`- - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` OF AMERICA, INC., : Patent No.
` Petitioners, : 7,202,843 B2
` v. :
` Patent Owner. :
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` New York, New York
` Tuesday, October 6, 2015
` 9:30 a.m.
`Job No.: 94092
`Pages: 1 - 167
`Reported By: Dana N. Srebrenick, CRR, CLR
`Ex. 2007
`Page 1 of 476

`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Deposition of MICHAEL J. MARENTIC, held at the
`offices of:
` 90 Park Avenue
` New York, New York 10016
` 212.336.8063
` Pursuant to notice, before Dana N. Srebrenick, CRR,
`CLR, Notary Public in and for the State of New York.
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`3 4 5
`Ex. 2007
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 90 Park Avenue
` New York, New York 10016
` 212.336.8063
` 8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` 571.765.7714
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` - - -
` I N D E X
` - - -
` Testimony of:
` BY MR. HELGE............................. 6
` BY MR. BERKOWITZ......................... 160
` BY MR. HELGE............................. 163
` - - -
` E X H I B I T S
` - - -
` No. Description Page
` Exhibit A Declaration of Michael J.
` Marentic in Support of
` Petition for Inter Partes
` Review, U.S. Patent
` No. 7,420,550.............. 24
` Exhibit B Petition for Inter Partes
` Review of U.S. Patent
` 7,202,843 ................. 35
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` - - -
` E X H I B I T S (CONT.)
` - - -
` No. Description Page
` Exhibit C Copy of United States
` Patent No. 4,464,657....... 51
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`7 8 9
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` MICHAEL J. MARENTIC, residing at 22075 White
`Peaks Drive, Bend, Oregon 97702 having first been duly
`sworn by the Notary Public of the State of New York, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` - - -
` - - -
` Q Good morning, Mr. Marentic.
` A Good morning.
` Q We are here for the deposition in the case of
`Sharp Corporation, Sharp Electronics Corporation and
`Sharp Electronics Manufacturing Company of America, Inc.
`v. Surpass Tech Innovation, LLC, Case No. IPR2015-00021,
`relating to Patent 7,202,843, and we're here to take
`your deposition.
` Is that your understanding as well?
` A It is.
` Q Mr. Marentic, you've been deposed before,
` A That's correct.
` Q Do you know how many times?
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` A Four to six times.
` Q Okay.
` A And one of them was a multiple-day deposition.
` Q Okay. And at the beginning of each of those
`depositions, was there some explanation to you of the
`rules for the deposition?
` A Yes, there was.
` Q Okay. I will go through the rules for us
`today, just for clarification. If you have any
`questions, please let me know. And actually, throughout
`the day, if you don't understand any question I ask you,
`please let me know.
` Do you agree to do that?
` A I do.
` Q Thank you.
` One of the typical rules is we won't talk over
`each other.
` Do you understand?
` A Yes.
` Q Thank you.
` Can I ask you, are you taking any medications
`today that would affect your testimony or would affect
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`or even impair your ability to give true and accurate
` A No.
` Q Is there any other reason why you might not be
`able to give true and accurate testimony today?
` A No.
` Q Mr. Marentic, you were with us in San Diego
`and you heard Mr. Lo Cicero read a paragraph from the
`Office Patent Trial Practice Guide. And I'm going to
`read that same paragraph here for us today.
` That paragraph states, "Once the
`cross-examination of a witness has commenced, and until
`cross-examination of the witness has concluded, counsel
`offering the witness on direct examination shall not:
`(a) Consult or confer with the witness regarding the
`substance of the witness' testimony already given, or
`anticipated to be given, except for the purpose of
`conferring on whether to assert a privilege against
`testifying or on how to comply with a Board order; or
`(b) suggest to the witness the manner in which any
`questions should be answered."
` Do you understand the paragraph as I've just
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`read it?
` A I understand the content.
` Q Okay. And do you understand that this
`paragraph will govern our behavior today until the
`conclusion of the deposition at the end of the day?
` A Yes.
` Q And so that prohibition against conferring
`with your attorneys, it will continue even when I've
`concluded with my examination and while your attorneys
`are preparing their rebuttal testimony -- or their
`rebuttal examination.
` Do you understand that?
` A Can you explain that?
` Q Absolutely. Absolutely.
` So I'll be asking questions today.
` A Yes.
` Q And at some point I'll say, "I have no further
`questions." And then your attorney will have an
`opportunity to ask you some questions.
` This prohibition against conferring with your
`attorney continues during that break period, and so
`they're prohibited from conferring with you and telling
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`you what questions they're about to ask and guiding you
`on that.
` Does that make sense?
` A That makes sense. Thank you.
` Q So, Mr. Marentic, just for clarification, am I
`pronouncing your name correctly, Marentic?
` A Correctly, yeah, Marentic.
` Q Thank you.
` Okay, Mr. Marentic, can I ask you what you did
`to prepare for today's deposition?
` A I read my declaration. I read the Ham patent.
`I read the '843 Shen patent. I may have reviewed some
`of the other documents that are cited in my declaration.
`And met with Mr. Berkowitz a few times.
` Q Did you talk to anybody else in preparation
`for this deposition?
` A Briefly, Tony Lo --
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Lo Cicero.
` A Lo Cicero, yes, came in and briefly --
` Q I'm going to stop you right there. I'm
`definitely not asking for the contents of those
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`discussions. I just want to know the identities of the
` A Brian Cormack.
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Comack.
` A Comack.
` So the three --
` Q The attorneys?
` A The three attorneys from Amster, Rothstein &
` Q Did you speak with any colleagues or people
`that you know from your private practice in your
`experience as listed on your CV in preparation for this
` A No.
` Q Did you speak with any of those people prior
`to preparing your reply declaration?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` MR. HELGE: That's a good point. Let me
`clarify that question.
` Q While you were in the process of preparing
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`your reply declaration, did you speak to any of the
`people that you knew from your time in private practice
`or in any of your employment with -- that's shown on
`your CV?
` A No.
` Q Do you recall the last time you reviewed the
`petition that Sharp filed in this case?
` A Not precisely.
` Q You reviewed it prior to preparing your reply
`declaration, right?
` A Yes.
` Q And when I say "reply declaration," just for
`clarification, I'm referring to what's been marked in
`this case as Sharp Exhibit 1010. It's entitled
`"Rebuttal Declaration of Michael J. Marentic in Support
`of Petitioner's Reply to Patent Owner's Response. "
` A Yes.
` Q Was that your understanding when I asked you
`that question as well?
` A Yes.
` Q While you were reviewing that petition, did
`you see any statements or characterizations that you
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`disagreed with?
` A No.
` Q So you agreed with everything in the petition?
` A Yes. It was logical, straightforward,
` Q So I understand that you weren't involved with
`this case at that stage, while the petition was filed?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` MR. HELGE: I'll re-ask the question.
` Q So I understand that you did not file a
`declaration in support of that petition; is that right?
` A That is correct.
` Q Looking back at the petition, is there
`anything that you would have done differently had you
`been involved with the case at that stage?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection. Foundation.
` A I believe the petition was clear and
` Q And the petition -- or, excuse me.
` The theories of the case as expressed in your
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`reply declaration, those theories are all consistent
`with the petition, right?
` A I believe so, yes.
` Q So the petition is technically sound in your
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Object --
` A Yes.
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Just objection to foundation.
` Q Mr. Marentic, you've read the petition, right?
` A I have read the petition.
` Q And you have experience in LCD technology,
` A I do.
` Q And you understand the '843 patent, correct?
` A I do.
` Q And you understand the Ham reference, correct?
` A I do.
` Q Was there anything in the petition that you
`didn't understand?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to foundation and
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` A When I read the petition, it was given to me
`after the Patent Trial and Review Board had issued their
`decision. So the patent -- the section that I
`concentrated on was principally that of Ham, and breezed
`through the other sections that related to other
`patents. I principally read Ham -- the Ham section at
`the end of the petition.
` Q And you didn't see anything in that section
`that you disagreed with?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection. Foundation.
` A Everything there was clear and made sense to
` Q And your theories are consistent with that
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Again, same objection.
`Objection, foundation.
` A My analysis is consistent with that.
` Q So you haven't deviated from those theories of
`invalidity as expressed in the petition; is that right?
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I agreed with the Ham section of the petition.
`I find no errors and have no disagreements with it.
` Q And your theories of invalidity as expressed
`in your reply declaration are consistent with the
`petition, correct?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A My declaration is a rebuttal to the patent
`owner's response and to Mr. Bohannon's written
`declaration. And those sections where the patent owner
`or Mr. Bohannon disagree with the petition, I find
`several of those in error. And that is reported in --
`in my rebuttal declaration.
` Q Mr. Marentic, I'm not trying to trick you. I
`really just want to understand whether you think that
`the theories of invalidity expressed in your rebuttal
`declaration are consistent with the theories of
`invalidity as expressed in the petition.
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Does that make sense?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A My technical analysis in -- in my rebuttal is
`consistent with the technical section of Ham in the
` Q So you haven't presented any new invalidity
`theories in your declaration; is that right?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A My declaration is a rebuttal to the patent
`owner's response and Mr. Bohannon's declaration.
` Q Let's talk about your experience a little bit.
`You've been deposed, you said, about four to six times;
`is that right?
` A Correct.
` Q Were those all patent cases?
` A They were.
` Q And were those all cases in which you were
`presented as an expert in either validity areas or
`infringement areas?
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A The cases that I was deposed for were for
`patent-related issues in invalidity or infringement.
` Q And you were presented as an expert on behalf
`of your party; is that right?
` A That is correct.
` Q In those cases, did you have to construe
`claims as part of your role as an expert?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A In a couple of instances, the claims were
`construed at a Markman hearing and they were done
`outside my area of -- well, outside my participation.
` Q And so in those cases you were asked to
`provide an opinion using those constructions, right?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. In any of those cases, were you asked
`to provide an opinion on the proper construction of
`claim terms?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I don't recall any.
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Q So would you say that this case is the first
`instance in which you've been asked to provide an
`opinion on the proper construction of claim terms?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I don't believe I've been asked to provide
`claim construction input.
` Q So let me ask you this: Do you have no
`opinion on the proper construction of terms at issue in
`the '843 patent?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I took note that the original petition did not
`ask for any terms to be construed. I note -- noted that
`the preliminary patent owner's response did not ask for
`any claims to be construed. And I noticed that the
`Patent Trial and Review Board chose not to construe any
` Q So you have no opinion on the construction of
`any terms; is that right?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` A The terms have not been construed by those
`prior documents or review board. So there is no
`claim -- specific claim construction, as I've seen in
`the past, where this term means this thing and I need to
`plug in that longer phrase for a word or two. This case
`has none of that.
` Q You understand that to establish invalidity of
`a patent claim, you have to consider each word in that
`claim, correct?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A Could you repeat the question?
` (Whereupon, the question is read back by the
` A Yes.
` Q And to consider each word in that claim, you
`need to understand what each of those words mean in the
`claim, correct?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A That would be by a person -- as read by a
`person of ordinary skill in the art.
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Q So to consider each word in the claim, we
`would need to have the meaning of each word in that
`claim known as it would be understood by a person of
`ordinary skill in the art, correct?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A When the specification and the claims are read
`together by a person of ordinary skill in the art, every
`word in the claim should be considered.
` Q When you just said "when the specification and
`the claims are read together by a person of ordinary
`skill in the art," what did you mean by that?
` A The claims aren't an isolated item. The
`specification isn't an isolated item. The two together
`form the patent with the figures and the claims refer to
`words or concepts described in the words section of the
` Q And by words section of the patent, are you
`talking about the specification?
` A The specification, the abstract, the prior
`art, the summary, and then the description.
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Q Is there any part of the specification that's
`more important than another part?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` Q Mr. Marentic, don't answer that question. I'm
`going to ask that again.
` Is there any part of the specification that's
`more important than another part when you are construing
`claim terms?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I don't know. That sounds like an excellent
`legal question. That situation didn't come up here so I
`would need to have some expert legal input to answer
`that question.
` Q In your time as an expert, have you developed
`a standard practice for construing claim terms?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to the form.
` A As I mentioned earlier, I haven't construed
`terms -- I haven't construed terms. The court has
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`construed terms.
` Q Have you construed terms in any other
`proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board?
` A No.
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` Q Did you submit a declaration in support of a
`petition for inter partes review of Surpass's '550
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to relevance.
` A I did.
` Q And in preparing that declaration, did you
`provide any opinions on claim construction?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I have not read that declaration since it was
`submitted and don't have a recollection of whether terms
`were construed or not.
` MR. HELGE: I'm going to ask that this be
`marked with an exhibit label. This is Mr. Marentic's
`Declaration in Support of Petition for Inter Partes
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`Review, U.S. Patent No. 7,420,550. It's previously been
`marked as Sharp Exhibit 1007, but because it was a
`different case, we can't use that number.
` (Exhibit A, Declaration of Michael J. Marentic
`in Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review, U.S.
`Patent No. 7,420,550, marked for identification.)
` MR. BERKOWITZ: I just want to object on the
`record. This is irrelevant and outside the scope. I
`make an objection to the exhibit that's been marked as
`Exhibit A.
` Q Mr. Marentic, I've handed you what is entitled
`"Declaration of Michael J. Marentic in Support of
`Petition for Inter Partes Review for U.S. Patent
` Does this document look familiar to you?
` A Yes, it does.
` Q And what does it look like to you?
` A What does it --
` Q What does it look like to you?
` A It looks like my declaration from the end of
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`March of this year for the '550 patent that we're not
`here to talk about today.
` Q The cover page, Michael J. Marentic, is that
` A That is me.
` Q Would you please turn to the last page, 76?
` Is that your signature on the last page?
` A Yes, it is.
` Q Can I ask you to please turn to page 22 and
`please take a moment to read paragraph 66 and 67, and
`please let me know when you're done.
` (Whereupon, witness reads the document.)
` Q Mr. Marentic, I asked you a few minutes ago,
`have you construed terms in any other proceedings before
`the Patent and Trial -- and Appeal Board, and your
`answer was no.
` Having just looked at paragraph 66 and 67, do
`you stand by that answer?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` And I just want to make a standing objection
`to relevance and outside the scope, just so I don't have
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`to keep interrupting.
` Go ahead.
` A I believe my answer was correct that I gave to
`you. I don't believe this is claim construction. I
`believe construed is a more formal ruling from a court
`that would say "Phrase A means," and then what it is.
` Q I'm going to read from the first sentence of
`paragraph 67 of your declaration.
` It states here, "I believe that 'insulated
`with each other' means 'spaced apart from and parallel
`to each other.'"
` Did I read that sentence correctly?
` A Yes, you did. There were some quotes in
`there, but yes, those were the words in there.
` Q So maybe there is a disconnect between what
`I'm saying and what's in your mind.
` How would you characterize that sentence, if
`it's not construing a term?
` A That's my understanding of what "insulated
`with each other" means.
` Q Is there a word that we can use today to
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
`characterize this process that you went through so that
`we're not having a disconnect? I would call it claim
`construction, but you don't seem to like that. So I
`just want to know, what word can we use for today for
`purposes of this deposition so that we understand that
`what you've done here is what I'm talking about?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I still don't believe this is claim
`construction in trials that I've been involved with.
` As to a synthetic term to use, could be almost
`anything as long as we agree that -- as to what it
`means. I -- I was reading the patent and there was a
`term, "insulated with each other," which is used in that
`patent, and I said what my understanding is.
` Q Can we call this claim interpretation?
` A Or my understanding.
` Q Your understanding of what?
` A The term insulate -- quote, insulated with
`each other, quote, in my understanding means, quote,
`spaced apart from and parallel to each other, close
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Q So is this a process for you to decide what
`you think a claim term means?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A Again, I haven't read this since March. I
`don't have a total recall on the intricacies and
`nuances. I'd like to review it further if we're going
`to spend more time going over a declaration from last
` Q Mr. Marentic, I'm just getting at the process
`that you go through to understand what a claim means.
`All we're looking for is a word to characterize that
` A My understanding, my experienced
` Q In your reply declaration in the '21 case, did
`you provide any opinion on your understanding of
`Claim 4 --
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` Q -- of the '843 patent?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Sorry to interrupt.
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Objection to form.
` A I don't know what the '21 case is.
` Q That would be the case dealing with the '843
` A No. I did not offer any claim construction
`with respect to the word "generating," for instance.
` Q What about any other terms appearing in
`Claim 4?
` A I don't --
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` Go ahead.
` A I don't believe I've construed any of the
`claims or any of the phrases or any of the terms.
` Q When you prepare a declaration for a case
`before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, are there
`parts of the declaration that are more important than
`other parts?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A Not that I'm aware of.
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` Q So everything in your declaration is in there
`for a reason; everything's important, correct?
` A Correct.
` Q You mentioned a few minutes ago that to
`understand a claim term, you might look at the
`specification; is that right?
` Did I get that right?
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A The claim and the specification help me
`understand the patent.
` Q Is there anything else you look at to
`understand a patent?
` A From the first page to the last page, being an
`engineer, I like figures.
` Q Anything else?
` A No.
` Q You mentioned about being an engineer.
`Engineers seem to like procedures.
` Would you say that you follow the same
`procedure every time you're trying to understand a
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`Deposition of Michael J. Marentic
`Conducted on October 6, 2015
` MR. BERKOWITZ: Objection to form.
` A I've known a lot of engineers and they're
`about like humans, all different. Some follow
`procedures and anything outside the boundary they're
`uncomfortable with or won't do. And other engineers are
`just the opposite, can't get them to follow a procedure
`if their life depended on it. So the generalization
`that engineers are, kind of equivalent to men are or
`women are. It's just incorrect.

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