`LCD Application Note
`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Alan Dragon, Field Applications Engineer
`Sharp Electronics Corporation has introduced a
`series of small TFT (Thin Film Transisto r ) LCD mod(cid:173)
`ules to be used in a wide range of video applications.
`These displays are well suited for use in Portable
`TVNeR Entertainment Systems, TestlControl Equip(cid:173)
`ment, Control and Entertai nment displays for Aviation,
`along wi th Automotive , Navigational and Imaging Ap(cid:173)
`plicatons. The current product line-up includes diago(cid:173)
`nal sizes of 3", 4" and 5.7" (Table 2, page 2). With
`three formats available (234V x 32.SH, 234V x 720H ,
`240V x 720 H), NTSC and PAL Video Standards ca n
`be supported by various models Vv'ithin the producl line
`(Note 1). A ll 4" and 5.7" models are avaitable with a 6
`o'clock or a 12 o'clock viewing direction for optimum
`performance with any mounting orientation .
`Sharp TFT LCOs use the normally white mode of
`operation for an excellent contrast ratio and superior
`color reproducibi lity. This is characterized by a con(cid:173)
`trast ratio of 30:1 with a light output of 120 nits (35
`foot-Iamberts). With these specifications, the TFT
`LCD modules can be used in various lighting envi ron(cid:173)
`The possibi lity of battery operation is enhanced by
`the low power consumption of the T FT display. Total
`power is typically 2.6 watts , with 1.7 wa tts of that total
`being consumed by the backlight.
`Table 1.
`Transition from Prototype Models to Current
`Production Mode ls
`~MCDEL F1"dJ1 0 I YPE M (DB...
`12 o'dock
`LQ!24Y02 (Nr&:6 o'dock]
`LQ!24P01 (PAL 6 o'dock]
`LQ!24A01 (Nr&:6 o'dock]
`LCSMPD1 (PAL 6o'dock]
`LQ!N<\02 (Nr&:12 o'dock]
`LQ!MPD2 (PAL 12 o'dod<]
`LCSN<\Ol (Nr&:6 o'dod<]
`LCMI'D1 (PAL 6o'dock]
`LCSN<\Ol (Nr&:12 o'dock]
`LCSMPD2 (PAL 12 o'dock]
`LCSN<\02 (Nr&:12 o'dock]
`LCSMPD2 (PAL 12 o'dock]
`The basic difference between NTSC and PAL is the
`number of lines per frame. NTSC uses 525 lines per
`frame at a 60 Hz field rate and PAL uses 625 lines per
`frame at a 50 Hz field rate (Table 4).
`When an image is broken up into more horizontal
`lines , the resolution and image qual ity improve accord(cid:173)
`ingly. Both standards consist of two interl aced fie lds.
`These two fi elds (des ignated odd and even) make up
`one ful l frame. The altem ating odd and even fields
`make the actual frame rate 1/2 of the field rate (Figure
`1). Although the two fields alternate, the human eye
`will superimpose and blend the odd and even fields to
`give the appearance of one conti nuous and flicker-free
`It wi ll be useful to understand the video standards
`of NTSC and PAL before explaining the actual inter(cid:173)
`face of the T FT displays. NTSC (National Television
`System Committee) and PAL (Phase Alternation Line)
`are two different color encoding methods for broad(cid:173)
`casting or sending color video information. Most coun(cid:173)
`tries around the wor1d have adopted one of these two
`standards. The remaining countries have adopted
`SECAM, which is based on the PAL Standard (Table
`3). This application note wil l concentrate on the timing
`characteristics of the NTSC and PAL Standards and
`leave the explanation of color encoding and decoding
`methods up to video textbooks.
`Note 1: The current product line reflects improve(cid:173)
`ments made to ea r1 ier models (Table 1).
`Sharp Corp" et ai, v. Surpass Tech Innovation LLC
`LCD Application Note
`Page 1 of 16
`Page 1

`FOII . ... T
`~ ' ffl
`" ~ '" ~
`23-4 •• 79
`81.9 I 61.8
`0,171 I 0.264
`122 I 100 16.6
`,2 o'dock
`81.9 I 61.8
`1221100. 6.6
`6 o'clock
`81-9 I 61.8
`0.171 I 0.264
`110.2 185.8x 20.7
`HC FTr'Bu~t~n
`12 o'clock
`81.9 I 61.8
`0.171.0,264 1 , 10.2185.8120.7
`234 I 419
`234 I 479
`H CfTfB u ln~n
`6 o'Clock
`81.9 x!l1.B
`0.171. 0.264
`110.2 x 8S.6 x 20.7
`12 o'clock
`81.91 6U
`110.2185.8 x 20.7
`Analog RGB
`composltelAnlllog RGB
`CompoSite/Ar.alog RGB
`CC FTJtlui~~n
`Analog ROB
`Table 2.
`Sharp'. Small TFT Color LCD Modules
`..... ,
`(W I tt) (mm)
`(W I H) (Will)
`(W IHl lIlmm)
`~ ;; ;.
`S" ;;
`n o
`Sl o·
`' .7
`• .7
`' .7
`240 I 720
`113.8 187.6
`240 I 720
`113.8 187.6
`0.15810.365 149.41 117123
`240 1720
`240 1120
`240 1120
`234 1 382.5
`234 .382.5
`CCFTJ8uln ...
`6 o'clock
`149.41 111123
`12 o'clock
`0.15h 0.365
`6 o'dOCk
`0.158 1 0.365
`149.4 1117123
`61.11 « .S
`0.16110.190 9Ux18.5IS1
`61.7 144.5
`94.2 118.5 x 51
`Note: All specifications are subject 10 change.
`Analog RGB
`Composi1elArlalog RGB
`Composi1e(AnaIog RGB
`Composi1e'AnaiOg AGB
`CoInposite/AIIaIog AGB
`c c:
`" -<
`~ ..,
`o -~ '"
`~ ..,
`dO g
`Z *

`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Interface & Interconnection
`Table 3. International Television Standards
`RB.D RATE 50 Hz
`Afars and Issas
`Arab Republic of Egypt
`East Gennany
`Ivory Coast
`Po land
`Saudi Arabia
`Za ire
`RBD RATE: 60 Hz.
`Antiqua, West Indies
`British Virgin Islands
`Costa Rica
`Dominican Republ ic
`Ecuadoran Republic
`EI Salvador
`Guatemal a
`Netherlands Antiles, West Indies
`Phi llipines
`SI. Kitts, West Indies
`Samoa (U.S.)
`Provi nce of Taiwan
`Trinidad, West Indies
`Trust Territory of Pacific
`United Stales of America
`RB.D RA1E 50 Hz
`Brazil (525 /60 )
`Federal Republic of Germany
`Hong Kong
`New Zealand
`South Africa
`United Arab Emirates
`United Kingdom
`Table 4 . NTSC and PAL Timing Standards
`Unesl R"ane: 525
`wnes l Rad: 262.5
`ReJd Rae: 60 Hz.
`Frane Rae: 30 Hz
`DSJ>ay Pe-iod: 24 Qi
`I-bri;:nntal Inter~ : 63.5}ls (1H)
`Vatica Inlffva: 16.7 ms (262.5H)
`Vatica B"'king: 1.42 ms (22.5H)
`Vatica ~ F\J1se: 254 ~s (4H)
`Unes 1 R"ane: 625
`wnes I Rad: 312.5
`ReJd Pae: 50 Hz.
`Frcrne Rae: 25 Hz.
`Ds~ay Pe-iod: 28 Qi
`I-brizonta Interva: 64.0IlS(1H)
`VErtical lntava: 20.0 ms (312.5H)
`Vatica B"'king: 2.08 ms (32.5H)
`Vatica ~ F\J1se: 256 ~s (4H)
`LCD Application Note
`Page 3 of 16
`Page 3

`Interface & Interconnection
`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Fig. 1. Interlaced Fields
`Composite/Non-Composite Video Signals
`Video signals ca n be transmitted in a variety of
`formats. Sharp TFT LCD modules will support the
`follow ing video configuration:
`• Composite Video - Video information is combined
`with horizontal and ve rtical sync and color burst
`information into one signal (Fi gure 2).
`• Analog RGB (non-composite)- Separate red , green
`and blue video signals used in conj uction with com(cid:173)
`posite sync or separate horizonta l and vertical sync
`(Figure 3).
`• Composite Sync - Horizo ntal and vertical sync are
`combined into one signal (F igure 4).
`Page 4
`Page 4 of 16
`LCD Application Note

`" > .., ..,
`~ '" o
`-0 .,
`'" II>
`'" 0
`~ en
`'" ~
`07V~p T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T 1.0 V p-p
`UJwLilJ IIIIII ~\)H V V If),r V ~\ Vl'rTTTlTl
`~~l~ UUU
`I -AI J\ fi1 .
`" 0
`3 ..,
`~ ;;:
`< c:
`SYNC Hp =t -
`~ }
`c c:
`" .:<
`" ~ .
`" ~
`~ <;
`~ g:

`Interface & Interconnection
`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Oz 2z __
`~" z"
`~~ C2fu
`- -1
`Fig.3. Analog RGB (non-composite)
`Fig. 4. Composite Sync
`Page 6
`Page 6 of 16
`LCD Application Note

`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Interface & Interconnection
`Viewing Direction
`All 4" and 5.7" color TFT LCD modules are offered
`with a choice of vielMng direction. The last digit of the
`part number will indicate the viewing direction. A "1"
`will indicate a 6 o'clock viewing direction while a "2"
`indicates a 12 o'clock vielMng direction . The relation(cid:173)
`ship of the viewing direction optimizes the contrast
`ratio for +10 0 to _30 0
`in the vertical axis and the 12
`o'clock viewing direction optimizes the contrast ratio
`for +30 0 to _10 0
`in the vertical axis (Figure 5). The
`horizontal viewing angle remains even and consistent
`for all TFT rrodules.
`D:. e 12
`Fig. 5. Viewing Direction
`Interlaced Operation
`As described earlier, NTSC and PAL video signals
`consist of two in terlace fields. When these fields are
`viewed on a monitor by the human eye, they appear
`as one continuous image. In a CRT monitor, these two
`In a
`fields are interwoven on the screen (Figure 6).
`Sharp TFT LCD there a re either 240 or 234 lines
`printed on the glass depending on the model (Note 2).
`Since the odd and even fields consist of 240 lines
`each, the fields are scanned on the same lines of the
`LCD one after another (Figure 7). As with a CRT, the
`eye integrates these two fields into one complete
`frame and the resulting image appears to be a full 480
`lines on the LCD.
`Displaying the video information on the PAL version
`of the LCD is more involved. The odd and even fields
`- - - - - - - -
`- - - - - - - -
`FIELD A (1 TO 2) + FIELD B (3 TO 4)
`l CD7-6
`Fig. 6. Interlaced Operation
`are made up of 260 lines each. In order to display the
`information on the 240 line LCD as done in the NTSC
`mode, the video signal must be red uced to 240
`lines/field . This is done by removing 40 lines/field
`through a method called MBK-PAL (MaBiki "Thinning
`in Japanese).
`In thi s method every seventh line is
`removed by using the following algorithm (Figure 8):
`(14n + 11 )H, (12n + 19)H even field
`(n=1, 2, 3, ... 20)
`(14n + 16)H, (1 4 n + 22)H odd field
`Pixel Configuration
`Each pixel of Sharp's small color TFT LCDs con(cid:173)
`sists of 3 sub-pixels. Th ese red, green, and blue
`sub-pixels can operate at any output level to give full
`color capabi lity to each pixel. A 234 V x 382.5 H,
`234 V x 479 H or 240 V x 720 H pixel fonnat is
`availiable depending of the particular TFT LCD model.
`Th e pixel format is defined as the number of sub-pixels
`(RGB). The actual number of pixels is as follows:
`234 V x 128 H (128 x 3 RGB approx. 382.5), 234 V x
`160 H (160 x 3 RGB approx. 479), 240 V x 240 H (240
`x 3 RGB approx. 720). The LCDs use a delta pixel
`configuration with each addressable pixel residing on
`the same line (Figure 9). This configu ration makes the
`LCD displays well suited for video information.
`LCD Application Note
`Page 7 of 16
`Page 7

`Interface & Interconnection
`Liquid Crystal Displays
`~ I
`::: ~----:'--------1
`240 r. - - ---;:o-------1
`~ I
`237 r_---~EC-------1
`2~ r----~EC-------1
`~O r----~EC-------1
`1st SCAN
`2nd SCAN
`Fig. 7. Odd and Even Scanning lines
`~ 2
`7 ,
`~ 7
`, ~ ,
`" ~ ,
`Fig. 8. MBK-PAl Method
`Page 8
`Page 8 of 16
`LCD Application Note

`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Interface & Interconnection
`R G B R G B R
`R G B R G B R
`R G B R G B R
`R G B R G B R
`R G B R G B R
`1st PIXEL 2nd PIXEL
`1st PIXEL 2nd PIXEL
`Fig. 9. Delta Pixel Configuration
`Normally White Mode
`Sharp Color TFT LCD modules operate in the nor(cid:173)
`mally white mode. This gives Sharp TFT displays a
`higher contrast ratio than those using the normally
`black mode. The main difference between normally
`white mode and normally black mode is the orientation
`of the linear polarizers. Normally white polarizers are
`perpendicular to each other (Figures 11a). When the
`power is removed in a normally black mode (Figure
`11 b), the liquid crystal material does a 90° twist. There
`is still some light at low voltages that will pass through
`in this configuration (Figure 10). The normally white
`mode will not let this light through in the off state due
`to the perpendicular arrangement of the polarizers.
`Note 2: The LCD models which have 234 lines
`drop the last 61 ines in each field to accept the 240
`line NTSC input.
`Gamma Correction
`Gamma correction refers to the exponential vari(cid:173)
`ation in the signal input to provide a linear transfer
`function from the signal source to the display-lumi(cid:173)
`nance output. The luminous output of the LCD is not
`directly proportional to the display-signal input under
`normal conditions. This is due to the characteri stics
`of the LC material. Asimi la r condition occurs in a CRT
`Fig. 10. Light Output vs. Voltage
`monitor where the luminous output of the phosphors
`are not directly proportional to the signal input.
`order to compensate for thi s non-I inear response , a
`gamma correction is appl ied to the monitor (LCD or
`CRT) to give a linear luminous output (figure 16).
`Although values vary among monitors, the gamma
`correction factor for Sharp LCOs is 2.2. This is the
`same as the accepted val ue for most CRT monitors.
`Gamma is defined as the power exponent used to
`approximate the curve of display-luminance output
`versus sig nal input amplitude. When using a factor of
`2.2, for example, a 50% - of-full-scal e input voltage will
`result in a 22%-of-full-scale luminous output (0.5/2.2
`= 0.22).
`All Sharp small color TFT modules have the gamma
`correction built into the module with the exception of
`L0323Y1 1/P07 and L04RE01 /2. Sharp's basic de(cid:173)
`sign policy is all colorTFT LCOs without bui lt-in inter(cid:173)
`faces wi ll have to be supplied with an external gamma
`correction, whereas all color TFT LCOs with a built-in
`interface do not need an external gamma correction.
`LCD Application Note
`Page 9 of 16
`Page 9

`Interface & Interconnection
`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Fig. 11a. Normally White Mode
`Fig. 11b. Normally Black Mode
`Page 10
`Page 10 of 16
`LCD Application Note

`Liq uid Crystal Displays
`Interface & Interconnect ion
`/ ' V
`0" /
`4 1
`.. x;
`:4.<V~ /
`~~ /
`/ '
`Fig. 12. Lin ear Luminous Output
`Conn ectors
`All the TFT modules use Flat Printed Circuit (FPC)
`cables and connectors for signal I/O connection. The
`various modules come with either 16 or 20 conductor
`cables/connectors with a 1.0 mm or 1.25 mm pitch.
`Refer to Table 5 for the configu ration with each model.
`The 1.0 mm and 1.25 mm Pitch FPC cables/connec(cid:173)
`tors ca n be obtained from varous companies induding
`the following:
`• ELCO (L aguna Hills, CA, 71 4-830-8383)
`1.00 mm/1.25 mm FPC connectors
`• Molex (Lisle, IL, 708-969-4550)
`1.0 mm/1.25 mm FPC connectors
`• Parlex (Salem. N H 603-893-0040)
`1.0 mm/1.25 mm FPC cables, custom cables with
`• Sumitomo (Freehold. NJ, 908-409-3990 )
`1.00 mm/1.25 mm FPC cables/connectors.
`All the LCD module connectors/cables, along with
`their mating connectors/cables, are referenced in their
`individual specifi cations.
`LCD Application Note
`Page 11

`Interface & Interconnection
`Liq uid Crystal Di splays
`Table 5.
`MJ$Jl NG cx:tN3:rCR{CAB..E
`LCl23Yl l
`16 Conductor Ff'COO~ 1.0 rrm ~tch
`16 Cbndudor FflCConnEdor; 1.0 rrrn pitch
`16 Conductor FPCQbI~ 1.0 rrm pitch
`16 ())nductor FF'!::Connoctor; 1.0 om pitch
`LQlREOl /2
`16 Conductor FPCQbI~ 1.0 rrm pitch
`16 ())nductor FflC Connoctor; 1.0 om pitch
`LQlR!'Ol /2
`20 Conductor FPC Conne::tor; 1.25 mm pitch
`20 Cbnductor FflCcble; 1.25 mm pitch
`20 Conductor FPC Conne::tor; 1.0 mm pi tch
`20 ())nductor FflCQble; 1.0 mm pitch
`16 Conductor FPC Conne::tor; 1.0 mm pitch
`16 ())nductor FflCQble; 1.0 mm pitch
`LQlRBl l
`16 Conductor FPC Conne::tor; 1.0 mm pitch
`16 Conductor FflCQble; 1.0 mm pitdl
`LClR!'Ol /2
`20 Conductor FPC Conne::tor; 1.25 mm pitch
`20 Cbnductor FflCcble; 1.25 mm pitch
`20 Conductor FPC Conne::tor; 1.0 mm pi Ich
`20 Conductor FflCQble; 1.0 mm pitdl
`The backlight on the 4" and 5.7" TFT LCD modules
`is replaceable. The replacement backlight modules
`can be obtained from Sharp as needed. The backlight
`on the 4" modules uses HCFTs (hot cathode fluores(cid:173)
`cent tubes) and on the 6" modules the backlight uses
`CCFTs (cold cathode fluorescent tubes). The main
`differe nces between the two techno logies are: 1)
`HCFTs have to pre-heat the fi lament, 2) HC FTs tend
`to have a higher light output, and 3) HCFTs will have
`a shorter life.
`The Sharp partn umber forthe 4" replacement back(cid:173)
`light module is LQOB01 and the part number for the 6"
`replacemen t module is LQOB04.
`The input for backlight modules varies from 110
`Vrms @20-50 kH z for the HCFT modules to 330 Vrms
`@20-50 kHZ for the CCFT modules. These modules
`also require an ignition voltage of 600 - 800 Vrms for
`initial discharge of the backlight tubes.
`Inverters to drive these voltages are presently avail(cid:173)
`able from Sharp and also from Endicott Research
`Group, Endicott, NY (607-754-9187). These inverters
`usually ru n off an input of either +5 V, +12 V or +24 V
`DC. The Sharp part numbers for the inverters are
`LQOJ06 for the 4" modules and LQOJ04 for the 6"
`modules. The LQOJ06 comes wi th an input voltage
`connector and two output cable assembles to connect
`directly to the backlight module. The LQOJ04 also
`comes with an input voltage connector, but can con(cid:173)
`nect directly to the backlight module without cables.
`The face of the Color TFT LCD modules consists of
`an outer polarizer. The polarizer is made from a soft
`material and care shou ld be taken not to scratch this
`surface. Any scratch to the su rface wi ll adversely
`affect the operation and quality of the display. All
`mounting configurations should include some type of
`clear protective coveri ng to prevent any damage to the
`polarizer and module. The protective laminate ,
`shipped with the module, should only be removed
`immediately before the protective covering is placed
`in front of the face of the module.
`If some dust happens to get on the surface of the
`display, it shou ld be blown off with an ionized air gun
`to prevent any static build-up of dust. Wiping the uni t
`with a cloth will scratch and damage the polarizer. If,
`in the worst case, d irt or a smudge appears on the
`glass, Sharp recommends usi ng a soft, dry cloth with
`a very small amount of petroleum benzene.
`As with any LCD display, do not expose the display
`10 prolonged direct sunlightll.JV rays as the fi lters and
`LC material will degrade over time. A clear protective
`antiglare filter that also filters UV may provide the best
`all-around solution to protect the LCD from the envi(cid:173)
`Page 12
`Page 12 of 16
`LCD Application Note

`Liq uid Crystal Displays
`Interface & Interconnect ion
`Interfacing to the various modules varies from
`model to model. Each model will be examined and
`their interfacing requirements defined.
`LQ323Y11 /P07
`These two display modules support either NTSC
`(LQ323Y11 ) or PAL (LQ323P07) video standards.
`They requi re an external i nterface to control the input
`data and sync signals, along with an external back(cid:173)
`light. DC input voltages of +5.0 V, +13.0 V, -8.0 V and
`-20.0 V also must be provided. To prevent damage to
`the LCD, the power voltages to the source and gate
`drivers must be applied in the following power on/off
`seque nce :
`On: +5.0 V-->+ 13.0 V-->-20.0 V->-8 .0 V
`Off: -8.0 V->-20.0 V-->+13.0 V-->+5.0 V
`Separate RGB video signals, alternating in polarity,
`must be used to input the data. The FRP signal output
`(TTL level clock signal = 1/2 horizontal sync fre(cid:173)
`quency) should be combined with the RGB video
`signals to give the alternating video inputs. The alter(cid:173)
`nating video signals prevent electrochemical degrada(cid:173)
`tion of the LC material which can be caused by
`applying either all negative or all positive voltages.
`Composite horizontal a nd vertical sync is also re(cid:173)
`quired as an input to these units. Aseparate horizontal
`and vertical sync output from the module can be used
`to sync video overlays on the screen.
`Vcom (common electrode driving signal) is a re(cid:173)
`quired clock signal, in phase with the alternating video
`signal, which co ntrols the amplitude of the video sig(cid:173)
`nal. Controlling the amplitude of this signal will control
`the contrast of the LCD module.
`These displays can be easily controlled by using
`one of Sharp's interface ICs forLCDs. Theseinterface
`ICs have onboard gamma correction and polarity in(cid:173)
`version among other useful features. The IR3P89 is
`a general purpose color LCD interface IC which proc(cid:173)
`esses RGB video into RGB signals suitable for input
`into the LCD module. This part only performs basic
`functions and does not have any chroma processing
`capab ilities. The IR3P90B (NTSC) and IR3P96 (PAL)
`can accept either a composite video inpu t or separate
`RGB input and has the capabil ity of performing exten(cid:173)
`sive video/chroma processing. Depending on the ap(cid:173)
`plication, one of these les will be able to efficiently
`ful fill the 3" TFT LCD intenace requirements.
`There are only two adjustments available to modify
`the vis ual performance of the modules . Vcom, as
`described ea rlier, is an inp ut signal that will change the
`display contrast. H-POS is an adjustment on the
`module that can readjust the image if it is not centered
`horizontally. All other controls are preset during pro-
`duction and should not be adj usted by the user to
`maintain optimum performance of the module.
`These modules accept either NTSC or PAL video
`inputs by changing the TIL level of the mode change
`terminal. An external backlight along with a series of
`input voltages and processing signals are required to
`drive these units. The input DC supply voltages re(cid:173)
`quired are +5.0 V, +13.0 V, -8.0 V and -20 .0 V. These
`voltages supply the power for the source and gate
`drivers and should be applied in the fol lowing power
`on/off seq uence:
`On +5.0 V-->+13.0 V-->-20.0 V-->-8.0 V
`Off -8.0 V-->-20.0 V-->+ 13.0 V-->+5.0 V
`The video input signals required are composite
`sync along with separate RGB signals alternating in
`polarity by using the FRP output signal. The FRP
`signal is a TTL level clock signal operating at 1/2 the
`horizontal syncfrequency. The FRP signal when com(cid:173)
`bined with the analog video signal shoul d give a com(cid:173)
`bined alternating signal of 5 Vp-p. The polarity of the
`video signal must be alternated to prevent the LC
`material from electro chemical degradation.
`As with the 3" modules, Sharp interface chips
`IR3P89 , IR3P90B and IR3P96 can be used on the
`LQ4RE01/2 models to pe rform the required process(cid:173)
`ing of the interface s ignals.
`Horizontal and vertical sync are also available as
`outputs to synchron ize video overlays on the screen
`such as time/channel indication for a TV application.
`There are a series of adju stments that can be used
`to adjust the visual c haracteristics of the LCD. Vcdc
`(common electrode driving signal) is a DC bias input
`that can be used to optimizethecontrast of the display.
`This adjustment is optimized duri ng manufacturing
`and should not be readjusted by the user under normal
`operating conditions. If ope rating conditions change,
`such as a reduction in the input power voltage level ,
`Vcdc can be readju sted to optimi ze the performance
`of the display module by using the adjustment method
`described in the TFT-LCD module specification. T he
`H-Pos (horizontal position) control on the module can
`adjust the position of the picture on the display. All
`othe r controls are preset at the factory and should not
`be touched in order to assure optimum performance.
`lQ4RA01 /2, lOSRA01 /2
`These 4" and 5.7" modules are compatible with both
`NTSC and PAL Video standards. The replaceable
`backlight is already incorporated into these units and
`the user need only supply a DC-AC inverter to power
`the backlight. The v ideo section requires DC power
`supply vo ltages of +5.0 V and -8.0 V applied in the
`following power on/off sequence:
`LCD Application Note
`Page 13 of 16
`Page 13

`Interface & Interconnection
`Liq uid Crystal Di splays
`On +5.0 V-->-8.0 V
`Off -8.0 V->+5.0 V
`The video drive signa ls consist of composite sync
`and separate RGB analog v ideo signals. The sync
`accepts a sta ndard composite sync signal or a stand(cid:173)
`ard composite video input(1.0 Vp-p). The video inputs
`consist of separate (3) RGB analog signa ls (0.7 Vp-p) .
`There are two sets of video RGB inputs that ca n be
`multiplexed by a TTL co ntrol sig nal (VSW) for display(cid:173)
`ing two separate video so urces. The horizontal and
`vertica l sync outputs can be used to synchronize over(cid:173)
`lays on the display an might be done in a television
`As with all of the color TFT LCD modules. there are
`adjustments to control the di splay visual charac(cid:173)
`teristics. Brig htness (BRT) and contrast (Vcdc) can be
`adj usted by changing the DC voltage to these two
`inputs. Foroptimum periormance Sharp recommends
`not readjusting Vcdc under normal operating condi(cid:173)
`tions. There are also a number of adjustments on the
`back of the modul e. Most of these have been adjusted
`at the factory for optimum performance and display
`quality. Th e adj ustments that are user accessible are
`contrast, brightness and horizontal position. The con (cid:173)
`trast (Vcdc) and brightness adjustments as indicated ,
`can be adjusted either externall y or on the module
`LQ4NC01 /2, LQ6NC01 /2, LQ6MC01/2
`This series of4" and 5.7" modules operates from a
`composite video input. The "N" series is compatible
`with a NTSC input and the "M" se ries is compatible
`with a PAL input. The backlight is in a modular form
`and can be easily replaced.
`The video section requires a DC power supply of
`+5.0 V and -6.0 V to be powered on/off simultaneously.
`As with all of the modules, the video signals should be
`applied after the supply voltages. The video input
`signals consist of a composite video input along with
`separate (3) RGB ana log video inputs. The separate
`RGB video inputs synchron ized with theho rizontal and
`vertica l sync outputs can be multiplexed with the com(cid:173)
`posite video input to give onscreen overlapping im(cid:173)
`The demodulation of the color burst is periormed
`internal to the module and the color gai n (COL) and
`tint (TIN) can be adj usted either on the back of the
`module or external to the module by changing the DC
`input voltage. Contrast and brigh tness may also be
`adjusted on the module or externa lly. The horizontal
`posi tion control on the back of the module can be used
`to center the image, but a ll othe r adjustments on the
`back of the module are performed at the factory and
`should be left alone for optimum oj:eration of the
`Sharp will also be introduci ng a series of new small
`TFT color LCD modules. The LQ4RB03 will have a
`similar interiace to the LQ4RE01, but INiIl indude the
`back light module and come in a slightly more compact
`package. The LQ4RB11 and LQ6RB1 1 are4" and 5.7"
`LCDs that will also be similar to the LQ4RE01 in ter(cid:173)
`face . but will have an optional backlight module and a
`lower resolution. These units will be targeted towa rd
`more cost sensitive applications.
`Sharp is also working on increasing the temperature
`range of the TFT co lor modules. Sharp's ini tial goal is
`to in troduce units with a storage temperature of -30"
`C to +80 " C and an ope rating temperature of -1 0" C to
`+70" C. By 1993 Sharp plans to have units available
`with the capability of a storage temperature of -30 " C
`to +90" C and an ope rating temperature of _30" C to
`+85 0 C. Sharp's efforts to fu lfill these goals INi Ii con(cid:173)
`centrate on all aspects of the LCD module: driverlin(cid:173)
`terface ICs, interconn ect techno logy, backlighting
`technology, polarizer technology, and the LC glass
`structure itself. Sharp is very con fident it can meet the
`demand for modules wh ich are subject to severe en(cid:173)
`viro nmental condi tions.
`W ith a variety of models available , Sharp's small
`TFT color LCD modules can meet the design require(cid:173)
`men ts needed for co mpact monitor applications. The
`variety of available models also offers a range of
`cosVperformance options. The realm of applications
`is only limited by the imagination of the designer.
`Raster Graphics Handbook. Second Editi on . Con(cid:173)
`rae Division, Conrae Co rporation. New York: Van
`Nostrand Rei nhold Company. 1985.
`TVNideo Sync: Primer and Product Note Opt.
`005-1. Hewlett/Packard. November, 1981 .
`Page 14
`Page 14 of 16
`LCD Application Note

`Liquid Crystal Displays
`Interface & Interconnection
`LCD Application Note
`Page 15 of 16
`Page 15

`Interface & Interconnection
`Liquid Crystal Displays
`SHARP components should not be used in medical devices with life support functions or in safety equipment (or similiar applications
`where compone

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