Patent Owner Network-1’s Disclosure of Demonstrative Slides
`Google Inc. v. Network-1 Technologies, Inc.

`• ‘237 Ground 2
`• ‘988 Ground 1
`• ‘988 Ground 2
`• ‘179 Ground 2
`• ‘441 Ground 2
`• ‘237 Ground 1
`• ‘237 Ground 3
`• ‘988 Ground 3
`• ‘179 Ground 1
`• ‘441 Ground 1

`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`identify a neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`identifying a neighbor

`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`identify a neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor
`‘237 ‘237

`Petition asserts that Boyer-Moore algorithm is sublinear:
`‘237 Petition 10-11
`‘237 Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶75
`‘237, Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶ 72
`23 Q The only thing you identify in your
`24 Declaration about Iwamura that could disclose a
`25 sublinear time search is the Boyer-Moore algorithm;
`1 correct?
`2 A As far as I remember, yes. In that
`3 Declaration at that time, yes.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 1) 82:23-83:3

`Petition asserts that Boyer-Moore algorithm is sublinear:
`‘237 Petition 10-11
`‘237 Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶75
`‘237, Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶ 72
`Petitioner’s expert confirmed Boyer-Moore algorithm is linear:
`sub-linear time search: “a search whose execution
`time scales with a less than linear relationship to the
`size of the data set to be searched”
`Board’s construction
`18 Q Are you familiar with any analysis of the
`19 Boyer-Moore algorithm with respect to the size of
`20 the dataset being searched?
`21 A It's described here. So, again, this i,
`22 if you look at the worst case, i is N minus patlen,
`23 then you obtain it. As I said, it will be a linear
`24 relationship.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 1) 61:18-24

`Petition asserts that Boyer-Moore algorithm is sublinear:
`‘237 Petition 10-11
`‘237 Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶75
`‘237, Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶ 72
`No reasonable explanation for sublinear statements
`sub-linear time search: “a search whose execution
`time scales with a less than linear relationship to the
`size of the data set to be searched”
`Board’s construction
`20 Q When you wrote this, were you trying to
`21 convey that searching using the Boyer-Moore
`22 algorithm would be sublinear with respect to the
`23 size of the dataset being searched?
`24 A No. I did not -- no.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 1) 74:20-24

`Petition asserts that Boyer-Moore algorithm is sublinear:
`‘237 Petition 10-11
`‘237 Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶75
`‘237, Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶ 72
`No reasonable explanation for sublinear statements
`sub-linear time search: “a search whose execution
`time scales with a less than linear relationship to the
`size of the data set to be searched”
`Board’s construction
`16 Q Okay. Would you agree, sir, that if --
`17 that one way to read this would be that you were
`18 claiming that the claim language, "perform a
`19 sublinear time search," was satisfied by searching
`20 using the Boyer-Moore algorithm?
`21 A That might be one way of reading it. It's
`22 not the way I'm reading this now.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 1) 78:16-22

`Petition asserts that Boyer-Moore algorithm is sublinear:
`‘237 Petition 10-11
`‘237 Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶75
`‘237, Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶ 72
`No reasonable explanation for sublinear statements
`sub-linear time search: “a search whose execution
`time scales with a less than linear relationship to the
`size of the data set to be searched”
`Board’s construction
`23 When you wrote this sentence here on
`24 page 29, did you think that someone at the Board
`25 looking at this might think that you meant that a --
`1 the Boyer-Moore algorithm was sublinear as used in
`2 the patent claim?
`3 A I didn't think of it that way, no.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 1) 75:23-76:3

`Petition asserts that Boyer-Moore algorithm is sublinear:
`‘237 Petition 10-11
`‘237 Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶75
`‘237, Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶ 72
`No reasonable explanation for sublinear statements
`sub-linear time search: “a search whose execution
`time scales with a less than linear relationship to the
`size of the data set to be searched”
`Board’s construction
`19 Q To be candid with the Board, wouldn't it
`20 have been better to say, "Board, the Boyer-Moore
`21 algorithm is linear, not sublinear"?
`22 A Listen, there are many words that I -- I'm
`23 sure I could have chosen better words. So I agree
`24 with you, there is probably better ways to write
`25 this. I don't dispute that.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 1) 79:19-25

`New Reply Theory:
`‘237 Reply at 17
`Office Patent Trial Practice Guide
`77 Fed. Reg. at 48767

`New Reply Theory:
`‘237 Reply at 19
`Patent owner’s argument:
`Patent owner’s argument:
`‘237 Response at 12
`‘237 Response at 12
`Responsive argument in reply:
`New Reply issue:
`“Patent owner’s is wrong because . . . ”
`‘237 Reply at 17

`New Reply Theory:
`‘237 Reply at 17
`‘237 Reply at 16
`not disclosed
`‘237 Reply at 16

`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`identify a neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor

`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`identify a neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor
`‘237 ‘237
`‘988 ‘988

`nonexhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without conducting a brute force comparison of all possible
`matches, and all data within all possible matches.”
`Petitioner’s construction

`nonexhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`Reference melodies are possible matches
`Iwamura (1012) 7:54-55
`12 Q When we do the search that's described in
`13 Iwamura, is the -- are the -- the possible matches
`14 the set of the melodies in the database in Iwamura?
`15 A Yeah, that you try to match melodies.
`Moulin (A2006 Part 3) 206:12-15

`nonexhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`Reference melodies are possible matches
`Iwamura (1012) 7:54-55
`Iwamura compares all possible matches
`22 Q Now, let's return to Iwamura. The --
`23 we've talked about how the possible matches that can
`24 be returned in Iwamura are musical works that are in
`25 the reference database; right?
`1 A Yes.
`2 Q You would agree that in Iwamura, the
`3 search that's identified there does make a
`4 comparison to each of the possible musical works
`5 that could be returned as a match?
`6 MR. ELACQUA: Objection.
`7 THE WITNESS: To each of the musical works,
`8 yes.
`Moulin (A2006 Part 3) 222:22-223:8

`nonexhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`Reference melodies are possible matches
`Iwamura (1012) 7:54-55
`Iwamura compares all possible matches
`15 Q But it does examine each of the possible
`16 musical works -- or each of the musical works that
`17 could be returned as a possible match?
`18 A Yes.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 3) 217:15-18
`18 Q We've looked at each of the possible
`19 matches. We go through each record; right? Yes?
`20 A Yes.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 3) 247:18-20

`Reply quoting Iwamura 9:9-11
`‘237 Reply at 7
`Actual quote from Iwamura 9:8-11
`Iwamura (1012) 9:8-11

`Actual quote from Iwamura 9:8-11
`Database records consist of pitch values
`Iwamura (1012) 9:9-11
`Record in the database
`5 -1 1 4 3 5 0 -1 -1 -2 -2

`Actual quote from Iwamura 9:8-11
`Computes absolute difference
`Iwamura (1012) 9:9-11
`Record in the database
`5 -1 1 4 3 5 0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`4 3 5 0 -1 -2 -2 5 -10 2
`(absolute difference)
`0 1 2 6 5 0 10 3
`Total: 27

`Actual quote from Iwamura 9:8-11
`Option 1: shift note by note
`Iwamura (1012) 9:9-11
`Record in the database
`5 -1 1 4 3 5 0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`4 3 5 0 -1 -2 -2 5 -10 2
`shifted 1 note
`(absolute difference)
`2 6 1 5 5 7 5 9 3
`Total: 43

`Actual quote from Iwamura 9:8-11
`Option 2: shift to next peak note (Iwamura approach)
`Iwamura (1012) 9:9-11
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5
`0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`4 3 *5 0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`(absolute difference)
`0 1 2 6 5 0 10 3
`Total: 27

`Actual quote from Iwamura 9:8-11
`Option 2: shift to next peak note (Iwamura approach)
`Iwamura (1012) 9:9-11
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5
`0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`shifted to next
`peak note
`Work to be identified
`(absolute difference)
`4 3 *5
`0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7
`Total: 8
`avoided four calculations

`nonexhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`18 Q We've looked at each of the possible
`19 matches. We go through each record; right? Yes?
`20 A Yes.
`Actual quote from Iwamura 9:8-11
`Option 2: shift to next peak note (Iwamura approach)
`Moulin (A2006-Part 3) 247:18-20
`Iwamura (1012) 9:9-11
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5
`0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`shifted to next
`peak note
`Work to be identified
`(absolute difference)
`4 3 *5
`0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7
`Total: 8

`nonexhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without conducting a brute force comparison of all possible
`matches, and all data within all possible matches.”
`Petitioner’s construction
`Iwamura (1012) 9:9-11

`‘237 Decision at 11-12
`Iwamura (1012) 7:56-57

`‘237 Decision at 11-12
`Iwamura (1012) 7:56-57
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5 0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`4 3 *5 0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`(absolute difference)
`Total: 0
`limit = 20

`‘237 Decision at 11-12
`Iwamura (1012) 7:56-57
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5 0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`4 3 *5 0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`(absolute difference)
`0 1
`Total: 1
`limit = 20

`‘237 Decision at 11-12
`Iwamura (1012) 7:56-57
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5 0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`4 3 *5 0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`(absolute difference)
`0 1 2
`Total: 3
`limit = 20

`‘237 Decision at 11-12
`Iwamura (1012) 7:56-57
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5 0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`4 3 *5 0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`(absolute difference)
`0 1 2 6 5 0 10
`Total: 24
`limit = 20

`‘237 Decision at 11-12
`Iwamura (1012) 7:56-57
`Record in the database
`*5 -1 1 4 3 *5 *0 -1 -1 -2 -2
`Work to be identified
`(absolute difference)
`shifted to next
`peak note
`4 3 *5
`0 -1 -2 -2 *5 -10 2
`limit = 20
`23 Q Now, if we -- and then, as you understand
`24 it, what the search algorithm would do, it would
`25 then shift this peak over to the next peak and start
`1 another calculation; is that right?
`2 A Yes. Yes.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 3) 241:24-242:2

`‘237 Decision at 11-12
`Iwamura compares all possible matches
`Iwamura (1012) 6:51-55
`15 Q But it does examine each of the possible
`16 musical works -- or each of the musical works that
`17 could be returned as a possible match?
`18 A Yes.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 3) 217:1-18

`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`identify a neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor

`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`identify a neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor

`approximate nearest neighbor search: identifying a
`close match that is not necessarily the closest match
`Board’s construction
`Ex. (A2008) at 5
`‘237, 9:12-19

`approximate nearest neighbor search: identifying a
`close match that is not necessarily the closest match
`Board’s construction
`‘237 Petition at 12
`skipping unimportant portions always necessarily
`identifies the closest match
`14 Is it the case that if we do the Iwamura
`15 search using the peaks as our basis, and we set up
`16 our database such that the unimportant peaks are
`17 skipped, that we're still going to be identifying
`18 the closest match when we produce our results?
`19 A That would be assuming that no peaks have
`20 been dropped and everything we discussed yesterday.
`21 Dropping an unimportant part is not going to affect
`22 the ability to find the best match.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 4) 317:14-22

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘237 Reply at 14
`‘237 Reply at 12

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘237 Reply at 14
`approximate nearest neighbor search: identifying a
`close match that is not necessarily the closest match
`Board’s construction
`Iwamura always finds the closest match
`‘237 Petition at 8

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘237 Reply at 14
`approximate nearest neighbor search: identifying a
`close match that is not necessarily the closest match
`Board’s construction
`“closest match” is based on criterion stated in Iwamura
`22 Q And if it -- it finds one that's an exact
`23 match, it will produce -- it will produce that;
`24 right?
`25 A Yes.
`1 Q If it doesn't find one that's -- that's an
`2 exact match, it's going to produce the one that has
`3 the next best match; right?
`4 A According to the approximate criterion
`5 only.
`6 So, again, "match" was defined with
`7 respect to all the notes. Okay? There's a
`8 criterion that's stated in the Iwamura; it is the
`9 least absolute difference. And then there are
`10 various approximations that are used, and it will
`11 output the best match it finds using that
`12 approximate criterion.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 3) 271:22-272:12

`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`sub-linear time search
`identify a neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`identify a neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor

`• ‘237 Ground 2
`• ‘988 Ground 1
`• ‘988 Ground 2
`• ‘179 Ground 2
`• ‘441 Ground 2
`• ‘237 Ground 1
`• ‘237 Ground 3
`• ‘988 Ground 3
`• ‘179 Ground 1
`• ‘441 Ground 1

`Independent claim
`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`sub-linear time search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor
`determining an action based on the identification
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search

`Claims 1-3, 5-7?
`‘237 Reply at 20
`‘237 Reply at 1

`sub-linear time search: “a search whose execution
`time scales with a less than linear relationship to the
`size of the data set to be searched”
`Board’s construction
`‘237, Moulin Decl. (1004) ¶ 123
`6 Well, one possible reason you wanted to
`7 give the Board this information is so that they
`8 would misread it and be misled.
`9 That's a possibility; right?
`10 A It's not at all the -- the reason. So
`11 it alone -- there are four documents. Some, they
`12 are, like, 90 pages each. Some of the words could
`13 have been better chosen. In particular, the word
`14 "query" should have been there. I have acknowledged
`15 that.
`Moulin (A2006- Part 2) 157:6-15

`Independent claim
`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`sub-linear time search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor
`determining an action based on the identification
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a match
`without conducting a brute force comparison of all possible
`matches, and all data within all possible matches.”
`Petitioner’s construction

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`Patent Owner's Expert:
`Karypis Decl. (A2005-Part 3) ¶266
`Karypis Decl. (A2005-Part 3) ¶289
`Petitioner's Expert:
`8 Q Would it be the case that the Ghias search
`9 is going to be performing a comparison to each of
`10 the melodies that are possible matches in the
`11 database?
`12 A It does a comparison, yes, to each of
`13 them.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 4) 323:8-13

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`Work F
`Work G
`Work H
`Work I
`Work J
`‘179 Reply at 13

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`Work F
`Work G
`Work H
`Work I
`Work J

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`Work F
`Work G
`Work H
`Work I
`Work J

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“My Way”
`first verse
`Karypis Decl. (A2005-Part 3) ¶287

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“My Way”
`first verse

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“My Way”
`first verse
`Ghias (1010) 7:4-9
`Karypis Decl. (A2005-Part 3) ¶288

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“My Way”
`first verse
`13 Q Then we get a list that comes from there
`14 of a set of our best matches?
`15 A Deemed best matches, yes.
`16 Q And then it's going to do another search
`17 on those; right?
`18 A On that list, yes.
`19 Q And the possible matches for that search
`20 are defined to be only the ones that are on the
`21 list; is that right?
`22 A That's correct.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 4) 336:13-22

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“My Way”
`first verse
`13 Q All right. What you're referring to here
`14 is we now have a -- a list -- we do a search, and it
`15 results in a list of possible matches; right?
`16 A Yes.
`17 Q Would you agree, then, that each of the --
`18 it's done a comparison, and what it's identified --
`19 that are on the list are all possible matches;
`20 right?
`21 A Yes.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 4) 325:13-21

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“My Way”
`first verse
`Karypis Decl. (A2005-Part 3) ¶288

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“Twist & Shout”
`‘179 Reply at 16-17

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“Twist & Shout”
`Ghias (1010) 7:4-8

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`“My Way”
`“Twist & Shout”
`13 Q All right. What you're referring to here
`14 is we now have a -- a list -- we do a search, and it
`15 results in a list of possible matches; right?
`16 A Yes.
`17 Q Would you agree, then, that each of the --
`18 it's done a comparison, and what it's identified --
`19 that are on the list are all possible matches;
`20 right?
`21 A Yes.
`Moulin (A2006-Part 4) 325:13-21

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘988 Reply at 7
`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`Ghias (1010) 6:23-28
`‘988 Reply at 7

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`Ghias (1010) 6:23-28
`8 Q So when you wrote "proportional to the log
`9 of the size of the dataset," you meant that to mean
`10 the query dataset?
`11 A Yes. Yes.
`12 Q Not the -- not the database?
`13 A That's -- that's correct. There's no
`14 database here. It's a problem of matching a query
`15 to a single song.
`Moulin (2006-Part 2) 103:8-15
`‘988 Reply at 7

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘988 Reply at 7
`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction

`Independent claim
`Key missing elements
`sub-linear time search
`sub-linear time search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor
`determining an action based on the identification
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search

`approximate nearest neighbor search: identifying a
`close match that is not necessarily the closest match
`Board’s construction
`‘237 Petition at 42
`single most
`matching melody

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘237 Reply at 21
`‘237 Petition at 42

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘237 Reply at 21
`approximate nearest neighbor search: identifying a
`close match that is not necessarily the closest match
`Board’s construction

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘237 Reply at 23

`Petitioner’s new Reply theory:
`‘237 Reply at 23
`single most
`matching melody

`Independent claim
`Key missing element(s)
`sub-linear time search
`sub-linear time search
`approximate nearest neighbor
`approximate nearest neighbor
`non-exhaustive search
`search identifying a neighbor
`determining an action based on the identification
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search

`Key missing elements
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search

`Key missing elements
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search

`neighbor search: “identifying a close, but not
`necessarily exact or closest, match”
`Board’s construction
` a search that can only identify exact
`matches is not a neighbor search
`Karypis ‘179 Decl. (2006) ¶92

`neighbor search: “identifying a close, but not
`necessarily exact or closest, match”
`Board’s construction
` a search that can only identify exact
`matches is not a neighbor search
`Moulin ‘179 Decl. (1004) ¶45

`Google’s desired claim:
`‘179 Reply at 8

`Google’s desired claim:
`claim 13
`‘179 Reply at 8

`Google’s desired claim:
`claim 13
`electronic work 1
`electronic work 2
`electronic work 3
`electronic work 4
`electronic work 5
`using a non-exhaustive
`neighbor search

`Actual claim:
`claim 13

`Google’s desired claim:
`claim 13

`Actual claim:
`claim 13
`electronic work 1
`electronic work 2
`electronic work 3
`electronic work 4
`electronic work 5
`using a non-exhaustive
`neighbor search

`Actual claim:
`claim 13
`electronic data
`representation 1
`representation 2
`representation 3
`representation 4
`representation 5
`electronic work 1
`electronic work 2
`electronic work 3
`electronic work 4
`electronic work 5
`using a non-exhaustive
`neighbor search

`Actual claim:
`using a non-exhaustive
`neighbor search
`claim 13
`electronic data
`representation 1
`representation 2
`representation 3
`representation 4
`representation 5
`electronic work 1
`electronic work 2
`electronic work 3
`electronic work 4
`electronic work 5

`hash values
`reference works
`hash of
`using an exact match
`using a non-exhaustive
`neighbor search
`electronic data
`representation 1
`representation 2
`representation 3
`representation 4
`representation 5
`electronic work 1
`electronic work 2
`electronic work 3
`electronic work 4
`electronic work 5

`hash values
`reference works
`hash of
`using an exact match
`13 Q If -- in Conwell, when it does a
`14 comparison of the extracted features of the first
`15 electronic work with the first electronic data, it's
`16 comparing a hash value with a set of hash values;
`17 right?
`18 A Yes.
`Moulin 264:13-25
`using a non-exhaustive
`neighbor search
`electronic data
`representation 1
`representation 2
`representation 3
`representation 4
`representation 5
`electronic work 1
`electronic work 2
`electronic work 3
`electronic work 4
`electronic work 5

`hash values
`reference works
`hash of
`using an exact match
`13 Q If -- in Conwell, when it does a
`14 comparison of the extracted features of the first
`15 electronic work with the first electronic data, it's
`16 comparing a hash value with a set of hash values;
`17 right?
`18 A Yes.
`19 Q That comparison is always going to produce
`20 either an exact match or no match; right?
`21 A Yes.
`22 Q That -- that comparison will never return
`23 a suggestion that, "Here's something that doesn't
`24 quite match, but it's close"?
`25 A That's correct.
`Moulin 264:13-25

`hash values
`reference works
`hash of
`using an exact match
`21 Q You might be able to have a certain
`22 process that would result in identifying neighbors,
`23 but it wouldn't use a neighbor search; right?
`24 A That's possible.
`Moulin (2006-Part 3) 266:21-24
`electronic data

`Key missing elements
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search
`neighbor search
`non-exhaustive search

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`‘179 Petition at 24
`Karypis Decl. ¶¶365-385
`Karpyis Decl.
`(A2005) ¶ 377

`non-exhaustive search: “a search that locates a
`match without a comparison of all possible matches”
`Board’s construction
`‘179 Petition at 24
`Karypis Decl. ¶¶365-385
`Karpyis Decl. (A2005) ¶ 367

`Petitioner’s responsive argument:
`Cox ‘179
`‘179 Reply at 10
`the test is not what is common but rather what is actually disclosed
`Akamai Technologies, Inc. v. Cable & Wireless Internet Servs., Inc.,
`344 F.3d 1186, 1192 (Fed. Cir. 2003)

`Petitioner’s New Reply Theory:
`‘179 Reply at 11

`Petitioner’s New Reply Theory:
`‘179 Reply at 11

`Petitioner’s New Reply Theory:
`‘179 Reply at 11
`Examples in ‘179:
` excluded middle vantage point forest for nearest search (‘179, 9:17-18)
` sub-linear time search (‘179, 4:34-35)
` approximate nearest neighbor search (‘179, 4:36)
` binary search (‘179, 8:53; 9:3-12)
` nearest neighbor search (‘179, 9:7)
` kd-trees (‘179, 9:14)
` vantage point trees (‘179, 9:14)
` linear search (‘179, 21:37-42)
` clustering (‘179, 9:13)
` fixed radius search (‘179, 22:19)
` classical textual search (‘179, 23:6)

`Petitioner’s New Reply Theory:
`‘179 Reply at 11
`Examples in other evidence in the Record:
` Boyer-Moore (1012 – Iwamura, 9:52-53)
` neighbor searching (Paper 1 – Petition at 3, Paper 4 – Moulin at ¶12)
` lookup in a hash table (Paper 1 – Petition at 24)
` pattern matching (1015, 1:55, 2:8, 2:12, 5: 64-65, 6:7, 6:8, 6:43, 10:38; 10:58, 11:36, 12:26)
` approximate string matching (1010 – Ghias, 6:23-35)
` similarity search (1018 – “Similarity Search in High Dimensions via Hashing,” Abstract)
` priority search (1006 – Arya at 4)
` closest-point queries (1006 – Arya at 1)
` Peak search (1012 – Iwamura, 9:6)
` K-nearest neighbor (k-nn) query (1007 – “Efficient Similarity Search in Digital Libraries,” 2)
` Sequential search (1020 – Karypis Deposition Transcript, 70:3)


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