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`Designing the User Interface
`Strategies for Effective
`Human—Computer Interaction
`Second Edition
`Ben Shneiderman
`The University of Maryland
`V7 Addison-Wesley Publlshmg Company
`Reading, Massachusetts 0 Menlo Park, California 0 New York
`Don Mills, Ontario 0 Wokingham, England - Amsterdam
`Bonn 0 Sydney 0 Singapore 0 Tokyo 0 Madrid
`San Juan 0 Milan - Paris

`Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products
`are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and Addison-
`Wesley was aware of avtrademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps
`or all caps.
`The programs and applications presented in this book have been included for their
`instructional value. They have been tested with care, but are not guaranteed for any
`particular purpose. The publisher does not offer any warranties or representations, nor
`does it accept any liabilities with respect to the programs or applications.
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Shneidemian, Ben.
`Designing the user interface 2 strategies for effective human
`-computer interaction / Ben Shneiderman. —— 2nd ed.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-201-57286-9
`1. Human-computer interaction. 2. User interfaces (Computer
`systems) 3. System design.
`I. Title.
`QA76.9.I58S47 1992
`Chapter opener illustrations © Paul S. Hoff-man; chapter opener outlines © Teresa Casey.
`Reprinted with corrections October, 1993
`Copyright © 1992 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
`system, or transmitted, in any fonn or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying
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`United States of America.


`Theories, Principles, and
`We want principles, not only deVeloped—the work of the
`c1oset,—but applied, which is the work of life.
`Horace Mann, Thoughts, 1867

`Chapter 2
`2.1 Introduction
`2.2 High-Level Theories
`2.3 Syntactic-Semantic Model of User Knowledge
`2.4 Principles: Recognize the Diversity
`2.5 Eight Golden Rules of Dialog Design
`2.6 Preventing Errors
`2.7 Guidelines: Data Display
`2.8 Guidelines: Data Entry
`2.9 Prototyping and Acceptance Testing
`2.10 Balance of Automation and Human Control
`2.11 Adaptive Agents and User Models versus Control Panels
`2.12 Legal Issues
`2.13 Practitioner's Summary
`2.14 Researchers Agenda
`Successful designers of interactive systems know that they can and must go
`beyond intuitive judgments made hastily when a design problem emerges.
`Fortunately, guidance for designers is beginning to emerge in the form of (1)
`high-level theories or models, (2) middle-level principles, (3) specific and
`practical guidelines, and (4) strategies for testing. The theories or models
`offer a framework or language to discuss issues that are application indepen-
`dent, whereas the middle-level principles are useful in weighing more
`specific design alternatives. The practical guidelines provide helpful re-
`minders of rules uncovered by previous designers. Early prototype evalua-
`tion encourages exploration and enables iterative testing and redesign to
`correct inappropriate decisions. Acceptance testing is the trial-by-fire to
`determine whether a system is ready for distribution; its presence may be

`2.2 High~Level Theories
`seen as a challenge, but it is also a gift to designers since it establishes clear
`measures of success.
`In many contemporary systems, there is a grand opportunity to improve
`the human interface. The cluttered displays, complex and tedious proce-
`dures, inadequate command languages, inconsistent sequences of actions,
`and insufficient informative feedback can generate debilitating stress and
`anxiety that
`lead to poor performance, frequent minor and occasional
`serious errors, and job dissatisfaction.
`This chapter begins with a review of several theories, concentrating on the
`syntactic—semantic object—action model. Section 2.4 then deals with fre-
`quency of use, task profiles, and interaction styles. Eight principles of
`interaction are offered in Section 2.5. Strategies for preventing errors are
`described in Section 2.6. Specific guidelines for data entry and display
`appear in Sections 2.7 and 2.8. Testing strategies are introduced in Section
`2.9; they are covered in detail in Chapter 13. In Sections 2.10 and 2.11, we
`address the difficult question of how to balance automation and human
`control. Section 2.12 covers some legal issues.
`2.2 High-Level Theories
`Many theories are needed to describe the multiple aspects of interactive sys-
`tems. Some theories are explanatory: They are helpful in observing behavior,
`describing activity, conceiving of designs, comparing high-level concepts of
`two designs, and training. Other theories are predictive: They enable design-
`ers to compare proposed designs for execution time or error rates. Some
`theories may focus on perceptual or cognitive subtasks (time to find an item
`on a display, or time to plan the conversion of a bold-faced character to an
`italic one), whereas others concentrate on motor-task performance times.
`Motor-task predictions are the most well established and are accurate for
`predicting keystroking or pointing times (see Fitts’ Law, Section 6.3.5). Per-
`ceptual theories have been successful in predicting reading times for free
`text, lists, or formatted displays. Predicting performance on complex cogni-
`tive tasks (combinations of subtasks) is especially difficult because of the
`many strategies that might be employed. The ratio for times to perform com-
`plex task between novices and experts or between first-time and frequent
`users can be as high as 100 to 1. Actually, the contrast is even more dramatic
`because novices and first-time users often are unable to complete the tasks.
`A taxonomy is a kind of theory. A taxonomy is the result of someone trying
`to put order on a complex set of phenomena; for example, a taxonomy might
`be created for input devices (direct versus indirect, linear versus rotary)

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`(Card et al., 1990), tasks (structured versus unstructured, controllable versus
`immutable) (Norman, 1991), personality styles (convergent versus diver-
`gent, field dependent versus independent),
`technical aptitudes (spatial
`visualization, reasoning) (Egan, 1988), user experience levels (novice, knowl-
`edgeable, expert), or user-interfaces styles (menus, form fillin, commands).
`Taxonomies facilitate useful comparisons, enable education, guide design-
`ers, and often indicate opportunities for novel products.
`Any theory that could help designers to predict performance even for a
`limited range of users, tasks, or designs would be a contribution (Card,
`1989). For the moment, the field is filled with hundreds of theories compet-
`ing for attention while being refined by their promoters, extended by critics,
`and applied by eager and hopeful—but skeptical—designers. This develop-
`ment is healthy for the emerging discipline of human—computer interaction,
`but it means that practitioners must keep up with the rapid developments,
`not only in software tools, but also in theories.
`Another direction for theoreticians would be to try to predict subjective
`satisfaction or emotional reactions. Researchers in media and advertising
`have recognized the difficulty in predicting emotional reactions, so they
`theoretical predictions with their intuitive judgments and
`extensive market testing. Broader theories of small-group behavior, organi-
`zational dynamics, sociology of knowledge, and technology adoption may
`prove to be useful. Similarly, the methods of anthropology or social psychol-
`ogy may be helpful in understanding and overcoming barriers to new
`technology and resistance to change.
`There may be "nothing so practical as a good theory,” but coming up with
`an effective theory is often difficult. By definition, a theory, taxonomy, or
`model is an abstraction of reality and therefore must be incomplete. How-
`ever, a good theory should at least be understandable, produce similar
`conclusions for all who use it, and help to solve specific practical problems.
`2.2.1 Conceptual, semantic, syntactic, and lexical model
`An appealing and easily comprehensible model is the four-level approach
`that Foley and van Dam developed in the late 1970s (Foley and Wallace, 1974):
`1. The conceptual level is the user's mental model of the interactive system.
`Two conceptual models for text editing are line editors and screen editors.
`. The semantic level describes the meanings conveyed by the user's com-
`mand input and by the computer's output display.
`. The syntactic level defines how the units (words) that convey semantics are
`assembled into a complete sentence that instructs the computer to per-
`form a certain task.
`. The lexical
`level deals with device dependencies and with the precise
`mechanisms by which a user specifies the syntax.

`2.2 High-Level Theories
`This approach is convenient for designers because its top-down nature is
`easy to explain, matches the software architecture, and allows for useful
`modularity during design. Designers are expected to move from conceptual
`to lexical, and to record carefully the mappings between levels.
`2.2.2 GOMS and the keystroke-level model
`Card, Moran, and Newell (1980, 1983) proposed the goals, operators, methods,
`and selection rules (GOMS) model and the keystroke-level model. They postu-
`lated that users formulate goals (edit document) and subgoals (insert word)
`that they achieve by using methods or procedures for accomplishing each
`goal (move cursor to desired location by following a sequence of arrow
`keys). The operators are ”elementary perceptual, motor, or cognitive acts,
`whose execution is necessary to change any aspect of the user's mental state
`or to affect the task environment” (Card, et al. 1983, p. 144) (press up-arrow
`key, move hand to mouse, recall file name, verify cursor is at end-of-file).
`The selection rules are the control structures for choosing among the several
`methods available for accomplishing a goal (delete by repeated backspace
`versus delete by placing markers at beginning and end of region and
`pressing delete button).
`The keystroke—level model is an attempt to predict performance times for
`error-free expert performance of tasks by summing up the time for keystrok-
`ing, pointing, homing, drawing, thinking, and waiting for the system to
`respond. These models concentrate on expert users and error-free perfor-
`mance, with less emphasis on learning, problem solving, error handling,
`subjective satisfaction, and retention.
`Kieras and Polson (1985) built on the GOMS approach, and used produc-
`tion rules to describe the conditions and actions in an interactive text editor.
`The number and complexity of production rules gave accurate predictions of
`learning and performance times for five text-editing operations:
`delete, copy, move, and transpose. Other strategies for modeling interactive-
`system usage involve transition diagrams (Kieras and Polson, 1985) (Figure
`2.1). These diagrams are helpful during design, for instruction, and as a
`predictor of learning time, performance time, and errors.
`Kieras (1988), however, complains that the Card, Moran, and Newell
`presentation ”does not explain in any detail how the notation works, and it
`seems somewhat clumsy to use. Furthermore, the notation has only a weak
`connection to the underlying cognitive theory.” Kieras offers a refinement
`with his Natural GOMS Language (NGOMSL) and an analysis method for
`writing down GOMS models. He tries to clarify the situations in which the
`GOMS task analyst must make a judgment call, must make assumptions
`about how users view the system, must bypass a complex hard-to-analyze
`task (choosing wording of a sentence, finding a bug in a program), or must
`check for consistency. Applying NGOMSL to guide the process of creating

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`sAvE Doc
`v on’
`MEG“ Ac '
`cc “EV
`uovs cunson
`In 5! KEY
`REMOVE cn-nu
`‘ ADD cu:
`Emu KEY
`no wan‘?
`man Is NULL
`nnsnu o- INFDV
`-1° wNERE7-

`2.2 High-Level Theories
`Figure 2.1
`This generalized transition network for the Displaywriter shows the sequence of
`permissible actions. If the users begin at the EDIT state and issue a FIND
`command, they follow the paths in the FIND subdiagram. (Kieras, David and
`Polson, Peter, "An approach to the formal analysis of user complexity,”
`International Iournal of Man-Machine Studies 22 (1985), 365-394. Used by permission
`of Academic Press, Inc. [London] Limited.)
`online help, Elkerton and Palmiter (1991) created method descriptions, in
`which the actions necessary to accomplish a goal are broken down into steps.
`They also developed selection rules, by which a user can choose among
`alternative methods. For example, there may be several methods to delete
`Method to accomplish the goal of deleting the field:
`Step 1: Decide: If necessary, then accomplish the goal of selecting the
`Step 2: Accomplish the goal of using a specific field delete method
`Step 3: Report goal accomplished
`Method to accomplish the goal of deleting the field:
`Step 1: Decide: If necessary, then use the Browse tool to go to the card
`with the field
`Step 2: Choose the field tool in the Tools menu
`Step 3: Note that the fields on the card an background are displayed
`Step 4: Click on the field to be selected
`Step 5: Report goal accomplished
`Selection rule set for goal of using a specific field delete method
`If you may want to paste the field somewhere else,
`then choose "Cut Field” from the Edit menu
`If you want to permanently delete the field,
`then choose ”Clear Field" from the Edit menu
`Report goal accomplished.
`The empirical evaluation with 28 subjects demonstrated that the NGOMSL
`version of help halved the time users took to complete information searches
`in the first of four trial blocks.
`Seven stages of action
`Norman (1988) offers seven stages of action as a model of human—computer
`1. Forming the goal
`2. Forming the intention

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`3. Specifying the action
`4. Executing the action
`5. Perceiving the system state
`6. Interpreting the system state
`7. Evaluating the outcome
`Some of Norman's stages correspond roughly to Foley and van Dam’s
`separation of concerns;
`the user forms a conceptual
`reformulates it into the semantics of several commands, constructs the
`required syntax, and eventually produces the lexical token by the action of
`moving the mouse to select a point on the screen. Norman makes a
`contribution by placing his stages in the context of cycles of action and
`evaluation. This dynamic process of action distinguishes Norman’s approach
`from the other models, which deal mainly with the knowledge that must be
`in the users’s mind. Furthermore, the seven-stages model leads naturally to
`identification of the gulf of execution (the mismatch between the users’s
`intentions and the allowable actions) and the gulf of evaluation (the mismatch
`between the system's representation and the users’ expectations).
`This model leads Norman to suggest four principles of good design.
`First, the state and the action alternatives should be visible. Second, there
`should be a good conceptual model with a consistent system image. Third,
`the interface should include good mappings that reveal the relationships
`between stages. Fourth,
`the user should receive continuous feedback.
`Norman places a heavy emphasis on studying errors. He describes how
`errors often occur in moving from goals to intentions to actions and to
`2.2.4 Consistency through grammars
`An important goal for designers is a consistent user interface. However, the
`definition of consistency is elusive and has multiple levels that are some-
`times in conflict; also, it is sometimes advantageous to be inconsistent. The
`argument for consistency is that a command language or set of actions
`should be orderly, predictable, describable by a few rules, and therefore easy
`to learn and retain. These overlapping concepts are conveyed by an example
`that shows two kinds of inconsistency (A illustrates lack of any attempt at
`consistency, and B shows consistency except for a single violation):
`Inconsistent A
`Inconsistent B
`delete/ insert character
`delete/ insert character delete/ insert character
`de1ete/ insert word
`remove /bring word
`remove/ insert word
`delete/ insert line
`destroy/ create line
`delete/insert line
`delete/ insert paragraph kill/birth paragraph
`delete/insert paragraph

`2.2 High-Level Theories
`Each of the actions in the consistent version is the same, whereas the
`actions vary for the inconsistent version A. The inconsistent action verbs are
`all acceptable, but their variety suggests that they will take longer to learn,
`will cause more errors, will slow down users, and will be harder for users to
`remember. Inconsistent version B is somehow more malicious because there
`is a single unpredictable inconsistency that stands out so dramatically that
`this language is likely to be remembered for its peculiar inconsistency.
`To capture these notions, Reisner (1981) proposed an action grammar to
`describe two versions of a graphics-system interface. She demonstrated that
`the version that had a simpler grammar was easier to learn. Payne and Green
`(1986) expanded her work by addressing the multiple levels of consistency
`(lexical, syntactic, and semantic) through a notational structure they call
`task—action grammars (TAGs). They also address some aspects of complete-
`ness of a language by trying to characterize a complete set of tasks; for
`example, up, down, and left comprise an incomplete set of arrow-cursor
`movement tasks, because right is missing. Once the full set of task—action
`mappings is written down, the grammar of the command language can be
`tested against it to demonstrate completeness. Of course, a designer might
`leave out something from the task—action mapping and then the grammar
`could not be checked accurately, but it does seem useful to have an approach
`to checking for completeness and consistency. For example, a TAG defini-
`tion of cursor control would have a dictionary of tasks:
`[Direction = forward, Unit = char]
`m0ve—cursor-one-Character—backward [Direction = backward,Unit = char]
`[Direction = forward, Unit = word]
`[Direction = backward, Unit = word]
`Then, the high-level rule schemas that describe the syntax of the commands
`are as follows:
`. task [Direction, Unit] —> symbol [Direction] + letter [Unit]
`. symbol [Direction = forward] —> "CTRL"
`. symbol [Direction = backward] —> "ESC”
`. letter [Unit = word] —> "W”
`. letter [Unit = char] ——> ”C”
`These schemas will generate a consistent grammar:
`move cursor one character forward
`move cursor one character backward
`move cursor one word forward
`move cursor one word backward

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`Payne and Green are careful to state that their notation and approach are
`flexible and extensible, and they provide appealing examples in which their
`approach sharpened the thinking of designers.
`Reisner (1990) extends this work by defining consistency more formally,
`but Grudin (1989) points out flaws in some arguments for consistency.
`Certainly, consistency is subtle and has multiple levels; there are conflicting
`forms of consistency, and sometimes inconsistency is a virtue (for example,
`to draw attention to a dangerous operation). Nonetheless, understanding
`consistency is an important goal for designers and researchers.
`2.2.5 Widget-level theories
`Many of the theories and predictive models that have been developed follow
`an extreme reductionist approach. It is hard to accept the low level of detail,
`the precise numbers that are sometimes attached to subtasks, and the
`assumptions of simple summations of time periods. Furthermore, many of
`the detailed models take an extremely long time to write, and many
`judgment calls plus assumptions must be made, so there is little trust that
`several analysts would come up with the same results.
`An alternative approach is to follow the simplifications made in the
`higher-level UIMSS (Chapter 14). Instead of dealing with individual buttons
`and fields, why not create a model based on the widgets (interface compo-
`nents) supported in the UIMS? Once a scrolling-list widget was tested to
`determine user performance as a function of the number of items and the
`size of the window,
`then future widget users would have automatic
`generation of performance prediction. The prediction would have to be
`derived from some declaration of the task frequencies, but the description of
`the interface would emerge from the process of designing the interface.
`A measure of layout appropriateness (frequently used pairs of widgets
`should be adjacent, and the left-to-right sequence should be in harmony with
`the task sequence description) would also be produced to guide the designer
`in a possible redesign. Estimates of the perceptual and cognitive complexity
`plus the motor load would be generated automatically (Sears, 1992). As
`Widgets become more sophisticated and more widely used, the investment
`in determining the complexity of each widget will be amortized over the
`many designers and projects.
`Syntactic—Semantic Model of User Knowledge
`Distinctions between syntax and semantics have long been made by compiler
`writers who sought to separate out the parsing of input text from the opera-
`tions that were invoked by the text. Interactive system designers can benefit

`2.3 Syntactic—Semantic Model of User Knowledge
`from a syntactic—semantic model of user knowledge. In outline, this explana-
`tory model suggests that users have syntactic knowledge about device-de-
`pendent details, and semantic knowledge about concepts. The semantic
`knowledge is separated into task concepts (objects and actions) and com-
`puter concepts (objects and actions) (Figure 2.2). A person can be an expert in
`the computer concepts, but a novice in the task concepts, and vice versa.
`The syntactic—semantic object—agtion (SSOA) model of user behavior was
`originated to describe programming (Shneiderman, 1980) and has been
`applied to database-manipulation facilities (Shneiderman, 1981), as well as
`to direct manipulation (Shneiderman, 1983).
`Syntactic knowledge
`When using a computer system, users must maintain a profusion of device-
`dependent details in their human memory. These low-level syntactic details
`include the knowledge of which action erases a character (delete, backspace,
`CTRL-H, rightmost mouse button, crossing gesture, or ESCAPE), which
`action inserts a new line after the third line of a text file (CTRL—I, INSERT
`Figure 2.2
`Syntactic—semantic model of objects and actions (SSOA model); a representation of
`the user's knowledge in long—term memory. The syntactic knowledge is varied,
`device dependent, acquired by rote memorization, and easily forgotten. The
`semantic knowledge is separated into the computer and task domains. Within
`these domains, knowledge is divided into actions and objects. Semantic knowledge
`is structured, device independent, acquired by meaningful learning, and stable in

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`key, insert gesture between lines three and four, I3, I 3, or 3 I), which icon
`scrolls text forward, which abbreviations are permissible, and which of the
`numbered function keys produces the previous screen.
`The learning, use, and retention of this knowledge is hampered by two
`problems. First,
`these details vary across systems in an unpredictable
`manner. Second, acquiring syntactic knowledge is often a struggle because
`the arbitrariness of these minor design features greatly reduces the effective-
`ness of paired-associate learning. Rote memorization requires repeated
`rehearsals to reach competence, and retention over time is poor unless the
`knowledge is applied frequently. Syntactic knowledge is usually conveyed
`by example and repeated usage. Formal notations, such as Backus—Naur
`form, are useful for knowledgeable computer scientists but are confusing to
`most users.
`A further problem with syntactic knowledge, in some cases, lies in the
`difficulty of providing a hierarchical structure or even a modular structure
`to cope with the complexity. For example, how is a user to remember these
`details of using an electronic-mail system: press RETURN to terminate a
`paragraph, CTRL-D to terminate a letter, Q to quit
`the electronic mail
`subsystem, and logout to terminate the session. The knowledgeable com-
`puter user understands these four forms of termination as commands in the
`context of the full system, but the novice may be confused by four seemingly
`similar situations that have radically different syntactic forms.
`A final difficulty is that syntactic knowledge is system dependent. A user
`who switches from one machine to another may face different keyboard
`layouts, commands, function-key usage, and sequences of actions. Certainly,
`there may be some overlap. For example, arithmetic expressions might be
`the same in two languages; unfortunately, however, the small differences
`can be the most annoying. One system uses K to keep a file and another uses
`K to kill the file, or S to save versus 8 to send.
`Expert frequent users can overcome these difficulties, and they are less
`troubled by syntactic knowledge problems. Novices and knowledgeable
`users, however, are especially troubled by syntactic irregularities. Their
`burden can be lightened by use of menus (see Chapter 3), a reduction in the
`arbitrariness of the keypresses, use of consistent patterns of commands,
`meaningful command names and labels on keys, and fewer details that must
`be memorized (see Chapter 4).
`In summary, within the SSOA model, syntactic knowledge is arbitrary,
`system dependent, and ill structured. It must be acquired by rote memoriza-
`tion and repetition. Unless it is used regularly, it fades from memory.
`Semantic know1edge—con-iputer concepts
`Semantic knowledge in human long-term memory has two components:
`computer concepts and task concepts (see Figure 2.2). Semantic knowl-

`2.3 Syntactic—Semantic Model of User Knowledge
`edge has a hierarchical structure ranging from low—level actions to
`middle—level strategies to high-level goals (Shneiderman, 1980; Card et al.,
`1983). This presentation enhances the earlier SSOA model and other
`models by decoupling computer concepts from task concepts. This en-
`hancement accommodates the two most common forms of expertness:
`task experts who may be novice computer users, and computer experts
`who may be new to a task. Different training materials are suggested for
`task or computer experts. Novices in both domains need yet a third form
`of training.
`Semantic knowledge is conveyed by showing examples of use, offering a
`general theory or pattern, relating the concepts to previous knowledge by
`analogy, describing a concrete or abstract model, and indicating examples of
`incorrect use. There is an attraction to showing incorrect use to indicate
`clearly the bounds of a concept, but there is also a danger, since the learner
`may confuse correct and incorrect use. Pictures are often helpful in showing
`the relationships among semantic-knowledge concepts.
`Computer concepts include objects and actions at high and low levels. For
`example, a central set of computer-object concepts deals with storage. Users
`come to understand the high-level concept that computers store information.
`The concept of stored information can be refined into the object concepts of
`the directory and the files of information. In turn, the directory object is
`refined into a set of directory entries that each have a name, length, date of
`creation, owner, access control, and so on. Each file is an object that has a
`lower-level structure consisting of lines, fields, characters, fonts, pointers,
`binary numbers, and so on.
`The computer actions also are decomposable into lower-level actions. The
`high-level actions or goals, such as creating a text data file, may require load,
`insertion, and save actions. The rnidlevel action of saving a file is refined into
`the actions of storing a file and backup file on one of many disks, of applying
`access-control rights, of overwriting previous versions, of assigning a name
`to the file, and so on. Then,
`there are many low-level details about
`permissible file types or sizes, error conditions such as shortage of storage
`space, or responses to hardware or software errors. Finally, there is the low-
`level action of issuing a specific command, carried out by the syntactic detail
`of pressing the RETURN key.
`These computer concepts were designed by highly trained experts in the
`hope that they were logical, or at least ”made sense” to the designers.
`Unfortunately, the logic may be a complex product of underlying hardware,
`software, or performance constraints, or it might be just poorly chosen. Users
`are often confronted with computer concepts that they have great difficulty
`absorbing; but we have reason to hope that designers are improving and
`computer-literacy training is raising knowledge levels. For example, the
`action terminating a command by pressing RETURN is more and more
`widely known.

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`Users can learn computer concepts by seeing a demonstration of com-
`mands, hearing an explanation of features, or conducting trial-and—error
`sessions. A common practice is to create a model of concepts—abstract,
`concrete, or analogical—to convey the computer action. For example, with
`the file-saving concept, an instructor might draw a picture of a disk drive
`and a directory to show where the file goes and how the directory references
`the file. Alternatively,
`the instructor might make a library analogy or
`metaphor and describe how the card catalog acts as a directory for books
`saved in the library.
`Since semantic knowledge about computer concepts has a logical struc-
`ture and since it can be anchored to familiar concepts, we expect it to be
`relatively stable in memory. If you remember the high-level concept of
`saving a file, you will be able to conclude that the file must have a name, a
`size, and a storage location. The linkage to other objects and the potential for
`a visual presentation support the memorability of this knowledge.
`These computer concepts were once novel, and were known to only a
`small number of scientists, engineers, and data—processing professionals.
`Now, these concepts are taught at the elementary-school level, argued over
`during coffee breaks in the office, and exchanged in the aisles of corporate
`jets. When educators talk of computer literacy, part of their plans cover these
`computer concepts.
`In summary, according to the SSOA model, users must acquire semantic
`knowledge about computer concepts. These concepts are organized hierar-
`chically, are acquired by meaningful learning or analogy, are independent of
`the syntactic details, should be transferable across different computer sys-
`tems, and are relatively stable in memory. Computer concepts can be
`usefully subdivided into objects and actions.
`Semantic knowledge——-task concepts
`The primary method that people use to deal with large and complex
`problems is to decompose them into several smaller problems in a hierarchi-
`cal manner until each subproblem is manageable. Thus, a book is decom-
`posed into the task objects of chapters, the chapters into sections, the sections
`into paragraphs, and the paragraphs into sentences. Each sentence is
`approximately one unit of thought for both the author and the reader. Most
`designed objects have similar decompositions: computer programs, build-
`ings, television sets, cities, paintings, and plays, for example. Some objects
`are more neatly and easily decomposed than are others; some objects are
`easier to understand than

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