`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
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`US 5,941,972 C1
`I’_»—\'I‘L?I\1'I' 1')O("IIIVIF.N'I‘S
`A Wm: D?1‘§‘f“I‘If:;‘ 1]
`01990 1111111 11:11.
`3,1996 Bmkes 61 31‘
`13 1995 Ami“; 91 1111
`11097 Kcrm
`II‘)‘’7 V3IL'“13
`5~'1?:?7 06113 C1 3*»
`H998 mm)“ Qt 31»
`5‘7‘2$9,,,6 A
`5_7_v.;_;g)5 A
`3 1993 \Vv¢1,m.
`419%. Nakumum Cf EL
`1975 A
`31993 (,'111.3,-P13 C1111
`S.774.633 \
`6.='1*)‘)$.< Gulick
`5.845.107 A
`12/1993 Fisclxetal.
`f.x57.(.>S:'0 A
`H999 .If1n11cr cf :11.
`l1_“:;‘1’”‘:°‘1°t 31-
`3,199‘) Gmbgs 6‘ ‘rd’
`5‘X34"ml7 A
`5.9B~MS A
`6,mW (imespie er “L
`5$1)25.557 A
`5.941.909 A
`3.11999 Ram :11 111.
`51«)41_972 A
`3119-)9 11W5¢ e1 31
`5.} ’ S1! A
`94999 Scscilia at 111.
`’ A
`9‘'19‘:99 B01225 N :21.
`101999 Young
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`-um eta
`D,]999 Hm Ct 31
`212000 B011 01 :11.
`3.3000 Hoese
`5 311110 1;c;1\,myc1,11_
`5311110 '1‘,m111ae1 Q1311
`03001) Ki-ishnzui 91111.
`9‘3U‘J9 .v\I<CfS
`103000 Wkui
`10/2000 w°I’°’
`W 2000 Kmm’ Ct 3‘
`112000 ‘v"isI11i1skyc1 211.
`11.2000 Nelson ct :11.
`312001 Dmmmfi~ at a[_
`413001 gmmre
`(';{gpQ]‘ Q1 1111
`7 Z001 mmncnau 01 111
`122001 Rondo 6! 411.
`‘[3003 A'T0)'0 5‘ 31»
`11003 “"1745 “I “L
`O3 ‘I334 m
`0: Bcr<>.s1c11
`6.2m.4<s2 B1
`_ ,
`,-. II 0.’ Hoese 61 31.
`(\.421.»3.I B1
`7 2002 Howe Ct 31‘
`6‘425AO35 B1
`7.2092 Iloesc et 21}.
`6.425.036 B1
`11:11:32 31111111111 51 111.
`(£434,345 151
`3 2003 Ngrzyen c1 :11.
`6.:S2*).9% R1
`_.,.E ./"71
`6.000020 A
`5.021.451 A
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`s_()(,5_(;g7 A
`510711.353 A
`6.075.863 A
`6»I13.755 A
`(‘~I5U19 A
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`6*H1‘737 A
`6.145.006 A
`0.113.004 A
`(,_'33_;_3g,‘/, 31
`5_3_;(;131s; 31
`--------------- 1- 7” 1'53
`(7RIf)——55()0. R3111 Disk ./\1‘ray C«:»mr01Ic1‘ Pro<i11c1 Insert, pp.
`1- 5.
`1,111.) 3300. 31.51 101.11 (on1r0I1cr OE1\:‘II\»'I;11iL1a1,Rev. 1.3.
`V9" 35» 19"6~ PF 1 5?‘
`CRD5500. SCSI Rznd C‘0mr0IIer lIser‘s Maiiual (.MD
`'I‘1>c1n101ogy, Inc. pp.
`I to 6- 25, 1‘C\/ISCLI Nov. 21. 1‘J‘.)6.
`DIGITAL St0ragc'\\’1»r1<s,
`IIS7’.7() Array C()1111’0II61'. H801-'
`Version 70 BK HS/.70 (LG. A01, Digilal I3Zc111ip:1ie1i1 ("or-
`poratioii. Mz1\‘narcI, 1\'I:1ssac1111sctts.
`n1<i;1'1:A1. S1Lirz1geWurI«;s.Using \*our11<771) ;—\rray(‘c>111roI-
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`(‘oritrcvllcr .\.‘1ic1f
`(D.\.~—BA356——I\'I Scricas),
`[I501 Vs‘(xu1'<‘}c. pp.
`1 —1 L11r011gI1 :51 5 W111) 11idLx. Ian. 1: V1 9112».
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`51011 11.0 (Uscfs Guide) .1111]. 18:98.
`T)1(i1I;\I. Slomgeworks HS//1) Array (T01111'uIIcr
`Vczrsimi 7.!) PK 118770 SV. A01.
`I')1('x'IT.»\I.. S1urz11;cW«:>rks 118270 Array COIIIYOIICJ.” 118019
`\'er:»*ion 7.0 I‘;I(—IIS7.7(%—RI\'I.A01 ("LI RC1L‘1‘c11ce I\'I:1nuzxI.
`I)I’5380 AS)’11CI11'01J(VuS SCSI I111crI'z:cc. N:11iu11a1 Se:1nIco11-
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`12111651711, A11cnr (. 111n11111n1c1111o11s: P0rI(>r111;i11<.:c c\\/211113111111
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`1't‘b~ L 1995- 1155- PD 479434-
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`w -
`1:19fi1r111an1LfiI.11)L Sub:.yst:.1n IcLI1I11L..II
`(ru1d«~.., Nm.
`55; W’ I”“"‘”;,,
`I211‘obe1‘\-’cr 15£1\')}FII1<111>g1*z1p1r.
`‘ H
`Ii11‘0ser\'cr 100 Systcin ()p_cra1t1o11s
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`1".‘ .
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`"1Q:«111‘11‘It'S1 1\f1'igr;11i1wr1 to Fibre ("11a1111cI 'I‘cc1n1o1s:>gy“‘ ;\r11c1e.
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`CQ-1101 /IPR2014-01463
`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
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`011306 Action in Ex Parts Rccxrmiiiiatioii ‘)0r’0()7.12-1.m:ii1cd
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`('111ice Action in 14.x 1’;sr1c RCt.’X€S1I1111£111i1I1 90.50117. 1 23. niailcd
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`Europe-.m ()11‘1ce .-\ctim1 issue¢1Api'. 1. 200-1 iii .»\pp1ic:itir>i1
`No. 9396610-1.0 2-113.
`Ina, V.
`1)c’{en<1aiit’s First Sizpplciiioiiml Trial Exliibit List".
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`C._\. No. A 0()(.‘A 217 SS (W1). Tex. 2001). (:(71)—Ron1).
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`lmr. Y.
`liizil Fxliiltvils. C}”0.\’.s‘t’U.’1d.\ Syslmzs,
`Pa!/zlig/21 I’Lm-izzlolag/V,
`(T..=~‘\. Nu.
`.~\—(1()(‘:\ —2'—l8— SS
`(W11). Tex. 2001). (C1) Rom).
`1')c1'cii<‘1;iiiI.<x’ Trial Fxliibils.
`(7r05‘.cmud5 .S:\.‘_’\‘ILf'/I13‘,
`Na!11 '0rl.
`[I1('. .
`(Tl . A.
`A—00CA——"‘17 SS (_W.D.
`'1'cx. 2001). ((‘1')———R0m).
`1)c1'e11d;mt Clizrparrzil 1\1et\mr1< Si<ii':igc. Inc.’:; First Supp1c—
`nicnml Trial
`léxhibii 1.151 (D1 xlimiigli 11271) {(1) ROM
`Cliapzirml 15.x1ii1>i1s' 1ixl,isL,1_)c1). Sep. 2. 2001.
`1,)cfci1(l2in1 1’;ii1i1ig1;i
`lecliiiulcigy 1'ii'c.’3 Thirrl Siippieiiiciitnl
`Trial 1,,7.x1ii1:it List
`(CD——1~’.()T\/1 Palhliglit Exhibits 1Ix1,.ist,,
`1’1aii1\i1'1“s Riiirlli .\inendcd Trial Exliibit List. (.'r0_\‘5r0ads
`.S:1L\'I(?/PIS. 1m: V. (f7/zaparim’ ]\.-"ctm)rA. Storage, Ina (‘.g—\. No.
`A——(}0(".v\r 217 SS‘. (\V.1). Tex. 2001) ((,T1)——R0m). Sop. 11.
`1’1ziinti1_‘1‘s 1{c\>iscd Trial Fxliiliii 1,i:<1. (7m.;.wm:r.f5 Svsfmi.y,
`lUr('., C No.
`x\——0()(‘.<\—~24f<——SS (W1). Tcx. 2001). (L1) Rom).
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`/'m:., CA.
`./X——()0CA— 2177785
`(WT). Tex. 2001). ('(‘D—Run1).
`1’l:iinti1‘1‘s Frmrtli .4l\111t‘11Llt2Ll Trial lixhibit List (CD ROM
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`P1aintifi’s ReVi»‘e11 Trial llxliibit 1.i.;1 ((‘1)——ROM 1’a1111ig,hi
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`Trial T1”d11SC1’i}"11.‘&.
`("m.\'.;r'<'u2d5 .‘§;.'_<;Icir2.s‘. [mi V. C’/zaparral
`Netwnrli’ S20/‘raga’. Kim. C..-'\. No.
`.\—00('A—217—SS (V-13.1’).
`2001) ((1) RL1111).
`Inc. v.
`Trial Traiiscripis.
`(7rr,-.v.§/wads Si‘5Icw2.v,
`/m.. {‘._v\, No.
`.—'\——0(}("‘.»‘&— 248-88 (WT). Tsszx’.
`2001). (C1) Rum).
`‘‘()m/.»‘ V. (7/mparra/.
`Trial Bxliiliits arid ’1‘miiscript:<.
`(‘ix-‘i1 Action No.
`.\—00C_\ ~21"/5:7.
`(CD Rom and lizird copy priiilnms).
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`1791). 25%, 15194. pp. 7832.
`to SCSI
`("Tros:<1’<>iii1 4100 Fibre C11211111121
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`zirral Exliibils D012).
`Syinbim 1,.ngic————S011\Varc 1nl<:rfacc Spccification Series 3
`SCS1 RA11) (. ,-iitrcillcr Soilwme Release 02.x.\'. ( E11g€11)I‘t3L‘l11
`Ex 2 (1.81 1421 —165f{))
`((71) ROM C11Elp21r'I'21l
`1)013).T)cc. 3. 1997.
`1’ress Release —— S}"|"nl)10S logic to 1')cnmi1sira1c Strong Sup-
`port for Fibre (fliaiiiiel at 192111 (foiiidex (Fziigcllareclil 12 (1.81
`2785-86)) (C1‘)~ROi‘\-1 (jliaparml Exhibits D016). Nov. 13.
`the 3701 Comm:-ller (_17.ngc1brer:11l 13
`015M l:)£11‘c1Sl‘1L‘.C1 mi
`(1 S1 (1183738)) (C1) R()1V1Cli:iparra1 Rxliibiis D017). Jim.
`17. 1905.
`T\lO11LllSClOS111”:3 .—\greeinem Between ;'\(l(lp16C and Crussmads
`Dated Oct. 17, 15196 ((‘)U1.‘~‘8111‘.|C1'ry 13x 25 ((fR1)S 8196))
`((1) ROM Clliiipurilil Flxliibits D020).
`OI"gLl111Zt)11(‘r1]z|1 [’rcscm;xiion on the Exicriizil Storage Cr1'()L3.p
`[1_2wuii 15x
`(CNS 132242 255)) {(‘D—ROM (‘1iapm'r:—i1
`1%j.:<;1iibiLs 1f)021).Apr. 11. 1996.
`Bridgc. (‘. Bridge Beiwceii S('S1 2 and SCS1 3 19'(71’(17ihi‘c
`(iliziniicl 1’roIoc«:-1) (("T)— ROM ('lizipari‘-al 1-Zxliilviis P214).
`Briiigc 1’l1zN: llAI‘Cl1ilCCl111'C1)1”CExC11121l1(11] (1.E1\&i11 19x 2 (CNS
`182287 205)) (C1) ROM (‘liapzirrnl Fxliihits D0221. Apr.
`.'Xr1ciic10:s/Actiiuii ltcms 1i‘uii1Api'. 12. 1996 1\I1ccting at BTC‘
`{1.a\‘an 13.x 3 (CNS 1822-11)) ((‘D—RO1V-1 C11Zi}’1d1'1‘fll lixliibits
`Brooklyii 1 lardware Fiigiiiecriiig Requireineiits 1)0cLmiei11s.
`Revision 1.4 (1_aV:iii Ex 4 (‘CNS 178188 4211)) ((‘1) ROM
`(jliapamil T-Ixliihils 17024) by Pccnnc. 1Vfziy 26. 1096.
`l§muk1yn Siiiglc linclcd SCSI RAI1) Bridge ('.‘(m1‘r0l1cr
`HZ1I‘C1VVH1‘C (_)1€M Manual, Revision 2.1 (1,,av2xii FX 5 (('NS
`177169 191)) (_(f1)—RO1\"1 Cliapariul lixliibiis D025). Mar.
`21, 1996.
`("ormiado flzirdwzire liiigiiiecriiig l{€L11111'C111x.‘l"il.S‘ 1)r1cumciit.
`Ruvision 0.0 (1.aV2m Ex 7 (CNS 176‘)17—932)) (('1)——R(’)M
`(7h:iparra1 Exliibits D027) by O’Do11. Scp. 30. 1906.
`ESS."1'-PG Org.2uiizzz1ion (1_£IV'31’1 Ex 8 (CNS 178639-7652))
`(_’_(,‘1.1~1l()l\/1 ('1i:iparm1 17,.x1ii17i1s 1i)(12§§). Dec. 6, 1996.
`Adaplcc MCS ESS Presents:
`lmclligciil lixlcmal 1/() Raid
`“Bridgc“ Stratcgy
`(Lnvzm 15x
`9 ((
`1736116 638)). (C1,) 1{()1\"1 (.'1iziparr;i1 1€.x1iibi1s 11029). 1-3313.
`6, 19%.
`.r\1%(7 7313 Fibre ("1i:mne1 lhugliiei‘ Rnrml (fur Rrsx>1<1yn)
`13iig.ine<.'.i'iiig Spccilizmtion. Revision 1.0 (1,.;i\-'an 15x 10 (CNS
`17683()r—850)) (C1)———R(’)M (‘liapairal Tixliibils D()30). Feb.
`27. 1997.
`Bill of lvlaterial
`['(T1)—rR,O1V1 (‘lmprxrrril Exliihiis 1103-'1). Jul. 24. 1997.
`AFC——. 441213. A1~T(" —7412.’132 1'Ex1‘erna1 RAID Coi1tr011er
`1larr,1\mrc 01’i,1\/1 i\/Tziiiual. Revision 2.0 (1 ewan TEX 15 (CNS
`177082. 123)) (CD ROM (fliapamil Exliibits D035). Jun.
`27, 1097.
`.\F.('? 7312.51 Fibre (‘lizmnel 1)2mgli1cr (for
`(‘nronado 11.
`13m01<1yn) 11FIf{lW'<§1‘L? Spccificziliiziii. Revision 1.2 (1.:2v:m 19x
`16 (CNS 177192 210))
`(C1) 1-{()1\/1
`D037) by Tom Yang. Jul. 18. 1997.
`Iixtcrnal RA11}
`llzirdware O1~'.1V1 1\»-lzmiial. RCV1S1{')n 3.0. (1.;i\/ziii 15x 17 (CNS
`17712-1~ 165)) ((1) ROM Cliriparral 15X1111)i1.\i I)()36). Aug.
`25. 19117.
`Mcriio1)atcd_\ug. 15. 1997 :0 ARC 73121‘. 1f.*.17:1i.iri1ini*. Uiiii
`("nsuiiiiers re: 13001 Release Notes (Lzivzm 17.x 18 (CNS
`182878 879)) (C1) —R(.1M(‘1iap:u'ra1 llxliilrits 1)(1.'S8).
`Broolilyn Main Board (A1,{.S‘——()302) MES Sclicdule (Lzivzaii
`Ex 19 (CNS 177759— 763)) ((',‘1)~1{O1\/1 C1‘.£:p21I'1‘21l 1:‘x1iibits
`1")(139).1'*‘c1>. 11, 1'~)<)',7.
`N*Ws Re1:'asc——Adap1cc Adds Fibre (‘liaiinel Upiion to its
`External RAID Coiitroller 1’:u11i1y (1_aVan 17.x 20 {(‘NS
`1821)32——934)) ((‘Dr—R()M C‘1i;zp:irra1 17.x11ibi1s D040). May
`6, 1097.
`.»\1,:‘(,‘.—44121%/741211 11.<cr‘s Guicle. Rev. A (1 zivaii Ex 21)
`('('1)A1’{()1\/1 C11.::p.':rr:i1 1,i._1ibiIs D041). Jun. 19. 1905.
`Data Book A11” 7895 PC} Bus .\I1as1cr Single (Thip SCSI
`11mi Acizipicr (1)mic.~s Ex 1 {CNS 18294-'1— 64)) (CD ROM
`(jliapzmul ljxliiliits 1')04(>)_. 1\/'12)}! 21, 1996.
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`US 5,941,972 C1
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`Data B0019 —.4\1C— 1160 1?‘ibrc C11;u111e1 I-10st Adapter ASIC
`(L)e11/ies 1;-ix 2 ((,‘NS 181801) 825;) (CD ROM (,'.11a1pz1rrz11
`I1x11ibit.~; DO-17). 11111. 18. 1905.
`(_(‘D—RO1\v1 ("‘11aparr211 1Zx1'1ibi1:< D048).
`11111. 18, 1905.
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`8, 1996.
`(',‘++ S1.111n:eCoL1e. for the SCSI (‘o111n1z111t1 II2111d1er (1);/wies
`Iix 5 (CNS 179136 168)) (C1) RUM Clizxpztrral Exliibits
`I,)().‘30),Aug. S, 1996.
`Fi1e Data Structure
`((jI)—ROM Chapzirral Exhibits D1151).
`12111. 2. 1997.
`SCSI Ct.~1111nz111d I-1:111d1er (Davies Fx 7 (1 ‘NS 179676 719))
`(Vt/T)——RO1\r‘I ("11'.1p:1rr;11 E{x11ibits D052), .1311. 2, 1997.
`(‘orm1z1t1o: Fibre (‘.11a1111e1 to SCSI 111te11ig,e11t RAID (T011-
`tr011er Product Brief (K211witz 13x 1 (CNS 182804——805))
`(C1,) ROIVI ('hz1pz11'm1 Hxliibits I)053).
`t:1(111\\-'itz Ex 2 (CNS 181632 633))
`t'C1}——I{()1\r1 ('11;1p:1rra1 Iixhibits 1)()54), Mar. 17. 1997.
`1711121115 1,)a1ted Jan.
`13———Mar. 31, 1997 110111 I’. (‘o11i1i.< to M0
`re: Status Repnrts (Kzilwitz
`3 (CNS 182501 511))
`(CD -ROIVI ('11z1p:1rrz11 I7.x11ibit.s D055).
`11arc1ware Schematics for the Fibre (jhauitcl 1)a11g11te1'<:21rd
`Coroiiado (Kztlwitz Ex 4 (CNS 181639r—648)) (CI)—ROM
`(".11:1parr:11 Exliibits 1)(156).
`Atiaptce SCI1€‘11181.1CS
`re AAC 3-10 (1(111witz 17x 14 (‘NS
`17721.5——25I)) ((".I)—R()M (‘11:2parr:11 Iixliibits D057).
`Bridge I’r0t111ct 1i11e Review (Mz1117z111:1res
`1?x 3 (CNS
`177307 336)) (_(§IZ) ROM C11z1p2:1‘r;/11 Iixhibits D058).
`AH,‘ Bridge Series Prutirzcts .»\1I.'1ptec 1?xter11;11 (‘11r11m11e1’
`RAID Products 1"re— —I(e1e;1se Draft. v.6 (Mzmzaiiztres Iix 4
`(CNS 174632——653)). (C1,), R( )M C11z1pz1rr211 1'i.\1111311S 1,)05‘)),
`Oct. 28. 1997.
`I’1ew1e11——1’:1c1<:1r<1 Rtiscville Rite Property 1’r1.s‘s fer Brian
`Smith (Du1111i11g 13.x
`(HP 489) (C1)——RO1V'I (‘liaparml
`Ffx11ibi1s D078). Ntiv. 7. 1996.
`I'Ie\\r'1et1— Packard and
`Distribution Agreemciit Betweeii
`(7.1'ossr0;1t1s (Duiming Iix 15 (HP 326 -33) ('("I)—RO1\/1 (,‘11z1p-
`t11‘1‘£11 F.x11ibits D079).
`1ic1iti<>11 {P111
`1'I1’I5C 5000 '1'z1c11y1m User’.~‘. 1\/1;111ue1.
`172419 839) (C1) R0111. (‘11z1p:11'12'11 15:<11i13i 3 111184), 1V1:1j~' 1.
`I11f111‘111:1111m I1‘ee1111o1<)gy: SCSI 3
`Xi‘{1‘1(1 99'-11‘)
`1\/11.11191. Rev. 1.8 (PT1 165977)
`(C1) ROM
`(“11z1p:1rr;11 Iixliibits 11087).
`X3110 I’1'0jeet 10471):
`I111'o1'111:ttio11'1'ee1111<;11c‘1gy- SCSI 3
`(,‘u11tr011er C1'1111111m1<1s (SCC1. Rev. 6e (I"'I'I 166400-546)
`((’1')—rRO1\-‘I ('f11ap;11‘ra1 1,7.x11ibits Ii)()8‘o'). Sup. 3. 1996.
`X3110 9951) —
`(1,)1’211‘t) SCSI 3 I’rin1ary (‘.01111111111t1s, Rev. 1 1
`(Wa11z1111a1<er Ex 5 (PT1 166()5(1——Z29)) (CD R()1\1 Cliapzirral
`L'xI1ibits D089). Nov. 13. 1996.
`VBAR \'0111me 1321ck11p and Rcstere ((,‘1{DS 1220()——2()2)
`(\(71')——ROI'vI (‘11:1p21rr;11 1"iiX1“11-13115 13099).
`1’r1‘>d11ct Litertttire for
`Infinity Co111i11stor‘s
`Fibre C11z11111e1
`111 SCSI Pmtoeol Bridge (Smith 13x 11;
`Qtiisenberry Ex 31 (SPLU 428 3(1) (£111.)-ROIVI (‘11;1parr;11
`Iixhilaits D143). Aug. 19. 1996.
`Letter dated .1111. 12. 1996 1111111 .1. B0y1<i11 to 13. Smith re:
`1’11re11z1se Order
`1111‘ 17,va1uatio11 Units
`from (‘rossroa(1s‘
`(Smith Ex 24) CRDS 8556 -57)
`(C1)~RDM (‘11e1p11rrz11
`17;xhibits D144).
`(f1‘o:<sI’oi11t 4100 I-'ibre (‘11:11111e1 to SCSI Router Pre1i111i11z11'y
`(1I111s:ey 12x 9 (t_‘R1)S 16129—~130))
`(,'11apz1r1"z11 17jx11ibits D145). Nov. 1, 1996.
`(‘.1’11s:<P11i11t 441111 Fibre (,‘11:1m1c1 to SCSI Ruuter I’re1i111in211y
`9. Qttiseriberry Ex 33 t/(‘R138
`25606 607)) (C1,) ROM (,‘11;1pz1rr:11 F.x11ibits D153), Nov. 1.
`to 13. Smith re:
`1~'u>< 1)21te<1 .1111. 22. 1996 116111 I_. Petti
`I’t1rc11asc Order from Data Getieral
`for F('2S Fibre to
`L711z111ne1 SCSI Protocol Bridge Model
`(S111it11 Ex 25;
`()_uise1i1‘1e1‘1'y 17.x 23; Bz1rdz1e11 Ex 1 1, (CRDS 8552 55; 8558)
`(("I)——1<()1\/I C’11apz11‘1‘a1 I:‘x11ibits D155).
`151112111 Dztted Dec. 20. 1996 from .1. B0_\'1<i11 to 13. Smith re:
`1’11rcI1ase Order for Betas in Feb. 111111 1’vIar.
`(1'I<1esc Fax 16.
`Qrtiseiiberry Ex 25: Bzirdzieli 17.x 12 (_(f‘RDS 13644-650)
`(CD ROM C11z1p;11‘r;11 Exliibits I)15(1).
`Infinity (‘m11111.<tor Fibre (‘11a1111e1 Demo for 132111 (‘1>111dex.
`1996 (110656 Iix 15.
`13ard;1c11 Ex 13 (CRDS 27415)
`((,“1,)— ROM (,‘1111pz1rm1 Iixhibits D157).
`171121 Darted Dec. 19. 1996 110111 B. Bz11‘t1;1e11 111 '1‘. Rarieh re:
`1’111'e1t:1se Order 111ti,»1’111111ir»11 (13211‘d;1c11 18x 14; 81111111 1321 16
`(CRDS -146(1)) t'(,‘1')——1{()I\'I C1]£1],‘1£l1‘1’“d1 Igxhibits D158).
`Mi.<ce1la11eo11s J.)0e111r1e11ts Reg:1rdi11g(.‘o111dex (Qt1isC1‘1be1*ry
`Iix 2 (CRDS 274I5——-165)) ('("I)——R(')1\»1 Cliztparrul 1{§x111’bi1s
`("1‘n.<.~:I’r>i11t 4100 Fibre (‘11z11111e1 to SCSI R!)l11CI’ Pre1i11ti112113'
`1)z11:1s11cet (Q11i.<e11berry) I-71;
`.3 (CRDS 4933 34) (("1)
`(.'11up:1rra1 1{x11ibi1s D166) (CD ROM (_‘11L1p:11'rz11
`(i'ros.x'I’oi11t -14-()0 17‘ib1'e to ("11:11111e1 tn SCSI Rm1te1' I’re1i111i»
`nary I)ut21::11eet:
`("(>n1p.;111y rind 1’11'»c111t:t' ()ver~
`VIOW (Qitiseitberry Ii); 4 (('1{1)S 25606: 16136)) t(‘I')——RO1\/I
`(_"h11p:1rr:11 1'£x11ibits 1)1(>7).
`Crossroads Purciizise Order Ing (Q11i;~;e1‘.berry EX 9 ((,‘RI)S
`14061r—062)) (C1) —R(i)M Ciiaparrnl Exhibits D172).
`RAID 1\/Iaimger 5 with R1).-31C 5 for UNIX \-'.-'1 User’s Guide
`(LS1 01854) ((31) R()1\I‘I (‘11:1pz1rr;11 I?>;11ibits P062). Sep. 1,
`Iettcr dated 1\‘I:1y 12, 1997 fmin .'\1a11 G. 1,e211 to Bairbztm
`13z1rd:1e11 e11c1osing the 01‘1gIHL!1 OEM License and 1’U1'C11:1SC
`Agreeriieizt betweeii I'Iew1ett—1’2:ck:—1g,c Coiripziirjr and {,'ro.»s—
`roads Systeiris. Inc. {CR138 C12057) ((C‘.1)—1<l1’,)E\*I Ciiapatrrzti
`Exhibits P130).
`(‘Rx=100 Product Speeiticzxtiorr (CRDS —1392‘.)) ((1) ROM
`(T11z1pa1‘rz11 Iixhibits P267). .11111. 1. 1998.
`S}"I111‘.1t)S 1',.«>gie———I1;1rdwz1re 171111etin11a1 Speeitiezttitm Ibr the
`Syrriliios Logic Series 3 Fibre C11a1111e1 Disk Arrzty (‘.n11tm1-
`(C1)——R()1.\"1_ I’z1t111ig11t Ijxhibite 1)()74).
`Report 111‘ the Working ('}ro11p 1:111 Storage 1/O 1b1'I,21rgc SC;11££
`Coriiputiiig: Depztrtmerit 1,11’ (‘t1111put:*r Scieiice Duke Uni-
`versity: (‘S 199621 (PT1 173330 347). (FD RUM P11111-
`Iighl 17}x11ibit3 I')U9.‘a’}.
`Rrizm /\11is<111‘s 1999 '111ird Quarter Sa1cs Plan (PDX 38)
`CNS 022120 132)) (CD ROM Iixhibits D201).
`11111. 5. 2001.
`111te11ige11t F,xter11a1 RAID Bridge
`Bruok1y11 S(.'S1——S(‘S1
`1)eti11itiDr1 1"11:1.<e 1€x1c1'11.':1
`1)0c11111e11t:1ti1'111 ((1) ROM P3111»
`1ig.11t Pxliibits D129).
`*1 eited by C‘X£l1I11I1e1‘
`Page 4 of 13
`CQ-1101 /IPR2014-01463
`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
`Page 4 of 13

`US 5,941,972 C1
`AS A m=:\:1:1'1' or RmsxAM1N.xHoN.
`NO ;\M[—ENI)M1{N’1'S 11A\/13 BEEN !_\wj>}=:'1‘<>
`'1‘H}«i P,\’l‘I-LN!"
`"””‘?R“"‘“““D '1 1 W‘
`The paicnfabilily ofclaims 1-14 is cnnfirnwd.
`Page 5 of 13
`CQ-1101 /IPR2014-01463
`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
`Page 5 of 13

`US0059-H 972A
`United SEZIEBS Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`House ct 31.
`945} Date of Patent:
`Aug. 24, 1999
`I’rimnrv l;‘.\'az;2ii1ui'—(‘hristo whcr B. Shin
`A((:)r:zaj;1_'§_g;crt!, or I‘1'n7z——{3i";ty C1l1‘_V Wan & Ficidcnrich,
`A storage router (56) and stomgc network (50!) pmvidc
`Virtual local sturtive on remote. SCSI storage dwiccs (M). 62,
`64) to Fiber (,‘h2i:[}Ci devices. A pitnality of Eiiiyzzr Chztimci
`dcvicus. such as wurkstatmns (58), are ctmncctcd to El Fiber
`transport medium (52), and a ph:r:tlt't,y of SCSI
`stoiaigc d<:V'iCcs (60, 62. 64) are contricctcd to 3. SCSI bus
`tr;m.<pm‘t incdiurn (54). The smrzigcs mutcr (56) itttcrfuucs
`between 111: Fiber Channel transport medium (52) and the
`SL755! bus transport medium (54). The sturagc router (56)
`maps bt;1\V‘t3c;11 the wurkstzitimis (58) and the SCSI mtoragc
`dc\'iC»:S (60, 62, 64) and implements access cmitrols; for
`storagc space on the SCSI storzxgc ds:vicc.<. (60, 62. 64). The
`S‘RJI£1g,C router (56) then allmvs access {min the woikstatimis
`(58) to the SCSI sturztgc (lcviccs (60, 62, 64) using mttivc
`low level, block pmtociil in ztccordztncc with the inarpitté
`and the access cmitrols.
`14 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`ST()l{»\GF, ROUTlf.R AND ME'[‘H()D 1’OR

`1’ROV”)[N(§ Vnn U-‘KL L0Cr\L SIURAGIS
`(.‘e0fi"re_v B. Hm-50, Austin; Jeffry '1".
`Russell, Cibc.-lo, both of Tux.
`73] Acstgiicc:
`(_‘mss;m2ids Systems, Inc., Austin, Tcx.
`21] App}. Nu: ($9/'0t)l,799
`Dec‘ 31’ 1997
`Int, CL” ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ._ C0614‘ I3/(K)
`[15, CL ____________________________ N 7}0/139; 710/138; 710/3
`piem nf _s;¢_.m«ch
`......................... __ 710,,-IE3’ 1(}(E,[()1’
`References Cited
`~ 3”-"357
`. 3‘}5,"l8'2..U4
`.. 37(",|/51-»l
`5.’19‘”$ H<>‘i€nS cl 33‘
`5"1"”3 “dd 0‘ ""~
`‘),'1‘)‘)8 Nogalcs ct 31.
`fui 61 al.
`l3l‘)‘§8 Young C19},
`JJMNS i.umcIin«'.w at al.
`5.8! 9 7541-
` ;
` 72
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`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug.24, 1999
`Sheet 1 of2
`FIG_ 3
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`CQ-1101 /IPR2014-01463
`W 70
`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 24, 1999
`Sheet 2 of 2
`CQ-1101 /IPR2014-01463
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`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
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`5,94l 972
`" space on the SCSI
`implements access controls for stor:
`storage devices. The storage route r then allows access from
`the workstzttions to the SCSI storage devices using native
`low level, block protocol in zrccordzmce with the mapping
`and the access controls.
`According to another aspect of the present
`local storage on remote SCSI storage devi
`'5 is
`provided to Fibre Channel devices. A Fibre Channel lf£tllS-
`port medium and st SCSI bus transport medium are inter-
`faced With. A config,uration is mztinmined for SCSI storage
`devices connected to the SCSI bus transport medium. 'l‘lie
`configuration maps between Fibre Channel devices and the
`SCSI storage devices and implements access controls for
`storage space on the SCSI storage devices. Access is then
`allowed from Fibre Channel initiator devices to SCSI stor-
`age devices using native lovv level, block protocol in accor-
`dance with the contigtiration.
`invention is the
`A technical zxdvantagc of the present
`’ abilityto centralize local storage for networked worlzstations
`ii‘ without any cost of speed or overliutd. Each \vorl<station
`access its virtual local storage RS if it work locally con-
`nected. Further,
`the eentrztlized storage devices can be
`located in at significantly remote position even in excess of
`ten kilometers as defined by Fibre Chtmnel standards.
`Another tcclinieal advantage of the present invr;-ntion is
`the ability to centrally control and ztdmioister storage space
`for connected users without limiting the speed with which
`the users can zicc
`local dzttzi. In addition. global zicccss to
`data, backups, virus scanning and redundancy can he more
`easily accomplished by centrztlly located storage devices.
`A Further technical advantage of the present invention is
`providing support For SCSI storage devices as local storage
`for I’ihre (fhanncl hosts. In ttdditiori, the present invention
`helps to provide extended capabilities for Fibre Chanriel and
`for inaiiageincnt of storage. sttbsysterns.
`to network strireige
`lltis invention relates in generztl
`and more particnlzsrly to a storage router and
`method for providing virtual local storage on remote SCSI
`storage devices to Fibre Channel devices.
`BACl((}l{(')UND 017 THIS lNVl;‘NTI()N
`illvpical storage trttnsport mediums provide for u relatively
`small number of devices to be attztchecl over relatively short
`distzinces. One such transport medium is 21 Small Computer
`System Interface (SCSI) protocol, the structure and opera-
`tion of which is generally well known as is described, for
`exarnple, in the SCSl—1, SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 specilic:ition.s.
`High speed serial interconnects provide enhanced cztpttbility
`to attach 21 large number of higli speed devices to it common
`storage transport medium over large distant: 5. One such
`scrial interconnect is Iiibrc (hztrinel, the structure and opera-
`tion of which is described, for example, in Fibre C/ztmncl
`I ‘/zv.\.'r‘uri1 and Sig/‘ruling Ir1I(«‘7j,"r/cc (_FC—l’H), ANSI X3230
`Iilibre Clm/Incl Arbitrateri Loop (_FC-AL), and ANSI X3272
`Fibre C/lr’1ilI’l£’l [’i't'mte Loop Dii‘C’t"l' /ttmr/1 (l5C—I’Ll_‘IA).
`Conventional computing devices, such L135 computer
`workstrttions, generally access storage locally or throng!)
`networlc interconnects. Local storage typically consists of st
`disk drive,
`tape. drive, CD-ROM drive or other stor
`device contained within, or locally connected to the work-
`station. The workstation provides :1 tile system structure, that
`includes secttrity controls, with access to the local stor;i<_;e
`device through native low level, hlocl; protocols. These
`protocols map directly to the ineclmiisiiis used by the
`st<:ir;tg,e device and consist of data requests without security
`controls. Network interconnects typically provide access for
`at large number ot‘ computing devices to data storage on a
`remote network server. The remote network server provides
`tile systcin structure, access control, and other miscellaneous
`capabilities that include the network interface. Access to
`data through the network server is tlirough ttetwork proto-
`cols that the server must translate into low level requests to
`the storage device. A worlrstrttion with access to the server
`storage rnust translate its file system protocols into network
`protocols that are used to corntttttnicntc with the server.
`Coitseqticntly, froth the perspective of :t workstation, or
`other computing, device, sccl-ting, to access such server d:it:i,
`the 2tL.'C(i is is much slower than access to data on it
`storage device.
`SUMMARY OI“ lllllli INV '\"I‘l()N
`A more complete undcrstantling of the present invention
`and the zirlvantagcs thereof may be (required by referring, to
`the following description taken in conjunction with the
`accotnpanying drawings._ in which like reference numbers
`indicate like fczttures, ZlI](l wltcrein:
`HG. I is a block diztgrain of at conventional network that
`provides storage through :1 network server;
`l7‘I('}. 2 is Fl block tliztgrtnn ofonc embodiment of it storaoe
`t‘rcl,W«'.)tl{ with a storage router that provides global access
`Illl(l routing;
`MG. 3 is at block diagratn of one enibodirncnt of a storage
`network with :2 storage router that provides virtual
`FIG. 4 is 2! block dizrgrettn of one embodiment of the
`storage router of Ht}. 3; and
`I7lC:. 5 is a block diagratn of one CII‘il‘,Ut'llITl€I)I otdata flow
`within the storage router of FIG. 4.
`l)lLTAlI.liD I)ESCRII’TI()N 015 THE
`I is (1 block tliagratn ol :1 conventional networlr,
`indicated s_:ener:tll_v at 10, that provides access to storage
`through :1 network server. As shown, network 10 includes 3,
`plurality of workstations 12 interconnected with a network
`server 14 V’l£l a network tran.~;port rnediurn I6. littch work-
`station I2 can t’CH€l’£tll_\;‘ comprise 21 processor, memory,
`inputoutput devices, storage devices and a network adapter
`as well (18 other common computer components. Network
`In ziccordancc with the present invention, it storage router
`.':ttl(l method for providing, virtual
`local sttiriige on remote
`SCSI storage devices to Fibre Channel devices are disclosed
`that provide advantages over conventional nettvork storage
`devices and methods.
`to one aspect of the present
`storage router and storatic network provide virtual
`storage on retnote SCSI storage devices to Fibre (‘hannel
`devices. A pltrrality of liibrc Channel devices, such as
`workstations, are connected to 2:} Fibre Channel transport
`medium, and Lt plurality of SCSI storage devices £U'C con-
`nected to it SCSI bus transport medium. The storage router
`interfaces between the liibre (jh:inncl tr:rnsport medium and
`tlie SCSI bus transport medium. The storage router maps
`between the workstations and the SCSI storage devices and
`Page 9 of 13
`CQ-1101 /IPR2014-01463
`CQ-1101 / IPR2014-01463
`Page 9 of 13

`According to the present invention, storage router 56 has
`enhanced furrctionality to implement security controls and
`routing such that each Workstation 5.8 can have access to a
`specitlc subset of the overall data stored in storage devices
`60, 62 and 64. This spccitic suhsct of data has the appcar:trice
`and characteristics ol‘ local storage and is relferrcd to herein
`as virtual local storage. Storage router 56 allows the con-
`figuration and modification of the storage allocated to each
`attached vvorkstatirirt 58 through the use of mapping, tables
`or other mapping tecliniques.
`As showit in FIG. 3, for cxanrple, stt_>rag,e device 60 can
`be coriligurcd to provide global data 65 which can he
`accessed by all Workstations 58. Storage device 62 can he
`configured to provide partitioned suhsc-ts 66, 68, 70 and 72,
`where each partition is allocated to one of the workstatioiis
`58 (workstations A, I3, (7 and D). These subsets 66, 68, 70
`and 72 can only be LICLL
`ed bv the assocrited workstation
`58 and appear to the associated workstation 58 as local
`storage accessed using native low level, hloclc protocols.
`Similarly, storage device 64 can be allocated as storage for
`the remaining workstation 58 (\vorl<statiotr E).
`Storage router 56 combines access control with routing
`such that each workstatiorr 58 has controlled access to only
`the specified partition of storage device 62 which forms
`virtual local storage for the workstation 58. This access
`control allows security control for the specitied data parti~
`tions. Storage router 56 allows this allocation of storage
`devices 60, 62 and 64 to be iiiaiiagecl by a nianagentent
`station 76. Management station 76 cart connect directly to
`storage routcr 56 via a direct connection or, altermrtely, can
`interface with storage router 56 through either Fihre Channe.l
`52 or SCSI bus 54. In the latter cas

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