`~NG •1-21 11AHUAL
`Written by Gregory F. Welch
`Submitted to Professor Norman H~rris
`Febru~ry 26, 1986
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 1

`I n troduction .
`Theory of Operation
`Setup Instructions .
`Testing The Hardware
`Developing a Status Subroutine .
`Developing a Scan Subroutine .
`Closing Comments .
`Telephone Technical Support
`. . . . . . .
`. . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . .
`. . .
`. ••
`• 1
`' . ~-'
`. 4
`. 6
`• 7
`. 8
`. 8
`Sample BASIC Scan Subroutine
`Standards & Specification s
`Glossary . . . . . • . . . . .
`Appendi :< A
`Append i :·: 8
`Appendi :< C
`Appendix D
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 2

`. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
`Figur e 1: The Infrared Touch-Pad .
`Figure 2: Touch-Pad Connections To Parallel Port . . .
`. . . . 4
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 3

`i n t h e
`Since the introduction of the personal computer
`t y p e s o f
`1970's, there has been a growing need for differen t
`input devices. Devices such as the joystick, the mouse, and the
`graphics tablet have made great advances in recent yea rs . Wi thin
`just the past year, however, came the introduction of several
`types of touch-sensitive pads. The Infrared Touch-Pad is suc h a n
`input device.
`l a t e
`This manual is designed to
`guide the user in the setup and
`operation of the Infrared
`Touch-Pad .
`It contains
`step-by-step instructions which
`will allow the user to interface
`the touch-pad to virtually any
`- - -- -
`" r ht. P. c . "
`First of all, this manual will p r ovide you wit h some
`backg r ound in t h e theory of operation. Secon d ly , it wi l l g u ide
`you t hr ough the electrical connections requ ir ed t o interfac e the
`t o uc h -pad to a computer. Thirdly, it will d esc rib e the software
`n eeded for normal operation . and give examples and sugges tions
`f or use. Finally, it will provide a guide f or t r oubles hoot i ng,
`i n the event that the system should f ail .
`The touch-pad uses several infrared light beams t o detect an
`obstruction on the pad. These beams are transmitted fr o m one
`side of the pad to the other, where they are then det ect e d by
`inf r ared receivers. Therefore, if you place a n o b ject s uch as a
`finger on the pad, a beam is broken and the comput er c an detect
`th at t he pad is being tou~hed.
`Th e pad has 16 rows and 16 columns of transm i tt e r-rec ei v e r
`p ai r s <see figure 1 on the next page) .
`Th i s creates a 16 by 16
`g r id giving you 256 seperate locations which you can mo n itor wi th
`the computer .
`With software you will write , you wi l l out p ut a s i x bit word
`whic h selects a light beam from one o f the 16 r o ws o r 16 columns .
`Th e n, you can loo k at the return line fro m th e pad to see if that
`s el ec t ed l i ght beam is being broken. Later
`in t h is manual , you
`wil l see how this process can be implemented into a software loop
`whi c h will continu ously repeat a check of a l l 256 l o cations on
`th e touch-pad.
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 4

`Once this software loop 1s complete and fu n ct ioni ng , , you c a n
`define it as a s c an s ubrout i ne . Now , any time y o u wi s h to see if
`t he pad is being touched , one call to t he subrou t in e wi l l
`r e turn
`t o you the location of the t ouch <i f there is one) . For e x ampl e ,
`i f you wanted to write your own computer game , you c ould use the
`t ouch-pad for an input device.
`Imagine a game wher e you cont rol
`a h elicopter by moving your hand around o n t h e surfac e o f the
`t o u ch-pad! The possibilities a r e limited only b y your
`i mag i nation .
`.. ··''·,,
`i' ~
`'t ~~,. t'"~t t'~ t''l ..... , ,,., t'~ t''t l''l t''l , ..
`I ,I
`In! r·ar·ed
`~ .~::~~'"'"·-·- L .i. gr-. t
`F i g ure 1 : The Infrared To u ch-Pad
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 5

`The following 11 steps will guide you through the init i a l
`one-time setup of the touc h-p a d. All of the s teps should be read
`carefully bef ore attempting to make any electric al con nect ions .
`As each step is complet e d, a check mark should be placed in t he
`appropriate spot next t o each step <see figu r e 2 on th& next
`c../J Check your NOrk, it Nil! pay off/
`1) Begin by identifying th e fallowing n ine individual wires
`from th e touch-pad :
`BIT #
`- Be <Bit (l) 20 Selec t
`B1 <Bit 1) '":1 1
`"'- Select
`] RED
`B2 <Bit 2)
`..:.. Sel ect
`] ORANGE - B3 <Bit 3 ) 23 Select
`] YELLOW - B4 (Bit 4) Row Select
`- B::s <Bit 5) Column Select
`+5 Volts
`Out put
`Outp ut
`2) Locate the parallel ports in th e computer (see computer
`manual if necessary> .
`Identif y the ports to b e defined
`as both output <six bits n eed ed) , and input <one bit).
`3) Connect the BLACK wire c2c• se l ect> to bit 0 of the
`computer port to be defined for output.
`4) Connect the BROWN
`~>Ji r·e (21 se l ect) to bit 1 of the s ame
`5) Con nect the RED wire (22 select> to bi t 2 of the same
`port .
`6) Connect the ORANGE wire (23 select> to bi t 3 of the same
`7) Connect the YELLOW wire (2 4 select) to bit 4 of the same
`part .
`8) Connect the GREEN wire ( 2 1:$ select) to bit 5 of the same
`port .
`9) Connect the PURPLE wire <Return> to bit 0 of the computer
`port to be defined for input.
`J 10 ) Connect the GREY wire <Ground) to any ground terminal of
`the computer· .
`J 11 ) Connect the WHITE wire (+5 Volts) to any +5 Volt terminal
`on the power supply of the computer .
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 6

`: ·Po•»er· Suppl u:
`cr: w
`0 u
`+~ Volt~
`Cable To
`a0 Select
`e1 Select
`e2 Select
`23 Select
`Row Select
`Co~ urnn Se~ ect.
`Figu re 2 : Touch-Pad Connections To Pa r al lel Port
`To test the hardware connections to the touch-pad, you must
`write same si mpl e software. Th1s is mast easily don e wi th a n
`interprete r based l anguage such as BASIC. Throughout t his
`manual , BASIC computer code will be used in examp l es . Howe v er,
`with slight changes , any language could be used to accompli s h the
`same obj ectives .
`But Nh y d o Ne need t o d o all o f this?
`~he purpose of this hardware testing is t o see if the
`touch-pad is connected correctly, so that you can use s of t ware
`without worrying about the hardware .
`Th is section will d e scrib e
`how to u se the computer to send a beam from one si d e of the pad
`t o the other .
`In the fu ture, this process wil l be r efer r ed to a s
`"turning on" a row or a column. To "turn on" a r ow or column can
`be compared to turning on a fla s hlight. The o n ly d iff e rences are
`first of a ll with t he touch-pad you must instr uct t h e c o• puter t o
`"tu rn on" the b eam . Secondly, once it's an, you ca n' t s ee it .
`- 4 -
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 7

`To "turn on " a row or column, you must s end a number to the
`parallel port which is being used for output . This number is
`then in terpreted by the touch-pad to turn on th e correct beam .
`Once t h e beam is on, you can input a value <with software) , fr o m
`the p ort defined as input. Th is value will reflect the status of
`the RETURN wire .
`If the value returned is 1, then the beam i s
`being broken. Likewise, if the beam was transmi tted and recei ved
`without interruption, the returned val u e will be 0 .
`As mentioned above , you must send a number to the parallel
`port defined as output. But what s hould this number be? By
`following the simple guidelines below , any of the 16 rows or
`columns can be "turned on".
`D£SIR£D B£Aif
`ntn Row
`nt "' Column
`£XAifPL£S I
`31 + n
`63 + n
`<1 < n < 16l
`(1 < n < 16l
`1 )
`row , send
`To "turn on" the
`31 + 1 or 32
`... ...... .... ...
`3 1 + 6 or 37
`si xth
`row, send
`send 63 + 2 or 65
`I I t t I t sixteenth column, send 63 + 16 or 79
`t I t t
`To use BASIC to send these values to t h e touch-pad, you must
`first deter mi ne the corresponding numbers of the ports defined as
`input and output <refer to your computer manual to determine the
`port numbers you are using) . Remember, there are six wires
`connected to the port defi ned for output , an d one wire conn ected
`t o the input port .
`Now you will see how to use BASIC to send the va lues in the
`above examples .
`To do this, you must first be in the BASIC
`interpreter (see your computer manual if necessary> . Once in the
`BASIC interpreter, try typing the following commands.
`1- - ----------\
`OUT outport,32 <ENTER >
`OUT outport 1 37 <ENTER >
`OUT outport,65 <ENTE R>
`OUT out por t , 79 <EN TER>
`1 )
`4 )
`<Tu rns on the first row)
`<Turns on the sixth row l
`<Tu rns on the second colu11nl
`<Tu r ns on the sixteenth column)
`<Where outport is the number of t he port defined as output)
`Now what happened? Did you see a n ything? Of course not!
`All you did was turn on several different infrared beams.
`Remember, you can ' t see these beaMs .
`To see if the pad is
`working, you need to check the statu s of the RETURN line. This
`can be done by using BASIC to input a value f rom the port with
`the RETURN wire connected to it <the port defined as input>.
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 8

`Now, you shoLtl d have just "turned on" the si :< teenth column .
`By following the examp l es given below, you s hould now finall y be
`able to see some results . Before proceed ing, ma ke sure that
`there i s nothing on the touch-pad . Yo u want to test the beam
`Nithout a n obstruction first.
`A=INP<inportl <ENTER >
`<Places RETURN status in the variable Al
`<P r ints either 1 or 0 on the screen)
`<Where inport is the number of the port defined as input l
`After typing the two stateme nts shown above , you should have
`seen a 0 displayed on the screen . Once again , this means that
`the beam was not obstructed .
`I f some number other than 0 was
`printed, refer to the section ca lled Troubleshooting.
`Now f or some fun! Remember, the sixteenth column is still
`turned on. Find an object s uch as p enc il, an d position it on the
`touch-pad so that it is in the sixteenth column . The columns are
`number e d from 1 to 16, from left t o right. They are divided by
`the 15 vertical lines marked on the pad. Once again, try typing
`the same stat ements as you just did above.
`NoN what number was printed on the screen? You should now
`see a 1, where as before t h ere was a 0 . Of course this means
`that the beam Nas obstructed!
`If a 0 appeared again, then try
`choosing a larger object than the pencil, and make sure that you
`are rea ll y placing it in the s i x teenth column .
`If you still
`can' t get a 1 t o appear, refer to the section called
`Troubleshooting . Otherwise , if all seems well, you are now ready
`to proceed to the next section .
`As menti oned earlier , the process of scann ing the pad is
`don e by sending a light beam from one side, an d check ing to see
`if it was rec eived at the other. We will now start to show you
`how you can u se the touch-pad to d o what you really want.
`Recallin g the previous sect ion , it s hould be noted that only one
`beam can be transmitted at a time; e . g . the first column, and
`In other words, the first row and the
`then may be the t hird row.
`third column can ryot be "turned on" at th e same time .
`Because of this restr i ction, we must develop a system to
`continuous ly check all of the beams, o ne at a time. To assist
`you in doing thi s , it is suggested t h at you use a subroutin• to
`do an indi v i dua l beam check for you. This way , one call to this
`subroutin e can return the status of the beam . This will
`eliminate a lot of redundancy . An example of a BASIC subroutine
`is given on the next page. Try typing it in, and we will then
`tes t it.
`6 -
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 9

`10000 REM This subroutine wil l use the variable BEAM to
`turn on a beam, and will return the status in
`the variable STATUS
`10010 OUTPORT=100 REM Use your output port number
`10020 INPORT=101 REM Use your input po rt nuaber
`10040 REM This turns on the beam, where the value of BEAM
`was determined as at the top of page S.
`10060 REM This places the status of the beam in the
`va riable STATUS. A 0 means that it is
`unobstructed, a 1 means it is blocked.
`Now, you have just created a subroutine which you can call
`at any time to determine the status of any beam. Try typing the
`following statemen ts to test your subroutine :
`RUN 10000
`<Remember, 79 turns on the sixteenth column)
`<This calls your subroutine)
`<This prints the beam status)
`Now, if you still have an obstruction in the sixteenth
`column, you should have a 1 on the screen. Try removing the
`obstruction <pencil or whatever>, and re-type the above
`statements . Did the 1 change to a 0?
`It should have!
`Congratulations, you are now ready to write a second sc•n
`subroutine. This subroutine can use the previous one to scan the
`entire touch - pad for you!
`Now, if you were going to try to explain to someone (in
`plain English> how you would scan the touch-pad, how would you
`explain it? You might end up s~y ing something generally like
`1> "Check all sb:teen rows using the st atus subroutin e. "
`2) "If none of the row beams were broken, repeat the
`chec: k of all si :·:teen rows as in step 1. "
`3) "I ·f any row beam was broken, remember the row number . "
`4> "Now check all si:-:teen colLimns, again Llsing the status
`5) "If by chance there is no column beam being broken,
`return to step 1 and s tart all over."
`6) "If any column beam was broken, remember the column
`7) "Now that we know the pad was touched, print the l ocation
`on the screen. Maybe we c ould print the row and the
`column of the touch. "
`-- 7 -
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 10

`If not, try to pretend that
`Did that seem to make sense?
`you are the computer, and try to choose a logical a lgorithm. You
`should arrive at about the same s t eps . Appendix B contains a
`sample BASIC scan subroutine. This subrouti ne was wr itten by
`translat ing those seven s teps into actual BASIC code .
`As mentioned earlier, the BASIC language is not the only
`computer lang uage which can ut ili ze the touch-pad .
`By consulting
`a book on the l a nguage you wish to use, you should have n o
`troubl e converting the sample program in appen di x B.
`In fact,
`most comp uter l a n guage books use BASIC code in their program
`e :<ampl es.
`Remember, the sky i s the
`limit~ Use the touch-pad for
`games, graphics, control, or
`whatever you can dream o f.
`Should you encounter any problems which are not addressed in
`thi s manual, all registered users ara enti tl e d to telephone
`support . This technical support is ava ilable at a charge of
`$45.00 p er hour, witt1 a one hour minimum . When you need to call,
`please have th e following information at hand:
`1 ) Your name as it appears on the warranty reg i stration .
`2) Your billing address .
`3> The touch-pad registration number <on the warranty card>.
`4> The brand and model of c omputer y ou are using .
`5) A description of the prob l e m; be as speci fic as possible .
`(317) 2 47-4919
`• Vertical Software Applications, I ndianapolis , Indiana, 46241
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 11

`.. SYtfT0/1
`1 ) Status is always 0.
`Wrong beam select numb er.
`See SETUP .
`Wrong input port nu•ber.
`Check computer manual.
`Wrong output port number .
`Bad wiring connection .
`See SETUP .
`Defective touch-pad .
`See autho rized dealer.
`Defective computer port.
`See compute r 11anual.
`7l Status is always 1.
`Wrong input port number .
`Check computer manua l .
`10) One location always
`appears tou ched .
`11> Software retur ns
`a row or column
`greater than 16 .
`12 )
`13 )
`Wrong output port number .
`Defective touch-pad .
`See authorized dealer .
`Defective touch-pad.
`See authorized dealer.
`Wrong input port number .
`Check compute r •anual .
`Input port being used
`by other devices.
`Sel ec t a different
`input port.
`Use a software mask,
`see computer manual.
`Vertical S o ftNare Applications, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46241
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 12

`Samp le BASIC Scan Subrou tine
`REM ********************************
`REM * Touch-Pad Scan Subroutine
`REM ********************************
`REM Scan all 16 rows to detect a touch
`REM Check status of rownu mber
`GOSUB 10000
`REM Check columns
`REM No touch, check next r ow
`GOTO 5030
`REM Rows scanned , no touc h; r e peat
`RE M Scan all 16 columns to detect a touch
`REM Check status of colnumber
`GOSUB 10000
`REM Print l ocation
`REM No touch, chec k nex t column
`GOTO 5030
`REM Col's scanned , no touch ; r e peat
`REM Print
`location o f
`t ouch , and return from sub.
`REM Return from subroutine
`REM *~*** ** **************** * *******
`REM * END Touch-Pad Scan Subroutine
`REM *************~*****************
`REM This subroutine will use the variable BEAM to
`turn on a beam, and will return the status in
`the variab l e STATUS
`OUTPORT=100 REM Use your output port number
`INPORT=101 REM Use your input port number
`REM This turns on the beam, where the value o f BEAM
`was determined as at the top of page 5 .
`REM This places the status of the beam in t he
`variable STATUS . A 0 means that it is
`unobstructed , a 1 means it is blocked.
`10070 RETURN
`REM Return from s ubroutine
`Vertical So ftw~re App li c ati ons ,
`I n dia n ap o lis, Indi•n•, 46241
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 13

`Input Grid Size . . . . . .
`Grid Resolution .
`Supply Voltage.
`Supply Current . . . .
`I / 0 Bit Requirements . .
`I/0 Signal Level s
`16 X 16 (256)
`0 .5 em
`5 Volts
`75 milliamps
`6 output, 1 input
`TTL Logic Levels
`> 3 .5 Volts = "1"
`< 1.5 Volts = "0"
`V•~ticAl So~tware Applications, Indianapolis, Indi•n•, 46241
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 14

`A procedure for s olving a pr oblem .
`Having two values or states . The bin ar y numbe r sys t e1 has
`two digits, 1 and 0 .
`Binary digit . A or a 0.
`A group of eight bi ts.
`Computer equipment such as th e computer itsel f , a pri nter,
`a ci r cui t boa r d, or any mechanical (physical) component s.
`Light having wav elengths grea t e r tha n t hat of vis i bl e
`ligh t , but shor t er than microwaves. Thi s ligh t can not be s een by the
`huaan eye .
`A computer langu age interf ace which trans l a t es each
`statement when it is encount ered in r ea l t ime, re quiri ng no compil i ng
`of the code .
`110 A term r efering to input and output in a co mput er.
`WASK A technique used to r emove un wan ted dat a fr om a variable.
`A computer interfac e which t ra nsf er s bi nar y
`i nfo r mation in byte fo r m; eight bi t s at a time.
`A computer interface which transfers bin ar y inf oraati on
`in bit form ; one bit at a time .
`Any computer program code (such as BASIC code ).
`A section of computer software whi c h i s set asi de fro •
`the main section of code, and can be used at any time by simp l y
`jumping to it. Such code is characterized by a requir ed RETU RN
`statement which resumes process1ng imedjately follo wing th e cal l.
`A group of bits represent1ng a complete pi ece of digi ta l
`info r mation .
`Vertical So ft Nare Applicati o ns, Indianap o lis, Indi•n•, 46241
`SCEA Ex. 1034 Page 15

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