`Rudolf F. Graf
`' / J }N
`Bosron Oxford Auckland Johannesburg Melbourne New Delhi
`NETWORK-l EX llmrT 2007
`Google Inc. v. Network-1 Technologies, Inc.
`I , ,
`I , ,
`Page I of4

`Copyright Cl lm by RudoI( F. Ora(
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`Ub"",.,. 01 Con, ..... Ca,aJoocln,g.ln_Pu bllntJon Da ta
`Gno.r. Rudolf F.
`Modem dklk>nary of .lcarooic.1 Rudolf F. GraC. _71h <d .•
`ruioed &lid """",ed.
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`Page 2 of4

`line -
`1 ~I~"isioft.. IoiRgl~ trac.e of the el«tron
`~ _l. nft to ",bl IItTOSS the s<:m:n. ~ prest"OI
`r ...... I< SlI"dard;' based 011 525 Unes 10. complete
`~s~ .,.,...,.uct.,.. of ek:cUkal energy. 3. Tho p.11h
`. ",,",":z.
`spot in a caIbode-ray tube. 4. A term
`If .... _~leablY fur mu.wcll. 5. A row of ktual or
`:... n-~-'I ngllt a~ l? the.dir«Don in .which.
`odv.noes. Line width In (,,,"m
`~ ;um number of holes I"'Jtnissjbk, ..... cludlng
`look. 6. Tho iII!eI'COIInection bet ..... n tWO
`dO' ~v;.;es_ U.ually used with refen:ncc 10. looS
`''''':,fipltfCOflnecling aoble. as from .• mitropho..e t(l
`..... -*' inptlt 7. In """,muOle_-. de$cnbe:l
`il! I"""I.~ linn . etc .• ""Of which dala IS uansml!l<:<I
`<'~ ,-i-' from .... ICr'minaJ.
`10 ~od !ldVsnoe _ Also called Ii, .. feed. The di.tar>ee
`UrMI ..... ceI'IICrS of the scanning Ii .....
`~;:: amplifler --:-l. An ornplifoc! tIw ,supplies. pi'<>-
`~iorI 1m" IX .ystem wllh • oipI ... '1'«(cid:173)
`~ Je.-d_ 2. AI.., called line . "","her. An In'Iplifier,
`1 ... _ly powered. IIsed in a Ir\Ink line in a dis(cid:173)
`~k . J'S'<'rn 10 increase the SIre"i'h of !he Iil nal in
`~ Ie> drive an additional length of cable. 3. Also called
`~ ...,p1ifier. An ampli6et for audio or video .ianals
`dlJ! f..,ds • nn,miuion ~-. 4. An aOOio amplifier that
`is used 10 provide ~ampli6cation of an IUdio alarm sig(cid:173)
`nal bef_lI'2lISJlIissioo of the l igna! Over an aWm Ii"".
`U~ of .. oonpIifle. Ulends 1be range of signallransmi ••
`sio<I.~. All .... plifi.r thai ""ppli •• an audio ')'SICm or an
`.odio Ion& cable with. signal at a .p.cified level. u.ually
`bel"""" _10 . nd +4 d By ("245 rni llivolu 10 1.23 volts
`nns~ 6. An amplifiCT illSft'Cd in any part of !be uans·
`,.uss;o.. ~ne foJIowing !be dowDConverter \0 compensate
`,;gn.11ooaes cauwl by Iooog length. of couiaI cable or !be
`i.oatioo of ..... iv. deyices such as spli.ten. Une ampli·
`Jien, on: also used w","" rbe sit!:",,1 mll>t dri~ a number
`of ' elevision _.iv ....
`line and trunk groUP _ A poupconsisting of foor·
`w~ li~ circui • ., itIComing InUIb from private automatic
`tnnch uchon&e', and i .. rcnoII tno"" groups.
`that varies in direct
`Jlnear _ 1. Having ... (IOlIpU'
`p!q>I)rtioo to the inpuL 2. A r.UM> in wIIich change in
`one of tWO related quantities is accompanied by • dire<:Jly
`prnponional chanie in 1be other.
` Kceleliltlon - no. rlOlC of change in linear
`Unc;QI" oooclorotor- A device for JptCdiog up
`charged panic\« sucb as proto .... It differs from orher
`acceleraton in .b •• the partie\« IOOV. in • stnight line
`;"'lead of in eirel" or $pink.
`........ouccr used
`linear accelerometer _ A
`derecl, ..........", and ~ the ",Ie "f chlJlge in li"" ..
`.elociry of IICttlcrative forees.
`Unear actuator _ An a::ruator th •• pn:>dIIccs muhan·
`ic.>l motion from elernical energy.
`linaa. amplilication _ Amp~r",arion in which the
`ou.put il d ircctly proponioAaIlO the ;npuL
`linear amplifier -
`I. AR amplifier ....... optnJes on
`the line. portion of its forward transfer chancltriSlic so
`that iu (IOlIpU' signal is aI .... Y' an .mpU6ed replica of
`the input signal. 2. Amplifier whose llaiD iI COIlSWOt for .
`wide ~ in arnpli'" of input .ip!1l _Le., Olllput
`l ip!1l is pt(IpI) 10 inpu' sig",,1. ). Amp~fier that
`has line. oontrol ctwxteri:stics and nclligible response
`Ii~ in the lIC.ive b;l,ndwidth. provides a wide speed
`ronao •• nd ...wo\ly =1"'- minimal =_1 cirouitry
`to prey ..... instability .:aided by pha .... shifted feedbaek
`from ~~ load •. Unear ampli~ers alSO ~nen~ little
`eleclrial noise.
`I . An aat~n"" amoy ill which the
`lineIII'" array -
`elements are equalJy spaced and in a stniJlrt line. 2. A
`Page 3 of4
`"",Iliele"",n, ........... in .. hieh individual dipole ele"",nts
`are arr1Inged end to end.
`linear circuit -I. A circuit in which the 0UIpII1
`""hage i. "I'P""'imaM:ly directly pmpor1ionallO the inpul
`voUalle; thIS ",lMiomItip g<crtotraUy exist. ODIy ov'" •
`lirniled range of signal ...,1."11" and oflu 0 .... a ~mi,ed
`"",ge of fRql'M'CiN. 2. A circuit whose 0UIpUl is I
`CQltlinUOlLS llIIpli6ed ,·enion of ii, input. 11>111. is. the
`output i. a p-edeIennined .ariatiooo of iu inpoL 3. A
`d lalit in which. proponional. Of ]i""ar. relMloosbip
`w .... between tile inpUI and ou!pUt. In maBuf:act""""·
`cimJit cwsi/ic:aliorl. the term often inc ludes aU anaIo&
`circuits. both Ii.."..,. and nnn~near.
`lI~r eontrol- A m.ost'" 0< potMtiomt .... My;ng
`unif,,"" distribution of inodualed !"eIi'lance aloai the
`~ length of its re.i.lance dem .....
`linea. clataetlon _ Detcctioot in which the output
`voIt'ie is ",bstanWrolly proponionaIe to the input voltage
`"" ... the ltSriul .... go of the detector.
`linear detector - A deteaor ....... produces an output
`siJtlllI dircctly proportionat. in ampli.ude 10 !be variations
`in Inl{Ilitude (for AM lransmdsjoot) or f""lucncy (for FM
`""nlnti..;.,.,) of the rf inl"'L
`~near device _ An ornpJify"'g-lype anaIo& de-.'ice
`wilh a lin.ear inptllootput ",Iabon. as opposed to a
`"""Ii"" .. diciW deYice. which il either compielely 01\
`or col1lj)lctdy off over large ranp of inPIII sipls.
`linear diff"'''''tial transtormer - A type of dec·
`trorne<:hanical tnnsducer th<>t converu physical motion
`into .n 0Il'f'" ""Ilaie. the phase oed amplitude of which
`are proporbonlll to "",ilIon. $a """ Ii"" .. mOOOII trail ..
`linear d istortion - Amplitude dislOrtiort in which
`the OUlpu. aftd input l ignal C1I~1opcs are (l()C proponiotl·
`lie. but no alien freq""ncieo are involved.
`linear electrical parametans of a uniform
`Mne _ Frequenrly called the linea< eJec!ric:aI """"",,II.
`The series resiS\allCe ,lid inciuctanee. ..lid the shunt
`cond""lar>ee and capacilance. per lenglh of • !inc.
`lineIII'" electron accelerator - An evaawtd metal
`tube io which electrons are oca:1cr3ted through a sene.
`of .mall gaps (uwal ly CIvil)" ....,.,alOn in the hWt·
`lTcqueIK:y range). Tho:: aJC SO ~ that .... spocifie
`u<ita!ion froqucoo:y, the electrons ,;Un additional ~'IY
`from the elcctrit: field 13 Ito:y piW through JlKXCS3ive
`..... linear fwdback' controi I5Vlitem-A f....JblIck·
`oontrol 'Yllem in which Ito: ",Iar.i""ship bet ......... the
`perti"""'l measg", of !he syslem si ...... i. Ii"" • .
`linear Inl&grated circuit _ Abbrevi.ted uc. I. A
`circuit whose 0U!pW is an amplified, Ii"" .. yClliooo of iu
`onpul or whose OUIpIIt IS a ~ncd yarial>om of its
`iapul A cw. of integrat.d circuiu thai process anaJoi
`informaliort exprUse<l as voltages or CU<mllS. 2. An
`integrated circuit whose output remain, proponioDaI to
`the inpul Ie~L Qe"" .. Uy the temt i. tak.n to mean
`an .... log Ie. such as • vollage "'gIllator. coropa<aIOr.
`.. nse ...... liJ>c,.. driv .... cle.,'" _II .... linear lnIjllilie •.
`The operation of the circuit CIJI be made noolinear
`by col",,,,,tin, the J>a.ic
`Ii ........ amplifi ... to utemal
`circuit . WI b;I,,·c thresholds or oIh..- ...,..Iinear
`Wnearfty _ I. The ",Luionship ",,; .. ina between two
`quantilies wheu a change in a ~d quanlily il
`directly proportionale to • <"""Je in the ~ ... Q<IMllity.
`2. DeviM;on from . "", igh •. 1i~ ~"IO'" input .i,.
`nal. 3. The abili.y of a ~ ... 10 provide equal aniul ..
`deflections propon;onal 10 the applied current. Usually
`",,~ued as .I pannt of the filll.$Q\e deflectiotl . .t. The
`relationship between the dc<:!ric:al """'D' input
`and the denecOOn of a "",I'" pointer. as refe",need 10 a

`liMarity control -
`linear tranaduoer
`Ibtuelical RniJ;/llIiDo. LiDuri1)' is olkn ~;~ will!
`a-ackin .. S . ... modulllor, the .... Ilty 10 ,.....-. mod·
`.latioft en"". that 'CINoduc:d !be mo<io •• Mi", .opal
`wi!houl dislorti<a 6. The lIMe 01 III 0Ul!* dull irt.=(cid:173)
`_laIly .... V' dim:dy 01 poop;wtioually .. the
`<;t .. ,l""'- 7. The clooeDeso 01 a ~ c"'...., 10. opec(cid:173)
`ified su:aip !iDe; .... de,..... 10 which .... ~ of •
`.... device is proponion:aJ 10 !be i""",[.
`linearity eontroI - A """ttoIlhIl odjusu!
`IioII o f ~ spocd tIvou&b .... !raCe internl
`Hneanty .~ _ n.. de~ of • ealibnti .... curve
`frooo. specilkd araighllillc.
`intennedlate" requeooy
`a mplifie r - An lmpli~er..oed to.void overload or U[~·
`mioo lIII a pruteaion lIj;aiR61 jaDunitli In I radar ,.,.;;ei""r.
`linea, magnetos t,lcllon - Undor aMed condi.
`tiofts, the relative ch""", oIlC111I11 01 • f.....,.,..pelic
`objfcl in the direction of mapeti..uon ....... !he 1JIaIIIC'
`Iira60n 01 the ot;.>ct is inoe...-d from ~ 10 I speeilkd
`value (~sually .....".;or,).
`linear mobility - The '}'DChrofti~ ;'mntatll
`rnobilicy 01 hlacfionally ....... jriceoj e!earoas ia • $t1IOi(cid:173)
`rrnea, modulation _ " ....... Iarica ia wIIiclo .... ampIi·
`..x 01 .... mo<\o.IMioo en""lopc (or !he dcviMioa I'rom the
`ldlia, '''''''' c» ~ is dircc1ly proporUonaJ to tho ampIiu..:le
`<IE .... modUWia, wave II aU .... io f~.
`linear mod ..... tQr _ A modI'lHor in which !he mod·
`ulated dtononcristic of the output wave il IUbscarltially
`linear with tapeCt 10 the moduIalu., wIVe for a ,;""n
`. ,nitlKk.
`I nea, mollon t,anaduoe, _ An iOUll'Ult1lenlMion
`compotKnllhat tnonslale$ st"';Jhlline (liMar) mcdwtical
`malion tntO an ac analoJ that it uoabk U I l....:lback
`.opal for control or displar. A lrMIformtf·typC device
`in which I nlO.abIe magneuo: an is ~ u...iaIly by
`!he ""'vi .... ""'1pOiOen1 h<!inJ ~. WbcIt the c:«e
`is moval in <* diR:ttion frooa die center 01 ill wote.
`the OUlpul vokqe il in phaoe with !he u~ ~e.
`..... when Ibe ecn it II>OV'cd iot Iloc ~Ie direclioa
`lmm the ceo>Ia", the output volt.,., is 180' II1II 01 phase.
`AI .... ottlll:r. Iloc OUlpu[ ¥OItqe is (virtually) l:CfO. In
`cidtoer ~ from utiler. !be voItqc ii!lCf"Uld IS a
`prcciJc linear f....:tion of pt"<lile displ .... """1l. Thull. \be
`outpul l ignal has two basil; IIA&IoJ cotnpODCIIlI: pb.uc
`rdationship with the excitatioa 'IOI!aic. ilWiicalUol Iloe
`direction or lnvel; llld vohage ampllllldoe, tndiailinl (he
`ienlch of lr1i.veI.
`, , .. ~ ............... ,
`L_ ~ _____ ~ ___ J
`linear pcXarization _lbc potari, .. tion of • wa.e
`radiated by an elcaric VCCIor ..... does not _
`bul thaI
`Ihen\a[es 10 as to ~be. lillc. Normally the _10< is
`orimted citber txomoxttoJly or vertic:llly.
`Page 4 of 4
`~near poIari.nd wave - AI' point. ia .........
`an iJouopC noaIium. • U-vcnc e~
`wan no.. ~Icctric lickl_ 6es alon,.' .~~ .""
`linea, ~ amplifler - A power 1iItpIi ... .
`w!tOd:I !he 0UIpul ¥OI\IcC is directly proportioaa&c '" ~
`iJI!lVI vohaJC-
`inear ~ coding -
`I. A method 01 ~
`iIII .... MOrin, IIu=- spc«h by dcrarniam& fru", ~
`li ...... nryin' digital ~11tr "'001.
`pIIlICmI. ~ oI .
`eli", 1hc vocal tract. TIlil fillff it Iloen exti!Cd by lilt
`proper I)"PC of input. dependi", .. the IOUnd to be " ' "
`siW. lbc OII[pu[ 01 the filter il pas$t:d through. di&ito,j
`to-anaIo, converter ""hole O\I[pul is the desimll)'lo~
`$J>CCCh. 2. Spetch synthuil [echn;quc bas.ed in ~ ftw,.
`IJoIC'ICY domaIn. lbc qualilY of !boo 5)11lhesi~ i~ ..
`the number of ~f6cicn[$ is inoercased. With len CCdIi.
`,ic'lls. an oppn:o.timMe number orbits per StcODd ~
`roo- $pCeCh is 1200. l . A poranottn"-aoc:odi n'I«~~
`that models the ........... vocal net with. diJilal &-.,
`no.. """troIlia, .,...."..en chanie with [i ..... ~
`an: based .. IN"'" spc«h ........
`line .. ~i"ll _ la C<IIDJIU«'fS. • malt
`eat method of shari", • """" oIlimi1H1 ..,..,....,.,. ~
`• IIIIII"Iber 01 COIIlfICli .. demands. All deo:i$ion$ ~ -.-.
`kd"", ..... 1'. Iloey .... $1 be .... under • corntnt:. ...
`01 Jiud IimitatioolL
`linear pulse arnpIllier - A pulse ampIi .......
`nWooWnl lhe pcak ampIiludes <if Iloe ;npul and or.lpto[
`pulses in proponioa..
`linear rectification -
`lbc !ft'dllClion. in the ta:(j.
`foed L1It"'"1 Ul ."'tate. of v4i i.tiOOIS dUll an: J.~
`II> ...u.Uon, in the input wive ampliUO<k.
`linear rectifler_ A rectifier with the wnc: outp;ol
`cvncnt or ~ol~ _vcsh<Ipe u that of the inopRSlcd
`Iioearregretalon- A swiuical function IISed wIa
`h-'Ii", upcrimcMal daca. It is especially IISed ....... "",.
`fonniIoa an upcn- 10 6nd • madoo::maticaI ~I"'''''''''
`bet ...... twO ~ I..i:aar relid . .. is tho ...... rI.
`the procedun: thM is acd to 6!1d the liM: Ihat bd.1ilI1oc
`..,. 01 data pOMu dull ... "" bca fOUMl u~.
`TIoc prnccdure _1Iy finds !he equatiooft of Iloc .......
`1iAc .... 1110 • paramcur eaJled .... C(IO'TeIation ~1&CiCM,
`.vbidI indicllQ how ....,.. the dau 6 ...... ~IIC.
`linea, lieU" _ A radar beam IIw Inwe"", only ...
`an: or cirele.
`linea, 8cannlng - Scannin, j .. which a radar belnt
`JCl1Cf1Ild only one '"' or circle.
`linear sweep _In. lelevision m:ei.~r. the tDO~
`tnC!I[ oIlhc spot _
`~he !e=d H • uniform veklcily
`d ....... actin ocanm", ;n[e"' ....
`linea,8yn - A linear cIU.pIau:muIl pickoff oIlh1
`dilfUftlliIl'lr1i.IIIformer Iype con';Pi", of a coil ~
`..... movable I"QII&nc\lc aft.. Unc. ~elocily ,..its 01
`~;vc-force pcnnatooe"l ~ cores ..... iDdIoc:ot=
`rizcabk de >'OIta&ft while mowina ~lricaIIy wi!biIo
`.1'oieJcW coils; Iloe ¥OIl.,.. yarics Ii-'y willt die core
`¥dociIy (Sanboni Co.).
`liM art- A CJOqlUW"-dn ...... paphic (wi!houl Ulf(cid:173)
`_ > that CUI be clclor1y pril1WJd,
`linea, laper - A potcn[iom£Icr that cIwtJd tbo
`~ linearly u it il rotato:l;1$ QnJC.
`linear Ume baM _ In I CIlhcode-ray tobe. lite IiIDC
`base ia wbich the ...... mo • .,.1 II I _sun[ speal aIonI
`thc lime &cAlc. This Iype of Ii .... b .. .,. i. pn><!l>Cod hy
`appIica1ion of a u~h wneform to the borizontJI·
`dellecOon plates of I ellhode.ny lube.
`I. A lrIMduccr flY which 1hI
`line .... tranadue.r -
`pcstiDcnl measutel of III the _vcs ~ ;on: ~1aIIed
`by • linear functic:.. {I., .•• linear IiJCbtai< dilf~

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