`page 88 ef440
`Service Discovery Application Profiie
`The following tabie lists all features on the LC level
`Support in
`Support In
`Support In
`Inquiry scan
`Page scan
`Type R0
`Type R’!
`Type R2
`Packet types
`ID packet
`NULL packet
`POLL packet
`FHS packet
`DM1 packet
`D!-I1 packet
`DM3 packet
`DH3 packet
`DM5 packet
`DH5 packet
`AUX packet
`HV1 packet
`HV2 packet
`HV3 packet
`DV packet
`|nter—piconet capabilities
`Voice coder:
`A B C 5
`. A B C D E F G H
`Tabie 8.1: LC features
`1 December 1999
`Link control
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1170

`Service Discovery Application Profile
`Support in
`page 89 of 440
`Support in
`{C1}: This mandatory LC feature will be activated under the control of the SrvDscApp.
`{C2]: This mandatory LC feature is a settable device policy {outside the scope of this profile)
`that is activated whenever a device is to operate in a discoverable {public} mode.
`[C3] This mandatory LC feature is a settable device policy {outside the scope of this profile)
`that is activated whenever a device is to operate in a discoverable or connectable {private}
`{X1}: These features are not used in this profile. but their use by other applications running
`simultaneously with this profile is not excluded.
`Table 8.1: LC features
`For the next four subsections, it is assumed that a LocDev is to perform service
`searches with originally unconnected RemDevs. It thus needs to inquire for
`and page (or only page) these RemDevs. None of the following four Subsec-
`tions apply whenever a LocDev performs service searches with RemDevs to
`which it is already connected.
`Whenever instructed by the SrvDscApp, the i_ocDev shall advise its baseband
`to enter the inquiry state. Entry into this state may or may not be immediate,
`however, depending on 008 requirements of any already existing and ongoing
`The user of the Sn/DscApp shall be able to set the criteria for the duration of an
`inquiry. see stopRuie service primitive parameter in Section 4.2. Nevertheless.
`the actual residence time in the inquiry state must comply with the recommen-
`dation given in section 10.7.3 of Bluetooth Baseband Specification it}.
`When inquiry is invoked in a LocDev, the general inquiry procedure shall be
`used using a GIAC as described in Section 8.1 of Bluetooth GAP_profi|e:lj3}.
`Instead ofa GIAC. an appropriate DIAC can be used to narrow down the scope
`of the inquiry. Since the only defined DIAC (referred to as the LIAC) does not
`reflect any specific device or service categories, the use of DIACS is of limited
`(but non-zero) benefit in this profile. In particular, the profile does not exclude
`(but neither does it encourage) performing inquiries according to the limited
`inquiry procedure described in Section 53.2 of GAP_profi|e:i3§.The information
`contained in the Class of Device field in the FHS packet returned by the
`‘inquired devices’ can be used as a filter to limit the number of devices to page
`and connect to for subsequent SDP transactions.
`Link control
`1 December 1999
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`Service Discovery Application Profile
`page 90 of 440
`Inquiry scans are device-dependent policies outside the scope of this profile.
`Devices that operate in a discoverable mode of operation, see Section 4.1 of
`GAP_profi|e:;’3}, could be discovered by inquiries sent by other devices.
`To be discovered by an inquiry resulting from a SrvDscApp action. a RemDev
`must enter inquiry scans using the GIAC: see general discoverable mode in
`Fsiectien e-‘V3.23 of GAP_profi|e:{fEt}. A DIAC can be used instead of a GIAC. As
`previously mentioned, the use of DIACS are of limited (but non-zero) benefit in
`this profile. In particular, performing inquiry scans according to the limited
`discoverable procedure described in Section 6.2 of GAP_profile:{3} is not
`excluded, but is not encouraged either.
`Whenever the SrvDscApp needs to connect to a specific RemDev for inquiring
`about its service records, the LocDev will advise its baseband to enter the page
`state. Entry into this state may or may not be immediate, however, depending
`on Q08 requirements of any already existing and ongoing connections.
`Depending on the paging class (R0, R1, or R2) indicated by a RemDev device,
`the LocDev shall page accordingly. The total residence time in the page state
`must comply with the recommendation given in section 10.6.3 of
`BT_BB_spec:§f’i}. For the pages, the 48«bit BD_ADDR of the RemDev must be
`Just like inquiry scans, page scans are device-dependent policies outside the
`scope of this profile. Devices that operate in a connectable mode of operation,
`see $ection 4.12.2 of GAP_profile:§:3}, could establish Bluetooth links with other
`devices from pages sent by these other devices. To establish a link with a
`RemDev, a LocDev must send a page that results from a SrvDscApp action
`using the RemDev's 48-bit BD_ADDR.
`Since most features on the LC level have to be activated by LMP procedures,
`errors will usually be caught at that layer. However, there are some LC proce-
`dures that are independent of the LMP layer, such as inquiry or paging. Misuse
`of such features is difficult or sometimes impossible to detect. There is no
`mechanism defined to detect or prevent such improper use.
`1 December 1999
`Link control
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1172

`page 91 of 440
`Service Discovery Appiicatiori Proiiie
`[1] Baseband specification (see Volume 1. Part B)
`[2] Bluetooth Assigned Numbers (see Volume 1. Appendix VIII)
`[3] Generic Access Profile (see Volume 2, Part K1)
`Link Manager Protocol (see Volume 1, Part C)
`Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol Specification (see Volume 1.
`Part D)
`[6] Message Sequence Charts between H0st—Host Contro||eriLink
`Manager (see Volume 1, Appendix IX)
`Service Discovery Protocol (see Volume 1. Part E)
`1 December 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1173

`page 92 of440
`Service Discovery Appiicat.-‘on Profile
`new (RemDev)
`(usually referred to) a process that requires the explicit intervention of
`a user to be accomplished
`(with respect to a specific device} opposite to unknown; a known
`devices is not necessarily a paired device
`{with regard to this profile) an additional remote device (Re-mDev} that
`is discovered during a Bluetooth inquiry, and that is not already
`connected to local device (LocDev)
`a mode of operation whereby a device can only be found via Bluetooth
`baseband pages; i.e. it only enters page scans
`a mode of operation whereby a device can be found via Bluetooth
`baseband inquiries; i.e. it enters into inquiry scans. A public device
`also enters into page scans (contrast this with private}
`opposite to conscious
`(with respect to a specific device) any other device that a specific
`device has no record of
`1 December 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1174

`page 93 of 440
`Service Discovery Appiication Profiie
`In this Annex, we relate the service primitives shown in section 4.2 with the var-
`ious Biuetooth PDUs which support these primitives. The table below only
`shows the actions taken at the higher involved Bluetooth layer. Thus. unless
`specifically stated, the low-level inquiries and pages needed to discover and
`connect to Bluetooth devices are not discussed in detail.
`service primitive
`(highest layer) Bluetooth PDUs involved
`For the subset of RemDev that satisfy the Remflevfieiaiion.
`this service primitive will cause the LocDev to send:
`an SDP Servicesearchfitequesr PDU and receives a
`corresponding response PDU. see section 4.5 in
`an SDP_ServiceAt‘tributeRequesf PDU and receives a
`corresponding response PDU. see section 4.6 in
`The first transaction above identifies the SDP servers that
`contain pertinent service records, while the second transac-
`tion retrieves the desired information;
`Alternatively. the two transactions above are combined to
`LccDev sends an SDP_ServiceSearch/ltrr'ibuteRequest
`PDU and receives a corresponding response PDU, see
`section 4.7 in BT_SDP_spec:§?;i
`In either of the above cases, the corresponding SDP trans-
`action may last a number of request and response PDU
`exchanges, due to the LZCAP MTU limitation.
`If the ge(RemDevName parameter is set to ‘yes‘, then for
`each RemDev involved in the execution of this service primi-
`tive. the service primitive will cause a sequence of
`LMP_name_request{) LM level PDUs to be sent by the
`LocDev.' The corresponding RemDev responds with a
`LMP_name_response{) LM level PDU containing the
`requested user-friendly device name.
`same as above
`(LlST( RemDev)
`I-IS-ri R9mDe"R9iaH°” )
`Us-ri b’°"""3eGm“p}
`5 Op U 9)
`(LlST( RemDev}
`L|ST{ RemDevReiatr‘on )
`L|ST( searchPaitern.
`attributeust )
`Tabie 11.1: Biuetooth PDUs reiated to the service primitives in Ejection 4.2
`Appendix A (Informative): Service primitives and the Bluetooth PDUs 1 December 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1175

`Service Discovery Application Profits
`page 94 of 440
`service primitive
`{highest layer) Bluetooth PDUs involved
`en ume rate RemDev
`(L|ST( ciassOfDew’ce )
`This service primitive wiii cause a Bluetooth baseband
`inquiry process. The inquiry will ‘indiscriminately‘i' find
`devices residing in the vicinity of the LocDev. Prior to return»
`ing the results of this inquiry the LocDev may filter them
`Using the classOfDev':ce qualifier.
`This service primitive wiil cause the termination of any out-
`standing operation caused by the invocation of the service
`primitive identified by the primitiveHandie parameter. This
`may cause an L2CAP connection termination request PDU
`to be sent from the LocDev to the RemDev. and the subse-
`quent transmission of an L2CAP termination response PDU.
`It the LocDev is connecting to the RemDev only for the pur-
`poses of an SDP transaction, the baseband link will also be
`severed by the transmission of an LiviP_detach LM level
`Tabie 11.1: Biuetocfh PDUS reiated to the service primitives in S.r:.-ciicn 4.2
`If the information requested is already stored (cached) in the LocDev, this service
`primitive may not have to cause the described LM level PDU transaction.
`1'. The inquiries considered here use the GIAC. No CoD-specific DlACs have been
`defined. Nevertheless. the use of appropriate D|ACs whenever possible is not
`excluded and is not outside the scope of this profile.
`1 December 1999
`Appendix A (informative): Service primitives
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1176

`This rofile fiefines the features and proce-
`required for interoperability
`dure; that a
`betw en diff rent units active in the
`‘3-infl phon _' use case. The scope of this pro-
`file igicludeggthe following layerslprotocolsi
`profiles: Bl _etooth Baseband, Link Manager
`Prgtocol, l.gCAP, Service Discovery Protocol,
`Te. ephongControl Protocol Specification
`§fi'CS-Bigsry) and the General Access Profile.
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1177

`page 96 of-440
`Cordless Telephony Profile
`1 December 1999
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`Cordless Teiephony Profile
`page 97 of 440
`imrcsziuctim ................................................................................ ......‘i%
`Prcfiia £’Jeper2de.=‘=Ci3s ............................................................. ..
`Symimis and
`ReqL:iremen§. siatus syrnbczis ..................................... ..
`Notation for timers and counters
`Prcsfiie ovewiew................
`. ..
`C0~nf:gL:r'ati0ns and mies
`User requirézments and sscamarios
`Profék-2 fuaxdazneaatais .............................................................. ..
`Feature d£%f'sn§tEC}a“:$ ................................................................. _.
`Canfomma race ......................................................................... ..
`‘E E3?’
`Appiicaiien iayer ............................................................................ ..1€}$
`T{.‘.$«3§N prccedureg ...................................................................... .. ‘Hi?
`Connention E\.»1as*.agem<-ant ....................................................... ..
`{Ionneciéng to 23
`4.1.2 Conneciing to sanothar
`C35! Comm)! proceaiures
`Sides .......................................................................... ..
`Caii mass ................................................................... ..
`£2«‘varEa;2 sending
`Caii proceeding ......................................................... ..
`Gait corafirrrsatiorw ........................................................ ..
`Non—$ai=.:acied user
`in--‘sand iones and annourcements.............................
`4.2.10 F-'a':Eure of C31!
`4.2.1‘! Cafl
`4.2.12 Caflinforrm-Itiorz
`§}TE‘JiF signaiiing ........................................................ ..
`Caifirtg line identiiy
`4.3.3 Register recaii ........................................................... ..
`Gr'ou;:+ Marzagarnent rirocedures ............................................ ..
`1 December 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1179

`page 98 0f4-40
`Cordress Telephony Proffle
`Configuraimredistrimtion .......................................... "114
`Link toss cieieciian by Gk’
`Periodic key aspdate
`Fast inter--member
`Conrxeciioraiesss §:r'c-cedures ................................................... .. ‘H5
`TCS—E~3EN Message overview .................................................. .. "E16
`irafcsrmation Eiierneni ova‘-.=.Wiew' .......................................
`...... .. 11?‘
`Eiearercapabiéity ....................................................... "H8
`flaiit-3:3 party
`Caiiing party
`4.‘.?'.ai Cause ..................
`................................................... .119
`Uni»: E033 .................................................................................. .. 119
`3es"vice Déecucwery prccedures ..................................................... "129
`LEQAF wocedures ......................................................................... H12‘?
`C:3nfEgLa:'ati0r:0;>ti0r:s ............................................................. ..‘§2‘i
`fviaximum Trarssmissiun uni!
`F!z.:sshiime0umptéon .................................................. ..12'§
`-Quaiity of Service ...................................................... .. 121
`L53? praceaiures averview ............................................................A22
`(.1 Master--sieve switrsh ............................................................... .123
`E..ir1%<{:.‘-oéicy ........................
`................................................... ..123
`LC features ..................................................................................... "124
`1.“.qu§ry scan ......................................................
`inter-piconet cap:-abiiitisss
`.................. .. “£25
`Genera? Access Pmffle intercperabisity Requirements................125
`Se<;=..=rity aspects
`.......................... ..12":'
`icfiimnrade pmcedures ............
`Bamiéiug ....
`...... .42“?
`1 December 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1180

`page 99 of 440
`Cordless Telephony Profile
`Annex A {Enfsrmative}: Sigszaiiing flaws
`1%.‘? Ouigguing eximnai caii *.«\rEt§“:{.>ut post—«riiaiiir:g....,.........................‘f28
`30.2 Guétgoing externai ca?! witfs po:=.i~cJéa§iir:g ................................. ..‘i?‘.9
`inc:-ming extarnai caii, SETUP deiivereté an canne-ectioniess
`10.4 Inca:-ming extarraai caii. E§ET'iJi3 cieiivereci an Conn-action--oriented
`c?:ar=,ne§‘s 30
`18.5 Caii Ciearing ........................................................................... .33‘?
`4.0.6 EJTMF signaiiing ..................................................................... J31
`E}“§”%':F signaiiing faéiure
`‘£{}.8 Access rights
`€{}.E~£= Cflrfiguratiian distribution
`13.18 Parindic key upxaiate ............................................................... ..‘i33
`105%‘? Fast ‘trite?-memt=e.r
`Timers and cesunaers
`List of
`List (ref Taitreies
`1 December 1999
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1181

`Cordless Telephony Profile
`1.1 SCOPE
`page 100 of440
`The Cordless Telephony profile defines the protocols and procedures that shall
`be used by devices implementing the use case called '3-in-1 phone’.
`The ‘3-in-1 phone‘ is a solution for providing an extra mode of operation to cel-
`lular phones, using Bluetooth as a short-range bearer for accessing fixed net-
`work telephony services via a base station. However, the 3-in-1 phone use
`case can also be applied generally for wireless telephony in a residential or
`small office environment. for example for cordless-oniy telephony or cordless
`telephony services in a PC — hence the profile name ‘Cordless Telephony‘.
`This use case includes making calls via the base station, making direct inter-
`com calls between two terminals, and accessing supplementary services pro-
`vided by the external network.
`In fr’-"igua'e 1.1, the Bluetooth profile structure and the dependencies of the pro-
`files are depicted. A profile is dependent upon another profile if it re-uses parts
`of that profile, by implicitly or expiicitly referencing it. Dependency is illustrated
`in the figure. A profile has dependencies on the profile(s) in which it is con-
`tained — directly and indirectly. As indicated in the figure, the Cordless Tele-
`phony profile is dependent only upon the Generic access profile. The
`terminology, user interface and security aspects, modes and procedures as
`defined in the Generic access profile are applicable to this profile, unless
`explicitly stated otherwise.
`1 December 1999
`AFFLT029441 0
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1182

`page 101 of 440
`Cordless Telephony Profile
`_ Service Discovery
`" Profile
`lntercom Profile
`Figure 1.1: Bluetoolh Profiles
`1.3.1 Requirement status symbols
`In this document, the following symbols are used:
`'M' for mandatory to support (used for capabilities that shall be used in the pro-
`'O‘ for optional to support (used for capabilities that can be used in the profile);
`'C' for conditional support (used for capabilities that shall be used in case a cer-
`tain other capability is supported);
`'X‘ for excluded (used for capabilities that may be supported by the unit, but
`which shall never be used in the profile);
`’NlA‘ for not applicable (in the given context it is impossible to use this
`Some excluded capabilities are capabilities that, according to the relevant
`Bluetooth specification, are mandatory. These are features that may degrade
`operation of devices following this profile. Therefore, these features shall never
`be activated while a unit is operating as a unit within this profile.
`1 December 1999
`AFFLT029441 1
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1183

`Cordless Telephony Profile
`1.3.2 Signalling diagram conventions
`page 102 of440
`The following arrows are used in diagrams describing procedures:
`A {
`A (
`In the table above, the following cases are shown: PROC1 is a sub-procedure
`initiated by B. PROC2 is a sub-procedure initiated by A. PROC3 is a sub-
`procedure where the initiating side is undefined (may be both A and B).
`PROC4 indicates an optional sub-procedure initiated by A, and PROC5 indi-
`cates an optional sub-procedure initiated by B.
`MSG1 is a message sent from B to A. MSG2 is a message sent from A to B.
`MSG-3 indicates an optional message from A to B, and MSG4 indicates an
`optional message from B to A.
`1.3.3 Notation for timers and counters
`Timers and counters may be introduced specific to this ptofile. To distinguish
`them from timers (counters) used in the Bluetooth protocol specifications and
`other profiles. these timers (counters) are named in the following format: ‘TC-I-p_
`nnn‘ (‘NC1-pnnn').
`1 December 1999
`AFFLT029441 2
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`page 103 of 440
`Cordless Telephony Profile
`e=a'gu:'e 2.1 below shows the protocols as used within this profile:
`Telephony Application
`TCS Binary
`‘ Ba:-;eBand
`Figure 2. 1: Protocol model
`This profile will define the requirements for each of the layers in the model
`above for the Cordless Telephony profile.
`Profile overview
`1 December 1999
`AFFLT029441 3
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1185

`page 104 of440
`Cordless Telephony Prof.-‘re
`In the profile, the interfaces in .>”~‘ig=.ars 2.‘: above are used for the following
`A) The Call Control entity uses this interface to the speech synchronization
`control to connect and disconnect the internal speech paths.
`B)This interface is used by the GW to send and by the TL to receive
`broadcast TCS-Binary messages.
`C)This interface is used to deliver all TCS messages that are sent on a
`connection-oriented (point-to-point) LZCAP channel.
`D)This interface is used by the Call Control entity to control the Link Manager
`directly for the purpose of establishing and releasing SCO links.
`E) This interface is used by the Group Management to control Link Manager
`functions when initializing and for key handling purposes.
`F) This interface is not within the scope of this profile.
`G)This interface is used by the Group Management entity to control the LC!
`Baseband directly to enable inquiry, paging, inquiry scan and page scan.
`The following two roles are defined for this profile:
`Gateway (GW) — The GW acts as a terminal endpoint from the external net-
`work point of view and handles all interworking towards that network. The GW
`is the central point with respect to external calls, which means that it handles all
`call set-up requests torfrom the external network. Examples of devices that can
`act as a gateway include a PSTN home base station, an ISDN home base sta-
`tion, a GSM gateway, a satellite gateway and an H.323 gateway.
`With respect to this profile, the gateway may have the functionality to support
`multiple terminals being active at once, or be of a simple kind where oniy one
`terminal may be active. The simple gateway will not support multiple ringing
`terminals, multiple active calls or services involving more than one terminal
`Terminal (TL) — The TL is the wireless user terminal, which may for example
`be a cordless telephone, a dual-mode cellularfcordless phone or a PC. Note
`that the scope of this profile with respect to a dual-mode cellularicordless
`phone acting as TL is only the cordless mode.
`1 December 1999
`Profile overview
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1186

`page 105 of 440
`Cordless Teiephony Profile
`The Cordless Telephony profile supports a topology of one gateway (GW) and
`a small number (3?) of terminals (TLs)". Figure 2.2 below shows an example of
`the considered architecture:
`"Bluetoo‘th only"
`5 peech P P5
`a u ar 1: one low
`C H I
`Blueto-oth speech
`Figure 2.2: System configuration example
`lalulti-media PC
`The following scenarios are covered by this profile:
`1. Connecting to the gateway so that incoming calls can be routed to the TL
`and outgoing calls can be originated.
`. Making a call from a TL to a user on the network that the gateway is
`connected to.
`. Receiving a call from the network that the gateway is connected to.
`4. Making direct calls between two terminals.
`. Using supplementary services provided by the external network by means of
`DTMF signalling and register recall (hook flash).
`1. Optionally, more terminais may be supported.
`Profile overview
`1 December 1999
`AFFLT029441 5
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`Cordless Telephony Profile
`page 108 of440
`The GW is normally the master of the piconet in the Cordless Telephony pro-
`file. As master, the GW will control the power mode of the TLs and may broad-
`cast information to the TLs.
`A TL that is out of range of a GW searches for it by periodically trying to page it.
`A GW shall devote as much of its free capacity as possible (considering power
`limitations and ongoing signalling) to page scanning in order to allow roaming
`TLs that enter the range of the GW to find it as quickly as possible. This
`scheme minimizes ‘air pollution‘ and gives reasonable access time when com-
`ing into range of the GW. When a TL has successfully paged a GW, a master-
`slave switch shall be performed since the GW shall be the master. A
`connection-oriented LZCAP channel and. possibly, a L2CAP connectionless
`channel are established to be used for all TCS signalling during that Cordless
`Telephony session.
`A TL that is within range of a GW shall normally be in park mode when it is not
`engaged in calls. This mode is power-efficient, allows for reasonable call set-
`up times and allows broadcasting to the attached TLs.
`Upon arrival of an incoming call, or when a TL wants to make an outgoing call,
`the GW shall be put in active mode. The L2CAP channels (see above) are
`used for all TCS control signalling. Voice is transported using SCO links.
`For security purposes, authentication of TLs and GW is used. and all user data
`is encrypted. To facilitate secure communication between cordless units. the
`WUG concept (see TCS Binary. Section 3) is used. The GW always acts as
`WUG master.
`Calling line identification presentation (CLIP) — The ability to provide the
`calling party number to the called party before accepting the call.
`Call information — The ability to provide additional information during the
`active phase of a call.
`Connection Management — The ability to accept and (TLs only) request con-
`nections for the purposes of TCS-Bin procedures.
`DTMF signalling — The ability, in external calls, to send a DTMF signal over
`the external network to the other party.
`Incoming external call — A call originating from the external network con-
`nected to the GW.
`Initialization - The infrequent process whereby a TL receives access rights to
`a certain GW.
`1 December 1999
`Profile overview
`AFFLT029441 6
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`page 107 of 440
`Cordless Telephony Profile
`Intercom call — A call originating from a TL towards another TL.
`Multi-terminal support —
`1. In the GW, the ability to handle multiple active terminals being registered at
`the same time2
`2. In the TL, the support for a Wireless User Group (WUG)
`On hook — The ability to indicate the action of going on-hook (e.g. to terminate
`a call), and release of all radio resources related to that call.
`Outgoing external call — A call originated by a TL towards the external
`network connected to the GW.
`Post-dialling - The ability to send dialling information after the outgoing call
`request set-up message is sent.
`Register recall — The ability of the TL to request ‘register recall’, and of the
`GW to transmit the request to the local network. Register recall means to seize
`a register (with dial tone) to permit input of further digits or other actions. In
`some markets, this is referred to as ‘hook flash’.
`lf conformance to this profile is claimed, all capabilities indicated as mandatory
`for this profile shall be supported in the specified manner (process—mandatory).
`This also applies to all optional and conditional capabilities for which support is
`indicated. All mandatory capabilities, and optional and conditional capabilities
`for which support is indicated, are subject to verification as part of the
`Bluetooth certification program.
`Note that the lnte.-“co:':'i Profiis is used for intercom calls. This means that a TL
`claiming conformance to the Cordless Telephony profile must conform to inter-
`com :3’rofiie.
`2. Note that a GW may support multiple active terminals but not a Wireless User Group
`Profile overview
`1 December 1999
`AFFLT029441 7
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`Cordless Telephony Profile
`page 108 of440
`The following text, together with the associated sub-clauses, defines the fea-
`ture requirements with regard to this profile.
`iatrie 3. 3 shows the feature requirements made by this profile.
`item no.
`Support in TL
`Support in GW
`—|. F’
`.5 _L
`Connection Management
`Outgoing external call
`Incoming external call
`Intercom call
`On hook
`Muiti-terminal support
`Call information
`Calling line identification presentation
`DTMF signalling
`Register recall
`Table 3.1: Application layer features
`Tania 3.2 maps each feature to the procedures used for that feature, and
`shows if the procedure is optional, mandatory or conditional for that feature.
`The procedures are described in the referenced section.
`1. Connection Management
`Connecting to a GW
`Connecting to a TL
`2. Outgoing external call
`Call request
`Overlap sending
`Call proceeding
`Call confirmation
`Call connection
`In-band tones and
`Table 3. 2: Application layer feature to procedure mapping
`1 December 1999
`Application layer
`AFFLT029441 B
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1190

`page 109 of 440
`Cordless Teiephony Profile
`3. Incoming external call
`Call request
`Cali confirmation
`Cali connection
`Non-selected user
`In-band tones and
`4. Intercom call
`5. On hook
`6. Post-dialling
`Cali clearing
`Overlap sending
`Call proceeding
`7. Muiti-terminal support
`Obtain access rights
`Configuration distri-
`Fast inter-member
`Periodic key update
`8. Call information
`Call information
`9. Calling line identification
`presentation (CLIP)
`Calling line identity
`10. DTMF signalling
`DTMF signalling
`11. Register recall
`Register recall
`C2: IF feature 6 THEN M else NIA
`Table 3.2: Application layer feature to procedure mapping
`Note 1: For intercom calls. the intercom profile is used. Before initiating the
`intercom call, the TL which is initiating the call may optionally use the fast
`inter-member access procedure to speed up the cail set-up.
`Application layer
`1 December 1999
`AFFLT029441 9
`Samsung Ex. 1216 p. 1191

`Cordiess Telephony Profits
`page 110 cf440
`The fotlowing text together with the associated sub-clauses defines mandatory
`requirements with regard to this profile.
`When describing TCS-BIN procedures, this section provides additional infor-
`mation concerning lower layer han

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