDECAR wiithin the veryy cold (37 KK) instrumentt module, whhich is locatted 4
`m cable llength from the electroniics located inn the warm ssection of thhe observatorry.
`- .
` e
`Click here to enlarge iimage

`The second reason SIDECAR was selected for JWST is its low-noise performance. The
`SIDECAR noise is negligible compared to the H2RG read-out amplifier, so that the total noise of
`the H2RG-SIDECAR system is set by the low-noise H2RG operation.
`The SIDECAR has been operating with the 4096 × 4096 IR camera at the University of Hawaii
`88 in. telescope since early 2007, and the SIDECAR is being incorporated into new instruments
`for several ground-based observatories. Moreover, both the H2RG and the SIDECAR have
`undergone environmental testing for spaceflight and have passed NASA’s Technology Readiness
`Level 6-an important milestone for acceptance in space missions. With a high level of radiation
`hardness, the H2RG and SIDECAR are now being considered for other space missions.
`Other wavelengths
`The hybrid CMOS architecture is not limited to infrared imaging. Using a silicon p-i-n detector
`layer, the H2RG provides high QE and 100% fill factor in x-ray, UV, and visible wavelengths,
`out to the silicon cutoff of 1.1 µm. Teledyne has provided H1RG and H2RG silicon p-i-n arrays
`to astronomy groups that specialize in x-ray and visible imaging.
`With its incorporation into many of the most advanced IR instruments for ground-based and
`space-based astronomical observatories, the H2RG will provide the scientific world with a
`wealth of high-quality infrared images and spectra of planets, stars, and galaxies in the next few
`years. Infrared data will produce much of the evidence that is used to understand the mysteries of
`dark matter and dark energy. The next ten years will be an extremely exciting time for IR
`astronomy and the H2RG figures to be a central player in the drama that unfolds.
`Tell us what you think about this article. Send an e-mail to
`JAMES W. BELETIC is director, Astronomy and Civil Space, Teledyne Imaging Sensors,
`5212 Verdugo Way, Camarillo, CA 93012; e-


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