
`The information
`you need to
`become an expert
`Windows NT"
`Guide >
`on Windows NT!
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. - Exhibit 1008 - Page 00)


`Windows NT
`Networking Guide
`For Windows NT Workstation and
`Windows NT ServerVersion 3.5
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. - Exhibit 1008 - Page 002


`Microsoft Press
`4 Division of Microsoft Corporation
`One Microsoft Way
`Redmond, Washington 98052-6399
`Copyright © 1995 by Microsoft Cerporation
`All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
`in any form or hy any means without the written permission of the publisher.
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Windows NT networking guide : for Windows NT workstation and
`Windows NT server version 3.5 / by Microsoft Corporation.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 1-55615-656-1
`1, Computer networks.
`2. Microsoft Windows NT.
`I. Microsoft
`Printed and bound in the United States of America.
`123456789 QOMOM 098745
`Distributed to the book trade in Canada by Macmillan of Canada, a division of Canada Publishing
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`er Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. - Exhibit 1608 - Page 003


`This book is dedicated to the system administrators who keep usall connected.
`We hope this book makes your job easier.
`Contributors to this book include the following:
`Technical Writers:
`Chris Dragich, Jeff Howard, Sharon Kay,
`Dorales Moynihan, Annie Pearson, and Jim Purcell
`Technical Consultants:
`J. Allard, Pradeep Bahl, Sudheer Dhulipelia, James Gilroy, Tom Hazel, Steve Heaney,
`Jan Keller, Leslie Link, Jamcs McDaniel, Kerry Schwartz, and Cliff Van Dyke
`Technical Editor:
`Sonia Marie Moore
`Project Lead:
`Peggy Etchevers
`Jane Dow
`Preduction Team:
`Karye Cattrell, Yong Ok Chung, and Cathy Pfarr
`Graphic Designer:
`Sue Wyble
`Graphic Artists:
`Gwen Grey, Elizabeth Read, and Stephen Winard
`eaPetitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. - Exhibit 1008 - Page 004



`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. - Exhibit 1006 - Page 005


`Introduction ......... 000000. c cece cece eee ce cence eenteaes vaeeeeuee xix
`About the Networking Guide... 00.0 ccc cece ees XX
`Conventions in This Manual... 0.000 ccc cece ces XXHi
`PARTI About Windows NT Networking
`Chapter? Windows NT Networking Architecture..........0..000..000.000 0, 3
`Overview of Networking. 0.000000... 00. e eee eee ect d ent e teenies 4
`OSI Reference Model 2.000.000 ccc cnet een eee 5
`TREE 802 Model .....0......00.005.bce bce nett eens 8
`Windows NT Networking Model. ...... Lb vcvveeevevevevetrerenseae 10
`NDIS-Compatible Network Adapter Card Drivers .......00000.0 000000000, 11
`Transport Protocols .... 0... 0. ee We eee t eee ete eae 12
`Transport Driver Interface... 2.000.e eee 13
`Windows NT Workstations and Servers ...00 000000002 ccc cece eee 14
`Windows NT Redirector 000.00 eee eee ene eas 14
`Windows NT Server 000000e cette ta ee vaccine 16
`Interoperating with Other Networks. 000.000. ccc cece cca sees cece eee 16
`Providers and the Provider Interface Layer .....0...0000000 00.00 c acu 17
`Distributed Applications and Windows NT...... 00 cc cee eee 19
`NetBIOS and Windows Sockets... 0.000. ccc cece cece eee e cee es 19
`Named Pipes and Mailslots.......000.00 00.00... 0.0000.eben eben ees 22
`Remote Procedure Calls. 000 cece creer eee eens 23
`Remote Access Service0c cee cence eee v renee eres 24
`Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)... eee ees 25
`RAS Connection Sequence 900.00 eevee ans 25
`NetBIOS Gateway. 000 centre eines 27
`Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)... ee eee 27
`Services for Macintosh 2.0.0... eect eres 28
`Additional Reading ©0000. cece tenes 29
`Chapter2 Network Interoperability... 0000000. c cece cee tee eee eee 31
`Using Windows NT with NetWare ...0..00000 0.00 cee 32
`Windows NT Servers on a NetWare Network.........000.0.000.....0.0.. 33
`Windows NT Chents on a NetWare Network 0000000000000 2. ee, 33
`Additional Considerations Regarding Mixed Networking Environments. ... . 35
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings al. - Exhibit 1008 - Page 006


`inteprating Windows NT and UNIX Systems .......00.0.0..00000.22..000000- 35
`TCPAP Protocol.nee eee 36
`Character and Graphics Terminal Support. 6.00.00. 0000 0000.00.22 eee. 36
`File Transfer and Data Sharing... 220.0000 eee 37
`Distributed Processing Support... 00000 nes 38
`Common Application Support... eee 38
`Connceting Windows NT and IBM SNA Hosts... 202000. 39
`Basic Connectivity Using the Built-in DLC Protocol.......0...0.... 0.05. 4G
`SNA Server for Windows NT... eee eee 40
`Chapter3 Windows NT User Environments ....0.....0 0c cece eae 45
`Home Directories..............2.---.-Leet eee eens 46
`Assigning a Home Directory... 0. ee ees 46
`Specifying the Home Directory in a Logon Script or Batch Fule............ 48°
`Logon Scripts... teensre 48
`Logon Scripts and LAN Manager 2.x. . 0000 cc eee 50
`Logon Scripts and Windows for Workgroups... 02.0000 eee 50
`Troubleshooting Logon Scripts... 000 een Ses 51
`Environment Parameters for Logon Scripts ....0..20000.2.00...00.000. 2. 32
`Environment Variables for Logon Scripts........-....0...-.2.-00000005- 52
`Chapter 4 Network Security and Administration .......................228 52
`Windows N'I' User Accoumts. 200000D4
`Workgroups and Domains... 0000002es 56
`LAN Manager
`2.x Domains . 20.0. eee 37
`Avoiding Multiple PDCs.......... eke tte tt err t rere tenes s 58
`Interdomain Trust Relationships... 0 eee 59
`Changes to Computers in the Trusting and Trusted Domains .............. 60
`Access to Files ina Trusting Domain. .......0.0...006..22. 00 bce 61
`One-way Trust Relationships ....... 00500000 c eee ees 6]
`_ Setting Up Domains... 2-6eee 61
`Local and Global Groups. ... 0.20000 een 63
`Logons and Authentication 0000 ees 65
`The Netlogon Service...02ers 66
`User Authentication 200000 tet e tet eeeee 67
`Interactive Logon... 0. eee ene 70
`Remote Logon... 020. eee eee eee eee 7]
`Common Logon Scenarios... eect eee 74
`Troubleshooting Logon Problems... 0.00000 ee ‘77
`WAN Environments ...........,ee 78
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. ef al. - Exhibit 1008 - Page 007


`Chapter5 Windows NT Browser..........0. 0.0.0. c cece eee e ec eeccevuaes 79
`Specifying a Browser Computer... 2.000000. eee 80
`Number of Browsers in Domains and Workgroups........0...........0. §l
`Determining Browser Roles... 2.0.0... 00 cee cence cee 81
`Browsers0 cee leer v bv ent evnnes 82
`Role of Master Browsers... cee cece eee ee 83
`Role of Domain Master Browsers... 0.0.00... 00000... c eee cece 84
`Role of Backup Browsers 0.00. ccc eee ee 84
`How Computers Announce Themselves... 0.20.0 00 00000 cee 85
`Domain Announcements 0.0.0. cect eevee cent tveees 85
`How Chents Receive Browser Information... 000.0. cece eae 86
`Browser Pailures 0.000 cece eee e eect e eee eee 86
`Browser Components... ec een e cect e nee 87
`Mailslot Names 0.00 cc cece eee eaees 88
`LAN ManagerInteroperability... 000.00e eee 88
`Making Windows NT Servers Visible to LAN Manager CHents........... 88
`Making LAN Manager Domains Visible to Windows NT Browsers........ 89
`PARTI} Using Windows NT Networking
`Chapter6 Using NBF with Windows NT........00.. 2000.0. ccc cree eee 93
`Overview of NetBEUI and NBF. oo... cee eee eee 94
`NBFand Network Traffic. 0.00000 ccc cence ees 94
`Connectionless Traffic. 000.e eens 95
`Connection-Oriented Traffic... cence eas 96
`NBF and Sessions 00.0.0... cece cece pee c even eeneeeees 98
`Session LIMUS0. ccc ee ter eee b ete e nena 99
`Breaking the 254-Session Limit .. 00.00.00 000000000 cece cee ee eee 100
`Chapier7 Using DLC with Windows NT..........00. 00000 e cece cea e eee 105
`OVErVIEW eter e nt cece neice eee eeenees 106
`Loading the DLC Driver on Windows NT... 2.200 ae 106
`DLC Driver Parameters in the Registry... 000000000000 ccc eee eee 108
`Communicating with SNA Hosts Using DLC and SNA......00 0,000.00... . 108
`Using DLC to Connect to HP Printers. 2.0000. eee 110
`Changing the Locally Administered Address... 00000 eee 110
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al, - Exhibit 1008 - Pace Of


`Chapter 8 Client-Server Connectivity an Windows NT.........0..-..0..... ii
`SQL Server.0 eee ee 114
`Data Access Mechanisms .......0020000 000 cette ee 1i5
`Data Stream Protocols 116
`Interprocess Communication Mechanisms ...0...0..200.0-200 00.0.0 00-- 117
`Network Protocols 0000000eee 117
`Net-Library Architecture. 0000000. etn es 118
`Win32 DB-Library Architecture. 00.0.0 eee 124
`Configuration of the Net-Library .. 0.000000 ce eee 124
`Chapter9 Using Remote Access Service.......0.0. 000.0222 eee 129
`RAS Capabilities and Functionality 00000 ee eee 130
`Remote Access Versus Remote Control 00.0.0 2-00 0 eee 131
`RAS Features in Windows NT 3.5 2000000000000 0 0c cee ee 132
`Security.6ees 133
`Interoperability... ce ene eee 137
`Using Terminal and Script Settings for Remote Logons ................2... 139
`Using RAS Terminal for Remote Logons............06.-0 000020 pee 149
`Automating Remote Log Ons Using SWITCHLINE Scripts.....-.-00..... 141
`Using Scripts with Other Micrasoit RAS Clients.....0.000.. 145
`Resource Directory... 0.000.eet tte eens 146
`Chapter 10 Overview of Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows NT. .......0...0000.. 151
`Advantages of Adding TCP/IP to a Windows NT Configuration ............. 152
`Microsoft TCP/IP Core Technology and Third-Party Add-Ons .......00.0... 153
`Windows NT Solutions in TCP/IP Internetworks 2.00.0... ee. 157
`Using TCP/IP for Scalability in Windows Networks. ................-.. 157
`Using TCP/IP for Connectivity to the Internet 2... ...20 000000000... 20. 158
`TCP/IP for Heterogeneous Networking .... 00006 cee ee 160
`Using TCP/IP with Third-Party Software. 0.000. ce cece cece eee 161
`Chapter 11
`installing and Configuring Microsoft TCPAP and SNMP .......... 165
`Before Installing Microsoft TCP/IP... ees 166
`Installing TCP/, 167
`Configuring TCP/IP 00002.eee eee 171.
`Using DHCP.0 ence nee 174
`Configuring TCP/IP Manually... 00000002 eae 172
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. ef al. - Exhibit 1008 - Page 00°


`Contents ix
`Configuring TCP/IP to Use DNS 2. ccc cee eee 175
`Configuring Advanced TCP/IP Options... 0.000000 00000 cece eee 178
`Configuring SNMP... 2.0... eeeee 181
`Configuring SNMPSecurity.00. is3
`Configuring SNMP Agent Information... 00000. ee 184
`Removing TCPYIP Components ... 0... cece e ees 186
`Configuring RAS for Use with TCP/IP 2.00. eee 186
`Chapter 12 Networking Concepts for TCPAP.......0.0000000 000. cece ae 189
`TCP/IP and Windows NT Networking. .....000000. 00.0.0 000 20 cece eee, .. 190
`Internet Protocol Suite... ccc ye 191
`Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol eel e eee ees 191
`User Datagram Protocol ..... Lee cece cece eter ee eas 192
`Address Resolution Protocol and Internet Control Message Protocol... .... 193
`IP Addressing. 00000000. cctv c eect eeenes 193
`IP Addresses... ect cet eeeteeeeeees 194
`Routing and IP Gateways 000.0 ccc ec cece ee ees i97
`Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ..........000.0 000020 198
`Name Resolution for Windows-Based Networking..............0.0.0...05. 201
`NetBIOS over TCPAP and Name Resolution..........0......00. 00.000. 202
`Windows Intemet Name Service and Broadcast Name Resolution......... 205
`IP Addressing for RAS 2.0 ccc cence ete eeenes 212
`Name Resolution with Host Files ........ Pde eee teens 214
`Domain Name System Addressing Leelee eeecece e eee ees 215
`SNMP. ooo eee ee Veet tee eee ee 218
`Installing and Configuring DHCP Servers...................0. 221
`Chapter 13
`Overview of DHCPClients and Servers 2.000... 000.0000 e cee ce eee ee 222
`Installing DHCP Servers. 00.e ects ee enas 223
`Using DHCP Manager ........ eect eee vevervevecvteeeneees 224
`Defining DHCP Scopes... eee eee ees 226
`Creating Scopes ..........0.0.,eee eee eee es 227
`Changing Scope Properties... 0000.0 eee. Sees 229
`Removing a Scope... cee etree eeaes 229
`Configuring DHCP Options 0.0... cece ee 230
`Assigning DHCP Configuration Options 0.0.00. 00.00000000000 0000 230
`Creating New DHCP Options. ..0.. 0.00 ee eee 232
`Changing DHCP Option Default Values... 0.000000... 234
`Defining Options for Reservations 0000.00. 235
`Predefined DHCP Client Configuration Options........0.0..0.00.00...... 236
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. - Exhibit 1008 - Page 010


`Administering DHCP Chients 00000ee cn nee 24.
`Managing Client Leases... 0000000 tenes 243
`Managing Client Reservations. 0.0.00... 0000.0 eens 246
`Managing the DHCP Database Files.......0.0 0000... 000 022 c eee eee 248
`TroubleshootingDHCP... .... 250
`Restoring the DHCP Database .... 02.22.0002 00eee 251
`Backing up the DHCP Database onto Another Computer................ 252
`Creating a New DHCP Database . 0... cee 252
`Advanced Configuration Parameters for DHCP 02..0000000000.. 253
`Registry Parameters for DHCP Servers .....0 000002000 eee eee 254
`Registry Parameters for DHCP Clients... .00. 0000020 eee 256
`Guidelines for Setting Local Policies ....... Vee e teen etcetera tee ees 256
`Guidelines for Managing DHCP Addressing Policy .....-----......0.5-. 256
`Guidelines for Lease Options ..... 02.00 tenes 258
`Guidelines for Partitioning the Address Pool... 0.0... eee 259
`Guidelines for Avoiding DNS Naming Conflicts........0.00.00....0..000. 259
`Using DHCP with BOOTP «0.0... 2. teens 260
`Planning a Strategy for DHCP... 0.0.2...bbe eee neces 260
`Planning a Small-scale Strategy for DHCP Servers... 2.000. 262
`Planning a Large-scale Strategy for DHCP Servers............0....0004 263
`installing and Configuring WINS Servers................,..005 265
`Chapter 14
`Benefits of Using WINS ©. 00... ees 266
`Installing WINS Servets 0.0000.eee 266
`Administering WENS Servers 0.0000... eee 268
`Configuring WINS Servers and Replication Partners ..................00.. 273
`Configuring WINS Servers ....0. 00.0.0 c cee eee eee ee 274
`Configuring Replication Partners 0.0.0... ae 277
`Managing Static Mappings... 0... ccs 282
`Adding Static Mappings... 000... cece 284
`Editing Static Mappings..... 0.0000. eee 286
`Filtering the Range of Mappings. .... eee eee 287
`Managing Special Names 288
`Setting Preferences for WINS Manager.............. eee tenes 292
`Managing the WINS Database... 0.00.00 es 294
`Scavenging the Database... cette nes 294
`Viewing the WINS Database ©0000.0ee 296
`Backing Up the Database... 000200 nee 298
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. -Exhibit 1006 - Page O11]


`Contents _
`; Xi
`‘Troubleshooting WINS 20000 cece eee e nes 299
`Basic WINS Troubleshooting... 0.02 20200000200 00 ccc cece eee 299
`Restoring or Moving the WINS Database ............................ 301
`Advanced Configuration Parameters for WINS. .....00.0000..000000000 00. 303
`Registry Parameters for WINS Servers ...0000 000000000000 c cece 303
`Registry Parameters for Replication Partners:.........00000000 0000000. 306
`Planning a Strategy for WINS Servers..... 0000000000000 02 ccc ceca aee 308
`Planning for Server Performance 2.000000. 00000000 cece ee 309
`Planning Replication Partners and Proxies.....000 00.00.0000... cece eee 309
`Planning Replication Frequency Between Hubs........0.0000000.0.000. 310
`Chapter15 SettingUpLMHOSTS.........0....0.. ccc ee eee ees 311
`Editing the LMHOSTS File ............ ete t eee e ett e eee nes 312
`Rules for LMHOSTS. 00 cect cece eee 312
`Guidelines for LMHOSTS 02000.e eee ence eee 314
`Using LMHOSTS with Dynamic Name Resolution ....................-., 315
`Specifying Remote Servers in LMHOSTS .......00000000000 0.000.000 315
`Designating Domain Controllers Using #DOM..............See e ees 317
`Using Centralized LMHOSTS Files... 000000000 ccc eee 319
`Chapter 16 Using the Microsoft FTP Server Service 20. ee 321
`Installing the FTP Server Service. 0.00e ene 322
`Configuring the FTP Server Service...2 c cae eeeNanas 323
`Administering the FTP Server Service... 000000 ccc eee eee. 327
`Using FTP Commandsat the Command Prompt ........0...000. 00.00.00. 328
`Managing Users... ccc cee tere cece en eees 328
`- Controlling the FTP Server and User Access. 22.0.0. 00000000020 ce cece 329
`Annotating Directories. 00.0000ae 329
`Changing Directory Listing Format ..-..........0 0.0000. Meee nes 330
`Customizing Greeting and Exit Messages .......0.. 0 ccc eee eeee 330
`Logging FFP Connections... 00... f cece neve ee 330
`Advanced Configuration Parameters for FTP Server Service................ 331
`Chapter 17 Using Performance Monitor with TCPAP Services,.............. 337
`Using Performance Monitor with TCP/IP 220 ....0.0.0 0000200 e cece eee 338
`Monitoring TCPAP Performance .. 002... 0.000000 00 ccc eee 339
`ICMPPerformance Counters. 00 eens 339
`IP Performance Counters.....000 000... c ec eee ccc ees 341
`Network Interface Performance Counters for TCPAP........0.....0..... 343
`TCP Performance Counters... 000.0000 cee 345
`UDP Performance Counters»... 000000 eect ees 346
`bir 1008 - Page 012
`Petihioner Vonage Holdings Corp. ef al. - Exhi


`Monitoring FPP Server Traffic.0 eee 346
`Monitoring WINS Server Performance . 0.000000 cece eee cee 348
`Internetwork Printing with TOPAP . eee ee 349
`Chapter 18
`Overview of TCP/IP Printing... 000006 eee 350
`Setting Up Windows NT for TCP/IP Printing ...........0.-......0..02-.-. 351
`Creating a Printer for TCP/LP Prinling....0...00000000.0..0...0...020202000.. 352
`Printing to Windows NT from UNEX Clients... 000.0000 20 eee 357
`Chapter 19 Troubleshooting TCPAP eee eee 359
`Troubleshooting IP Configuration. 0.000... eens 360
`Troubleshooting Name Resolution Problems ....0.0..00000000.0-..02485 361
`‘Froubleshooting Other Connection Problems...........-.0-..0......22. 362
`Troubleshooting Other Problems-.... 0000000000 ce eee 364
`Troubleshooting the FTP Server Service......0..,....-0 022-00 02-000-. 364
`Troubleshooting Telnet ....0 00.0000. ens 364
`_ Troubleshooting Gateways .. 2.0.6... eee eee eee 365
`Troubleshooting TCP/IP Database Files 0.0.02. ee eee 365
`we ee
`PART IV Windows NT and the Internet
`Chapter 20 Using Windows NT onthe Internet............0....2......005 369
`Using Windows
`NT to Connect to the liternet 370
`Single-Computer Connections... ........-.ett teens 370
`Connecting a LAN to the Internet... 00002. Decne e nena 37]
`Connecting Computers to the Internet with RAS ... 20. eee 372
`Combining Windows NT Internet Functions ee eee 373
`Configuring TCP/IP and RASfor Internet Gateway 000.00. ee 373
`Configuring TCPAP tee e eee 374
`Configuring RAS .......... 0.0... eee.Lo cent ee eee tent eens 375
`Planning Internet Service for YourLAN 0.0...02. 376
`Network Protocols and LANs... 0.00 ee 376
`Using Network Topology to Provide Security ....-.......------..20055 376
`Additional Security Methods... 0.00000.0 eee 383
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. ef al. - Exiibit 1006 - Page O13
`* es


`Establishing the Infrastructure 2000s eens 385
`Link Typesnee c eee c eter e ne 385
`Internet Service and Providers)... 0... eee ees 386
`IP Addresses and Domain Names... 0.000.000 000000000000 cece eee cae 386
`Chapter 21 Setting Up Internet Servers and Clients
`on Windows NT Computers. 0... ccc cece eee eee tere nes 387
`Windows NT onthe Internet... 0... eee 389
`The FMWAC Documents ...0 00. cee eee e eee ees 389
`Publishing Tools... 000 nce ect e eee e teens 389
`FIP Server Service 2.0 ...0000000000000002-0022000.. ce eevee es 389
`Gopher Server Service... eeeSee cece eens 39]
`World-Wide Web Server. 0000. cee eres 393
`WAIS Server oo eter tte eres 396
`WAIS Toolkit. 000 ccc cent tenet eees 397
`Locator Tools... eee e eee e nec etee ney 398
`DNS Servereet e crete ene nenes 399
`WINS Service 0. ccc cence eee e renee 405
`Other Internet Tools... cee eee eee e ene 495
`Integrating Multiple Internet Services on One Windows N'F Computer... .
`. 406
`Chapter 22 Remote Access Service and the internet....................0. 407
`RAS: A Ramp to the Internet 0.0.00 00c e ee eee 408
`Windows NT as an Internet Gateway Server....0000.0......... Sees 41]
`Connecting Windows NT to the Internet ..00 000000 eee 412
`Installing an Internet Gateway Server ....00000000000 0000s cee c cee eeu eee 412
`TP Address 22. cette evra v ee te eens 413
`Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ......0...0.0. 000000000 cee ee 413
`Domain Name System... 0... ce cence eee eee 413
`Default Gateway 0.0000 eect eee ce enes 414
`Before Installing RAS 00.0... ccc ccc tenn ees 415
`Installing the Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol.........000.00000-0000. cc. eee 416
`Configuring TCP/IP to useDNS... eee 417
`Installing 4 Simple Internet Router Using PPP... 0.02. 419
`Petitioner Vonage Heldings Corp. et al. ~ Exhibit 1008 - Page O14


`PARTY Appendixes
`Appendix A TCPAP Utilities Reference... 0.000.000... 0... cee eee eee 425
`ALPnen eee 426
`FINPCT teens 427
`ftp ccc eee ees bebe bebe eect eet b eee beeney 428
`WOSMMAIME. ee eedeae, 430
`ipeonfig.6 tees 431
`IPQ. etree eae 432
`Woteee tenes 432
`Conbtstate eee erect tener eee eens 433
`Metstatee ne eee 435
`DING.ees 436
`ICP. eeeee etree tees A38
`cr A444
`FOULCnee ee eee 442
`PSDnn een nee et eens 443
`Ee A444
`a 446
`EPACETEee eee teen ae 447
`Appendix B MIB Object Types for Windows NT... 6... cee eee 449
`LAN Manager MIB II for Windows NT Objects .............00 02 eee .,. 450
`Common Groupoe eee eee res 450
`Server Groupoe ete teeters 51
`Workstation Group. 6.0 eee 454
`Domain Group 0... teens ... 454
`Microsoft DHCP Objects ......00.0..00. ence eect eect ete n nes 455
`DHCP MIB Parameters... 00.00 0002000...00---re 455
`DHCP Scope Group... .. 0.002202...ccc eee tbe e eee e eee eens 455
`Microsoft WINS Objects... ............octet eens eee ees 456
`WINSParamelers.. 000000 eet eee 456
`WINS Datafiles Group .... 60000000 tees ne 458
`WINS Pull Group... 000 etter eee 458
`WINS Push Group... 0. tte ee 459
`WINS Cmd Group...........Cee nee t eee es 460
`Appendix C Windows Sockets Applications ..........-........: eee eee 463
`Fee (=),a 47]
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. -
`hibit 1008 - Page 01S


`Figures and Tables
`Figures and Tables
`Pigure 1.1
`Figure 1.2
`Figure 1.3
`Figure 1.4
`Figure 1.5
`Figure 1.6
`Figure 1.7
`Figure 1.8
`Figure 1.9
`Figure 1.10
`Figure L.11
`Figure 1.12
`Figure 1.13
`Figure 1.14
`Figure 1.15
`Figure 2.1
`Figure 2.2
`Figure 2.3
`Figure 4.1
`Figure 4.2
`Figure 4,3
`Figure 4.4
`Figure 4.5
`Figure 4.6
`Figure 4.7
`Figure 4.8
`Figure 4.9
`Figure 4.10
`Figure 4.11
`Figure 6.1
`TOpenSystems Interconnection (OSD Reference Model... 5
`Communication Between OSE Layers v0 cccceeeseceeseeceeneeecteneeets 6
`Logical Link Control and Media Access Control Sublayers «0.0... 8
`Project 802 Standards as Related to LLC and MAC Layers... 9
`Windows NT Networking Model ...csccsscccceesseeeeseeesesteneaeeeaes 10
`Transport Protocols 0... cceseseccsesesseeceneeacecsseseecceescaseetesaeeseseeeseatses 12
`The Transport Driver Interface occ cccesceceseesssssececeesesseeeeeseaeetsciees 13
`Client-Side Processing Using the Redirector.......ccccsceeseecseee 15
`Server-Side Processing Using the Server ....cccccccsccccecseaeerteseees 16
`Provider Interface Component...c..ccceccccsscsseccsessscssecsssevesecesesseneveen 18
`NetBIOS and Windows Sockets Support ........cccecesssteessseseseessess 20
`Remote Procedure Call Facility .....00.ccccccssscssccsesseeeesessasceeenssesness 24
`PPP Architecture Of RAS oo... ccccscssseresesssssssessscsessessssersesseseasavsceas 295
`Location of the PPP Protocol on the OSI Model wcccs 26
`NetBIOS Gateway Architecture of RAS ......ccccccccssccesceeseeenens 27
`Mixed Windows-based and NetWare Environment... 32
`Windows NT Computers as NetWare Clients
`Or Application Servers oo... sees essteereiaseertseseeeesesusasnsssesassecsceseeees 34
`SNA Server Connecting LANs to IBM Host Computers wee41
`Windows NT Security Model occ cc ccceetssesessseseeeseeseeeeconeneeeeaens 54
`Computers Participating in & Workgroup...ccsssssseessesseersseees 56
`Computers Participating in a Domain... ccecsssssessssseeseseseeesesnees 57
`Trusted Domain occ ccsccccsceeceeccecsecesscscaeeeeseentsaseesansessnseneesansvererees 59
`Logging On Locally Versus Logging On to the Domain... 65
`Pass-Through Authentication 2.0... scceecseesesssssessesesecssesssacsneeseeas 69
`Netlogon Requirements for Domain LOgonis ..ccscsesesecesesecseeeees 70
`Remote LOROD .....ccccceccsssseeeseeeseereseesesevsscsasscssssesssesssessaecatescenesaees 72
`Initial Logon and Local Databases
`for a Windows NT Workstatione.......cccccesesesssssescenesessescsseesencnseerens 74
`Logging Onfrom a Domain Workstation........ccccccccesssssesevesssesens 75
`Authentication by a Trusted Domain Controller ve.ccsececcsssseeeeeeeesee 76
`NBF Communicates via the NDIS Interface
`at the LILC Sublayet se. ccccesessenesseesesesseeeaecssssesacsaesavscsesseieas 95
`Petitioner Vonage Holdings Corp. et al. - Exhibit 1008 ~ Page 016


`Figures and Tables
`Figure 6.2
`Figure 6.3
`Figure 6.4
`Figure 6.5
`Fisure 6.6
`Figure 6.7
`Figure 6.8
`Figure 7.1
`Figure 7.2
`Figure 8.1
`Figure 8.2
`Figure 8.3
`Figure 8.4
`Figure 9.1
`Figure 9.2
`Figure 9,3
`Figure 10.5
`Figure 10.2
`Figure 10.3
`Figure 12.1
`Figure 12.2
`Fisure 12.3
`Figure 12.4
`Figure 12.5
`Figure 12.6
`Figure 12.7
`Figure 12.8
`Figure 12.9
`Figure 13.1
`Figure 13.2
`Figure 14.1
`Figure 14.2
`Connection-oriented Network Traffic ...000...2..ce eee eeee eee 96
`Adaptive Sliding Window ....cccccessseeeseeesrerereessteneesnnenenee: 97
`Broadcast of NameQuery.......ccececcneeeeresresnerteernnereiecseiseeneees 99
`NBF and Its LSN Matrix ......ccecccccssceesesesereersenesrerenenenernescteeeeaes 100
`Two NameQuery Frames inWindows NT NBEue LOE
`NETBIOS. SYS Matrix... ccceccccccceceeeecenceteceeeeeeeserseesersanarenereeare 102
`Another View of the NetBIOS Architecturewee 102
`Mainframe Connectivity Path Using Token Ring... eee 109
`Comparison of SNA and OST Modelsucts 109
`Levels and Interfaces Within the Microsoft SQL Server
`ALCHICCEULE oo ccccsecsscsassneseaeeneeeseeruasenescecneestesseeeseesseneeresseeneeeret 115
`Net-Library Architecture oo... cece cectcsseeseeeescsseeseeseseeeserstsseeneeees 118
`Server-Side Net-Library Archifectur
`on the Windows NT Platform ...0..00cccccccseeeseeeeceeeeseeenneeseeraerenes 119
`Client-Side Net-Library Architecture occ ccc teserreee 120
`RAS Architecture... ccccsececcceceeceeeeeeteerenaetecaeseeanecsusesenensaceees 130
`PPP Architecture......cccccsccsscssessesceseseersrecneseeteereeeeceeuseeeenseeeeeesaes 138
`NetBIOS Gateway Architecture occrte 139
`Microsoft TCP/IP Core Technology and Third-party Add-ons..... 154
`TCPAP for Windows NT Supports iP Routing
`for Multihomed Systems ... cesses erersseeecrereseeeseeeeeseesneereas 158
`Microsoft TCP/EP Connectivity...ccccsscserterecesereceescetsesserereneentaaties 160
`Architectural Model of Windows NT with TCPIIPleeeneceneeisetaeeeeees 190
`Internetwork Routing Through Gateways wcrc creer 198
`DHCP Clients and Servers on a Routed Network... nes 199
`DHCP Client State Transition During System Startup... 200
`Example of an Internetwork with WINS Servers...we 207
`Example of Clients and Servers Using WINS...cece 207
`Name Registration in the WINS Database... :cececssereeees 209
`Processing a Name Query Request .....ccccecestreeeeeespevererseees 209
`Network Access with RAS in Windows NT ooo ccsteecesererrares 213
`A Single Local Network Using Automatic
`TCP/IP Configuration with ceeeenaee 262
`An Internetwork Using Autamatic
`TCP/IP Configuration with DHCP. ccc cseeseeeeeereraeerreee 263
`Replication Configuration Example for WINS Servers .........277
`Example of an Enterprise-Wide Configuration
`for WINS Replication 0000svee ceueeanencnsesenseeentnens 310
`Yonage Holdin
`s Corp. et al.


`Figures and Tables xvii
`Figure 18.1
`Figure 20.1
`Figure 20,2
`Figure 20,3
`Figure 20.4
`Figure 20.5
`Figure 20.6
`Figure 20.7
`Figure 20.8
`Figure 20.9
`Figure 20.10
`Figure 20.11
`Figure 20.12
`Figure 20.13
`Figure 20.14
`Figure 22.1]
`Figure 22,2
`Figure 22.3
`Figure 22.4
`Figure 22.5
`Printing to TCP/IP or UNIX Printers
`Using Microsoft TCPAP vo. cccccccccsessccccustessscersesevsesessrsseseesesaravens 351
`Windows NT Internet Client 0... .ccccccscsscssseesesscsstsersesestseceeasees 370
`Windows NTT Internet Server and Client 0... .cceesccssceceeceseseseceees 37]
`Small LAN Client Accessto the Internet Using Windows NT......371
`Large LAN Client Access to the Internet
`Using Third-party Route.......cccccescsssccssscrscscsccssavscacsevecevasseateenes 372
`Remote Client Internet Gateway ...cccsccccccccsssseseesecerssasestseestasaes 372
`Small LAN and Remote Client Internet Gateway .......cceeecssesee 372
`Windows NT Computer Connected to Two Networks .....ccee. 376
`Network Topology Affects Security Levels .ccccccusssesesseseees 377
`Physical Isolation Security Model ........c..ccscscssescsssssessseseerseevecesens 378
`Protocol Isolation Security MOde].......cccccscesessssesssseessssesssseescaresees 379
`Using the Windows NT Replication Service for Security ............. 380
`Third-party TCP/IP Router Security ....0ccccecccsesceesessssesserereeenes 380
`Disabled TCP/IP Router Security ccc. ccccscssessseccceseeceserseserssvsnars 381
`A Windows NT Computer Serving as a Gateway
`Co theImternet cecesestsenseseesesecssssesessessensssasssaesssuestscsessensens 382
`Microsoft’s RAS Server with Direct Connections
`- CO the Internet cease eseteesessssessnececsesseseeusceevaurenseneveverareeueees 409
`Acquiring a Shared Internet Connection
`and Value-Added Services ...ccccscccccsccscccssccserseceorsevavansvevavsneavseeveses 409
`Using Windows NT Simple Internet Router Using PPP eeeeaeveesenens410
`Windows NT as an Internet Gateway Server...beeeeetatens Ali
`Sample Configuration using RAS as a Simple Internet Router......421
`Table 3.1
`Table 3.2
`Table 3.3
`Table 4.1
`Table 5.1
`Table 8.1
`Table 9.1
`Table 10.1
`Tabie 11.1
`Table 11.2
`Environment Parameters for Logon Scripts and Batch Files....,......48
`Environment Parameters for Logon Scripts.....ccccccccsseessseeeeeseees52
`Environment Variables for Logon Scripts.....c.ccccccecsssesseeseesees 52
`Summary of Interactive Logon Authentication... jcc 71
`Values for the MaintainServerList Entry ..0.00.0.cccccccccsecsececceeesees BO
`Server-Side and Client-Side Net-Library Piles .....c.ccccceeeseeees 124
`‘Security Levels and RAS Encryption Protocols 0.00... 135
`Requests for Comments (RFCs) Supported
`by Microsoft TCP/IP cccccceceeeecsestsetersessstessessesseusesesarsensevseee 155
`Windows NT TCP/IP Installation Options ........0ccececeececseseeens 169
`Subnet Mask Defaults o.oo ccccccccsscscscscsesesesssarsssesvsvevaveveveunssaene 174
`foner Vonage Holdings Corp. ef al. -
`os fey


`xviii Figures and Tables
`SNMP Service Options... cscs e eric reneenieereen 185
`Table 11.3
`IP Address Classe....c...ccceccccccccceccseteceeneeeesesaceeseacenneess

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