Near Shannon limit performance of low
`density parity check codes
`D.J.C. MacKay and R.M. Neal
`Indexing terms: Fault tolerant conzputing, Evor correction codes
`The authors report the empirical performance of Gallager’s low
`density parity check codes on Gaussian channels. It is shown that
`that of standard
`performance substantially better
`convolutional and concatenated codes can be achieved; indeed the
`performance is almost as close to the Shannon limit as that of
`Turbo codes.
`Introduction: A linear code may be described in terms of a genera-
`tor matrix G, or in terms of a parity check matrix H, whilsh satis-
`fies Hx = 0 for all codewords x. In 1962, Gallager reported work
`on binary codes defined in terms of low density parity check
`matrices (abbreviated ‘GL codes’) [5, 61. The matrix H was defined
`in a non-systematic form; each column of H had a small weight
`(e.g., 3) and the weight per row was also uniform; the matrix H
`was constructed at random, subject to these constraints. Gallager
`proved distance-properties of these codes and described a proba-
`bility-based decoding algorithm with promising empirical perform-
`ance. However, it appears; that GL codes have been 2,enerally
`forgotten, the assumption perhaps being that concatenated codes
`[4] were superior for practical purposes.
`Duricg our work on MN codes [8] we realised that it is possible
`to create ‘good’ codes from very sparse random matrices. and to
`decode them (even beyond their minimum distance) using approx-
`imate probabilistic algorithms. We eventually reinvented Gallag-
`er’s decoding algorithm and GL codes. In this Letter we report the
`empirical performance of these codes on Gaussian chann’els. The
`theoretical properties of GL codes have been proven (essentially,
`that the channel coding the’orem holds for them) elsewhere [9]. GL
`codes can also be defined over GF(q). We are currently implement-
`ing this generalisation.
`We created sparse rando’m parity check matrices in the follow-
`ing ways:
`Construction 1A: An M by N matrix (M rows, N columns) is cre-
`ated at random with weight per column t (e.g. t = 3), and weight
`per row as uniform as possible, and overlap between any two col-
`umns no greater than 1. (The weight of a column is the number of
`non-zero elements; the overlap between two columns is thrir inner
`Construction 2A: Up to MI2 of the columns are designated ‘weight
`2 columns’, and these are constructed such that there is zero over-
`lap between any pair of columns. The remaining colurnns are
`made at random with weight 3, with the weight per row as uni-
`form as possible, and overlap between any two columns of the
`entire matrix no greater than 1.
`Constructions IB and 2B: A small number of columns are deleted
`from a rnatrix produced by constructions 1A and 2A, respectively,
`so that the bipartite graph1 corresponding to the matrix has no
`short cycles of length less than some length 1.
`The above constructions do not ensure that all the row:s of the
`matrix are linearly independent, so the M x N matrix created is
`the parity matrix of a linear code with rate at least R = MA‘, where
`K = N-M. Results are reported here on the assumption that the
`rate is 17. The generator rnatrix of the code can be created by
`Gaussian elimination.
`We simulated a Gaussian channel with binary input f a and
`additive noise of variance cr2 = 1. If communication using a code
`of rate R is used then it is conventional to describe the signal to
`noise ratio by EbIN, = a2121202, and to report this number in deci-
`bels as 10log,,Eb/No.
`Decoding: The process of decoding involves finding the most prob-
`able vector x such that Hx mod 2 = 0, with the likelihood of x
`given by IIJ? where f i = 1/(1 + exp(-2ay,lo2)) and f! = 1-
`f : , and y, i s the channel’s output at time n.
`No. It3
`0 . 3
`0 4
`Fig. 2 Mean waiting time,for priority and nonpriority calls for 15 clzan-
`nels and loud o j 95%
`0 w , ~ Sim
`X WID Sim
`. . . , . , , . , , , , ,
`W2” APPr
`W2M Calc
`_ _ _ -
`This is the situation of interest in a trunked mobile system with
`priority, as the application of priorities is under heavy traffic: if
`the system is correctly sized, under regular load conditions no pri-
`orities are needed, as the waiting time must be low for all custom-
`ers. For all delay probabilities the relative error of the mean
`waiting time for priority calls is no longer guaranteed to be lower
`than lo%, but the overestimation is still better than the waiting
`time calculated by considering the MIMIC queue and only eqn. 1.
`Conclusion: The performance of a linked mobile radio system with
`two priority levels and deterministic distributed call duration can
`be evaluated in a very simple way when an exact result is not
`required. The deterministic type of call is unusual, but distribu-
`tions with a coefficient of variation < 1 can often be found, and
`the approximation introduced can be helpful to find the minimum
`size of the system (CJ needed to attain a target GoS. The authors
`conjecture that this work could be applied to a wider range of P D
`and C and to more than two priority levels. The results achieved
`can be used in other fields where the teletraffic theory applies.
`Acknowledgment: This work was funded by CICYT project
`0 IEE 1996
`Electronics Letters Online No: 19961121
`F. Barcelo, V. Casares and J. Paradells (Departamento de Matematica
`Aplicada y Telemdtica, c/Gran Capithn s/n, 08034 Barcelona, Spain)
`28 June 1g96
`1 GKOSS, D., and HARRIS, CM.: ‘Fundamentals of queueing theory’
`(John Wiley & Sons, 1974)
`2 CHRAPKOWSKI, A., and GRUBE, G : ‘Mobile trunked radio system
`design and simulation’. IEEE 41st Vehicular Technol. Conf., 1991,
`pp. 245-250
`3 MOANG, H., MALHAME, R., and CHAN, G.: ‘Traffic engineering of
`trunked land mobile radio dispatch systems’. 41st Vehicular
`Technol. Conf., 1991, pp. 251-256
`4 HOANCH., and COHEN,P.: ‘A model for channel sharing in land
`mobile radio dispatch services’, ZEEE Trans., 1985, VT-34, (2), pp.
`SEELEN, L.P., TIJMS. HC., and VAN HORN, M.H.: ‘Tables for multi-
`server queues’ (North Holland, 1985)
`TIJMS, H.C.: ‘Stochastic modelling and analysis: A computational
`approach’ (John Wiley & Sons, 1986)
`ELECTRONICS LETTERS 29th August 1996 Vol. 32
`Hughes, Exh. 1062, p. 1

`Gallager’s algorithm (reviewed in detail in [9]) may be viewed as
`an approximate belief propagation algorithm [lo]. (The Turbo
`decoding algorithm may also be viewed as a belief propagation
`We refer to the elements of x as bits and to the rows of H as
`checks. We denote the set of bits n that participate in check rn by
`N(rn) = { n : Hn,, = 1). Similarly we define the set of checks in
`1). We denote a set
`which bit n participates, M(n) = { M : H,,,,
`N(m) with bit n excluded by N(rn)In. The algorithm has two alter-
`nating parts, in which quantities qmn and r,, associated with each
`non-zero element in the H matrix are iteratively updated. The
`quantity qf$n is meant to be the probability that bit n of x is x,
`given the information obtained via checks other than check m.
`The quantity r& is meant to be the probability of check n.1 being
`satisfied if bit n of x is considered fixed at x and the other bits
`have a separable distribution given by the probabilities {q,n,2,: n’ E
`N(m)\n}. The algorithm would produce the exact posterior proba-
`bilities of all the bits if the bipartite graph defined by the matrix H
`contained no cycles [lo].
`Initialisation: The variables q:n and q!7n are initialised to the
`values f,” and f : , respectively.
`Horizontal step: We define 6q,n,l = q:n
`each rn, n:
`q,& and compute for
`brmn =
`then set rEn = 1/2(1 + S,T,,) and rh = 1/2(14rmn).
`n’ t N ( m ) \n
`Vertical step: For each n and rn and for x = 0,l we update:
`qkn =a,,f,”
`( 2 )
`m ’ t M ( n ) \ m
`q; = a n E n cn
`where a,,, is chosen such that qk + q& = 1. We can also
`update the ‘pseudoposterior probabilities’ q! and q: gken by:
`lutional code (data courtesy of R.J. McEliece). The curve labelled
`Turbo shows the performance of the rate 112 Turbo code
`described in [2]. (Better Turbo codes have since been reported [3].)
`GL codes: From left to right the codes had the following
`parameters (N,K,R): (29507, 9507, 0.322) (construction 2B);
`(15000, 5000, 0.333) (2A); (14971, 4971, 0.332) (2B); (65389,
`32621, 0.499) (1B); (19839, 9839, 0.496) (1B); (13298, 3296, 0.248)
`(1B); (29331, 19331, 0.659) (1B). It should be emphasised that all
`the errors made by the GL codes were detected errors: the decod-
`ing algorithm reported the fact that it had failed.
`Our results show that performance substantially better than that
`of standard convolutional and concatenated codes can be
`achieved; indeed the performance is almost as close to the Shan-
`non limit as that of Turbo codes [2]. It seems that the best results
`are obtained by making the weight per column as small as possible
`(construction 2A). Unsurprisingly, codes with larger block length
`are better. In terms of the value of EJN,, the best codes were ones
`with rates between 112 and 1/3.
`Cost: In a brute force approach, the time to create the codes scales
`as N . where N is the block size. The encoding time scales as NL,
`but encoding involves only binary arithmetic, so for the block
`lengths studied here it takes considerably less time than the simu-
`lation of the Gaussian channel. It may be possible to reduce
`encoding time using sparse matrix techniques. Decoding involves
`approximately 6 Nf floating point multiplies per iteration, so the
`total number of operations per decoded bit (assuming 20 itera-
`tions) is about 120t/R, independent of block length. For the codes
`presented here, this is about 800 operations.
`T h ~ s work not only confirms the assertion [1] that good codes
`can be thought of and even decoded, but also that it was possible
`to think of them, and decode them, thirty-five years ago.
`Acknowledgments: D.J.C. MacKay is grateful to R. McEliece and
`R. Sewell for helpful discussions.
`15 July 1996
`0 IEE 1996
`Electronics Letters Online No: 19961141
`D.J.C. MacKay (Cuvendislz Laboratory, Cambridge, CB3 OHE, United
`R.M. Neal (Department of Statistics and Computer Science, University
`of Toronto, Toronto, M5S IA4, Cunadua)
`These quantities are used to create a tentative bit-by-bit decoding
`2 ; if however H2 = 0 then the decoding algorithm halts. Other-
`wise, the algorithm repeats from the horizontal step. A failure is
`declared if some maximum number of iterations (e.g. 100) occurs
`without a valid decoding.
`BATTAIL. G.: ‘We can think of good codes, and even decode them’.
`Eurocode ’92, Number 339 in CISM Courses and Lectures, pp.
`BERKOL. c , GLAVIEUX, A., and THITIMAJSHIMA, P : ‘Near Shannon
`limit error-correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes’,Proc.
`1993 IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., 1993, (Geneva, Switzerland),pp.
`DIVSILAR. D., and POLLARA, F.: ‘On the design of turbo codes’.
`Technical Report TDA 42-123, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
`Pasadena, November 1995
`FORNEY. c.D.: ‘Concatenated codes’. Technical Report 37, (MIT,
`GALLAGER, R.G.: ‘Low density parity check codes’, IRE Trans. Info.
`Theory, 1962; IT-8, pp. 21-28
`Results: Fig. 1 compares the performance of GL codes with text-
`GALLAGER, R.G: ‘Low Density Parity Check Codes’. No. 21 in
`book codes and with state of the art codes. The vertical axis shows
`Research monograph series (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1963)
`the empirical bit error probability.
`GOLOMB, s w , PEILE, R E , and SCHOLTZ, R.A.: ‘Basic Concepts in
`Textbook codes: The curve labelled (7,1/2) shows the perform-
`Information Theory and Coding: The Adventures of Secret Agent
`ance of a rate 112 convolutional code with constraint length 7,
`001 1 I’ (Plenum Press, New York, 1994)
`known as the de facto standard for satellite communications [7].
`MACKAY, D J.c., and NEAL, R.M.: ‘Good codes based on very sparse
`The curve (7,1/2)C shows the performance of the concatenated
`matrices’,Cryptography and Coding. 5th IMA Conf., 1995, pp.
`100-111 (number 1025 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
`code composed of the same convolutional code and a Reed-
`MaCKAY. D J c., and NEAL, R M.: ‘Good error correcting codes based
`Solomon code.
`on very sparse matrices’
`State of the art: The curve (15,114)C shows the performance of
`an extremely expensive and computer intensive concatenated code
`10 PEARL, J : ‘Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks
`developed at JPL based on a constraint length 15, rate 1/4 convo-
`of Plausible Inference’ (Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, 1988)
`ELECTRONICS LETTERS 29th August 1996 Vol. 32 No. 18
`Hughes, Exh. 1062, p. 2

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