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`#95 JUNE 1998
`Steve & Jeff Turbocharge a Security System
`Wearable Multimedi
`HTML and
`Hand-Held Devices
`Exhibit 20
`0 74470 75349
`1.030:7: (cid:9)
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 01 of 07


`A Mind is a Terrible
`ow often do you get the opportunity to
`influence and shape tomorrow's design
`engineers? If you're involved in education, you're
`already there. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the
`engineers who sit in a lab or in front of a computer all day
`and whose community involvement may extend to playing softball with the
`town's rec program.
`One of our local universities (Eastern Connecticut State University) is
`exploring the possibility of building upon their already-established computer
`science program by adding one or more new majors and/or minors. One of
`the steps school officials are taking is to get feedback from the local
`community about what programs should be offered and how they should be
`structured. The Computer Science Advisory Board asked Circuit Cellar to
`select a representative to join the group, and I was elected. Other members
`include representatives from insurance companies, computer vendors,
`primary and secondary schools, community colleges, and nearby nationally
`known universities.
`At our first meeting last night, I was amazed at how well such a
`diverse group could work together to discuss a common goal: what can we
`offer today's college students to best prepare them for the changing world
`of MIS and computer engineering. Being able to tap into my own educa-
`tional background coupled with over a decade of work experience, I hope
`I'm able to offer some useful feedback and suggestions in the coming
`As a magazine, I like to think we have some influence over
`tomorrow's engineers as well. Many dyed-in-the-wool engineers begin
`experimenting with computers and electronics long before entering college.
`We have many readers who fit that category and who benefit from articles
`written by engineers in the field. We also have our college program in which
`we supply professors with free copies of the magazine for all the students
`in their engineering classes.
`So what's my point? I want your help. We've been doing some work
`on our Web site, and are going to start offering perks to subscribers. Among
`those will be short application notes. If you have a favorite tip or technique
`that you'd like to share, send it along and perhaps we can use it on the
`Web site. Our published articles are a technical source for these college
`students. Supplemental application notes and technical tips can only add to
`their total understanding.
`At the same time, I want to encourage you to become involved in your
`local school system. Students need to be exposed to computers as early
`as possible if they are going to come out ahead in today's high-tech
`society. Teachers have enough to do without having to figure out what's
`wrong with a PC's configuration or why they can't see the server on the
`network. Our readers possess an incredible wealth of computer knowledge,
`and just a fraction of that applied to the schools could benefit dozens of
`young minds.
`I look forward to continued work on the Advisory Board. And when my
`oldest daughter starts kindergarten in a few months, I plan to check with her
`school to see if I can do anything to help.
`Steve Ciarcia
`Ken Davidson
`Janice Hughes
`Elizabeth Laurencot
`Tom Cantrell
`EDITORS (cid:9)
`Ingo Cyliax
`Fred Eady
`Rick Lehrbaum
`SL ISkoHl
`KC Zienka
`John Gorsky
`Soussounis James
`Hary Weiner
`photograph Ron Meadows—Meadows Marketing
`Bobbi Yush (cid:9)
`Fax: (860) 871-0411
`(860) 872-3064 (cid:9)
`Valerie Luster (cid:9)
`(860) 875-2199 (cid:9)
`Fax: (860) 871-0411
`TO SUBSCRIBE: (800) 269-6391 or via our editorial offices: (860) B75-2199
`FAX: OR 871-0411
`TELEPHONE: (860)875-2199 (cid:9)
`EDITORIAL OFFICES: Editor, Circuit Cellar INK, 4 Park St., Vernon, CT 06066
`EMAIL: Author addresses (when available) Included at the end of each article.
`For information on authorized reprints of articles,
`contact Jeannette Walters (860) 875-2199.
`Circuit Cellar Incorporated, 4 Park Street, Suite 20, Vernon, CT 06066 (860) 875-2751. Periodical rates paid at
`Vernon, CT and additional offices. One-year (12 issues) subscription rate USA and possessions $21-95,
`Canada/Mexico $31.95, all other countries $49.85. Two-year (24 issues) subscription rate USA and
`possessions $39, Canada/Mexico $55, all other countries $85. All subscription orders payable in U.S. funds
`only via VISA, MasterCard, international postal money order, or check drawn on U.S. bank.
`Direct subscription orders and subscription-related questions to Circuit Cellar INK Subscriptions,
`P.O. Box 696, Holmes, PA 19043-9613 or call (800) 269-6301.
`Postmaster: Send addnssschangesto Circuit Cellar INK, Circulation Dept., P.O. Box 698, Holmes, PA 19043-9613.
`Circuit Cellar INK® makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind for errors In these
`programs or schematics orlor the consequences of anysuch errors. Furthermore, because of possible variation in
`the quality and condition of materials and workmanship of reader-assembled projects, Circuit Cellar IWO disarm
`anyresponsislitylorthesafeandproperlunctionof reader-assembledprojectsbased uponorlromplans, descriptions,
`or information published in Circuit Cellar IN10.
`Entire contents copyrights 1998 by Circuit Cellarincorporated. All rights reserved. Circuit Cellar INKisa registered
`trademadrof Circuit Cellar Inc.Reproduction &this publication in whale or in part without written consent tram Circul
`Cellar Inc. is prohibited. (cid:9)
`2 . (cid:9)
`Issue 95 June 1998
`Circuit Cellar INK® (cid:9)
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 02 of 07
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 02 of 07


`Tom Cantrell
`Fabulous '51s
`4Ito doubt, you've
`heard dire predic-
`tions like "The 8-bit
`micro is dead." Of course,
`the source is usually some expert who
`happens to make a living marketing
`16- and 32-bit chips. Or, it might be
`an analyst who sells rosy studies to
`those marketeers so they have some
`ammo for the next staff meeting.
`Well, it's nonsense! Statisticians may
`quibble over the exact number, but
`there's no doubt the lowly 8-bit MCU
`plays a huge-and growing-role in our
`lives. Yes, 16- and 32-bit chips are doing
`wonderful things, but their strong
`it's been
`for a long
`time, the 8-bit micro
`keeps on going and
`going and going. In
`fact, new variations
`keep popping up.
`Tom lets us in on the
`smarts some of these
`new ones possess.
`growth derives from the law of small
`numbers, not the death of 8-bitters.
`Indeed, today's billions of units per
`year are just the tip of the iceberg. It's
`not hard to imagine a cyberfuture where
`little chips permeate our existence.
`I've worked with various companies
`hoping to enter the micro business. It's
`critical, but sometimes difficult, to
`convey to a commodity IC outfit that
`micros are a different beast altogether.
`For example, a manager recently
`asked me how designers decide which
`micro to use. To him, if a micro offered
`a few key features for a good price and
`delivery, that was all there was to it.
`Of course, that's not at all what
`happens. The decision is driven by
`human factors. Designers sometimes
`choose a new chip for the fun of learn-
`ing it. Usually, though, they rely on
`their own stable of chips, tools, and
`accumulated know-how. Only truly
`compelling technical issues justify the
`nontrivial challenge and risk of switch-
`ing to a completely new architecture.
`That's why 20-year-old designs like
`the '51, G8xx, PIC, and Z8 still play a
`lead role. The issue isn't whether a new
`architecture is technically superior not
`hard with 20 years of hindsight) but
`whether the old chips are good enough.
`Old-timers will remember the hey-
`day of second sourcing, when chip
`Compatible with MCS-51 products
`8 KB of in-system reprogrammable downloadable flash memory
`SPI serial interface for program downloading
`Endurance: 1000 write/erase cycles
`Endurance: 100,000 write/erase cycles
`4.0-6-V operating range
`Fully static operation: DC to 24 MHz
`Three-level program memory lock
`256 x 8-bit internal RAM
`32 programmable I/O lines
`Three 16-bit timer/counters
`9 interrupt sources
`Programmable UART serial channel
`SPI serial interface
`Low-power idle and power-down modes
`Interrupt recovery from powerdown
`Programmable watchdog timer
`Dual data pointer
`Power-off flag
`(T2) P1,0 C 1 (cid:9)
`(12 EX) P1.1 C 2
`P1.2 C 3 (cid:9)
`P1.3 4 (cid:9)
`'(SS) P1.4 5 (cid:9)
`(MOSI) P1.5 C 6 (cid:9)
`(MISO) P1.6 C 7 (cid:9)
`(SCK) P1.7 C 8
`RST C 9 (cid:9)
`(RXO) P3.0 C 10 (cid:9)
`(TXD) P3.1 C 11 (cid:9)
`*(INTO) P3.2 C 12
`lINT1) P3.3 C 13 (cid:9)
`(TO) P3.4 C 14
`C 15 (cid:9)(Ti) P3.56 16
`'(RR) P3.
`'(AD) P3.7 17 (cid:9)
`XTAL2 e 18
`XTAL1 C 19 (cid:9)
`ONO C 20 (cid:9)
`40 3 VCC
`39 D P0.0 (ADO)
`38 7 PO.1 (ADD
`37 ]PO.2(A02)
`36 3 P0.3 (A03)
`35 3 P0.4 (A04)
`34 3 P0.5 (AD5)
`33 3 P0.6 (ADO)
`32 3 P0.7 (AD7)
`31 'EANPP
`293 *PSEN
`D P2.7 (A15)
`27 3 P2.6 (A14)
`26 D P2.5 (A13)
`25 D P2.4 (Al2)
`24 3 P2.3 (A11)
`23 3 P2.2 (A10)
`22 3 P2.1 (A9)
`21 3 P2.0 (A8)
`Figure 1 -Atmel, a flash '51 pioneer, offers a new '8252 which incorporates 8-KB flash memory for code and 2-KB
`EEPROM for data. The chip can be programmed in parallel or serial mode, the latter via a four-pin (select, clock, in,
`out) SPI interface.
`80 (cid:9)
`Issue 95 June 1998 Circuit Cellar INK°
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 03 of 07
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 03 of 07


`'PEI -4
`— 11- 'VAST
`people's micro, if you
`This doesn't mean
`the laws of economics
`are repealed. Yes, you
`can shop around for a
`cheap, plug-compatible
`8051. But don't expect
`suppliers to cut their
`own throats. They're
`about as excited about
`a lowball '51 deal as
`the folks at Rockwell
`or Hitachi are about a
`68k inquiry. In other
`words, don't call me,
`I'll call you.
`What it means is
`that, across the raft of
`suppliers, '51 designers
`have access to a broad
`spectrum of products—
`a lineup more exten-
`sive than possible from
`any single supplier.
`Furthermore, it means
`the '51 is continually
`freshened and up-
`graded, ensuring that
`the technology gap
`with newer architec-
`tures doesn't get too
`Finally, although
`true plug compatibility is limited to
`the old baseline chips, plug similarity
`goes a long way towards ensuring
`healthy competition. It's a lot easier to
`switch from one '51 to another
`with a few different features
`than to a completely
`new architec-
`Let's take a look at the latest devel-
`opments on the '51 front, and you'll
`see what I mean.
`Flash micros are starting to take off,
`and there's a lot of reason to believe
`they'll become even more popular.
`Atmel, the undisputed leader in flash-
`based '51s, is well-positioned for such
`an eventuality. However, Philips (the
`largest '51 supplier overall) has recently
`announced plans to join the fray.
`Before checking out the parts, real-
`ize that all flash micros aren't created
`equal. For example, first-generation
`flash micros are little more than an
`EPROM/OTP replacement because they
`use the same parallel programming
`scheme, 12.5 Vim, and so on.
`This is OK, but it really doesn't
`support the popular idea of streamlined
`assembly line programming. Sure, it's
`possible to kludge together some kind
`of hack for a pseudo-EPROM flash chip
`(e.g., muxes for all the pins, switch-
`able 12 lern, etc.), but it isn't clean.
`By contrast, Atmel's latest flash '51s,
`such as the 89S8252 shown in Figure 1,
`offer the best of both worlds. They
`still support parallel, high Vpp program-
`ming for those happy to stick with
`gang programming.
`At the same time, they include a
`serial programmer that only needs a few
`pins (SPI inter-
`face) and a
`single power
`supply (5 V).
`XTAL 1 —1'
`RST —D-
`ALE (cid:9)
`EA —II'
`P .0
`Timer 0
`Timer 1
`suppliers battled for designers' share of
`mind by encouraging, at least on the
`surface, wide sourcing. I remember a
`Motorola press conference where they
`touted the 68k's big tent with a bunch
`of licensees that included the likes of
`Hitachi, Philips, Rockwell, and others.
`From a purchasing agent's point of
`view, it was the golden age—much as it
`remains for commodity ICs today. You
`could call multiple distributors and get
`them bidding against each other by
`telling each that the other guy was
`. lower until only one was left standing.
`That might work for DRAMs, but
`the micro business needs more fixed
`investment (for R&D, tools, etc.), and
`thus profits, than such destructive
`competition allows. Inexorably, the
`multisourced micro disappeared and
`is now practically extinct.
`Except for the '51, that is. Of the old
`8-bit war-horses, it's unique by virtue
`of profligate sourcing. It's a veritable
`Figure 2—The Dallas '5001FP supplements a standard '51 core with a dedicated
`byte-wide code and data bus, freeing port pins to handle peripheral 1/0 functions.
`Photo 1—The EZ-
`USB Xcelerator kit
`includes a development board,
`software tools (C, ASM, debugger) from
`Keil Software, and plenty of software drivers
`and examples.
`Exhibit 2 9 - Page 04 of 07
`Circuit Cellar INKS (cid:9)
`Issue 95 June 1998 (cid:9)
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 04 of 07


`needs 5 V, whereas the
`Philips uses 12 V. For
`compatibility with exist-
`ing programmers, both
`require high voltage for
`parallel programming.
`Otherwise, Atmel and
`Philips parts have a lot of
`other neat features and
`upgrades. They have dual
`data pointers, fancier
`peripherals, watchdog
`timers, faster clocks, and
`more. Designers are sure
`to benefit from the battle
`for their flash '51 favor.
`I (cid:9)
`. 128K x 8 SRAM
`+5 (cid:9)
`Vcx (cid:9)
`\loco 12 1 32 Voo
`RPW 1029 "WE
` +3-V
`(cid:9) Lithium
`9 91 i rr (cid:9)
`74 (cid:9)
`2 (cid:9)
`it> PORT1
`2 A18
`OE --Th
`63 (cid:9)
`<v/r PORT2
` MSEL (cid:9)
`the part in RESET invokes the serial
`programming mode, which lets the flash
`(and extra 2 KB of on-chip data EEPROM)
`change a single byte at a time (i.e., no
`need to erase the entire chip).
`The new Philips 89C51RX+ dishes
`up another flavor of flash memory. Like
`Atmel, Philips supports traditional
`parallel and in-system programming
`(ISP) modes.
`However, the Philips ISP philosophy
`is subtly, but profoundly, different from
`Atmel's. Both parts are ISP in the sense
`of easy post-PCB assembly (re)program-
`ming. Philips goes a step further with
`self-programming that enables the chip
`to dynamically change its own code.
`Here's how it works. A Boot ROM
`overlays the top 1 KB of code space,
`which contains routines to erase a
`block, program byte, verify byte, and
`so on. There's also a Boot Vector that
`defines what happens after RESET
`depending on the state of a flash-status
`byte. Execution at the Boot Vector can
`also be forced by external pin setting.
`The Boot Vector in turn points to a
`user-written Loader in one block of the
`flash memory that's responsible for
`erasing and programming the other
`blocks. The Loader, taking advantage
`of calls to the Boot ROM, can self-
`program the chip using any technique.
`For example, using the 89C51RX+, you
`can remotely (re)program it via modem
`a built-in feature of your design.
`Note the default shipping configura-
`tion includes a prewritten Loader to
`accept commands and data via the on-
`chip UART. That means a factory-fresh
`part can be inserted in a board and
`programmed serially at a later time.
`One key difference: in serial pro-
`gramming mode, the Atmel part only
`Dallas Semi is known
`for its fast (4 clock/instruc-
`tion at 33 MHz) 80C320,
`but it has other tricks up its sleeve, too.
`The DS5001FP depicted in Figure 2
`is an interesting alternative that com-
`bines a vanilla '51 with a dedicated byte-
`wide memory bus, so adding external
`memory doesn't consume I/O port
`pins. Four chip enables (*CFI-4) sup-
`port various combinations of 32-KB
`blocks for a total of up to 128-KB
`memory. Likewise, four peripheral
`enables (*PE1-4) handle data accesses.
`While any type of memory can be
`used, the DS5001FP is especially well-
`suited for SRAMs (see Figure 3). An
`on-chip voltage supervisor not only
`generates power-fail detect (*PF) and
`reset (*VRST) but also controls the
`previously mentioned byte-wide bus
`enables to prevent spurious writes.
`Like Philips' flash parts, the '5001
`includes a bootstrap loading feature
`that downloads the SRAM via serial
`port after first-time powerup. Once
`initialized and verified,
`the bootstrap loader
`leaves the stage, and
`power-management logic
`ensures that the SRAM
`remains valid (up to 10
`years, depending on the
`battery). The SRAM need
`never again be touched
`(at least until the battery
`runs dry), but it can be
`rebootstrapped as often
`as desired by driving the
`*PROG input.
`Figure 3—With butt-in voltage supervisor, battery switching, and bootstrap
`ROM, the '5001FP is especially well-suited for SRAM connection. The chip
`completely manages the SRAM power and control signal generation,
`maintaining data integrity without needing any glue logic.
`Besides the '5001 chip, Dallas also
`offers the DS2251T module, which
`combines the MCU with a 32-128 KB
`of SRAM, real-time clock, and battery.
`That was the title of my article about
`USB in INK 74. There, I pointed out that
`the USB concept was grand, especially
`compared to the ludicrous rat's nest
`of parallel, serial, mouse, game pad,
`and so forth lurking. behind PCs.
`However, the downside of vaunted
`PC compatibility is inertia. I correctly
`reckoned USB wouldn't take off until
`the arrival of a critical mass of built-
`in driver software with Win98.
`Despite the fact there's a zillion USB-
`capable PCs out there, the vast major-
`ity of USB ports are gathering dust.
`The issue is complicated by the fact
`that Win98 seems to be slipping (no real
`surprise), with the rather interesting
`kicker that an awful lot of lawyers are
`involved. As well, the quality and quan-
`tity of USB support in Win98 remains
`to be seen. 1 overheard one Microsoft
`engineer saying they've "got more
`important networks to deal with."
`The transition to Win98 and/or USB
`may not be as quick and clean as antici-
`pated. At this point, USB is scratching
`for each peripheral design and inch of
`shelf space one torturous step at a time.
`Ultimately, however, I believe the
`combination of automatic-installed base
`(i.e., USB on every motherboard) and
`Figure 4—When USB finally starts rolling, look for '51-based derivatives like
`the Anchor Chips AN2 txx to get onboard.
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 05 of 07
`Circuit Cellar INK® Issue 95 June 1998 (cid:9)
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 05 of 07


`Host identifies devic-e--)
`is attached (cid:9)
`Device provides initial
`device descriptors
`Device simulates
`and reconnect
`Device provides updated)
`conlig info to host __
`Host assigns unique
`address to device
`Host issues configuration
`to be used by device
`Host loads new firmware
`into device Irom SiN/ Ile
`Host begins
`enumeration again
`Host verifies new
`resources available _
`Host issues configuration
`to be used
`approach, supports full 1024-byte
`isochronous (i.e., time-sensitive stuff
`like audio, video, and high-speed data
`acquisition) packet transfers in less
`than half of a single 1-ms USB frame.
`The chip comes in low-cost 44- and
`80-pin PQFP packages (Photo 1). Larger
`versions support external expansion by
`bringing the address and data bus (non-
`muxed, don't need a latch) off chip.
`Another variant brings out only the
`data bus for connection to an external
`FIFO, providing dedicated read and write
`pins (*FRD, *FWR) to drive it. Other-
`wise, every version of the chip includes
`an PC port and 24 I/O lines configurable
`to function as PIO or the usual alternates
`(e.g., UARTs, timers, interrupts, etc.).
`Of course, a RAM-based design raises
`the obvious question of how to install
`code after powerup? One approach, like
`an FPGA, relies on accessing an external
`boot memory (either PC or parallel) to
`load the on-chip RAM after powerup.
`Anchor calls its more novel approach
`"renumeration." The USB spec requires
`bus enumeration when a peripheral
`disconnects or connects (i.e., hot plug).
`keeps the '51 young at heart. It
`combines the best aspects of
`other derivatives in a unique
`combination (see Figure 4).
`Anchor Chips starts with a
`hot-rodded four-clock/instruc-
`tion core. A PLL fed by an
`external 12-MHz crystal
`generates the 24-MHz CPU
`clock and 12-/1.5-Mbps (high/
`low data rate) USB clock.
`The USB engine is powerful,
`with a default device descriptor
`that lets it boot as a generic
`device. Logic handles the low-
`level transfer details, accom-
`plishing an entire multipacket
`transaction in hardware. Thus,
`according to Anchor, manag-
`ing the network consumes
`only 10% of CPU bandwidth,
`leaving the rest for application-
`specific processing.
`Although a ROM version is available,
`Anchor's claim to fame is exploiting on-
`chip RAM—and there's a lot of it (up
`to 32 KB). There's also an extra 2 KB of
`USB FIFO which, using a ping-pong
`Figure 5—Booting up the AN211oc is a Iwo-step process. First
`there's a normal USB enumeration cycle, and application-specific
`'51 code is downloaded into the on-chip RAM. Next, renumeration
`reintroduces the PC to the now-personalized chip.
`simple sanity will prevail. And when
`it does, the market for USB chips—no
`shortage of them '51 based—will explode.
`The AN21xx from Anchor Chips is
`a good example of the way new blood
`ParIsWendorsTM 3
`Parts List Software for (cid:9)
`Engineers and Designers
`wed van r
`6.6.1,y 16161662
`0611410.6.! 66C 161PrinpOu:16
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`leach 011716,10.1 PL 161:0: .$0.66 (cid:9)
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`pp. 2505400 (cid:9)
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`PS Sr166,86.116 (cid:9)
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`1111 ..,.....y1.67.....u.,S1P.
`11/2.:::: 511.1.1:.-0753 (cid:9)
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`WIRELESS Data Links
`The TXM and SILRX modules are a transmitter and receiver
`pair, which can achieve a one-way radio data link up to a distance
`of 200m over open ground.
`Both units are supplied in space-saving single-in-line packages
`and offer SAW controlled, wide band FM transmission/reception.
`The modules are particularly suited to battery-powered, portable
`applications where low power and small size are critical design
`Transmitter—TXM / Receiver — SILRX 418 MHz or 433 MHz
`• High data rates, 5Kbps or 10Kbps ' Selective double conversion superhet
`• Analogue or digital data Input (cid:9)
`" Sensitive typ. 0.5uV (-113dBm) for 20dB SIN
`• Wide supply range 4.0 to 9.0V
`• Fast enable time, <3ms for duty cycle power save use
`Typical applications include:
`• Data Transfer through
`hazardous environments
`• Remote industrial process
`• Medical Alert systems
`• Security System I lone patrol
`• Battery powered half duplex data
`• Fire Alarms
`• Lighting control
`For sales in USA, CANADA, MEXICO, please contact:
`Lernos International Co. Inc.
`65 Southbridge Street , Auburn, MA 01501, Tel: 508-798-5004, Fax: 509-79B-4782
`84 (cid:9)
`Issue 95 June 1998 (cid:9)
`Circuit Cellar INK®
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 06 of 07
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 06 of 07


`At powerup, the Anchor chip auto-
`matically enumerates as a default USB
`device. Then, as shown in Figure 5, a
`host PC downloads the '51 code via the
`USB connection into the on-chip RAM.
`Once loaded, the chip simulates a
`disconnect/reconnect, causing the host
`PC to renumerate. This time, Anchor's
`chip responds to interrogation with the
`just downloaded device description.
`This feature provides a neat chame-
`leon-like capability. For instance, take
`a piece of USB-based data-acquisition
`gear with a variety of functions and
`modes. Depending on the task, an An-
`chor-based solution can switch hats
`by redefining the number of endpoints
`(up to 16), type of connection (e.g.,
`isochronous, bulk, interrupt, control),
`and FIFO allocation appropriately.
`The 8-bit micro was initially pro-
`nounced dead 20 years ago during the
`height of the original showdown be-
`tween the 8086 and 68k.
`The marketing guy giving the pre-
`mature eulogy moved on to a small
`startup. The company did very well
`over the years, making him quite
`wealthy along the way.
`If you haven't already guessed, that
`company's success was based in no
`small part on a popular line of 8-bit
`chips! You can bet I always ask him if
`the 8-bit market is dead yet every
`time I see him.
`MCUs may come and go, but '51s
`are here forever. CI
`Tom Cantrell has been working on
`chip, board, and systems design and
`marketing in Silicon Valley for more
`than ten years. You may reach him by
`E-mail at tom.cantrell@eircuitcellar,
`com, by telephone at (510) 657-0264,
`or by fax at (510) 657-5441.
`Atmel Corp.
`2125 O'Nel Dr.
`San Jose, CA 95131
`(408) 441-0311
`Fax: (408) 436-4300
`www.atmel. corn
`Philips Semiconductors
`811 E. Argues Ave.
`Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3409
`(408) 991-5207
`Fax: (408) 991-3773
`DS5001FP, DS2251T
`Dallas Semiconductor
`4401 S. Beltwood Pkwy.
`Dallas, TX 75244-3292
`(972) 371.4448
`Fax: (972) 371-3715
`Anchor Chips, Inc.
`12396 World Trade Dr., MS 212
`San Diego, CA 92128
`(619) 613-7900
`Fax: (619) 676-6896
`I R S
`428 Very Useful
`429 Moderately Useful
`430 Not Useful
`OEM (1 K)
`EVAL KIT 7.00
`16C54 (cid:9)
`$2.57 (cid:9)
`NO (cid:9)
`NO (cid:9)
`NONE (cid:9)
`xi 5 16 PB9
`PD2/INT 6 15 PB3
`PD3 7 14 P92
`PD4fTIAR 8 13 PB1/AD1
`PD5 9 12 PBO/ADO
`GND 10 11 PD6
`Flash Lite
`386Ex wi DOS
`• 386Ex / 25 Mhz
`• Includes DOS, uti
`flash file support
`• 4 PC Compatible
`Serial Ports
`• 1 Printer Port
`• 10BASE-T Etherru
`• Drivers included
`• 34 Parallel I/O lit
`• Watchdog Tinter
`• Battery-backed
`Real Time Clock
`• PC speaker port
`• Supports Borland
`QuickBasic and other
`Development kits available
`DOS compilers
`• 32-bit processor can run Full featured C## compiler
`386 protected mode code with target debugging $99
`• Compatible with a variety
`of TCP/IP stacks
`• Up to 1M SRAM or Flash
`• DIP socket for user EPROM Fax 530-297-6074
`EVAL KIT $75.00
`-RS232/SPI program download
`-256k NV mern., expand. to 8meg
`-LCD / keyboard interface
`-ISA Bus (modem,memory,etc.)
`-RS232/485 serial to 115.2kbaud
`-Use assembly or built in BASIC
`-100 microamp OPERATION
`visit our web site:—mvs
`5yr Limited Warranty
`MVS (cid:9) BOX 850
`Free Shipping
`(508) 792-9507
`Hrs: Mon-Fri 10-6 EST
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 07 of 07
`Circuit Cellar INK° Issue 95 June 1998 (cid:9)
`Exhibit 2059 - Page 07 of 07

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