`United States Patent
`[11} Patent Number:
`Deluca et a].
`[45] Date of Patent: Jul. 21, 1998
`Inventors: Joan Deluca. Boca Rama: Douglas
`Kraul. Parkland: Charles Edward
`Batey, 11:. Lake Worth. all of Fla.
`Assignee: Motorola, Inc" Schaumburg. D1.
`Appl. No: 898.640
`IIII. 21. 1997
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 560.604, Nov. 20. 1995. aban-
`G083 5122
`Int. Cl.6
`.......... 3401825.“;3451133
`US. Cl.
`Field of Search ....................... 340f825.44: 345(133.
`References Cited
`5(1982 Masaki
`6(1982 Lettine
`[£1984 Macauley et a1.
`[1.0987 Sam et a1. ...........
`.. 340182544
`.. 340332544
`4.713.808 12.31987 Gaskillet a].
`. 340325.44
`8!]989 De Luca et al.
`9Il989 Delucaet a1.
`4,951,039 N990 Schwendcman
`1191992 Weitzen .. M2544
`5.132553 m993 Hung
`51993 Deluca eta].
`£91993 Kung mt
`............. 3.4mm.“
`5251307 1011993 Ise
`911994 Vanden Heuveletal.
`..... 34mm.“
`9:1995 Albert
`..... 340395.44
`#:996 Machant a a1.
`..... 340525.44
`5.561302 I0t'l996 Lipp e1 :1.
`5574.439 ““996 Miyashim ,. MES 44
`0 393 794 A1 @1990 European Pat. Ofl'.
`55-34710 [Al
`Japan .
`HD-IB 5304
`2 19'? [03
`$1988 United Kingdom
`H0413 5104
`2 206 3'18
`111989 United Kingdom .
`331991 MP0. 455(154
`C1038 502
`Primary Examiner—Brian Zimmerman
`Assistant Examiner—Edward Men.
`A data cornrrtunication receiver (100) includes a receiver
`(110) for receiving a message including at least one code. a
`database (155) for storing codes and image data associated
`with the codes. and a presentation element (150) for locating
`the at least one code in the database {155). The presentation
`element (150} then retrieves the image data associated with
`the at least one code. The image data associated with the at
`least one code is representative of at least one image. The
`data communication receiver (100) also includes a display
`(130') coupled to the presentation element (150) for present-
`ing the at least one image as a graphic message.
`6 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`APPLE 1006
`APPLE 1006


`US. Patent
`Jul. 21, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 3
`EC:|V R
`E E
`155 \\
`FIG. 2 E


`US. Patent
`Jul. 21, 1998
`Sheet 2 of8
`FIG. 6
`TOM ?
`FIG. 8


`US. Patent
`Jul. 21, 1993
`Sheet 3 of 3
`FIG. 9
` 205
`FIG. 10


`US. Patent
`Jul. 21, 1993
`Sheet 4 of 3
`FIG. 12


`US. Patent
`Jul. 21, 1993
`Sheet 5 of 8
`FIG. 13


`US. Patent
`Jul. 21, 1998
`Sheet 6 of8
`FIG. 14
`FIG. 16
`E R
`FIG. 15


`US. Patent
`Jul. 21, 1993
`Sheet 7 of8
`wonms; THAT MATCH
`MESSAGE wonom)
`FIG. 17


`US. Patent
`.1111. 21, 1998
`Sheet 8 of 8
`FIG. 19
`1124 SW 2ND LN
`Chariotte, NC
`1 9770
`301 -455~1 129
`Kansas City, M


`S .7 34.00!
`FIG. 14 is an example of key words and image data stored
`in the graphics database in accordance with the present
`FIGS. 15 and 16 are illustrations of supplemental graphic
`messages provided with text on the display of the data
`communication receiver of FIG. 1 in accordance with the
`present invention.
`FIG. 17 is a flowchart depicting another operation of the
`presentation element included In the data communication
`receiver of FIG. 1 in accordance with the present invention.
`FIGS. 18—23 are illustrations further depicting the pre-
`sentation of graphic messages on a display of the data
`communication receiver of FIG. 1 in accordance with the
`present invention.
`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. OWSGOfiu-t.
`filed Nov. 20. 1995 now abandoned.
`This invention relates in general to data. communication
`receivers having displays. and more specifically to data
`communication receivers that can display images.
`Selective call messages are generally originated by a
`person who wishes to contact the user of a data communi-
`cation receiver. A message is usually provided to a paging
`terminal. then transmitted as a radio signal to the receiver.
`Once the data communication receiver has decoded and
`stored a message. message reception is announced to the
`user by. for example. an alert such as an audible tone or
`predetermined icon. For instance. some prior art devices
`include a standby display that presents a single. triangular
`icon for each stored message such that the user can deter—
`mine the number of messages stored in the receiver. Data
`communication receivers employ predetermined icons to
`provide other infonnation. e.g.. low battery or out-of-rnnge
`status. as well.
`However. text. rather than icons. is conventionally uti-
`lized to present the actual content of received messages to a
`user of a data communication receiver. Data communication
`receivers that receive alphanumeric messages and the sys-
`tems in which they are registered therefore usually are
`language-specific. As a result. a user who speaks a particular
`language is unable to understand received messages if he
`roams into a system in which messages are transmitted in a
`difl‘erent language.
`Thus. what is needed is a method and apparatus for
`providing selective call messages that are not language-
`FIG. 1 is an electrical block diagram of a data commu-
`nication receiver for presenting information in accordance
`with the present invention.
`FIG.2isanexample ofcodesandimagedatastoredina
`graphics database included in the data communication
`receiver of FIG. 1 in accordance with the present invention.
`FIGS. 3-8 are illustrations depicting the presentation of
`graphic measages on a display of the data communication
`receiver of FIG. 1 in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 9 is aflcwchan depicting an operation of a processes
`included in the data communication receiver of FIG. 1 in
`accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 10 is a llmvchart depicting an operation of a pre-
`sentation element
`included in the data communication
`receiver of FIG. I in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 11 is an electrical block diagram of a terminal for
`providing information to the data communication receiver of
`FIG. 1 in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 121s a signal diagram depicting an example of a
`programming message transmitted by the terminal of FIG.
`11 to the data communication receiver of FIG. 1 in accor—
`dance with the present invention.
`FIG. 13 is a flowchart depicting aprogramming opa'ation
`of the processor of the data communication receiver of FIG.
`1 in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 1 is an electrical block diagram of a data commu-
`nication receiver 100. such as a pager. that includes an
`antenna 105 for receiving a radio signal and a receiver 110
`for demodulating the radio signal. A decoder [15 coupled to
`the receiver 110 recovers information. such as selective call
`messages and addresses. includedinthe demodulated signal.
`The data communication receiva' 100 further includes a
`processor 12' for processing the recovered information and
`for determining whether an address in the signal is equiva»
`lent to a pager address preferably stored in a memory. such
`as a read only memory (ROM) 135. A matching address
`indicates that the message is intended for reception by the
`data communication receiver 100. The ROM 135 preferably
`also stores a code format and a programming word. as will
`be discussed in greater detail below. A message memory 115
`is further included in the data communication receiver 100
`for storing the received messages intended for reception by
`the data communication receiver 100. Controls 140 are
`coupled to the processor 120 for inputting user-initiated
`commands. such as a display command. and a display 130.
`such as a liquid crystal display. is coupled to the processor
`120 for [resenting information to the user. An alert mecha:
`nism 145 announces reception of a message to the user by
`generating an audible. vita-story. or visual alert.
`According to the present invention. a presentation ele-
`ment 150 processes each received message to determine
`whether the message is to be presented graphically.
`whether the message comprises a "graphics message.“ the
`meaning of which is conveyed pictorially. Preferably. the
`data ccrmnunication receiver 100 is able to receive bod'l
`conventional alphanumeric messages and graphics
`messages. which are indicated by predetermined codes
`included in received messages.
`By way of exunple. predetermined characters commonly
`found on conventional telephone receivers can be used to
`designate selected codes representative of undetermined
`grap 'c images. Amessage originator can therefore press the
`buttons associated with the codes to provide graphics infor-
`mation to a selective call terminal. which transmits the codes
`as a radio signal. When at least one predetermined code is
`recognized by the data communication receiver 100. a
`graphics message comprising one or more graphic images is
`presented to the user of the receiver 100. According to the
`present invention. the graphic message conveys. in pictures.
`a universally understood meaning to the user of the data
`communication receiver 100. The pesentation element 150
`is preferably implemented in finnware stored in the ROM
`15. However. hardware capable of performing equivalent
`operations can alternatively be used to implement the pre-
`sentation element 150.


`The graphic images available for presenting graphic mes-
`sages are preferably stored by the data communication
`receiver 100 in. for example. a graphics database 155.
`According to the present invention. the gaphics database
`155 stores a predetermined list of codes. i.e.. one or more
`predetermined characters or a pattern of bits. Each code is
`associated with image data stored in the database 155. The
`codes and image data associated therewith can be pro-
`grammed into the receiver 110 by means such as the controls
`140. downloading through a data port (not shown). or
`over-the-air programming through use of the stored pro
`gramming word. Therefore. additional codes and image data
`can be conveniently added to the graphics database 155 as
`the need for new graphic images arises. Other information to
`be displayed can be stored in a reference database 151' with
`cross-references to numeric information. as will be
`explained in yester- detail below.
`FIG. 2 is an example of entries in the graphics database
`155. As shown. codes recognized by the receiver 100 as
`indicative of graphic messages begin with the "it" character.
`which is followed by two numeric characters. In this format.
`up to one-hundred codes. each associated with image data.
`could be programmed into the database 155.
`It will be
`appreciated. though. that any combination of any number of
`diameters could be utilized to designate graphic messages.
`as long as the message originator is aware of the codes and
`the data communication receiver 100 can recognize the
`in which the
`There may be circumstances. however.
`receiver 100 is capable of receiving only numeric informa—
`tion or the message originator can only send numeric
`information. In such a case. the originator. e.g.. Tom. can
`send a code as well as his telephone number. The message
`could then comprise ‘W73331111" cc ‘3331111001" The
`codes. as mentioned. are preferably in one or more prede—
`termined formats recognized by the receiver 100. so the
`receiver 100 will still recognize W07“ as the code indicative
`of the coffee mug. Additionally. the receiver 100 can then
`look up the remainder of the message in the reference
`database 157 to determine which other display information
`should be displayed along with the coffee mug icon. When
`“3331111" is located in the reference database 157.
`display information corresponding thereto is displayed with
`the cotfee mug. For example. display information associated
`with the telephone number “3331111" could result in pre-
`sentation of the name "ID “ with the coffee mug image.
`When the number is not found in the reference database 157.
`the number itself is preferably displayed with the cotton mug
`icon. In this manner. alphanumeric information can be
`displayed or conveyed (through the displayed telephone
`number) even though only numeric information is sent and
`FIG. 9 is a flowchart of an operation of the processor 120.
`At step 200. the processor 120 receives a message. When. at
`step 205. the received address is equivalent to the receiver
`address stored in the ROM 135 (FIG. 1). the message is
`stored. at step 210. in the message memory 125. When. at
`step 215. a user-initiated display command is received for
`the message. the message is provided to the presentation
`element 150. at step 2120.
`Referring neat to FIG. 10. an operation of the presentation
`element 150 in accordance with the present invention is
`depicted. When. at step 225. a message is received from the
`processor 1240. the presentation element 150 determines. at
`step 230. whether the message includes at least one code
`associated with a graphic message. As mentioned. the codes
`associated with graphic messages are preferably in a predrr
`tea-mined format. such as a predetermined character: e.g..
`“it". followed by specific number of numerals. Therefore.
`the mesentation element 150 can recognize a (Dd: associ-
`ated with a graphic message by determining. with reference
`to the code format stored in the ROM 135. whether any
`characters included in the message are arranged in the
`predetennined code format. When the message does not
`include a code associated with a graphic message.
`message is displayed. at step 235. in a conventional manner.
`In other words. the display 130 (FIG. I) is driven with
`signals to generate the message charactas on the display
`As shown. each code is associated with image data
`representative of a particular image. For example. code
`"#01" is associated with image data that represents the
`irnage of a telephone. “4&2" is associated with a house.
`while ‘WT is associated with an otfice. According to the
`present invention. reception of a display command for a
`received message including any of the stored codes will
`result in the presentation of the associated image or images
`on the display 130.
`Referring next to FIGS. 3—8. illustrations of diEfercnt
`graphic messages on the display 130 are shown. FIG. 3. for
`instance. illustrates the presentation of the graphic message
`"DINNER WITH FAMILY" in response to reception of the
`codes "room." FIGS. 4 and 5 depict graphic messages
`initiating that the use: should ”CALL HOME" and "CALL
`THE OFFICE." respectively.
`In FIG. 5. reception of a
`display command for a message comprising the codes
`'ms" results in display of a graphic message that
`indicates “I AM GOING TO 'l‘I-IB TRAIN." The graphic
`message of FIG. 7. associated with the code KMil." is
`understood to mean “LEI"S GET COFFEE" OR "LET'S
`FIG. 8 illustrates the combination of both a graphic
`message and a text message including. for example. alpha-
`numeric characters. Reception of a display command for a
`message comprising the characters of ‘WTTOMT or
`‘TDM'NO'?’ results in the presentation of the image asso-
`ciated with the code “#07" as well as the presentation of any
`additional alphanumeric or numeric characters included in
`the message. As a result. graphic messages which need
`clarification can conveniently be supplemented by addi~
`tional textual information presented substantially coincident
`with the graphic messages. For example. the user of a data
`conununication receive: 100 may usually take a coffee break
`with his friend Bob. So. the display of a cofl’ee mug with
`nothing more might indicate to the user that Bob is ready for
`coffee. When Tom wants to get coffee. he may thaefore
`need to include additional information. such as his name. to
`avoid confusion.
`When. on the other hand. the message does include one or
`more codes associated with a graphic message. the presen-
`tation element 150 compares. at step 240. each code
`included in the message to the entries in the graphics
`database 155 (FIG. 1). When a code in the message is
`detennined to be equivalent to a code in the database 155.
`the image data associated with the matching code is
`retrieved and used. at step 245. to drive the display 130.
`thereby presenting the image to the user. When. at step 250.
`the message includes text in addition to the graphic message
`code or codes. the additional test is also presented. at step
`In accordance with the present invention. the data com~
`municalion receiver 100 can present the content of received
`messages to a user by displaying a graphic image or a
`sequence of graphic images. The graphic images can fully


`invention. When. at step 350. a message is received by the
`processor 123 from the decoder 115. the processor 120
`deten'oines. at step 35. whether the message includes the
`programming word indicative of over-the-air programming.
`When the programming word is located. the received code
`is compared. at step 360. with codes stored in the graphics
`database 155. When. at step 370. the received code already
`exists in the database 155. the received image data over-
`writes the image data already stored in the graphics database
`155. at step 375. When the received code is not found in the
`graphics database 155. the processor 120 stores. at step 380.
`both the received code and the received image data in the
`database 155. Although over—the-air programming is not the
`exclusive method for programming the data communication
`receiva 100. such a method provides for convenient dis-
`replace a text message so that a universally undastood
`message is presented pictoriaily to a user. As a result. a user
`of the receiver 100 can understand it presented message
`regardless of his language. The presentation of a telephone
`image and an office image. for example. is likely to be
`understood as ”CALL THE OFF!
`“ regardless of the
`language of the user. in this manner. a sequence of two or
`more graphic images can be easily combined to convey
`messages to any user. An advantage of the present invention.
`is that a person who roams into a geographic
`region in which a diiferent language is spoken can still
`receive messages that are easily understood. Also. persons
`who speak one language can advantageously receive and
`understand messages that are originated by speakers of
`different languages.
`FIG. 11 is an electrical block diagram of a terminal 305
`included in a communication system for transmitting infor-
`mation to the data communication receiver 100. The termi-
`nal 305 preferably includes a data port 310. such as a
`telephone interface. for receiving messages from message
`originators and a memory 315 for storing the messages until
`transmission, The memory 315 also stores addresses asso-
`ciated with data communication receivers. including the data
`communication receiver 100. that receive messages within
`the communication system and. when over-the-air program—
`ming of data communication receives is desired. a pro
`gramming word indicative of programming information. A
`data entry device 320. such as a keyboard. data port. or
`modern. provides user inputs so that an operator can update
`the addresses of the data communication receivers. add
`subscribers. or program data communication receivers.
`A controller 325 coupled to the data port 310. the data
`entry device 320. and the memory 315 controls the operation
`of the terminal 305. The terminal 305 further comprises an
`encoder 330 for encoding messages and addresses using a
`communication protocol such as the conventional FLEX”
`prcsocol and a transnutter 335 for transmitting the encoded
`information as a radio signal.
`According to the present invention. the codes and the
`images used by the data communication receiver 100 in
`forming graphic messages can be programmed to update
`images or to provide additional images. Programming can
`be accomplished by direct entry of information by the
`controls 140 (FIG. 1) of the data communication receiver
`100. by over-the—air programming. or by any other means for
`providing information to the data communication receivu
`FIG. 12 is a signal diagram of a radio signal which can be
`transmitted by the terminal 305 to the data communication
`receiver 100 for programming new or enhanced images. As
`the radio signal comprises the address of data
`communication receiver 1011 followed by a programning
`message. which includes the
`' ed programming
`word stored bod: by the terminal 305 and the data commu-
`nication receiver 100. The programming word. which indi—
`cates to the data conununication receiver 100 that
`information appended to the word is to be utilized for
`programming the graphic database 155. preferably includes
`' ed character or sequence of characters. The
`message also includes a code. either existing or new. fol-
`lowed by image data lobe written into the graphics database
`155. Therefore. as graphics technology results in higher
`resolution graphics that are more easily understood. new
`image data can be provided to the data communication
`receiver 100.
`FIG. 14 is an example of entries in a graphics database
`500 in accordance with an alternate embodiment of the
`present invention. According to the alternate embodiment of
`the present invention. the data communication receiver 100
`recognizes key words in conventional messages them when
`the messages are displayed. images associated with the key
`words are displayed as well to supplement the message. For
`example. key words such as “CALL” and "PHONE' can be
`associated with the image of a telephone. Therefore. when a
`message includes the words “CALL" or “PHONE". the
`message would be displayed as text along with a supple-
`mental image of a telephone. as shown in the illustration of
`FIG. 15. FIG. 16 illustrates the display of the text message
`“READY FOR COFFEE?" along with a supplemental
`image of a coder: mug. According to the alta-nate embodi-
`ment of the present invention. the presence of the trey word
`‘COFFEE" in the received message triggers the display of
`the coifee mug image.
`Referring next to FIG. 17. a flowchart depicts an opera-
`tion of the presentation element 150 according to the alter-
`nate embodiment of the present invention. At step 400. the
`presentation element 150 receives a message from the
`processor 120 and then. at step 405. compares the words of
`the message with the key words stored in the graphics
`database 500. When. at step 410. no words match.
`message is displayed. at step 415. in a conventional manner.
`When one or more message words are equivalent to key
`words in the graphics database 500. the image data associ-
`ated with the key word or words is retrieved. at step 420.
`from the database 500. Thereafter. at steps 415. 425. the
`display 130 is driven to display both the message text and
`the supplemental image.
`According to an alternate embodiment of the present
`invention. the graphics database 155 (FIG. 1) additionally
`stores database information about
`the ditferent graphic
`images that can be displayed. “is information augments
`universally-understood graphic messages and can be
`accessed via selection of it displayed image by the user. For
`example. the user could select a displayed image by touch-
`pad technology. i.e.. by touching the image on the display
`130. or by operating controls 140 to move a cursor to
`highlight it displayed image. Examples of information that
`can be displayed are shown in FIGS. 1543.
`In FIG. Ill. the “prawn running" icon and the “train" icon
`are displayed to indicate that a particular person is traveling
`by train or to a train. When the user selects the train icon.
`such as by touch. database information associated with the
`train icon is retrieved from the graphics database 155 and
`provided to the display 130. Referring to FIG. 19. such
`FIG. 13 is a flovvchart depicting a programming operation
`of the processor 120 (FIG. 11 according to the present


`information could. for example. comprise information such
`as a train schedule. When the receiver 100 (FIG. 1) com-
`prises a clock { not shown). the schedule could be displayed
`only for foam: times so that space on the display 130 is not
`wasted by presenting past information that may be only of
`rmnimal use to the person reading the display 130. FIG. 20
`depicts the display of the graphic message “CALI. HOME.“
`which is conveyed by universally-understood images of a
`telephone and a house. FIG. 21 shows an example of
`information that can be displayed when the house icon is
`selected by the user. When the user touches the house.
`database information such as the address of the house and
`the telephone number can be retrieved from the graphics
`database 155 and displayed to remind the usa of important
`FIGS. 22 and 23 show the use of other information in
`addition to that provided by the graphic message. In FIG. 22.
`the graphic message "CALL THE OFFICE” or “CALI.
`WORK" is presented solely by graphic images. When the
`user touches the oflice. or othenvise selects the ofl'icc image.
`information about the ofiice is presented. Such information
`can include. for example. are address and telephone number
`associated with the oifice.
`Preferably. stored information. such as that in the graphics
`database 155. can be programmed into the data communi-
`cation receiver 100 in a number of ways. For example.
`information could be entered via the controls 140 or via a
`data port
`(not shown) coupled to the processor 120.
`Alternatively. programming information could he provided
`to the data communication receiver 100 over the air for
`reception by the receiver 110. When information is pro-
`grammed over the air. the user need not suffer the inconve-
`nience of having to take the data communication receiver
`100 into a service shop. Instead. information can be frc~
`quently updated without ever disturbing the user.
`In summary.
`the data communication receiver as
`described above receives messages then. in response to
`predetermined information included in the received
`messages. displays graphic messages to the user to convey
`an easily understood. universal message. Aceordiug to the
`present invention. this can be done by transmitting prede—
`termined codes to the data communication receiver. Codes
`in a received message are looked up in a graphics memory
`to retrieve image data associated with the codes. then an
`image or a sequence of images is advantageously presented
`on a display to convey a universally understood message.
`For example. two images. eg.. a telephone and a house. can
`be displayed together on the screen to convey the message
`“CALL HOME.” This message will be understood regard-
`less of the language spoken by the user of the data commu-
`nieation receiver. Alternatively. if a text message is desired.
`the text message can be displayed along with a supplemental
`image that reinforces the message.
`Also. other important information associated with the
`images fonning the graphic messages can be conveniently
`stored and selectively presented to the user. This additional
`inforrnation could comprise. for example. train schedules
`associated with a train irnage. a description of a cafeteria
`menu associated with a food platter image. an address
`associated with an ofl'ice image. etc. The user can easily
`access this information by selecting the icon. such as by
`touching the screen or highlighting the icon with a cursor.
`It will be appreciated by now that thin-e has been provided
`a method and apparatus for providing universal messages
`that can be understood regardless of languages spoken by
`the user of a data communication receiver.
`What is claimed is:
`l. A method for displaying messages in a data commu-
`nication receiver. the method comprising the steps of:
`receiving an alphanumeric message;
`receiving a programming message that includes a key
`word and image data:
`storing the key word and the image data in the database:
`referencing a database to determine whether at least one
`word included in the alphanumeric message matches at
`least one key word included in the database. wherein
`the at least one key word is associated with image data
`that is representatiVe of at least one image;
`presenting. when the alphanumeric message includes at
`least one word that matches at least one key word
`located in the database. the at least one image as a
`graphic message that is accompanied by the alphanu-
`meric message on a display; and
`presenting. when the alphanumeric message does not
`include at least one word that matches at least one key
`word located in the database. the alphanumeric mes—
`sage without an accompanying graphic message on the
`2. The medtod of claim 1. wherein the step of receiving
`the programming message comprises the step of:
`receiving the programming measage as a radio signal.
`3. The method of claim 1. wherein the step of receiving
`the programming message comprises the step of:
`receiving the programming message through use of con-
`trols on the data communication receiver.
`4. A data communication receiver for presenting
`information. the data communication receivo' comprising:
`a receiver for receiving an alphanumeric message includ-
`ing at least one wad;
`a database for seeing key words and image data assoei-
`ated with the key words;
`a presentation element coupled to the receiver and the
`database for determining whether at least one word
`included in the alphanumeric message matches at least
`one Icey word included in the database. wherein the
`image data associated with the at least one key word is
`representative of at least one huage;
`display coupled

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