lPR2{}i5«~0f}-343, IPRZUIIS-003451 IPRZOI 5—[]l.'H4'?! and IPR2{)l5-'-043343
`Deefiaratéorl of George Karypis
`details ofthe new query are not disciesed. the new query {2} could theoreticaily be.
`cr.g.. (at) a different portion of the 33111: song, or {b} a better hurnmed version of the
`same poniun ofahc same song.
`if the second new query is viewed as a second separate 5earel1. each
`independerlt search would be exhaustive because (at as I explained above, the
`inittat search compares. the query to all possible matches in the da1abase——"all the
`so'n.g.s“ tfihias, .‘3:.66—6;l1; Mouiin Depo. 336:9-I,5}and{b}ti1e restricted search afso
`compares the query to ail “'possi.hie matches" because the search compares the new
`query to .31! potential matches {illustrated by green dataset in the diag.ran1 above].
`The records that are not on the restricted list {i.c~., in the blue damsel but not the
`green dataset) are not “possibie matches" for the restricted search.
`the firs: Search
`excludes from the list of ranked songs those 5m1gs that are not possible ntatches
`such that the “restrictecl Search iist" comprises “all possible matches." Moulin
`Depo. 336: [3~32?:t3; 33-S: I3~336:l2,
`289. The only algorithm Ghias teaches for conducting a -search is to
`compare :1 query statement :tg_aim.1 every record in the data set against which the
`ai§2.orithr11 is to be run—and is thus always an exhaustive search. Aceordingiy.
`two stages because the query does not change Ijf.t.'., the first View I addressed
`Page 189 of'292
`Google Ex. 1020

`Dcclaraliott t)FGc0I'_'__1C Kat}-‘pis
`whtztltcr tltc two-stage stretrclt is viewed as 8. single scarclt or two separate St:‘dI"CIlt::-L,
`the settrclies C(tl‘I1parf: the work to he identified with "all possible t1tatcl'tes"and are
`tht:t't:I’orc: t:.-tltatttstiw: SC{:Il‘CI'li..":i.
`290. The Board also noted. that if(,iItias disclosed an :2:-tltaustivc SCEll'-CI1.
`Gltias wottld still disclose this element iI’(jItias also disclosed :1 FICID-B)(IlEilISlI'u‘e
`.'5‘..cIditioIr.tIIj.'. t_:.=t's:1t tltrc
`|;'ttt§_'t1:tgc its-:d III the I£lCICpL‘flt'.ICl‘|I E‘I;$iIll13-.
`'u.C lIl'r.'.‘ not pcrsttttclcd
`that the cl.-mttcd tttctltods could not cover processes ttitlt I‘JOII1 t".-.'-tlntttstixc :I.l1(I
`IIOII--C.\.I'IiJl15II\C st:;tt't:Ittnt_.:. its long as the latter’ prox tdcs I£IL"lllIrIC;lIl0Il.
`Decision r088! :11 I2. Becattse. as I desctihcd ah-t)w':. Gltias does not disclose any
`tton-exhaustiw scatclt. Ghias does not anticipate.
`search identifying a neighbor (claim element IS(b}]-.
`In institttting Ground 1, the Board did not specifically find that {ihias
`disclosed 3 search identifying a neighbor. Dccisio-n {‘983} at I2.
`292, As I explatined in detail above. ('1 seat‘-cit idetttifiring E1 |‘lt3I_[1I1I.}0l‘E11t‘.'flfiS
`a seaI"c¥t édetttiliyintg "21 class. but no necessarily t::~t2t.t:I or closest. tttatclt," Section
`VIC] "-"§Z5(; Decision F983} :11 I2.
`293. As I explaittetl above in clelatl, Gltitts does not disclose a stzarclt that
`idetstifics at t1t:igl'tl>ot' I)€Cal.l$€
`the searches dist:l.osed in Ghiets always ide.tttii"y an
`Fags: Iqfl of 2'92
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPRZOIS-M1343,IPREHES-{KI3-=15, IPREGI S-0034?, and IPR2015-D9343
`Dcciaralion of George Karypis
`exam or the closest match. Ghias teaches a search that generates three pcvssibie
`(I J an exact match [Ghias 2:53-59 Vcxact matching, n1elndy"_')}:
`{2} a “ranked list at‘ apprmcin1a£eEy matching meindie-3" fifihias. 2:50-S9;
`Ghias._= 6:60-C13 (“a Eist ohongs ranked by how weii the}: matched the
`r;L|.er_v"}; Moulin Dena. E I8:9-2'2}; or
`('3') “N16 singie most appwxilmate matclling mclocty” {(3hias. 3:50-59}.
`As I dcmonslrated ah{wt:=, Fm szach output, the Ghias sea_rcl1 Iiecessariiy idemi-fies
`an exacl ur L‘-E0565! match. Moulin Depn. 3522312-353:2. Accordingly, Ghias dues
`not &iscl-use 21 Search “iclentifying a I1.eighhcr.“
`294. The Petition and curresponding ['.}r:ciamtio.n faii to demonstrate ma:
`Ghias éiscin-ses a -search “id:-ntifying a neighbor."
`295. Pefition: As Sllppfifi fur the claixned “identifying a nei§._1I1bm-," I nut»:
`that the Petition relies on the foilowing:
`(Elms funhcr v; tins search |r.u::nc-5 a: neighbor b_v«.:i’ctcn11'1m'ng "3
`r311k<:diisa of :i;I[Jr(1:x:in1:1la°:33s_»
`In-flltlliilg mxlodms. as illusuralcd :11 31:" m "the aux-._:k
`most approximate m.1ts:la1ng lilitklfijr‘ " Ex;
`I01!) :11 _‘::f"~u».‘i'J.
`Pct. F988] HI.
`2%. Petition Charis: The charts in the Petition the same assenioxls and
`passages from Ghias:
`Page i9l of2‘J2
`Google Ex. 1020

`l'PR?D| '3-0[)3-Up‘ IPREHI5-{'J(l.'H5, IPRIOI i-(NH47. and ll’R2{'H5—[]{P-43
`Declaration ot'G::o:'-cu: Kill}-'[Ji5
`PeIilium:r‘:; L‘l]fll‘l for claim I5. ::Ic:|n:-ml Iu] incn|17c}ra1cstl1c than for claim I.
`element [C]:
`'-'~‘|-‘fllltlims J"
`h’ L"'L'\""-"'“'~‘~'1”!~
`lL.fCI1lII‘h.' .‘lIIi.'11 91.1111." 4.‘|u.‘clm-mu
`\.-mria b:m:d on th»: -.-xtractui
`1'c4:1un.~_. ulu.-n.-nn U19.‘ 1da.'nt1lh:moII
`l‘I.1e-std un :1 IIuIl~::.1aJ1;1us.lnc
`1u.';m.'|1 I-Ju.*I111I‘_uI1-_.'
`.1: nczgilbm.
`Pccma--nusr 111«.'urp.:-I‘J'Ic~> um alvmc dz.x.1mI-1::
`u|'(jh;_'g-_. n_*;_=;1rd[n!_» ( L11-m lg
`Pct. (988) at 14. The chan for claim 1. element [c], in mm, pro-.-ides:
`.11 the porlahlc cm-r1t
`cl rt.-ccsx :m_:
`dc‘. sue fra;m1 mu mic nr Imm-
`sun crs an r.i::ni|li¢.';1||m: nI'1!1u:
`electrons: wort: based on lh-1'
`extracted :1-a2un:s..
`\-.-In:n.-an the
`ideI1I|Fu::Ir.:-:1 1.» bauccl on a nun-
`cx|I;n.1:.1m.‘ su1:.n:l1 uh.-11u:‘j.|ng :1
`(Jhnts rccc:I\L‘5. and L'.1LI1pnI5 m the L'o:I1pLzII:r.
` ti i1purl:LlIl-.' clx-nl dun In: IF.-.
`[NIH :11
`" ‘Fl. .1 115! -.JI‘IJctII|r3::;|Iu1:1.~. nI'c|u.1'Immc
`xmrlus 351:-F3. ¢..r.4u,5, T-I-F.
`H f-I-Ix} Such ujcnul3.'alm1s .1.r-:: dczcrmmcd
`by "::c.1n:hIII_g. the urn.-luuly cialnlusc I-I" lo
`ho-::m:a r'|1.‘J.!<:l1u'.:§ II1u:|u.=d;.' 25“-F‘1 I-NH-3.
`'-’ -I-‘F.
`-\bs-Ir.1c1.N.3f--I-N‘. 5:111-I-3
`smrI:|rrn:u;» r:Iupk>_\
`";mgr51xgg]3;g;§- paucrn t11.1IciI:I1g algorithm" or
`Jnclhcn algornfun Uni npcmtcs. fhstcr than a
`brute lbrccscarch h 7-E I, r. 2.‘s—.‘1.
`Pei P938] al 12.
`29?. Declaration: Petitioner's Declaration relies on the same asscnion and
`passages fi'om Ghias:
`Page I93 nf2‘).‘~3
`Google Ex. 1020

`[PR2[}l .‘r—flU34.'¥, IPR20I S-(30345, IPREIHS-H0347, and IPRZMS-003418
`Declaration {:-F George Karypis
`Second. if Is in}: a[:si1:.ion Ihal (3-l.Ii::s disclose-; "cicc!r0niac:nlig.-
`dcterminirig an idcmificaiiion of me clccsnmlc work based on ten: cmacaéd
`fmluircs“ tr}. pczforiiling “:1 nuin-c~;11:;usti\'e sc;!.n:.h iLi€Il1if}‘ing 3 smeighbar " Ex.
`mm :11 Claxnls I. 55
`l:1p;nnic::.1ur. Giuas dnacluscs usmg :5 "query. eu;_:im' 3-3"
`u-lunch "searches me lll:IiDo3_\'d;Il:I1I!:tSc I4" to Ioczne :; II1':r.l-:!tm_1_: malady. En; mm at
`= 2;:'vII-59. Abstntc: {'31. me!-ed}: :.&::::1b::see is sc.m:'hcd for :n Ems: one scqucm: of
`dignl.-ed rqamscuxlzttiolls of rr.-!:m'\ :: psich di£Tcn:-nccs bctxtc-‘en succurssn e males
`u-I-sack: fa!‘ Ic:.}5I ;appro.x1I11a:e?y m:ilC1IL‘5 1|":-: sequcuca: of drgiuircd r«:p.r::scm:11Icms of
`n:1::iiv-c pmah differences |:)f.‘t\1'c1‘.°£‘n stlccessuc uncles of [he snclady. "1 Crhizas funiwf
`Moulin Decl. (‘$138) 1fi]69—7‘{).
`298. Dtcfaraiénn Chgr_ts; Fin.all'y. the charts in the decEa.ra1:icm also rely on
`the same wm assertions and {he same two passages from Glmias:
`: c} scum mg as‘. IE1: pcsnahlc cam:
`d-.-\':~4:q: {sum this um: um fl'I1'la.' ‘:I."I'\ as
`rm rdcmnfiszalim of III»: eta.-cumnic
`\um'|s:I::w.-.u1¢+n1t:u* cxtraclcaieluturcs,
`.. ,
`' u'ht:I'E’1lllh¢'lt3c‘nllfic.11Ifi‘fIlsh::'M:di¥fi
`a I1:m—c.r.h:u-.tiu: -er.-:m:h uh.-nt:f\~r:1n :1
`Eihiais disfiltfics rm:-::I% lug mid uulpuiling
`:1! the: mm.pmc-r. whu:!: is 1;. pnnahk
`..-Iacm air.-\.'i«;u.-. 1‘: lm.‘ of icicnreilicall-ma» u!"
`cTu:.L“u'o:liu xx.-uriin 2 543-521 I'1.(1I}-(ii,
`'5' -4-
`5. Slfl-33. 3251-(I3. Ghiaa fhrfllrl”
`&3iH.“}l!‘~L'.*i that -s.1:n':i1 k3c11tificuiion~. are
`dcratrnmln:-é by “scwalung Ih-: nick-ad)-
`dmahaz-.4: 14" In in-care .1 man: lung
`mclmiy 2 Sn-5|), sf-_-an-('»3. 7:4-S.
`-.-.-_ 'sr.'.-I‘-
`‘u’“"m‘ Q ("'5'
`' ('h"“ “mil”
`'1 5'
`‘fi”cI‘“h ma.‘ {hf mmlh may cmpgkw 3
`u;;uch111g ulgonlhm" -‘tr nnnrlwr
`algorithm that up;-r-.1£e:~l’:1<.:cr Ilmn n
`-K‘-‘tin.’ .'aL‘d.l\'.'h [:17-
`Moulin Deal. C988) {[75,
`Page [93 of 292
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPRZUI *5-0!]?-i3_ IPREUI5-{)()"H5_ IPREUIS-{](l3i17_and IPR 20] T3-{)i).'-M3
`Diaciarzitiim of George Kznypis
`301) Ncttltct the E15St?l'1i0IlS not the: passatgcs ft‘-Jttt Gltias disclose the
`clziimed noti-exhaiistit-"e Search because. as described in detail above. both the
`tanked list and siitgii: tttust a[I]}1’{).‘iLi|l1€ilL' matcitiing n'ii:l0i.i3J i‘Jlll['illl5 H|\‘i"E1_‘{‘."i identify
`the cinsesi match.
`determining an action basccl im the identification (ciaim
`element lS(c)ji.
`_‘-[iii The instituted claims. are not aitlicipate-d by Ghias because the Petition
`Fails to demonstrate that Ghias discloses "determining an action based on the
`identification oftlte electronic tmiic" and "perl"urming the action."
`EDI. Claim |5~—t|ie nnly instituted independeint ciaim -—claims 21 method
`Cctmprising. four steps. Steps (bi tliruugii id) are:
`ht isle.-i:truiii::;ilI)
`til the catec-
`U'(.‘|'I'Ii|L‘ it-ni-3; hum] cm the uxtnictcd fu:itun:.~. \\ herein the
`idciitiliuuliisti is h:I:=;i.'d tin .t ttmt-c-.1; h‘.iu::tiI-'1.‘ sci.-;irt:|i :i.1L-tt-
`ti1‘_vi.i1g :L neighbor:
`L‘ i *"*~"31Ft'=m'~‘«1ii‘3i'
`H the I.‘iL"CLfl'I"I5\3 tuirk; unit
`Gt I.‘lk.‘\IlI'l'I'ilC.l”:u pi.-rliirmiitg the uctiui:
`As reiiectcd in the ciaim. “detcrniining an ai:ti0tt" in step (:3) and "{ir:.I'i'm1i1ittg the
`ar:ticm" in step id} mtist be based cm the “identification ofthe eiectrrmii: work"
`From step ii ).
`Fags :94 of:-92
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPRZGI f*'r—f‘.I£}343, 1PR.l{]l5-{‘l(]_'r'r45, FPREUI 5-00347, and IPI«‘.2fi1S-093453
`Deciaratitm of George Karypis
`[1 is my uttderstanding that the tI'1it‘d‘: and ftjurth steps——~—(-C) determinmg.
`an; action based on the identification, and {d} p-erflnrrning the action’---—must have
`azneaning lmyond that encnmpassecl by step {bin “cfieterminintg an idemificatimt"
`because ail limitations in a claim must be meani'ngt"ui_
`3&3. The Petition asserts that Ghias diseéeses step (C)
`“éetern1i' an
`action bested 011 the identii":cation"—-i11. two ways:
`[I 1 “using the result ofa Search to de1ez1'n1'2ne the potential matches?‘ and
`(2) “allowing the user to perftmn a ‘new -:1ue-z“y on a restricted search Iisz
`consisting of scmgsjust retrieved.“
`Pet. [@831-a.1 IO; 12'; Mnulin Deal. {‘983)1?fi§?¥. 75. Neither discloses “del:enz1iei:1g
`an action based on the Edentification“ For at Eeast ts.-.-:0 re-asens.
`304. First. accarding LU Petitioner, both {it} “'deIenI1iI2[_ing1_} the polentiai
`matches,“ and (la) §3€I‘fEJ'|'¥'I‘tiE1g a SI3€lI'Cl’I on a restricted list constitute the seconé step
`(b}—“detenm%ning. an identification of the eleclrcmic work." In ciaim I5,
`determining the action must. be “based an the id.eI':¥it§1catio!1t" Accordittgiy, the
`syste'n.1 must firs! identifi-,' the e1eeI:rm1i.-.': work, and then, based on the identity of
`the work, "‘detern1;%n»e an action."
`( I ) "[D]etermine the potentiai matches" is part of“dctcrtni:1ing an
`identification of the electronic werk” and therefore cannvat be an action
`based an the .idcl1tification ofthe electronic work.
`Page 195 nl’2‘92
`Google Ex. 1020

`lPR2'lll "‘i—'l}{l-M-1, IPREUI 5-lill'l|"i-1'3.
`ll-‘REUI T7!-ll[l'l-£I7_ and ll)R2l]l 5-H“.-'i43
`[)ct:lar:itinn ul‘(_ic0I'gt"-: Karypis
`{2} SiI1]llE1i'l}". p::illiun'uing a search on 11 wstrictcd list of potential matches is
`iclcntilied as part ot"‘idenlilicati-ran rJf'tl1:'.* electronic work."
`.8‘;-9 Dccisimi (‘M31111 I3 (“Ghias pi’m'ides that 'lIll"l:2I1llI‘l'Ii‘lCl'0i‘ll1€1lCilCS that the
`dat;1|)a5e 14 should retrieve depends upon the ei':‘0t‘-toleram:<: used during the I-:e_\.'~
`search.’ Ex. IUIU. lb:(13~(J5 (Em1.)ll3SlS added]. {jhias further provides that ‘the user
`can perfot'1n :1 ncv.‘ query on a res.n.'ic:ted Search list consistiiig ul'songs _iu51
`1'etrie\'ed. T|n':; allows the user 10 id.entif_\-' sets ofrsongs that contain similar
`Id. at 7:5 8 tentpltasis a(ldecl}."]
`ll” the scarcli on the rcs;t:'ict'ed list is
`part ofthc search identifying the rnalcli. it cannot also be the action base-:'l on that
`x’\.cc:c.‘:I'dii1gl_\,-', the Petition fails to identify steps {ct and (d) in Gliias.
`305. Second. Ghias does not detennine an action “based on the
`identitication ul"1he tziectmnic \mI'l-2." One Skilled in the art would uaiderstattd that,
`:0 he “insisted on" the idc-ntilicaticm. the action must depend upon the identification.
`ln Ghias, ||1e action; idettlificfi by Petitioner are perfunmd inclependent ofthe
`{I l
`‘*3 Djetermine the potential matches“ is part {illhe process of idezitifying
`the wort-: and tlieref-zire is not based on the zdentilication ofthe electronic
`{2} Similarly, pcrturming 21 seartli an a restricteé list ofputtzntial II‘i£3lt.‘llC':‘. is
`not based out the idcmificatéun nftlit: wtirk
`Page E96 £.1l'?.‘J3
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPRZEH §-OM43, IPRZUHS-(19345, IPRZOES-(}[l?.l4T'_ and IPREUIS-ll03=1R
`Declaration of George Karypis
`Rather. wl.1e1l.1er a new query is pEl.'f{Jl”l11£‘.'d on a restricted Search list is solely a
`consequence of the number elf potelitial matches, not the identity of the lnatclies.
`Thus. this action perl’011ne(;| by Ciliias is the same regardless of the identity ol"I§1e
`eleclmiiic work.
`‘$383 Ground 2: The irmitmtecl claims of the ‘993 patent are not
`uhviaus over Gl.'u’as..
`3%. Ground 2 relies exclusively on Ghias and is dire=c:l'ed to unly
`dependeni claims 22, 24-26. and 52. wtiécli depend (imlireclly) on independcm
`claim 15, Pet {"988} at 54-57; Decision F988} at 22.
`30?. As I rleI'nuns:trated above, Ghias cities not disclose elements from the
`independent claim upon which. Grcmncf 2 is based (claim I5} including:
`“nun-exliaustive Search identifying a neiglib-:11" (claim element l5(b]l:
`“electronically determining an aciiean based on the iiiemificalion of the
`elecl:ronic.w01rk” (claim element l.'S{c)l: and
`“electronically pelfonnixig the action" (claim element |5(dl).
`En Ground. 2, Petitioner (and the Board} do not assen that these
`missing elements are nbvious i.n iighl offihias but rather asserl that these missing
`elements are expressly disclosed in Ghias. 3'er: c.g., Pei. {‘988_) at 55 (“For the
`reasons expressed in Ground I [anticipated by Ghiasl, Ghias discloses all elements
`ofelaims I and l5.“}. Accordingly, Gmund 2 fails because the elements From the
`Page 39‘? uf292
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`[PR Efll "1-llllhl-'l_ lPR3lll§-l'l0.'Ll5_ IPRL-‘(ll ‘K-(10347, and |l’R?(ll 5-Ill)".-"-19
`Declzxralion ofL‘r::prg.t: l<Zan_.'pis
`i:1d<:pcI1dcnl :.'laim5 addntsscd upon: an: missing fmm uh'm:.- and Ill: i’c.~tition docs
`not prm'i(‘lc any basis for cnrrccIin;_2_ these d-3t'Icie11cics..
`‘988 Ground 3: The instituted claims of the ‘998 patent are not
`anticipated by lwan1ura.
`309 The single independent claim oflhe ‘Q88 patent instituted fur [rial
`includes the phrase “nun-cc:-;hausli\-'6 search iderwtifying, a neigl1bor_”‘ Claim I5.
`l‘.-'.'flH1llf3. dncs not amicipatsr the msntmed clainn; because lwamura does not
`disclose: (l}a “11m:—e:-:haus1i'r-2" search; and 12} "id::nlil'}'iI1g :1 neig|1b0r_"
`address each dcficicuacy in turn.
`non-exhaustive Search (claim lfiljm).
`lwan1I.n‘a does not disclose the claimed “man-exhaus1i\'e" s::nrI:h.
`31 I. As I 1:xplainc<lahm':;:, 3 HOD-t3.l(l'l.':1LI5l2l\'t;‘ Search is. "a Search that lmsalcs
`a m:;-11th willmui a comparison nfall ppssilale n1alclaes." Section WE}; Decision
`(‘@381 an 7
`lwamura d0es11mdisc|05c“a sear-cl} lhal locales 3 match without 22
`cmnp:n~isc::n nf all prossihle maurhes.“ As I explained above in detail_ Iwamum
`dlsclawlsas 21 srzarching algorithm that is dc:-signed to he nmre cFf'u.:i\:nt than
`axltemalixes lay lining up peak {swim fmzn [he muxic wurk Lu he idclalilicd with lhe
`peak nnies in each rec‘.-{ml in the musix: database, when c:0n1par'ing the work In cach
`Page $98 of 292
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`!F'R2015~{}f}343_ JPR2[}i5-(H1345, WR Em S-003474 and lPR2fli "'3-l'){'.*3=12
`Deciaraiien offieorge Karypis
`lEwamura_ 6:59-60; 12:}-2.
`Instead of comparing the work in he identified.
`with a record in the database by (a) perfezming a first comparison of the notes in
`the wark and the record. and then (b} shifi:i.n_L_: the cc:-mparisnn between the wnrk
`and the record “note by note" to see ifthere is a. match, the shifting can be time
`peak-note~to-peak-iime. thereby reducing the 1:iLm1|:~e:' ofc-amparison made between
`the work and :1 specific record. anfi thus making the comparison more efficient.
`“‘?eai-: notes are aperoximaieiy 20% of the tolat number ofnotes in a
`typicai meledy. That means search speed. tising peak notes is 2.0% of
`a brute Force search which shifts ihe entered meiody. note by mete.“
`[wa1mira.9:9—i T.
`3 I 3. As I expieined ab-ox-‘e in detail:
`each melndy in the zneiody database is compared llfiillg this peak nah:
`approach and ‘“[t}he reference me!-tidy that gi\"13'.5 the feast difference is
`zerumed as a Search 1'esult"{iwamLIl'a, ?':54-55);
`'s Dec-Karim colifirined that “for all the [wamura
`sean:l1es...{i]t"s understood that you Search through every musicai
`wnrrk in the databasc”~~~—i.e.. all petential matches {Mnulin Depo.
`269:I9«27U.'2; 233:2-3; 2&7: I3-2€.'; 27l : l9—2l,' 2U7':l8-23]; and
`Peti:ioner‘s Deciarani afse c:nn1'u.-med that “alt the mass" are
`compared (Momin Dept). .'Z8{}:6—i3; 2'.-'7':6—2 I 1.
`Page 199 of 292
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPRZOI 5-{}(l‘§43, IPRZUI S-ill)?»-Ii. FPlU.(l15-(}(l347_ Hfltl ll’l{2llI"1-(ll)"i=18
`Declamiicii cii'(icui';_zi: |<.:»;ti'3.«'pi5
`As :1 result. l"ctitioncr's Declarzml ccirlirined that. based on the proper construction
`ofiion-exhaiisztive scarclt {adopted by the Boar-ill and the understanding nfonc of
`urdinary skill in the art. lwaimira dries not disclose a [1011-t.':."\'l1Eil1!S[l\-t‘.‘ scarclt.
`Moulin Depo. 233:2-‘J-23-4;|<t; I’.25:l(’:-22{i_'7; 2[7:i-I3.
`3-I4. The Petition and correspundiiig [}cclaration fail to demonstrate that
`lwamura discloses a “non-c:r|1austive" searcli.
`I note that Petitioner and its
`I_Jeclarant identify three features of the lwainum S€ElTCli as teacliing 'nm1—e:<hau5tive
`{El} pea}-: notes: a Search that rises peak notes. which are aipprmiimatcly 30-"/n
`of the rural number of notes in a typical melody?"
`({1} limit function: a search in which a specific I:0I‘I"lpaI"iSOn of the work to be
`identified tu a specific record. in the database "can be Sit.)-];.Wcl."' when the
`specific CCllTlplIl'flli0El cf the total absolute difference between the work to be
`identified and the specific record exceeds a certain limit:
`{ct m£e_a.rchcd gorlioiisr a S~'3flfL'l'l that skip-s "portions that :5l10l.liCl not be
`searched." such as “repeated pa;trems:"' and "unimpor1‘aiiit melodies."
`Pet. {"988} at 47-48.
`Petitioner identifies these three ieritiircs (labeled 0 ,9. and 9 Ia-5 disclosing the
`n0n—exhaiistive search in ilfi Petition‘-. Declaratidn. and correspciidiiig cl-191115:
`315. Petitign:
`Page Z(}0- 0|’ 2‘)?
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPREDIS-00343? IPRZUI 5-00345, {FREQ} 5-043347, and IPR2015-D0348
`Declaration offieorgc Karypis
`Ex-r:m1ur:1 further teaches hm-. Ilus scasch can bcnnn-a:.v.h::1I5l'a.-. Fnr
`cxzlmplc. lwzlnmm tcachcsa nnnwrxixaustm: scaIc§1usIng—i£.t_ hill 2::
`5:31-7:555 whach “an: ::pproxn11:ne|3 1t|".n:>l'llseIu1:1i number ofnmes an a typical
`illelocfy. That l1‘I£*1]EIS Search speed usnlg pr.-:31; notes IS 21%. uI':1 lmmie force se:1rch."
`M. at *.?:5~‘~I E.
`in amlhcr cxantplc cfmnncximtnslfic scarthmg. Ix-;:m1I.I:rn {makes
`that the smrch mm he rmcclm-ntr:& by stoppm-;_: Ilw search when cumpumlaaz-ns
` ' E3. 10!! :15 7?-If»-5?_ 1n;~¢I :ll1(¥l§Tbcf cxnnxpls: of'nf.In—
`cximlisiirxc scanthing. h-.'a1ma1':i dtsckns-t:s sfilppmg
`-"id as i.‘£:r»?, These skipped p-:-mans include "rv:pcat-:d gJ:ttlr:r!as"£aJ. at
`‘);3('1+~'—$4l. and "u:rn1:ps3rta:1: pmuanEs]"ei“1hr: Hlcbii} ms’ ;x[‘l‘_~l--1-45}
`Pet. U983} at =1?-48.
`3%. Petition chart: Claim 25 (the insfiituted claim. cross-references claim
`L element (c)):
`Pa*fi1in:u*r i:1c::vrrmr.1ur- llau ahmu: dim--1:».-mné
`d‘3’~e"*"*'-‘m“'1"5.'~ 3"
`iderflifkaiivt: oi'll1v= -rbctroui-: work Mixamaaui-a rLgardm_-_a C1:a1'n1 1..-.
`based on {he ex.m-Icmcd J°eaIum-.
`'.s!:«.'rn:z'n the nix.-nlil'1c;.:lm: 5 based
`mu cl xmll-u.!al|:li1~Ii'w 5c:m:h
`l'a1L!1’1IlfV‘h%"* :1 fk'i‘.1‘|(!I“.
`Pet. (‘£1881 at 52. Ciaim I eie-me1:1t[c1:
`Page 201 of 29:2
`Google Ex. 1020

`[P1220] S-OM43, IPREUI .‘i-00'-‘.45_ IPREOIS-f'I01£l'?_ar1¢'I lPR2l'l|5-(10348
`Dccimation officorgc K.E1l'_\-'piS
`-.'|lL1 cnJ:ri.§ .11 flu: 1\n|L|Nc 1. Imal
`LlE:\.1L'L‘ tn-::11hc mu.‘ ur an.-n: 56!‘! an
`.:11 IJI.'1ll1IT\.I1lH1'l ul Ihu u:5r:u.:1n~m.
`xx-uklu--.'dI|IH11c I.‘\1[.l\.lI.'\.l
`lL'.mm.:-. \'~hu:u:|:|
`III»: hi-.1IIt!'n..1I:un
`I-u 11:1-mm} 1 -1: .: IL1‘'i1-1.‘.‘1h.'Ii!.-u'Ei‘.|: n:.-m.'h
`.1 n\:n__'i1h.-L.
`I):lI.::cm "«-c.u..'l1
`.n|v:-nn:h:rn- 1:I..n. he .11"-]=ln.\l In lurtli-r111
`Incl:-Jx ~c.u.'I1u-"III? I-M uh.'Fuulur__- H
`"]WI.'.LI\. I'II‘:|."-H 0
`U- 3|-" “1 “Inch ".m:.npp1m'|1mI.-Ix 2EI"..
`nl Ihs: I.-ml Inullhcl I’! 11-~‘Iu:~. us :« l}]m‘.Il
`[hat IIlL'.1Il~ ~s.-.1.l-.'I1~]\u.~x.'c.Iu~m;.’
`pn:.AL [lt‘1I."‘- L~ 2U“u oI'..I|11u.iu: Ill:-um: n.'.uuh"
`W BL-Illa
`tlnhcr dm-E--..:darm:-cHi1;11m:\c
`~..-41:. hm n.'.|J1 ;ls:\;u'.1°-c-u.1tIs:l| 11111:: In
`-In ‘I
`tnL'I|1-.‘ u:.Ir-;I1 nhcn \.'LIt‘nI1l.IT.llhIli- 3
`he uu-I1fi;_-mum] H
`w" I I3 n.-n ~.m. I1 ,:~
`"re.-pc.Ilcu‘] p.1l:cm~.," N it-—Lh_ md
`[vs-21::-1:[~]" --flh-s: naclud-.
`(‘J 44451
`Per. $98313: 50_
`3 I7.
`E 98
`Page 3G2 of 292
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPREKHS-0Ii}343, IPRZHIS-{$345, IPREM 55-0034?‘ and IPRZDIS-00348
`Deciaratinn of George Karypis
`,_Hu.._ ..h‘F.
`II an-111} -ulsinnma nhzn I\\:mm:'.t fultlun I:‘:m.l'1cwhuu. llus 'sc.".ui.‘lIL".1l’Il‘=t:
`mm-cx.’L1:1u-.1n c. 1-1:‘: a:x:smpIe. l\\::mut:: I-:az:11e-. :1 lulu-::xiI:Lush'.r.' u:1'm'.‘!I mza us.-cs
`mm: numb-L1 nl'1m1a.:~. m 3 I}-’§.i1'I.'1I] 133s.*ir.:d_\
`‘Hull l11e;I!’1'¢ ‘-II'iLfL‘II speed usmg pt-:1!-2
`swim. Is. ll!"-a +:vfu E11‘-!.:!::
`I-01?!-C-R 9.;--.1rc]1
`" M .1! ‘HG-i l
`I1 1-. 1'n_s.' npmmn that ix\'m11m”a'~. dm:h.m:rr:' Ilml Ills‘ _~'e-:m:|| scan 11::
`.u:».w.-lcrutcd 21} stnppilzg Ehc sezaruth when mmpumrimh ”—' P»
`-motlurz example nf:1<nr1-<:.‘¢l3n*:m:m.: w-.m~h1m_: E‘:
`IN! 2 :11 *::'~.0-57.
`It as In}; U|1ll1HTtl.illIll i\*«'.'snusr:n'~. duels:-,ur-: nflicapping_
`I! ehuuld "um! hc acarclitd” (E!-.. W13 at 13 F1571 \\ h1.‘I”\..'i'n Eh-.-ac xkippcd pI.ImuI!-
`includu "n.-p::;1tu:d p;!ttcr1:i-«" rm‘ :11 ‘?‘.¥h--Hr and “u:|iI111g:-sartuintpq.m1é:;::':1:~E"£\l iha:
`nlclml} H4.‘ an ‘.3.-H--15-I nit!"-trE!.1%n:'.~ amulhcr cxannfllc <1!‘ nun-c:n.hm1-Ii\ r: w.-..n.:l11I1g.
`Monlin Decl_ {"983} $111141-E43.
`3l8. De-cla2‘a£io11c:l1grr_:' Claim I5 (iheinstit‘u1eclc|'eferences
`claim 3. elemerm {C}:
`I xr|ror;1or:sto.-1113.‘ :1h{)-.r: dnscussmrs of
`M =‘3I%'€‘ll0T'I|I-‘3".V dw-‘rmlfilfig 3“
`1daest1u'I'IL*3nn:1 oftlw e3¢:s::I'nnu; ts-nrk. m-3;n1u_m geggg-dggg ("1-gum 1.;
`based on the extracted Iimsurc-5.
`wherein flu: adrnltlicatiufin is based
`cm a acunaexhaustzxc _~.:::m:E;
`Idc11Iif-.-mg a II€ig_h__tL1__(_3l'.
`Mnulin Dec1.("988)'J¥-47.
`Claim 1, element 1c}:
`Page 203 of 292
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPREIH ‘*1-{}(}3471. IPRIHIH-Of)‘-'.4S_ JPR 20] .‘i-(l(I.1-47, and ||3'R2{)l§-I11)‘-'14}-Q
`[J1:1:iar:1li(JI1 officorgc Karypi-.'-1
`ls-.1111.-111.1 1.l1~«.'11m.'~1i1.1.1"|I]| -1:11. :1
`n::1;rn:.1l11: ~.1u1111;111 rcmi: tn I111.‘ 1.11-.-111 ’
`]\\..'1ll'1IL1.I d1,~.c\mc>- 111-.‘ um: 1:1"; ".-1.’.1r1;!:
`1.'111_.'m1:"1u"f111d 1311: 1.|n.~1:2-I I11r.'lud'. In-ru
`11:1; -.J::1.:l\;:_~1.-
`" '12.‘
`lu;1mu1-.1 d1s_-lose:
`u%:n-_.- ‘.1 |I1'.'.1L nr d1I‘I‘cr.:m1.:I 111.11c|111r_;
`LJ r1.'C~.'I\IH'g-‘ J1 I'M‘ I“-‘I1-'3‘:-' t |"=‘I||
`.1i-__-o1~.Il1n1 " II I-1 In .1mu:.1 1'11-.1:[n-.._-a um:
`1Jc\ ILL‘ lra;1111 1111.‘:-1:1: UI uwru
`d1fl‘c:-.‘1n "-.1:;:1’1.|1 31;.-m::h111» 111.1} he a|'vp|1c¢|
`*.~L'I'\cIs an 1dI:nl1l"II.'I1ltUH uf lhc
`mpctI'n11u m.c|rvc.I_\ sa.-.111.'|1cx “ ill I-3
`clcclmmc unrk h:1:s¢J 11:1 U11:
`I'.\.‘1r11uI.'u u'.iI54:lm-:511011-1:‘\I1;}1:'s1I\u 1.1.-.1:.‘I1s.'.~
`c~.1r.1.'11:d 1c.1111.'cs M11.-rcn11 the.‘
`1.i.::111f'~.111g :1 11::1gl1hu,u ~u1.'h :11: G
`1d1.'n:Il'I.":1:1n1'1 1-1 h;1~.cdm1.11:n:1-
`c\h.'u1-ilnc -u.'.1n'|t1cIcnIIf,\mg .1 -' gr. II.'«‘ 5711 -1\h1.;h “an;
`.1p1:'1m\I1I1;m‘|\ _‘II''.. of Ilia: l1.11:1| I1uI'I1bcr 0|'
`nfllci III .1 l_\|.1-11.211 llI1.'h|1J_\ Hm: llIf..'CH'.I\
`5C.}f1;h s}’.‘CL‘d uurt=__'
`['JC.11\ rmlu.-1 l*- SW3. :_=I'.1
`Mute {mac scar-1:|1
`‘'1'! .‘-~— In} ix-.11mu:.':
`Ilarihu-1 d:-..‘Iu-;1:x 1mn-cuJ1:111:.t1u: -«c.11.;h
`1dcnt11"\1nu .1nu1g.:hborII1:1I can he
`Juzcicratcd h_\.
`:~lU]‘|§.‘IlZ!:._! :11: .~.L::m:i1 M11911
`1" Ft»-."'1anc|can be a;u.u1I‘1gun:-1] to
`112 I-—'H '\fl1L‘]l :1-g."r;-ax-.1I1:d;°1:1|1L'rn2;" 1*}
`-Hi. and "11:::111p«nn;1nI por11m1|s.[" of 1111:
`3|‘). As I explained abovc1.ndeta1l. none oflhese three [wamura search
`Features (peak Imtes, limit i'uuctian__ or unsearrched ponions] relied on by Petitioner
`and its Declarant 1331‘ 1111: non—ex]1ausliwc seamh discloses the claimed mm-
`taxhaustive: search.
`F%c:ard‘s Cmica:-I115:
`I new.’ address the Board's spwific ¢:ow.;urn5
`[icientifuzd in E15 De:1:1'sio11 in the "J88 IPR) with r1:sp1:c1m whether iwamura
`drisciescs the ciaimed 1101':-e.\1hau:sliw': 3ear1:i1.
`in instituting Glmmd 3.1119 Bumd
`prelnninaly :ieEe'1"x'nin::d that one feature: 0t"Ev1=an11111t idemifiecl by Pelztioner -- .:hc
`“c:mnp11ta1ionaI limits“ Fea£ure/discloses a non-:3.x:I1a1.1s1ivc st:zm:|1 bstcause il"1he
`Pagc 364 nf2E12
`Google Ex. 1020

`:PR2m5—t:«n343, ftt>R2=a'>t5—ott345, re-H2nt5.n034.?, and iptun: ~z-n034s-:
`Deeiaration cf George Karypis
`computatioiial limit is reached. the entire Search is stopped, even if all of the
`rec:-rds have not been searched:
`Pelitiuner ii'h__-ntflieg lit nt1.1ttr;i':«- acompttttttiunul fimil <‘!.'~i an e.-xantpfe of
`ii:m~c:<}u:ust.i\-e atearctzing. in that nut :21} rozt‘-t'rrd*-. in the mimic I‘Il|1.'\ii3
`ti:tt.til1a.~.e lIcCL"+5»:+£}l‘i|}' are seztrcltetl. Pet. 48‘ F’:tIs:nt {Jamar ztrgties that
`Iw:t1n11ra's LE:::~s:npIim'i ol'r-'.tn-r-pittg a :<.etm:'h wit:-:11 Ct‘ifl1]'l‘Ll1il{iLIl1?‘-u exceed. :1
`eertttiti limit is. tint -.1
`I‘l;t.'tE'£-t.‘.\‘.h.2lf.|'-£I.'fl.‘t? *-LC£!fi‘.’[3 because “it does. :10! state or
`*.~LIg,1_Zt:‘*-l Elia! all records in the l"['ll1‘~liC library are no! meal in tin‘: e-innt;1:2ri.*;tii1."
`Mm Rm 3?. We do nut ear-e._
`1 - Per um: ctiiistnictitiii of“min-exlitittatitc :w:t1ta:h.." te. ‘*3 seatrcii
`lhfll Iocntcs 3 tuiileh vs tlhsiui a ctitttpittiwrt enfilil pwstihlc i.t1:itn.*l*t-es-." W»; are
`pe rs L11]-dcd mi tliia nzcmd [11:11 the process. -.i:l'[t'.‘ait1t:i“.1. will; the
`mmpttlzttinntil Iimip wouid [‘ll.'IL‘*u‘I.‘fll ail} ufthc recnrtis nf the reiist-cm: tmtsftc:
`tizttttlittst: fmtit being -aertrched. but ttltitilalcly \\|J1IiI.l prtitide Cd. nmlclt tmittg
`an input t':1u!t tuleramre proccsra In limi-111:: «;t ittelndy’.
`.“>':'r E:-t. lflll
`T56 57'.‘}:.2{i* 34.
`Decision} $938} at 15.
`33 I. As I expiaiiteti above in detail, in making this preliminary Finding. the
`Board appatenifiy emifusedz
`ta) stopping an. individual computation of the absoiute difference between
`the notes in the we-rk to be identified with a. specific retard in the
`database and then shifting, the peaks to do another comparison with that
`!'et{)!‘tL DI‘ mtwing._: on to the next record, with
`Page 295 of 2'92
`Google Ex. 1020

`IPREHI 5-(}(H41_ IPREUI 5-[lf)'-'u4‘7i_ IPR ?0l 5-UfHc1‘."_ and lI’R2t'l|‘1—(}{)'¥4§~’.
`Declaration ofGeorg__-e Karypis
`th] stopping the Search pt'oc::5:4 altogether.
`Anti as: I oi-tpiaiited above in detail. there are two reasons why the Board}:
`]J|'ClilI1iI]8I}1 interpretation oflwatttttlet is wrottg.
`322. Reason I:
`lwzlmtira never states [or even suggests or implies} that
`when a given coinptttatiott {the absolute difl‘ei'ei-ice between the compared notes)
`based on eompar'ing. 3 work to be id-.-rntified with a specific record. in the tlzatalftetse
`exceeds a certain limit (demonsti'ating that the |}t‘:£l'lil.'1;i]E1I' alignIi;teztt of work to be
`identified with the specific record being searched is not at IHHECI1}, the search stops.
`323. Reason 2: The afterrtative twhielt is not identified in iwaIntti'a}-——tltat
`the entire search stops when one peak search comparison between the work to be
`id.enti-tied and one record in the database reaches a certain limit
`-make no sense.
`324. The Board also noted that i!'[wamura disclosed a E‘It.)I1~i.'3!-iiliilllfi‘-li\.’E
`search. lwamura u.‘otti.d still disclose this eiaimett element even ii‘Iwan1ut'a also
`diseiosed an exhaustive search:
`\\'ent:-te£|1:tt clmtn l."'~ utiéizes
`“enruprt.~;tt1-,-" |£}I1gLlflgC, §IIt.‘i‘t E]1.'Il {l't{'€l.1In1L‘Cl
`ittetitotl does not exclude
`:‘ntidtl10t1:tE. urtn::‘:ttt.'-ti steps, See U.» x
`1 HA’ ."-rim: t
`'.i_ F.""’ E Ed EH1‘!
`H70 iE’etE ( u
`_?IttI4t H1115, the «e.r5‘¢e tit'ttttiepcmitrt:=‘1 ct.-tint
`i"'- can ineltttie
`LII‘: L"*.ih1ll‘-«';i\t..‘ M.‘ilI\‘l'l
`ttw i'tIt1'_.* .'t~ tt gtettlvmt-t :1 llttll-r..‘\hi!L!'«[1’ut.‘ --e.'It.'t1 .'.!.*» null
`Thtt.~'. ex r.‘F'i at" P:ttc:tt I. Mztct‘ l':'~ emtecti Mid .1 ]‘-.'lfi2|t.‘llL'i1' .~'i:;tt'c]1 3:‘:
`.‘tt:m1t:r:a H
`that t[t31..".~ not «semi tltt: lli-L';i.i§l'_\.
`Pttge 286 of 292
`Google Ex. 1020

`lPR.2lH ‘\'=—Elfl-.'-‘H43, IPR'.1{lE5-fl(l34."i, lPR:'{l1S--00}-47‘ and lI’R3.‘f}15-O{)3—’lR
`Declaratimi of Gearge Karypi-5
`D-ecision I ‘988 i at I445. Because, as described above. [w21i'11ura clues net disclose
`any non-e-:=c|1atIstive search, iwamura does not ciisclose this element.
`identifying a neig|1|:mr(cIaim ]5(h)).
`325.. The Board did net previously afidress wlietlter lwamura discloses the
`claimed “identifying a neighbor." Decisien (‘€18.33
`I4—l6. As I demoiisttaie below.
`the l’elitit)n and corresponding fails to establish that l’WaIl]Ltt’a discloses the claimed
`"‘ident.if'yi:lg a neigltbotfl
`326. As I e.»t_plained' above in detail. “ideittifying 3 tie-iglzlt-or” is a search
`that iclei1'tif’ies“a close. but not necessarily exact. or closest. match." Decisiem
`V933} at 3,
`327. Also, as explained above in detail, [wamura (ices not disclose
`“merit-ifyiitg a. t1.eiglabm:” because the disclosed search always identifies an exact or
`the closest" match. Petitioner aSSfll"[S that iwamura identifies 2: neighbor beesmse “In
`Iwzunura, mice a tneloikiy has been eittracted {ruin the input, the ‘search engine will
`find the t’.‘lt:-é?.ESt melody from the database." Pet. P988 } 4'? (_t;i.*:'.--rg Iwamura 9:24-
`25); Moulin De-cl. €988}-'fiI:10. These statements dt: net establish a “neighbcer
`seartrh." lnsteacl. they confirrn mat Iwamura always identifies the closest I'l'l3[Cl3:—
`riecensarily the clnsest match——rather than a match that in mi neeesgarily the
`closest. match, as required by the claimed “identifying a neigltbci-r."
`Page 2207 M292
`Google Ex. 1020

`|PR3{lI§—(}l]343_ IPR3l}l."w~lJ0.'l4€_
`[)cr:laraliun ul'G::or:_.=_1c KaI'_\;pis.
`Vlll. ‘E79 patent.
`'l'l1e Board instituted the ‘I79 IPR on ma gI'uum'Js:
`Ground I: Claims I-3. (1,!-1
`I-L I9, ll -20. 30. _"-l
`. and 34-37 as
`Ltnpatcnlallwlc: under 35 U_S.C. § 1031:} as. arnicipated by Cnnwell: and
`Ground 2: Clairns I 3.. HLI4, I8, I0. 2l—27'. 29. 3!. and 34~3? as
`uI1pale-nlal>l:: under 35 U.S.€.'
`§ 103 as ob-. iuus over (jhias; and
`lleuizsion (‘17‘5}J at I5.
`I anldrcss c-ac|1GrL1LIml in mm.
`‘I79 Ground 1: The instituted claims of the ‘H9 patent are not
`anticipated by ("¢mwefll.
`I unlderstancl that In anlicipatu: a claim, all elenlents nfthc

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