Comparison of Constructions
`of Irregular Gallager Codes
`David J. C. MacKay, Simon T. Wilson and Matthew C. Davey
`Department of Physics, University of Cambridge
`Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road,
`Cambridge, CB3 OHE, United Kingdom.
`To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications. Submitted 30 July 1998.
`The low density parity check codes whose performance is closest to the Shan(cid:173)
`non limit are 'Gallager codes' based on irregular graphs. We compare alternative
`methods for constructing these graphs and present two results.
`First, we find a 'super-Poisson' construction which gives a small improvement
`in empirical performance over a random construction.
`Second, whereas Gallager codes normally take N 2 time to encode, we investi(cid:173)
`gate constructions of regular and irregular Gallager codes which allow more rapid
`encoding and have smaller memory requirements in the encoder. We find that these
`'fast-encoding' Gallager codes have equally good performance.
`Gallager codes [3, 4] are low density parity check codes constructed at random subject to
`constraints on the weight of each row and of each column. The original regular Gallager
`codes have very sparse random parity check matrices with uniform weight t per column
`and tr per row. [We will also use the term 'regular' for codes which have nearly uniform
`weight columns and rows- for example, codes which have some weight 2 columns and
`some weight 3 columns.] These codes are asymptotically good, and can be practically
`decoded with Gallager's sum-product algorithm giving near Shannon limit performance
`when large block lengths are used [7, 8, 6]. Regular Gallager codes have also been found
`to be competitive codes for short block-length CDMA applications [10].
`Recent advances in the performance of Gallager codes are summarised in figure 1. The
`rightmost curve shows the performance of a regular binary Gallager code with rate 1/4.
`The best known binary Gallager codes are irregular codes whose parity check matrices
`have nonuniform weight per column [5]; the performance of one such code is shown by
`the second curve from the right. The best known Gallager codes of all are Gallager
`codes defined over finite fields GF(q) [2, 1]. The remaining two solid curves in figure 1
`show the performance of a regular Gallager code over GF(16) [2] and an irregular code
`over GF(8) with bit error probability of 10-4 at Eb/ N 0 = -0.05dB [1]. In comparing
`this code with the rate 1/4 Turbo code shown by the dotted line, the following points
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p. 1

`Irreg GF(8)
`Eb/No (dB)

`This paper has two parts. In the first part (section 3) we compare alternative con(cid:173)
`struction methods for a fixed profile in order to find out whether the construction method
`matters. In the second part (section 4) we examine regular and irregular constructions
`which lend themsdves to rapid encoding. One motivation for this second study is that.
`the only drawlmck of regular Gallager codes compared t.o Turbo codes for CDMA appli(cid:173)
`cations appears to be their greater encoding complexity [10].
`In the experiments presented here, we study binary codes with rate 1/2 and block(cid:173)
`length about N = 10, 000. \Ve simulate an additive white Gaussian noise channel in the
`usual way [2] and examine the block error probability as a function of the signal to noise
`ratio. The error bars we show are one standard deviation error bars on the estimate of
`the lofiarithm of the block error probability p, defined thus: when we observe r failures
`out ofn trials, P± = pexp(±crtogp) where CTtogp = ,j(n- r)/(rn).
`2 Constructions
`We compare the following methods.
`Poisson: The edges are placed 'completely at random' subject to the profile constraints,
`and the rule that you can't put two edges between one pair of vertices, which would
`correspond to a double entry in the parity check matrix. One way to implement a
`Poisson construction is to make a list of all the columns in the matrix, with each
`column appearing in the list. a number of times equal t.o its weight., then make
`a similar list. of all the rows in the matrix, each row appearing with multiplicity
`equal t.o its weight. and then map one list. onto the other by a random permutation,
`taking care not to create duplicate entries [5].
`A variation of this construction is to require that no two columns in the parity
`check matrix have an overlap greater than one, i.e., forbid cyc:les of length 4 in the
`graph. [Similar to construction 1A in [8].] A second variation requires that the
`graph to have no cycles of length less than some l. [Similar to construction 1I3 in
`[8].] This constraint can be quite hard to enforce if the profile includes high weight
`rows or columns.
`Permutations. \Ve can build parity check matrices by superposing random permutation
`matrices [4]. The convenience of this method depends on the profile. There are
`many ways of laying out these permutation matrices t.o satisfy a given profile. \Ve
`will distinguish '.supe1' rois.son' and 'snb rois.son' const.mctions.
`• In a super-Poisson construction, the distribution of high weight columns per
`row has greater variance than a Poisson distribution;
`• In a sub Poisson const.mction, the distribution of high weight columns per
`row has smaller variance than a Poisson distribution.
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p.3

`Profile 3
`Profile 93
`Column weight Fraction of columns Row weight Fraction
`Column weight Fraction of columns Row weight Fraction
`Table 1: The two profiles studied in this paper
`3 Comparing Poisson, 'super-Poisson' and 'sub-Poisson'
`3.1 Profiles and constructions studied m this paper
`3.1.1 Regular codes: 3 and 33
`As our baseline we study regular Gallager codes with weight per column exactly t = 3 and
`weight per row exactly t,. = 6. \Ve construct parity check matrices satisfying this profile
`from permutation matrices in two ways, labelled '3' and '33', shown diagrammatically in
`the upper panels of figure 2. In the figures, a square containing an integer (for example,
`'3') denotes the superposition inside that square of that muuber of random permutation
`matrices. The matrices are generated at random subject to the constraint that no two
`non-zero entries coincide.
`Irregular codes: 93p, 93a, 93x and 93y
`We chose the profile '93' shown in table 1. It has columns of weight 9 and of weight 3: all
`rows have weight 7. 1\ote that this profile only differs from the regular profile '3' in that
`some extra 1s arc added to /2 of the columns. \Ve emphasize that this profile has not
`been carefully optimized, so the results of this paper should not he taken as describing
`the best that can he done with irregular binary Gallager codes. \Ve chose this profile
`because it lends itself to interesting experiments.
`\Ve will refer to the bits that connect to 9 checks as 'elite' bits. \Ve use four different
`constructions that match this profile, named as follows. These constructions are depicted
`diagrammatically in the upper panels of figure 2.
`Poisson: 93p. In this construction, while most checks will connect to one or two elite
`bits, a fraction of them will connect to more than two elite bits, and some will
`connect to none.
`Sub-Poisson: 93a. This construction allocates exactly one or two elite bits to each
`Super-Poisson: 93x and 93y are respectively moderately and very super-Poisson. In
`93y, one third of the checks are connected to four elite bits, one third are connected
`to one, and one third are connected to none.
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p.4

`<- - - - - 7 - - - - ->
`oo1 —
`4 4
`1 1
`3 4
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`oo1 —
`o.oo1 _—
`1 2
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`_C>C}C}C}C}C} C}
`1 1 1
`1 2 1 2 1 2
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`0.0001 -
`Figure 2: Upper paneh: conmmucfions ofregukn and ureguhu codes. Lowmr panebz
`performance of these codes. The construction types shown are regular, (3, 33), Poisson
`(93p),sub+l%fisson.(93a),super4I%nsson_(93x),zu1d super4f%nsson.(93y).
`ofpernnuetknirnatflcessuperposed on flyasurroundnugsquare.I{ofizontaland.verUcal
`lines indicate the boundaries of the permutation blocks. Notation for the Poisson con-
`struction 93p:
`integers T? and ‘9’represent colunnn wmfights. Tlu3integer‘7’represents
`the row Weight.
`Lowmrrxnuflsshowrflyaperflnrnanceofseveralrandonicodesofeadnconsmnumknr Verfical
`axis: block error probability. Horizontal axis: Eb/N0 in dB. All codes have N : 9972,
`and f(:: A! ::4986.
`All errors were detected errors, as is usual with Gallager codes.
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p. 5
`1 1 1
`1 1 1
`2 1
`1 2
`1 1 1
`2 1
`-ooo1ooo <9 <9 <9®@®8®@


`1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
`(a) Comparison of irregular 93y with regular 33 code. Vertical axis: median
`Figure 4:
`number of iterations. Horizontal: Eb/N0 in dB. (b) Histogram of number of iterations
`for 93y code at Eb/N0 : 1.4.
`(c) Log/log plot of iterations histogram showing that the
`tail of the distribution is well approximated by a power law. The straight line has slope
`-8.5. Above 50, iterations were binned into intervals of 5.
`constructed codes the minimum distance increases linearly with the blocklength, for
`almost all codes
`We discard the two codes with error floors in the subsequent comparisons.
`3.2.3 Comparison of constructions
`The six families are compared with each other in figure 3. There are no detectable
`differences between the regular codes 3 and 33. There is a clear ranking of the other
`constructions, as follows:
`3 < 93a < 93p < 93:: < 93y
`Thus we find that, at least for the 93 profile, sub—Poisson constructions are inferior to
`Poisson constructions, and super—Poisson constructions are significantly superior. In the
`case of 93y we see an improvement of about 0.05dB.
`3.2.4 Decoding times
`Not only do these irregular codes outperform the regular codes, they require fewer it-
`erations as illustrate in figure 4(a) which compares the median number of iterations of
`the irregular code 93y and the regular code 33. Note that 93y requires 7/6 times more
`operations per iteration due to the increased weight of the matrix, so the total decoding
`times are similar.
`Figures 4(b) and (c) show that the distribution of decoding times is heavy tailed. At
`Eb/N0 : 1.4 the tail is well approximated by the power law: 13(7) ~ T_8'5, where 7' is
`the number of iterations. At Eb/N0 : 1.2 the distribution is heavier tailed, and we have
`P (7') N 7"5.
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p. 7

`Encoding procedure:
`Bits t 1 ••• tg are defined to be source bits.
`Bits tK+l ... i.t-.i-i\1< are Het in Hequence, using
`the mth parity check to determine tr<+m·
`Bits fcv-JVI<+l ... (v are set equal to:
`c- 1Bt*mod2
`(tl ... fN-IVI<J" and c-l is
`where t* =
`the inverse of C in rnodulo 2 aritlnnetie.
`This costs (N- M<)t, computational
`operations, where tr
`is the typical
`weight per row.
`c- 1 can be stored in M~ bits of mem(cid:173)
`ory. The product Bt' can be com(cid:173)
`puted in M<tr computational opera(cid:173)
`tions, and the multiplication by c-l
`takes M~ operations.
`Figmc 5: Cppcr pand: General form of a fast encoding Gallager code. stripes
`indicate low weight rows. The diagonal line is a line of ls. The matrices B and C arc of
`dimension 1'vi< x (N- AI<) and JI< x 1'vi< respectively. Lower panel: The fast encoding
`method to generate a codeword, and its computational cost, assuming an appropriate
`representation of the sparse matrix.
`3.2.5 Unequal error protection
`\Vc can compare the bit error rate of elite bits with that of standard bits. \Vc find that
`when decoding fails. elite bits arc more likely than standard bits to be correctly decoded.
`In the case of construction 93x we found that at Eb/ N0 = 1.3dB the probability of an
`elite bit being in error, given that the block was incorrectly decoded, was 0.012 whereas
`standard bits had an error rate of 0.065. Differences remain at small Eb/ N 0 • For example,
`at Eb/ N 0 = 0. 7dl3 the error rates are 0.035 and 0.097.
`4 Fast-encoding Gallager codes
`One of the possible drawbacks of Gallager codes is that their encoding time generally
`scales as N 2
`• Inspired by Spielman's [11] work, we have investigated constructions of Gal(cid:173)
`lager codes whose profiles arc similar to or identical to the 3 and 93 profiles above, but
`which arc fast. encoding. The general form of parity check matrix for a fast encoding Gal(cid:173)
`lager code is shown in figure 5. The parity check matrix has an almost lower triangular
`structure which allows all but a small number !VI< of the parity bits to be computed using
`sparse operations. The final AI< parity bits can be computed in AI~ binary operations.
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p.8

`4 4
`1 1
`}Xsin figure 2, an
`Figure 6: Qfi Ilpper paneb: constructknirnethods 13 and l93y.
`integer represents a nurnber of pernrutatknrrnatrkes superposed on the surrounding
`square. A diagonal line represents an line of 1s. Horizontal and Vertical lines indicate
`the boundarkfi ofthe pennutafion bkxks. Lower pkmures \kniabflfiy ofpxwfimrnance
`among 13 and 19337 codes. Vertical axis: block error probability. Horizontal axis: Eb/N0
`in dB. All codes have N : 9972, and K : M = 4986.
`(b) Example of a parity check matrix with N : 144 made using construction 193y.
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p. 9
`1 1 1
`_@@® G} G} ®@

`I3 T _
`0.001 _
`0.0001 _
`(b) Comparison of l93y with
`(a) Comparison of 13 with an ordinary 3 code.
`Figure 7:
`the best super—Poisson 93y code. Vertical axis: block error probability. Horizontal:
`If M< were as small as \/M then the codes would be linear—time encodeable.
`We introduce two constructions, 13 and l93y (‘1’ for linear), shown diagrammatically
`in figure 6(a). Construction 13 has profile identical to construction 3. Construction l93y
`has a profile identical to the 93 codes, and is most similar to 93y. figure 6(b) shows an
`example of a matrix made using construction 19337 and Figure 6(a) shows the variability
`of performance of these codes.
`Figure 7 shows that the fast—encoding codes have almost the same performance as
`the ordinary—encoding codes.
`5 Discussion
`The detection of error fioors in some Gallager codes reminds us that it is a good idea,
`though not essential,
`to avoid cycles of length 4 when building these codes, as was
`standard practice in [3, 8, 6]. This is not so easy to enforce in irregular Gallager codes
`with high weight columns, but the present results indicate that what is really important
`is to ensure that no pairs of low weight columns (with weights less than 4) have overlaps
`greater than one.
`The improvement of 0.05dB of the super—Poisson construction compared with a Pois-
`son construction of irregular codes may not be viewed as practically useful, but we think
`it is important to be aware of all the methods available for enhancing code performance,
`especially when these methods involve no added cost at the encoder or decoder. It will be
`interesting to see how beneficial the super—Poisson concept is for other irregular profiles.
`We are currently investigating the creation of irregular Turbo codes which make use of
`super—Poisson constructions (work in progress with B. J. Frey).
`The discovery that we can make fast—encoding Gallager codes whose performance is
`just as good as ordinary Gallager codes may have immediate practical importance for
`mobile communications where computer power consumption must be minimized. Both
`the memory requirements and the CPU requirements at the encoder of our fast—encoding
`codes are substantially smaller. The static memory required for encoding is proportional
`to ME +Mt,., where 25,. is the typical weight per row in the parity check matrix. This com-
`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p. 10

`pares to M ( N - i\!1) for storing the generator matrix. The particular constructions used
`in this paper would allow encoding using roughly thirty-six times fewer computational
`operations, since we chose AI< = AI /6. This reduction would be more than sufficient
`to cancel out the factor of fourteen encoding complexity disadvantage with respect to
`Turbo codes of the example mentioned in [10]. The smaller the ratio M<f1'vi. the greater
`the reduction in encoding cost. It will be interesting to investigate how small AI< can be
`made without deterioration in performance.
`[1] M. C. Davey and D. J. C. MacKay. Low density parity check codes over GF(q).
`Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Infonn.a.t·ion Theory Wmkshop. IEEE, June 1998.
`[2] M. C. Davey and D . .J. C. MacKay. Low density parity check codes over GF(q). IEEE
`Communications Letters, 2(6):165-167, June 1998.
`[3] R. G. Gallager. Low density parity check codes. IRE Tm.ns. Info. Theory, IT-8:21 28, Jan
`[4] R. G. Gallager. Low Density Parity Check Codes. Number 21 in Research monograph
`series. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1963.
`[5] M. G. Luby, M. Mit7.emnacher, M. A. Shokrollahi, and D. A. Spielman. Improved low(cid:173)
`denHity parity check codes nHing irregular graphs and belief propagation. In Proceeding,<;
`of the IEEE International Symposium on Informati on Theory (!SIT), page 117, 1998.
`[6] D. J. C. MacKay. Good error correcting codes based on very sparse matrices.
`Transactions on Infonnation Theory, 45(2):399-431, 1999.
`[7] D. J. C. MacKay and Il. M. Neal. Good codes based on very sparse matrices. In Colin
`Boyd, editor, Oryptogra.phy and Coding. 5th IMA Confe·rence, nmnber 1025 in Lecture
`Notes in Computer Science, pages 100-111. Springer, Berlin, 1995.
`[8] D. J. C. MacKay and R. M. Neal. Near Sharmon limit performance of low density parity
`check codes. Electmnics Letters, 32(18):1645-1646, August 1996. Reprinted Electmnics
`Letters, 33(6):457-458, March 1997.
`[9] R. J. McEliece, D. J. C. MacKay, and J.-F. Cheng.
`'I\nhl decoding as an instance of
`Pearl's 'belief propagation' algorithm. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
`16(2):140 152, 1998.
`[10] V. Sorokine, F. R. Kschischang, and S. Pasupathy. Gallager codes for CDMA applications
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`[11] D. A. Spielman. Linear-time encodablc and decodable error-correcting codes. IEEE Trans(cid:173)
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`Hughes, Exh. 1039, p. 11

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