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`Samsung v. Straight Path, |PR2014-01367
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01367
`Straight Path - Ex. 2005 - Page 1


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`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01367
`Straight Path - Ex. 2005 - Page 2


`repontng mom r: : a room (as in :i funeral home: used tor the
`mew-mg of the deceased by mourners
`l‘e-de‘l \lié'pllzé't. r?§-\ yr [1. repositur. post pm. of repatlt't'e
`. rE- + patter: to put. place — more tit
`: to lay away : oerosrr. STQRE {buried sedimentary
`rocks which have entrapped the water in which the rocks were
`origmall _~ed —-Wesrrofian Farmers Cid-op Gazette} 2 : to
`put back in place : REPLACE (he cued the stomach in the ab—
`.rcp-\ rt [LL reposition-, repat‘frr'o.
`(post port. of reporters) + -ion_—.
`-:'o 4cm}
`1 : the act of reposttlngor the state‘of being repusucd 2 Sea:
`: restoinnon to a petition. possession. or office : REINer'E-
`it [re— + position} : to change the
`position of (a malposmon of the lower jaw . . .mn be ussu
`H.G.Armstrong (advise the
`Wivcr_ptlol to ~ his mtg—Ethyl News)
`\ré'pdza.t6re. ri'p-. —torv. -rf\ n -ES [1. re-
`sttoriurrt. fr. reposiiu: {past part. of repnnere) + prim -ory]
`room. or container where something is deposited or
`gill]: child‘s dealt .
`. as :i M for his music
`coin mtelp} h : a burial vuult c : a place w eat something
`is kept or snows} for sale : a warehouse store. or showroom
`now had an office and _a clerk and theybad o ~ . . . for their
`. "\ anti. of a drug : designed to “tot-er a pro-
`longed perm : slowly absorbed : uni-or (~ penicilim)
`‘h : a news mt! (their front
`Its-possess \1riE+_\ v: [re- +
`trees] 1 a : to po ‘ess again
`poem ere usu. divided between local scandals and romantic
`to am 9035551011 of {rye
`her vanity bag —Chnstopher
`: DOCUMENTATIOH (the supsnorrty of pic-
`} (s pong playwright. seelrmg a way to n- the great
`tures over the written word its a means of ~ Farming Events
`classical tra than n comedy—William Becker)
`1:! : to resume
`in Britain) 2 : writing intended to give a factual and detailed
`possession of tap item purchased on mstsllmentl in defuul
`directly observed or carefully documented events
`the payment of installments due (need the car) (feed the sofa)
`tforwurd~ts the
`3 Scot : nmtsrm‘t {for the purpooooi ~ng his uncle again
`ecu-go Orwell)
`in the‘lodge —S_ir Walter Scott) 3 : to restore to pOESESSlOEl
`report card e : a report on a student that is periodically sub-
`: put 3!! possession again {theologyhas awed itself of a good
`mitted by a school to_thir student‘s parents or guardian
`conscience and a sense of authonty —A.N_Wilder> -— re
`re-pot't-ed-ly \-'sédle. —li\ adv - according to report : ac-
`possessor \“+\ n
`Ptn‘apvr (hos ~ made many énonyruous bencfacnons to
`re-posseeistnn \“-:-\ e t the act or state of possessing again
`: arcovcnv: speeit : the set of resuming possession of property
`import-BI \s'xe r)\ H vs falter. (influenced by ~er) of ME
`rter to report +_ -e.irr -or1
`when the purchaser [oils to keep up payments on it
`repeat we of RIFOSTE
`and phymcal r
`ire-pot \[')r€+\
`vr [rs- + pot]. : to transfer a pistol from one
`Cauhy} ask him to continue being a N and tudge u what is
`‘31 the addition of fresh sotl
`pot to another usu. wi
`e arts —-Malcolm Cowley): as a : an officer or
`n.pons.5ago \ffi'.pll:x§2h\ n -5 IF.
`on who makes authorized statements of law proceedings
`1 : the art or process of brimming out or pressmg thin mete
`and daemons or of legislative debates b ; one w 9 makes a
`from the reverse side 2 : the home-nus out of :m etching and
`shorthand record of a speech or proceeding; speed : COURT
`hotoengrawng plate from behind to level up any part that hes
`uproot-ER c {l} : one who is employed by_a news spot or
`ecri worked into a de YESSIDD
`diet and write nears for publication :1 sports
`‘re-pousmé \-3m and] F. past part. of rcpourser to press back
`(2] : one who reports news
`thrust haek. Ir. MF. fr. rc— + pourser to push, ihrust. fr. OEi
`telewmou program : tomato-emit
`pautrer -— more at Posh] 1_ or metal mark a : shaped or cros-
`menled with patterns LI! tehetr made by l‘lsln'imeri'tlg or presemg
`it n t a payment_uiade to a worker who reports for
`on the reverse side (on work) (a silver dish with a_I-_v om)
`work wtt out having prcvtonsly been told that no work
`h : formed in relief (a w pattern? 2 : resembling or vtng the
`effect of
`ousee' work (an e angered box bag 0 cm:
`rewr-tn-Ii-itljhtpofirlltfirnl. -t0r- n30 firep— or -.pfir- or
`silver or
`d kid stitched in a ~ cargo —Mart'on Miller}
`-.pdr-\ adj jmg. {influenced by —ar} fr. reporter + -ioi']
`\“\ n -s : repoussé work
`1 t of. relating to_. or churncterislic o! a reporter {at long ~
`repp var of REP
`rap-De Chemistry \‘repaA it. use rep R latter Walter Rgppe
`acteristic of a report (in ~ boo -} (~ prose) (it is too topical.
`b18912 Ger. chemist} : a branch esp. oi Lndustt‘llll chemistry
`—— mor-tmu-al-ly
`that is based on reactions of acetylene under posture and also
`of the products so obtained and that inc odes vinylauon
`report out vi. a} a legfshtivr'wmmltiec : to return (a hill) nfter
`ethyuylatiop. polymmnflfl
`to cyclic
`consideration and often mthremions to a le islative hpdy
`for debate and vote (on the fifteen-mun body
`era are e
`rapped \‘rept\ edit [irep + £11] : resembling rep : luv-mg a
`sure votes [or reporting the measure out —Newsweei:)
`ribbed surface (on spur)
`o REP
`report stage J'I : the stage to the ntish lcgtsltitwe process that
`'.repo'l:depal\ n [by shortening & alter-.1 slang
`nor to the third reading and that revolves the receipt
`of amendments made
`by the egisiutive body of the report of the committee to whi
`rent“ ahbr . 1 repair
`3 represent; representative; represented;
`details and amend
`reprcsEunng 3 reprint: rcpt-tut
`-\ v: moi-wg-s [ME repre-
`in committee. and usu, discussron esp. of
`and anytrust. virtue.
`hack. seize, repreheod. fr.
`rep-re-hend \lrepréniend.
`header-i. fr, 1. repmkendere
`re- + reitertn‘erc to grasp.
`' find fault with use.
`sIMZE reposm to tapioca.
`be as ME deporer: to
`: ME. censuses. CHILE.
`‘i —— more at nmsrr'l
`EEEBCLIGII _ot others
`momma. move (w not
`—Creorge Weslmigton} (I severely wed ‘
`on this occasion
`can 2 : to place (as
`—Somuel Elohim
`SET — usu. used with in (- ull con~
`reprehender it -s obs : one that voices dis-approval
`_ —T._B.Maceuluy)
`the complete trust
`repoted to hire and his policies rNewswee }_ 3 z to place. for
`rap-rehen-slohfl-i-ty \.repr:'i.he'ulft)n‘hil:d-E\
`rt -3 :
`quality or state of being
`. f1. LL reprehensi—
`controL management. or use {rut the judicial power to a.
`hyridcrc) + doth:
`supreme court —Amer. Guide Series: 1.9.}
`rep-teuhen-si-hle \-en(t
`bilis. fr. L reprcftmrus
`vision; sunrises.
`e \"\ vb {Di-mods [ME reporeri. fr. M‘F repom. fr.
`-able3 : worthy of or writing rep
`LL reponrnre, Ir. 1. re- -'.- LL position to stop. mt —
`censor-mats. CLUABLE. amounts {to
`Cfifflflllzfl on his :9
`”3.151:ij lanoluystrcsttplacemarestfulor
`it is my ~ nature
`norance is moron ~ Nicholas Samstag)
`notion : scsr (upon that cottage
`ee‘ tu's
`to welcome exmtement ——Cn.rl Van Doren) when a work of
`o : to gave rest to :
`art excites .
`. ~ passions —Szmuel Alexander)
`rest (enter to the castle and there at you for the night —$hsk.
`m-ro-hen-alchly \—hle,~bli\ adv : in ii mpmhonsthle
`or degree (those laws . . . were in his judgment ~
`g troubled him. whose wnr
`troubled hire. whosu_ bunk troubled him and whose wife
`rep-re-tzen-tuon \.i-'I1Bnt:hm\ rt —s {ME reprefimrioun. fr. M'F
`troubled hnn —Fr-ani:1t Beckett)‘ -- vi 1 a : to beer rest
`or L: M r niacnst'ort, fr. L re rainstorm reprehmio, fr.
`{during the hot afternoon, the enure‘towu we) 11 : to be dead
`rcprehemm ast
`art. of repre endere) + —i'on—. do -ion]
`(refining to state} c. : to remain still or concealed : lie quiet
`1 : the set of rapt-e
`ridin : acetone (ii they are con-opt. they
`. there on vastly wearer oneuducs
`(the £115th of
`. . blame and ~ — dmund Burke} {lifted no_vo‘.ce in -
`01 his corrupt deeds —_$.H_Adams) 2 art-Mic : an instance of
`sunken lands now reposirtg on the bottom of the Pacific—51F.
`reprehcnding (his writtuss contained .. . severe ~s —Thomos
`McCain-.15) 2 : to take rest : cease from “awry. exertion. or
`. she could not. . . she sat thinking
`moors-nominee \‘ulhenulsrv. vsov also ~sov\ adj Ur. repre-
`1d Bennett) 3 archaic : to rent in confidence : new
`apprehension: apprehensive]
`lama-ion. after such mm as ‘
`(upon whose froth and honor I ~ —5h:ilt.) 4 F to rest for
`: servmg to repreheri
`: conveym repreheusroo or reptoof (on
`onwmntcd charges—New
`t__I:E — usu. used with on or upon (cutting generous
`aspects and unfortunate results 0
`portions with a hug: lcntie from the loci reigns-fits on a round
`Republic) - rep-re-hen-sivp-ly \~sele. -u\ adv
`ey Lot-mt} {medieval austtoe reprised so
`mm-hw-so-ry \—ni’,t‘18{e)re\ adj (fr. reprehensiort, after such
`greatly on the system of {tries —G.G.Coulton)
`putts as E commendation: commendatory] tit-choir:
`: Rm:-
`troposs \"\ n «5 {MP repcr. tr. 0F.‘ fr. reporer. v.] 1 a t a
`neetttv‘c (no reason for
`any ~ complaint —Siunuel
`state_of resting sitter exertion or striyp : temporary mental or
`cal inactivity used to restore vigor esp : rest in sleep {a
`re -re-5ant \IreprbizeittJI —pre;:-. or rapid speech often —:- —pa:z.
`ti e feast that would make other men heavy and desirous of
`e lefty be summed rpeeen -pfr.1—\ vb {of—mobs {ME represen-
`t's ~ —l-I.A.0versu-eet
`reii. fr. MZF amusement:
`repraeseurare,fr. re + pracsentere
`It : relief from eatmtetncnt. dangzr. or difficulty : restful ch
`to present — more at parse-NT] wt 1 : to bring clearly before
`: maximum (where ntjssi he could iii-id wammh and
`the mmd : cause to be known, felt. or apprehended : present
`tiou —J.T.Sohy) 2 a t a place
`esp. by description 2 : to serve as a 51311 or symbol of 3 : to
`or suite of test; esp : atom or heavenly rest (to pray for thc
`portray by pictorial. plesp'e. or musical art : omwmomcr
`~ of a soul} 1: : freedom from something that disturbs or
`4 ortflrn': : 10‘ make
`est : DISPLAY, EXHIHJI. snow 5 : to
`creates : CHLM. pence. TRANQULLJT!’ I{the unfailing ~ at the
`exhlhtt by delineation. depiction. or portrayal -_ used imp. ofla
`bayou —Chi-im'm Science Monitor)- (induce a sense o! ~ and
`work of art 6 : to present by means of something standing to
`c : a harmony in the disposition
`the place of : serve .33 the counterpart or turn
`of : “rpm
`oipsrts and colors that is restful to the eye {his aiming was
`7 t to exhibit drume'ucally: a t to produce on
`: to
`criticized as lackingn-l 3 a : commence (the vo
`no was in
`not the part or role of : pet-sonata in acting
`'B :_ cessation or_ahsenee ot scnvtry. movement. or enhan—
`&_ a :
`to supply the place. perform the duties.
`uon (his face in ~ ts grave and thoughtful —-R..C.Dory) {-
`:1 1:5. or receive the share of: take the place of in some respect
`again freezes the burning features pf his face —C.L.Sul_zbcrger)
`: fill the place of for some purpose : substitute in some
`: quiet dignity : ELEIN'ESS. some
`capacity for : act ihe fer-t of. in the place of. or for (as another
`on] use. by le
`to serve (as to it legislative
`te-pose-tul \—f=l\ nit} : full of repose : oumt. RESTEUL {a
`body) by delegate
`or denoted authority us'tL res-ditto
`mveled nlley vaulted wnh {me straight green units, which
`election the state was Aged in Congress In
`two Repula 'cens}
`seemed marvellously cool and ~ —Edmu.ud Wilson) syn see
`9 :
`escribe as having a
`red c erecter or quality
`10 t to set forth or place before someone (as by statement. ac
`re-pose-tul-ly \-felE. -h\ adv : in a reposei‘ul mariner : ass-r-
`count. or discourse) : exhibit
`(a fact) to another mind in
`: the quality or state of being
`with e vogocy or
`with the design ol‘ utiecmig action priority
`meni- : point out
`of 123: to form an
`by way of protest or remoustrunce 1 : to
`serve as a specimen. example. or metuncc
`nnagw: or re resentarlon of in the mind 31
`3. to apprehend
`(an objectl y‘meuns of an idea
`(2) : to recall in memory [an
`object of previous experience) 13 : to correspond to in land
`~ _vt
`: to noise representations against something : prment
`objections : PRGTEhT
`syn neonatal—r. DEI‘ICT, Foamy.
`mind as if real or us
`mix can mean to present on image or '
`art: time-inn tmpltes e placing before the
`it luv-mg. as by a picture. description. or piece 01 sculpture {the
`statue represented the great men as even more herotc than he
`was in {11th ‘(thc stage setting represent: a hotel lobby)
`(seemed to tum}; that music could represent physical objects
`and literary or historical events -New Republic} unmet sug—
`gtsls specifically a graphic representation (dc {cred hills
`country scenes in woodcuts and etchings —.rlirtcr.
`uio‘e Series:
`(mimature tapestnfi
`that degic: quaint Eighteenth;
`eentnt-v scenes —Ho_rnce Sutton} {hallo}: can tell a story. dis-
`luy all the most vivid relations between men. and depict ev
`rid of human emotion. without the aid o[_ a word —-D_.
`Holmes 1-1955)
`roomy su pests specdictilly a _dciail_ed
`representation as of a character
`y means at a porn-nit {a ruc-
`rure v'ivntlly portraying the passion of Joust of Arc) (in literature
`are portrayed all human passions. desires, and aspirations
`—C.W_E.ltot} oELiKEuE. puggestiifiin line drawjng. stresses a
`ndicated com—
`of detail and f
`thne {his brush
`he elected
` a e : give one's own impressions and judgment of :staie -
`literary equivalent oi Dione-r or
`a somewhat dijferent picture
`e as a means for Marlin
`(the fe of the community 15
`and smficfi lira-med with deep
`the modem
`t \:ri + pronuuc a! verb pnzsflrrV-m
`: to grant ngain. anew. or
`more at casement: +' M
`o bung represented
`represent-able \pro
`dam-Lila \-tam:a:i\ [EL - PF
`paint as
`non-l. new
`L window. putoriu not or printing gin
`prune —- +more in. run:
`part. of puim to cut.
`which falls off in pruning —
`as distinguished from the net
`of philosop
`\.repro'zenl m. on?"
`represeii mot.
`fr. MF representmt. Er. re
`: neeassmmi
`-Nr'neteenth Century
`tum we:
`' in mooted
`5 each oft:
`pale. cage}!
`represmrcm‘ort. fr.
`tireri‘rin-. rcpruesentntio.
`dari- -:'_0 —ion] ‘1 'shots,
`stature to represent}
`or is rcprcseuted: as
`of item a
`reproduction (N: in pottery
`Supp} (an allege:-
`: illicit.)
`i} (ll : n I
`deer. Guide Series
`mp. mode to com _
`thing with the intention
`we . . . refinanced
`Series: fifirtfl.) (
`{defendant’s ~r
`Reporter) {21:
`contract out
`the contract is entered
`Paoulssoav. Wanna
`the client —‘R.S.Iol-in
`the purchaser —
`lormsnce (a theatrical
`statement (as of .‘acts,
`something or to elfect :1 choose (the
`on behalf of the Utthmders -—
`Brest :
`the increase until they-
`titled not. to p
`epumncnt —H.5.Wam~fl'}‘-
`Native Affairs
`:1 the moth
`or idea tor-med by the
`$2] :ait idea-din
`root of thought an
`object known by
`means of ll
`sentmg or the state of being rep
`rtmyal or
`representing (as by no
`or form
`'strICl, N
`of nature would gal
`cc of light rays into
`ead) (outrun
`final ~ in the
`art) htthe
`man obstruction tn
`ing before another (as by a stat;
`to affecting acnon (
`esp. with a view
`—-Setoit Hcii Li
`to the adrninisu-aiion
`of ambitious hypocrites
`artful ~
`action or
`to a greater or less
`sou re resented; spergj :
`sor w en both the rights and obligations
`hair [as In Remand
`davolve upon the
`individual or close a
`substituoon of an
`oralien to: i ~
`a person (as when a child or chi
`estate that would hovel
`the fact. of :-
`notion of reproceotin
`{wo territory ...1'a
`legaslative body
`raise the issue of
`mart ii: Notion) <
`{2) gilt:
`of ~ —Woodrow
`represented in some
`other grouptug‘I boda
`. such universities and colleges
`tut-e —.-tm_r.
`West European col
`issues t
`letter} <~ of cinema
`ruin .orms
`or procfis
`not? ”of _
`by WM 1112
`opposed tosjmpfl .
`{2} : recurrent as
`s represenhng. it
`whole body of person
`~ of any stats!
`vacancies happen in
`:1 of the-UHem!
`{chosen lies
`the Baltic states —
`(small N: from
`hon “are + NEW 4‘.
`present + —otfort] : a presentubno
`and re-pretenteii'ait of estoblnhed
`Bechtel} (a re—‘presentdn'at‘l of
`nnit). or. hi
`r2948. senotn-hon-st
`~ wen
`:tishonal or -slmol\ adj
`(It : 01.
`3 {
`representation (i. art
`to, or supporting represc
`of knowledge Is an
`dent uh‘cci which
`holding so meumes
`or the external object and so «
`the consciousness .
`modification of
`independent 0019:! and
`netnrelof the
`the mind 2 : assessed
`hmttutions of
`3: —].l§v-‘oen
`~ ln his wot
`film —Delmnre Schwar‘ot)
`1 Human...
`practices or advocates representative.
`meander! 2
`Dill] DEE“
`\:5l=(alnsn\ n'
`philosoph 'icul tenement
`Imp-re-sent-a-tive urn};
`5' each after: + —
`MF repreienmtdf.
`. fr, M? or
`-- (pest pm, oi
`fr. L rcprcesenrat
`. sewing Lqlotion
`—l- urns ave] I
`: characterized by rcpt-inert
`for or in the place
`2 : standing
`used '
`:0 b
`or others : constituting the spent [_
`delegated authority
`which tiltrnflll’
`form of overnment
`them tint-hr
`osen from among
`merit} {Ha
`& : serving 3;.
`Lin idea of other!
`class :
`(:1 ~ modem ploy}
`the character 0! a mental re
`’0 : of or rerti
`um‘TATIOr-l 1c
`{the - theory of
`”\ it -s 1 stone”
`firepresontntitta \
`or class (as
`of persons or things
`or meme
`CDn’fiDOl‘IdS to, replace-s,
`EPECrML‘V‘ {mg-
`thing 'else : SAMPLE.
`H‘R.E.Cokcr} (the stud
`—Amer. Guide Series.
`logical Mr are found
`typical embodiment of some a
`e most authoritative v . ,.ui-
`l5 ip —V.L.‘Pstrlngionl { f
`~ —.-'-LL.K
`chief living
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01367
`Straight Path - Ex. 2005 - Page 3

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