EP 0 613 109 A1
`pattern all the way down the runway. This lighting pattern could be turned-on as a plane is cleared for landing
`and then turned-off after the aircraft has touched down. A pilot approaching the runway along an intersecting
`taxiway would be alerted in a clear and unambiguous way that the 'runway was active and should not be
`If an incursion was detected the main computers 26, 28 could switch the runway strobe lights 48 from the
`·rabbit" pattern to a pattern that alternatively flashes either side of the runway in a wig-wag fashion. A switch
`to this pattern would be interpreted by the pilot of an arriving aircraft as a wave off and a signal to go around.
`The abrupt switch in the pattern of the strobes would be instantaneously picked up by the air crew in time for
`them to initiate an aborted landing procedure.
`During Category III weather conditions both runway and taxiway visibility are very low. Currently radio
`based landing systems are used to get the aircraft from final approach to the runway. Once on the runway it
`is not always obvious which taxiways are to be used to reach the airport terminal. In system 10 the main com(cid:173)
`puters 26,28 can control the taxiway lamps 40 as the means for guiding aircraft on the ground during CAT III
`conditions. Since the intensity of the taxiway lamps 40 can be controlled remotely, the lamps just in front of
`an aircraft could be intensified or flashed as a means of guiding it to the terminal.
`Alternatively, a short sequence of the "rabbir pattern may be programmed into the taxiway strobes just
`in front of the aircraft At intersections, either the unwanted paths may have their lamps turned off or the en(cid:173)
`trance to the proper section of taxiway may flash directing the pilot to head in that direction. Of course in a
`smart system only those lights directly in front of a plane would be controlled, all other lamps on the field would
`remain in their normal mode.
`Referring now to FIG. 9. a block diagram is shown of the data flow within the system 10 (as shown in FIG.
`1 and FIG. 5). The software modules are shown that are used to process the data within the computers 26.
`28 of the central computer system 12. The tracking of aircraft and other vehicles on the airport operates under
`the control of a sensor fusion software module 101 which resides in the computers 26, 28. The sensor fusion
`software module 101 receives data from the plurality of sensors 50. a sensor 50 being located in each edge
`light assembly 201• n which reports the heat level detected, and this software module 101 combines this infor(cid:173)
`mation through the use of rule based artificial intelligence to create a complete picture of all ground traffic at
`the airport on a display 30 of the central computer system 12.
`The tracking algorithm starts a track upon the first report of a sensor 50 detecting a heat level that is above
`the ambient background level of radiation. This detection is then verified by checking the heat level reported
`by the sensor directly across the pavement from the first reporting sensor. This secondary reading is used to
`confirm the vehicle detected and to eliminate false alarms. After a vehicle has been confirmed the sensors
`adjacent to the first reporting sensor are queried for changes in their detected heat level. As soon as one of
`the adjacent sensors detects a rise in heat level a direction vector for the vehicle can be established. This proc-
`ess continues as the vehicle is handed off from sensor to sensor in a bucket brigade fashion as shown in FIG.
`7. Vehicle speed can be roughly determined by calculating the time between vehicle detection by adjacent sen(cid:173)
`sors. This information is combined with information from a system data base on the location of each sensor
`to calculate the velocity of the target. Due to hot exhaust or jet blast, the sensors behind the vehicle may not
`return to a background level immediately. Because of these condition, the algOrithm only uses the first four
`se~sors (two on either side of the taxiway) to calculate the vehicles position. The vehicle is always assumed
`to be on the centerline of the pavement and between the first four reporting sensors.
`Vehicle identification can be added to the track either manually or automatically by an automated source
`that can identify a vehicle by its position. An example would be prior knowledge of the next aircraft to land on
`a particular runway. Tracks are ended when a vehicle leaves the detection system. This can occur in one of
`two ways. The first way is that the vehicle leaves the area covered by the sensors 50. This is detennined by
`a vehicle track moving in the direction of a gateway sensor and then a lack of detection after the gateway sensor
`has lost contact A second way to leave the detection system is for a track to be lost in the middle of a sensor
`array. This can occur when an aircraft departs or a vehicle runs onto the grass. Takeoff scenarios can be de(cid:173)
`termined by calculating the speed of the vehicle just before detection was lost. If the vehicle speed was in-
`creasing and above rotation speed then the aircraft is assumed to have taken off. If not then the vehicle is
`assumed to have gone on to the grass and an alarm is sounded.
`Referring to FIG. 5 and FIG. 9. the ground clearance routing function is performed by the speech recog(cid:173)
`nition unit 33 along with the ground clearance compliance verifier software module 103 running on the com(cid:173)
`puters 26.28. This software module 103 comprises a vehicle identification routine, clearance path routing.
`clearance checking routine and a path checking routine.
`The vehicle identification routine is used to receive the airline name and flight number (I.e. °Delta 374j
`from the speech recognition unit 33 and it highlights the icon of that aircraft on the graphic display of the airport
`on display 30.
`Sony, Ex. 1002, p.901

`EP 0 613 109 A1
`The dearance path routine takes the remainder of the controller's phrase (i.e. ·outer taxiway to echo, hold
`short of runway 15 Left") and provides a graphical display of the dearance on the display 30 showing the airport.
`The dearance checking routine checks the clearance path for possible conflict with other dearances and
`vehides. If a conflict is found the portion of the path that would cause an incursion is highlighted in a blinking
`red and an audible indication is given to the controller via speaker 32.
`The path checking routine checks the actual path of the vehide as detected by the sensors 50 after the
`clearance path has been entered into the computers 26, 28 and it monitors the actual path for any deviation.
`If this routine detects that a vehide has strayed from the assigned course. the vehide Icon on the graphic dis(cid:173)
`play of the airport flashes and an audible indicator is given to the controller via speaker 32 and optionally the
`vehide operator via radio 37.
`The airport vehide incursion avoidance system 10 operates under the control of safety logic routines which
`reside In the collision detection software module 104 running on computers 26, 28. The safety logic routines
`receive data from the sensor fusion software module 101 location program via the tracker software module
`102 and interpret this information through the use of rule based artificial intelligence to predict possible colli-
`sions or runway incursions. This Information is then used by the central computer system 12 to alert tower con(cid:173)
`trollers, aircraft pilots and truck operators to the possibility of a runway incursion. The tower controllers are
`alerted by the display 30 along with a computer synthesized voice message via speaker 32. Ground traffic is
`alerted by a combination of traffic lights, flashing lights, stop bars and other alert lights 34, lamps 40 and 48,
`and computer generated voice commands broadcast via radio 36.
`Knowledge based problems are also called fuzzy problems and their solutions depend upon both program
`logic and an interface engine that can dynamically create a decision tree, selecting which heuristics are most
`appropriate for the specific case being considered. Rule based systems broaden the scope of possible applj..
`cations. They allow designers to Incorporate judgeme'nt and experience, and to take a consistent solution ap(cid:173)
`proach across an entire problem set
`The programming of the rule based incursion detections software is very straight forward. The rules are
`written in English allowing the experts, in this case the tower personnel and the pilots, to review the system
`at an understandable level. Another feature of the rule based system is that the rules stand alone. They can
`be added, deleted or modified without affecting the rest of the code. This is almost impossible to do with code
`that is created from scratch. An example of a rule we might use is:
`If (Runway-Status = Active)
`then (Stop_Bar_Lights = REO).
`This Is a very simple and straight forward rule. It stands alone requiring no extra knowledge except how Run(cid:173)
`way-Status is created. So let's make some rules affecting Runway_Status.
`If (Departure = APPROVED) or (Landing = IMMINENT),
`then (Runway_Status = ACTIVE).
`For incursion detection, another rule is:
`If (Runway_Status = ACTIVE) and (Intersection = OCCUPIED),
`then (Runway-Incursion = TRUE).
`Next. detect that an Intersection of a runway and taxiway are occupied by the rules:
`If (Intersection_Sensors = DETECT),
`then (Intersection = OCCUPIED).
`To predict that an aircraft will run a Hold Position stop, the following rule Is created:
`If (AlrcrafLStoppins-Dlstance > Distance_to_Hold_Position),
`then (Intersection = OCCUPIED).
`In order to show that rules can be added without affecting the reset of the program. assume that after a
`demonstration of the system 10 to tower controllers, they decided that they wanted a ·Panic Button" in the
`tower to override the rule based software in case they spot a safety violation on the ground. Besides installing
`the button, the only other change would be to add this extra rule.
`If (Panic_button = PRESSED).
`then (Runway_Incursion = TRUE).
`It Is readily seen that the central rule based computer program is very straight forward to create. understand
`and modify. As types of incursions are defined. the system 10 can be upgraded by adding more rules.
`Referring again to FIG. 9, the block diagram shows the data flow between the functional elements within
`the system 10 (FIG. 1). Vehides are detected by the sensor 50 in each of the edge light assemblies 201_ n. This
`information is passed over the local operating network (LON) via edge light wiring 21 1_ n to the LON bridges
`221_ n. The individual message packets are then passed to the redundant computers 26 and 28 over the wide
`area network (WAN) 14 to the WAN interface 108. After arriving at the redundant computers 26 and 28, the
`message packet is checked and verified by a message parser software module 100. The contents of the me&-
`Sony, Ex. 1002, p.902

`EP 0 613109 A1
`sage are then sent to the sensor fusion software module 101. The sensor fusion software module 101 is used
`to keep track of the status of all the sensors 50 on the airport; it filters and verifies the data from the airport
`and stores a representative picture of the sensor array in a memory. This information is used directly by the
`display 30 to show which sensors 50 are responding and used by the tracker software module 102. The tracker
`software module 102 uses the sensor status information to determine which sensor 50 reports correspond to
`actual vehicles. In addition, as the sensor reports and status change, the tracker software module 102 iden(cid:173)
`tifies movement of the vehicles and produces a target location and direction output. This information is used
`by the display 30 in order to display the appropriate vehicle icon on the screen.
`The location and direction of the vehicle is also used by the collision detection software module 104. This
`module checks all of the vehicles on the ground and plots their expected course. If any two targets are on in(cid:173)
`tersecting paths, this software module generates operator alerts by using the display 30, the alert lights 34,
`the speech synthesis unit 29 coupled to the assoclated speaker 32, and the speech synthesis unit 31 coupled
`to radio 37 which is coupled to antenna 39.
`Still referring to FIG. 9, another user of target location and position data is the ground clearance compliance
`verifier software module 103. This software module 103 receives the ground clearance commands from the
`controller's microphone 35 via the speech recognition unit 33. Once the cleared route has been determined,
`it is stored in the ground clearance compliance verifier software module 103 and used for comparison to the
`actual route taken by the vehicle. If the information received from the tracker software module 102 shows that
`the vehicle has deviated from its assigned course, this software module 103 generates operator alerts by using
`the display 30, the alert lights 34, the speech synthesis unit 29 coupled to speaker 32, and the speech synthesis
`unit 31 coupled to radio 37 which is coupled to antenna 39.
`The keyboard 27 is connected to a keyboard parser software module 109. When a command has been
`verified by the keyboard parser software module 109, it is used to change display 30 options and to reconfigure
`the sensors and network parameters. A network configuration data base 106 is updated with these reconfi(cid:173)
`guration commands. This information is then turned into LON message packets by the command message
`generator 107 and sent to the edge light assemblies 201." via the WAN interface 108 and the LON bridges
`221_ n•
`Referring now to FIG. 1 and FIG. 10, FIG. 10 shows a pictorial diagram of an infrared vehiCle identification
`system 109 invention comprising an infrared (IR) transmitter 112 mounted on an airplane 110 wheel strut 111
`and an IR receiver 128 which comprises a plurality of edge light assemblies 201_" of an airport lighting system
`also shown in FIG. 1. The combination ofthe IR transmitter 112 mounted on aircraft and/or other vehicles and
`a plurality of IR receivers 128 located along runways and taxiways form the infrared vehicle identification sys(cid:173)
`tem 109 for use at airports for the safety, guidance and control of surface vehicles in order to provide positive
`detection and identification of all aircraft and other vehicles and to prevent runway incursions. Runway incur(cid:173)
`sions generally occur when aircraft or other vehicles get onto a runway and conflict with aircraft cleared to land
`or takeoff on that same runway. All such incursions are caused by human error.
`Referring now to FIG. 11, a block diagram of the IR transmitter 112 is shown comprising an embedded
`microprocessor 118 having DC power 114 inputs from the aircraft host or vehicle on which the IR transmitter
`112 is mounted and an 10 switch 116 within the aircraftforentering vehicle identification data which is received
`by the IR transmitter 1120n a serial line. Vehicle position information is provided to the IR transmitter 112 from
`a vehicle position receiver 117 which may be embodied by a global pOSitioning system (GPS) receiver readily
`known in the art. The output of embedded microprocessor 118 feeds an IR emitter comprising a light emitting
`diode (LED) array 120. When power is applied to the IR transmitter 112, the microprocessor continuously out(cid:173)
`puts a coded data stream 121 (FIG. 13) which is transmitted by the IR LED array 120. The embedded micro(cid:173)
`processor 118 may be embodied by microprocessor Model MC 6803 or equivalent manufactured by Motorola
`Microprocessor Products of Austin; Texas. The IR LED array 120 may be embodied by IR LED Devices man(cid:173)
`ufactured by Harris Semiconductor of Melborne, Florida.
`Referring now to FIG. 12, a top view of the IR transmitter 112 comprising the IR LED array 120 mounted
`on an airplane wheel strut 111 Is shown. The IR LED array 120 comprises a plurality of high power LEOs each
`having a beam width of 15°. By placing thirteen LEOs in an array, a 195° area can be covered. The IR LED
`array 120 illuminates edge light assemblies 201 ..... along the edges of the runway 64. Each of the edge light
`assemblies 201 ..... comprises an IR receiver 128.
`Referring now to FIG. 13, the coded data stream emitted from the IR transmitter 112 comprises six sep(cid:173)
`arate fields. The first field is called timing pattern 122 and comprises a set of equally spaced pulses. The sec(cid:173)
`ond field is called unique word 123 which marks the beginning of a message. The third field Is called character
`count 124 which specifies the number of characters in a message. The fourth field is called vehicle identifi(cid:173)
`cation number 125. The fifth field is called vehicle position 126 and provides latitude and longitude information.
`Sony, Ex. 1002, p.903

`EP 0 61310g Ai
`The sixth field is called message checksum 127. The equally spaced pulses of the timing pattern 122 allow
`the IR receiver 128 to calculate the baud rate of a transmitted message and automatically adjust its internal
`timing to compensate for either a doppler shift or an offset in clock frequency. The checksum 126 field allows
`the IR receiver 128 to find the byte boundary. The character count 124 field is used to alert the IR receiver
`128 in the edge light assemblies 201-4 as to the length of the message being received. The IR receiver 128
`uses this field to determine when the message has ended and if the message was truncated.
`The vehicle identification number 125 field comprises an airline flight number or a tail number of an aircraft
`or a license number of other vehicles. The actual number can be alpha-numeric since each character will be
`allocated eight (8) bits. An ASCII code which is known to those of ordinary skill in the art is an example of a
`code type that may be used. The only constraints on the vehicle 10 number is that it be unique to the vehicle
`and that it be entered in the airporfs central computer data base to facilitate automatic identification. The
`checksum 127 guarantees that a complete and correct message is received. If the message is interrupted for
`any reason, such as a blocked beam or a change in vehicle direction, it is instantly detected and the reception
`voided. This procedure reduces the number of false detects and guarantees that only perfect vehicle identifi-
`cation messages are passed on to the central computer system 12 at the airport tower.
`Referring now to FIG.1, FIG. 2, FIG. 10 and FIG. 14, a block diagram of the IR receiver 128 is shown in
`FIG. 14 which comprises and IR sensor 130 connected to an edge light assembly 201_ n shown in FIG. 1. FIG.
`2 and FIG. 10, on an airport In FIG. 14. only the relevant portions of FIG. 2 are shown, but it should be under(cid:173)
`stood that all of the elements of the edge light assembly 201• n shown in FIG. 2 are considered present in FIG.
`14. The IR receiver 128 comprises the IR sensor 130 which receives the coded data stream 121 (FIG. 13) from
`the transmitter 112. The output of the IR sensor 130 is fed to the microprocessor 44 for processing by an IR
`message routine 136 for detecting the data message. A vehicle sensor routine 138 in microprocessor 44 proc(cid:173)
`esses signals from the vehicle sensor 50 for detecting an aircraft or other vehicles. The IR message routine
`136 is implemented with software within the microprocessor 44 as shown in the flow chart of FIG. 15. The
`vehicle sensor routine 138 is also implemented with software within the microprocessor 44 as shown in the
`flow chart of FIG. 16. The outputs of the IR message routine 136 and vehicle sensor routine 138 are processed
`by the microprocessor 44 which sends via the power line modem 54 the identified aircraft or vehicle and their
`position data over the edge light wiring 21 1_ n communication lines to the central computer system 12 shown
`in FIG. 1 at the airport terminal or control tower. The IR sensor 130 may be embodied with Model RY5B001
`IR sensor manufactured by Sharp Electronics, of Paramus. New Jersey. The microprocessor 44 may be em(cid:173)
`bOdied by the VLSI Neuron® Chip. manufactured by Echelon Corporation. of Palo Alto. California.
`Referring to FIG. 15, a flow chart oft he IR message routine 136 is shown which is a communication protocol
`continuously performed in the microprocessor 44 of the IR receiver 128. After an IR signal is detected 150 the
`next action is transmitter acquisition or to acquire timing 152. The microprocessor 44 looks for the proper timing
`relationship between the received IR pulses. If the correct on/off ratio exists. the microprocessor 44 calculates
`the baud rate from the received timing and waits to acquire the unique word 156 signifying byte boundary and
`then checks for the capture of the character count 160 field byte. After the character count is known, the mi(cid:173)
`croprocessor 44 then captures each character in the vehicle 10 162 field and stores them away in a buffer. It
`then captures vehicle position 163 including latitude and longitude data. If the IR coded data stream is dis-
`rupted before all the vehicle 10 characters are received, the microprocessor 44 aborts this reception try and
`returns to the acquisition or IR detected 150 state. After all characters have been received. the checksum 164
`is calculated. If the checksum matches 166. then the message is validated and the vehicle 10 relayed 168 to
`the central computer system 12. With this scheme the microprocessor 44 is implementing both the physical
`and a link layer of the OSI protocol by providing an error free channel.
`Referring now to FIG. 16. a flow chart Is shown of the vehicle sensor routine 138 software running on mi-
`croprocessor 44. This software routine 138 runs as a continuous loop. An internal timer is continuously
`checked for a time out condition (timer = zero 170). As soon as the timer expires the analog value from sensor
`50 is read (Read Sensor Value 171) by the microprocessor 44 and the timer is reset to the poILtime 172 variable
`downloaded by the central computer system 12. This sensor value is compared against a predetermined de-
`tection threshold 173 and downloaded by the central computer system 12. If the sensor value Is less than the
`detection threshold. the microprocessor 44 sets the network variable prelim_detect to the FAlSE state 174.
`If the sensor value is greater than the detection threshold the microprocessor 44 sets the network variable
`prelim_detect to the TRUE state 175. If a preliminary detection is declared. the program then checks to see
`what reporting mode 176 is in use. If all detections are required to be sent to the central computer system 12.
`then this sensor value 180 is sent If only those readings that are different from the previous reading by a pre(cid:173)
`determined delta and download by the central computer system 12. then this check is made 1 n. If the change
`is greater than the delta 177. the program checks to see if it should confirm the detection 178 to eliminate any
`. 55
`Sony, Ex. 1002, p.904

`EP 0 613109 Ai
`false alanns. If a confinnation is not required, then this sensor value 181 is sent If in the confirmation mode.
`then the adjacent sensor's 179 preliminary network variable is checked. If the adjacent sensor has also de(cid:173)
`tected the object, then the current sensor value 182 is sent
`This concludes the description of the preferred embodiment However, many modifications and alterations
`will be obvious to one of ordinary skill In the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the inventive
`concept Therefore, it is intended that the scope of this invention be limited only by the appended claims.
`1. A vehicle identification system for identifying aircraft and other vehicles on surface pathways including
`runways and other areas of an airport comprising:
`means disposed on said aircraft and other vehicles for transmitting identification message data;
`means disposed in each of a plurality of light assembly means on said airport for receiving and de(cid:173)
`coding said message data from said transmitting means;
`means for providing power to each of said plurality of light assembly means;
`means for processing said decoded identification message data generated by said receiving and
`decoding means in each of said plurality of light assembly means;
`means for providing data communication between each of said light assembly means and said proc(cid:173)
`essing means; and
`said processing means compriSes means for providing a graphic display of said airport comprising
`symbols representing said aircraft and other vehicles, each of said symbols having said identification mes(cid:173)
`sage data displayed.
`2. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 1 wherein said transmitting means comprises:
`means for creating a unique message data which includes aircraft and flight identification; and
`infrared means c~upled to said message creating means for transmitting a coded stream of said
`message data.
`3. The vehicle identification system as reCited in Claim 3 wherein:
`said message data further includes position information.
`4. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 1 wherein:
`said receiving and decoding means comprises an infrared sensor.
`5. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 3 wherein:
`said receiving and decoding means comprises microprocessor means coupled to said infrared sen(cid:173)
`sor for decoding said message data.
`6. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 1 wherein:
`said plurality of light assembly means being arranged in two parallel rows along runways and taxi(cid:173)
`ways of said airport.
`7. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 1 wherein said light assembly means comprises:
`light means coupled to said lines of said power providing means for lighting said airport;
`vehicle sensing means for detecting aircraft or other vehicles on said airport;
`microprocessor means coupled to said receiving and decoding means. said light means, said ve(cid:173)
`hicle sensing means and said data communication means for decoding said identification message data;
`said data communication means being coupled to said microprocessor means and said lines of said '
`power providing means.
`8. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 1 wherein:
`said symbols representing aircraft and other vehicles comprise icons having a shape indicating
`type of aircraft or vehicle.
`9. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 1 wherein:
`said processing means determines a location of said symbols on said graphic display of said airport
`in accordance with data received from said light assembly means.
`Sony, Ex. 1002, p.905

`EP 0613 109 A1
`10. A vehicle identification system for identifying aircraft and other vehicles on surface pathways including
`runways and other areas of an airport comprising:
`means disposed on said aircraft and other vehicles for creating a unique message including aircraft
`and flight identification;
`infrared means coupled to said message creating means for transmitting a coded stream of said
`message data;
`infrared means disposed in each of a plurality of light assembly means on said airport for receiving
`said message data from said transmitting means;
`microprocessor means coupled to said receiving means for decoding said message data;
`means for providing power to each of said plurality of light assembly means;
`means for proceSSing said decoded message data generated by said decoding means in each of
`said plurality of light assembly means;
`means for providing data communication between each of said light assembly means and said proc(cid:173)
`essing means; and
`said processing means comprises means for providing a graphic display of said airport comprising
`symbols representing said aircraft and other vehicles, each of said symbols having said identification mes(cid:173)
`sage data displayed.
`11. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 10 wherein:
`said message data further includes position information.
`12. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 10 wherein:
`said plurality of light assembly means being arranged in two parallel rows along runways and taxi(cid:173)
`ways of said airport
`13. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 10 wherein said light assembly means comprises:
`light means coupled to said lines of said power providing means for lighting said airport;
`vehicle senSing means for detecting aircraft or other vehicles on said airport;
`said microprocessor means coupled to said decoding means, said light means, said vehicle sensing
`means and said data communication means further processes a detection signal from said vehicle sens(cid:173)
`ing means; and
`said data communication means being coupled to said microprocessor means and said lines of said
`power providing means.
`14. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 10 wherein:
`said symbols representing aircraft and other vehicles comprise icons having a shape indicating
`type of aircraft or vehicle.
`15. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 10 wherein:
`said processing means determines a location of said symbols on said graphic display of said airport
`in accordance with data received from said light assembly means.
`16. A vehicle identification system for surveillance and Identification of aircraft and other vehicles on an air(cid:173)
`port comprising:
`a plurality of light circuits on said airport. each of said light Circuits comprises a plurality of light
`assembly means;
`means for providing power to each of said plurality of light circuits and to each of said light assembly
`means in each of said light assembly means for sensing ground traffic on said airport;
`means disposed on said aircraft and other vehicles for transmitting identification message data;
`means disposed in each of said light assembly means for receiving and decoding said message
`data from said transmitting means;
`means for processing ground traffic data from said sensing means and decoded message data
`from each of said light assembly means for presentation on a graphic display of said airport;
`means for providing data communication between each of said light assembly means and said proo-
`essing means; and
`said processing means comprises means for providing such graphic display of said airport COI"l'l(cid:173)
`prising symbols representing said ground traffic, each of said symbols having direction, velocity and said
`identification message data displayed.
`Sony, Ex. 1002, p.906

`EP 0 613109 Ai
`17. The vehicle identification system as recited In Claim 16 wherein:
`each of said light circuits being located along the edges of taxiways or runways on said airport
`18. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 16 wherein:
`said sensing means comprises infrared detectors.
`19. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 16 wherein said transmitting means comprises:
`means for creating unique message data which Includes aircraft and flight Identification; and
`infrared means coupled to said message creating means for transmitting a coded stream of said
`message data.
`20. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 19 wherein:
`said message data further comprises position information.
`21. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 16 wherein:
`said receiving and decoding means comprises an infrared sensor.
`22. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 21 wherein:
`said receiving and decoding means comprises microprocessor means coupled to said infrared sen(cid:173)
`sor for decoding said message data.
`23. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 16 wherein:
`said plurality of light assembly means of said light circuits being arranged in two parallel rows along
`runways and taxiways of said airport.
`24. The vehicle identification system as recited in Claim 16 wherein said light assembly means comp

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