`Paper No. 47
`Entered: September 8, 2015
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`Patent Owner.
`- - - - - - -
`Case IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`Case IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`Case IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`Case IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`- - - - - - -
`Oral Hearing Held on: Wednesday, August 19, 2015
`- - - - - - -
`LYNNE E. PETTIGREW, Administrative Patent Judges.
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on Wednesday, August
`19, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., in Hearing Room A, taken at the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia.

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`Sidley Austin LLP
`1001 Page Mill Road
`Building 1
`Palo Alto, California 94304
`Ostrolenk Faber, LLP
`1180 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, New York 10036
`Greenberg Traurig, LLP
`77 West Wacker Drive
`Suite 2500
`Chicago, Illinois 60601

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`(9 : 00 a. m.)
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Good mo rning, ever ybod y.
`This is the he aring for IPR2014 -0110 2 , 1103 , 1104 and 1106
`between Petition er, Universal Re mot e Control, and Patent
`Owner, Universal Ele ctronics.
`Per our July 28 th order, each part y will have 60
`minutes of total t ime to present argu ments for the four
`proceedings .
`Petitioner, you will proceed first to present your
`case with respect to the challenged claims and ground s for
`which the Board instituted trial for all of the proceedings .
`And, thereafter , Patent Owner , you will respond to Petition er's
`presentation to all of the proceedings . Petitioner, you may
`reserve rebuttal t ime to r espond to Patent Owner 's presentation
`At this t ime we would l ike the parties to please
`introduce yourselves, beginnin g with the Petitioner.
`MR. KANG: Good mo rning , Your Honors. My
`name is Peter Ka ng, with Sidle y Au stin , and we repr esent the
`Petitioner, Universal Re mote Control .
`With me is Dr. Ferenc Paz mandi of my law firm;
`and co -couns el Keith Barkaus of the Ostrolenk law firm.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Thank you. And for Patent

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`MR. MAIERS: Good mo rning, Your Hono rs . On
`behalf of Patent Owner, Eric Maiers from the law firm of
`Greenberg Traurig, representin g Univ ersal Electronics.
`MR. LUKAS: Good morning, Your Honors. James
`Lukas from Greenberg Traurig rep resenting Universal
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Okay. Thank you. Before we
`get started, we were made aware of the late filing made by the
`Patent Owner with i ts de monstratives. Yeste rda y y ou had
`uploaded some d e monstratives.
`One was a redact ed version , Exhibit 2071 , and that
`was sub mitted p rior to our order that went out yesterda y. And
`then subs equentl y you filed an updated redacted ver sion ,
`Exhibit 2072 . That was sub mitted late last ni ght after our
`order went out. And neith er of these filings were t imely.
`So we would l ike Patent Owner counsel, Mr.
`Maiers, to please explain why you filed the first redacted and
`the second redacted versions late and, if we excuse thes e late
`filings , which demonstratives shoul d stay of r ecord.
`MR. MAIERS: So Patent Owner t imely filed, as
`you are a ware, a de monstrative that we requested to be filed
`under seal on Mo nday of this week.
`And pursuant to agree ment with counsel for
`Petitioner, we were going to file a redacted version of that
`same de monstrat ive, where we redacted the confide ntial

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`infor mation from that slid e presentation, Tuesda y morning ,
`which we did. And then Your Hono rs issued your order
`expunging the under seal versio n of that docu ment.
`In respons e to that we con ferred with our cli ent
`and identified some infor mation that we decided to waive
`confidentiality on, and so we sub mi tted an upd ated redacted
`version of those slid es such that more of that infor matio n that
`we pr eviousl y co nsidered co nfidenti al would be part of the
`public record.
`We did not change or add any mat e rial to the slide.
`It was me rel y just revealing more of the infor mation that was
`previousl y redacted. And, as a res ult, there would be no
`prejudi ce to Petit ion er as they had the full versio n of the deck
`of slid es as of M ond ay, and, frank ly, as of last Wed nesd a y
`when they were originally served.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So if he made what was
`previousl y redacted available to the public, does that affect
`your motion to seal? In other word s , if you are agre eing that
`not ever ything needs to be sealed -- we don't want to seal
`an ything.
`MR. MAIERS: C ertainl y.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So if we can hone in on what
`needs to be sealed, that would help us in our ruling.
`MR. MAIERS: Absolut ely. And that involves a
`discussi on actually Mr. Lukas and Mr. Kang were just having .

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`What we did is we took our own infor mation that
`we were willing to waive confidenti ality on and decided to
`expos e that to the public. But there was some infor matio n that
`is sub ject to confidentialit y obliga tion s to third -parties ,
`including Universal Re mote Control , the Petition er here, that
`we we ren't able to reveal in that s ubs equent filing, Exhibit
`2072 .
`Now, there is an issue with respect to some of the
`infor mation that we initiall y though t was confidential.
`Universal Remote Control recentl y l earned that that particular
`exhibi t that we are re ferencing , a l icense agree ment, was
`sub mitted in open court as a publi c exhibit during a prior
`l i t igation between the parties.
`So we believe that any confidenti al there is waived
`since i t was sub mitted as an exhibit in open court hearings .
`And I know Mr. Lukas and Mr. Kang were just addr essin g that.
`That particular i nfor mation is not part of the slides that we
`sub mitted as Exhib it 2072 . But at a mini mu m we ask Your
`Honors' per missi on to at least discus s the cont ents of thos e
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Okay. Sure. Does the
`Petitioner object to the late filin g of the slid es?
`MR. KANG: I ' m a l i t t le confused which slides
`they want to file?

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`JUDGE M EDLEY : My follow -up q uestion was
`which one, 2071 or 2072 ?
`MR. MAIERS: 2072 , Your Honor.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So we are goin g to expunge
`2071 from the record. Okay. So 2072 , the ones they filed late
`last nigh t . . .
`MR. KANG: So the ones they filed late last night ,
`I did not have a chance to go throug h them l ine -b y-l ine,
`page-b y-page , but on the representation that i t has not added
`any material , si mply re moved mate rial, we would not ob ject .
`MR. MAIERS: Well, to be clear , we didn't remo ve
`mate rial. We re moved redactions . So part of what was
`covered up in 2071 was exposed.
`MR. KANG: The pagination was d ifferent from the
`previous version .
`MR. MAIERS: We re mov ed slides that were
`redacted in their entiret y so that they wouldn't be show n here.
`MR. KANG: To the ext ent only things were
`re moved from the previou s version and nothin g was a dd ed, on
`that representation we would not ob ject.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Okay. So we are goin g to rule
`to autho rize Patent Owner to proceed with their last file d set
`of de monstrativ es because i t would be in the interest of

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`So you can rely upon the late filed de monst ratives
`and we will expung e Exhibi t 2071 from the record in due
`So I' m still concerned with the fact that we have
`motions to seal. Now i t sounds l ike there might be thing s that
`don't need to be sealed. Is i t possibl e for the two of you to get
`together and file an updated motion just telling us exactl y your
`paper, even a coupl e pages, tellin g us exactl y what you want
`sealed, what no longer needs to be s ealed, and explain?
`MR. MAIERS: With respect to the de monst rativ es
`or the case as a whol e?
`JUDGE M EDLEY : The case as a whol e because i t
`sounds l ike certain thing s were made public, availab le to the
`public during the trial, and t he y don't need to be sealed any
`more. We don't want to seal an yt hing that doesn't have to be
`MR. MAIERS: Und erstood , Your Honor.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So is that possible for the two
`of you to work tog ether?
`MR. KANG: He first raised that issu e wit h me,
`l ike, five minutes ago and so I don' t have the t rial r ecord and
`so we have to go back.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : We will send out a follo w -up
`order probabl y to morro w explaining , you know, the deadline
`and what we exp ect to see. Thank you.

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`MR. KANG: Thank you.
`MR. MAIERS: Thank you.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So, Petition er, you may b egin
`and you have an hour from this cl ock.
`MR. KANG: Thank you, Your Hon or. Good
`morning, Your Hono rs. My name is Peter Kang. I r epresent
`the Petitioner, Universal Re mote C ont rol, a lso so meti mes
`refer red to as URC.
`The funda mental issue in these four consolidated
`hearing s boils down to one claim c onstruction issue of one
`term. These four Darbee patents, as we refer to them, are
`related and they all have si milar clai ms . And all of them have
`a common cl ai m term or l i mitation called code data.
`And i t is that claim construction issu e that is the
`funda mental, central issue in these p roceedings . The issu e is
`whether that claim term, code data, should be const rued
`narrowl y as Patent O wner would sugg est to import a l i mitation
`from the specific ation into that phrase code data, or if the
`phrase code data should be construed properl y as we believe
`and not import that l i mitation .
`It is clear that if the claim is construed narrowl y as
`Petitioner proposes, there is no disput e from Patent Owner that
`the pri mar y prior art reference, the so -called Ciarcia refere nce,
`disclos es code data, and that term code data is the only

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`l i mitation on which the Patent Owner distinguish es the Ciarcia
`refere nce.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So, excuse me, you are sa ying
`that if we agree with their narro w construction that code data
`includ es inst ructions, then Ciarci a still meets that l imit ation?
`MR. KANG: Yes, even under their claim
`construction of code data, where code dat a also includes
`instructions , the Ciarcia refe rence , as I will discuss in more
`detail, does also disclos e not only code data but also
`instructions and, therefore, under e ither claim construction the
`Ciarcia refe rence in co mbinatio n with Hastreiter , renders
`obvious all of the Darbee claims because code data is the only
`issue on which the prior art is being distinguished.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So for purpos es of our o riginal
`decision , conceivabl y we wouldn't even have to constru e that
`if we agree that Ciarcia shows even the nar row construction?
`MR. KANG: Yes, although I will expl ain I think
`that their construction is legall y i mp roper but, yes, that 's
`JUDGE M EDLEY : And then there are no other
`terms that need construing?
`MR. KANG: Tha t's right . There are second ar y
`issues in these proceedings , dealing with secondar y
`consid erations and all that, but the funda mental issu e is

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`whether Ciarcia disclos es code data and what does code data
`me an.
`And we believe code data, as I will get to right
`now, funda ment all y does not mean instructions . It means a
`type of data used by these re mote c ont rols ulti matel y to
`generate infrared codes that are sent to a TV or a re ceiver.
`So let's move directl y to this . So I ' m using
`Petitioner's Exhi bit 1065 for the record and now I' m on page 2 .
`Just to expl ain in more detail, the Darbee patents , the four
`patents at issu e here toda y, are all in a fa mil y of patents that
`relate through a series of chains of continuations up to a
`parent application called the '810 patent.
`And, t herefore , they all share , with respect to code
`data, especiall y c o mmon specifications , and so the
`construction of code data doesn't d iffer from p atent to p atent
`and the parties have treated the phrase code data equall y
`across all four p a tents.
`Next slide , let's go to page 4 . So for purposes of
`the briefing and the expert deposition s and these proceedings ,
`the parties have generall y treated cl ai m 1 of the '917 patent as
`representative of all of the Darbee p atent claims at issu e for
`all four patents.
`The '917 is a direct continuation of the '810 parent
`application . The claim term code data appears twice in claim

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`1 of the '917 patent and, as I explain ed, the P atent Owner
`argues that code data is missing from the Cia rcia pr ior art.
`Page 5 . So what is code data? In the patent
`specification for the Darbee patents, we learned that code data
`is not part of the invention here, not the point of novelt y. The
`Darbee specification teaches us that code data was known in
`the prior art.
`So at column 8 , l ine 58 , the Darbee specificatio n
`says code data can be obt ained from vendor infor ma tion
`sheets, specifications, methods disclosed in prior art U. S.
`Patent Nu mbe r 4 , 623 ,887 , which is the so -called Welles
`patent, the named inventor, or anoth er prior art patent,
`4 ,626 ,848 , or by the method disclosed herein.
`So whateve r code data is, and I can explain this
`from the figu re, i t is not novel. It is so mething that can be
`obtained usin g prior art methods.
`So if we can blow up perhaps the figures from the
`Darbee specific ation for visibilit y. So on the right side of
`page 5 of Exhibit 1065 is a copy of figures 11 - A, B, C and so
`on from the Darbee specification. Code data is analogous to
`Morse Code. It is the code that is generated such as, if you
`see in each of the figur es there is a 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , above the
`wavefor ms in the various figu res.
`The code data is the codes, l ike Morse Code, that
`is sent to the receiver, ulti matel y, on a carrier signal. And i t

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`is e mb edded, the codes are obviousl y e mb edded in the sign al.
`Figures 11 -A, B, C and so on repres ent different ways of
`e mbedding or carr ying the code data through variou s di fferent
`signals, and the wavefor ms are es sentially, when they are high
`in the envelope, that represents a 1 , and when they are low or
`in different repr esentations , have di fferent shapes, thos e
`envelopes help represent the code data.
`JUDGE B LANKE NS HIP: Is code data shown in
`these figures?
`MR. KANG: Yes. Code data would be above each
`figure the 1 , 0 , 0 .
`JUDGE B LANKE NS HIP: The 1 's and the 0 's,
`that' s the code data?
`MR. KANG: Yes. Next page, plea se.
`So this is the funda ment al difference bet ween the
`parties on claim c onstruction of code data. Petitioner b elieves
`code data should be defined to be data such as t iming
`infor mation that are used for g enerating infrared codes.
`Interestingl y, both parties agree that code data
`includ es t iming infor mation and in both proposed
`construction s t iming infor mation is not a dispute as to whethe r
`or not i t is part of code data or a type of code data.
`The issue is, as you see on the right , P atent
`Owne r's propos ed construction is that code data also in clud es
`instructions , instruction s and t iming infor mation. And this is

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`the basis on which Patent Owner distinguishes the Ciarcia
`refere nce.
`Let's go to the next p age. Again, as I said in the
`introduction, the Patent Owner here does not disput e that the
`prior art Ciarcia reference discloses t iming infor mat ion . As
`noted, ever ybod y agrees code data i nclud es t iming
`infor mation.
`So even in their brief at page 14 the y admit that
`Ciarcia does perfor m, as they call i t , l i mited t iming anal ysis
`and provides l i mi ted t iming data. Their expert at deposition,
`at Exhibit 1053 , starting at page 357 , was asked:
`So Ciarcia discloses t iming infor mation?
`And i t disclos es downlo adin g t iming infor mation?
`That's right .
`And i t disclos es downlo adin g that t iming
`infor mation to a batter y-backed static RAM?
`That's correct .
`And so for purposes of this proceeding , if code
`data is construed , as both parties ag ree, to includ e at l east
`t iming infor mati on, then Cia rcia dis closes t iming infor mation
`as ever yone agrees.
`JUDGE B LANKE NS HIP: Well, in the figure you
`said that code data was the 1 's and the 0 's.
`MR. KANG: Yes.

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`JUDGE B LANKE NS HIP: How is that t iming
`infor mation?
`MR. KANG: Okay. I can go back and explain that
`one. So in the sp ecific exa mples in the figures, the 1 's and the
`0 's would be the actual cont ent of a particular code that 's
`being sent out. The code data defi n es the t iming infor mation
`of when to turn on and off the signals to cre ate that envelope
`to create a 1 or to create a 0 .
`So, in other words, the code data is data that's used
`to tell -- to generate, the envelope that tells, in ter ms of
`t i ming, start the signal at this point and end i t at this point .
`MR. KANG: If we turn to page 8 of Exhibi t 1065 .
`So for purpos es of claim constructio n first we look to the
`claim terms the mselves. One of the pri mar y reasons why i t is
`i mproper to includ e instruction s inh erentl y o r i mpor ted into
`code data is that the Darbee claims s eparatel y claim
`instructions .
`So, for exa mple , on the right side of the slid e you
`have an exc erpt of claim 1 of the '917 patent and i t reads :
`Infrared codes stored in the memory means, and two -way data
`coupling means, coupled to the CPU for enabling at least one
`of inst ructio n codes or infrared code data for gene rating
`infrared codes .

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`Si mil a rl y, the '077 patent , one of the other Darbee
`patents, claims code data as a precu rsor to instructions . It
`says there is data coupling means which includes termin al
`means co mprising a receivin g port coupl ed to the CPU for
`enabling code data for creating appropriate IR lamp driver
`instructions for causing an infrare d signal outpu t means to
`So, in other word s, in different ways the Darbee
`claims on their face separ atel y claim instruction s from codes,
`code data. And s pecificall y and markedl y in claim 1 of the
`'917 , i t claims them as alternativ es and says you can either
`coupl e or download inst ructions or get c ode data.
`And under Patent Owne r's claim const ruction , that
`" or," that alternative for mulation, would no long er exist ,
`because if inst ru ctions are always inh erent in code data, the
`alternativ e no long er exist s in the c l ai m because instructions
`would alwa ys be required.
`And on i ts face that is not a proper claim
`construction , we would sub mit. And this is an atte mpt we
`believe by Patent Owner to rewrite the claim to i mpo rt a
`l i mitation into the phrase code data that alread y exi sts
`separatel y in the claim and makes i t redund ant.
`Next slide, please. On page 9 of Exhibi t 1065 ,
`now, if we look to the specificatio n, the specification is

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`si milarl y consist ent with our positio n that code data is a
`separate i tem from instructions .
`So, for exa mple , in the '917 patent specification
`starting at colu mn 7 i t says when i t is desired to up date the
`code data and/ or instruction s in the RAM. Further down in
`that colu mn, at l ine 59 , the '917 pat ent teaches that after the
`infrared code is deciphered, the code data therefo r and
`instructions for generating such code are stored in a
`progra mming co mputer.
`And so the specification teaches us that these are
`two separate thing s that could be either updated or stored.
`And i t is, therefo re, inconsist ent with the specification an d
`how a person of ordinar y skill would read the specification to
`think that code data inh erentl y includ es instructions .
`Surp risingl y, Plaintiffs -- I am sorr y, Pat ent
`Owne r's expert admitted at depositio n that if one were to
`si mpl y delete the phrase " and instru ction s for generating such
`code" from the s pecification, that part of the specification
`would have the same me aning.
`In other words, Patent Owner's own expert
`ad mitted that that entire phrase , " and inst ructions for
`generatin g such code," is redund ant . And that's fou nd at his
`Depositio n Exhibi t 1053 starting at page 329 .
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Excus e me, Mr. Kang. I have a
`question . You p o inted out some of the clai ms , l ike, for

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`exa mple , in the '761 patent, claim 1 , we have the la ngu age
`instructio n codes or code data for creating , dot, dot, dot,
`instruction .
`How is that inst ruction different from instru ctio n
`MR. KANG: Instruction , in that pa tent they claim
`separatel y instruction codes which are used to then generate
`actual inst ructio ns toward the IR lamp driver sepa ratel y from
`instructions generall y.
`One of the issu es here is that the Patent Owner has
`not exactl y de fin ed what instruction s shoul d be read into code
`data and so they have taken the po sition s that i t is just
`instructions generall y. Whether i t is that kind of instru ctio n
`or inst ructio n codes, they have never made cle ar.
`In our view they shouldn 't be read into code data
`and, if an ything, that for mulation in the claim, again , shows
`that when the Patent Owner here wanted to claim in s tructions
`or inst ructio n codes specificall y, they did so explicitl y and not
`i mplicitl y as part of the code data.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So they have in struction codes
`or code data for creating inst ructions . So how are we to
`interpret that second inst ructio n? Because i t seems l ike
`whether you have instruction codes or code data, they both
`have to -- which ever one you pick has to have an appropriate

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`driver, or is used for creating approp riate IR lamp driver
`instructio n?
`MR. KANG: Rig ht.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So how do we i nterpret that
`second instruction?
`MR. KANG: So t hos e inst ruction s are the direct
`inputs to the IR lamp drivers that turn on and off the IR
`generator. The i n struction codes are precursors to thos e
`instructions .
`In other words, there are -- so backing up, there
`are instructions and types of instructions throug hout -- this is
`an e mbedded s ys t e m, so there are i nstructions , not all over the
`place, but there are inst ruction s in stages of the s yste m, and so
`instructio n codes help generate the actual instructions that are
`down actuall y co ntrolling the IR lamp driver in the way that
`claim is for mulated.
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Okay. Thank you.
`JUDGE P ETTIGR EW: I' m sorr y. What is the
`relationship between code data and instructio n codes?
`MR. KANG: Jud ge Me dle y has asked, in that
`claim in particul ar, those are two separate ways of g enerating
`IR lamp driver i nstruction s or precu rsors to IR lamp driver
`instructions .
`You can have instruction codes, inst ruction codes
`can be used to g enerate IR lamp driv er inst ruction s or code

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`data can be used to generate IR lamp driver instruction s
`because there are different ways to g enerate the proper either
`t iming or using o ther data to tell the IR lamp driver i tself how
`to turn on and off. You can do i t by t iming or count i ng.
`There are many ways to do i t .
`JUDGE M EDLEY : So instruction in that inst ance
`seems to be a broader concept than instructio n codes?
`MR. KANG: Well, if i t is IR lamp driver
`instructions , in fact, i t is narro wer . It is the specific
`instructions to d rive, to tell the IR lamp when to turn on and
`JUDGE M EDLEY : Okay. Thank you.
`MR. KANG: So, again, looking at the
`specification , go to page 10 , again, the Patent Owner relies
`upon the specific method disclosed in the specificati on. I
`previousl y read to you the portio n from colu mn 8 that
`describes where code data can come from. It can come from
`prior art method s or from the metho d disclosed herein.
`For pu rposes of clai m construction , the Patent
`Owner has focused solel y on the method disclos ed he rein and,
`in doing so, has ignored other e mb od i ments dis clos ed in the
`specification from these prior art method s that do not use
`instructions in the way that the me tho d dis clos ed herein does.
`And so by i mport ing instructio ns into code data,
`rel ying on on l y one e mbodi ment , by ne cessi t y the Patent

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`Owne r's claim const ructio n has read out several oth er
`e mbodi ments dis closed. And, agai n , we thin k that's i mproper
`in l ight of the sp ecification .
`So if we look at the next slid e, this is the
`e mbodi ment in the spe cification r elied on by Patent Owner.
`is the bott o m of c olu mn 8 going to the top of colu mn 9 of the
`'917 specification, and i t is a series of steps -- I hope i t is
`visible -- but i t is a series of steps, A, B, C, D, and so on, for
`acquiring code data.
`And out of all these steps , the Patent Owner has
`chosen steps C, D, E, F and I as part of i ts definitio n for what
`constitutes code data, and specifical l y has focused on step C
`as the " instructions " that should be read into the claim.
`One of the problems obviously be yon d si mp l y
`i mporting specific paragraphs from the specification into the
`claim is the pickin g and choosing that appears to be going on.
`So, for exa mple , as I mentioned earlier, the parties agree that
`t iming infor mati on is part of code data, and ele ment B, which
`is not part of Patent Owner's claim construction , says
`recording the poin t in t ime of an edge of each puls e in a train
`of pulses.
`That is part of the t iming infor mat ion . For
`whatever reason Patent Owner has chosen not to includ e th at
`as part of i ts suppo rt for i ts definitio n of code data. And so
`we would sub mi t that the Patent Owner's approach here has

`IPR2014-01102 (Patent 5,228,077)
`IPR2014-01103 (Patent 5,552,917)
`IPR2014-01104 (Patent 5,414,761)
`IPR2014-01106 (Patent 5,255,313)
`been essentiall y r esult -oriented in order to get inst ruction s
`into the claim based on this specific e mbodi ment, which we
`think is i mproper and not consistent with the rest of the
`specification .
`JUDGE P ETTIGR EW: Step J, though , refers to
`storing the information acquired in step s C, D, E, F and I .
`MR. KANG: Rig ht.
`JUDGE P ETTIGR EW: I assu me that's where the
`refere nc e to C, D, E, F and I comes from?
`MR. KANG: P re su mabl y, but, aga in, for purposes
`of what is code data, the storing of the infor mation is, for
`purpos es of decidin g what is actuall y -- what consti tutes code
`data before i t is stored, doesn't -- shouldn't depend on where i t
`is sto red. Code data should be so mething that is construable
`without refer ence to how i t is sto red .
`And Patent Owner has not poin

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