`United States Patent
`Patent Number:
`Hutton ct a1. Aug. 22, 2000 [45] Date of Patent:
`luvrnlori Glenn W. Hullon. Miami: Sham: D.
`Mannwny, l'soca Kama; Craig B.
`Strickland. 'ihmnmc. .all of FL].
`73] Assignec NetSln-nk Corpumllon, Boca Raton‘
`21| Appl. Nn- oer/533.115
`22| mu.-
`Sep. 25, 1995
` 5|]
`Int. Cl." _ (3061" 13/38; (1'3th 15"}?
`52] US. Cl.
`709/227; 709/204
`Field of Search ......................... 395320001. 3(1'}.02.
`SOS/200.09. 200.1], 200.15, 200.44. 100.35.
`200.47. 310.45. 200.57. 300.53, 300.75:
`7‘091’204, 205. 317. EIS. 227. EN, 235
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`AHUJ'H¢'_:.', Again, ur I’l'rrn—Kndiuka & Jobsc, I .EP
`A poinl-lo-gioinl lnlurnct pmlucol :xcllangcs lnlcmul Pm-
`locnl (1P) addresses halween pn'nccssmg units lo establish :1
`puiul-IU-puinl dunmuuicafiun link human" Illc pnlccssing
`units through Ihc l-Murncl. A first point—to-poin! Inlumc!
`includua the slept; Ur (a) slon'ng in a Llambalm :1
`rcslm-liw: IP :uhjz'uss ol'
`:1 ml. uf pmcc.
`'ng unils Ilm him.-
`an on-linu fitnlus with rospocl m the Inlurncmh} Iranamining
`a query l‘rum :l firm procrssing unit to u. connccaion server In
`ululmninu Ihc un-Iim: slams at a munnd pawn-wing unil. undJ
`(u) relrim‘ing [he llJ adtlmss 01'
`the second unil
`I'mm lhc
`darnhasr ”King the :nnnculinn serve-r,
`in malmnxc In Ihe
`dutcmfimiinn of a posilivc on—linc slams of the sccond
`pmccasmg uml, tor cslabliszhmg a painI-Iu-poinl commu r11-
`Ltniinn link hclwccn lllC fiz'sl and acct-Md pmccxsing unils
`wrong?! the Inns-met. A sccond puinl-lo-polnl Inlcrnc-l pm—
`locul includes lhu slaps Lil {:1} lransmitling :Ir: L-mail Signal,
`including :1 first Ii“ :Itltlmsfi, [mm a firm puma-95mg unit; (h)
`pmccrmug IhL-
`l-L-mujl signal through the Inlumul It: deliver
`Ilm Iii-mail Signal
`In 2 SCL‘fll'Itl
`|1T|3thi§lng unil;
`ll‘arlsmilll'rlg a accuml ll’ uddrcss lo lhc. first pron-55mg, [mil
`[m estabhshmg :L puinl-lo-[xum communicatllon link
`l)c|\w.'i.'n Illl.‘ first and $5de pmcusslng uui=x Ihruugll th‘
`44 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`an n9;»!
` waxrtmv! "l
`Page 1 of 32
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`811‘)th Brock meyer tl ml.
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`3” “97 Garden .
`-I.I’J 008 (.‘uhn cl 1|. .
`Vixul'l'cc inn-rm“; Phonc (TM) Vcrsion 2‘5. \vwnucox‘xrn-
`u.r:'du.'ci:4_w.5' n1iqfijfifi,-'penple..'slonJphonclfi.cxe.
`Wainbcrg. Nx‘lscapc L‘onfcmnaj; and Cooilalk Mccling
`Room. wwxuijom.
`(lull. Ru: Cloning IP addmfi of PPP—L‘onncclcci Mac.
`)J'guH—J7U-19501”545000!(apnfimg—zfijfia]iILmI-Cll nub
`303/5 00
`5,433.79 1
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`5.4?‘J,4 1 I
`3.5 I 1mm
`5.524. | 11!
`' 24‘54
`10:45 I':
`. 33. 1 l0
`Page 2 of 32


`US. Patent
`Aug. 22, 2000
`Sheet 1 01'6
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 22, 2000
`Sheet 2 of 6
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 22, 2000
`Sheet 3 of 6
`meE t2:
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 22, 2000
`Sheet 4 of 6
` 02
`195.201 .00.1 37 ‘
`E! C
`FIG. 6
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 22, 2000
`Sheet 5 of 6
`FIG. 7
`FIG. 8
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 22, 2000
`Sheet 6 of 6
`: : 80
`FIG. 9
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`1. Field of the Invention
`This disclosure rclatus to network comn‘wnication
`prolocolsf and in particular In u point-Io-point protocol t'or
`Ilb‘: will] the Inlcmcl.
`Z. Duscripfinn 0F ll1t.; Rulnlu‘l Art
`iin'rczlwt'l popularity of nn—linc nuruiucs such (is
`vicc: such as lane-mot gateways haw: murretl applimtinm‘ In
`JJt‘Uvirlr- multimedia.
`including vitlcti and \‘tiiu; clips.
`nnlinu users. An example ufan nnlénc \“otce clip application
`FOR AMERICA ONI_INE"""‘. availalilc l'rom Bnnzi
`SOlIWflrL“ in dcncnlncd in “Simple Utilities Send Voice
`E-Mail (lrrlinu". MUITI‘IMEDIA WORI D. V()l . INC 9.
`[995. p, 53. Using such Voice L-Muil sol'twarc. n
`user may create an audio message to hc sent to a predator-
`rninotl [-I—nniil utltlrusn spoullletl by the mar.
`Generally. Llcvicurs interlduing Ihc In Internet untl thlm
`unline services may communicate with each other upon
`astalalishing respective dcvicc :ttltircssts. One typo of (lc'U'lCt:
`address IH Iltt lulu-[nut Pmtm‘ul (ll‘) itddl‘ch‘ which acts as,
`:1 pointur to the duwcc associated with the II’ address. A
`Iypicxl LlCVlL't.‘ may haw a Scrial [.inc Imcmct l’mlmnl or
`l’oint-to-l‘oint Protocol (SLII‘II’I’I‘) account with it perma-
`nent lPaClCll'L'SS for receiving c-mail. voioemail, and the like
`nvur IhL- lnturnut. Erma il :tntl vuiu—tnail Esgc-nurally lntuntlurl
`to convey text. auciiu. etc- thh any routing uilormntlrrn
`such as an ll’ address and muting hentlrrs generally lining
`unnsidcrcd an artilaut ul' Lin: communication. 01' even gib-
`berish to this recipient.
`Devices ouch as a host computer or server of It company
`may inclntlu multiple mrstlcrns t‘orconnection ot‘uwrs lo the
`InturncL with :1 temporary Il" atklrcfi allr‘aL'ntctl tti catch usur,
`For example,
`the host oomputer may have :1 general
`atltlrum“XXXXXXXXX”. tinrlctlch Ul-ill‘l may lll‘-}lllll-L'll|(‘tl
`in successive IF itClCll'USfi of XXXXXXXXXJU,
`XXXXXXXXXJI. XXX.XXX.X}{X..I2. etc. Such tam—
`purttry IP tnklmwn may lat: mafiaignutl or rusyclud to the
`Linc-r5. l'nr uxumplfil. (t5 ranch user in Successivcly connected to
`annutside putty. For cxamplc,a hostcomputcrrJ-fauompnny
`may support a maximum of 254 IP adtlrtessts which arc
`pooled and shared between devices connected to tho host
`Permanent Il’iirltlregws nl'uwrs and devices 21cccxx'ing tin:
`Internet readily support point-tomoint communications of
`voice and video signals over the Internet For cxumplc.
`ruullimu vitlutr tnla'tlnl'tércltcing Inn; 11le linPIUanlIlULl using
`dedicated lP address-L's and mechanisms known :is rclloctum.
`Due to the dynamic nature of tcmpnrary IP addresses of
`some (luVlCGS «incoming the lltturnul. point-tn—lmrnl mnnnn—
`nicatiorts in rcaltimc ol'voicc and video havc been generally .
`t:|irTIt.'ull to attain.
`Is disclose-(I which
`lnturncl protocol
`A point-Io-point
`exchanges Int Brno: l’ralncnl (W) adamant:- betwnen pI'BL't‘JSR-
`Eng units to cstahlish .u point-to-point communication link
`between the pmcuming units. through the lnlurnut.
`A rust point—101mm Internet protocol is disclosed which
`Includes Iln; steps of.
`(u)s.tr1rini__‘, [n n database a rcspnulivn IPntltlrum of it set 01'
`pmccssmg units that Inn‘s; :lll Lin-line status with rue-(peat
`la Int; Internet;
`Page 9 of 32
`(b) Iranurnttting a query I‘mm :1 first pmcu-sfiing unit to a
`connection survur tn dutcmtinc IllLi (lrl-llnl: Hams of :1
`second processing unit: and
`(cl {thieving tht: IP address ot" lllC second unit from the
`database using the onmlcclinn server, in rcslxnnsr' to the
`tit-.Iennlnziinn of: positive t'll'l-llnr: slattmul' lht‘. sucnrtd
`pmccfiing unit. for establishing a pninL-ln-p-nint com-
`municntion link between the Iirfit and sccoml processA
`Eng nnils through the lltlUrIlL‘l
`A second pujnl—tnlmint
`InlcrrlC-l protocol
`which includes the slaps of:
`including, 0 first
`(3} transmitting, an E—mail signal,
`atidi‘o», hunt a lirxl prLIL‘IKSiI'Ig nnil:
`(b) processing the E-mtti] signal through thc lntcmct to
`delivur the Il—nttiil signal to a mound processing unit.‘
`(c) transmitting .1 second II’ adtlrcss t0 the Inst prclcctining
`unit For establishing a pm'nt-to-point communication
`link bum-can the first and SCCOIIKI processing units
`through tho [titumcL
`is discltlscd.
`The (sutures; DI- the disclosed pnint-to-poinl lnlurnet pm-
`tm‘ul and system will Income mom ltudily apparent and
`may I»: better undcrstnod by referring to the following
`dutnilctl duscriletsn 01' an illustrative umlandimcnt of lht:
`prmcnl invcnlin'ni taken In canjtincticm with the accompa-
`nying drawing; whore:
`FILE. 1 illustralns. in hlnclt diagram format. :1 system for
`this disclosed puint-tu-gminl Internet protocol:
`the system
`FIG. 2 illustrates, in block diagram format,
`using :4 Slst‘fll'ltlcll'y point-lti—txuint
`lnturrtcl pmtounl;
`FIG 3 Illuslrulux'». in block diagram l'urnlat. tltc syslcrn of
`FIGS. 1—2 with the pnint-ln-pfiinl
`lnlcmnl prrilocril cstah-
`HG. -l is umber bInCIt diagram (if the system of HUS.
`[—2 with audio communications being conductor];
`FIG. 5 'Llluslrutcs :1 display semen for :t processing unit;
`FIG. 6 illustrates anotnur display semen tor a processing
`flowchart of the initiation of the
`FIG 7 illustrates a
`pnint-to-pnint Internal protocols;
`FIG. 8 illustrates» a:
`llCIWCIIEHI nl' tht: pcrlbrmtmcc nl‘ lhc
`primary poi nt—tu—point Internet pmlouuls; :rnd
`FILE. 9 iilnstratus ti flowchart of the: pcrl'ormancc of the
`SeL‘uriLhrry tminl—lu—puinl IntL'rncl pmuurl.
`tic ftn'ing now in Specific detail In the drawings, with like
`rcltrcncc numcntls idcntj lying, snnilar or identical olcmcnls.
`as shown in FIG. 1.
`thu present disclosure dcsun'bcs tr
`pollll-lrl-pclllll Il'llcnlcl pruluoul and hybltfilll 10 RN using such
`a pmtncul.
`In (H1 examplnry urnlmdimunt, the: system “I includes at
`first prunes-fling unit 12 I'ur sending TIE lutmt
`:1 video signal
`from a lirs! use: to a sccond uscr. TIN Iirst processing unit
`1.2 includesa procesor ”,3 memory [6, an input dairies 18‘
`and an output tluvicu 20. The output tlcviutt 20 inolmlcs :11
`Icasl one mock- rn capuhtc of.
`for example,
`l4.-—l khtntcl
`communications and opureitivuly connected Via \vircd ant|.-'or
`wirclum‘ communication cnnncutinns In lhc internal. Ono.-
`sltillud in the art would understand thal ihe input device It?
`may I}: implemented at
`in pan by ll'lc modern of the


`output device. 20 to allow input signals from the communi-
`cation dillnuulions to lit: rt'.t.‘t:ivul_ 'l'l'tu {13(th prticusxing
`unit 22 may have a procesunr. memory. and i nput and output
`devices. including at least one modem and associated cont-
`municulitut Ctlt‘tltL1tLtitit‘tH,
`I.l:;‘-li.'fil‘te3tl about:
`thc l'lt'fx'l
`prncunsing unil 12.
`in art L'xcrnplary untlindimunt. each ()l‘
`the processing unit; ll. 22 may bt: 2t WEBl’l-IONE'F“ unit.
`.1thth Fruit] NetSpenlt Corporation. Doca Rntnn,
`utttinhlu ul' uperuling the disclosed pointvto-pomt Internet
`protncnl and system 16, us described herein.
`The first
`[JFOCLESSlng unit E2 and tltt secund pmccssing
`ttnit 22 am:- npcrnlivtly wnttuclod to the, Internet 34 by
`cnmmunication devices and mltwttre known in the art.
`prams-ting units 12. 22 may he uperutively interconnected
`through the lntcmcl 24 to n uttnnccliun sun'cr 36, and may '5
`also he attentively connected to :1 mail server 28 Brand-sled
`with tllc lllIL'l'I'lCl 24.
`The: connection SCI'V'EI 26 includes a processor 30, a timer
`32 for gcncrating timestamps. and :1 memory such as it
`druid-tune 3'4 l'ctr N'tor‘ingi for example, E—r‘nuil and Internet
`Prntnu‘tl (IP) uddrussrzs tit" hinged—in units. In iITI cxcmplary
`umbuclimc-nt. lhu cunttuclion ECU/Cf 36 may be a SPAIN) S
`servo-r or
`u SPARC 20 server. available From SUN
`MICROSYSTEA-IS, le". Mtitlntuist Veiw. Calif having a
`central processing unit (Cl’U) as farmer-"rim Hill operating an "
`upernting system {US} such as UNIX and pmvitling timing
`[ll‘tIJl'HlitIflh' such an I'I_l.'-illll:tl_l'|illl__' lll'.‘ litttor 32. a hard drivc or
`Lined drive as well
`its dynamic random aceuss mummy
`(DRAM) l'or stirring the database 363. and a keyboard and
`display atndfor uthcr input urtd output deviants (not shown in
`FIG. 1). Flu: dalrthtutt: 34 may be an SULdtttultuse nvttilubh'
`I'rurn ()RA(.'[ E or TNFOMIX.
`In rm uxu-mplary entlititlittturtl, thr- mail server 28 may lit:
`a Post Ollicc Protocol {POP} Version 3 mailsen’cr including.
`it prnccsst-tr. memury, and stored programs nperuting in a
`UNIX cttviuinmettt. lll' :r]tuttt;t|i\'cly zttlttlllcr 03. to pmcmts
`E—rnuil capabilities between processing units and devious;
`(Nut the Internet 14.
`:tnd.'ur a data reading
`keylmard. :t mount. a touch screen.
`(luviuu much as (I tlixk drive l‘ttr receiving the input data from
`input data tiles stored in storage media such as a tloppy dish
`or. for uxatrtplc. at! 3 mm storage UPC. 'l‘ltc input Claim 18
`may alternatively include connections In other cort‘tPuwr
`systL-ms tn much/Lt the input Ctll'tlltlill'ltL'i .‘trtLl tlula tlusrul‘rttnt.
`The first processing unit 12 may include :1 visual inturl‘ucc
`:t5 the ntltput rlevicc Ell t‘rir use in conjunction with the input
`device; is and utnhodicd a5 1111‘; Lil thc scmu‘ts illustrated hy
`the examples shown in FIGS. 5—6 and discuwsd balow. [t is
`also understood that alternutivcinput dcv'
`‘ may he used in
`cnnjunct inn with :tltcrnrttiw ttttttittt rlrvices ttt met-iv: crun-
`[l't'dnLlS and data from the usnr, such as lcnylmards. mouse
`device's. and graphical user intort'aces (GUI) such as WIN-
`DOWS“1 3.1 available from MlCROSOFT‘“ Corporation
`Rcrlmnnd. “ins. executed lay ”IE. prrtcenqr'rr H using,
`example. DOS 510.09.: skilled in thc nrt would tindumtund
`thztt other operating systmns and GUis. such as 0S1?- ttnd
`05.22 WARP. available from “3M CORPORATION. Boca
`Rntnn. Fla. may ht: used Other 'rtltur‘rtrtliv: input devices may
`include microphones andt'or lDlellGl'lG handsctn lhr rccuiv-
`Eng audio. unto;- (‘laltt and comrttands. with the first processing
`unit l2 including speech or voice recognition devices. dual
`Inm- fllltlll-ll‘utllluany (ITI‘Mlfi tanner] devices, andrttr writi-
`wnru knnwn in the art In uccupt voicc dam ztncl commands
`and to operate the Ilt‘st pmcessirig unit 12.
`In atltlilit'in. cilhcr 111' Ill: first prowl-min; unit [2 and Ilit;
`second processing unit 22 may be implemented in {4 personal
`digital assistant (FDA) ltrrwit‘ling mistlctrt rind Li-tnail capri-
`hilitic‘, and Internet almost-i. with lhc l’IJA providing tltc
`inputr'output screens l'nr mouse interaction or lot much-
`scrcun activation as shown. for example. in FIGS. 4-5, as a
`cunthtnatinn {ill the- inpul duvicu 18 and output (id-vice. 20.
`For clarity (it‘explanatinn. the illustrative nmbtxlit’nent (if
`tilt: dint‘tnsutl puint-to-minl Internist plétttltiol and system Ill
`is; presented .13 having individual t'unctionttl blocks. which
`may include functional blocks labelled as. "promrfior" {incl
`"ptm:c-sz<ing ttrzit'h Tit: lunctiuus rcptca'cult'd in)» tires: ltluulifi
`may In: pnn'tded through the use (it either shared or dedi-
`catccl hardware.
`including. but not
`limited to, hard 'arc
`capable ot‘cxm‘ullng softwarv. For cxtrmplc. the functions ol‘
`each of the processors and processing units presented herein
`that): he provided ht- :+. shared [lltlt‘tC-S‘ttll lit by u plurality of
`individual pmtxxfiors. Mnrcrwur. the Us: til the lunuliontd
`blocks with accompanying labels herein is not to tic non:
`Slrtlctl ttt rul‘urcxcluxivtly Iu hardware Cilptti‘llt: til‘ uxucnting
`software. Illustrative embodiments may include digital Sig-
`nal Timex-Igor “3313} hardware, such as the A'I'd’t‘i‘ DSPJ 6 or
`DSI’BZC. mad-Only memory (ROM) fur :«Icnittg antiwar:
`pcr'lorming the operations discussed below. and random
`at‘ccss tnutttut‘y (RAM) For hlLlI‘llIg DSP results. Vury largr.‘
`nettle integration (VI .31} hurdwnn: urnhrtdimcrtts, lt$ wall as
`custom V1.5] circuitry in cuntltinuttun with Li general pur-
`tuw: l‘lSPcircttit, mu}- :tlstthe [zlrtwitlt:t.l.r\n_\' tttttl till ttt‘thcw
`embodiments may be deemesd to [all within the meaning of
`the lube-ls for the functional blocks as used tic-rein.
`'I‘itu pro-cunning units: ll, 22 are capable. nf placing calls
`and Lianne-cling to other prctucssing unitn connuctcd tn the
`Internet 24, for example. v13 dirtlup SLll’r'l’l’l’ lines.
`In an
`cxctttttlaty crtllitidimcnt, each prtie'cxfiittg. unit mew-igm an
`unsigned long snitsiou number. for example. a 33—bit lung
`sequence in u ".irti
`I'll: [hr each Call. Each call may be
`itflhigll‘cd :t succunsiw Scm'ltirtl numhur in Secunflttc. which
`may ht: tram] by the respective presuming unit In unfinciatc
`the Call with one of the: SLIP/PPP lines,
`In armclatr: a
`<Cttttttuutth> rcsptmuc Higrml with it <CttttnuclRUL1uust>
`signal. and to allow l'tir multiplexing and dcmulliplumng ul
`intuiunrt {and riuthound conversatinns on unnfe FENCE line-s.
`[2 may operate the disclosed
`The first! processing unit
`[thittn'zul by it cntnputcr prugrutn
`described hereinhelnw in conjunctinn with FIG. 6, which
`may be implen'tctttcxt' Front compile-d ctttdrnr
`.sourct oodt: in the C++ programming language and which
`mitt,r he duwnluudcd tu tlte first pmeesntng unit 12 t'rum an 45
`cxtcrttetl Utllljllllcjl'. 'i‘lte (aperatittg cntttputur progrrtttt may tit:
`stored in the memory 16. which may include about S MI}
`RAM :‘tttd-"Of
`turd ctr
`tixed drive having about 8 MB.
`the murce cudc tiny ht: itnplemcntuzl in the
`Iirs-t prtnuaning unit [2 as tinnwure. Elf-l tin erasable re rid only
`mentor}r (EPRUM), etc.
`is. understood that one Skilled in
`the art would. ht; ahlc (it use programming languages trtltcr
`than C-t-+ to implement the (Enclosed point-tn—pnint Internet
`protocol and system 10‘
`The processor ht reucivcs input commands and data from
`first user itsfiocittlcd with the first pmccmsing unit
`the input device: [8. which may he. an input port
`it wired, ttplicttl, (Ir a wirclrm' ctthncctirut liar
`electromagnetic transmissions. or alternatively may be
`unnst‘erahlr: storage media, xuctt a; floppy disks, magneLic
`lupus. uttttltaul disks. or titlm’ slurugc ntcdiu including the
`input dttlu from the [irst usur.
`the input device 18 may include a user interface (not
`known) having. l'rir example. :tl lcuszt nut.- buttnn actuated by
`Ilu: user to input commands tn sulcct
`l'rum .1 plurality nl‘
`operating mudes to operate the lira: proccsning untl L2» in
`altumrttive embodiments. the input LIL-vice IS may include. :t
`Page 10 of32


`For cnlleu {Lu called] prttcfising units with fixed IP
`itt'ldrcmtx. Ihc caller (in calling) prnuuxs'ing unit may upon a
`“sockm”. Lu. a tile handle or address indicating when: data
`[L] in: sunl. and lrflllf‘l'lill
`ii <CaJl> command to establish
`cummunicaLian with the outlet utilizing. Irrr c3-1mple.dala—
`gram sctviccs such its lntcrnul Slnmlrirrl itL-twurk Itiyuting as.
`well as. transport
`layering, which may include .1 'l‘ransporl
`{Itinlrul PltlltlL'Ul (TCP) L}! a Uscr Dutagtutu Prtatnwl (Ulll’)
`on top oJ‘ 1hr: ll’. Typically. r1 prtrcesging unit Imvirtg a fixed
`[P tttldrcxx may maintain tit
`luau! nut: l.||‘lCJ'I 5:11th ilnLl a
`cattlcd pmmsing unit waits for a <Call> command to asstgn
`tin: DPL‘I] smknt to tltt: inuurniugfiigfial. If all lillCSillC in um.
`Illt: crtllce processing unit Sends: rt BUSY signal ctr I‘ncxsztgu
`[U the caliut prtwcusirlg unit
`As .slmwrl in FIG. I, ll'lL' disclose-ti pIIiIII-II,>—p0inl lulcrnul
`protucol and system It] npcmtc when a calluu prriccssing
`ttrtitdocs not have a lixed or predetermined ll’ address. In the
`exemplary cmhtttlimunl and withIttI loss of geiucmlity.
`first pnxcséing unit 12 is the caller processing unit and the
`mural prttucxéittg Unit 22 is tltu L'ztllcd partnering Unit.
`W'hun either of pmccssirrg unlit; [2, 22 1033‘ on tu llJt'.
`lntcmct via a dial-up connection.
`tht: maimed-w unit
`provided a dynamically allocated l P :tL‘lCll’E 55 hy aI cottnuulion
`service provider.
`Upon the first user initiating Iltc point—to-po'uu Internet
`protocol when the first user is loggcrl on to Internal 24. Ihc
`Iimt luncmsing unit [2 :nttuntalically transmit»; it.» axauuiutcd
`E-rnuil uddrcsci and its dynamically Allocalul IP dddruss tn
`the connection server 26. Thu connuction server 26 than
`slums them: addrumtzs in Ile' tlululmw 34itlltlIl_|]_l\:hlétl1_llth IIIL;
`stored uddrcsucs using timer 32. Thu first user operating the
`first pmcesu'ng unit [3 is Ihus establichud in the database 34
`ill-i iill active (in-lit]: p;trt_\' nvailalch for unrtmunicitLitt-n usury,
`the disclosed point-to—patnt Internet protocol. Similarly, a
`second usur operating Iht'. wcond proucssing, unit 22. Upon
`unnnculinn 1.0 the lntcrnul 24 Iltrtiugh {1 connection Rurvicu
`is pmcessud by ”It? connection sewer '26 I0 ht-
`uxlahlis‘llctl in tilt: danilxiiw 34 as ilfl ItCEll-‘t: t'rn—Iiltc party.
`Thu crtnncutitm scrum 26 may use tltc Illl'lU-ilfllllpfi
`update the stutus of their pmccafiing unit. for example. tiller
`2 haunt. so that the. Dl'l-llllt.‘ mains information sinned in the
`database 34 is. mlalivuly uurrcnt.Otl1ut nrcdctcrrttittcd limt:
`periods. such as :1 dul'aull value of 24 hours, may hi.-
`Ct'lllligLIEL'tl by u sustains tiptstttlttr
`Thu first user willi the first Jtmu‘ssing unit I} inilialos it
`cull using. for example, :1 Send command author a command
`to specddial an NT” stnrcd numlttrl. which may be labelled
`[3ND] and [SPDIN]. rcspcutivcl)’. by thc input dwicc ls
`andror the output dcvim 20, such as shown in Ft US. 5—6. In
`rcsputisc 1U uilltct 1er Stud or spt'ctldiul L‘Ltflll'lflilmlh. llll.‘ tirut
`procmtsing unit I: retrieves from memory [53 stored E-muil
`address Lil
`the taller:
`to the NT” stored
`numhur. Alternatively? Ihr‘: first user may directly emcr Lhc
`Li-rnail address of tilt; caltuc.
`'Jltc first prrtccsasing unit 1'2 Ihcn svnds a query. including:
`the E-n‘tuil address utl'thQ callee, to the conneulittn server '26.
`Th: connuctinn scrvcr 26 thcn scamhcs ll'tt: Lintahusu 34 to
`determine whether the cuttcc is logged‘in by finding an}-r
`.‘itwud inl'tlrrl'talitm corrusptltttlirtg It)
`the Calluc'fi E-rnuil
`address indicating that tilt: duller: isactivc and on—littu. It the
`caller: is active and onnlinu,
`the connection server 26 then
`performs. the primary puint-ttr-puint lnturnut umtnml: ix.
`Uta ll’ rtcldrux‘s of tin: crrllcc is rctriuvcd from th'u (husband: 34
`and sent to the first pun-going unit l2. 111:: first processing.
`unit ll nut}- tltun tliructl).I Establish 1hr: point—tri—Jmint lnlur-
`net cttmmuntcaltnns Will: liu: calleu using the IP address of
`the callut.
`Page 11 of32
`it'll}: unlluu is not on-Iine when thuconnuctiun scn’cr 26
`(lctct'iniucs lltt; caliuu‘x slaiuu.
`Iltc cutlncclinu nurvcr 26
`suntlsan Dbl—LAN]; signal or merfiagc lo the first processing
`Unit 12.
`Iirxt Drumming Unit
`[2 may alts-U display 3:
`manage Such an "(failed Party (fill—Line" to the first USER
`When a user logs- urj or gucsolF-tinc from the internal 24.
`”3!. connection sen/tr 26 update.» lhu slums of tho uswr in the
`database 34:
`for example. by removing,
`the usu’s
`inl‘nrutatiun. rrr by [lugging IllL: Inc-r .15 hcing an-linc. Th:
`) cunnt-X'tinn scn'ur 26 may be instructed to update tho umris
`information in thc database Bit by an nil-lint: messagu, such
`as it data packet. sent automatically [mm the proccssing unit
`of the user print to being dinettnuc-ctutl from thir- connectiuri
`server 26. Accnrzlingly. an (ill-lint use! is el'lhctively [lis-
`ablcd from making antlr'ttr receiving ixtint-tG-pninl Intern-2:
`As shown in FIGS. 2—4, tbc disclosed socondtry point-
`tti-puinl lntcrttcl prulrlcul may in: Hunt! us an .‘tllurnulivc In
`the. primary pninl-tu-pnint
`Internet ptolocul described
`ahnvc, for example.
`if the Ct'unncction server 26 is nun-
`rcuponsivc. inoperative. anrlr‘w unable to perform the pri-
`mary pomt—to-point Internet protocol. rts :t nun-responsive
`L‘lllltlillt'lll. Alturntnively.
`tlifiClLtStld secondary mint-ru-
`lnlu-rnct protocol may be used indcpcndc-nl (if the
`primary point-to-pniul Internet protocol.
`in the disclosed
`sucumlury iminI-In-[xrinl lnlcriicl l‘irtllnctsl, the first iil'UC‘CSS‘
`ing unit 12- wads :1 <L'onncctithncst> monetary.- viu E—muil
`Over the lntcmct 2-1 In the mail KL‘JVCI 28. Flu: E-mail
`including the <C'tinr'ircllluquusl) massage may Lutvc. for
`example, the subject
`ix thr.‘ cunt-n1 (its.
`tutuptrfitry (tr
`pcrmnttcnt) ll‘ addrctis. ml Iltu lirst user. and XXXXXXXX is
`3 muniun numb-er. which mat)- be unique and associated with
`lllu rcquuxl nl‘ Illl:
`lirst user It! iniliutt~ point—Itt-ptiiut cum-
`municution with thc mcond user.
`As (lcscribcd ith)\'L" thc lirt-il [Humming unit 12 may send
`ll'tt. <C‘t‘inncu1llcqttcstb message in response in an unsuc-
`cesslul allempt In purl—urn] the primary point—tD-poinl lnler-
`nut pilllt'IL'lll. AIIL'mulivcly, lht; lirsl Itrtrcuwiing Illlil. 12 may
`sand tht. <ConncctRuqucsl> message in rusponsc in the first
`user initiating 1 SEND utmn'tarul or Iht: like.
`Alltr the <(‘nnnucthct'tUt-sb muesmrgt: via li-tnail is. Still.
`lhr; first. Drumming unit [2 opens a socket and waits to detect
`3 response [mm the «mom! proccuuing unit 22. A timeout
`limcr. such as Iimur 32. may he sci by the first ptnccxsirtg
`unit 12,
`in u manner known in the :u‘t.
`to Wait
`for rt
`prctlcttrminerl duration In receive :t <(‘nnnect0b Sign-til.
`The pnxcswr H of the first prawns-in; unit
`I2' may ClJll-‘ifi.
`the output (levicu 20 to output a Ring signal to the uscr. such
`“5 M1 uttdihlt; ringing sound, ttlmtlt duct)“ 3 $560!}ij For
`example. the processor 14 may output rt
`'AVKIV Illa. which
`may ht:
`labelled RINGAVAV, which is Processed by the
`output (lu'JiL‘l: 20 It) nulpul 'rll'l (“Mllblt‘ ringing mund.
`'l'hc mutt Server as tltcn polls the second practising. unit
`22, for example, every LS scurtndx, to deliver the lj-mnil
`('Jcnctally. llic second pmmssing unit 22 chucks ll‘lt.‘ incom-
`ing lines. litr example. at regular intervals in wait for and to
`detect tttcurnittg E-trtail IrmIl thc thtil Survur 28 through the
`lulcrrtut 24.
`'l'ypically, for sending Li-mail to 95mg having associated
`processing, units ulmtatiuuly connected to it
`ll-ttRl uii'ttpulct' tit
`son'ei operating an [rite-met gulcway. E-Mail tor a upucilic
`usu may be sent (We! the Internet 2% and directed to the
`pc-rma nc-nl
`ll3 .v'lLlEll't‘fih‘ ur the SLIP-'Pl’l’ i'dL'L'tIlltll designation
`the host compulcr, which then asaignr. a temporary IF
`tn tlit: [investing unit of the. specified use: fur


`6, l 08,704
`property routing the Li-mait. The L-rnuil Signal mtty Il'lCiUdL'
`it name or other designation tun-h as u
`ttscrnumc which
`identifies this. specific user rcgttrdlcsai of the processing unit
`assigned to the user: that is. the host computer may tract: and
`stole tilt: xiii-.cil'tc dcviu: when: a spacing tmat'
`in axuignud ur
`logged on. ind: pc nclc-ul of the It’ address try-stern. and so ll'll.'-
`host computer (my switch the E-mait signal to thc Llcvicc of
`the specific Lint-r. At that limc‘ a tcmpurury It" .tddrcus may
`be generated or unsigned In the simillc user and device.
`Upon detecting nntlr‘rir rear-Wing the incoming li-
`signal from the first tlrtfiufifiltlg unit 12. the tumour] unmiss-
`mg unit 22 may ngign or may in: assigned a temporary lt"
`:tddruxx‘. ’l'horct'nru,
`tht: delivery til. the E-tnait through the
`internal 24 providur. lhu z-L‘cnnd trruumsing unit 22 with a.
`session number as well as ll‘ atldrc$<cs of both the tit-st
`pt'ncmring unit 12 and the second prncmning unit 22.
`l’oittl—to-ptiint mmmunicution may then he cslubtishud by
`IJJr; proccrsing units 12, 22. For uxau‘tptu.
`the second pro—
`mising unit 22 may process thc L-rnatil signal to chrttu-I the
`<CnnrteutRequu5t> mer‘ouget including the lt’addrcss at the
`in: patterning unit [2 and lint:- whsittrt nltmltur. Tilt: HUL’ttntl
`procnising unit 22 may [ht-u open .1 sockcl itrul geocrtrlc a
`eCnnneclOK> response signal, which includes‘ the tempo-
`rary IP address ol‘ the ficurlld ptounnsittg unit 22 as Writ a.»
`he session numbc-L
`The sucmtd proccsuing unit 22 sends. the <CnnuectOK>
`signal directly ovcr the lntcmct 2-4 In this ll‘ urlclrum nf Iln;
`'irnt proccming will 12 without processingby the muil scrvur
`ZR. and a timeout timer at the second procescing unit 22 may
`be set to wait “it! (tote-ct a <(fall> signal expected from the
`jrst processing unit 12.
`Runltitrtt.‘ pt}it’ll-ll'l—[1Ult’tl communication of tttttlit't xignulx
`over ”16 lulurncl 24‘ 11-5 well as video and t'niccmuilt mu};
`hus he established and nupportud without requiring perma-
`ll’ urltlt'tmx'cs In In: (Imignrtl In cithur of the users or
`irmcssing units 12, 22.
`tin-r Ihc duration of the mntu'mc
`wint-to—poinl link. the relative permanence nithc current lt‘
`arlrircgscsol the procun‘iirtg unit512. 32 in sumciunt.whcthcr
`he current It“ addresses were permanent lie predetermined
`tll'plciaxtilghctl) ttrtumpttrttry (it; ttxfiigrtud upon ittilizttinrmt'
`ht; point-to-p

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