`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`May 16, 2013
`FILING DATE: September 10, 2004
`PATENT NUMBER: 7,145,710
`ISSUE DATE: December 05, 2006
`By Authority of the
`Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
`and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Certifying Officer
`FNC 1013


`(19) World Intellectual Pr.opertY Organization
`International Bureau
`I!11111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111
`(4 International Publication Date
`29 November 2001 (29.11.2001)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 01/90823 A1
`(51) International Patent ClassificationT:
`1/12, 1/08
`G03H 1/26, (74)
`Agent: RUGGIERO, Charles, N., J.; Ohlandt, Gree-
`ley, Ruggiero & Perle, L.L.E, 10th floor, One Landmark
`Sqlaare, Stamford, CT 06901-2682 (US)..
`International Application Number: ’ PCT/US01/16174
`International Filing Date:
`18 May 2001 (18.05.2001)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`(81) Designated States (national.): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ~, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM,
`HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK,
`LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX,
`MZ, NO, NZ; PL, 1717, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL,
`TJ, TN[, TR, T[’, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YIJ, ZA,
`Priority Data: ,
`22 May 200!~ (22.05.2000) US
`100 Mill Plain Road, Danbury, CT 06811 (US).
`Designated States (regional): AR_IPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, IS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Era’asian
`patent (AM, AZ,.BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TIM), European
`patent (AT,. BE, CH; CY" DE, DK~
`IT, LU, MC, NL; PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent 03F, B J, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, M-R, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Inventorsi CROSSLAND, William, Alden; 15 School
`Lane, Marlow, Essex CM20 2QD (GB).-WILKINSON,
`Timothy, David; Jesus College, Jesus Lane, Cambridge
`CB5 8BL (GB). ESHRAGHIAN, Kamran; 23 Caldera
`Close, Mindarie,_W.A. 6030 (ALl).
`-- with international searcti report
`before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`[Continued on next page]
`mm mm
`¯ ~ (57) Abstract: There is electro-optical component comprising: a substrate (130); a phase,variable element carried on
`the substrate (135); a memory carried on the substrate for storing data representative of a phase state for the phase-v_affable element;
`~and a controller (140) carried on the substrate, for utilizing [he data and setting the phase statefor the element. There also provided
`~ an electro-optical componenVcomprising: substrate (730); a phase-variable element carded on the substrate (735); and a circuit (740)
`carried on the substrate for computing and applying a phase state for the phase-variable element. -
`. ..


`WO 01/90823 A1
`I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111t1 111111i111!1
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.


`WO 01/90823
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to an electro-optical component having.a
`reconfigurable phase state. The component is particularly suitable for steering an
`optical beam. Such a component can be used in applications such as metropolitan
`area network (MAN)optical terabit switching/routing, all-optical cross-connect
`systems for dense wave dlvision.multipiexing (DWDM) networks, photonies signal
`processing, and free space laser eommunleation.
`21 . .-Descriptionofthe l~rior Art
`One of the most critical elements within the framework of optical transport
`networks based on wavelength-division multiplexing is an optical cross-connect
`(OXC). This optical routing device provides network management in the optical
`layer, with potential throughputs ofterabits per second. An optical cross connection
`may be acc6mplishedby either a hybrid approach or by an all-optical approach.
`The hybrid approach converts an optical data stream into an electronic data
`stream: It USes an electronic cross connection, and then performs an electrical-optical
`conversion. There is an inherent problem with the hybrid approach when used in a
`networked environment. Historically, microprocessor speed has doubled almost
`every 18 months, but demand for network capacity has increased at a much faster rate,
`thus eansing a widening gap between the microprocessor speed and the volume of
`network traffic.. The effect of this gap places a great burden on the electronic cross
`connections for optical links that are implemented in metropolitan and long-haul
`networks. Optic...a! (cid:128) .a~rier 48 (OC-48) is one of the layers of hierarchy in a..
`conventional:Synehronous (SONET). The procedure of optical-


`we o~/9o8~3
`electrical-optical (OEO) conversion becomes more difficult as the.speed ofthe link
`reaches 0C-48 (2.5 Gbps), and is even more difficult at higher speeds. At such
`speeds, the electronic circuitry of the OEO causes a network bottleneck.
`The all optical approach performs the cross connection entirely in the.opti~al
`domain. The all optical approach does not have the same speed limitations as the
`hybrid approach. It is normally used for fiber channel, high bandwidth cross

`connections. Taking to represent the dimension of the OXC, Le. the number of ’
`input and output ports, then 1V is typically between 2 and 32 for an all optical OXC. ...
`However,. larger dimension OXCs, with Nup to several hundreds.or even a thousand
`are contemplated, h4any proposed optical cross-connectarchitectures include a set 0f..
`optical space switches capable of switching a.large number of input and output fibers.
`However, despite a significant investment for development of an all photonics OXC,
`it is presently a major challenge to design a reliable all photonics, non-blocking, low -
`loss, scalable and ~econfigurable optical switch, even for :N in the order o£32-40.
`Several different technologies have been tried for Optical interconnects, but
`none is yet regarded as a technology .or market place leader. This is due, in part, to an
`impracticality of the switching media or to a lack of scalability in cross-connecting a
`suitable number ofinpurt and output ports. .-
`For example, guided wave systems use nonlinear electro-0ptic components,
`sometimes with diffraction effects, to couple Optical signals from one fiber ~wave- ~.
`guide to another. Prominent attention in this class of devices has been given to fiber
`Bragg switches and other fiber pro~mity coupling schemes such as. devices.using "
`electro-optic effects in lithium niobite, silica or polymerbased materials. Alimitation
`o£these switch meehanismsis scalability. It is_difficult to construct guided,wave
`switches greater than an 8x8 size because they use substrates of limited size,. The
`interconnection o£ several small switches to construct a largo switch is also.
`impractical because of the bulkiness of optical fiber harnesses.


`wo 01190823
`¯ An advantage of a f~ee-space optical switching system is that it can exploit the
`non-interfer’enceproperty of optiCal’signals to switch a large number of optical ports.
`¯ The two most c~mmon mechanisms for bea__m steeringin this c.lassof devices are
`diffraction and mechanical steer!~g... ~.
`For mechanical beam steering devices, a good deal of development effort
`appears to be concentrated on mirrors using micro, electro mechanical systems
`0ViF.~). Several devices being manufactured, commercially, such as.the Lambda
`RouterTM fromLucent Technologies, Inc.
`Another mechanical approach that has received considerable attention is the
`use of micro-"bubbles", such as in the 1~13565A "32 x 32 Photonic Switch", 9ffered by
`Agilent Technologies. !n a micro-bubble system,~ the index of refraction of a ..
`transmission media is modified by mechanically moving a microsoopi~ bubble in the
`" :" Disadvantages of a MP_NIS-based switch include limitations relating to
`mechanical, thermal and electrostatic stability. A MEMS-based.switeh typically
`requires continiaous adaptive alignment tO maintain a connection and its reliability is a
`function of that adaptive alignment. Another disadvantage of’the MEMS-based
`switch is its optics, which typically require highly collimated optical paths, usually
`employing microlenses that eannof significantly dit~act the light bean~
`In diffractivesteering,, an optical signal is redirected using a phase hologram,
`also known as a grating or a diffraction pattern, recorded on a spatial light modulator.
`Several materials have been proposed for use in such systems, including HI-V
`semiconductors such as InCmAs/InP, and liquid crystal on silicon systems (LCOS).
`One advantage of using direct-gap semiconductors is.the ease with which active
`optical components, such as lasers and Optical amplifiers, can be incorporated into a
`circuit, thus allowing the possibility of signal boosting at the switching stage~ A
`disadvantage of such materials is the cost and difficulty of large-scale manufacturing.


`WO 01/90823
`PCT/US0111~174 .: "
`It is an obj ect Of the present invention to provide an improved optical
`component having a variable phase state.
`It is another object of the present invention to employ such .a component in an
`optical switch in which a plurality of’the, components are configured in an array ffor
`’ phase modulating light in order to steer the fight, from an input port to an output port
`-by diffraction.
`It is yet another object of the present invention to provide such a switch in
`which the arrayoff phase modulating components and the parallel processing
`capability are both carried on the same substrate.
`It is a further object of the present invention to.provide such a switch in vc~ch
`the circuit computes a reconfigurable phase pattern or.hologram to optimize the
`performance of the switch by reducing optical, losses, and to minimize the quanta of
`optical signal falling into adjacent channels, i.e. crosstalk.
`It is yet a further object ofthepresent invention to provide such a switch in
`which a hologram routes light from a single input port to a single output port, or from
`a single input port to multiple output ports, i.e., multicasting, or from multiple input
`ports to a single output port, i.e., inverse-multieasting.
`These and other objects of the present invention are provided by an electro-
`optical component in accordance With the present invention. One embodiment
`provides an electro-optical component comprising (a) a substrate, (b) a phase-variable
`element carried on the substrate, (e) a memory carried on the substrate for.storing data
`¯ representativeoff a phase state for the. phase-variable element; andi(d) a controller
`carried on the substrate, for utilizing the data and settingthe phase state for the
`element. Another embodiment provides an eleetro-o ~tical component comprising (a)


`WO 01/90823
`a substrate, (b) a phase-variable element carried on the subStrate’ and (e) a circuit ,
`carried on the substrate for computing a phase state for the phase-variable element.
`Fig. 1 is a schematic representation of an optioal switch in accordance with the
`present invention.
`Figs. 2A and 2B are schematic representations of alternate embodiments of
`optical switches in accordance with the present invention
`Fig. 3 is an illustration showing a relationship between a hologram and its
`replay field.
`Fig. 4 is a side-section view of a spatial light modulator, as used in an optical
`switch in accordance with the present invention.
`Figs. 5A- 5C are illustrations of various arrangements ofone or more phase~
`variable elements and circuitry on a substrate.
`Fig. 6 is a flowchart of an algorithm for generating a hologram by projection
`of oonstraints.
`Fig. 7 is a schematic representation of an optical switch in accordance with the
`present -invention.
`An embodiment of the Present invention provides for. an electro-optical
`component comprising (a) a substrate, (b) a phase-variable element carded on the
`substrate, (b)a memory Carried onthe substrate for storing data representative of a
`phase state for the phase-variable element; and (d) a"c0ntroller carded on the


`-we 01/90823
`Substrate, for utilizing the data and setting the phase state for the phase-variable
`element. The component can be employed in an optical switch to direct light from a
`first port to a second port.
`Another embodiment of the present invention provides for an electro-optical
`component comprising(a) a substrate, (b) a phase-variable element carried on the
`substrate, and (e) a circuit carried on the substrate for computing a phase state.for the
`phase-variable element. This component can also be employed in an optical wc~i_’teh to
`direct light f~om a first port to a second port.
`In another embodiment, the optical switch includes (a) a substrate, (b)a. liquid
`crystal carried on the substrate; and (c) a circuit carried on the substrate for computing
`a hologram and controlling the liquid crystal to produce the hologram to direct fight
`from a first port to a second port.. "
`. The optical switch uses a dynamic beam steering phase hologram written onto
`a liquid crystal over silicon (LeO.S) spatial light modulator (SLM). A phase
`hologram is a transmissive or reflective element that changes the phase of fight
`transmitted through, or reflected by, the element.~ A replay field is the result of the
`phase hologram. The LCOS SLM produces a hologram, i.e., a pattern of phases, that.
`steers light by diffraction in order to route the light from One or mo{e input fibers to ..
`one or more output fibers.
`The holograms produced on the SLM may appear as a one-dimensional or
`25 _ ¯ two-dimensional image. Accordingly, the image elements, whether transmissive or
`~eflective, are sometimes referred,to as "pixels", i.e., picture elements.
`Fig. 7 is a schematic representation of an optical switch 700 in accordance
`with the present invention. The principal elements of switch 700 include an input port
`705, a spatial light modulator (SLM) 715, and a plurality of output ports 725A, 725B.
`and 725C~ A first lens 710 is interposed between input port 705 and SLM 715, and a


`. WO 01190823 -.,-:-..:
`second lens 720 is interposed between SLM 715 and output ports 725A, 72513 and
`Light from input port 705 is cast upon lens 710, which collimates the fight and
`projects it onto SLM 715. The light travels through SLM 715 and onto lens 720,
`- which focuses the light onto one or more of output ports 725A, 72533 and725C. A
`hologr_a.m produced on SLM 715 directs the lightto one or more of output ports 725A,
`725B and 725C. In Fig. 7, the light is shown as being directed to output port 725A..
`sLM 715 is an electro-optical component that includes a substrate 730 upon
`which is carried (a) an element, shown in 17ig. 7 as one of an array of elements 735
`and (b) a circuit 740. Elements 735 have a variable phase. That is, the phase, i.e.,
`time delay, of light propagating through elements 735 can be varied. When the phase
`of light propagating through an element 735 is varied relative to the phase of another
`element 735, the light forms an interference pattern that influences.the direction in
`which the light travels, as is well known in the field of optics. Thus, by controlling
`the rdative phasing, the light can be directed to a desired target. Liquid crystal is a
`suitable material for elements 735. Liquid crystal is conventionally provided in a thin
`film sheet, and as such, individuals of elements 735 would-correspond to regions of
`the liquid crystal rather than being discrete, separate, Squid crystal elements.
`Circuit 740 sets the phase states for elements 735 for directing the light’from
`input port 705 to output port 725A. That is, a hologram is produced b~ elements 735.
`Optionally, circuit 740 also computes the hologram. In Fig. 7, the result of the
`hologram, causes a point of light intensity at output port 725,6,.
`Fig. 1 is a schematic representation of an optical switch.100 in accordance
`with the present invention. The principal components of switch 100 include a fiber
`array 115, an SLM 105, and a lens 110 interposed between fiber array 115 "and SLNI


`WO 01/90823
`¯ Fiber array 115 has afirst port 120 and a second port 125. Light entezs switch
`100 via first port 120 and proceeds to lens 1i0, which is, for example, a Fourier lens.
`having a positive focal length. Lens 110 collimates the light. From lens 110, the light
`is projected onto SLM105. The light is reflected by SLM !05(and travels via lens
`110 to second port 125. As explained below, a hologram produced on SLM 105
`steers the lightfrom first port 120 to second port 125.
`SLM 105 is an electro-optical compon?nt that includes a substrate 130 upon
`which is disPosed (a) areflective element, shown in Fig~ 1 as one of an array of
`reflective elements 135, and (b) a circuit 140 underneath and around reflective "
`elements 135. Reflective elements 135. have a variable phase state That is, the phase, "
`i.e., time delay, of.light reflected by reflective elements 135 can be varied. When the
`light is reflected by two or more of reflective elements 135, the iight forms an
`interference pattern that influences the direction in which the light is reflected. As the
`phase state of an individual reflective element 135 is .variable, it can be altered
`relative to the phase state of other reflective elements 135 to control the direction in
`which the fight is reflected.. A practical embodiment of array reflective elements 135
`can be realized by employing a liquid crystal over an array of mirrors.
`Circuit 140 controls the phase state, i.e., hologram, for reflective elements 135
`to control the direction in which the light is reflected. Optionally, circuit 140also
`computes the hologram. The result of the.hologram is projected on fiber array 115,
`with points of intensity at one ormore ports in fiber array 115. In Fig.. 1 the light is
`¯ Shown as being directed from first port 120 to second port 125, however, in terms of
`functionality, first port 120 and second port 125 are preferably ~acha hi-directional
`input/output port.
`Fig. 2A is a schematic representation of an optical switch 200 configuredwith
`two SLMs 210 and 215, to provide a greater number 0f ports than that of the
`configuration in Fig. 1. Switch 200 also includes a first fiber array 205, a second fiber


`~. WO 01/90823
`First fiber array 205 arid second fiber array 220 are each an array ofbi-
`directioriM fiber ports. Lens array 225 is a series of refractive optical elements that
`transfer one or more optical beams through switch 200.
`Input signals inthe form of light beams or pulses are projected from one or
`more ports in first fiber array 205, through one or more lenses of lens array 225 onto
`SLM 210. SLM 210 produces a first routing hologram that directs the light through
`one or more lenses of lens array 225 onto SLM 215. SLM 215 produces a second.
`routing hologram that directs the light through-one or more lenses Of lens array 225
`onto one or more ports in second fiber array 220.
`. SLMs 210 and 215 each havo an array ofphase-variablo reflective elements on
`its Surface to produce reconfigurable phase holograms that control the deflection
`angle of a beam of light. Thus, fight from any port of first fiber array 205 can be
`selectively routed to any port of second fiber array 220, and vice versa.
`Switch 200 accommodates fiber arrays of a substantially greater dimension
`than that of typical prior art swi~tches. For example, first fiber array 205 and second
`fiber array 220 may each have 1000 poRs. " ~
`The optical configuration of switch 200 influences the distribution of the
`pixels on each of SL1VIs 21Oand 215, and the manner in which a hologram is
`generated thereon. For example, the optical configuration influences the size of the
`region on each of SLIVIs 210 and 2!5 onto which the light is projected~
`Fig. 2B is a schematic representation of an optical switch 250 in another
`embodiment 0£the present invention. Switch 250 includes an input/output fiber array
`230, a lens 235, e.g~, a l~ourier transform lens, an SLM 240 and a reflector 245. ,
`Light from a first port 232 of input/output fiber array 230 is projected through
`lens 235 onto a first region 242 of SLM-240. SLM 240 produces a first
`first region 242 that. directs .th~ light to reflector 245, which, in turn, directs ttie light


`WO 01/90823
`to a second region 247 of SLM 240. SLM 240 produces a second hologr_am’in second
`region 247 to direct the light through lens 235 and.onto a selected second polt234 of
`i.nput/output fiber¯ array 230. . .
`Referring again to Fig. 2A, the architecture in Fig. 2A can be made tomimic
`that of Fig. 2B by "folding" switch 200 about a central point.. That is, the architecture
`of Fig. 2A approaches that of Fig. 2B by placing a mirror at the central point so that
`first fiber array 205 and second fiber array 220 are s~de by side, and SLM 210and
`SLM 215 are side by side. .-
`Fig. 3 is an illustration showing a relationship between.a hologram and its
`replay field as can be-provided by the optical switch of the present invention....
`Referring again to Fig. 2A for example, a reconfigurable phase hologram 305 .is
`situated at a Fourier plane, e.g., on the array of phase-variable reflective elements at
`the surface of SLMs 210 and 215. In the preferred embodiment,, phase hologram 305
`is written into, that is, programmed in_to, the reflective elements to provide phase-only
`modulation of’the incident fight. The reflective elements diffi, aet the light from first
`fiber array 205 to produce phase hologram 305. Ai%er a Fourier tran.~form of the
`hologram, a resulting diffi’acted.pattern, also known as a replay field 310, is produced
`at second fiber array 220.
`Note that.replay field 310 shows 16 points ofhght. Fig: 3 illustrates a.feature
`of the present invention called multieasting. In a multioast, one input port is coupled
`to two or more output ports, i.e., simultaneous routing of light from one. input port to a
`plurality of output ports. This can be done with a hologram that generates multiple
`peaks, as shown in replay field 310, rather than a single peak. Fig. 3 shows an
`example era 1 to 16 multicast hologram In a similar fashion, the same set of
`holograms can also be used to route ¯multiple input ports to a single output po~
`referred to as multiplexing, provided that the inputs have different wavelengths~ This
`30. can be used for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM).


`~. we 01/90823 ’
`Fig. 4 shows a cross section of an exemplary, sLM 400 in accordance with the
`present inveiafion. The principal features, of SLM 400 are a substrate ¯410 that carries
`(a) a silicon die 405 containing a circuit 406, (b) an array of mirrors 407, and (c) a
`liquid crystal element415, which has a variable phase state. In Fig. 4, SL1V1400 is ¯
`configured to show liquid crystal element 415 positioned upon array of mirrors 407,
`which ispositioned upon circuit 406.. ¯However, .any convenient arrangement of these
`components is contemplated as being within the scope of the Present invention. ’
`The phase shift of light through liquid crystal elemen~ 415 is varied, or set for
`a specificvalue, by applying an electric field across liquid crystal dement 415.
`Circuit 406 controls the phase state of liquidcrystal element 415 by applying voltages
`to the array of mirrors 407 and thus developingthe elech-ic field across liquid crystal
`dement 415. In practiceeach mirror 407 influences the phase state era region of - ¯
`liquid crystal element 415 to which themirror is adjacent. Thus, circuit 406,controls
`.the phase state era plurality ofr’egions of liquid crystal dement 415 by controlling
`the individual voltages applied to each of mirrors 407.
`¯ Circuit 406 executes the processes described herein, and it may include one or
`more subordinate circuits for executing portions of the processes or ancillary
`funeti0ns. In one embodiment of the present invention, circuit 406 includes a
`memory for storing data representative of a plurality of configurations of phase state
`for liquid crystal dement 415, and a controller for utilizing the dataand setting the
`phase states by applying signals to mirrors 407. Such data can be determined by an
`external system in a calibration procedure during manufacturing of SLM 400,or
`during manufacturing of an assembly in which SLM 400 is a component. The
`external system computes.the phase states, and thereafter, the data is written into the
`memory of circuit 406. In another embodiment, circuit 406 includes a processor and
`associated memory for storing data in order to.compute the phase states locally, and a
`controller to Set the ~hases states by applying signals to mirrors 407.


`WO 01/90823
`SLM 400 also includes, on top of liquid crystal elements 415, a glass co~rer
`Glass cover 420 has a layer 435 o£Indium TinOxide (ITO) to provide a.return
`path conductor for signals from circuit 406 via bond-wires 425.
`On the optical side of SLM 400, the_array of mirrors 407 allows for steering of"
`a light beam by producing a hologram using v .m-iable phase liquid ~rystal elements
`415. In cirbuit 406, the.following functionalities can be implemented:
`¯ DC balance schemes inciuding shifting and scrolling;
`¯ Algorithms for reconfigurable beam steering and hologrern generation;
`¯ Generation ofmulticast hologram patterns;
`¯ Hologram t~ming for crosstalk optimization;
`¯ Hologram tuning for adaptive port alignment;
`¯ Phase aberration correction; and
`- ~ Additio..nal processing of traffic parameters.
`Figs. 5A - 5C illustrate several viable arrangements of phase-variable elements
`and circuitry on the SLM of the p.resent invention. Fig. 5A illustrates a die-based
`arrangement with a substrate 505 carrying circuitry 510 around and/or underneath an
`array of phase-variable elements 515. The array of phase-variable elements 515 is
`partitioned into several subsets of phase-variable elements (515A, 515B~ 515C and
`515D), each operating as an independent SLNL Fig. 5B shows a substrate 519
`carrying several groups of components, Damely, circuitry 520A, 520B, 520C and
`520D, and an array of phase-variable elements 525A, 525B, 525C and 525D,
`respectively. Fig. 5C shows an individual phase-variable element 535 and circuitry
`530 for controlling phase-variable element 535.
`In Fig. 5A, circuit 510 controls the operation of the full array of phase-variable.
`elements, that is,~ each 0£515A, 515B, 515C and 515D. Fig. 5A illustrates an "
`arrangement in which t’our holograms can be simultaneously produced, i.e., one for
`each o£subsets 515A, 515B, 515C and 515D. Circuit 510.computes"a first phasestate
`for subset 515A to direct a first light beam from a first port to a second port, and ¯


`..WO 01/90823
`’ computes a second phase state for subset 515B to direct a second light be_am from a
`third port tea fourth port. Similarly for subsets 515C and 515D, circuit computes
`respective phase states for routing of a third light beam and a fourth light beam.
`Because the phase states of the individuals in the arrayphase-variable elements 515
`are individually reeonfigurable, circuit 510 can determine which of phase-variable
`dements 515 are members of the first subset 515A, which of phase-variable dements
`515 are members of the second subset 515B, and likewise, which of phase-variable.
`dements 515 are members of the subsets 515C and 515D. In Fig. 5A, subsets 515A,
`515B, 515C a~d 515D cab be located adjacent to one another, or alternatively they
`can be spaced apart from one another by a region of substrate 505 that does not
`include any ph. ase-variable dements.
`An appropriate dimension for an array of phase-variable elements, i.e., pixds,.
`per hologram, is about 100 x 100 pixels for good Gausstan beam perforrnanee. "
`Accordingly, an array of 600 x 600 pixels provides for 36 holograms. However, the.
`present invention is not limited to any particular dimension for the array, nor is it
`limited to any particular number of phase-variable elements or any arrangement of
`phase-variable elements. Theoretically, some beam steering functionality can be
`achieved with as few as two phase-~tering elements, only one of which needs to have
`a variable phase. Furthermore, the phase-variable elements do not need to be
`arranged in an array, per se, as any suitable arrangement is contemplated as being
`within the scope of the present invention.
`Referring again to Fig. 5B, a gap 526 is a legion.of substrate 519 that does not
`¯ include any phase-variable elements. Gap 526 is located between phase,variable
`elements 525B and 525D, and thus prevents crosstalk between the holograms of
`phase-variableelements 525B and 525D.
`The arrangement shown in Fig. 5A can deal with crosstalk in a manner
`different from that of Fig. 5B. In Fig. 5A, pixel subset 515A includes a region of
`pixels 516A upon which a hologram is produced. Pixel subset 515A also includes a
`~ubset of pixels 517A positioned along a peripheral edge of subset 516A_ Subset


`517A is thus a.buffer region for p~eventing erosstalkbetween the hologram of subset
`515A, and the holograms of subsets 515B and 515C. .
`Also; as those skilled in the art will appreciate, a hologram is shiR invariant,
`that is the same.replay field is generated for any shifted position of the hologram.
`Thus, as a fm-ther improvement, the phases of the pixels in subset 517Aare set by
`cir~axit 510 to take advantage of the shiR invariant property of the hologram such that
`a misali~t~nment of the light beam incident on subset 515A will nevertheless produce
`the desired hologran~ Therefore, provided that the misalignment is within a
`predetermined tolerance, i.e., such that the incident light falls within the bounds of
`subset 515A, the hologram is produced notwithstanding a misalignment.of the light ¯
`from an input port.
`To take further advantage of the reconfigurable capability of-the optical
`switch, circuit 510 receives a signal that represents whether light is bein~ directed to
`particular port. This feature enables circuit perform an adaptive optical
`alignment, where circuit 510 receives an input signal indicating that the iigfi

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