`{i} 3FAR,INC."
`{4} D-L1NK SYSTEMS, 1NC.,
`{a }e}aware Corporation),
`(7) eHg1s:o coMMUNicAT:oN,INC., $
`(a Califomia Corporation).
`$ $ $
`l, John 1*vy, Ph.l., rnake the followiag declaration based s* rny own personal
`knowledge ar:d, if called to testify before the cotrt, cauld and s/oald tastify as fe;Ilows:
`Attached l:e:eto sre lrue aild ecrect ccpies of:
`Exhibit A: t{F,l Versian 3 Prororcl Speeiftention, k:iernel Fr:ginee:irg Stee*ng Group,
`RFe 1813, J::*e, 1995;
`Exhibit B: i{f'S Versian 3 Design and Implemefitatian by ?awlowski et al,, USEN:X
`Surr:mer 1994, June 9,1994;
`Fxhibif C: ?ortisr:s a{ Fibre Channel * Gigalsit Communkatians {rnd IIA for Compurcr
`Netwarlx, by Alan F. Benaer, Mc0raw-Hi1l, 1996, p, 1? figure 2.| * Fibre Channel
`Structural Hierarchy);
`HAfVfe: rrQ
`LEVY 000065
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 1 of 15

`6xhibit D: Portions ef American Nati{rnal St$ndard fr:r tnformntion Techttobgy- Fihre
`Channe!-Arbitruted Loop (FC -ALj, ANSI X3.272-1996:
`Exhibi: E: SCSl-SBlockCommsnds (SBC), ANS1 NCITS 306-199$;
`gxhibit F: Itibre clzannel Frotorol for sc$ {FCp}, ANSI INCITS 269-tg96;
`Exhibil G: Parti*ns of hcternational St*ndnrd far Information Te*hnal*gy *
`Performanee ltnrallel {nterface -- Part 1: Mecltanic*l, Etectric*l awl Fr*t<tt:ol
`Spec ifieatio * ff{I }' Irf - pH ), IS O/f EC 1 15 t 8- 1 - t?95 ;
`Exhibit H: ?o*ians *f. American Nati{}nat Standard far Information Teehno{rsgy- Sm*lI
`C omputer Sy stem I nte rfa ce -2, ANSI INCITS I 3 I - I 994 {R1
`Ixhibi: I: ISOIOSL IEEE B0Z.Z, and TCIrlIl' by Tao Zhou, lgg7,
`Exhibit J: Storage Vercdors Push the C*pacity Envelape: lnfoworld October 2?, 1997
`Volume 19, Issue 43, p. 48;
`Exhibit K: Internet SmaI! tonputer Systems Interfnce {iSCSl}, lnterrlet Engineering
`Task Foree RFe 37211, April,20{}4;
`Exhibit L: OSI R$erence Model-The IS{} Model af Archit*eture for {}pen
`$ysr*ns Intercttnnrctfusn, by H€flert Zimmermaar, IEEE Ttansacioas on
`Cornmunicati*ns, vtl. COM-28, no.4, April, 198il.
`NLLB? and "Allow A*cess.., Using |{LL3P'
`The term native l*w level bloek protoeol ('1'ltLBP") is *ot a:erm of a*- The Patenls-In-
`Suit describe a NLLBP:
`LEVY 000066
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 2 of 15

`s*a:i*n- Tte r:ff:kstgliaa pr*vi:fu* s frle systern straclure, lbal
`i*clude* semity c*r?*ols, iritk a*cess to :l:e lcc*l *tr:rcge
`d*vice *r$:ge s$iv* lov: Iev*l* &lack pr*taml*, ?hc*a
`po*e*ls map direc{y t* ih+ nsc&aaisrsli rr*d by tfo* *:
`sk:ragb desica **d ***si*t *f data
`wit&orrt xcurily
`*atr::s, Fig*!t!*rk ine1emaa*ctgtlgi*a1ly F orride acei:ss fr:r
`Co1. 1, t.4*47.t
`3. A pers*n of ordi;:ary skill in the art at :he tifte of filing {the filing date of *ec.3l, 1997
`o{ United Stales Patent N*. 5,941,972} would undersiand from ths $peci*catioil that an NLLS?
`is a p*otccnl used ta aecrss a local slorage device that is appropriate fcr that device.
`Additionaliy, the Pa{eats-Ia-Scit descritre thai:
`tians **F easily, ThiEis ac*cmpll*hd ririlbeur limiti:::g tlc
`per&rxan*: cl le.rkgtltia* 58 Seca*ss sf<:rap acc€cs
`inv*lves ::*tire lasr *cv*1" blnck puntocok *ud docs rlt
`ialrohr$ t&s *q€rh*ad ef hit',ftleveipnrtr:*alse*d {ila riptcas
`rcq:ired by *1xr*& s€r$crs.
`fitl. 5. tI. 1-5.
`Theref*re, a perssn of o:dlna:y skill in the a:t at th€
`time of filing woald understar:d tkat
`NLLBFs do r:o1 involve the overhead of high level protocols and lile systems :yple*lly reqtired
`try network $rrvers.
`?he Patests-Ic-S:rit alsa use the ierm "*etwork prolocsl," I"he Patcnts-In-Suit stale, for
`re!=;tg re&vark **r.per- *k* rixo :e retar*rk ssrlrer p?enrid*"
`*le sy*t*m" sFrlst:r*i af,crfi s r*:r€*:t' ea* *th*r *is*$*.seo:;s _sc
`crp*biliriea [hat *nryIu*e tbe n*r':,s{}*. inr*fa*e. "&cs:*x ff:
`dat*, tfu:aagi: tht nsf*srk **rver i* &rrugh ae&r*rid pr*fs-
`*al* lhet lhs scrve: sr:sl*rscsl*t* itrt* Icw 1*vrl r*gx**ts i*
`*' the **ser
`lbs $to*gs. d*vicc" A ra:*;ls:afi** s:ifb a€.€s
`Cc)1. 1,lt.49-54.
`'Ali cites are t* United States Fatent No. 6,4?5,035 fthe "'035 ?arent'") unless othe.wise rpecilied.
`LEVY 000067
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
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`Thus, accordi*g to the Palents-in-$Eil, a network protocol is a protocol :hat is ased :o
`access dala thrcugh a aetwork servert which the *etwork sewer must then f:amlale into low level
`reque$ts to the slorage device. The ?aten:s-ln-Ssit specifiealty describe what is:ra*slated;
`{n#tgn s*ffire Isw:6xr*1, ti{}cF$}r*tscsl€. L.rlt d&€.*t$tr ganc,
`*fcffisby a we:rk&t**nr I? 1s€**r*gc devicas ?fl r*rylire* th*
`pasti*ip*:is* *f,r*tw{:* Ecfryr 14 w}!eh implscc**ts a *1*
`*ysleftr x*d transf€# daia l* vcrkstrEti*ns 13 onty through .
`bigh l*ve1 *1* *y*tem pr*t*e*!s. *ely n*tw*rk s$rter 14
`m*n*nlrlj*at*s gri* **rage:l*si*eg bfrw* s*ti$s l*r*r l*vat
`5la*k prols*ls. frn**qu*r*ly" fu* **ts'crk &tr€,s€
`by wa:k-
`Crl. 3, tL.17-23.
`7. A person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of fi1ing rvould understand that it is data
`aecess :squs*ls iu high lcvel file system protocols that are translated into iow level requssts to
`access daJa oa storage rieviees. Therefore, a petson of ordinary skill in the art at the time af
`filing woulti u*dcrstand thal a'hetrvork prolaccl" as csed in the Patenls-In-Suit is a protocol
`used to access d*€a on a netwcrk servcr thal incl*des kigh level file system p;otoc*ls 1hat ar€
`translaled into low 1*vel requests by tha ne:work server in ordcr t* *ccess storage.
`To provide *dditional co*text, Figure 1 of the Patenls-1n-$uit ill::slrates a conventional
`nelwork that provides acccss to storage devices thraugk a neivork server.
`LEVY 000068
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 4 of 15

`T* better cndersland how data is lranrferred in systemr ssch as :hose depicted in Figute
`some backgroatid *n |he oper*tian of networks is helpful. This backgraund is :tneant to
`p:ovide a !:igh-Ieve1 understanding. Networlcc are brest understood as having layers" Each layer
`sses the facilities ard features of tbe layer below it. Conversely, each 1*yer provides othel
`tlpically more ab*tract, Jac:litiis and featr-rres to the layer above it. Each layer ilr a network
`defines a trotoeol establishing rul*s fgr inieraetior between {:wo or mcre) devices e*nnected
`through tha netw*rk.
`1{}. ?o provide a more specific exarnple Lrased an Figure 1, * network sen'er L4 can be a
`netwark file server providing file acces$ serviees to the netu.orked rvorkstadons 12 and, for
`exampls" transferring info:mation using Netrvo:k File System {NFS), Remote Proeedurc Call
`(R?C) and Trangsission Con:rol Protacol / Internet Pro€ocol
`(TCP/IP) Brotocols on the netrffork.
`The nelwork layers of lhe example cf Figure 1, in which nciwork seryer 14 ::ses NFS/RPC axd
`TCPflP protocols over an Ethernet network tra$spot: medium 16, caa be visualized as shown in
`Table l bek:w.
`Netwark Lav*r
`Netwark Application
`Data Link I Fhvsieal
`h'ile access commands / responses
`Invakc romote software I
`relura resccnse
`Encapsalale messages
`Deliver packets
`Tw)ic{Jl ussse
`Network File System
`Remote Froeedare Call
`"datagramn'delivery -
`addr*ssing, rottirg,
`disassembly €o and
`reassembly from packets
`Data framing hardware
`addressing electrical
`sisnali*s {E;heraet}
`Table 1
`LEVY 000069
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 5 of 15

`See e.g., Ex. A, NFS Version 3 Pr*tocol Speeifieation, hternet Enginee:ing Steering Grorp,
`RFC 1813, Jane, 1995; E,x. 3, NFS Version 3 Besign and Implementiltiotlby Pawl*wski e: al.,
`USINIX S*m:aer 1994, Ju*e 9, 1994; Ex. L, OSI Rderenrc Model-Tke lS{} Model of
`Architeeture for Apen,lysreins Interconnectlcq by Hubert Zimmerma*n, IEEE T:*:rsacti*rs oa
`Cammudcaticns, vol. COM-28, no" 4" April, 1980, p. 4fr {Abstracr}; f,x.l, $OIOSL IEEE
`802"2, and TCPIIF by ?ao Zhau, 1997, h:tp:l/www.wiadowsitpr*.comlarticle/tryipli:*o-oslieee-
`11. in the example using the network l*yers of Table i abcve for the example af Figure 1, a
`wsrkstatior: 12 has a loeal file system thal interac:s with a letwork file system iE iletwork server
`14 usiag the Netwo;k File System (ryFS) protocol. ?he worksJation 12 local file system
`composes ecmmar;ds in:he NFS mrnmand language.
`!7,, When a ptogram in a workslation 12 wanls to access remote files ffiles rvhose data is
`stored on remote storage devices), a file systsfii program in the wo:kslatiaa 12 eomposes NFS
`c*s:mands to be se*t 10 the netrrork server 14. These c*mmaads invoke :cftrvarc procedures in
`the actwork server 14 using Renote Frocedrire falls {RPCs}, wkich ase ercapsula:ed irto
`TCP/IP msssages, which are in turn broken iato packel* for lransmission over the Lthcrnet
`network :rauspos{ median 16. Thc r*twork senrer 14 rec*ives paeket,: over lhe Ethernel
`network transport medium 16, re*ssembles the packets into mcssages using the TCF/IP layer,
`and exlracts R?es from the n:essages. The RPCs then iavoke scfirvare pr*cedures i:: mtwork
`server 14 itssociated with the NFS camara:rds. Ta perform file access on behalf of workstatio:r
`users, lhe network server 14 mai*:ains file directo:y and iile alloeati*n information in files of its
`*wr: and issues iow level requests 10 storage dcvices Xl tc *ceess locally stored data in its own
`files and i:r workshtion users' *les.
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 6 of 15

`13. A person af ordle*ry skill in the ar{ at thc timc *f fili*g would understa*d thar TCF/IP
`and Etherae: are ased lo raffip*rt high level retrvark file syslem :equests in NFSIRPC, and it is
`lhe high level :retwork fiie system re4nests ir.: NFSi/R*C tha{ are translated by network rerver L4
`into low levcl requests to acc*ss s:orage. A perscn ol ordir:ary skill in the art al the lime liling
`wor:ld appreciate :hat TeP/IF protocol ean::ot *e translated into lsvr level :equests is crdcr to
`afcess stsrage, beeause TCF/IP is csnce:ned only with delivery of messages, without regard for
`the conte*l or me*nir:g of lhe :ness?ges. likewise, Ethernet (Data Link / ?hysicat l*yer)
`protoccl cailtot be translated ia:o low level requesls to Eccess stsftge, because Sthernet (Data
`U*k i Physicai layer) is coneerned only with the delivery of packe:t over the Fthernet cable and
`electrical irteresarceti*n, wiahoat regard for the mealing sf the eonlent of the packets.
`14. I*rthermore, 1finrl it clear that the palentees il tl,e Reexaminatisn cf the '035 Fa:cn1
`used the terms "'*etwork pralceol," and "high l*vel protocols" to rofer 1o protocols tha: include
`&igh lcvel file system protocols (for examplc a neiwork file systcm request in NFS/RPC or other
`xetwork file system r*quesl) 1hat requi:e *asslation al the nehr{ork server into law level requests
`to *ccess stomge.
`15. Figurc 3 of :he Patents-I*-S:rit depi*s one embodiment of a storage netw*rk
`incorporating ihe iuvenlion ofthe '035 P*1ent.
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 7 of 15

`* 5r$RASg
`FfG. 3
`As des*ribed in 1]re '035 Paaent:
`X*. ; ie * *txk *igrare of cre ccbadisent cf a *{*:*g*
`l*di**:** gca*ally *t 5ll, €*
`* ii3:r1g* .*i::*r *ag
`prr:vides virtxal local stcragc. Sirrilar to that of FTC. 2.
`si*.%gt ::*tg":r* 5{l j:r*1.::*c* * F&er 3a::eel ?:igt? *Fe*"ti
`xrial i:r**:*i:s***r 52 a::d a Sf.$I b::* 14 ki*3e* *y a
`5:*.a** rs:tr*r #. $**rap r*trrer $6 *f FI*. 3 pr*::i**s f*r
`* l*lg* :=:xbe;- af q*rkst*ti*** 3* t* !:* {r:tere:*:e**d *r
`a €***1** *t*r;g* :ra*strir{ e*d No *cce.*"s {x}t}rr{3.: sl*rag3
`€svi;e* $*" S.3 *::d *4 :*r*::g! aalis: 1&# te*I, bt**
`Cal. 3,1.64-CoI.4,1.6
`17. ln lhc example *f Figare 3, slorage :suter 56 provides access :o da:a oR remole storage
`devices 6{},62 and 64 far wsrlEgtations 58, ::sing NLLBP (5C$1 ccmsar:ds i:: SCSI f'CP {FC4D
`tra:]spogsd usiag Fibre Chamel retwork protocal iFCZ) over a Fibre Channel high speed serial
`interconil*ct 57 SCL|FCO). The network layers for this example car: be visuali*ed as shown in
`?able 2 below.
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 8 of 15

`Network L*vers
`Pratocol *:apping
`Cornmoa Sarvices
`Data ti*k / Fhysical
`Tvpical usase
`scsr FCP {FC4)
`Message *ddressing
`& rssti*s {FCZ}
`eleetrical sig::aling
`Table 2
`SCSI-3 cc:umand
`for storage acecs*
`Encapsalate message$
`Detiver data
`Sec e.g., Fx" F Fihre Channel Protacol fer SCS| {SCSI FCI'}, ANSI NCITS 269-1996; Ex. E,
`.scst-i Bloek comm*nds {sEC}, ANs: NeITs 306-1998; Ex. c, Fibre chnffiel -- Gigabir
`Cammanications and I/{} for Compater Netwarkt, by Alan F. Benner, McGr*w-Hill, L9g6,p. L7
`(Figure 2.1* Fibre Chanael Srruet*ral Hierarchy).
`18. ln the example of Figurc 3, when a program in a wo:kstalion 5$ war:ts 10 access files, the
`local file $ystem cf the warkslation transl*tes file requesis ints SCSI-3 co:nrn*nds just as it
`woukl when accessing locatr files. Then the SCSI-3 ecmmands {an NLLBP} are tr*nsmittcd l€}
`the storage :outcr using SCSI over Fiber Channel ?rotocol {SCS: FCP} as shown in the table
`above. ln the system oi Figure 3, st*rage :suter 56 docs not have to lranslatc a high level
`prolocol ffor example a netwsrk fi1e systeni rcquesl in NFSIRPC or other network file *y*tem
`request) into an NLngF:o aecess storage.
`Ia other more modera syslems wilh remote storage, NTLBP commaads can be
`traasmitted usiag iSCSI with TC?/IF over aR Ethercet serial ::etwork intercor:nee1, In sueh a
`system, SCSI commands a:e encapsul*ied ir: rnessages delivered by TCPIF over Sthemet io a
`s:srage sabsystem. Network layers for accessing slorage over Ethernet using 5CS1-3 commalds
`and iSeSI caa be visualized as shown in Table 3. below:
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 9 of 15

`Network Lavers
`Nclryark Application
`Data tink / Fhysieal
`Ttwicsl usace
`"datagram"'delivery -
`addressir:g, :CIuting,
`disassembly to and
`reassembly frcm paekets
`Data fiaming. hardware
`addressing eleerical
`signaline fEthemet)
`Tabte 3
`SCSI-3 comm**d
`frr st*rage access
`Encapsulate messagss
`Feliver packets
`Sec e.8., Ex. K lntevnet SmaII Comprder Systerns Interface {rSCS/l, lnter*et Engineering ?ask
`Force RFC 37?:8, April,2*04.
`24. In a* example of s:rch a system, a s:orage suhiysles exttacas NLLISP SCSI-3 commands
`from the t:aasportlnelwork layer, antl rloes nci havs to :rsnslat'e a high level protacol (for
`cxample, a netwcrk file syslem rcquest ic NFS,{R.PC or olher network file syslem request) in:o an
`NLLBP 1o access storage.
`71. h con{rast to Lhe system ofFigure 1, the ?atents-In-Suit deseribe th€* slorage accsss in a
`sys:eff practicing the iave*tion of the '035 Falent is accomplishetl efticiently:
`tio*s aar* sesily.?hi*i$ aeiscnFb*i:d radtkoat lirniting fb*
`p*r&:xasc* *f sro,r*cti*ss 58 b*cauge stCIragr acc+is
`i*v*lv* s*ti\e tr*v !*vxl* **cck Fr$t*cols *rtd &es *ol
`ig1|*!fie glw *v*r3**d *f high levet grotc*r:1s *ad *ie *yxfexs
`re{:$rad by *etv*rk scct&r&
`Col. 5,11. 1-5
`22. A persan of ordinary skill in the art at the lime cl f*ing woald understand thal "the
`sverhead of high level proi*cols a:rd lile systems required by network serverso' refers to the
`*verhead associated wi:h higk level file systeru protocols {for exarnple a nelw*rk file system
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 10 of 15

`:equest h NFS/R?C or other lretwork {ile systex request} ihat musl be tra*lated by a network
`server into larv level reques:s !o accsss storage.
`23' The storage router *f the Patents-ln-S::it presen:s virtual local storage :hat appears t* a
`host sy:tem :a be locally canReced to the host e$mprtcr even though the sto:age is actaally ia
`storage deviecs that are remotely toeated. Consequeltly, ihe host sysaem will access lhe virtual
`iocal siorage using the NLLB? appropriate for storage that the hast system sees as its 1oca1
`s:orage. The NLLBP lbat is appropriatc for the vlrtsal local storage is ast aecessarily the
`NLL3P appr*priale to the remotely loe*ted:tcrage deviees.
`24. the P*tents-Il-Suit state:
`a4 vlr**: l*e*.}Ntareg*" 5**raga $l:$af S alls:wr lkc c*r-
`, *g::r*tiox asd mqdi$i:xiier: i*f tfoc sllrrxgt Si*ca{ed $ Ea*h
`:5 *tt**h*d :s€rk*s?i*s g* abss€a
`fhe r:s *f *apgixg tab;*s
`*{ otfoer magxrirg f*ehni6;ex,
`Col.4,1l- 13-t6.
`25. Tables ar* cne kind of data stn:ctu:e thal ca:r be used f*r mapping. A persor of ordir:*ry
`skill in the art at lhe liure of filiry would be aware *f other dala structures for mappi*g other tlan
`tables, inclutling bitrnaps, li*ed lists and :rees. Addi;ionally, B persot: of ordilary skitl in :he art
`at {he time of filixg would understand tha? a data structure fir mapping can include multiple
`:ables, ineluding a set of tables csordiaated with each other.
`26. A perso* of ordina:y skil1 in the ;ut at the time ol filing wsuld unders{and that lhe map
`{camprislag a iable, set sf {ebles or other mapping data struciare} sf the invention cculd be
`physicatly re*ident at storage ror:er 56 or residei:t at ano:her lseation {e.g., at ffianagement
`station 76).
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 11 of 15

`Con*eeted ?olCsnnects
`27. The ?atents-la-Suit deseribe ile use of a Fibre Channel Arbitrared Loop {"FC*AL"}:
`*e SibEr {54.::xol li:nlr- }r oqe *y*rtdim*et, lhe sto:*p
`router pr*vidr* a ununEelioE firr Fil:cr Clanael links r:ur*i:lg
`tke SSi Frber L?a**l Frstm*l (FCF) trr l*gar"y SfSl
`devi*s *ltar:hrd kr * ${}s1 3us. Tbe Fibe: faaanel rapcl*gy
`is tp,pi**tly ** Arbitl*tad l-ml f*-if].
`Co1. 5.liaes 41-45.
`28. Two cxamples of a Fibre Channel Artritratcd l,o*p inclading a slorage router and several
`workslations are illastrated bel*w:
`worl('*l:{rn I
`lh:erued*g *:x:el
`Rj*r*at+te!1 C
`Itnterufii*g !
`s:cra€ e Rarter
`gJ*rla:iti*n C
`{l*t+.1€a** *€"ie*l
`lgetksatio.: D
`::*:riea;cg s*;.el
`I F
`I t * *t':e*!* nt :!?a.-*i:*:sr: qi* !r* r* q ?tt*a€
`fi:f:n" t * *g**t*s Eil ftn t**p try*:*gy
`:4:El:f, :'*?
`.Sse Ex. D, Americ*n Natiottel Standard far Informat:ian Tecknology-Fibre
`Loap {FC-AI.}, ANSi X-3.2'72-1996, p. 6 (worksietion, interveniag dcvice
`and slorage ra::ter
`labels added for illusFative purpo$es).
`29. In the FC-AL loop topologl shown above, ar least one device in
`{Workstation } in this illusfr*tior) is ns: direetly attached ro a link ro rhe
`the arbi:rated loop
`storage router, but
`i*slead is connected through an interveuing dcvice.
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 12 of 15

`30. The '035 Patent describes tradiiional srorage tmnspor: mediums.
`-#;:*ffiaffiffi' ,:*f'5:.;
`dis*::c*.s, fiqe srdl tmasFor* m*dirm i* a $m*Xl f*ryater
`$ysrarx l$+rfs** {$CSt p**tic*}, tbe srr:}cfiHe a::* cpen-
`ris* af w3ieh *s generally wa1l *nr!tr11 a* i* dexcribed, lar
`emriqrl*, ia:he $(5f-:., SC5l"2 *d SC$t-3 spr*3€*atios,
`Col. 1, t1.22-27.
`31. One of ordinary skill in lhc art at the timc of fili*g would understand tbat parallel busses
`were typical storage lraasport sedi*ms thal provide f*r a small number of devices to be attached
`over a relatively sh*rt distance.
`32. Oae example of a typical storage transport urcdiam is a SCSI trus, which is a p*rallel brrs.
`The SC$I-? standanl limits a S(}Sl to "a :naximum cable length af 25 [meters]." Ex. Fl,
`American National Stendard far Infamation Technolt:g-Small {omputer Interf*ce Systern-2,
`ANSI 131-1994 {R1999), p. 8. How*ver, it is my api:rion that a 25.31 meter SCSI bus cor:ld b*
`used to traasler data betweer a cornputer and a storage device and likely existed ir the art at the
`time of filiag"
`33. Another exzunple of a typical storage baasport mediam is a H1PPI bus, which a parallel
`bus. The HIP?I starda.d li*i:s the lelgth of a HIFPI bus to 25 meters. Ex. G, Int€rnetion$l
`Standard far Inform*tion Teehnology * Higk-Performsnce Pavallel Interfece * Fart 1:
`Mech*nie*i, Elecrricsl and Signaling Protocol Speeifie*tion (HIPPI-PH),ISC/IEC 11518-1-
`1995, pp. 1, 24 {staiing "lhe maximum cable le*glh shall be 25 m t87 tt)"}. It is my opinion that
`a X.01 rneter HIPFI bus cable eould be uscd to transfer dala tretweea * rernputer ald a storage
`dcvice ar:d likcly existed in the art at the timc of fi1ing.
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 13 of 15

`34. The Fabr:ts-ln-Suit conlrast high speed serial ir:ercotnects capable of suppeirting a large
`nu*:ber of devices wilh typi*al storage trarlsport mediams:
`Higp *p**d xrial i*terrnalr;en pmuide anfuance* eapability
`t* t[hs* * lq* nn*|:er nf li,g]r spe*d drvirrs 3] a 6**1sB
`*lo'rage transport mcdiun :v*r *a:ge clist&rcs- C* srch
`Col. 1,11- 29-30.
`35. The Patcnts-In-Suit furtber state:
`sratia. FIa*F/a* t]?ieally provide *ceess fur
`a krge aumber af cu*qp:ti*g deviees tc dat* $t*rag* *a a,
`rfi::€ta *e|tFstkfc{TaE ?ba rc*cb tetwu:k**rrr*.r prori&s
`eol. 1,11.46-5{:.
`36' A person of ordinary skitt in the art al the tirne of filing wotld understand tha: the
`Patents-In-Sait equate letwork interco*nects with serial interccnnects that can a;t*ch a large
`nu:nber of devices.
`Storage Seviees
`37. Solid stats storage devices using non-volatile memory atd s:oragc devices using volatile
`memory with battery backup wpre *vailable at the time sf filing See Ex.1o Starage Vewlors
`Push the Capccity Envebpe: lnfiworkl Oct*ber 27,1997 Volume 19" lssue 43 p. 48. Tlereiore,
`a persoa of crdinary skil1 in the art at the time of filing rryould understand that a non-mag*etic,
`no*-optical storcge device, i*eluding a stoftge device comprised of noa-volatile an#or volalile
`solid state memory, cauld be used as a .itorage dcvice of the Patents-In-Suit.
`Vi*ual LilN
`38. The Patents-In-Sui: describe two types *f LUNs. The firsl is the LUN *f a physical
`saorage device sucb as used in BUS:TARGET:LUN atldressing. Csl. B, iI. 36-37. The secor:d
`type of LUN is :he LLtN {*FCF togical urlits") used to represent vi:tual loeal s:orage t* the
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 14 of 15

`id:iatcr devices. See Col. 5. tl. 5fi-53.
`An example of a map entry using such tUNs is
`illustra€ed belaw:
`World 1ffide Name
`Yirtnal l-ocal Storase
`Physical Stor*ge
`39. A pers*r: of ordinary skiil in tie art at thc dme of {iling, reviewi*g the claims in the
`eon{ext of the patent speeificati*:: wo*ld have *o kauble u*derstanding that the phrase "vir:sal
`LEJN" refers to a LUN ased to represefi: virtual 1*cal starage. Fu*hen:rore, a per$o* of ordinary
`skill in the art at the time of filing, reviewing the claims ia the eeiltsxt of the gatent specilication
`wo:rld havc rtl trouble understar:ding thar an idcctifier used to ideatify virtual local st*rage in tha
`map is a vktual rep;eseiltation of storage space.
`I deelare uader penalty of perjury lhal the foregoing is true and correcl and tF:at this
`declaration vra$ execuled a* March 7,7tJ11"
`CQ-1021 / IPR2014-01544
`Page 15 of 15

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